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residents there are Filipinos, consequently providing 99% chance that Poe’s bilogical
parents are Filipinos. Said probability and circumstancial evidence are admissible
under Rule 128, Sec 4 of the Rules on Evidence.
FACTS: In her COC for Presidency on the May 2016 elections, Grace Poe declared that
she is a natural-born citizen of the Philippines and that her residence up to day before (2) The SC pronounced that FOUNDLINGS are as a class, natural born- citizens as
May 9, 2016 would be 10 years and 11 months counted from May 24, 2005. based on the deliberations of the 1935 Constitutional Convention, wherein though its
enumeration is silent as to foundlings, there is no restrictive language either to
Grace Poe was born in 1968., found as newborn infant in Jaro,Iloilo and was legally
definitely exclude the foundlings to be natural born citizens.
in 1974. She immigrated to the US in 1991 after her marriage to Theodore (3) That Foundlings are automatically conferred with the natural-born citizenship as
Llamanzares who was then based at the US. Grace Poe then became a naturalized to the country where they are being found, as covered and supported by the UN
American citizen in 2001. Convention Law.
On December 2004, he returned to the Philippines due to his father’s deteriorating As to the residency issue, Grace Poe satisfied the 10-year residency because she
medical condition, who then eventually demice on February 3,2005. She then quitted satisfied the requirements of ANIMUS MANENDI (intent to remain permanently)
her job in the US to be with her grieving mother and finally went home for good to coupled with ANIMUS NON REVERTENDI (intent of not returning to US) in acquiring a
the Philippines on MAY 24, 2005. new domicile in the Philippines. Starting May 24,2005, upon returning to the
Philippines, Grace Poe presented overwhelming evidence of her actual stay and
On JULY 18, 2006, the BI granted her petition declaring that she had reacquired her
intent to abandon permanently her domicile in the US, coupled with her eventual
Filipino citizenship under RA 9225. She registered as a voter and obtained a new
application to reacquire Filipino Citizenship under RA 9225. Hence, her candidacy for
Philippine Passport.
Presidency was granted by the SC.
In 2010, before assuming her post as appointes Chairperson of the MTRCB , she
renounced her American citizenship to satisfy the RA 9225 requirements as to
Reacquistion of Filipino Citizenship. From then on, she stopped using her American CASAN MACODE MAQUILING v. COMELEC, GR No. 195649, 2013-04-16
passport. Facts:
Petitions were filed before the COMELEC to deny or cancel her candidacy on the Arnado applied for repatriation under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9225 before the
ground particularly among others, that she cannot be considered a natural born Consulate General of the Philippines in San Franciso, USA and took the Oath of
Filipino citizen since she was a FOUNDLING and that her bioligical parents cannot be Allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines on 10 July 2008.[4
proved as Filipinos. The Comelec en banccancelled her candidacy on the ground that
On 3 April 2009 Arnado again took his Oath of Allegiance to the Republic and
she is in want of citizenship and residence requirements and that she committed
executed an Affidavit of Renunciation of his foreign citizenship
misrepresentation in her COC.
To further bolster his claim of Arnado's US citizenship, Balua presented in his
On CERTIORARI, the SUPREME COURT, reversed the ruling and held a vote of 9-6
Memorandum a computer-generated travel record[11] dated 03 December 2009
that POE is qualified as candidate for Presidency.
indicating that Arnado has been using his US Passport No. 057782700 in entering and
departing the
ISSUES: Philippines. The said record shows that Arnado left the country on 14 April 2009 and
(1) Whether or not Grace Poe- Llamanzares is a natural- born Filipino citizen returned on 25 June 2009, and again departed on 29 July 2009, arriving back in the
Philippines on 24 November 2009.
(2) Whether or not Poe satisfies the 10-year residency requirement.
Balua likewise presented a certification from the Bureau of Immigration dated 23
April 2010, certifying that the name "Arnado, Rommel Cagoco" appears in the
YES. GRACE POE is considerably a natural-born Filipino Citizen. For that, she satisfied available Computer Database/Passenger manifest/IBM listing on file as of 21 April
the constitutional reqt that only natural-born Filipinos may run for Presidency. 2010, with the following pertinent... travel records:
(1) there is high probability that Poe’s parents are Filipinos, as being shown in her
physical features which are typical of Filipinos, aside from the fact that she was found
as an infant in Jaro, Iloilo, a municipality wherein there is 99% probability that
Neither motion was acted upon, having been overtaken by the 2010 elections where unconstitutional as it violates Section 5, Article IV of the 1987 Constitution:
Arnado garnered the highest number of votes and was subsequently proclaimed as “Dual allegiance of citizens is inimical to the national interest and shall be dealt with
the winning candidate for Mayor of Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte. by law.”
