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Operation Maintenance Manual Supplement


Document number OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02

IB number 27531
Contents Operation and Maintenance Manual Supplement
Customer Parque de la Costa
Revision 02

For additional information on adjustments, contact Vekoma Rides Parts & services B.V.:
P.O. Box 8006, 6060 AA Posterholt
Schaapweg 18, 6063 BA Vlodrop
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0) 475-409222 (Office hours)
Cell Phone Tel: +31 (0) 6-10917506
Fax: +31 (0) 475-403415
Copyright © 2018
Revision summary

Date Revision number Comment

August 2013 Rev. 00 Initial version.
November 2016 Rev. 01 Add maintenance table, refer to section Maintenance
inspection table
This manual update includes also the next Notifications
and Service bulletins;
• 1-SB-004-220507 Changed weld inspection of the
main axle.
• N-014_280812_Recommended mounting procedure
for (SKF) KM Locking nuts and MB Locking washers.
• SB-025_00_requires additional weld inspections for the
sit down chassis.
• SB-029_00_Reduce risk of injury to patrons.
• SB-030_00_Examination for crack indications of the
toothed shaft and the toothed segment of the ratchet
August 2018 Rev. 02 This manual update includes the next Notifications
and Service bulletins;
• N-022_00_Inspection and repair procedure Chain dog
• SB-025_02_Additional weld inspections for the sit
down chassis.
• SB-037_00.

This section; Warnings and cautions used in this document

This section; Terminology updated.
General throughout this manual supplement; Passenger(s)
changed into patron(s).
Chapter § 2, section § 2.1.3 updated.
Chapter § 2, section § 2.9, Replaceable solid wheel carrier
Several parts in chapter maintenance updated.
Chapter § 3, section § 3.3, Non destructive testing
Chapter § 3, section § 3.6 Special tools added.
Chapter § 4, Logbook updated.

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 i

The information contained in this manual and/ or related documents (including but
not limited to log-books, part lists, diagrams and other manufacturer information)
is and remain at all times the exclusive property of the Vekoma Group (which
includes Vekoma Rides Parts & Services B.V and Vekoma Rides Manufacturing
B.V) and shall not - in whole nor in part - without the prior written permission of the
Vekoma Group be disclosed to any other person, published in any form of publicity
or news story, copied, photographed, reproduced or stored in any retrieval system
of any nature. Disclosure of this manual does not imply a transfer of ownership or
granting a license with regard to the information contained herein.

The Vekoma Group reserves the right from time to time to update and amend the
information contained herein as it deems necessary. While reasonable efforts are
made to provide an accurate translation; the Vekoma Group accepts no liability for
any errors, omissions, or ambiguities in such translations. Where the text of any
translation conflicts with the English text, the English version shall prevail.
Furthermore, should the text in this manual (with respect to operation and
maintenance of this amusement ride) conflict with local (safety) regulations, then it
is the owner's responsibility to immediately inform Vekoma Rides Parts & Services
B.V of such in writing.

The Vekoma Group will not be responsible or liable for any loss, damage or injury
of any kind resulting directly or indirectly from:

• Any negligent acts or omissions of the owner, its affiliated companies or any
third parties in relation to the use, operation or maintenance of the ride or its
• any use, operation or maintenance of the amusement ride that is not carried
out in accordance with the manual or service bulletins;
• inaccurate or improper upkeep of the logbook;
• owner's failure to install, place or carry out any items, signage, procedures or
measures related to the safe operation and maintenance as directed or
provided by the Vekoma Group or otherwise required by law.
• any work, service, repairs or alterations to the ride or any parts thereof that are
not carried out by the Vekoma Group or in accordance with the Vekoma
Group's instructions (including but not limited to this manual and technical or
service bulletins);
• any manuals or technical updates, that are provided by the Vekoma Group in
relation to rides manufactured by third parties (which includes without limitation
Vekoma International B.V. and Vekoma Manufacturing B.V. which are not
affiliated in any way to the Vekoma Group);
• any misapplication or misinterpretation of the information provided in this
manual, technical or service bulletin or other related documents.

ii OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
About this document
This manual supplement describes the modified parts that are manufactured by
Vekoma Rides Manufacturing B.V. The manual supplement provides information
about the use, cleaning, maintenance and repair of the amusement ride with IB
number 27531. All other parts should be maintain/inspect according the original
operation and maintenance manual.

This document replaces all previous revisions of this document, if any.

It is not always possible to provide a detailed illustration of every single item of the
amusement ride. Therefore the illustrations in this document can show a typical
setup and they are for instructional use only.

How to work with the document

• Make yourself familiar with the structure and content of the documents.
• Read the safety chapter in detail and make sure that you understand all the
• Carry out all the instructions completely and do not change the order of the
steps to be carried out.

Chapters in the document

Subject Chapter Intended user
Safety 1 All authorized personnel
Maintenance Train 2 Maintenance personnel
Technical Data 3 Maintenance personnel
Logbook 4 Maintenance personnel


Related documents:
Subject Document no. Intended user
OEM documentation OEM_SUP_27531 Maintenance personnel
Parts lists1) PRT_SUP_27531 Maintenance personnel
Diagrams DIA_SUP_27531 Maintenance personnel

1) Only if applicable

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 iii
Maintenance inspection table
It is allowed to postpone the maintenance work to the end of the day in case the
number of ride cycles is reached during the normal operating hours.

Maintenance frequency When to do it

Daily At least once per day or after 350 ride cycles1)
Weekly At least once every week or after 2.500 ride cycles1)
Every 2 weeks At least once every 2 weeks or after 5.000 ride cycles1)
Monthly At least once every month or after 10.000 ride cycles1)
Yearly (Annual) At least once every year or after 120.000 ride cycles1)

1) Whatever comes first

iv OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
Warnings and cautions used in this document
A warning indicates that an incorrect operation can cause personal injury, death or
damage to equipment. The icon in the warning indicates the type of hazard.

A caution indicates that an incorrect operation can cause damage to equipment of



Icon Type of hazard

General or combined hazard

Hot surface

Pinch hazard

Strong magnetic field

Falling objects; heavy objects

Moving objects; heavy objects

Sharp edges

Working at heights; falling

Electrical shock hazard

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 v

Term Description
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
Amusement ride Mechanical device or structure that move people to create enjoyment
D.O.T. Direction Of Travel
Damage The result of an unwanted event that changes the condition from its original
(to) examine Looking at carefully in order to discover something
E-stop Emergency stop, push the E-stop button in case of an emergency
Good position The position where the train holds and is detected by the concerning sensors
GWD Guests With Disabilities
HLU Hydraulic Locking Unit (refer to restraint system)
Legal age The age at which a person acquires full legal rights and responsibilities.
In most countries the legal age is 18 years.
Maintenance Keeping the ride in an acceptable condition
Maintenance Persons who maintain the ride
MT A method of non destructive testing (Magnetic particle Testing).
NDT Non Destructive Testing
OCC Operator Control Console
OEM List of rides ‘Original Equipment Manufacturer’ parts
OMM Operator - and Maintenance Manual
Operator Person who is trained to operate the ride
Operation Control of the functioning of the ride
Patrons All persons (passengers) who are getting in the amusement ride
PRT List of rides assembly drawings
PT A method of non destructive testing (Penetrant Testing)
RC, Ride Cycle A complete cycle (made by a train)
Repair Restore something worn or damaged to good condition
Restraint Part of restraint system.
Generic term used for lap bar, shoulder restraint, safety harness, etc.
Restraint system Complete safety system (including locking mechanism) that is intended to
inhibit or restrict the movement of the patrons when they are on the
amusement ride
Restricted area An area, refer to PRT_[IB-number], that only authorized personnel can enter.
Fence off restricted areas for un-authorized persons.
Ride Mechanical device or structure that move people to create enjoyment
Service lifetime Expected lifetime or service-use period, under the condition that the parts are
fully maintained according OMM. It is possible that the lifetime can be safely
extended after consultation and approval from VRP&S.
Supervisor Person who is authorized to give orders and instructions

vi OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
Term Description
TAV Transfer Accessibility Vehicle
TS Technical Specifications. These additional information (data sheets) regarding
maintenance activities are collected in the related document with number
UT A method of non destructive testing (Ultra sound Testing)
Visual, visually By means of the human eye or other senses such as hearing, touch or smell,
but without the use of any tools.
VRM Vekoma Rides Manufacturing B.V.
VRP&S Vekoma Rides Parts and Services B.V.
VT A method of non destructive testing (Visual Testing).

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viii OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
Table of contents
Revision summary ..............................................................................................................................i
Disclaimer ..........................................................................................................................................ii
About this document ......................................................................................................................... iii
Maintenance inspection table ...........................................................................................................iv
Warnings and cautions used in this document ..................................................................................v
Terminology ...................................................................................................................................... vi
1 Safety
1.1 Additional general instructions ............................................................................................... 1
1.2 Maintenance related instructions............................................................................................ 2
1.3 Recommendations ................................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Warning symbols on the amusement ride .............................................................................. 4
2 Maintenance - Train
2.1 General information ................................................................................................................ 5
2.1.1 General maintenance instructions.............................................................................. 5
2.1.2 Visual examination ..................................................................................................... 6
2.1.3 Examine the item for damage, sharp edges, protrusions and/or general wear.......... 6
2.1.4 Examine the item for unwanted presence of oil and/or grease .................................. 6
2.1.5 Examine for foreign objects or contamination ............................................................ 6
2.1.6 Examine the item for leakage..................................................................................... 6
2.1.7 Examine the item for presence .................................................................................. 6
2.2 Chassis MK1212 type ............................................................................................................ 7
2.2.1 Overview of the chassis ............................................................................................. 7
2.2.2 Maintenance tasks on the chassis ............................................................................. 7
2.2.3 Examine the welded joints ......................................................................................... 8
2.2.4 Examine the welded joints ......................................................................................... 9
2.2.5 Examine the welded joints ....................................................................................... 10
2.3 Chassis MK 1200 type ......................................................................................................... 11
2.3.1 Maintenance tasks on the chassis ........................................................................... 11
2.3.2 Indicated welds chassis ........................................................................................... 11
2.3.3 Indicated welds chassis ........................................................................................... 12
2.4 Main axle .............................................................................................................................. 13
2.4.1 Overview of the main axles ...................................................................................... 13
2.4.2 Maintenance tasks on the main axle ........................................................................ 14
2.4.3 Rejection criteria ...................................................................................................... 15
2.4.4 Replace the main axle.............................................................................................. 16
2.5 Chain dog ............................................................................................................................. 18
2.5.1 Overview of the chain dog........................................................................................ 18
2.5.2 Maintenance tasks on the chain dog........................................................................ 19
2.5.3 Examine the functioning of the chain dog ................................................................ 19
2.5.4 Examine the chain dog for deformations.................................................................. 19
2.5.5 Examine the chain dog for wear............................................................................... 20
2.5.6 Examine the axial play of the chain dog................................................................... 20
2.5.7 Replace the chain dog ............................................................................................. 21
2.6 Hinge plate automatic release .............................................................................................. 23
2.6.1 Overview of the hinge plate...................................................................................... 23
2.6.2 Maintenance tasks on hinge plate............................................................................ 23
2.6.3 Replace the hinge plate ........................................................................................... 24
2.7 Service arrangement yoke coupling MK1205....................................................................... 25

