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1. What is the oldest surviving printed book in the world? The Diamond Sutra, dated at 868 AD.

2. In publishing, what does POD mean? Print on demand.

3. Name the author of On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Dr No and Thunderball, among
others. Ian Fleming.
4. Which Shakespeare play features Shylock? The Merchant of Venice.
5. Who wrote the novel Death in Venice, which was later made into a film of the same
name? Thomas Mann.
6. Who wrote the Vampire Chronicles, which include the novels Armand, Blood and
Gold and Interview with the Vampire? Anne Rice.
7. What is an e-book? A book available in a digital, rather than printed, format.
8. How tall would a double elephant folio book be? 50 inches.
9. Who wrote the contemporary children's books about mermaids set on the coast of
Cornwall? Helen Dunmore.
10. How old is the world's oldest dictionary? Cuneiform tablets with bilingual Sumerian-Akkadian
word-lists have been dated to 2300 BC.

10 Questions About TV

1. In "Thunderbirds", what was Lady Penelope's chauffeur called? Parker.

2. On "Blue Peter", what was John Noakes's dog called? Shep.
3. Name the BBC series about a shipping line set in Liverpool during the late 1800s. The Onedin
4. In the TV series Dad's Army, what was Captain Mainwaring's first name? George.
5. Who invented TV? George Carey, a Boston civil servant, first thought up television in 1876.
John Logie Baird is often quoted as its inventor but his ideas didn't come along until the 1920's.
6. What was the most watched UK TV programme of all time? Eastenders, when Den divorced
Angie, which drew 30.10 million viewers on 25th December 1986.
7. Phyllis Nan Sortain Pechey was as famous for her flamboyant character as for her cookery
books and TV show throughout the late 1960s to the mid-1970s. By what name was she more
usually known? Fanny Cradock.
8. Which popular BBC series about old collectables began in 1979, presented by Bruce Parker
and Arthur Negus, and is still running to this day? Antiques Roadshow.
9. Which BBC music programme was broadcast weekly between 1964 and 2006? Top of the
10. Alastair Burnett, Sandy Gall, Reginald Bosanquet, Alastair Stewart, Carol Barnes and Trevor
McDonald were all regular presenters of which TV programme? ITV News at Ten.

10 Questions About Food and Drink


1. If you had Lafite-Rothschild on your dinner table, what would it be? Wine.
2. What is sushi traditionally wrapped in? Edible seaweed.
3. May Queen, Wisley Crab, Foxwhelps and Lane's Prince Albert are all species of what? Apples.
4. What is allspice alternatively known as? Pimento.
5. What colour is Absynthe? Green.
6. What flavour is Cointreau? Orange.
7. If you were to cut a hare into pieces, marinate it in wine and juniper berries then stew this
slowly in a sealed container, what would this recipe be called? Jugged hare.
8. Fried tarantulas, eggs boiled just before they're due to hatch, live octopus, and puffin hearts
eaten raw when still-warm are all traditional foods—true or false? True.
9. How many crocus flowers does it take to make a pound of saffron? Up to 75,000 flowers, which
is enough to fill an entire football pitch.
10. Costing around $2,600 per pound and made only to order by Knipschildt, what is the name of
this chocolate truffle? Chocopologie.

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