In the matter of the issue of citizenship, however, the First Division disagreed with ISSUE/S:1. Whether R.A. 9225 is unconstitutional
Arnado's claim that he is a Filipino citizen.[18] 2. Whether the court jurisdiction to pass upon the issue of dual allegiance
We find that although Arnado appears to have substantially complied with the RULING: No. It is clear that the intent of the legislature in drafting Rep. Act No. 9225
requirements of R.A. No. 9225, Arnado's act of consistently using his US passport is to do away with the provision in Commonwealth Act No. 635 which takes away
after renouncing his US citizenship on 03 April 2009 effectively negated his Affidavit Philippine citizenship from natural-born Filipinos who become naturalized citizens of
of other countries. What Rep. Act No. 9225 does is allow dual citizenship to natural-
Renunciation. born Filipino citizens who have lost Philippine citizenship by reason of their
naturalization as citizens of a foreign country. On its face, it does not recognize dual
Arnado's continued use of his US passport is a strong indication that Arnado had no
allegiance. By swearing to the supreme authority of the Republic, the person
real intention to renounce his US citizenship and that he only executed an Affidavit of
implicitly renounces his foreign citizenship. Plainly, from Section 3, Rep. Act No. 9225
Renunciation to enable him to run for office.
stayed clear out of the problem of dual allegiance and shifted the burden of
Issues: confronting the issue of whether or not there is dual allegiance to the concerned
On 30 November 2009, Arnado filed his Certificate of Candidacy for Mayor of foreign country. What happens to the other citizenship was not made a concern of
Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte, which contains, among others, Rep. Act No. 9225.
However, this legal presumption does not operate permanently and is open to attack MERCADO VS. MANZANO [307 SCRA 630; G.R. NO. 135083; 26 MAY 1999]
when, after renouncing the foreign citizenship, the citizen performs positive acts
showing his continued possession of a foreign citizenship.[3 Arnado himself
Facts: Petitioner Ernesto Mercado and Private respondent Eduardo Manzano are
subjected the issue of his citizenship to attack when, after renouncing his foreign
candidates for the position of Vice-Mayor of Makati City in the May, 1998 elections.
citizenship, he continued to use his US passport to travel in and out of the country
Private respondent was the winner of the said election but the proclamation was
before filing his certificate of candidacy on 30 November 2009.
suspended due to the petition of Ernesto Mamaril regarding the citizenship of private
The renunciation of foreign citizenship is not a hollow oath that can simply respondent. Mamaril alleged that the private respondent is not a citizen of the
be professed at any time, only to be violated the next day. It requires an absolute and Philippines but of the United States. COMELEC granted the petition
perpetual renunciation of the foreign citizenship and a full divestment of all civil and and disqualified the private respondent for being a dual citizen, pursuant to the Local
political rights granted... by the foreign country which granted the citizenship. Government code that provides that persons who possess dual citizenship
While the act of using a foreign passport is not one of the acts enumerated are disqualified from running any public position. Private respondent filed a motion
in Commonwealth Act No. 63 constituting renunciation and loss of Philippine for reconsideration which remained pending until after election. Petitioner sought to
citizenship,[35] it is nevertheless an act which repudiates the very oath of intervene in the case for disqualification. COMELEC reversed the decision and
renunciation required... for a former Filipino citizen who is also a citizen of another declared private respondent qualified to run for the position. Pursuant to the ruling
country to be qualified to run for a local elective position. of the COMELEC, the board of canvassers proclaimed private respondent as vice
mayor. This petition sought the reversal of the resolution of the COMELEC and to
declare the private respondent disqualified to hold the office of the vice mayor of
AASJS v Datumanong Makati.
Issue: Whether or Not private respondent is qualified to hold office as Vice-Mayor.