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_00 ix
2.7.1 Overview of the yoke coupling ................................................................................. 25
2.7.2 Maintenance tasks on the yoke coupling ................................................................. 25
2.7.3 Replace the hinge plate............................................................................................ 26
2.8 Shoulder restraint ................................................................................................................. 27
2.8.1 Maintenance tasks on the restraint system .............................................................. 27
2.8.2 Examine the ratchet shaft for indications. ................................................................ 27
2.9 Replaceable solid wheel carrier............................................................................................ 28
2.9.1 Overview of the replaceable solid wheel carrier....................................................... 28
2.9.2 Maintenance tasks on the replaceable solid wheel carrier....................................... 29
2.9.3 Rejection dimensions ............................................................................................... 30
2.9.4 Replace the replaceable solid wheel carrier............................................................. 31
3 Technical Data
3.1 Surface protection / paint system ......................................................................................... 33
3.1.1 General..................................................................................................................... 33
3.1.2 Surface preparation.................................................................................................. 33
3.1.3 Body (train)............................................................................................................... 34
3.1.4 Paint specification - train .......................................................................................... 34
3.2 Agents .................................................................................................................................. 35
3.2.1 Lubricants................................................................................................................. 35
3.2.2 Protective agents...................................................................................................... 35
3.2.3 Solvents.................................................................................................................... 35
3.2.4 Lubrication procedure for stationary fittings ............................................................. 36
3.3 Non destructive testing (NDT) .............................................................................................. 37
3.3.1 Related codes and standards for machined parts.................................................... 37
3.3.2 Related codes and standards for welded parts ........................................................ 38
3.3.3 Inspection procedure................................................................................................ 39
3.4 Rejection values for wear parts ............................................................................................ 40
3.4.1 Procedure................................................................................................................. 40
3.4.2 Critical parts ............................................................................................................. 40
3.4.3 Less critical parts...................................................................................................... 40
3.5 Fasteners and torques.......................................................................................................... 42
3.5.1 Assembly requirements............................................................................................ 42
3.5.2 Lubrication................................................................................................................ 42
3.5.3 Torque striping ......................................................................................................... 43
3.5.4 Checking .................................................................................................................. 43
3.5.5 HV Fasteners ........................................................................................................... 43
3.5.6 Torque and clamp loads........................................................................................... 44
3.5.7 Manual check procedure .......................................................................................... 48
3.5.8 Torque fasteners rail pipe coupling and “welded neck flange” ................................. 49
3.5.9 Values apply to anchor nuts without pretension bus ................................................ 50
3.5.10 Values apply to anchor nuts with pretension bus ..................................................... 51
3.5.11 KM locking nuts and MB locking washers ................................................................ 52
3.6 Special tools ......................................................................................................................... 54
3.6.1 Rejection criteria tool chain dog ............................................................................... 54
4 Logbook
4.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 55
4.2 Availability of data (N.A.) ...................................................................................................... 55
4.3 Name and identification ........................................................................................................ 56
4.4 Records of ownership........................................................................................................... 56
4.5 National registrations details ................................................................................................ 57

x OMM_SUP_27531_EN_00
4.6 Records, reports and results of examinations ...................................................................... 58
4.7 Record of all unscheduled maintenance .............................................................................. 59
4.8 Revisions .............................................................................................................................. 60
4.9 Record of incidents............................................................................................................... 61
4.9.1 General information.................................................................................................. 61
4.9.2 Persons involved ...................................................................................................... 62
4.9.3 Witnesses................................................................................................................. 63
4.9.4 Other information concerning the incident ............................................................... 64
4.10 Report list ............................................................................................................................. 65
4.11 Declaration of Operation Authorization or permit ................................................................. 66
4.12 Extension of operation authorization or permit ..................................................................... 66
4.13 Required maintenance Train ................................................................................................ 67
4.13.1 Maintenance every 100 ride cycles or daily ............................................................. 67
4.13.2 Maintenance every 700 ride cycles or weekly.......................................................... 68
4.13.3 Maintenance every 2.500 ride cycles or monthly ..................................................... 69
4.13.4 Maintenance 30.000 ride cycles or yearly ................................................................ 70
4.13.5 Maintenance started after 120.000 ride cycles or after the first 4 years .................. 71
4.13.6 Maintenance 240.000 ride cycles or every 8 years .................................................. 72

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xii OMM_SUP_27531_EN_00

1 Safety
1.1 Additional general instructions

The following rules are for the safety of the maintenance
personnel. If there are any questions, contact the supervisor.

• Patrons are only allowed to ride to ride the amusement ride if the ride control is
operated in automatic mode.
• When the amusement ride is set back to automatic mode, always make at least
3 consecutive ride cycles correctly without patrons before taking the
amusement ride with patrons back into automatic mode operation again.

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 1

1.2 Maintenance related instructions

The following rules are for the safety of the maintenance
personnel. If there are any questions, contact the supervisor.

• The maintenance personnel must be comply with all legal requirements for
handling electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic and mechanical systems of the
amusement ride.
• All scheduled inspections and maintenance activities, as well as the necessary
repairs, must be completed before the amusement ride may be taken into
operation. The use of the logbook and the inspection checklist is mandatory for
every inspection.
• Place a sign on the operator control console(s) (OCC) that shows that the
amusement ride is under maintenance.
• Close the entrance and the exit, so that no unauthorized persons can enter the
amusement ride.
• Keep in mind that the entrance and exit queue line are also part of the
amusement ride and need to be inspected as well.
• Depending of the kind of maintenance activities:
- Remove all keys from the Operator control console(s) OCC(s);
- Push the E-stop on the Operator control console(s) OCC(s);
- Turn off the work switches of the system to be maintained or the main
switches and lock them with padlocks;
- Shut down the amusement ride;
- Release the air/hydraulic pressure of the (sub)system to be maintained.
• Maintenance work must be prepared carefully. Do not start maintenance work
unless all necessary safety precautions have been taken.
• When maintenance work is done while the amusement ride is in motion, or
when electrical circuits are live, at least one additional person must pay
attention to warn for unsafe situations.
• Do not wear jewellery or items that can contact moving or conductive parts.
• Only use correct tools and equipment.
• If safety devices (e.g. guards, fences, etc.) are removed, make sure that a
warning sign is present during maintenance. Also make sure that the safety
devices are properly re-installed after work.
• Remove any excessive grease and/or oil in an environmentally acceptable
• After finishing maintenance work always clean up the working area.
• Only use original spare parts and materials. Always check the condition of
spare parts before installation.
• Always use a safety harness including a life belt when working at high levels.

2 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02

• Always wear safety glasses, a safety helmet and safety shoes.

• Fill in the logbook after each maintenance task and after every emergency.

1.3 Recommendations
In order to increase the safety of personnel and patrons, observe the following:
• Display safety instructions clearly at the entrance of the amusement ride, at the
operator control console(s) (OCC) and elsewhere as necessary.
• Prepare a telephone connection from the OCC(s) to the central control room of
the amusement park.
• Provide sufficient first aid kits and fire extinguishers at clearly marked and
easily accessible locations.
• Mark the outlines of the station floor with a high contrast line to decrease the
risk of falling of the station.
• The owner of the amusement ride is responsible for the fire escape plan and
that these are positioned at key points along the escape route. These fire
escape plans must be according to the local requirements.
• Provide a closed roof over a walkway if:
- the walkway is in a restricted area crossing equipment zones,
- the walkway is underneath a track where the height is 3 meters or less.

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 3

1.4 Warning symbols on the amusement ride

• Children must be accompanied by

adults. Refer to the original operation
and maintenance manual.
• Patrons are not allowed to stick body
parts outside the coach
• Patrons are not allowed to put their legs
on top of the body of the coach
• Patrons must be seated properly, and
must remain seated at all times with the
safety device fastened.
• Patrons are not allowed to take along
any loose items during the ride included 3868

(but not limited to) animals, umbrellas, canes, mobile phones, (sun)glasses,
other protruding and/or sharp objects.

4 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
Maintenance - Train

2 Maintenance - Train
2.1 General information

Before starting any maintenance activities, always read and
understand the safety instructions. Refer to § 1.2.

2.1.1 General maintenance instructions

• Torqued fasteners, self locking nuts, locking plates, (Nord-Lock) lock washers,
tab washers, split pins, retaining rings, etc. may only be used once.
• During inspection and maintenance always check that all fasteners, pins, split
pins, etc. are firmly attached and secured.
• Only use clean bolts and nuts.
• During assembly, tighten all fasteners correctly. Refer to § 3.5.

• For the correct type of lubricant, if lubrication is required, refer to § 3.2.1.

In addition to the maintenance instructions concerning spindles, note the
• If, after disassembly, a spindle does not show any signs of wear on the surface,
the spindle can be remounted without checking the dimensions.
• The rejection criteria as indicated in § 3.4 are indications in case the spindle
does show signs of wear.
• Note that NDT examination for indications remains necessary at all times.
Refer to § 3.3.

• It is not allowed to make modifications or to carry out emergency repairs or
improvised repairs on the amusement ride and/or on the entire system
without the written permission of VRP&S. If this is done nevertheless, VRP&S
accepts no liability for the amusement ride.
• Every inspection interval also contains the inspections of the interval(s)
• If the defined number of ride cycles is reached during the operating hours, it is
allowed to postpone the maintenance work to the end of that day.

