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Lica Vylette M.



Practical Research: Reflective Journal

1.) What did you learn from Practical Research 2?

Research was the most difficult subject for me. I thought that this year’s research would be
much harder than last year’s, but Mr. Bantugan made it easier for us to understand his lessons.
He made everything less complicated for us. I learned a lot of things including how to know
which diseases we might get when eating processed food. I learned it by just evaluating the
ingredients in the product. He taught us how to turn a qualitative research into quantitative
research by just adding numbers into it. Learning how to make research within a day was the
best discussion, because it made me rethink that research is so much easier than I thought.

He also made practical research related to our track. First, He let us made a meme that can warn
people about the negative effects of processed food. Second, we made our pillow-sized
packaging for our product. These kinds of activities enhanced our creativity and talents for this
subject. The best part for this subject is that I get to survey around school, it was overwhelming
how people were amazed by our food packaging design. However, there were negative
comments too, that helped us to make our redesigned packaging pleasing for people.

2.) How did the research on processed snack food change your attitudes and buying behavior?
Whenever I’m bored, the first thing that comes through my mind is to eat processed food.
Learning that I might get cancer, hypertension and asthma makes me wonder if eating those
kinds of food is really important in my day-to-day life. As of now, I’m having thoughts whether
to buy some of just stick by eating healthier. For the past months, I noticed that I ate lesser
processed food that I’ve been before which is a big relief. I know that I get one step farther from
dying every time that I reject eating them.

3.) What kind of food should the school offer to make students healthier?
It might be hard for the school to take processed food out of the canteen. Most of the students
buy those kinds of snacks as part of their routine. If they take them out of the menu, their
source of money might drop. If they can just think about the health of the students they should
offer healthier food such as fruits and vegetables. One day, students will realize the negative
effects of processed food for their health.

4.) Where do you plan to take your research exposure? Why?

During our survey, students were shocked to know what will happen to them after consuming
huge amount of processed food, but they were not really that convinced. So, I am to expose my
research, I would post a summarized research made in a poster. People spend most of the time
in front of their phone. This will be a big advantage for me to inform my audience about my

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