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Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd │The Journal of Experimental Biology (2014) 217, 2029-2031


How fire ant architects contacts – reaching out with all six legs to
grip neighbours and receiving eight
Motherhood is no picnic
connect to build balls contacts back to its body – although large for sea otter mums
ants participated in as many as 20 contacts
and the smallest ants participating in only
eight. ‘It turns out that 99% of the legs are
connected to another ant and there are no
free loaders’, says Hu, who admits that he
was impressed by the high degree of

Next Foster digitally removed all of the

limb connections so that he could take a
closer look at the ways that the ants’ bodies Southern sea otter mum and pup. Photo credit:
A network of fire ants. Photo credit: Tim Nowack.
J. Tomoleoni.
packed together, and he was amazed to see
For red fire ants (Solenopsis invicta), rain that instead of clustering together in
parallel, like grains of rice in a jar, the ants Sea otters have voracious appetites, and
gently drumming on the ground is the
had actively oriented their bodies for good reason. As the smallest marine
trigger for a mass exodus. Streaming
perpendicular to each other. ‘They have to mammals, they face unprecedented
from their nest as the water levels rise,
be alive to do that,’ says Hu, adding, ‘It metabolic challenges just to stay warm,
the ants rapidly assemble and grip onto
requires some intelligence, and suggests consuming a quarter of their own body
their nearest neighbours, forming a raft to
that somehow they sense their relative mass each day. And there are times when
carry them to safety. What is more
orientation.’ The duo also analysed how the metabolic demands of sea otter
miraculous is that each individual ant is
denser than water and in danger of closely the ants’ bodies packed together females rocket even further. Nicole
sinking if submerged. However, the ants and realized that the smaller ants were Thometz, from the University of
don’t just draw the line at constructing packing in to fill the gaps between the California at Santa Cruz, USA, explains
rafts: they routinely form bivouacs, larger ants to increase the number of that in addition to the extra cost of
assemble towers and even coalesce into contacts. They also noticed that the ants lactation, the mums must also expend
droplets when swished in a cup. ‘You can were actively pushing on each other, using additional energy while foraging to
consider them as both a fluid and a solid’, their legs like tiny jacks to increase the sustain themselves and their dependents.
explains David Hu from the Georgia distance between neighbours and reduce However, no one knew the true
Institute of Technology, USA, who is the density of the ball. Hu explains that by magnitude of the metabolic burden placed
most interested in the ants because they introducing air pockets between their on sea otter mothers: ‘neither the
are large enough for him to begin to find bodies, the ants increase their water energetic demands of immature sea otters
out how they interact to pull off these repellency and buoyancy, which is why nor the cost of lactation for adult females
remarkable engineering feats. Hu teamed their rafts are so effective. have been quantified’, says Thometz.
up with Paul Foster and Nathan Mlot to Fortunately, Thometz and her colleagues
investigate how balls of living fire ants Finally, Hu and Foster took a closer look at had access to the world’s most successful
self-assemble (p. 2089). the contacts made by individual ants with a sea otter pup rehabilitation program at the
scanning electron microscope and saw that Monterey Bay Aquarium in California,
Gently swirling 110 ants in a beaker to the insects rarely used their mandibles to where they could measure the metabolic
form a sphere, the team then swiftly froze grip on to other ants. Instead they mainly rates of wild sea otter pups while they
the structure in liquid nitrogen and coated used their legs, holding on with hooks on grew, prior to their return to the ocean, to
it in Super Glue™ vapour to preserve the their feet and the sticky pads that allow begin to find out how much of a burden

