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ie G3) SEFALALJIA sitoc'a note: T honestly believe wat thta coe | topped table, And although 4t 18 not. practical for ee eee ede aca tepeneneue At de nat pyestioel fe Fea ant and aitbctivenaver ayening Jet eirefeiat tea ats a tect Tiago gto err er Sere ceca sce sccte hae sanaged Sade several eagleal pricigies inva eayenot Sate coveted agen rane 2 coal. seeginetay introae, the cxbinet eins 8e found SE eee ce nectia aoa be SEES eae a Tt fs the fim belief of many pe the Lape violent or unusual incidents that have Yeken place within, People who last were iase placed at the other end. ‘The curtain is Gram for a few seconds, When the in terter of the box 1s shown again, the red Ball has been placed back into the glass, apparently by & playful spirit. ARY SPEC ATOR MAY SrEP FORWARD, REMOVE THE GLASS ‘AND BALL, AND EXAMINE BOTH AS WELL AS THE "BOX! seen ih the beet of spirits ang appar cy ‘The insiae of the box again is ently with everything for"which to concealed. The top is raised and a ives fave, (after epending’e pert ice handkerchief tossed inside. The Boay once comitted suicice, umktom to ea, in tam win in a manne enticed with the firet, Tt ie eug~ Gested that euch individuals Were paychic to a high de- Free and were influenced by She ampressions retaines 15, ‘the walls of thet roan. bata knot has been tied into its Tp each end of the box 2 fanged' 148 i's serer~hook the tinder side. A length of wnite cotton tape te fo1ded in hele and another spectator places « aafety-pin through the tape about sn nth fram the doubled end. The ‘ape ie now threaded throug’ the Dek with the ends protruding Out of the holes. Someone in the side ‘lence lends his or her finger ane it’ ie nung onto’ the nek ire Side the bor which 4a turned with ‘The performer offere to a strate a few experiments that hha been conduction along that 1ine, Re introduces © Dox whieh, he claims, wae made fron saterial taken from the most frequented room of a house said, ‘to have been occupied for a munber of yeare ty a poltergeiet, The front of ‘the box has been Feplaced ty a curtain that may be drawn back and forth to reveal or conceal the interior. ‘The Inside of the box is painted biack. The top of the box ic'a hinged cover. On top of the box rests a asl and ‘THOGADED OH TH MIDDLE OP Tie She whole ‘TAPE AND ig in ful, HELD Se View on 8 CURELY. I blenger (turn to ant 3, IN page.473) Curtain side away fron audience, ‘The playful poltergelst's pres ene ie inveked. A volunteer cones forward, grasps one end of the pe ‘and Grams it from the box. ‘THE PORROWED RING ACTUALLY IS —~-EDITRIVIA— think pericdically about, the science of Waist Tick ae took reviewing. Te ME ot our ffont door fecently when we were offered & aad aignt"have Became. Looked Hpen to sorast of high exeicat order, Aad’ ee {Piven yirned dow, not only because car tine scene, tinttea since we pot, fhe weekly uneaahed, ot Because we kiow Guc'linits as well ao likes Eni dlelites""7here are eeven ciacees of mavic eording £0" tne: Revert fleusin school, and seel Ie'a bresich of the art waich justiy.Gepande al Complete concentration to the exclusten. of ‘other ait, that ey 4¢ one attempts to be cone profeseinally proficient. ‘That waa the fasic'reasen for our atteapt, a year ago to have a review boara cf seven” and’ record. gach Hamthy the trieky or Pooky the originator, of futho?, and the price, Then would follow & how ation’ of the sytem or eno" Gectetens, the only factor Seing, "Te the book or iteny iA the In~ formation of practicality, worth the price7™ page ine aagic Our idea was gently laughed at ty what seemed at the tine contemps magazines, and it fell ty the’ jore coulan't 8 ‘eyelde siapiy Seca etelng,? in on the seope" ailitica’ abd Sotcentain, types of trieker T ean heavily towards ‘ental vifects and hehe sistent cand tricker Ase tuval is looked upon Tabakerenier acoicts Housind went for core Bra Jacob Daley is imediavely connectea with Carday a0 te Jehn Seamne, Charley Miller, and Sim’ Ghigeng, De, Joseph Prive ten't natstal with- Guts ew effect in rope tricks, Another perecn Tikes apparatoe magic, another pocket magic, another strictly depramptu magle'a 1a Malin. Give ‘ach ene of the above aaseg @ few book ind Le" tnat book