FACTS: Petitioner prays for a writ of prohibition be issued to stop respondent from Held: Dual citizenship is different from dual allegiance. The former arises when, as a
implementing RA 9225, or Act Making the Citizenship of the Philippine Citizens Who result of the concurrent application of the different laws of two or more states, a
Acquire Foreign Citizenship Permanent, Amending for the Purpose Commonwealth person is simultaneously considered a national by the said states. For instance, such a
Act No. 63, as Amended, and for Other Purposes. Petitioner avers that said Act is situation may arise when a person whose parents are citizens of a state which
adheres to the principle of jus sanguinis is born in a state which follows the doctrine No. 12 - I am ELIGIBLE for the office I seek to be elected.
of jus soli. Private respondent is considered as a dual citizen because he is born of Cordora stated that Tambunting was not eligible to run for local public office
Filipino parents but was born in San Francisco, USA. Such a person, ipso facto and because Tambunting lacked the required citizenship and residency requirements.
without any voluntary act on his part, is concurrently considered a citizen of both
states. Considering the citizenship clause (Art. IV) of our Constitution, it is possible for Cordora presented a certification from the Bureau of Immigration which
the following classes of citizens of the Philippines to posses dual citizenship: (1) Those stated that, in two instances, Tambunting claimed that he is an American
born of Filipino fathers and/or mothers in foreign countries which follow the principle Tambunting presented a copy of his birth certificate which showed that he
of jus soli; (2) Those born in the Philippines of Filipino mothers and alien fathers if by was born of... a Filipino mother and an American father. Tambunting further denied
the laws of their fathers’ country such children are citizens of that country; (3) Those that he was naturalized as an American citizen.
who marry aliens if by the laws of the latter’s country the former are considered Tambunting's possession of an American passport did not mean that
citizens, unless by their act or omission they are deemed to have renounced Tambunting is not a Filipino citizen. Tambunting also took an oath of allegiance...
Philippine citizenship. Dual allegiance, on the other hand, refers to the situation in pursuant to
which a person simultaneously owes, by some positive act, loyalty to two or more
R.A. No. 9225
states. While dual citizenship is involuntary, dual allegiance is the result of an
individual’s volition. To refute Cordora's claim that the number of years of residency... is false because
By filing a certificate of candidacy when he ran for his present post, private Tambunting lost his residency because of his naturalization as an American citizen,
respondent elected Philippine citizenship and in effect renounced Tambunting contended that the residency requirement is not the... same as
his American citizenship. The filing of such certificate of candidacy sufficed to citizenship.
renounce his American citizenship, effectively removing anydisqualification he might COMELEC Law Department recommended the dismissal of Cordora's complaint
have as a dual citizen. COMELEC En Banc affirmed... was convinced that Cordora failed to support his
By declaring in his certificate of candidacy that he is a Filipino citizen; that he accusation against Tambunting by sufficient and convincing evidence.
is not a permanent resident or immigrant of another country; that he will defend and
support the Constitution of the Philippines and bear true faith and allegiance thereto Issues: Cordora's petition is not an action to disqualify Tambunting because of
and that he does so without mental reservation, private respondent has, as far as the Tambunting's failure to meet citizenship and residency requirements. Neither is the
present petition an action to declare Tambunting a non-Filipino and a non-resident.
laws of this country are concerned, effectively repudiated his American citizenship
and anything which he may have said before as a dual citizen. On the other hand, The present petition seeks to prosecute
private respondent’s oath of allegiance to the Philippine, when considered with the Tambunting for knowingly making untruthful statements in his certificates of
fact that he has spent his youth and adulthood, received his education, practiced his candidacy.
profession as an artist, and taken part in past elections in this country, leaves no
doubt of his election of Philippine citizenship.
Ruling: The petition has no merit.
Tambunting, possessed dual citizenship by the circumstances of their birth.
GAUDENCIO M. CORDORA v. COMELEC, GR No. 176947, 2009-02-19 Our rulings in Manzano and Valles stated that dual citizenship is different
from dual allegiance both by cause and, for those desiring to run for public office, by
effect. Dual citizenship is involuntary and... arises when, as a result of the concurrent
Facts: Cordora asserted that Tambunting made false assertions in the following items: application of the different laws of two or more states, a person is simultaneously
Tambunting's Certificate of Candidacy for the 2001 elections]... and considered a national by the said states. Thus, like any other natural-born Filipino, it is
Tambunting's Certificate of Candidacy for the 2004 elections enough for a person with dual citizenship who seeks public... office to file his
certificate of candidacy and swear to the oath of allegiance contained therein. Dual
No. 6 - I am a Natural Born/Filipino Citizen allegiance, on the other hand, is brought about by the individual's active participation
No. 9 - No. of years of Residence before May 14, 2001. in the naturalization process.
