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Vocabulary Daily Activities

 Wake up = Bangun
 Brush my teeth = Menggosok gigiku
 Comb my hair = Menyisir rambutku
 Clean the house = Membersihkan rumah
 Play with my friends = Bermain bersama teman-temanku
 Water the flowers = Menyiram bunga
 Take a bath = Mandi
 Wash my face = Mencuci muka
 Eat breakfast = Sarapan
 Study at school = Belajar di sekolah
 Watch TV = Nonton TV
 Read a book = Membaca buku
 Wash my hair = Keramas
 Get dressed = Memakai baju
 Go to school = Pergi ke sekolah
 Come back from school = Pulang dari sekolah
 Do my homework = Mengerjakan PR
 Go to sleep = Pergi tidur
 Have dinner = Makan malam
 Take a break = Istirahat
 Drink coffee = Minum kopi
 Take a nap = Tidur siang
 I have lunch = Makan siang
 Play video games = Main video games
 Go shopping = Pergi berbelanja
 Go out with my friends = Pergi bersama teman-teman
 Go to work = Pergi bekerja
 Visit my parents = Mengunjungi orang tuaku
 I drive back home = Aku menyetir kembali ke rumah

Contoh Kalimat Daily Activity

 I usually wake up at 04.30 a.m in the morning (Saya biasanya bangun pada jam 04.30 di pagi
 I go to school at 06.30 a.m (Aku pergi ke sekolah jam 06.30)
 My father take me to the school with his car (Ayahku membawa aku ke sekolah dengan
 In the school, I study from 6.30 a.m until 11.00 a.m (Di sekolah aku belajar dari jam 6.30 -
jam 11.00)
 After school, I play video games with my friends (Sepulang sekolah aku bermain video games
dengan teman-temanku)
 I'm doing my homework in the night than I go to sleep (Aku mengerjakan PR-ku di malam
hari kemudianaku pergi tidur)

Contoh Teks Daily Activity.

Teks 1
My Daily Activities
I usually wake up in the morning at 4.00 a.m. Then I immediately pray subuh. Before I go to school I
already tidied my room, breakfast, and fed my cat. I go to school at 06.30 with my father accompany
me. In the school I study from 06.30 a.m until 12.00 p.m. After school, I immediately change my
clothes and have a lunch. After that, I play with my beloved cat. In the afternoon, I usually watch TV
with my family. In the night, I do my homework and go to sleep at 09.00.
Teks 2
My Daily Activities
I wake up at 05.00. After that I pray subuh and eat breakfast. I prepare all the books and the things I
need for school to the bag. Then I go to school by bike. In the school I studied many things. At 09.30 I
take a break and buy food in the canteen. Sometime I am talking with my friends and play around with
them. Then I continue study until the end of the school. After school I take a bath and have a lunch. In
the afternoon I usually play football with my friends in the field, it is really great to have a good time
with friends. Then in maghrib I take a pray and continue reads qur'an. After that I do my homework
and sleep.

Teks 3
My Daily Activities
I wake up at 05.00, then I make the bed. I move to the bathroom then I wash my face. Then I clean my
house. Before go to work I already have a breakfast and take a bath. I'm working from 8.00 a.m until
15.00 p.m. After work, I take a bath and change clothes. I usually play video games when I am alone at
home. In the afternoon I water my plants and sweep the floor. In the night I have dinner that I cooked
by myself. I have dinner when I am watching my favorite TV show. After that I will get sleepy and go
to sleep immediately

Teks 4
My School Activities
I go to school at 6.15 a.m. I go to school with my father. I arrive at school at 6.30 a.m. In the school, I
clean my classroom with my friends. Then after the bell ring, all the students go inside the class. Then
we pray together. At school, we almost had 3 until 4 subjects to learn. At a 12.30 p.m we finish the
lesson, and finally go to home.

Contoh Daily Activity Pelajar 1

From Monday to Saturday, I usually wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning. I need to prepare myself to
school. There are many activities I have to do before going to school.