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 5
Maintenance - Train

2.1.2 Visual examination

1. Clean the items before a visual examination.

2.1.3 Examine the item for damage, sharp edges, protrusions and/or
general wear

1. Do this procedure if referred to from the maintenance tasks.

2. Visually examine the item for damage and/or wear.
3. If the item shows wear, refer to § 7.5.
4. If the item shows damage, replace the item.
5. If the items has sharp edges and/or protrusions repair/replace it.

2.1.4 Examine the item for unwanted presence of oil and/or grease

1. Do this procedure if referred to from the maintenance tasks.

2. Visually examine the item for presence of oil and/or grease.
3. If there is oil and/or grease, remove it. Use solvent ‘A’. Refer to § 3.2.3.

2.1.5 Examine for foreign objects or contamination

1. Do this procedure if referred to from the maintenance tasks.

2. Visually examine the item for foreign objects and contamination.
3. If there are foreign objects, remove them.
4. If the item shows contamination, clean it. Use a clean cloth.

2.1.6 Examine the item for leakage

1. Do this procedure if referred to from the maintenance tasks.

2. Examine the item for leakage.
3. If an item has a leakage, replace or repair it.

2.1.7 Examine the item for presence

1. Do this procedure if referred to from the maintenance tasks.

2. Examine if the item is present.
3. If not, add the item.

6 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
Maintenance - Train

2.2 Chassis MK1212 type

The chassis is the connection between the main axle, wheel carrier and the body.

2.2.1 Overview of the chassis



A Pick up / ARB chassis

B Rear chassis

2.2.2 Maintenance tasks on the chassis

Item Task Limit (RC) Refer to §
All chassis Visually examine the indicated areas and 700 or weekly2) 2.2.3
the welded joints for indications.1)
Paint work Visually examine for damage. 2.500 or monthly2) 3.1
All chassis Examine the indicated welded joints for 2.500 or monthly2) 2.2.4
indications: PT or MT.1)
All chassis Examine the welded joints for indications: 30.000 or yearly2) 3.3
Examine the indicated areas and the 30.000 or yearly2) 2.2.5
welded joints for indications: PT or MT.
Wear parts Measure the rejection dimension. 30.000 or yearly2) 3.4
2) 3)
All chassis Examine the welded joints for indications: 30.000 or yearly 3.3
PT or MT.

1) It is not necessary to dissemble any component, only examine the welds which accessible
without removing components.
2) Whatever comes first.
3) Examine 25% of the items every 30.000 or yearly, started after the first 120.000 ride cycles
or 4 years of operation. Make sure that all items are examined every 120.000 or every 4
years. Note: the indicated areas and welded joints as mentioned in § 2.2.5 must be 100%
examined every year.

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 7
Maintenance - Train

2.2.3 Examine the welded joints

Pick up and ARB chassis

1. Visually examine the indicated areas
(A) and the welded joint (B) for
2. Visually examine the remaining
welded joints for indications. Pay
special attention to the welds of the
high loaded areas (C).
Pay special attention to indications or
signs of rust in the paint.

Should indications be
found or if you have any
doubts, examine the
relevant areas of all other
chassis. Refer to § 3.3.

Rear chassis
1. Visually examine the indicated areas
(A) and the welded joint (B) for
2. Examine the remaining welded joints
for indications. Pay special attention to
the welds of the high loaded areas (C).

Pay special attention to indications or
signs of rust in the paint.

Should indications be 20623
found or if you have any
doubts, examine the
relevant areas of all other
chassis. Refer to § 3.3.

8 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
Maintenance - Train

2.2.4 Examine the welded joints

Pick up and ARB chassis

1. Examine all welded joints (B) for
indications. Pay special attention to
the welds of the high loaded areas (C).

Pay special attention to indications or
signs of rust in the paint.

Should indications be
found or if you have any
doubts, examine the
relevant areas of all other
chassis. Refer to § 3.3.

Rear chassis
1. Examine all welded joints for
indications. Pay special attention to
the welds of the high loaded areas (C).

Pay special attention to indications or
signs of rust in the paint.

Should indications be
found or if you have any
doubts, examine the
relevant areas of all other
chassis. Refer to § 3.3.

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 9
Maintenance - Train

2.2.5 Examine the welded joints

Pick up and ARB chassis

1. Examine the indicated area’s (A) and
welded joints (B) for indications. Refer
to § 3.3.

Pay special attention to indications or
signs of rust in the paint.

Should indications be
found or if you have any
doubts, examine the
relevant areas of all other
chassis. Refer to § 3.3.

Rear chassis
1. Examine the indicated area’s (A) and
welded joints (B) for indications. Refer
to § 3.3.

Pay special attention to indications or
signs of rust in the paint.

Should indications be
found or if you have any
doubts, examine the
relevant areas of all other
chassis. Refer to § 3.3.

10 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
Maintenance - Train

2.3 Chassis MK 1200 type

This section describes the additional examinations for the existing chassis.

For the remaining examinations refer to the original operation and maintenance

2.3.1 Maintenance tasks on the chassis

Item Task Limit (RC) Refer to §
All chassis Examine for indications: VT. 700 or weekly 2.3.3
All chassis Examine for indications: PT or MT 2.500 or monthly1) 2) 2.3.2
All chassis Examine for indications: PT or MT. 30.000 or yearly 2.3.3

1) Whatever comes first.

2) It is not necessary to dissemble any component, only examine the welds which accessible
without removing components.

2.3.2 Indicated welds chassis

1. The indicated welds between the
chassis (A) and solid blocks (B) of all
chassis. Refer to § 3.3.



OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 11
Maintenance - Train

2.3.3 Indicated welds chassis

1. The indicated welds (arrows) between
the chassis (A), overlapping profiles
(B) and solid blocks (C) of all chassis.
Refer to § 3.3.



12 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
Maintenance - Train

2.4 Main axle

Modification old main axle-new chassis MK 1212 (Timken).

For the modification of a new chassis with an old main axle, a new vertical spindle
and safety brace must be installed.

2.4.1 Overview of the main axles




A Vertical spindle
B Fasteners
C Lock nut
D Safety brace
E Fasteners
F Main axle

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 13
Maintenance - Train

2.4.2 Maintenance tasks on the main axle

Item Task Limit (RC) Refer to §
All fasteners Visually examine for correct fastening. 100 or daily 3.5
Lock nut Examine for correct fastening. 700 or weekly1) 2) 3.5
Main axle Visually examine all welded joints for 700 or weekly 3.3
Lock nut Examine for correct fastening. 2.500 or monthly1) 3.5
3) 1)
Vertical spindle Examine for indications: PT or MT. 30.000 or yearly 3.3
Wear parts Measure the rejection dimension. 30.000 or yearly1) 2.4.3
1) 4)
Main axle Examine all welded joints: PT or MT. 30.000 or yearly 3.3
Vertical spindle Replace the vertical spindle. 240.000 or 8 years -

1) Whatever comes first.

2) Only the first 4.2000 cycles or 6 weeks of operation.
3) Examine 25% of the items. If applicable, examine the rejection dimensions, refer to § 3.4.
Make sure that all items are examined every 120.000 ride cycles or 4 years.
4) After 90.000 ride cycles or 3 years of operation, it is strongly recommended to increase this
inspection from 30.000 ride cycles or yearly to every 15.000 ride cycles or 6 month.

14 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
Maintenance - Train

2.4.3 Rejection criteria

The rejection criteria of the main axle items bolt are mentioned in the table below
the graphic.




Welded parts:
Description Dimension Rejection criteria
Outer diameter vertical spindle A ≤ Ø 54.962 mm
Inner diameter bush B ≥ Ø 55.060 mm
Outer diameter bush C ≤ Ø 66.676 mm
Outer diameter bush D ≤ Ø 68.263 mm
Inner diameter chassis E ≥ Ø 65.070 mm
Outer diameter vertical spindle F ≤ Ø 65.983 mm
Outer diameter vertical spindle G ≤ Ø 65.983 mm

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 15
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2.4.4 Replace the main axle

1. If the train is in the track, make sure that the train is secured to the track.
2. Remove:
a. the up-stop wheels and the safety bracket;
b. the wheel carriers. Lift the main axle to remove the wheel carriers.

Disassemble the main axle

1. Remove: B A
a. the fasteners (A); F C
b. the top cover plate (B); D
c. the retaining ring (C); E
2. Loosen the locking screw (D) of the
lock nut (E). L
Note I J
After loosening the locking screws of
the lock nut hit two times lightly with O M
a plastic hammer on the lock nut on P N
the place of the locking screws to 20626

loosen the bronze locking pins that

lock the lock nut.

3. Remove:
a. the lock nut (E);
b. the bush (F);
c. the bearing part (G).
4. Remove the main axle (H) of the vertical spindle (I).
5. Remove:
a. the bush (J);
b. the bearing part (K);
c. the seal (M);
d. the fasteners (M);
e. the fasteners (N);
f. the safety brace (O).
6. Remove the vertical spindle (I) out of the chassis (P).

16 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
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Assemble the main axle

1. Assemble the items in reverse order of B A
disassembly. F C
2. Lubricate stationary fitting surfaces. G
Refer to § 3.2.2.
3. Use a new seal (M).
4. Fill up the bearings and the space L
between the bearings (F) and (K) with H K
grease. Refer to § 3.2.1.
5. After installing the bush (F);
a. degrease the threaded part of the
vertical spindle (I) with solvent “B”, P N
refer to § 3.2.3. 20626

b. degrease the inside of the lock nut (E) with solvent “B”, refer to § 3.2.3.
6. Lightly lubricate the interface of the lock nut (E) and the bush (F).

Do not lubricate the thread of the lock nut and the tread of the
vertical spindle.

7. Install the lock nut (E) and tighten the lock nut to 80 Nm while rotating the
main axle.
8. Loosen the lock nut (E) and tighten the lock nut to 50 Nm.
9. Fill up the space between the top bearing (G) and the cover with grease.
10. Tighten the fasteners. Refer to PRT_ SUP_27531.

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 17
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2.5 Chain dog

The chain dog is attached under the train. The chain dog is the connection
between the train and a chain driven lift.

2.5.1 Overview of the chain dog



A Chain dog
B Spring unit
C Dog shaft
D Dog shaft

18 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
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2.5.2 Maintenance tasks on the chain dog

Item Task Limit (RC) Refer to §
All fasteners Visually examine for correct fastening. 100 or daily 3.5
Chain dog Examine for correct functioning. 100 or daily1) 2.5.3
Spring unit Visually examine for damage. 100 or daily1) 2.1.3
Chain dog Visually examine for deformations and 700 or weekly 2.5.4
Visually examine for wear. 700 or weekly1) 2.5.5
Chain dog Examine the axial play 2.500 or monthly1) 2.5.6
Paintwork Visually examine for damage 2.500 or monthly 2.1.3
Dog shaft Examine for indications: PT or MT. 30.000 or yearly 3.3
Chain dog Examine for indications: PT or MT. 30.000 or yearly1) 3.3
Wear parts Measure the rejection dimension. 30.000 or yearly1) 3.4

1) Whatever comes first.

