Appendix St. Mary'S University College Department of Accounting Questionnaire

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This questionnaire is designed primarily for soliciting information, which would be used in
writing up senior research paper entitled “challenges and prospects of mobile banking service in
Dashen bank"

So, you are kindly requested to give the right answer you thin, since it contributes a lot for the
success available of this study. And the final result may be available to you up on your request so
that it may be valuable information regarding the issue of being research.

I would also like to forward my thanks in advance for your corporation.

Instructions:- No need to write your name make in thick mark (√) in the box which you think an
appropriate response.

Part I: - Respondents profile

1. Sex male female

2. Age 20 -35 36 -45 above 45

3. Education level Diploma BA Degree Second Degree PhD

4. What is your position in the bank?

Top management

Middle management

Lower management

5. How long have you worked in the current position.

Less than 1 year 2-5 years 6-10 years above 10 years

Part II: - Question related to challenges and prospects of mobile banking

6. Kindly explain how mobile banking is structured in your institution? (No. of Employees,
functional level, accountability).

7. Kindly state the main challenges and prospects of mobile banking towards financial success of
the bank.


8. What are the challenges related to the structure, building agent network, liquidity, Ict
infrastructure, cost of agent, legal framework, technology, infrastructure and software
applications risks.

a) ________________________________________________________________________

b) ________________________________________________________________________

c) ________________________________________________________________________

9. Kindly state the prospects related to the agent, the customer, financial institutions, the
government, network service provider, technology (MFS) providers.

b) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Here are likert scale types of questions

No Description Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

disagree agree

10 Mobile banking is easy for using and

11 Physical security like, threat and robbery
has impact on mobile banking.
12 Education level/financial literacy of
agents/ customers has direct impact on
mobile banking.
13 Mobile banking will enhance access to
the bank’s services by both existing and
new customers.
14 Competing services offered by banks
influences the adoption of mobile
15 The level of development of ICT
infrastructure and the road network
significantly impacts mobile banking

16 Existing regulatory guidelines on mobile

and Agency banking services positively
supports the banking.

17 Mobile banking services are compatible

with the bank’s existing service offerings.

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