36 in the Philippines and 25 in the Constituency where I seek to be elected; under R.A. No. 9225, a
Filipino who becomes a naturalized citizen of another country is allowed to On February 6, 2008, COMELEC issued the Resolution granting the petition
retain his Filipino citizenship by swearing to the supreme authority of the Republic of for disqualification of Lopez from running as Barangay Chairman. COMELEC said, to
the Philippines. The act of taking an oath of allegiance is an implicit renunciation of a be able to qualify as a candidate in the elections, Lopez should have made a personal
naturalized citizen's... foreign citizenship. and sworn renunciation of any and all foreign citizenship.
Section His motion for reconsideration having been denied, Lopez resorted to
5(3) of R.A. No. 9225 states that naturalized citizens who reacquire Filipino citizenship petition for certiorari, imputing grave abuse of discretion on the part of the COMELEC
and desire to run for elective public office in the Philippines shall "meet the for disqualifying him from running and assuming the office of Barangay Chairman.
qualifications for holding such public office as required by the Constitution and
existing laws and, at the... time of filing the certificate of candidacy, make a personal ISSUE: Whether or not there was grave abuse of discretion on the part of the
and sworn renunciation of any and all foreign citizenship before any public officer COMELEC for disqualifying petitioner.
authorized to administer an oath"
RULING: No. The Supreme Court dismissed the petition. The COMELEC committed no
The twin requirements of... swearing to an Oath of Allegiance and executing grave abuse of discretion in disqualifying petitioner as candidate for Chairman in the
a Renunciation of Foreign Citizenship... involve natural-born Filipinos who later Barangay elections of 2007.
became naturalized citizens of another country and thereafter ran for elective office
in the Philippines. In the present case, Tambunting, a natural-born Filipino, did not Lopez was born a Filipino but he deliberately sought American citizenship
subsequently... become a naturalized citizen of another country. Hence, the twin and renounced his Filipino citizenship. He later on became a dual citizen by re-
requirements in R.A. No. 9225 do not apply to him. acquiring Filipino citizenship.

Tambunting's residency R.A. No. 9225 expressly provides for the conditions before those who re-
acquired Filipino citizenship may run for a public office in the Philippines.
Cordora's reasoning fails because Tambunting is not a naturalized American.
Moreover, residency, for the purpose of election laws, includes the twin... elements Section 5 of the said law states:
of the fact of residing in a fixed place and the intention to return there Section 5. Civil and Political Rights and Liabilities. – Those who retain or re-acquire
permanently,... and is not dependent upon citizenship. Philippine citizenship under this Act shall enjoy full civil and political rights and be
we hold that Cordora failed to establish that Tambunting indeed willfully subject to all attendant liabilities and responsibilities under existing laws of the
made false entries in his certificates of candidacy. Philippines and the following conditions:
Tambunting is eligible for the... office which he sought to be elected and (2) Those seeking elective public office in the Philippines shall meet the qualification
fulfilled the citizenship and residency requirements prescribed by law. for holding such public office as required by the Constitution and existing laws and, at
the time of the filing of the certificate of candidacy, make a personal and sworn
renunciation of any and all foreign citizenship before any public officer authorized to
Eugenio Eusebio Lopez vs. COMELEC administer an oath.
Lopez was able to regain his Filipino Citizenship by virtue of the Dual
FACTS: Petitioner Lopez, a dual citizen, was a candidate for the position of Chairman Citizenship Law when he took his oath of allegiance before the Vice Consul of the
of Barangay Bagacay, San Dionisio, Iloilo City held on October 29, 2007. He was Philippine Consulate General’s Office in Los Angeles, California; the same is not
eventually declared the winner. enough to allow him to run for a public office.
On October 25, 2007, respondent Villanueva filed a petition before the Lopez’s failure to renounce his American citizenship as proven by the
Provincial Election Supervisor of the Province of Iloilo, praying for the disqualification absence of an affidavit that will prove the contrary leads this Commission to believe
of Lopez because he was ineligible from running for any public office. that he failed to comply with the positive mandate of law.