2.5.3 Examine the functioning of the chain dog

1. In rest position, the chain dog must be in the lower position.

2. Push the chain dog upwards.
3. Release the chain dog. It must immediately return to the rest position. If not,
find the cause and repair it.

2.5.4 Examine the chain dog for deformations

1. Visually examine the chain dog for

deformations (arrows).
2. Remove burrs at this area. The
maximum thickness of the chain dog
is 25 mm.


OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 19
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2.5.5 Examine the chain dog for wear

1. Visually examine the wear of the chain

dog. Use the rejection criteria tool (B).
Refer to §3.6. A
a. place the tool (B) on the chain dog B
(A) and make sure is correctly
aligned (arrows) with the chain
b. if the chain dog is completely
visible (C), outside the tool, the
chain dog is not rejected. If not,
the chain dog is rejected.
c. use the tool on both sides of the C 5888
chain dog.

If the chain dog is worn, contact
VRP&S for a welding procedure
specification to reweld the chain dog
or order a new chain dog.

2.5.6 Examine the axial play of the chain dog

1. Examine the axial play of the chain dog A

2. If the axial play of the chain dog is more
than 1 mm, adjust the axial play.
a. add or remove shims (B) on one or
two sides of the chain dog.
3. Examine if the chain dog functioning
correctly. Refer to § 2.5.3

B B 20628

20 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
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2.5.7 Replace the chain dog

Disassemble the spring unit

1. Remove:
a. the spilt pin (A); A B D E F C H
b. the clevis pin (B);
c. the split pin (C);
d. the threaded rod (D);
e. the wound spring (E):
f. the threaded rod with bore (F);
g. the hold plate (G);
h. the fasteners (H); G I
i. the anchor bracket (I). 20629

Disassemble the pin

1. Remove: SECTION R - R
a. the fasteners (A);
b. the locking plate (B)
c. the fasteners (C);
d. the locking plate (D);
e. the pin (E).

20630 R

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 21
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Disassemble chain dog

1. Remove:

a. the fasteners (A);

b. the locking plate (H)
c. the fasteners (B);
d. the locking plate (C);
e. the pin (D);
f. the shims (E); A
g. the chain dog (F);
h. the bearing bush (G). B E F G E D S

Assemble the chain dog

1. Assemble the items in reverse order of disassembly.
2. Adjust the axial play of the chain dog. Refer to § 2.5.6.

Examine the functioning of the chain dog.

3. Coat untreated area’s. Use protective agent “C”. Refer to § 3.2.2.

4. Tighten all fasteners. Refer to PRT_SUP_27531.

22 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
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2.6 Hinge plate automatic release

The hinge plate is mounted to the new version chassis. On the hinge plate the
automatic release arm is mounted.

2.6.1 Overview of the hinge plate


A Hinge plate

2.6.2 Maintenance tasks on hinge plate

Item Task Limit (RC) Refer to §
All fasteners Visually examine for correct fastening. 100 or daily1) 3.5

1) Whatever comes first.

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 23
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2.6.3 Replace the hinge plate

Disassemble the hinge plate

1. Remove the automatic release arm.

Refer to the original operation and
maintenance manual.
2. Remove:
a. the fasteners (A);
b. the hinge plate (B).


Assemble the hinge plate

1. Assemble all items in reverse order of disassembly.
2. Tighten all fasteners. Refer to PRT_SUP_27531.

24 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
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2.7 Service arrangement yoke coupling MK1205

2.7.1 Overview of the yoke coupling

B 20634

A Split pin(s)
B Bearing bush(es)
C Wear bush(es)

2.7.2 Maintenance tasks on the yoke coupling

Item Task Limit (RC) Refer to §
All fasteners Visually examine for correct fastening. 100 or daily 3.5
Split pin(s) Examine the condition 100 or daily1) 2.1.3
Bearing bush(es) Examine the condition 30.000 or yearly1) 2.1.3
Wear bush(es) Examine the condition 30.000 or yearly 2.1.3

1) Whatever comes first

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 25
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2.7.3 Replace the hinge plate

Disassemble the hinge plate

1. Remove:
a. the split pins (A);
b. the fasteners (B).



Assemble the hinge plate

1. Assemble all items in reverse order of disassembly.
2. Tighten all fasteners. Refer to PRT_SUP_27531.

26 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
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2.8 Shoulder restraint

This section describes the additional examinations for the existing chassis.

For the remaining examinations refer to the original operation and maintenance

2.8.1 Maintenance tasks on the restraint system

Item Task Limit (RC) Refer to §
1) 2)
Ratchet shaft Examine for indications: PT or MT. 30.000 or yearly 2.8.2
Examine for indications: VT.3) 30.000 or yearly2) 3.3

1) Examine 25% of the items. If applicable, examine the rejection dimensions according to §
3.3. Make sure that all items are examined every 120.000 ride cycles or 4 years.
2) Whatever comes first.
3) Remaining items.

2.8.2 Examine the ratchet shaft for indications.

1. Examine the ratchet shaft (A) for
indications. Refer to § 3.3. B

2. Examine the tooth segment (B) for

indications. Refer to § 3.3.


OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 27
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2.9 Replaceable solid wheel carrier

The replaceable solid wheel carrier can be used for all MK1200/ 1205 trains.

2.9.1 Overview of the replaceable solid wheel carrier




A Wheel carrier frame

B Safety pin
C Fasteners

28 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
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2.9.2 Maintenance tasks on the replaceable solid wheel carrier

Item Task Limit (RC) Refer to §
Fasteners safety Visually examine for correct fastening. 700 or weekly 3.5
Wheel carrier Visually examine for indications: VT. 2.500 or monthly1) 3.5
Visually examine the paintwork for 2.500 or monthly1) 3.5
Wheel carrier Visually examine complete for 30.000 or yearly1) 3.3
frames indications: VT
Measure the rejection dimensions. 30.000 or yearly1) 2.9.3
Examine for indications: PT or MT. Special1) 2) 3.3

1) Whatever comes first.

2) Examine 25% of the items every 30.000 or yearly, started after the first 120.000 ride cycles
or 4 years of operation. Make sure that all items are examined every 120.000 or every 4

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 29
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2.9.3 Rejection dimensions

The rejection dimensions of the solid wheel carrier frames are mentioned in the
table below.






Description Dimension Rejection criteria

Inner diameter bore outer bearing B ≥ Ø 90.925 mm
Inner diameter bore inner bearing C ≥ Ø 100.048 mm
Outer diameter wheel carrier frame D ≤ Ø 126.840 mm
Outer diameter bore wheel carrier frame E ≥ Ø 38.290 mm

30 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
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2.9.4 Replace the replaceable solid wheel carrier

Disassemble the replaceable solid wheel carrier

1. Remove the up-stop brackets and

Refer to the existing manual.
2. Remove: SECTION P-P

a. the fasteners (A); P P

b. the safety pin (B);
3. Remove the wheel carrier frame (C) of
the main axle.

Note 6014

Refer to the existing manual.

Assemble the replaceable solid wheel carrier

1. Assemble the items in reverse order of disassembly.
2. Lubricate stationary fitting surfaces. Refer to § 3.2.1.
3. Tighten all fasteners. Refer to PRT_SUP_27531.

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 31
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32 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
Technical Data

3 Technical Data
3.1 Surface protection / paint system

3.1.1 General
• Do not paint holes with a tolerance  H12 or  ± 0.2 mm and thread holes.
• Coat untreated areas with protective agent “”. Refer to § 3.2.2.
• Colour of the finish layer: according to the customer specifications.
• For damaged paint surfaces: follow the procedures below.

3.1.2 Surface preparation

There are 2 surface preparation types permitted:
• Grit blasting
• Zinc phosphating

The applied type of surface preparation is stated on a VRM QC-68 sheet.

Grit blasting
• Grit blast the surfaces to be painted according to the cleaning standard: SA2,5
according to ISO-8501-1.
If grit blasting is not possible, brush the surface according to the cleaning
standard SA2,5 of ISO-8501-1.
• Protect (machined) surfaces that will not be painted.

Zinc phosphating
• Degrease, pickle, zinc phosphate and passivate the whole metal part.
• Rinse the part between and after the chemical process steps.
• Conversion layer thickness: 3 - 5 μm.
• Also coat the surfaces that will not be painted.
• Surface roughness, as stated in VRM drawings, may not increase due to
coarse crystalline structure of zinc phosphate conversion layer.

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 33
Technical Data

3.1.3 Body (train)

• In case of small scratches on the surface, use a mild cleaning solution (e.g. a
regular car cleaner).
• If the damages or scratches are too large, contact VRP&S.

3.1.4 Paint specification - train


Layer Type Thickness [μm]

Primer coat Dft. Hempadur Hi-build 45143 80 - 100
Topcoat Dft. Hempathane topcoat 55210 40 - 60

34 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
Technical Data

3.2 Agents
Obey the instructions of the manufacturer of the agent.

3.2.1 Lubricants
The lubricants as specified in this section are advised lubricants. The use of a
alternative lubricants is allowed except lubricants used in the bearings of the
wheels (road wheel, guide wheel and up-stop wheel).

Track parts

Part Item Lubricant

Fasteners, when no lubricant is specified. Interflon HT1200
Stationary fittings Interflon LS1/2

Train parts

Part Item Lubricant

Fasteners, when no lubricant is specified. Interflon HT1200
Stationary fittings Interflon LS 1/2

3.2.2 Protective agents


Item Manufacture / Type Used as:

A Dinitrol 25B Rust-preventive coating
B Castrol Rustilo DWX 32 Rust-preventive coating
C 3M 08909 Rust-preventive coating
D Dinitrol Penetrant 1000 Rust-preventive coating

3.2.3 Solvents

Item Manufacture / Type Used for:

A Degrease spray General purpose
B Loctite 7063 Superclean Degreasing of thread
C Sika Cleaner 205 Cleaner for padding
D Sika primer 210 Primer for metal and padding
E Sika primer 215 Primer for polyester
F Sika remover 208 Removing excessive Sikaflex 252
G Dry cleaning naphta Removing corrosion preventive layer
H Sika primer 210 T Primer for metal and padding

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 35
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3.2.4 Lubrication procedure for stationary fittings

1. Clean the parts. Use a clean cloth.

2. Degrease the threads and the contact surfaces of the stationary fittings. Use
solvent ‘B’. Refer to § 3.2.3.
3. Lightly lubricate the contact surfaces between the stationary fittings.

