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(The format to be used for Planning the academic activities other than Lecturers/Tutorial/Practical like
Assignments, Case study, Presentation, Quiz, Projects, Class tests, industrial visits, teaching practice, court visits etc. to be
undertaken as a part of the continuous assessment for the Course)
Term Paper
Institute of ______Management_________________________________Department of ___Management ___________
Name of the faculty member____Kanwal Gurleen
Course No.___MGT 532___ Course Title__Product & Brand Management __
Class ______________MBA ______Semester_III______ Section ___SP 107__ Batch__2009______________
Max. Marks _25____ Date of Allotment_14/9/10____________ Date of Submission____10/11/10_______________________
Important: To be read before filling up the Plan format.
1. Planning for academic activities other than Lecturers/Tutorial/Practical like Assignments, Case study, Presentation,
Quiz, Projects, Class tests, industrial visits, teaching practice, court visits etc to be undertaken as a part of the continuous
assessment for the Course should be prepared separately as per the format at the start of the session.
2. Industry oriented academic activity should be encouraged. If the academic activity is organization based, please specify
the organization with respect to the assignment. Absolute theoretical academic assignments, which involve only copying
from the books, should be discouraged. Model *(Method/Pedagogy) used in allotment and evaluation of the assignments
should also be specified in the assignment plans itself.
3. All the students should be given a different topic of assignment, in all cases either the topic of assignment should be
different or the organization on which the assignment is based should be different.
S.No Reg.No Name Objectives of Topic Model*
Academic Activity
1 The main Marketing Plan covering components
as Executive summary, situation analysis,
Objective of this marketing objectives, marketing strategies, The credentials that
will be taken into
supporting marketing programs relating
assignment is to consideration for
to marketing mix and summary and for evaluation are as
encourage the Re-launch of - Lifebouy soap follows:

reading, writing 1. Time of

Analytical & 2. Clarity of ideas.
research skills ss
4. Reasoning
among the 5. References

students. Also Academic Integrity:

Students found to
students will get
have copied both,
in depth the one who copied
and from whom
knowledge of copied, will be
Gagandeep awarded ZERO
3210070047 Sachdeva allotted topic. marks
2 Soft drink industry is dominated by two brands;

Coke and Pepsi. Evaluate the positioning, target

markets, POP and Pods of both the brands and

3020070036 Ahmad Sheikh suggest how it can be improved
3 FMCG industry is dominated by two players
Unilever and P&G. Compare their brand
portfolios and their

Manpreet Branding strategies. Suggest improvements in

3020070055 Singh both.
4 Marketing Plan covering components as
Executive summary, situation analysis,
marketing objectives ,marketing
strategies, supporting marketing programs

Mohd. Shafat relating to marketing mix and summary and for

3020070171 Ahamad Re-launch of –Texla
5 Contrast Coca-Cola and Mc-Donald's global
branding strategies. Study the similarities and
Amardeep differences and the reasons behind their success
3020070057 Singh as global brands.
6 Marketing Plan covering components as
Executive summary, situation analysis,
marketing objectives ,marketing
strategies, supporting marketing programs

Ankush Kumar relating to marketing mix and summary and for

3020070101 Jha Re-launch of – Kinetic Honda
7 Pick a brand like Nike and assess its efforts to
manage brand equity in the last five years. What
actions has it taken to be innovative and

Amit Kumar relevant? Suggest changes to its marketing

3020070092 Thakur program
8 Pick a product category. Consider the strategies
of market leaders in different countries. What are

Angad Singh the

3020070096 Mehta Similarities and differences?
9 Marketing Plan covering components as
Executive summary, situation analysis,
marketing objectives ,marketing
strategies, supporting marketing programs
relating to marketing mix and summary and for
Re-launch of
3020070073 Vikas Kumar -Kinetic Honda
10 Brand extension opportunities and exploration

Anchal including marketing program and its effect on

3020070120 Razdan parent brand equity -of Garners
11 Abhishek Consumer behavior towards organized retail
7020070025 Kumar Singh stores vs Mom & Pop stores
12 Aircraft manufacturing is dominated by two
brands; Airbus and Boeing. Evaluate the
positioning, target

Ashish Kumar markets, POP and Pods of both the brands and
3020070068 Pandey suggest how it can be improved
13 Conduct a review of ITC's brand portfolio. Study
7020070005 Ketki Jain the salient features of ITc's branding strategies.
14 Obesity is a major health risk facing many
countries. Develop a marketing plan for

Harshdeep marketing this idea and

3020070078 Singh promoting a chain of health club.
15 7020070001 Sahil Bhatia In advertising services, a company often must
use symbols to represent the offered product.
Identify three
Service organizations you seeing outdoor,
television or magazine advertising. What
symbols are used to represent their services?
What message do the symbols convey to
potential customers?
16 Brand extension opportunities and exploration
including marketing program and its effect on