Lopez argued that he is a Filipino-American, by virtue of the Citizenship
Retention and Re-acquisition Act of 2003. He said, he possessed all the qualifications
to run for Barangay Chairman.
Jacot v COMELEC following oath of allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines to reacquire or retain
their Philippine citizenship.
FACTS: By the oath dictated in the afore-quoted provision, the Filipino swears
allegiance to the Philippines, but there is nothing therein on his renunciation of
Petitioner Nestor A. Jacot assails the Resolution dated 28 September 2007 of foreign citizenship.
the , affirming the Resolution dated 12 June 2007 of the COMELEC Second Division,
disqualifying him from running for the position of Vice-Mayor of Catarman, Camiguin The law categorically requires persons seeking elective public office, who
in the 14 May 2007 National and Local Elections, on the ground that he failed to make either retained their Philippine citizenship or those who reacquired it, to make a
a personal renouncement of his US citizenship. personal and sworn renunciation of any and all foreign citizenship before a public
officer authorized to administer an oath simultaneous with or before the filing of
Petitioner was a natural born citizen of the Philippines, who became a the certificate of candidacy.
naturalized citizen of the US on 13 December 1989. Petitioner sought to reacquire his
Philippine citizenship under Republic Act No. 9225, otherwise known as the Hence, Section 5(2) of Republic Act No. 9225 compels natural-born Filipinos, who
Citizenship Retention and Re-Acquisition Act. have been naturalized as citizens of a foreign country, but who reacquired or retained
their Philippine citizenship
He filed a request for the administration of his Oath of Allegiance to the
Republic of the Philippines with the Philippine Consulate General (PCG) of Los (1) to take the oath of allegiance under Section 3 of Republic Act No. 9225, and
Angeles, California. The Los Angeles PCG issued on 19 June 2006 an Order of Approval (2) for those seeking elective public offices in the Philippines,to additionally execute a
of petitioner’s request, and on the same day, petitioner took his Oath of Allegiance to personal and sworn renunciation of any and all foreign citizenship before an
the Republic of the Philippines before Vice Consul Edward C. Yulo. On 27 September authorized public officer prior or simultaneous to the filing of their certificates of
2006, the Bureau of Immigration issued and Identification Certificate, recognizing candidacy, to qualify as candidates in Philippine elections.
petitioner as a citizen of the Philippines.
Six months after, on 26 March 2007, petitioner filed his Certificate of Japzon vs. COMELEC
Candidacy for the Position of Vice-Mayor of the Municipality of Catarman, Camiguin.
In the meantime, the 14 May 2007 National and Local Elections were held.
Petitioner garnered the highest number of votes for the position of Vice Mayor. Facts: Petitioner Manuel B. Japzon (Japzon) and private respondent Jaime S. Ty (Ty)
were candidates for the Office of Mayor of the Municipality of General MacArthur,
On 12 June 2007, the COMELEC Second Division finally issued its
Eastern Samar, in the local elections held on 14 May 2007.
Resolution11 disqualifying the petitioner from running for the position of Vice-Mayor
of Catarman, Camiguin, for failure to make the requisite renunciation of his US Japzon instituted SPA No. 07-568, a Petition to disqualify and/or cancel Ty’s
citizenship Certificate of Candidacy on the ground of material misrepresentation.