36 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
Technical Data

3.3 Non destructive testing (NDT)

According to the maintenance task lists, parts of the amusement ride must be
inspected by means of a NDT examination.
In this section general information is given on how to proceed when NDT
examination is required. For more information contact VRP&S.

3.3.1 Related codes and standards for machined parts

• Make sure that the whole surface of a part is free from paint and the complete
surface is subject to NDT examination.
• Ferro-Magnetic metals shall be inspected by Magnetic Testing (MT).
Dry Magnetic Testing (with use of powders) is not allowed.
• Non-Ferro-Magnetic metals shall be inspected by Penetrant Testing (PT).
• X4CrNiMo16-5-1 (Remanit) shall be inspected as Ferro-magnetic metals (MT).
Only for this material is a re-inspection by Penetrant Testing (PT) allowed.
Possible cause of indications found during MT: difference in magnetic
permeability due to the material structure (incomplete conversion of austenite
in martensite).

Ferro magnetic metals (MT) Non ferro magnetic metals (PT)

Material1) Material1)
S355J2 +N EN AW 5083 H111
S355J2 EN AW 5083 H321
S355J0 EN AW 6082 T651
S235JR EN AW 5083 O
S355J2H EN AW 6082 T6
S235JRC+C EN AW 6060 T66
42 CrNiMo 4 +QT EN AW 7075 T6
34 CrNiMo 6 +QT EN AW 6082 T651
30 CrNiMo 8 +QT X5CrNi18-10
16MnCr5 X2CrNiMo 17-12-2
10.9 Geomet
APi 5L gr.B
1) For used materials in the amusement ride refer to ‘PRT’.

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 37
Technical Data

Inspect parts in accordance with the standards below:


NDT method Codes Acceptance

MT (Magnetic Testing) EN 10228-1 Class 4
PT (Penetrant Testing) EN 10228-2 Class 4

1) Although EN-10228-2 is meant to be used for steel forgings, this code is also applicable for
penetrant testing of all non-ferro-magnetic metal VRM parts.

Make sure that the NDT personnel is certified according to one of the codes
mentioned in the table.

Codes Level of certification NDT method

EN 473 II PT, MT
ISO 9712 II PT, MT

3.3.2 Related codes and standards for welded parts

Inspect parts in accordance with the standards below:
• Only if examination is not possible due to the specific material or geometry,
PT is allowed using the same percentages.
• Dry Magnetic Testing (with use of powders) is not allowed.

Inspect parts in accordance with the standards below:


NDT method Codes Codes Acceptance

(Examination) (Acceptance level) level
VT (Visual Testing) - No indication allowed
PT (Penetrant Testing) ISO 3452-1 ISO 23277 1
ISO 3452-1 NB/T470131) 1
MT (Magnetic Testing) ISO 17638 ISO 23278 1
UT (Ultrasonic Testing) ISO 17640 ISO 11666 2
RT (Radiographic Testing) ISO 17636 ISO 10675 1

1) Only applicable for amusement ride installed in China.

Make sure that the NDT personnel is certified according to one of the codes
mentioned in the table.

Codes Level of certification NDT method

EN 473 II VT, PT, MT, UT, RT
ISO 9712 II VT, PT, MT, UT, RT
AWS D1.1 Certified Weld Inspector (CWI) VT

38 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
Technical Data

3.3.3 Inspection procedure

Contact VRP&S if indications are found.

1. Disassemble the part.
2. Remove moisture, oil, grease and dirt.
3. Remove the paint (not necessary for VT examination), e.g. by sand blast or
with the help of a liquid paint remover. Do not use steel grit blast. Make sure
that the whole surface is free from paint.
4. Remove any slag and spatter (if still present) from welded joints.

1. Inspect the part or weld according to the applicable NDT method.
a. the inspection company shall use their own NDT procedure. The
applicable procedure must be referring to the relevant EN- or ISO
b. The used NDT procedure must be approved by an inspector, qualified and
certified to EN 473 / ISO 9712 level III or ASNT-TC-1A level III.
2. Only for VT on welds:
a. Pay special attention to indications or signs of corrosion in the paint.
b. If indications are found or if there is any doubt, check all welds with the
same function and / or the area near the indications by PT or MT.
3. Only for VT on parts: If indications are found or if there is any doubt, check all
parts with the same function by PT or MT.
4. If indications are found, replace the part or repair the weld.
5. Fill out all the inspections and repairs performed on parts of the amusement
6. Use the inspection and repair list, both added in the logbook.

1. Paint the part.
2. Assemble the part.
3. Re-apply the rust preventive coating to all parts. Refer to TS-S01 and TS-S05.

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 39
Technical Data

3.4 Rejection values for wear parts

All parts are subject to wear. Parts can be split up into critical parts and less critical
parts. A limited maximum wear applies, in order to guarantee sufficient strength
and proper functioning.

3.4.1 Procedure

1. Disassemble the part before you measure it. Exception: measure the
dimensions of wear bushes and bearing bushes before disassembly.
2. Refer to the parts list drawings (PRT_27531) for the rejection dimensions.

3.4.2 Critical parts

All critical rejection values are specified in the drawings that are added in the parts

3.4.3 Less critical parts

A less critical part is a part that does not move in relation to another part, e.g. a
spindle - bore connection. Determine the rejection values by measuring the play
between the spindles and the bore.
• in the areas where it is placed in a stationary bore;

Diameter spindle [mm] Maximum play between spindle and bore [mm]
< 30 0.10
30 diameter 60 0.15
> 60 0.20

• on the position where it is mounted into a bearing.


Diameter spindle [mm] Maximum play between spindle and bore [mm]
< 30 0.20
30 diameter 60 0.30
> 60 0.40

Reject the part if the play exceeds the value, shown in the table.

40 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
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The spindle must be checked at four
positions (A through D). Each position
requires two dimensional checks, the first
one at 0º and the second one at 90º.




OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 41
Technical Data

3.5 Fasteners and torques

In this section you will find the general requirements as well as assembly
instructions for fasteners.

3.5.1 Assembly requirements

• Use a torque wrench which offers a suitable operating range.
• Torque wrench must be checked for accuracy once every operating season.
• Hand or power operated wrenches may be used. Impact wrenches may be
used for the first step of tightening for each bolt.
• The tightening torque shall be applied continuously and smoothly.
• The tightening of assemblies shall be in accordance with the following steps:
- first tightening step: the wrench shall be set to a torque value which may be
selected at random, but has to be lower as the final torque value (preferred
is 75%). The first step shall be completed for all bolts in one connection prior
to commencement of the second step;
- second tightening step: the wrench shall be set to the torque value specified
on the assembly drawing. When no torque is specified on drawing, use the
torque value mentioned in the tables in this chapter, referring to the correct
fastener combination.
• The torque should be applied and measured at the nut. never at the head of the
bolt, unless the bolt is mounted into a threaded hole.
• If bolts that have been secured with an adhesive binding (e.g. Loctite 243)
appear to be loose (e.g. broken torque stripe), completely remove them for
adequate cleaning. Also clean the threaded hole, using the appropriate tap.
• By disassembling a vehicle and or an equipment bolt connection, greater or
equal to M8, always replace the bolt/ nut and washer.
• By disassembling a structural bolt connection, greater or equal to M10, always
replace the bolt/nut and washer.
• Never replace fasteners with parts of a lesser grade, or different lengths than

3.5.2 Lubrication
• Lubricate, unless otherwise stated in the operation and maintenance manual
(OMM) or on the drawings (PRT).Use Interflon HT1200:
- All fasteners M6 including lock nuts
• Do not lubricated fasteners:
- that are locked against rotation using Loctite. (Secondary property of loctite
is lubrication, so use the torque value “as lubricated” when using Loctite).

42 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
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3.5.3 Torque striping

• Torqued fasteners need o be torque-

striped after applying the correct
• A continuous stripe of torque seal /
paint have to be applied from the center
of the bolt, via the sides of the nut or
bolt head, over the washer, extending a
minimum of 6 mm onto the solid part.
The torque stripe has to be applied on
the head or nut, depending on which
orientation is most clearly visible during
a visual inspection (refer to figure).

3.5.4 Checking
• After the first 100 hours of operation all bolted connections must be re-torqued:
- if new bolts have been installed.
- if a ride has been taken into operation after release of this notification.
- Except for connections secured with loctite.
• Once a bolted connection has been torqued, for confirmation it is required to re-
apply bolt stripes to the nut-thread-bolt combination.

3.5.5 HV Fasteners
1. Mount the washers (A) underneath the
nut (B) and the head of the bolt (C),
with the chamfer to the outside.
2. Torque the lock nut (D) (DIN 7967).
Torque: Hand tight.
3. For HV bolt connections always use
complete sets.

