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A Philosophical Research

Joshua Bayon
Jennifer Chua
Paolo Fransisco
Sheikha Garangan
Ella Garceniego
Via Ocampo
I. Abstract

This interview conducted for the purpose of collecting different

perspective from a variety of people. The respondents were diverse in order
to see the similarities and differences between an individual’s personal
philosophy. Whether one is a Catholic, Muslim, old lady, teenager or a
working person, one’s personal philosophy is still beneficial. As the data was
collected, the researchers managed to correlate the results with philosophers
like Viktor Frankl, Karl Jaspers, and Jean-Paul Sartre. Their philosophies were
able to be of aid as soon as the researchers were able to learn them recently
from their philosophy teacher, Sir. Jonel Joshua Rosales. Despite the different
beliefs, some personal concepts were the same. To exist is to do good, to be
human is to be responsible of one’s actions. The fear of death is present, and
what you do while living is what matters.

II. Interview Data

Table 1.1 Interview Data
Questions Respondents Respondent Answer
The belief in the existence of man
1. In your own Old Lady For the purpose of serving the Lord
perspective why do and taking care of my family
Muslim We exist because we are created
we exist?
by Allah.
Catholic We exist because we are born. We
have no choice but to accept the
reality that we exist because we
are born.
Teenager We exist because we have a
mission that we need to
Working Person We exist because God created us
and we have a purpose in life.
2. Is existence a Old Lady No
Muslim No
property of an
Catholic No, because everything we do in
this world is just temporary so we
don’t own our existence
Teenager For me existence is not a property
because property is only for things
and so our life or my existence is
not my property but a privilege
Working Person No
3. Then how we can Old Lady Helping other people is one, as it
improve humanity? helps your own self as well
Muslim By respecting fellow human beings
Catholic We can improve humanity by
having discipline. We should
practice discipline to improve one’s
humanity for a better world.
Teenager We can improve humanity by
respecting others belief
Working Person We can improve it by being
understanding and respectful to
one another.
The belief on the important concepts that make a person
1. Do you think Old Lady Yes, because there are people that
morality is present even though they believe in the
even without Lord still hold a good heart.
Muslim Yes, because religion is only a
factor that increases one’s
morality, but the good will of a
person will always be their
individual choice.
Catholic Yes, morality is always present no
matter what.
Teenager Yes, I do believe that morality is
present even without religion
because religion is just a guide and
so morality is present even without
Working Person Yes, because we are still humans
and we have our own way on how
to interact with each other and to
know what is right or wrong.

2. What is the driving Old Lady God (Panginoon), family and

force that greatly cleaning
Muslim Allah and family, to practice my
affects your motives
religion and to keep me motivated
in life (ex. God,
Catholic God first and then next is my
family, dreams)
Teenager Honestly, my family is the driving
force that affects my motive in life.
Because dream is nothing without
Working Person Family , because I’m here in this
world to pay them back for what
they did for me.
3. What makes you Old Lady God made us Human, therefore we
think that you are are human
Muslim I am human because we believe in
Catholic I am human because I dream. I
have dreams to achieve and do.
Teenager I am human because I have will
and I believe that I am a human.
Therefore, I am.
Working Person I am human because I am God’s
creation for me to do what I need
to do in this world and to have a
chance to cherish moments with
my loved ones.
The belief in the idea of afterlife
1. Do you fear death? Old Lady No
Muslim Yes
Catholic No
Teenager Yes and who doesn’t fear death?
Working Person No
2. Do you believe in Old Lady No
Muslim Yes
the afterlife?
Catholic Yes
Teenager Yes
Working Person Yes
3. If yes, what Old Lady [No] Because, we really have
particular place do nowhere to go
Muslim [Yes] Jannah (heaven), because
you think we will go
I’ve been a good Muslim.
if we die? Why? If
Catholic [Yes] We will go to heaven. We will
no, then why?
go there because we have a soul.
Teenager [Yes] It depends on the person
where will she be in heaven or in
hell because we have different
beliefs and our actions will justify
where the place we will go.
Working Person [Yes] We will go to heaven by
obeying God’s words in the bible
and doing good things to other

III. Data Analysis

A. The belief in the existence of man

1.) In your own perspective why do we exist?

Each respondent had their own perspectives on self existence. For the
old woman, it was but the humble approach of serving the Lord and taking
care of her family. The Muslim’s and working person’s response was
supported by their belief. The Catholic’s response seemed to be inclined
more on the realist approach, and lastly the teenager seemed to have a
mission to accomplish.
2.) Is existence property of an individual
For the most part all of the participants said “No” for a response. The
Catholic responded with a somewhat cynical statement, and for the teenager
which he believed that existence is not a thing, but something to be
preserved as it is part of life.