Japzon’s Contention:
ISSUE/S: Whether or not petitioner has validly complied the citizenship requirement Japzon averred in his Petition that Ty was a former natural-born Filipino,
as required by law for persons seeking public office. born on 9 October 1943 in what was then Pambujan Sur, Hernani Eastern Samar (now
the Municipality of General MacArthur, Easter Samar) to spouses Ang Chim Ty (a
Chinese) and Crisanta Aranas Sumiguin (a Filipino). Ty eventually migrated to the
HELD: Contrary to the assertions made by petitioner, his oath of allegiance to the United States of America (USA) and became a citizen thereof and has been residing in
Republic of the Philippines made before the Los Angeles the USA for the last 25 years. As alleged by Japzon in his Petition, Ty filed his
PCG and his Certificate of Candidacy do not substantially comply with the Certificate of Candidacy on 28 March 2007, where he falsely indicatded therein that
requirement of a personal and sworn renunciation of foreign citizenship, he was a resident of Barangay 6, Poblacion, General MacArthur, Eastern Samar, for
because these are distinct requirements to be complied with for different purposes. one year before 14 May 2007, not being a permanent resident or immigrant of any
Section 3 of Republic Act No. 9225 requires that natural-born citizens of the foreign country. Japzon also alleged that though Ty may have applied for the
Philippines, who are already naturalized citizens of a foreign country, must take the reacquisition of his Philippine citizenship, he never actually resided in Barangay 6,
Poblacion, General Macarthur, Eastern Samar, for a period of one year immediately
preceding the date of election as required under Section 39 of Republic Act No. 7160, highest number of votes and was declared Mayor of the Municipality of General
otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991. Despite of reacquiring his Macarthur, Eastern Samar, by the Municipal Board of Canvassers on 15 May 2007.
Philippine citizenship, Ty continued travelling to the USA, the most recent of which The COMELEC First Division found that Ty complied with the requirements of
was on 31 October 2006 lasting until 20 January 2007. Sections 3 and 5 of Republic Act No. 9225 and reacquired his Philippine citizenship, to
Ty has already took his Oath of Allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines wit:
but still continues to consider himself an American citizen proven by his frequent Philippine citizenship is an indispensable requirement for holding an elective
travel to the USA. Japzon prayed in his Petition for the immediate disqualification of public office, and the purpose of the citizenship qualification is none other than to
Ty from running for public office and the cancellation of the Ty’s Certificate of ensure that no alien, i.e., no person owing allegiance to another nation, shall govern
Candidacy. our people and our country or a unit of territory thereof.
Ty’s Contention: Evidences revealed that Ty executed an Oath of Allegiance before Noemi T.
Ty admitted that he is a natural-born Filipino who went to the USA to work Diaz, Vice Consul of the Philippine Consulate General, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
and subsequently became a naturalized American citizen. Ty claimed, however, that on October 2, 2005 and executed a Renunciation of Foreign Citizenship on March 19,
prior to filing his Certificate of Candidacy for the Office of Mayor of the Municipality 2007 in compliance with R.A. [No.] 9225. Moreover, neither is Ty a candidate for or
of General MacArthur, Eastern Samar, on 28 March 2007, he already performed the occupying public office nor is in active service as commissioned or non-commissioned
following acts: officer in the armed forces in the country of which he was a naturalized citizen
1. That with the enactment of Republic Act No. 9225, granting dual citizenship to Ty did not commit material misrepresentation in stating in his Certificate of
natural-born Filipinos, Ty filed with the Philippine Consulate General in Los Candidacy that he was a resident of Barangay 6, Poblacion, General Macarthur,
Angeles, California, USA, an application for the reacquisition of his Philippine Eastern Samar, for at least one year before the elections on 14 May 2007. It reasoned
citizenship; that: Although Ty has lost his domicile in [the] Philippines when he was naturalized as
2. That on 2 October 2005, Ty executed an Oath of Allegiance to the Republic of U.S. citizen in 1969, the reacquisition of his Philippine citizenship and subsequent acts
the Philippines before Noemi T. Diaz, Vice Consul of the Philippine Consulate thereof proved that he has been a resident of Barangay 6, Poblacion, General
General in Los Angeles, California, USA; Macarthur, Eastern Samar for at least one (1) year before the elections held on 14
May 2007 as he represented in his certificate of candidacy.
3. That Ty applied for a Philippine passport indicating which indicates that his
residence in the Philippines was at A. Mabini St., Barangay 6, Poblacion, The petition was denied and COMELEC was in favor of the defendant failing
to obtain a favorable resolution from the COMELEC, Japzon proceeded to file the
General MacArthur, Eastern Samar. Ty’s application was approved and he was
issued on 26 October 2005 a Philippine passport; instant Petition for Certiorari, that the COMELEC had committed grave abuse of
discretion and lack of discretion for dismissing the petition.