10.9 HV


OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 43
Technical Data

3.5.6 Torque and clamp loads

Torque and clamps loads for 8.8 no lubricate bolt connections

Quality 8.8
Material Steel
Finishing Zinc plated / Geomet*5 / Hot Dip *6
Lubricaon Not lubricated
Nordlock ST DP Nordlock ST DP
295-350 HV Socket Thin Head Socket Buon
[NL..] *3 [NL..SP] *3 Countersunk*2
Cap*2 Head Cap*2
Clamp material (stainless steel) Aluminium FRP (stainless steel) Aluminium
Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp
[Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load
D [mm] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn]
M4 5 - - - - - 3.1 3.5 3.1 3.5 3.5 - 3.5 - 3.5 -
M5 6 - - - - - 6 5.6 6 5.6 4.2 - 4.2 - 4.2 -
M6 10 - - - - - 10.5 8 10.5 8 7 - 7 - 7 -
M8 25 16 17.5 - 17.5 - 25 15 25 15 18 - 18 - 18 -
M10 49 26 34.3 - 34.3 - 50 23 50 23 34 - 34 - 34 -
M12 84 37 58.8 - 58.8 - 85 33 85 33 59 - 59 - 59 -
M14 - - - - - - 136 46 136 46 - - - - - -
M16 206 71 144.2 - 144.2 - 208 62 208 62 144 - 144 - 144 -
M18 - - - - - - 291 76 291 76 - - - - - -
M20 402 111 281.4 - 281.4 - 408 97 408 97 281 - 281 - 281 -
M22 539 138 377.3 - 377.3 - 557 120 557 120 377 - 377 - 377 -
M24 696 160 487.2 - 487.2 - 703 140 703 140 487 - 487 - 487 -
M27 1030 210 721 - 721 - 1028 182 1028 182 721 - 721 - 721 -
M30 1422 257 995.4 - 995.4 - 1401 222 1401 222 995 - 995 - 995 -
M33 1977 326 1383.9 - 1383.9 - 1889 275 1889 275 1384 - 1384 - 1384 -
M36 2524 382 1766.8 - 1766.8 - 2436 324 2436 324 1767 - 1767 - 1767 -
Standard EN 13814 EN 13814 (70%) EN 13814 (70%) Nordlock Nordlock EN 13814 (70%) EN 13814 (70%) EN 13814 (70%)

*1 For lubricaon use Interflon HT1200. When using locte use the torque value as lubricated
*2 Due to geometry of the head these bolts have a reduced strenght and so reduced moment of torque
*3 Do not use nordlock washers on painted surfaces despite the specificaon of Nordlock because of the capillary working on the paint surface around holes
*4 For torque value in lbs, mulply with factor 0.737
*5 When using geomet coated bolts, use torque value as lubricated
*6 When using HDG bolt connecons the faque strenght will be reduced by 20% ID4049

Torque and clamps loads for 8.8 lubricate bolt connections

Quality 8.8
Material Steel
Finishing Zinc plated / Geomet*5 / Hot Dip *6
Lubricaon Lubricated*1
Nordlock ST DP Nordlock ST DP
295-350 HV Socket Thin Head Socket Buon
[NL..] *3 [NL..SP] *3 Countersunk*2
Cap*3 Head Cap*2
Clamp material (stainless steel) Aluminium FRP (stainless steel) Aluminium
Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp
[Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]* 4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load
D [mm] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn]
M4 4 - 2.8 - 2.8 - 4.4 4.2 4.4 4.2 2.8 - 2.8 - 2.8 -
M5 5 - 3.5 - 3.5 - 8 6.8 8 6.8 3.5 - 3.5 - 3.5 -
M6 8 - 5.6 - 5.6 - 13.2 9.7 13.2 9.7 6 - 6 - 6 -
M8 20 - 14 - 14 - 30 18 30 18 14 - 14 - 14 -
M10 39 - 27.3 - 27.3 - 49 28 49 28 27 - 27 - 27 -
M12 70 35 49 - 49 - 83 40 83 40 49 - 49 - 49 -
M14 - - - - - - 131 55 131 55 - - - - - -
M16 170 70 119 - 119 - 197 75 197 75 119 - 119 - 119 -
M18 - - - - - - 275 92 275 92 - - - - - -
M20 300 110 210 - 210 - 382 118 382 118 210 - 210 - 210 -
M22 450 130 315 - 315 - 517 146 517 146 315 - 315 - 315 -
M24 600 150 420 - 420 - 652 169 652 169 420 - 420 - 420 -
M27 900 200 630 630 945 221 945 221 630 630 630
M30 1200 245 840 - 840 - 1286 269 1286 269 840 - 840 - 840 -
M33 - - - - - - 1722 333 1722 333 0 - 0 - 0 -
M36 2100 355 1470 - 1470 - 2219 392 2219 392 1470 - 1470 - 1470 -
Standard EN 1993-1-8 EN 1993-1-8 (70%) EN 1993-1-8 (70%) Nordlock Nordlock EN 1993-1-8 (70%) EN 1993-1-8 (70%) EN 1993-1-8 (70%)

*1 For lubricaon use Interflon HT1200. When using locte use the torque value as lubricated
*2 Due to geometry of the head these bolts have a reduced strenght and so reduced moment of torque
*3 Do not use nordlock washers on painted surfaces despite the specificaon of Nordlock because of the capillary working on the paint surface around holes
*4 For torque value in lbs, mulply with factor 0.737
*5 When using geomet coated bolts, use torque value as lubricated
*6 When using HDG bolt connecons the faque strenght will be reduced by 20% ID4050

44 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
Technical Data

Torque and clamps loads for 10.9 no lubricate bolt connections

Quality 10.9
Material Steel
Finishing Geomet*5 / Hot Dip *6
Lubricaon Not lubricated
Nordlock ST DP Nordlock ST DP
295-350 HV Socket Thin Head Socket Buon
[NL..] *3 [NL..SP] *3 Countersunk*2
Cap*2 Head Cap*2
Clamp material (stainless steel) Aluminium FRP (stainless steel) Aluminium
Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp
[Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]* 4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load
D [mm] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn]
M4 7.5 - 5.25 - 5.25 - N.A. N.A. - - 5.3 - 5.3 - 5.3 -
M5 8.5 - 5.95 - 5.95 - N.A. N.A. - - 6.0 - 6.0 - 6.0 -
M6 14.5 - 10.15 - 10.15 - N.A. N.A. - - 10 - 10 - 10 -
M8 35 23 24.5 - 24.5 - N.A. N.A. - - 25 - 25 - 25 -
M10 69 37 48.3 - 48.3 - N.A. N.A. - - 48 - 48 - 48 -
M12 120 50 84 - 84 - N.A. N.A. - - 84 - 84 - 84 -
M14 - - - - - - N.A. N.A. - - - - - - - -
M16 350 100 245 - 245 - N.A. N.A. - - 245 - 245 - 245 -
M18 - - - - - - N.A. N.A. - - - - - - - -
M20 600 160 420 - 420 - N.A. N.A. - - 420 - 420 - 420 -
M22 900 - 630 - 630 - N.A. N.A. - - 630 - 630 - 630 -
M24 1100 220 770 - 770 - N.A. N.A. - - 770 - 770 - 770 -
M27 1650 290 1155 - 1155 - N.A. N.A. - - 1155 - 1155 - 1155 -
M30 2200 350 1540 - 1540 - N.A. N.A. - - 1540 - 1540 - 1540 -
M33 2784 459 1948.8 - 1948.8 - N.A. N.A. - - 1949 - 1949 - 1949 -
M36 3340 510 2338 - 2338 - N.A. N.A. - - 2338 - 2338 - 2338 -
Standard EN 13814 EN 13814 (70%) EN 13814 (70%) Nordlock Nordlock EN 13814 (70%) EN 13814 (70%) EN 13814 (70%)

*1 For lubricaon use Interflon HT1200. When using locte use the torque value as lubricated
*2 Due to geometry of the head these bolts have a reduced strenght and so reduced moment of torque
*3 Do not use nordlock washers on painted surfaces despite the specificaon of Nordlock because of the capillary working on the paint surface around holes
*4 For torque value in lbs, mulply with factor 0.737
*5 When using geomet coated bolts, use torque value as lubricated
*6 When using HDG bolt connecons the faque strenght will be reduced by 20% ID4051

Torque and clamps loads for 10.9 lubricate bolt connections

Quality 10.9
Material Steel
Finishing Geomet*5 / Hot Dip *6
Lubricaon Lubricated*1
Nordlock ST DP Nordlock ST DP
295-350 HV Socket Thin Head Socket Buon
[NL..] *3 [NL..SP] *3 Countersunk*2
Cap*3 Head Cap*2
Clamp material (stainless steel) Aluminium FRP (stainless steel) Aluminium
Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp
[Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load
D [mm] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn]
M4 5.5 - 3.85 - 3.85 - 7 5.9 7 5.9 3.9 - 3.9 - 3.9 -
M5 6.5 - 4.55 - 4.55 - 12.5 9.6 12.5 9.6 4.6 - 4.6 - 4.6 -
M6 11.5 - 8.05 - 8.05 - 20.1 13.6 20.1 13.6 8 - 8 - 8 -
M8 28 - 19.6 - 19.6 - 44 25 44 25 20 - 20 - 20 -
M10 55 - 38.5 - 38.5 - 73 39 73 39 39 - 39 - 39 -
M12 100 50 70 - 70 - 121 57 121 57 70 - 70 - 70 -
M14 - - - - - - 188 78 188 78 - - - - - -
M16 250 100 175 - 175 - 281 106 281 106 175 - 175 - 175 -
M18 - - - - - - 388 130 388 130 - - - - - -
M20 450 160 315 - 315 - 534 165 534 165 315 - 315 - 315 -
M22 - - - - - - 719 205 719 205 0 - 0 - 0 -
M24 800 220 560 - 560 - 902 238 902 238 560 - 560 - 560 -
M27 1250 290 875 875 1297 310 1297 310 875 875 875
M30 1650 350 1155 - 1155 - 1755 378 1755 378 1155 - 1155 - 1155 -
M33 - - - - - - 2340 468 2340 468 0 - 0 - 0 -
M36 2800 510 1960 - 1960 - 3003 551 3003 551 1960 - 1960 - 1960 -
Standard EN 1993-1-8 EN 1993-1-8 (70%) EN 1993-1-8 (70%) Nordlock Nordlock EN 1993-1-8 (70%) EN 1993-1-8 (70%) EN 1993-1-8 (70%)

*1 For lubricaon use Interflon HT1200. When using locte use the torque value as lubricated
*2 Due to geometry of the head these bolts have a reduced strenght and so reduced moment of torque
*3 Do not use nordlock washers on painted surfaces despite the specificaon of Nordlock because of the capillary working on the paint surface around holes
*4 For torque value in lbs, mulply with factor 0.737
*5 When using geomet coated bolts, use torque value as lubricated
*6 When using HDG bolt connecons the faque strenght will be reduced by 20% ID4052