were to leave cot tricks of any” Givieten ne or ore of the reviewers would see ‘nothing such in its""A aagioian judges 2 oak ty what he can get out of fete dove and "Eo dom lone the, type oF trick he Leane tordndo and pute Because I've teen irked twice ately vhen I soy reviewg of not eo hot attitoges Ferarding Gelcks on the market that, in copsole hands of Those, who feel at hace with those. typee of tricks were immediate Alte at, the shows where they were Jorformed, I have written these Lines, in Gots Exeee F kor personally. the Sevievess and aeque nthe face that. they never per feta the, type of trick they commented upoh to ie aatrinest, Te could be nade into a Polley of a magic nag to receive books and Stone for Seview whereupon the editor dishes then cut to Sitgerent reviewers for cament. These reviewers ould each’ represent. one of the seven types. A yest gr toot immediately would have welgnt. Por che I'd certainly rather take Tomy Mellel Cement ona lock trick instead of Yorn tained Jandtss Ana'r'a rather take Jonnty"s comment ta a*Closé-tp coin routine instead of Toma, ‘shan 1. Now penance as anes mena ec OF Seti bnaD ba entre sonny om Bettany cities testi pan Eee ns es Sst files caliraela ey cree Sa ae eo a ean SPIRO Se atrers one i ere Shoei teu en oh cuctine, re SEPT ghee inser teh te Pig aetdaemamtet at ¢ aon ‘The Dunninger progran, which we prenised for this issue was crovded out until next week. The Stewart Janes opirit cabinet act fer one man has a couple of the snartest dodges seen in nay a ‘tad moon. ‘Incidentally Stewart has told us That, Page 472 our guppoeition re the source of "Took Best Took Feat" whien we made coment upon, was his om head and not any back file ~~ which was wnere we i rect, For the ated the bacle “misting page” © iii of Tiusba-" We epologiae. Re Ms Jamison writes, “tiers 12 an accidental atecovery. For those who do "alick" cara work, fe Locators, the slickest, slippertest card $hat°can be’ used ie a new Ivory finishes card n'a Geck of either Air Cushion or Linen fin hed, -=- ine Horace Goldin show bas been pur~ Shased ip entirety ty Ceett Lyle. Te alent ‘Gtteresting to those who vant to make” "ancy Sith magic that his probated will Left. about ‘$as00"dh precwar Anetiean money. “sich Sf an old copy Book sayings nit don't ase. mich Aitference what we make, When we make a Little We havea 1ittle ang nothing Left, and vaen we axe more we have more and nothing left.” BAIL Stickland, a Londonite, has been getting good reeulte fron’an adaptation of cacii fyre famous paper hat trick wherein pieces are Lorn. and restored to shor the article, Clen Pope has wade fine use of it as a closer when Ais gal assistant exits. Stickland doesn't aske a hat —~ ‘he makes a gaa mask vnicn he puts on and wenrel sav At Dante's farewell party we tried our best, Yo tind out what "Siu-SAEA-BIN" (the title ane of his full evening show) meant, He would n't divulge, After diving into Jean fugard” Voluninous tiles regarding magi for aay years He was discovered that they are the first tnree words of the chorus of an old Danish drinking Song. Jansen (Dante) is of Danish extraction: Jack Gwynne will open at N,¥.'s Loew's State ‘Theatre on Dec. 6 so take heed, mew And "Think= ‘Drink Hoffman" still 19 with "The Streets of Paris” show, an example of what perfect stag- ing and’ ba: jo with'a magic act. Treny ites is that the ship sunk by a mine fren under Meola with a total Loss of Ms show, could have been saved, ‘The chore battery saw ‘he gup anproachine the Singapore harbor ine Field. Phe Captain Phoned his fire comander, who said he had to get his orders froa the war station, Official inquiry showed that there Was no "initiative" left to & shore battery to, shot. in an inergency. The tattery defense of the port, the Tire Comander said, not to halt ships entering the ce ee ee esemmeen SEFALALITA (once more fran page 473) oquised the very clever Daltuth Wilk Bottle Hicks aes heretofore for @ penetration or ee panne tay Suter here, name rely’ new atuosphere : ae: SF the stvaw gerves to release the-vent dist tia\maxe the Mériniing of the wile» action Sitonatie. (Z want. to cone in on this again and ‘that Stewart hes Toutined thie series of ef fects in'a "eweet* annmer. The act opens very Etrongy goto a. quick