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798 23 September 1967 Correspondence MMM

notoriously difficult to find in any quantity. was intended to emphasize that the antics of dropped. to 123 and 122 mEq/l. (final Table),
I presume, therefore, that the vast majority a few hundred hippies was of trifling but if, as is likely, this corresponded to the
would be housed in hostels, and, as the importance compared with the enormous volumes given in Fig. 4 (300-450 ml. for
Ministry of Health's standard sets a maxi- damage to the health and happiness of the exchange) then the sodium balance referable
mum of 25 beds per hostel, and there is no community caused by the current misuse of to the patient would lie between + 1.4 and
mention of any existing hostel accommoda- alcohol, which, after all, does in fact drive - 19.4 mEq per exchange. ([Vol. out x [Na]
tion in Birmingham, approximately 30 many people "insane or indeed kill them." out]-[Vol. inx [NaI in].) That the postu-
hostels will have to be found or built. When In Scotland 200% of admissions to mental lated negative balance is the one that most
applied on a national basis it is in my opinion hospitals are now due to alcoholism, while likely obtains is apparent from the results
quite. unrealistic to contemplate money, let W.H.O. lists alcoholism as the fourth most shown in Fig. 4.
alone staff, becoming available on this kind important cause of premature death. The The significance of sodium balance during
of scale. This is not to say that much more number of chronic alcoholics in Great Britain dehydrating peritoneal dialysis is of further
money is not required for the service ; I is estimated at about 400,000. importance when this form of treatment is
agree completely with the authors that an Yet, so far from society feeling any respon- applied to patients with fluid overload but
inadequate service should not be disguised as sibility for this, it allows the licensed trade relatively normal initial plasma sodium con-
desirable because it is economical. to spend £23m. a year on advertisements de- centrations. We have observed' that the
One way of obtaining improvement in the signed to persuade families, especially teen- sodium concentration in the excess fluid
service is to avoid multi-authority respon- agers and women, to drink not only more removed (the above balance figure divided by
sibility and duplication of effort; we should beer and wine but gin, whisky, and vodka; the volume difference) ranges from 70 to 110
close our ranks, pool our resources, and inte- and the bizarre situation arises that the same mEq/l. This means that even though the
grate. A single responsible authority derived newspaper might report a nine-month sen- patients were in negative sodium balance they
from health and welfare, education, and hos- tence on a purple-heart vendor and the eleva- became hypernatraemic. Under these con-
pital authorities could wellibe the basic essen- tion of a whisky vendor to the peerage. Yet ditions we have observed plasma sodium
tial ingredient of such a concept. The best it is known that the increase of alcohol con- concentrations as high as 168 mEq/l.
use is thereby, I suggest, more likely to be sumed correlates with an increase of many Like Dr. Swales, we have toyed with the
made of the available finances, staff, and social evils, including murders, suicides, idea of reducing the amount of sodium in
accommodation, and the controlling authority divorces, road accidents, venereal diseases, the dialysate fluid, and Messrs. Allen &
would have a sense of unified responsibility and many other diseases such as. tuberculosis, Hanbury have provided basic solutions for
and purpose.-I am, etc., diabetes, and heart disease. us with sodium concentrations as low as 115
Broomfield, M. E. YORK-MOORE. Reforms have been prevented to some ex- mEq/l., with a corresponding adjustment of
Chelmsford, Essex. tent because many believe that the only solu- osmolality. This does make things com-
tion is prohibition, but that, as this is plicated, and a satisfactory alternative is
impossible. nothing more can he done. Recent occasionally to substitute a litre of 5 g./100
SIR,-I noted with some surprise in a studies, however, have indicated that social ml. dextrose for one of the two units of
leading article dealing with this subject attitudes to drink are proportional to the peritoneal dialysis fluid. With a 45-minute
(2 September, p. 567) the dogmatic statement degree of alcoholism in the community, and equilibration period this will usually remove
that "clearly no special search should be that much denends on the example of the about 50 mEq of sodium, and is well tolerated
made to 'ascertain' the large number [of medical profession. by the patient. I cannot imagine, however,
persons with intelligence quotients of 70 or Perhaps, therefore, we should reassess that even this would hove benefited the
lessl or to make special provision for them." whether garish American bars are not out of patient who first drew the attention of Dr.
