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Objective: A successful site requires an effective,
sustained marketing strategy beyond presenting a
collection of products, services, images, videos or other
files. That means website design should be focused on
specific goals, along with measurable objectives to
attain them.
Technical : Java, oracle(data base), Java advance, web
development . The underlying principle is the
phenomenon of natural convections that takes place
due to density gradient. Density gradient describes the
movement of pet which results from buy and sell the
Innovativeness & Usefulness: The is the
first of its kind, developed on the lines of convection
heat transfer. Some feature and benefits offered by
the are

1. Highly economical
2. Eco friendly.
3. Zero power consumption.
4. Easy to operate and maintain.
Market Potential & Competitive advantage:
Since no cheap is available for animal buy
and sell, such a cheap and simple would
surely create a market boom. It can be built and used
anywhere since it requires no power and the pet are
easy to obtain.
1. We can buy the animals from our home by login the
2. By this side we can also buy animals of affordable
prices as compare to market.
3. We can also use this site for selling our old animals
by uploading their picture on the given site so one can
easily buy that.
You should if you intend to buy goods here, it would
be a good idea to meet directly with sellers face to
face. The seller and the seller's contact information
has been stated in the posting of sales. By face to
face you can easily ask and avoid the risk of loss.
 In which customer free and easy sign up.
 Sellers free and easy posting of their
 Sponsored Ads feature for better exposure of ads.
 You can highlighted your Ads.

Like is only available in Foreign but
doesn’t in India. We have a lot of websites for many
products but for animals have not so it has more scope
in India.

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