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1 Su estimation using total cone resistance

Estimation of Su from CPT using resistance is made from the following


su =
( qc - s v 0 )

Where N k is an empirical cone factor and s v 0 is the total in situ vertical stress.
Kjekstad et al. (1978) showed that for non-fissured over-consolidated clays, with
su from triaxial compression tests as the reference strength, an average value of N k ,

varied between 11 and 19 with an average value of 15. These values based on field
and laboratory data are similar to the values suggested by the more recent theoretical
methods, as shown on Figure 5.21.《cone penetration testing in geotechnical practice》
N k cone factor (a constant for that soil). N k has been found to range from 5 to

75;however, most values are in the 10 to 30 range and, further, most values are in the
15 to 20 range. <foundation analysis and design>

2 内摩擦角
the relationship between φ and SPT (correlation between N60 and relative density of
granular soil)
1 Peck, Hanson, and Thornburn give a correlation between N60 and φ' in a graphical
form, which can be approximated as

2 Schmertmann provided the correlation between N60, , and φ。Mathematically , the

correlation can be approximated as

3 Hatanaka and Uchida provied a simple correlation between φ' and (N1)60 that can be
expressed as

φ'= +20

三 内摩擦角
Correlation between qc and drained friction angle (φ') for sand
on the basis of experimental results, Robertson and Campanella suggested the variation of

Dr, φ', for normally consolidated quartz sand. This relationship can be expressed

as(Kulhawy and Mayne, 1990)


Based on the cone penetration tests on the soils in the Venice Lagoon (Italy), Ricceri et al.
(2002) proposed a similar relationship for soil with classifications of ML and SP-SM as


in a more recent study, Lee et al.(2004) developed a correlation between φ' , qc and the

horizontal effective stress( ) in the form


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