4. That on 8 March 2006, Ty personally secured and signed his Community Tax
Certificate (CTC) from the Municipality of General MacArthur, in which he Japzon prays for the Court to annul and set aside the Resolutions dated 31
stated that his address was at Barangay 6, Poblacion, General Macarthur, July 2007 and 28 September 2007 of the COMELEC First Division and en banc,
Eastern Samar; (5) thereafter, on 17 July 2006, Ty was registered as a voter in respectively; to issue a new resolution denying due course to or canceling Ty’s
Precinct 0013A, Barangay 6, Poblacion, General MacArthur, Eastern Samar; Certificate of Candidacy; and to declare Japzon as the duly elected Mayor of the
Municipality of General MacArthur, Eastern Samar.
5. That Ty secured another CTC dated 4 January 2007 again stating therein his
Ty sought the dismissal of the present Petition. According to Ty, the
address as Barangay 6, Poblacion, General MacArthur, Eastern Samar; and
COMELEC already found sufficient evidence to prove that Ty was a resident of the
6. That Ty executed on 19 March 2007 a duly notarized Renunciation of Foreign Municipality of General Macarthur, Eastern Samar, one year prior to the 14 May 2007
Citizenship. local elections. The Court cannot evaluate again the very same pieces of evidence
Ty reacquired his Philippine citizenship and renounced his American without violating the well-entrenched rule that findings of fact of the COMELEC are
citizenship, and he has been a resident of the Municipality of General Macarthur, binding on the Court.
Eastern Samar, for more than one year prior to the 14 May 2007 elections. Therefore, The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), meanwhile, stated that Ty failed to
Ty sought the dismissal of Japzon’s Petition in SPA No. 07-568. Ty acquired the meet the one-year residency requirement set by law to qualify him to run as a
mayoralty candidate in the 14 May 2007 local elections.The Court finds no merit in The Court also notes, that even with his trips to other countries, Ty was
the Petition at bar. actually present in the Municipality of General MacArthur, Eastern Samar,
Philippines, for at least nine of the 12 months preceding the 14 May 2007 local
On 19 March 2007, Ty personally executed a Renunciation of Foreign
elections. Even if length of actual stay in a place is not necessarily determinative of
Citizenship before a notary public. By the time he filed his Certificate of Candidacy for
the Office of Mayor of the Municipality of General MacArthur, Eastern Samar, on 28 the fact of residence therein, it does strongly support and is only consistent with Ty’s
March 2007, he had already effectively renounced his American citizenship, keeping avowed intent in the instant case to establish residence/domicile in the Municipality
solely his Philippine citizenship. of General Macarthur, Eastern Samar.

The Court of Appeals set aside the appealed orders of the COMELEC and the Japzon repeatedly brings to the attention of this Court that Ty arrived in the
Court of Appeals and annulled the election of the respondent as Municipal Mayor of Municipality of General MacArthur, Eastern Samar, on 4 May 2006 only to comply
Bolinao, Pangasinan on the ground that respondent’s immigration to the United with the one-year residency requirement, so Ty could run as a mayoralty candidate in
the 14 May 2007 elections.
States in 1984 constituted an abandonment of his domicile and residence in the
Philippines. Being a green card holder, which was proof that he was a permanent In Aquino v. COMELEC, the Court did not find anything wrong in an individual
resident or immigrant of the United States, and in the absence of any waiver of his changing residences so he could run for an elective post, for as long as he is able to
status as such before he ran for election on January 18, 1988, respondent was held to prove with reasonable certainty that he has effected a change of residence for
be disqualified under §68 of the Omnibus Election Code of the Philippines (Batas election law purposes for the period required by law. As this Court already found in
Pambansa Blg. 881). the present case, Ty has proven by substantial evidence that he had established
residence/domicile in the Municipality of General MacArthur, Eastern Samar, by 4
May 2006, a little over a year prior to the 14 May 2007 local elections, in which he ran
Whether or not the defedant has complied with the residency requirement for as a candidate for the Office of the Mayor and in which he garnered the most number
elective positions. of votes.
RULING: To successfully challenge Ty’s disqualification, Japzon must clearly demonstrate that
Yes, the defendant solely complied the residency requirements for elective position. Ty’s ineligibility is so patently antagonistic to constitutional and legal principles that
It bears to point out that Republic Act No. 9225 governs the manner in which overriding such ineligibility and thereby giving effect to the apparent will of the
a natural-born Filipino may reacquire or retain[17] his Philippine citizenship despite people would ultimately create greater prejudice to the very democratic institutions
acquiring a foreign citizenship, and provides for his rights and liabilities under such and juristic traditions that our Constitution and laws so zealously protect and
circumstances. promote. In this case, Japzon failed to substantiate his claim that Ty is ineligible to be
Mayor of the Municipality, the instant Petition for Certiorari is dismissed.