First of all, I do my bed until it is very tidy. After that, I sweep the floor. I love to see my room neat and
clean. When I still feel sleepy, I walk around my house. Also, I do some physical movements to stretch
my body.

Then, I prepare some books based on schedule. I do not want to leave any book at home. I wash my
face, brush my teeth, then have a shower. Finally, I eat breakfast after wearing my school uniform.
Before going to school I hug my parents. I enjoy learning time at school. I like to play with my friends

The school finishes at 1 p.m. After school, I change my uniform then have lunch. I usually help parents
to cook for our dinner then help to wash dishes after eating. After watching TV for one hour, I study
and do my homework. At the end, I go to sleep at 9 p.m.

Enrich Your Vocabulary!

 wake up = bangun tidur

 prepare my self = mempersiapkan diri
 do my bed = merapikan tempat tidur
 sweep the floor = menyapu lantai
 walk around my house = berjalan di sekitar rumahku
 do some physical movements = melakukan beberapa gerakan fisik
 have a shower = mandi
 after wearing my school uniform = setelah memakai seragam sekolah
 enjoy learning time = menikmati waktu belajar
 wash dishes after eating = mencuci alat dapur setelah makan

Contoh Daily Activity Pelajar 2

Every school day, I get up very early in the morning. Sometimes my younger sister, Erna, wakes me up.
She is a diligent girl. We share a room. But we sleep on different beds.

I like to study in the morning at 4 o’clock. I study some lessons based on schedule. Sometimes, I check
my homework, also prepare books. At 5.30 Erna and I clean our room. Then, we take a bath in turn.
While waiting, I help mother to prepare our breakfast.

Then, I take a bath and prepare myself for school. After eating breakfast, we go to school together. We
go to school on foot because my school is near our house. School ends at 2 o’clock. I join an
extracurricular activity after school, like English, music, dancing, etc.

I go home at 3 o’clock. Then, I go to rice field to help my father. Sometimes I swim with my friends in a
river near the rice field. Go home in the evening, have lunch and do homework. I sleep at about 10

Enrich Your Vocabulary!

 get up very early = bangun tidur sangat pagi

 a diligent girl = seorang anak perempuan rajin
 on different beds = di tempat tidur berbeda
 based on schedule = sesuai dengan jadwal
 take a bath in turn = mandi secara bergiliran
 go to school on foot = pergi ke sekolah dengan jalan kaki
 near our house = dekat rumah kami
 join an extracurricular activity = mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler
 go to rice field = pergi ke sawah

Contoh Daily Activity Pelajar 3

The alarm clock goes off at 5.30 a.m. I wake up in the morning then drink 2 glasses of water. I feel very
fresh after drinking water. I wash my face so I do not feel sleepy. I do some physical exercises. I keep
my body fit and healthy. Also, I keep my room neat and clean.

I have prepared my books at previous night. In the morning, I need to check books in my bag. After
that, I prepare myself to school, have breakfast at 6.45 in the morning. I go to school at 7 o’clock. My
school is far from my house. My father rides me to school and pick me up at 1 p.m.

After school, I help mother to sell goods in our shop. I also study there. At 6 o’clock I go home, take a
bath and pray. After that, I play computer games for one hour then review some lessons. Finally, at 10
p.m. I go to sleep.

Enrich Your Vocabulary!

 feel very fresh = merasa sangat segar

 I do not feel sleepy = saya tidak merasa ngantuk
 keep my body fit and healthy = menjaga tubuh saya tetep kuat dan sehat
 at previous night = malam sebelumnya alias kemarin malam
 check books in my bad = memeriksa buku-buku di dalam tas saya
 far from my house = jauh dari rumah saya
 ride me to school and pick me up = mengantar ke sekolah dan menjemput saya
 sell goods in our shop = menjual barang-barang di toko kami
 review some lessons = mengulang beberapa pelajaran

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