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Biology Study Guide



Natural – occurs in nature; a natural phenomenon (Ideas, for example, do not occur in nature)
Observable – able to be sensed by at least one of the five senses (sight, touch, smell, taste, and hearing)
Meaning the experiment will be conducted and observed by one of the five senses
Testable – can be tested; Is not simply theoretical or a scientific endeavor; Must be actual science and
experimentation must be an option if a theory is presented
Tentative (Temporary) – the fact that science is always evolving; changing themes; a scientific theory
widely accepted by the community can always be proven wrong
Uncertain – the fact that science is never 100% correct and there is always a slight margin for error
Social – the scientific community; someone presents a theory and the community shares their opinions
and whether they believe it is sound or not

The Scientific Method

The Seven Criteria of Life

1. The organism must respond to its environment.
2. Must evolve
3. Must reproduce
4. Must be able to produce or intake energy
5. Must maintain homeostasis
6. Must be composed of cells
7. Must have possess the universal genetic code (DNA)

The Four Levels of Organization

1. Molecules?
2. Cells
3. Groups of cells (organs)
4. Organisms
Qualitative vs. Quantitative
Qualitative data is collected by using the 5 senses. Simply looking or observing something. For
something to be qualitative there must be no type of measuring tool used. Numbers are not associated
with qualitative data. On the other hand, quantitative data is all about numbers. This is when data is
being measured with tools and numbers are being used when the subject or experiment is being

Independent, Dependent, and Controlled Variables

In an experiment there are always 3 variables. The independent dependent, and controlled. The
independent variable is what is being manipulated or changed in the experiment. The dependent
variable is directly related to the independent variable. It is the result of what has been changed in the
independent variable. The controlled variable is the thing in the experiment that never changes.

Phylogeny deals with the evolution of a certain branch of organisms. In other words, an enormous
family tree.

Classifications of Life (in order)


ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)

ATP is composed of a sugar molecule, ribose, and a base of adenine.

The Domains of the Phylum


Eukaryotes are the multicellular organisms. This includes animals, plants, humans, and fungi.

The Cell Theory

Cells do not spontaneously generate and must originate from other cells
Nucleic Acids

Monomers of Macromolecules
Amino Acids are the monomer of proteins
Glucose and simple sugars are the monomers of Carbohydrates
Fatty Acids are the monomers of Lipids
Nucleotides are the monomers of Nucleic Acids

Polymers of Macromolecules
Polypeptides are the polymers of proteins

DNA and RNA are the polymers of nucleic acids

An enzyme is a specialized proteins used as catalysts to bring about chemical reactions. The function of
an enzyme is

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