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21st ASEAN Congress of



RIZQUN International Hotel,
Brunei Darussalam.
6-7th September 2019

Organised by, Supported by,

Society of Anaesthesiologists, Confederation of ASEAN World Federation of

Negara Brunei Darussalam Society of Anaesthesiologists Societies of Anaesthesiologists

Sponsorship Opportunities
Invitation from the President
It’s my pleasure to invite you and your organisation the opportunity to
participate at the 21st ASEAN Congress of Anaesthesiologists (ACA) 2019.
We are excited to host this prestigious biennial congress for the first time in
Brunei where we can come together with the international anaesthesia
community to discover, learn and network over two busy days.
The main aim of this Congress is to provide platform for the member countries to
share the latest knowledge, innovation, experiences and challenges in order to
raise standard in the field of anaesthesia, pain and critical care medicine in
ASEAN. We have chosen “Together embracing innovation and enhancing quality
in ASEAN Anaesthesia” as our theme in keeping with the spirit of solidarity
amongst the ASEAN countries. Proving high quality of patient care is always our
goal in ensuring equitable, accessible and affordable care to all our patients.
We are looking forward to make this congress our biggest and most exciting yet,
• Delegates consisting of doctors, nurses and allied health professionals
locally and from the ASEAN countries will converge to Brunei
• A first-class scientific programme and high-profile keynote speakers
• Practical hands-on workshops and more.
And of course, the trade exhibition at the 21st ASEAN Congress of
Anaesthesiologists 2019 is an integral part of the delegate experience. With the
many organisations that exhibit their products where the delegates have their
refreshment and lunch break at the exhibition area, there will be plenty of
opportunity to network with representatives from the anaesthesia and critical
care speciality.

Reasons to exhibit
1. A great way to raise your organisation’s profile and develop new business
opportunities with key influencers within the anaesthetic and critical care
specialty into the ASEAN region.
2. Strengthen long-term business relationships and create new business
3. Keep up to date with the profession and the competition
4. Support the Confederation of ASEAN Societies of Anaesthesiologist and
the Society of Anaesthesiologists Brunei its continued investment in
creating outstanding scientific programs that engage and educate the
anaesthetic specialty in the Brunei and internationally.
We greatly value your participation and support by booking now to secure your
exhibition space for the 21st ASEAN Congress of Anaesthesiologists 2019. You
can further enhance your participation as an exhibitor by taking advantage of
exclusive sponsorship opportunities by looking through this brochure to choose
your preferred exhibition and sponsor packages.
Dr. Hj Zulaidi Hj Abd Latif
President of the Society of Anaesthesiologists.
Sponsorship categories

Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship packages

1. Platinum Sponsor (BND 30,000)

· A full back page advertisement in the programme book.

· Acknowledgement of name and logo in the conference website and the
back drop of the congress
· Two Exhibition booths at a premium location
· Lunch symposium at the main congress hall*
· Invitation to the welcoming dinner

2. Gold Sponsor (BND 15,000)

· Half a page for advertisement in the programme book

· Acknowledgement of name and logo in the congress website and the back
drop of the congress
· One Exhibition booth,
· Breakfast symposium at the main congress hall*
· Invitation to the welcoming dinner

3. Silver Sponsor (BND 5,000)

· Acknowledgement of name and logo in the programme book, congress

website and the backdrop of the congress
· Invitation to the welcoming dinner

4. Below $5,000

· Acknowledge of name in the programme book

· Invitation to the welcoming dinner

Other sponsorship opportunities

1. Delegate bags and bag inserts BND 4,000

2. Name badge and lanyards BND 2,000

Host your own symposium BND 2,000

1. To host a lunch or a breakfast symposium, the sponsor will

provide the expenses of lunch or breakfast, speaker and the
expense of venue (*Venue will be provided for the Platinum
and Gold sponsors only)
2. To host a workshop, the sponsor will provide the venue and all
other expenses as above.

Sponsorship Opportunities
Exhibition option
One Exhibition Booth $3,000
· Space (3x3m) with an exhibition table and two banquet chairs,
13amp socket, two fluorescent tube lights and rubbish bin.
· Company listing in the congress website (subject to time of booking)
· Two exhibitor registrations (inclusive of lunch and refreshment )
· Electrical Name and logo at exhibitor list
For any further information, please contact our committee in charge of sponsors
Dr. Lim Kim Hong or Dr. Hj Satry Sani or visit to our website


POSTER Poster Presentations





18 Booth
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8

15 Refreshment


Sponsorship Opportunities

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