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Task 1

1. What are sedimentary rocks?

They are rocks formed by accumulation or deposition of small particles and

subsequent cementation of mineral or organic particles on the floor of oceans or
other bodies of water at the earth’s surface.

2. How are sedimentary rocks formed?

They are formed by the layers of sediments. Sediment is comprised of small particles of
rocks and dead animals and plants which have been eroded by strong winds and strong
flow of Water Rivers and glaciers. Most of these particles ultimately reach the sea and
get deposited at the sea bed. As more and more of these particles settle on each other
they press each other and compression happens. The sediments at the bottom change
to form sedimentary rocks.

3. What components make up sedimentary rocks?

 Dead or decaying matter(animals and plants)

 Sediments of particles

4.2 examples of sedimentary rocks.

 Limestone
 Dolostone
 grain stone
 sandstone

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