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“ You’re body isn’t a temple,it’s a home you will live in forever.Take care of it ” – Colin Wright,
an author and international speaker. It is rightly said that human body is a priceless gift given to us by
God which if not taken care of might prove extremely painful and expensive on later stage. People
have done so many things that are either good or bad for the body. There are those whose diets and
lifestyles tends to cause harm to the well-being of their bodies. On the other hand, there are those
who intentionally make it a point to develop and strengthen their physique.

A unfit person is the person who cannot do regular and necessary day-to-day things or can do
but not as per the standard and can also be defind as a person out of shape or in poor physical
condition. Fit can mean both ‘suitable to do any essential work’ and ‘in good shape’. Apart from daily
household needs and to be in shape, a decent amount of fitness level is mainly important for the
better quality of life. People with physically inactive body structures may attract hundreds of harsh
diseases in near future like cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol, diabetes, etc.” Its not important
whether how long you live but till the time you lived , how was your quality of your life?” Rujuta
Diwekar, a celebrity dietian and nutritionist.

People ignoring their physical health are leading to problems like obesity, body acne, insomnia,
weak muscles, mood swings , shortness of breath, chronic health problems, etc. Day-by-day there is
a major downfall in public physical health states WHO( World Health Organization ). Study shows that
about only 26% people across the globe are considered physically fit and about 49% of the people
suffer from obesity and other chronic health problems. The need for physical fitness is rising daily with
rise in number of unfit people. According to USA Today “ Poor physical amounts to nearly as high a
risk of premature death as tobacco smoking and appears to be more lethal than hypertension and

A physical fitness center will be a space where people not only become fit physically but also
mentally. A right kind of environment, right guidance, right approach, right nutrition, aesthetically right
ambience shall be provided. People are expected to have overall fit condition after their participation
in the various programmes in the center where they shall under go a flexible regime for couple of
months or weeks for best outcomes. Even after the good results some people are not able to accept
their transformation due to habitual lack of confidence, shyness, non-individuality, nervousness etc. A
center shall work on every aspect to make a long-lasting and encouraging experience in field of
fitness for the users.


The aim is to bring awareness among the whole society about fitness.


A good environment play a vital role in improving public health. A proper ambience, infrastructure and
spaces are part of a good approach towards a healthy body. Good public health practice requires
strong objectives in order to monitor progress toward achieving goals and outcomes. Many programs
and services require developing, implementing and completing objectives to prove success. Fitness
centres often struggle to create objectives that helps to fulfil the and that are meaningful to other team
members or clients.

 To build a supportive and inclusive culture, free from assumptions about identity and
 To empower people to create healthy training habits
 To engage people who are excluded from most training facilities
 To provide high quality coaching and training facilities
 To work with local community groups to improve our offer and accessibility for all members of
our local communities.
 To empower people to improve their own physical and mental well-being


In order to increase and keep constant physical fitness one needs to take up following activities which
will eventually result in a fit human body.

1. Take up a new hobby : Learning something new gives your mind to perform and learning
something new which builds natural pathways in the brain. Its one of the best ways to improve
physical health with joy. A hobby can really take away ones laziness and encourage to participate in it
on regular basis with enthusiasm.

2. Stimulating conversations : Talking to friends and family about a wide range of topics. Brain to
examine and explore and enquire. Reading and exploring the transformation about the physical
health of the people might empower one to get into shape. Observing videos regarding personal
health and fitness can enchance ones interest to step into a fit life.

3. Taking up a manual activity or craft : If could find any physical hobby one should look forward to
take up some physical activites like skipping, skating, cycling, etc can not only improve reaction time
but also concentration. It allows you to step out of ones monotonous lifecycle and indulge in great
healthy activities.

4. Dance it out : A dance is a perfect solution for fitness as well as improving your mental health. One
can really forget about everything else while dancing on their favourite tracks resulting in refreshment
and rejuvenation of the body. A dance style called contemporary jive can lead to healing of mind as
well as physical health. The dance therapy over the years is proved to be pretty helpful resulting in
thousands of centres across the globe and unknowingly people have started making dance as their
career as well.