A close scrutiny of said statute would reveal that it does not at all touch on
the matter of residence of the natural-born Filipino taking advantage of its provisions.
Republic Act No. 9225 imposes no residency requirement for the reacquisition or DE GUZMAN VS COMELEC
retention of Philippine citizenship; nor does it mention any effect of such
reacquisition or retention of Philippine citizenship on the current residence of the
concerned natural-born Filipino. Clearly, Republic Act No. 9225 treats citizenship FACTS: This is a petition for certiorari with prayer for preliminary injunction and
independently of residence. This is only logical and consistent with the general intent temporary restraining order assails the June 15, 2007 Resolution of the First Division
of the law to allow for dual citizenship. of COMELEC, disqualifying ROSELLER DE GUZMAN from running as vice-mayor in the
May 14, 2007 elections.
There is no basis for this Court to require Ty to stay in and never leave at all
the Municipality of General MacArthur, Eastern Samar, for the full one-year period Petitioner was a naturalized American. However, on January 25, 2006, he applied for
prior to the 14 May 2007 local elections so that he could be considered a resident dual citizenship under RA
thereof. To the contrary, the Court has previously ruled that absence from residence 9225. Upon approval of his application, he took his oath of allegiance to the Republic
to pursue studies or practice a profession or registration as a voter other than in the of the Philippines on September 6, 2006. Having reacquired Philippine citizenship, he
place where one is elected, does not constitute loss of residence. is entitled to exercise full civil and political rights. As such, qualified to run as vice-
mayor of Guimba, Nueva Ecija.
United States amounted to an abandonment and renunciation of his status as a
ISSUE: Whether or not petitioner is disqualified from running for vice-mayor of resident of the Philippines; it constituted a change from his domicile of origin, which
Guimba, Nueva Ecija in the May 14, 2007 elections for having failed to renounce his was Albuquerque, Bohol, to a new domicile of choice, which is the USA.
American Citizenship in accordance with RA 9225.

HELD: We find that petitioner is disqualified from running for public office in view of
his failure to renounce his American citizenship. RA 9225 was enacted to allow
reacquisition and retention of Philippine citizenship for:
1. Natural born citizens who have lost their Philippine citizenship by
reason of their naturalization as citizens of a foreign country;
2. Natural born citizens of the Philippines who after the effectivity of
the law, becomes citizens of a foreign country.
The law provides that they are not deemed to have reacquired or retained their
Philippine citizenship upon taking the oath of allegiance.
Petitioner’s oath of allegiance and certificate of candidacy did not comply with
section(5)2 of RA 9225 which further requires those seeking elective public office in
the Philippines to make a personal and sworn renunciation of foreign citizenship.
Petitioner failed to renounce his American citizenship; as such, he is disqualified from
running for vice mayor.

G.R. No. 179851, April 18, 2008 MAYOR JOSE UGDORACION, JR. vs. COMMISSION
Residence, in contemplation of election laws, is synonymous to domicile. Domicile is
the place where one actually or constructively has his permanent home, where he,
no matter where he may be found at any given time, eventually intends to return
(animus revertendi) and remain (animus manendi). It consists not only in the
intention to reside in a fixed place but also personal presence in that place, coupled
with conduct indicative of such intention. Domicile is classified into: (1)Domicile of
origin, which is acquired by every person at birth; (2)Domicile of choice, which is
acquired upon abandonment of the domicile of origin; and (3)Domicile by
operation of law, which the law attributes to a person independently of his
residence or intention. In a controversy such as the one at bench, given the parties'
naturally conflicting perspectives on domicile, we are guided by three basic rules,
namely:(1)A man must have a residence or domicile somewhere; (2)Domicile, once
established, remains until a new one is validly acquired; and (3)A man can have but
one residence or domicile at any given time. The general ruleis that the domicile of
origin is not easily lost; it is lost only when there is an actual removal or change of
domicile, a bona fide intention of abandoning the former residence and establishing a
new one, and acts which correspond with such purpose. In the instant case,
however, Ugdoracion's acquisition of a lawful permanent resident status in the

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