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A- Can survive as an online business? can survive as an online business because of working families who did not have the time
or opportunity to visit the fish markets. Although was facing competition from several
unorganized as well as organized retailers, none of them were operating on an online business
model in Mangalore. Other online players were yet to enter the playing arena for and it
also had the potential to expand its business to other parts of Karnataka.

B what are the two online business models?

-The two existing online business models for fish retailing are-

-Online retailers dealing in just fish and seafood

-Online retailers dealing in fresh groceries also selling fish and seafood

c. Differentiate between restaurant and retail consumer markets for Identify the factors
that affect each market.

Restaurant business Retail consumer business

1. Less competition(local suppliers who can be 2- More competition(organized & unorganized
surpassed on the basis of cost) retail, other online players)
2- Profits are quantity driven 2- Profits are margin driven
3-Expansion to new cities is relatively 3- Expansion to new cities is relatively
easier(owing to efficient transportation costs) difficult(owing to high transportation costs for
low quantities)
Factors affecting restaurant business market-

D. how would pricing affect in restaurant and retail consumer markets?

E. which of the two options choose? Why

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