5. Workout sessions : Working out for minimum 45 to 60mins a day will kepp your body strengthened
and active across the day thereby leaving you to eat clean and healthy.

6. Sports : Indulge yourself in any games or sports will not only improve reaction timings but also
helps in increase the metabolism. Its found that people having interest in sports tend to have better
decision making power.

There are plenty of benefits of being fit. Some of them comes easy and some comes along
long way. Everyone benefits from regular exercise, regardless of age, sex or physical ability.

Controls weight : Exercising can help prevent weight gain or help maintain weight loss. When you
engage in physical activity, you burn calories. The more intense the activity, the more calories you
burn. Any amount of activity is better than none at all. To reap the benefits of exercise, one should be
more active throughout the day and must put in constant effort.

Fights health conditions and diseases : Regular exercise helps prevent or manage many health
problems and concerns, including:

 Stroke

 Metabolic syndrome

 High blood pressure

 Type 2 diabetes

 Depression

 Anxiety

 Many types of cancer

 Arthritis

 Falls
It can also help improve cognitive function and helps lower the risk of death from all causes.

Improves mood : Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave one feeling
happier, more relaxed and less anxious. It replaces old cells from the body and start making newer
ones. People may also feel better about their appearance and themselves when they exercise
regularly, which can boost their confidence and improve their self-esteem.

Boosts energy : Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular
system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lung health improve, you have more energy to
tackle daily chores.

Promotes better sleep : Regular physical activity can help you fall asleep faster, get better sleep and
deepen your sleep which eventually will lead in making your body msucles more relaxed and
recovery becomes faster.

Can be fun and social : Exercise and physical activity can be enjoyable. They give you a chance to
unwind, enjoy the outdoors or simply engage in activities that make you happy. Physical activity can
also help you connect with family or friends in a fun social setting.

The scope is to attract international tourist, NRI’s ( almost all the people from around the world) to
participate in natural fitness programmes and generate awareness regarding it. To bring about
transformation for indian nationals by the means of phycial activities, exercises, sports etc. The centre
shall not only attarct physically inactive people and obese people but also will look forward to train fit
people who aims for more fitness and flexibility with the help of proper nutrion guide, lifestyle guide,
workout plans , etc. A right kind of architectural environment shall also help to attract more amount of
people who are concerned with their physical health.


The fitness center will only relate to physical fitness and not mental fitness as mental fitness as
mental fitness in itself is a whole big topic and has numerous ways and points to look at. Mental
fitness is more related to the a level of psychological well-being or an absence of mental illness. It is
the state of someone who is “ functional at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioural
adjustment. So the ways and approaches to deal with mental fitness are much diverse,intense and
different than physical fitness.

Physical fitness is a abiltity of your body systems to work together efficiently to allow you to be
healthy and perform activities of daily living. ‘To achieve maximum physical fitness level, no
medication/treatments are required. Your willpower is enough’- Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The use of any allopatic medications , surgeries, operations wont be the part of the center. Any
chemical compounds or injections wont be used to achieve the targets of the clients/ customers. We
shall make sure that people undergo transformation with respect to natural remedies such as
meditation, ayurveda, workouts, dance therapy, sports activity, etc Also there shall be restrictions on
major unhealthy food products , supplements which includes food and supplements artificial
sweetners, food colours, preservatives, etc The idea is to get in shape with natural means available to
them so that the progress can last long.


Navi Mumbai or New Mumbai is just outside of Mumbai and is often considered an extension of the
city. It has seen rapid urban development in the recent years and the locality boasts a ton of
interesting activities and sights to explore for a little bit of fun and recreation.

It shall be an ideal spot for recreational activities as its on outskirts of Mumbai making it less crowded
and polluted. The fitness centre shall be located where the atmosphere can surrounding areas are
well connected to the people but at the same time well ventilated. A sense of airiness and calmness is
much required for fitness centres like this. A proper sight can be of a great start to a fitness journey.

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