If this is correct then much of the work place in medical premises, and whether Swales to the problem.-T am, etc.,
of school medical officers and educational young doctors, many of whom dislike drink, M. V. MORIARTY.
psychologists is indeed being misdirected. should not be offered soft drinks as well Department of Medicine,
University of British Columbia.
The ascertainment of mental subnormality when offered alcohol. Also, are cocktails and Vancouver, Canada.
is essential to the assessment of the educa- liqueurs really necessary before and after REFERENCE
tional needs of the individual and his work medical dinners respectively ? Or the
announcement at 9.30 that the " bqr is still Moriarty. M. V., and Parsons, F. M., in Proc.
potentials. It is equally important in the Symposium European Dialysis and Transplant
exclusion of emotional disturbance or physical onen" ? Is the argument that the sale of Association. 1967 3. p. 359 Amsterdam
handicap as a cause for apparent backward- drinks is a gold mine for tbp societv eth1icilv
ness. Recognition of mental subnormality sound, or should societies, like some Govern-
also makes it possible to avoid the placement ments, refuse to benefit from such profits ?
of children in social or educational situations Is there justification for the claim freauen-1v
which they are intellectually incapable of made by the alcoholic that it is impossible Peripheral Gangrene in Infancv and
surmounting, and which can give rise to to Pet on in England if you are a non- Childhood
severe psychic trauma to the individual drinker ? And is the propasanda image of
concerned. the non-drinker as a dull, unsociable fellow SIR,-Referring to the corresnondence
Finally, the lack of adequate provision really justified ?-I am, etc., "Peripheral Gangrene in Infancv and Child-
for mentally subnormal persons may in part hood " (10 June, p. 700'). T would like to add
London W.I. A. SPENCER PATERSON. a few points to the diwcussinn Perinheral
be due to past failures to ascertain the true
extent of the problem of mental subnormality, ancnqrene is also one of the intriguine prob-
and to plan suitably for the special educa- lems in Kenva. Work on this condition
tional, communal, and hosnital care for all has been done hv J R M Miller' and more
those in need of these facilities.-I am, etc., Sodium Uptake in Peritoneal Dialysis recentlv bv memberq of whe (-lasgLnw team
of the Niirohi Medical School
Rayleigh. Essex. R. BEAVER STR.-I wonder if Dr. J. D. Swales T had the opportunity to stildv the histo-
(5 August, p. 345) is doing himself an pathological sections of tiss;ue, rernoved from
inius;tice in his apparent asqumption that he a few of these patients. Invariablv there
failed to remove sodium from his natients bv was in these cases an infectious. condition
S.T.P. and Alcohol using hvyertonic (6.36 g. dextrose/l0() ml.) (pneumonia. gastroenteritis) ;nedaneinc the
peritoneal dialvyis fluid. The fall in sodium onset of the usual symmetrical gangrene.
SIR.-Your leading article (2 Sep-ember, concentration which he ohberved when using The histopathological findings were con-
p. 570) ends with the slmirable sentence, this occurs always. even when the plasma troversial
" Society has a responsibility to protect its sodium concentration equals or exceeds the rn a ne-ropsv case no vascular lesions could
members from drugs that can make them initial level in the fluid, provided the ohserva- he funid in the arteries of the affected areas;
frankly insane or indeed kill them, as it has tion is made during the first hour of the vascular lesinns were, siso exclided in another
to stop the spread of communicable exchange. This is simply a reflection of case. The histol eical sections -4 the other
diseases." This certainly applies to the disnaritv of the osmotic and sodiium (*rqans in the necr prv ca~e res'enled the
marihuana. gradients across the membrane. Dr. Swsles presence of a "virus-inferti'n." t nfortunately
However, the opposition of at least some did not mention the volume of fluird removed we could n t identify the causative virus on the
psychiatrists to the prohibition of marihuana when the dialvsate sodium concentration baqis of the histopathol' findings only

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