The Journal of Experimental Biology

minute contacts within, ready for Angela them to walk on vertical surfaces. motherhood is for sea otter females
Lin to visualise the structures in a CT (p. 2053).
scanner. ‘With the CT scan we can focus So, having discovered how fire ants self-
on individual ants and see how they are assemble to form light but stable structures, Measuring the metabolic rates of sea otter
connected to their neighbours’, explains Hu is keen to know how they react to youngsters (ranging from tiny pre-moult
Hu, who adds that processing the images reinforce weak points in structures where pups to juveniles) as they participated in
could only be partially automated because ant architecture could fail. a range of activities from resting to
it is hard to tell where one ant ends and swimming and foraging, the team
another begins. doi:10.1242/jeb.108787 discovered that their daily metabolic
Foster, P. C., Mlot, N. J., Lin, A. and Hu, D. L. (2014).
demands rose from 2.29 MJ day−1 during
However, after months of painstaking Fire ants actively control spacing and orientation the first few weeks after birth to
scrutiny, Foster and Hu discovered that on within self-assemblages. J. Exp. Biol. 217, 2089-2100. 7.41 MJ day−1 when the youngsters were
average, each ant participated in 14 Kathryn Knight about to begin foraging for themselves;

Inside JEB highlights the key developments in The Journal of Experimental Biology. Written by science journalists, the short reports give the
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INSIDE JEB The Journal of Experimental Biology (2014)

even when the animals were beginning to Tree ant family tree ability’, says Yanoviak, adding that the
fend for themselves they continued rest fell helplessly into the water. Of the
returning to mum to supplement their reveals swimming swimmers, 10 proved to be elite athletes
diet. It is only after weaning at 6 months evolution – with Gigantiops destructor notching up
that the mothers are truly free of their top speeds of over 16 cm s−1 – while the
obligation. weakest 10 species eventually lumbered
to safety after slow starts. The duo also
Tallying up the metabolic data, the team analysed the ants’ swimming prowess in
calculated that to supply a pup with a terms of an ant family tree, discovering
staggering total of 930 MJ of energy that the insects have evolved the ability to
through to independence, the female’s swim on four different occasions. And
daily metabolic rate has to escalate by an when the duo compared the ants’
extraordinary 96%. And when the team swimming abilities against their ability to
converted this colossal energy glide, they found that the best gliders
expenditure into the amount of energy tended to be the weakest swimmers.
reserves that a sea otter female would use Pachycondyla sp., a tropical swimming ant.
if unable to increase foraging, they Photo credit: Stephen P. Yanoviak. Next the duo focused on the swimming
realised that she would consume almost techniques of three of the larger species
133% of her own body mass. The only Life in the forest canopy is precarious: (Odontomachus bauri, Pachychondyla
way that sea otters have to make up this lose your footing and you could rule foetida and P. villosa), filming the insects
gigantic metabolic shortfall is to increase yourself out of the evolutionary arms with a high-speed camera at 240 frames s−1
foraging at a time when they are already race. Yet this hazard has not deterred as they zipped across water in a shallow
running near their metabolic limits, many tropical ants from making their rectangular pan. ‘Recording high-speed
stretching an even tighter energy budget homes amongst the branches. In response videos of swimming ants in the lab was
still further. to the risk of taking a tumble, many technically the most challenging part of the
have developed the ability to glide to work’, recalls Yanoviak, adding that the
The team suspects that this extreme safety, although not all are lucky enough ants would invariably stop performing
exertion could account for the poor to land on another tree. Steve Yanoviak, when the filming conditions were perfect.
condition of many sea otter mums and from the University of Louisville, USA, However, after painstaking analysis,
their relatively high mortality rates at the explains that many plummet into water Frederick could see that the swimmers
end of lactation. It could also account for when the rivers below flood. However, were alternately moving one and then the
the relatively high numbers of abandoned when Yanoviak tried dropping tropical other tripod of legs; pulling the front two
pups. Thometz says, ‘Female sea otters ants into water to find out what happened, legs from each tripod through the water to
are thought to utilize a “bet-hedging” he was amazed to see some species propel themselves forward, while using the
strategy, either keeping or abandoning a scuttle across the surface with ease. rear leg from each tripod to provide
pup post-partum [after birth] depending Intrigued, Yanoviak suggested that his stability.
upon physiological factors.’ She explains Master’s student, Dana Frederick, find
that females that are in poor condition out how widespread this swimming Yanoviak and Frederick also wondered
and unlikely to be able to provide for ability is and which swimming whether the immersed insects could
their young are more likely to abandon techniques, if any, the ants favour locate and swim toward dark objects,
their pups after birth to give themselves a (p. 2163). such as trees, that they could climb to
better chance of successfully raising a escape. Placing a 3.8 cm diameter black
pup during the following breeding Fortunately, both Yanoviak and Frederick tube at one of the four compass bearings
attempt. ‘The optimal decision may be to had heads for heights and were unfazed around a child’s play pool, Frederick then
“cut losses”’, says Thometz. And she dangling from climbing ropes in the dropped O. bauri ants into the water and
adds that sea otter mothers may also forest canopy as they collected ants from waited to see which direction they aimed