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 45
Technical Data

Torque and clamps loads for stainless steel no lubricate bolt connections
Quality A2/A4-70/80
Material Stainless steel
Lubricaon Not lubricated
Nordlock ST DP Nordlock ST DP
295-350 HV Socket Thin Head Socket Buon
[NL..] *3 [NL..SP] *3 Countersunk*2
Cap*2 Head Cap*2
Clamp material (stainless steel) Aluminium FRP (stainless steel) Aluminium
Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp
[Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load
D [mm] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn]
M4 3.2 - 2.24 - 1.568 - 3.1 3.5 3.1 3.5 2.2 - 2.2 - 2.2 -
M5 4.2 - 2.94 - 2.058 - 6 5.6 6 5.6 2.9 - 2.9 - 2.9 -
M6 7.4 - 5.18 - 3.626 - 10.5 8 10.5 8 5 - 5 - 5 -
M8 18 - 12.6 - 8.82 - 25 15 25 15 13 - 13 - 13 -
M10 36 - 25.2 - 17.64 - 50 23 50 23 25 - 25 - 25 -
M12 62 - 43.4 - 30.38 - 85 33 85 33 43 - 43 - 43 -
M14 - - - - - - 136 46 136 46 - - - - - -
M16 150 - 105 - 73.5 - 208 62 208 62 105 - 105 - 105 -
M18 - - - - - - 291 76 291 76 - - - - - -
M20 303 - 212.1 - 148.47 - 408 97 408 97 212 - 212 - 212 -
M22 227 - 158.9 - 11.23 - 557 120 557 120 159 - 159 - 159 -
M24 290 - 203 - 142.1 - 703 140 703 140 203 - 203 - 203 -
M27 410 - 287 - 200.9 - 1028 182 1028 182 287 - 287 - 287 -
M30 556 - 389.2 - 272.44 - 1401 222 1401 222 389 - 389 - 389 -
M33 - - - - - - 1889 275 1889 275 - - - - - -
M36 - - - - - - 2436 324 2436 324 - - - - - -
Standard ?? ?? (70%) ?? (70%) Nordlock Nordlock ?? (70%) ?? (70%) ?? (70%)

*1 For lubricaon use Interflon HT1200. When using locte use the torque value as lubricated
*2 Due to geometry of the head these bolts have a reduced strenght and so reduced moment of torque
*3 Do not use nordlock washers on painted surfaces despite the specificaon of Nordlock because of the capillary working on the paint surface around holes
*4 For torque value in lbs, mulply with factor 0.737
*5 When using geomet coated bolts, use torque value as lubricated
*6 When using HDG bolt connecons the faque strenght will be reduced by 20% ID4053

Torque and clamps loads for stainless steel lubricate bolt connections
Quality A2/A4-70/80
Material Steel
Lubricaon Lubricated*1
Nordlock ST DP Nordlock ST DP
295-350 HV Socket Thin Head Socket Buon
[NL..] *3 [NL..SP] *3 Countersunk*2
Cap*3 Head Cap*2
Clamp material (stainless steel) Aluminium FRP (stainless steel) Aluminium
Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp Torque Clamp
[Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]* 4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load [Nm]*4 load
D [mm] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn] [Kn]
M4 2.4 - 1.68 - 1.176 - 4.4 4.2 4.4 4.2 1.7 - 1.7 - 1.7 -
M5 3.4 - 2.38 - 1.666 - 8 6.8 8 6.8 2.4 - 2.4 - 2.4 -
M6 5.9 - 4.13 - 2.891 - 13.2 9.7 13.2 9.7 4 - 4 - 4 -
M8 14.5 - 10.15 - 7.105 - 30 18 30 18 10 - 10 - 10 -
M10 30 - 21 - 14.7 - 49 28 49 28 21 - 21 - 21 -
M12 50 - 35 - 24.5 - 83 40 83 40 35 - 35 - 35 -
M14 - - - - - - 131 55 131 55 - - - - - -
M16 121 - 84.7 - 52.29 - 197 75 197 75 85 - 85 - 85 -
M18 - - - - - - 275 92 275 92 - - - - - -
M20 244 - 170.8 - 119.56 - 382 118 382 118 171 - 171 - 171 -
M22 182 - 127.4 - 89.18 - 517 146 517 146 127 - 127 - 127 -
M24 234 - 163.8 - 114.66 - 652 169 652 169 164 - 164 - 164 -
M27 328 229.6 160.72 945 221 945 221 230 230 230
M30 445 - 311.5 - 218.05 - 1286 269 1286 269 312 - 312 - 312 -
M33 - - - - - - 1722 333 1722 333 - - - - - -
M36 - - - - - - 2219 392 2219 392 - - - - - -
Standard EN 1993-1-8 EN 1993-1-8 (70%) EN 1993-1-8 (70%) Nordlock Nordlock EN 1993-1-8 (70%) EN 1993-1-8 (70%) EN 1993-1-8 (70%)

*1 For lubricaon use Interflon HT1200. When using locte use the torque value as lubricated
*2 Due to geometry of the head these bolts have a reduced strenght and so reduced moment of torque
*3 Do not use nordlock washers on painted surfaces despite the specificaon of Nordlock because of the capillary working on the paint surface around holes
*4 For torque value in lbs, mulply with factor 0.737
*5 When using geomet coated bolts, use torque value as lubricated
*6 When using HDG bolt connecons the faque strenght will be reduced by 20% ID4054

46 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
Technical Data

Torque and clamps loads for HV lubricate bolt connections

Quality 10.9 HV Bolts

Material Steel
Finishing Hot Dip Galvnized *5 *6
Lubricaon Lubricated*1
295-350 HV
Clamp material (stainless steel)
Torque Clamp
[Nm]*4 *6 load
D [mm] [Kn]
M4 N.A. N.A.
M5 N.A. N.A.
M6 N.A. N.A.
M8 N.A. N.A.
M10 N.A. N.A.
M12 100 50
M14 N.A. N.A.
M16 250 100
M18 N.A. N.A.
M20 450 160
M22 N.A. N.A.
M24 800 220
M27 1250 290
M30 1650 350
M33 N.A. N.A.
M36 2800 510
Standard EN 1993-1-8

*1 For lubricaon use Interflon HT1200. When using locte use the torque value as lubricated
*2 Due to geometry of the head these bolts have a reduced strenght and so reduced moment of torque
*3 Do not use nordlock washers on painted surfaces despite the specificaon of Nordlock because of the capillary working on the paint surface around holes
*4 For torque value in lbs, mulply with factor 0.737
*5 When using geomet coated bolts, use torque value as lubricated
*6 When using HDG bolt connecons the faque strenght will be reduced by 20%

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 47
Technical Data

3.5.7 Manual check procedure

1. The minimum adjustment of the torque wrench should be equal to the values
given in the maintenance manual and/or applicable drawings. When no torque
is specified, use the values in the tables refer to § 3.5.6. The maximum
adjustment of the torque wrench may not go beyond 105% minimum
adjustment. Number of bolts to be checked: based on sequential sampling
plan type B, according to EN1090-2 and ISO 2859-5.
2. Inspection of installed fasteners and/or methods of installation shall be
undertaken depending on the tightening method that is used. The locations
shall be selected on a random basis, ensuring that the sampling covers the
following variables as appropriate.
3. For the purpose of the inspection, a bolt group is defined as bolt assemblies of
the same origin in similar connections with the bolt assemblies of the same
size and class. A large bolt group may be sub divided into a number of
subgroups for inspection purpose.
4. the number of bolt assemblies inspected in a structure shall be as followed:
a. 5% for the first step and 10% for the second step of the combined
method. For the steps refer to § 3.5.1.
5. Determine the angular displacement of the torque wrench. Refer to table and
sequential sampling plan type B, according to EN1090-2 and ISO 2859-5 for
further steps.

Angular displacement Torque value Action

< 15° Correct No action
> 15° Insufficient bolt under tightened, retighten bolt.

6. if the inspection leads to a rejection, all the bolting assemblies in the bolt
(sub)group shall be choked and corrective actions shall be taken.

48 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
Technical Data

3.5.8 Torque fasteners rail pipe coupling and “welded neck flange”

All Torques are in Nm (values apply to lubricated fasteners

ZP- Zinc Plated HDG= Hot Dip Galvanised HV = High strength bolts
Quality 10.9 (HDG)
Bolt size Rail pipe coupling bolt 1) “welded neck flange” 2)
M 20 450 -
M 24 800 650
M 27 1250 950
M30 - 1170
M33 - 2080


1) Rail
pipe coupling
A Rail pipe coupling A
B Rail pipe coupling bolts
C Locking plate


2) Typical ‘welded neck’ flange bolt connection in

track backbone


OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 49
Technical Data

3.5.9 Values apply to anchor nuts without pretension bus


All torques are in Nm (Values apply to no lubricated fasteners)

ZP = Zinc plated HDG = Hot Dip Galvanized HV = High strength structural bolts
Quality: 5 5
Bolt size First nut (A) Second nut (B)
M 16 24 12
M 20 46 23
M 24 79 39
M 27 116 58
M 30 158 79
M 36 274 137
M 42 437 219
M 48 659 330
M 52 850 425
M 56 1052 526
M 64 1567 783


Anchor nuts
A First nut
B Second nut


50 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
Technical Data

3.5.10 Values apply to anchor nuts with pretension bus


All torques are in Nm (Values apply to no lubricated fasteners)

ZP = Zinc plated HDG = Hot Dip Galvanized HV = High strength structural bolts
Quality: 5 5.8
Bolt size First nut (A) Second nut First nut (A) Second nut
(B) (B)
M 24 75 200 Hand tight 200 Hand tight
M 30 75 400 Hand tight - -
M 36 90 580 Hand tight - -
M 42 120 930 Hand tight 437 Hand tight
M 48 140 1180 Hand tight - -
M 52 140 1832 Hand tight - -


Anchor nuts
A First nut
B Second nut



OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 51
Technical Data

3.5.11 KM locking nuts and MB locking washers

A MB locking washer
B KM locking nut
C Retaining ring

KM lock nuts in combination with MB

locking washers (see the figure) are a
commonly used method for tightening and
securing of spindle connections.
According to the SKF documentation, the
KM locking nuts in combination with MB
locking washers have to be mounted
according in this sequence:
a KM locking nut 2097 B A A B C

b MB locking washer
c MB locking washer
d KM locking nut

This method of mounting the KM locking nuts in combination with the MB locking
washers is sufficient to have a secure and correct locking function. The retention
of this assembly configuration is singular. The retaining ring (C) creates

Improved method

A MB locking washer
B KM locking nut
C Retaining ring
An improved method mounting the KM
locking nuts in combination with MB
locking washers would be in this
a MB locking washer
b KM locking nut
c MB locking washer
d KM locking nut
2098 A B A B C

This method of mounting the KM locking

nuts in combination with the MB locking washers creates a redundancy for
retention despite of the retaining ring (C). This leads to a more secured condition.
This improved method leads to less risk of loosening and less maintenance
interventions. This method is preferred but not required.

52 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02
Technical Data

Exceptions to the improved method

In principle the improved method can always be used, except in these situations:

The inner diameter (X) of the washer which is

mounted below the first KM locking nut is too
large. Thus, the overlap is not sufficient. This is
specified in a general way because of the wide
range of possible applications.



