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A tapemeasuremeasurement of your headcanaccuratelydetermineyour hat size,

Pleasenotethat everyone-quarter inch or so changesyow hat size,so exactmeasuringis
essentialfor properhat fitting. Fezzescannotbe returneddue to improperfitting.
1. Measurearoundyow headjust abovethe top of your ears. (SeeDiagram1)
2. Startin the middle of your foreheadand gently wrap the tape measurearound

iagram I Diagram 2
3. The tapemeasure shouldsit aboveyour earsandwrap midwayon your occipital
bone(the bump in the middleof the backof your head).(Seeprofilesbelow)

ll, -

Ladies profile Men's profile

4, Don't pullthetapetoo tightlyor your hat will fit thattight.
5. Don't let the tapedroopor your hat will be too loose.
6. If possiblehavesomeonereadthe tapemeasuremeasurement while still on your
head.An exact measurementis necessaryfor a properfit.
7. Re-measure
2-3 timesfor a consistent
and accuratemeasurement.

Referto the hat sizechart belowto determineyour hat size.

SizeChart - Forlezzeo,
ScottishRitecaps,and all hats
H ' r s r z el A
. ln 6 5/8 6 3t4 6 7ta 7 7 1tA
y 8 20 y4 21 1 t 8 21 1t2 2 17 t 8 2 2 1 t 4
2 0 1 t 2 20 7t8 2 1 1 t 4 21 5t8 zl 22 3t8
20 y8 21 21U8 21y4 221t8 221/2 247t8

if yourheadsizefallsbetween two measurements, choose thelargersize.It is easierto

makea fezsmallerif it's a littletoo largethanto stretchafezif it's too small.

& c<rnnr.Arvta
8045W, 26 Court,Hialeah,Fiorida33016-2731
Phone: 800-982-2004 or (305)825-2004 Fax [305)364-0786

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