Nitesh Kumar parent brand

3020070143 Sharma equity -of Godrej
17 Brand extension opportunities and exploration

Ramesh including marketing program and its effect on

3020070144 Gandhi parent brand equity -of Ponds
18 Competitor analysis focusing on Product feature
matrix, assessing competitors current objectives
strategies, differential advantage analysis and

Vishv Vijendra predicting future strategies of competitor of-

3020070121 Sharma Coco-Cola
19 Competitor analysis focusing on Product feature
matrix, assessing competitors current objectives
strategies, differential advantage analysis and

Himanshu predicting future strategies of competitor of-

7020070051 Rao Procter and Gamble
20 Competitor analysis focusing on Product feature
matrix, assessing competitors current objectives
strategies, differential advantage analysis and
predicting future strategies of competitor of-
7020070032 Manoj Kumar Vodafone
21 Brand extension opportunities and exploration
including marketing program and its effect on
parent brand
7020070057 Aditya Kumar equity -of Nivea
22 Prepare IMC program focusing on challenges in
designing Brand building communication,
Criteria for IMC
program and evaluating various communication
options such as
relation, publicity and personal selling for Lux
3020070109 Vikram Singh soap
23 Prepare IMC program focusing on challenges in
designing Brand building communication,
Criteria for IMC program and evaluation various
communication options such
as advertising ,promotion, spo

Vishv Vijendra sorship,public relation, publicity

3020070121 Sharma And personal selling for Tata Nano.
24 7020070055 Ankur Sharma Prepare IMC program focusing on challenges in
designing Brand building
communication, Criteria for IMC program and
evaluating various communication options such
as advertising ,promotion,sponsorship,public
relation, publicity and personal selling with for
Amul Ice cream
25 Do Category attractiveness analysis(market
,category and environmental analysis), Customer
analysis (
who,what,where and how customers buy), and
Competitor analysis(Product feature matrix,
competitors current objectives and strategies,

Karandeep differential advantage analysis and predicting

7020070038 Thakur future strategies )of a Nestle chocolates
26 Do Category attractiveness analysis(market
,category and environmental analysis), Customer
analysis (
Who ,what, where and how customers buy), and
Competitor analysis(Product feature matrix,
competitors current objectives and strategies,
differential advantage analysis and predicting
future strategies
7020070040 Neha Bhagat )of a Dell laptop
27 Do Category attractiveness analysis(market
,category and environmental analysis), Customer
analysis (
who, what, where and how customers buy), and
Competitor analysis(Product feature matrix,
competitors current objectives and strategies
,differential advantage analysis and predicting
future strategies
3020070114 Kashish )of a Luxury car
28 Do Category attractiveness analysis(market
,category and environmental analysis), Customer
analysis (
who, what, where and how customers buy), and
Competitor analysis(Product feature matrix,
competitors current objectives and strategies
,differential advantage analysis and predicting

Avinash future strategies

3020070014 Kumar )of any air conditioner
29 Competitor analysis focusing on Product feature
matrix, assessing competitors current objectives
strategies, differential advantage analysis and
7020070059 Sonam Bawa predicting future strategies of competitor of- LG
30 3020070131 Meetpal Singh Competitor analysis focusing on Product feature
Sahota matrix, assessing competitors current objectives
strategies, differential advantage analysis and
predicting future strategies of competitor of-
Maruti Sazuki
31 Competitor analysis focusing on Product feature
matrix, assessing competitors current objectives
strategies, differential advantage analysis and
predicting future strategies of competitor of-
7020070010 Sagar Aneja Mercedeez
32 Do Category attractiveness analysis(market
,category and environmental analysis), Customer
analysis (
who, what ,where and how customers buy), and
Competitor analysis(Product feature matrix,
competitors current objectives and strategies,
differential advantage analysis and predicting

Amandeep future strategies

7020070039 Dhawan )of a Consumer durable Co.
33 Pick A brand. Attempt to identify its
sources of brand equity. Assess its level
of brand awareness and the strength,
favorability, and uniqueness of its
7020070042 Kumar Gupta association.
34 Pick a brand from FMCG Industry and
gather all its marketing communication
material. How effectively has the brand
mixed and matched marketing
communication? Has it capitalized on
the strengths of different media and
compensated for their weaknesses at the
same time? How explicitly has it
7020070031 Ahmad Mir integrated its communication program?
35 Pick a brand from automobile industry
and gather all its marketing
communication material. How
effectively has the brand mixed and
matched marketing communication?
Has it capitalized on the strengths of
different media and compensated for
their weaknesses at the same time? How
explicitly has it integrated its
7020070002 Chauhan communication program?
36 7020070020 Anurag Pick a brand from consumer durable
Industry and gather all its marketing
communication material. How
effectively has the brand mixed and
matched marketing communication?
Has it capitalized on the strengths of
different media and compensated for
their weaknesses at the same time? How
explicitly has it integrated its
Chaudhary communication program

Date: Sig. of Faculty member

Remarks by HOD (Mandatory)

Sig. of HOD with date

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