surprise with Ros 2, apd settivd Soe: with a thought wringer of 1, 3. ie audience then gote foe 4”and Wow 9 inoue Cenoion for a finteh, Tt ie wy hope’ that read seen tay Elvenvtefore they Start the ievitable changes’ and inprovenents. ‘Tide shoud flog a good Nowe in wany club pro prea this winters) ‘the routine SEFALALITA continued from page 471), PLACE BY THE PIN. The ving, stili on the tape, ie returned to the omer ahd the volunteer al Lowes to examine the cobinet. ‘Te cabinet 1s tumed with curtain side to the audience, A cellophane wrapped cigar te wrapped and the weed piacea into a Ela: Yumblers When put Into the open cabinet, the Spock 1s found evidently to be a tobacco ad- een to smoke furiously. Lastly the 11d of the cabinet, is raised to accomodate a quart bottle of milk, A straw 10 Inserted and ae the thirsty spook inbibes a Quantity of the lacteal fluid the performer tops atner epolegeticaliy, thal Me pele geistic friend always drinks a lot of milk at bedtime and that now it will be necessary {6 cease manifestations. ven spirits have to ‘union houre,”" quips (2) the perforacr spiritual Ike bow to what we tly applaue ‘The box I used wag a radio cabinet. It's size ie?" x 7x Yo", After using At for a Jong time T'find the Size just about right. The Jength may seem long to sone, but the greater the dictance between the glase tusbler end the rubber ball (first effect) waich are placed at apposite endo makes a very goed locktg stunt for the opener. Giet, for the cigar ie The holes gt each end are 14" in dianeter, The Shae allove of the cord with ring being gaily pulled through, The ecrew-hook is of a #5 site. This is in the exact center of the ia, on'the inside, being in line with the olde in the cobintt's ences Toe final DEE of eat 2 ie only bit of fakery) te heedle size hole in the 114 about 25" fran ane ‘end end at the conver of the lite width (oP Gepth). The stall hole will never be noticed. EFFECTS IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE 1g Ball In The Glasa: The red rubber ball is * in diameter and made of sponge rubber. At the start of this routine there 1s 0 skull eit~ Hn upon te top of the cabinet. A vhready a ‘dout 2! long is fastened to the skull and it runs down through the minute hole in the cabinet Lis, The other end has been Uhe bell, ‘The Dall ae been rinse and when the routine begins the glass and feii'are sitting in the centers Afyer tne patcer snout, poltengeiete, and the vuilding of the cabinet the glass ie picked up ‘and the bell rolled from the flase into the far comer of the bex. The glass ie placed at ‘tho other end (directly under the minute hole in the Lia) and the curtain closed. ‘threaded, Placed into the Page 473, At this tine the perfomer seems to renen- ber tne presence of the skull, on top, He picks Wopegcing she fact tnat te eFunds heath’ the poltergelet. cecupied house. Ia 3 pings tit orwala while thie te related, the The thread to be pulled, the EeLi Tastee eebinet.cg ee gefseasan fare tie foe Sort the ally the ceeniey Ma ak eaine everything to no avail. te Knottea Hanaerehteti The fext2iar onechand Zor tale ebtect, wnen the hana ees Lectd*tncam inte te Canines ewes ihe Sfened' Lia’ Popchcusey here guage’ en taportant Ler for the audience 6 wonsering aboot, the Ets s°Sassage ao the stave SRLae the speceat= of ariiting voeree th tut tat pte Sius'hla pesoubiy uregpocte appeatanee before EX'Gudlente and therefere a wee bity if not teres of stous.traphe. enters’ inte: the sttanttons Bie haekehte’ simple an Te toy deoen't garsane Tntatslel Sve fOr" it'has beta opleved fet aig yesre in ongienl toskey evee'an Tetaly and SORE CdR MEMES, Pete nam ater sro et gaa cen Ae Be Ere at wore sithin the cabinets centhnesy we Seid mete ey ei sat a ec ine ely aes, pest ret oe Stee eee! Eo eidh ie bar atau the Bont" the borrowed Ping’ upon’ the hooky an ‘the cablnet turned curtaimelse away from, the SESS Se cae ti rt mane oo cas anor Side the contines ef the wooded walle. 7h He eee Se a sinha toe 1. enove safety=pin and lay it on the bot en, the ore itae Ping of, Soret 3s Loop center of tape and duck through ring. 4; Fiabe’ pin through lett aide of Loop tus formed and the half of the tape thet funs. out Through the Lett (to perforser) hole of tae don Se apop Sad place it over tae serewchook, (fhe tilustration on thie. page Gepicte the result of these aanipulations. To hose Teaders who Look st such iilustrationa ana shudder (aot n thie sheet! 