The length of the key way (Y) is too short. In this

case, the MB locking washer cannot be placed



OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 53
Technical Data

3.6 Special tools

The tools listed below are required to carry out maintenance work.

3.6.1 Rejection criteria tool chain dog


54 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02

4 Logbook
4.1 Introduction
This logbook is intended to log all important information of the amusement ride
and also included the inspection sheets for the scheduled maintenance. This
version replaces all previous versions if any.

Make a copy of the empty forms from this logbook. Fill out the copy.

4.2 Availability of data (N.A.)


Type of data Location of the documents Notes

Safety instructions OMM_SUP_27531_EN §1
Description of the amusement ride
Operator instructions
Maintenance / Assembly / Disassembly OMM_SUP27531_EN §2
Periodic safety inspections checklist
including Emergency procedure checklist
Technical Data OMM_SUP_27531_EN §3
OEM documentation
Parts list PRT_SUP_27531_EN -
Engineering calculations Manufacturer’s archive These are no
Listing of components which, if subject to Manufacturer’s archive FMEA reports
failure, could lead to danger (These are no
public documents)
Drawings: - general arrangements, Manufacturer’s archive These are no
assembly - detail or component drawings - publics
electrical wiring diagrams - further documents
drawings (hydraulic, pneumatic, etc.)
Initial examination reports Manufacturer’s archive These are no
Initial design review reports Manufacturer’s archive These are no

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 55

4.3 Name and identification

(free spaces have to be completed by the park)

Manufacturer’s name for the amusement ride: Boomerang

Series or type:
Manufacturer's identification number (serial number) IB27531
and marking:
Initial examination marking:
Manufacturer’s name / address: Vekoma Rides Manufacturing B.V.
Schaapweg 18
6063 BA Vlodrop, The Netherlands
Supplier’s or importer’s name / address (if different from Not Applicable
Date of manufacture:
Date of supply to original purchaser:
Name of amusement ride (if different from
manufacturer’s name):

4.4 Records of ownership

(to be completed by the owner)

Original owner:
Date of transfer ownership:
Transfer of ownership noted by:
(issuing authority)


Next owner:
Date of transfer ownership:
Transfer of ownership noted by:
(issuing authority)
Any conditions of the transfer:

56 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02

4.5 National registrations details

Record of any registration required in terms of national legislation

(to be completed by the park)


State, authorities, etc.:

Registration details and number:
Date / Place:
Condition of registration and authorization:
Comments and signature of the issuing body:


State, authorities, etc.:

Registration details and number:
Date / Place:
Condition of registration and authorization:
Comments and signature of the issuing body:


State, authorities, etc.:

Registration details and number:
Date / Place:
Condition of registration and authorization:
Comments and signature of the issuing body:

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 57

4.6 Records, reports and results of examinations

Record of any registration required in terms of national legislation
(to be completed by the park)

Nature of inspection1) :
Name and address:
Date / Place:
Defect notice issued: Yes: No:
Operation, Permitted under construction:
Not Permitted:
Period of validity of the permit:
See report number / title / date:


Nature of inspection1) :
Name and address:
Date / Place:
Defect notice issued: Yes: No:
Operation, Permitted under construction:
Not Permitted:
Period of validity of the permit:
See report number / title / date:


Nature of inspection1):
Name and address:
Date / Place:
Defect notice issued: Yes: No:
Operation, Permitted under construction:
Not Permitted:
Period of validity of the permit:
See report number / title / date:
1) E.g. general, electric, mechanical, welding, structural, N.D.T. etc.



58 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02

4.7 Record of all unscheduled maintenance

Repair and modification affecting the safety of the amusement ride
(to be completed by the park)

Name and address of person / firm
Details of work carried out:

Replacement / supplier of essential


See report no. / title / date:


Name and address of person / firm
Details of work carried out:

Replacement / supplier of essential


See report no. / title / date:



OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 59

4.8 Revisions
This amusement ride, or its parts, needs a manufacturer's (or its authorized
services) revision, in accordance with the table below. (to be completed by the

Type of revision:

See report no. / title / date:



Type of revision:

See report no. / title / date:


1) Notification / Service Bulletin / Safety Alert / Other



60 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02

4.9 Record of incidents

This record consists of 4 forms: General information, Persons involved,
Witnesses and Other information concerning the incident.

4.9.1 General information


Filled out by:



Name of contact person:

Function of contact person:
Telephone number:
Fax number:
Amusement device involved:
Date and time of incident:
Description of incident:

Name of employees present at the

time of the incident:

Property damage (to the amusement

device or other wise):



OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 61

4.9.2 Persons involved


Person data: Patron / bystander / park employee / other

Male / Female:
Nature of injuries:


Person data: Patron / bystander / park employee / other

Male / Female:
Nature of injuries:


Person data: Patron / bystander / park employee / other

Male / Female:
Nature of injuries:

62 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02

4.9.3 Witnesses

Person data:


Person data:


Person data:


Person data:

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 63

4.9.4 Other information concerning the incident


Weather conditions (wind speed / rain or snow / glaze / temperature):

(Suspected) Cause (Mechanical / electrical / pneumatically /hydraulically / other):

Actions taken after the incident:

Action taken by:


Is the amusement device still in operation? Yes No

Is assistance of Vekoma Rides Manufacturing B.V. required to the opinion Yes No
of the park?

64 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02

4.10 Report list

Record here all reports concerning the amusement ride.

(to be completed by the park)


Report no.: Date: Issued by: Content:




OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 65

4.11 Declaration of Operation Authorization or permit

By order of (Name and address of the applicant):

this authorization for operation of an amusement device is issued in accordance to

the standard [EN 13814] / [ASTM F2291] (latest revisions) and the following
national or European regulations:

Issuing authority: Name:
For a period of / until the date of:
Extended for a period of1)
1) in accordance to [EN 13814] / [ASTM F2291] (latest version) (or further national require-
ments) have been performed and submitted.

4.12 Extension of operation authorization or permit

After a thorough examination, following an inspection by an independent
inspection body or due to the expiration of the authorization for operation, repair or

See detailed report on examination (refer to section 4.6 of this logbook), by order



The authorisation for operation for the amusement device:

For a period of / until the date of1):

1) Is extended in accordance to the standard [EN 13814] / [ASTM F2291] (latest version) and /
or the following laws, national or European regulations.


Issuing authority:

66 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02

4.13 Required maintenance Train

4.13.1 Maintenance every 100 ride cycles or daily1


Name: Date:
Main item Refer to Item Task OK
y n1)
Main axle 2.4.2 All fasteners Visually examine for correct fastening.
Main axle Visually examine all welded joints for
Chain dog 2.5.2 All fasteners Visually examine for correct fastening.
Chain dog Examine for correct functioning
Spring unit Visually examine for damage
Hinge plate 2.6.2 All fasteners Visually examine for correct fastening
Service 2.7.2 All fasteners Visually examine for correct fastening
Split pin(s) Examine the condition
yoke coupling

1) if not OK write here the corrective action:

1 Whatever comes first

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 67

4.13.2 Maintenance every 700 ride cycles or weekly1


Name: Date:
Main item Refer to Item Task OK
y n1)
Chassis MK1212 2.2.2 All chassis Visually examine the indicated areas
type and the welded joints for indications.
Chassis MK1200 2.3.3 All chassis Examine for indications: VT
Main axle 2.4.2 Lock nut Examine for correct fastening.
Main axle Visually examine all welded joints for
Chain dog 2.5.2 Chain dog Examine for deformations and
Visually examine for wear.
Replaceable 2.9.2 Fasteners Visually examine for correct fastening.
solid wheel safety pin

1) if not OK write here the corrective action:

1 Whatever comes first.

68 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02

4.13.3 Maintenance every 2.500 ride cycles or monthly1


Name: Date:
Main item Refer to Item Task OK
y n1)
Chassis MK1212 2.2.2 Paint work Visually examine for damage.
All chassis Examine the indicated welded joints
for indications: PT or MT.
Chassis MK1200 2.3.2 All chassis Examine for indications: PT or MT.
Main axle 2.4.2 Lock nut Examine for correct fastening.
Chain dog 2.5.2 Chain dog Examine the axial play.
Paint work Visually examine for damage
Replaceable 2.9.2 Wheel carrier Visually examine for indications: VT
solid wheel frame
Visually examine the paintwork for

1) if not OK write here the corrective action:

1 Whatever comes first.

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 69

4.13.4 Maintenance 30.000 ride cycles or yearly1


Name: Date:
Main item Refer to Item Task OK
y n1)
Chassis MK112 2.2.2 All chassis Examine the welded joints for
type indications: VT.
Examine the indicated areas and the
welded joints for indications: PT or MT.
Wear parts Measure the rejection dimensions.
Chassis MK1200 2.3.3 All chassis Examine for indications: PT or MT.
Main axle 2.4.2 Vertical Examine for indications: PT or MT.
Wear parts Measure the rejection dimensions.
Chain dog 2.5.2 Dog shaft Examine for indications: PT or MT.
Chain dog Examine for indications: PT or MT
Wear parts Measure the rejection dimensions.
Service 2.7.2 Bearing Examine the conditions.
arrangement bush(es)
yoke coupling
Wear Examine the conditions.
Restraint system 2.8.1 Ratchet shaft Examine for indications: PT or MT.
Examine for indications: VT.
(Remaining items).
Replaceable 2.9.2 Wheel carrier Visually examine complete for
solid wheel frames indications: VT.
Measure the rejection dimensions.

1) if not OK write here the corrective action:

1 Whatever comes first.

70 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02

4.13.5 Maintenance started after 120.000 ride cycles or after the first 4 years1

Name: Date:
Main item Refer to Item Task OK
y n1)
Chassis MK1212 2.2.2 All chassis Examine the welded joints for
type indications: PT or MT.

Main axle 2.4.2 Main axle Examine all welded joints: PT or MT.
Replaceable 2.9.2 Wheel carrier Examine for indications: PT or MT.
solid wheel frames

1) if not OK write here the corrective action:

1 Whatever comes first.

OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02 71

4.13.6 Maintenance 240.000 ride cycles or every 8 years1


Name: Date:
Main item Refer to Item Task OK
y n1)
Main axle 2.4.2 Vertical Replace the vertical spindle.

1) if not OK write here the corrective action:

1 Whatever comes first.

72 OMM_SUP_27531_EN_02

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