3.) Then how can we improve our humanity?

The old woman responded with a simple reason which is to help other
people that in that way you help yourself, this is true, by helping people you
become a better person in theory. The Muslim and the teenager had the
same response of respecting other people”, which is true. As simple as
respecting other people, we can avoid conflict and confusion. Lastly, the
Catholic responded, “more discipline”. In which we do need, as simple as
avoiding temptation you can maximize your productivity.

B. The belief on the important concepts that make a person

1.) Do you think morality is present even without religion?

It showed in the table above that most of the respondents believed
that morality was always present even without religion because people had
their own way to think about what is the right and wrong thing to do, religion
is just a guide in their lives but it is still up to them how they will do their

2.) What is the driving force that greatly affects your motives in life (ex. God,
family, dreams)?
It showed in the table that the driving force that affects a person the
most is the God they believe and their family. Their God and family is
important to them so it motivates and inspires them to keep going in life and
not give up easily because they have something to fight for.

3.) What makes you think that you are human?

It showed in the table that most people believe that they are human
because God made them human so they are considered as humans. One
person said that he is a human because he has dreams to achieve and do
while another person said that he is human because that is what he believes
and what he believes is true for him.

C. The belief in the idea of afterlife

1.) Do you fear death?

From the five respondents, three answered yes while two answered, no
about the fear of dying.

2.) Do you believe in the afterlife?

Four out of five respondents answered they believed in the afterlife.
A. If yes, what particular place do we think we will go if we die?? Why?
Three of the respondents answered: by doing good, being obedient,
and has a soul, a person will go to heaven. The teenager on the other hand,
said it depends on someone’s beliefs and actions.
B. If no, then why?
The old lady answered that there is no place to go at the end of our

IV. Results

1. The belief in the existence of man

Based on the findings, most of the participants regarded their
existences to their religion. For the second question, all the respondents
answered “No”, therefore answering that existence is indeed not a property.
Lastly on the method of improving humanity, a variety of answers presents
itself, but as it persists respecting other people is to be the best method. This
supports the Philosophy of Karl Jaspers where “No man is an island.” He was
also known to be a God-fearing man, which benefits the claim for the
majority of the respondents had their belief as their main source of purpose.
It also supports the philosophy of Viktor Frankl, where doing good is a great
purpose in one’s existence.

2. The belief on the important concepts that make a person

Based on the over-all findings, morality can be present without religion.
There are driving forces that affects the motive of a person, and people have
different perceptions to why they think they are human. It is shown that we
have different beliefs in life and that beliefs shapes people for who they are.
Those beliefs prove that on is indeed a human. Their response correlates to
Jean-Paul Sartre’s philosophy, whether a God exists or not, your decisions are
on you. The consequences of your actions are your responsibly and nobody

3. The belief in the idea of afterlife

Based on the findings, three respondents answered the majority (3/5)
are afraid of death. The majority of the respondents (4/5) believed in the
afterlife, and that heaven is one’s destination if they did a good deed or if he
or she has been a good follower of their own belief. This supports the
philosophy of Viktor Frankl, whether you have a destination on not, doing
good will benefit the person within the duration of being alive.

V. Conclusion

1. The belief in the existence of man

In conclusion, if there is existence, there is a purpose. It may be
because of belief, goals, or even people that one holds dear into their life.
Though as long one exists and is walking on this world, one must at least do
their part by doing good for the benefit of humanity.

2. The belief on the important concepts that make a person

In conclusion, despite the different beliefs that everyone has, one’s
path is carved on their own. These beliefs only serve as a guide towards an
individual’s personal philosophy, but one’s actions are still their own.
Morality can be done with or without the presence of a divine source since
doing good is one’s decision whether they would do it or not.

3. The belief in the idea of afterlife

In conclusion, death is inevitable, and fearing it is normal for the
majority. They believe that there would be a place for them based on their
actions while they were alive. Whether you have a destination on not, doing
good will benefit the person within the duration of being alive.

VI. Consent Letters

VII. Personal Data

Carmelita Racborque
Interviewed by: Joshua Bayon
Sex: Female
Age: 51

She was the Old Lady respondent for the

Philosophical Research.

Alimatar N. Garangan II
Interviewed by: Sheikha Garangan
Sex: male
Age: 45

He was the Muslim respondednt for the Philosophical


Elemer Dela Peña

Interviewed by: Paolo Fransisco
and Jennifer Chua
Sex: Male
Age: Unkown

He was the Catholic respondent for the

Philosophical Research.
Jerry Ibita
Interviewed by: Ella Garceniego
Sex: Male
Age: 22

He was the working respondent for the

Philosophical Research.

Bernadette Ocampo
Sex: Female
Age: 16

She was the teenage respondent for the

Philosophical Research

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