5d.) 1 suggest you Uap it but once and check the simplicity. TE the Left end (to perforaer) of the tape is now pulled froa the box, ‘tne ANG 15 YATICALLY THNGADSD Urow THE TAPE AND FOUID Ii ‘DE SAPSTY-PIN CENTER. ‘Te Snoked Cigar: The cigar X use 18 of wood and was sold as a novelty pencil. T have hol Towed out one’ end and dnuerted.a’plece ef felt. Tole Celt Sas been soaked previcusiy in very Ftrong Liquid amonia, Before the performance ‘the plage tumbler (the one used for the open Sng Sali efrect) nas hod put into'it aix or elfst.drope of murdatle eC which yas chen Svlched afound. The cigar; rewrepped. inside cellophane weapper ie plated into, the clas open end downwards and into the cabinet. Snake Spins tne ascent’ cron the glace in clouds SD oe antshen f'case the opiete haste aay aboe of matones if ease the 9 on at the moment? Ed.) a Drinking The Wilk: The reader should have rec~ (Sorry, Look back at page 472) Yas ight hana'vith the cont aber vhs"? Personalities In Flight Mecw Underneath = empty. ‘he cart was in Zacty trance fered to the fingers of the Left hand’ under the napkin. Tne ris the cover at io. 1 ( ‘the two cards there Seetiy the card there, (Huis ttanefee oF ore ard there. (nis trunafer cf ihe Sover' fron hand to naid ies nntural mcrecnee ‘to tnatie the’ perfamser to pic ge read eee glance the card Sf fos 1.) knowing this he-csepe the! covery with care Beneath gver the other two cardas (Ok Sarthe cover at ost ate how three cards.) verre sian 9 ia Tees ste ete wep pea ee tae Si teeta llc ae N fone Sou RL ERA ge ah gE Etin asain BE i tee Fanconi ais elute iim, meee Ra Ea Two of the cards are covered with a mena eachy «half torn theatre prorraa, or @ half. sheet of note paper. One of these Left vicible is taken in hand end pished upvards fron be- heath the cutepread cloth, Tt de shown to have evidently penetravee the fetric for next it 1s Eeen-beneath one of the coverings, This aystery of the fourth aimeneion continues untilaly of the four cards, Dr TWE CORIECT OFDEN OF XAMES, have appeared Under the sane cover. Finally, to account for the Gdeappearince of tir. —-a, Precimchly uncer cover BS. 4 e performer hits the cover’ a sharp rap with his hand, Then he ratees the cover to show ‘there is nothing beneath ‘Then he picke up cover Yo. i ‘te chow thet. all four cards are in position and in the correct order as to their ingen cg he se at ro RAERETE a OE pated terete ene eine rare Sar a ig Gab or oase meee, ceforaer muse Tenenber the name on the core muir aerate oe 9 os oe EEE Eee et Ba Noe 2) Left Tear No. 3 and ripht rear Fo. 4 To facilitate the work- ing of the effect renem ‘er that one must enon ize the mane on the visiting card inet secretly passed under ‘the cover at Fo.1 Resitien: de always ie the name The, covers sre ere oblong in shape spd ace Rend Ulong’oEtb) ene in°eech hana rath the Ghuate on tope They firet ere lovered (but aot Feleesee) over cards Mos, 1 end 2} then over Brand 4, with To, 4 stili coveredy the Left hand poper de moved to Foy 1. Cente Noo, 2 and Syarelnext covered,( Vos 2 with the rire hand) he performer oxplaining, es an excuse ror thest Roverentsy that te pepere cover the cords ina seti¢fectory manner and that ¥hen Go exe covered tro are visitie, ete, Tow cones crucial nove. The papers again are moved to cover cards Nos. 2 and'2 (No 4 with the 1eft hand). In doing thie the left’ iand secretly picks’ up the card (purpocely, Lert close to the edge of the napkin and, 1f (ble, crimped upvard) under the cover. is cover, with the care underneath, is drop ped onte card Zo, 1, while, at the sane tne Beene, and in a menher to Cover the move, the ‘nang Grepe ite cover over the vacast ato, 4 ‘The cover at Nos 1 now covers two cards (but supposedly one only). The performer now picke up the vieible card (0.8) In'his right hand, enG at the sane tine grasps the Left hand rea? corner of the Rapein faut hie Lett hand (thus on top), Looking at Yhe card he says, "We now will pase Mr. mate (carling the'nand on lio, ate card) card com STAN YON Page 474

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