The Journal of Experimental Biology

choose to wean their young sooner to the branches. ‘Some individual trees may for. Amazingly, 87% of the ants
preserve their health, rather than risk their have 20 or more ant species, so collecting successfully escaped the water by scaling
own survival and subsequent breeding workers of several species was not a the dark pipe, while only 23% of the ants
attempts by investing too heavily in the major obstacle’, recalls Yanoviak, who successfully located a white pipe.
present pup, although this strategy places was also adept at distinguishing between Yanoviak admits that he was surprised by
youngsters that were weaned early at a harmless species and ants that could give the strength of the ants’ attraction to the
greater risk of mortality after a painful sting. dark object, known as scototaxis, and
independence. adds that he is now keen to understand
Having collected 35 species – ranging how predatory fish respond to swimmers
doi:10.1242/jeb.108779 from minute Wasmannia rochai to and non-swimmers that land in the water.
Thometz, N. M., Tinker, M. T., Staedler, M. M., Mayer, gargantuan Paraponera clavata – the duo
K. A. and Williams, T. M. (2014). Energetic returned to the ground and tried gently doi:10.1242/jeb.108795
demands of immature sea otters from birth to
weaning: implications for maternal costs,
dropping the ants from a bridge over a Yanoviak, S. P. and Frederick, D. N. (2014). Water
reproductive behavior and population-level trends. J. flooded region of the forest to see how surface locomotion in tropical canopy ants. J. Exp.
Exp. Biol. 217, 2053-2061. they fared. ‘Over half (57%) of the tested Biol. 217, 2163-2170.
Kathryn Knight species exhibited some swimming Kathryn Knight

INSIDE JEB The Journal of Experimental Biology (2014)

Butterflies manipulate proboscis to suck

Elegantly sipping from drops of nectar, and reduce the pressures required. that these factors aid the passage of fluid
most butterflies have no idea of the Teaming up with Chen-Chih Tsai, Daria through the proboscis by widening the
mystery surrounding their drinking Monaenkova, Charles Beard and Peter tapered tip, altering the way in which the
technique. Konstantin Kornev, from Adler, Kornev began characterising how meniscus travels along the structure and
Clemson University, USA, explains that monarch butterflies use their proboscises augmenting the suction power of the

The Journal of Experimental Biology

although the delicately tapered proboscis for sipping (p. 2130). cibarial pump to reduce the suction
looks like an elaborate drinking straw, required to pull fluid through the
calculations show that the insect would After filming how the proboscis moved proboscis.
paradoxically have to produce sucking while the butterflies sucked, the team saw
pressures of more than 1 atmosphere to that the insects use a combination of four
draw sugary fluids through the structure. strategies: they splay the tip of the Tsai, C.-C., Monaenkova, D., Beard, C. E., Adler, P.
H. and Kornev, K. G. (2014). Paradox of the
Kornev and his colleagues wondered proboscis, slide both sides of the tube drinking-straw model of the butterfly proboscis. J.
whether the insects were overcoming back and forth, pulse the proboscis and Exp. Biol. 217, 2130-2138.
these challenges by flexing and moving press the tip against the surface that the Kathryn Knight
the proboscis to alleviate the constriction droplet is sitting on. The team suspects


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