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Unit 1

Set, Relation, Function

Subjective Question:-
1. Let R be a relation on R, the set of real number, such that R= {(x ,y):|x-y|< 1}. Is R an
equivalence relation?
2. Use mathematical induction to show that
1+2+22+…………………+2n= 2n+1 - 1
For all non-negative integers n.
3. Show that
3 + 33 + 333 + …………………….+ 33………….3 = (10n+1 – 9n –10) / 27

4. Prove by mathematical induction that 6n+2+72n+1 is divisible by 43 for each integers.

5. If f:A->B , g: B->C are invertible functions, then show that gof: A->C is invertible and
6. Out of 250 candidate who failed in an examination, it was revealed that 128 failed in
mathematics,87 in physics and 134 in aggregate. 31 failed in mathematics and in
physics, 54 failed in aggregate and in mathematics, 30 failed in aggregate and in physics.
Find how many candidate failed:
a) In all three subjects.
b) In mathematics but not in physics.
c) In the aggregate but not in mathematics.
d) In physics but not in the aggregate or in mathematics.
7. If f is one-one onto function from the set A to B, then f-1 will be a unique function.
8. Let f: R→R and g: R→R where R is the set of real numbers. Find fog(x) and gof(x)
where f(x)=x2-2 , and g(x)=x+4.State whether these function are injective, surjective
and bijective.
9. Which of the relations defined in the set of real numbers are equivalence relations?
i. aRb iff |a| = |b|
ii. aRb iff a  b
iii. aRb iff |a| > |b|
10. A relation R is defined on A = Z+  Z+ by (a,b) R (c,d) a + d = b + c
i. Show that R is an equivalence relation.
ii. Find [(2,5)], i.e. the equivalence class of (2,5).
11. Given S = {1,2,3,4}, and a relation R on S defined by
R = {(1,2), (4,3), (2,2), (2,1), (3,1)}.Show that R is not transitive. Find a relation R1  R
such that R1 is Transitive. Can you find another relation R2  R that is also transitive?

12. Let f: R→R be a function defined by f(x)=px+q for all x ϵ R. also fof=IR. Find the value
of p and q.
13. Let A and B be two sets. If A → B is one-one onto then prove that 𝑓 −1 : B→A is also
one-one onto.
14. Let X={1,2,3} Y={p,q} and Z={a,b}. Let f:X→Y be f{(1,p),(2,p),(3,q)} and g:
Y→Z be given by g={(p,b),(q,b)}. Find gof and show it pictorially.
15. Let R be a relation on R, the set of real number, such that R={(x ,y):|x-y|< 1}. Is R
an equivalence relation?
16. Let X={1,2,3,….7} and R ={(x ,y): x-y is divisible by 3}. Show that R is an
equivalence relation.
17. Let N be the set of all natural number and let R be a relation on N X N , defined by
(a,b) R(c,d) ↔ ad=bc for all (a,b),(c,d) ϵ N X N. Show that R is an equivalence
relation on N X N.
18. The function f:R→R defined as f(x)=2x+3 for all x ϵ R is both injective and
surjective function.
19. Show that the mapping f:R→R where f(x)= -sinx , x ϵ R is neither one – one nor
20. Show that the function f and g both of which are from N X N to N given by f(x,y)=x
+y and g(x,y)=xy are onto but not one one.
21. Show that there exists one to one mapping from A X B to B X A .Is it onto also?
22. Let R be a binary relation defined as R:={(a,b) ϵ R2 : (a-b)<=3}
Determine whether R is reflexive, symmetric, anti-symmetric and transitive and how
many distinct binary relation are there on the finite set.
23. Let R be a relation on set A={a,b,c,d} defined by
R={(a,b),(b,c),(d,c),(d,a),(a,d),(d,d)}. Determine
(i)Reflexive closure of R (ii) Symmetric closure of R (iii)Transitive closure of R
24. Let X={1,2,3,….7} and R ={(x ,y): x-y is divisible by 3}. Show that R is an
equivalence relation.

Objective Question:

1. A __________ is an ordered collection of objects.

2. Power set of empty set has exactly _________ subset.
3. If the set A ={4,5,6,7,8,9} and set B ={3,5,2,7} then A-B is?
4. The null set is denoted by………………
5. If A and B are two set, then A ∩(AUB) equals?
6. Define partition of set?
7. Define multiset?
8. What is the cardinality of the set of odd positive integers less than 10?
9. The members of the set S = {x | x is the square of an integer and x < 100} is ________________
10. If A is {{Φ}, {Φ, {Φ}}, then the power set of A has how many element?
11. Which sets are not empty?
a) {x: x is a even prime greater than 3}
b) {x : x is a multiple of 2 and is odd}
c) {x: x is an even number and x+3 is even}
d) { x: x is a prime number less than 5 and is odd}
12. The no of distinct relation on a set of 3 element is?
13. Let A be a finite set of size n. The number of element in the power set of AXA is
14. The number of elements in the power set of the set {{{}},1,{2,3}} is …………………………………………….
15. If A={1,2,3,4,5} and B={4,5,6,7,8} then find A ∆ B.
16. The number of equivalence relation of the set {1,2,3,4} is ?
17. If P(A) ,where A be any set , has 256 element, how many element in the set?
18. If A={a,b,c,d} and R={(a,b),(a,a),(a,d),(c,d),(b,b)} be a relation on A then find symmetric closure
of R.
19. What is primitive recursive function?
20. The symmetric difference of set A and B is denoted by?function
21. Write the condition of bijective function?
22. Find the total number of distinct relation from a set A and a set B.
23. If R is equivalence relation on a set A, then R-1 is ?
24. The number of function from an m element set to n element set is?
25. An onto function is also known as?
26. Let f(x)=x2+x and g(x)= x+1 then fog is …….?
27. State True or False.
Let f(x)=sin2(x) + log(x) then domain of f(x) is (-∞, ∞).
28. The number of bijective function from set A to itself when A contains 106 element is?
29. State whether the given statement is true or false
For an onto function range is equivalent to codomain.
30. The number of equivalence relation of the set {1,2,3,4}
31. The power set 2S of the set S={3,{1,4},5} is ?
32. What is domain of function f(x)= x1/2 ?
33. What is recursively defined function?
34. The inverse of function f(x) = x3 + 2 is
35. Function f: (A→B) is define f(x)= x2 where set A={1,2,3,4} and B is a set of natural number. Find
domain, range and co-domain of function f.
36. If x, and y are positive numbers both are less than one, then maximum value of floor(x + y) is?
37. The number of function from an m element set to n element set is?
38. Are the following sets are equal ?
(a) A={x: x is a letter in the word REAP}
(b) B={x: x is a letter in the word PAPER}
39. If the function f from Z5 to Z5 is defined by f(x)=2x then f-1(3) is …….?
40. If f(x) =log(1-x) +√𝑥 2 -1 then dom(f) is …….?

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