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• F.




Who am Ias a person? Do I have personal qualities that

will make me a better teacher someday? The qualities listed
are some of the many attributes but you will add to this
Look into yourself very well and answer each item very
honestly. All your answers are correct, so you do need to


Semester: 1ST SEMESTER 2016-2017

Bilbao, 2010 (Shortened version, 2014)
Below are indicators of personal qualities which may describe YOU.
Place a √ in a Box B if the indicator fits you most of the time or an
X mark if the description does not fit you most of the time. Identify
your quality by choosing the appropriate label in Box C. write the
letter in Box B. you may use the letter more than once for your
answer. Just leave the item that you marked X.

Box A Box B Box C

Personal Match the Personal Quality Label
Attribute checked mark
Indicator with
Label in Box
letter only)
1. I am / - B A. BUOYANCY/Buoyant
2. I very / - H
e for new
3. I like to / - H
try out
4. I / - D B. INTELLIGENCE/Intelligent
5. I am / - D C. SELF-CONFIDENCE/Self-
tolerant confident
of other
6. I adjust / - A
to D. COMPASSION/Compassionate
7. I look at / - A
side of
8. I don’t / - G E. COOPERATIVENESS/Cooperate
myself as
9. I share / - E
10. I / - E
give F. FAIRNESS/Fair
time for
the group.
11. I / - C
make it a
point to
do the job
12. I / - B
make quick G. EMOTIONAL
solutions STABILITY/Emotionally
to stable
13. I / - E
to do task
14. I / - E
work for H. INNOVATIVENESS/Innovative
the group
n in
15. I am / - G
calm in
the midst
of chaos.
16. I am / - C
on a given
17. I / - F
give equal I. RELIABILITY/Reliable
chance for
others to
be heard.
18. I am / - C
sure of
what I do.
19. I / - G
hold my
anger even
20. I am / - I

Activity 2 Personal Qualities of an Experienced Teacher Checklist

With the use of an interview checklist attached, get
the information about the teacher. Ask permission to
observe the teacher in her/his classroom and add other
personal qualities that you have observed which are not
included in the checklist.
Request for a picture of the teacher as part of your
portfolio entry. Use the picture as part of your Photo
Identify and label the characteristics/attributes of
checked indicators like Compassion, Intelligence,
Fairness, and others as shown in Activity 1. List other
observed attributes in the box to the right. With other
attributes that you have added, make a Photo Essay about
the Teacher. Place the picture of the teacher on top of
the photo essay.


Personal Qualities Checked Put Labels of

those Qualities
The experienced teacher:

1. Is mentally alert / Intelligent

2. Is very imaginative / Innovative

3. Tries out new things / Innovative

4. Appreciates other people / Compassionate

5. Tolerates other people / Compassionate

6. Adjust to different / Buoyant

7. Looks at the brighter side of / Buoyant
8. Does not consider self as / Fair
better than others
9. Shares privileges with others / Cooperative

10. Gives up personal time / Cooperative

for the group
11. Sees to it that he/she / Self-confident
does job well
12. Makes quick solutions / Innovative/intelligent
to problems
13. Volunteers to do task / Cooperative
for others
14. Works for the group / Cooperative
even without being affirmed
15. Is calm in the midst of / Emotionally Stable
16. Is dependable on a / Reliability
given task
17. Gives equal chance for / Fair
others to be heard
18. Is sure of what he/she / Self-confident
19. Holds anger even when / Emotionally Stable
20. Is punctual in / Reliability

My Reflections/Insights
A. How do I use my personal qualities to become a good
teacher? Write in at least two (2) paragraphs.

Teaching is one the most demanding of all

professions. It exacts a tremendous demand on the
teachers’ teaching skill and personal qualities before
they can satisfactorily perform the multiple roles and
manifold responsibilities it entails. At all times,
the practice of teaching calls for a facilitator of
learning and a nurturer of the learners. At other
times it needs a leader, administrator and manager.
The teachers to be able to enjoy their tasks with
associates automatically feel as a friend, an
enthusiastic colleague and a caring partner. A more
serious role, teaching necessarily makes them
decision-makers, instructional materials developers
and instant researchers. Add to these task they assume
to establish a smooth relationship with parents and
other members of the community.
To be a good student teacher, you have to possess
some of the qualities that can reflect you to be a
good teacher someday. Those qualities are your
ammunition in preparation in the world of teaching
career. As I reflect on my personal qualities, I
consider myself as one of the dedicated student
teacher who wants to pursue their dreams and ambition
in life. Once you are a teacher, you have to be
dedicated in your profession, that even your personal
time is given up. One of my motto in life is “Patience
is the great virtue.” I always applied this saying in
my personal life to motivate me how to be a successful
individual someday especially in the teaching
profession. I can use these qualities of mine to
become a good teacher in a way that, I always put in
my mind that I should always be patient enough to
handle a crucial situation in the classroom. Being a
good teacher you have to be emotionally stable. You
have to learn how to hold your temper so that you will
think positively and create right decisions on how to
handle the situations. A teacher must remain mentally
alert and a teacher must be quick to adopt himself to
any situation.
Another qualities of mine that I considered to be
a good teacher is my passion on everything what I’m
doing. Passion on teaching is one of the key on how to
be a good teacher. Passion as associated with teaching
denotes a teacher’s strong feeling, enthusiasm and
intense love for this magnanimous profession. A
teacher’s desire, emotion and fervor for such chosen
vocation is manifested in her daily teaching chores,
duties and responsibilities. As a good teacher, you
have to be very passionate in teaching because you
will never be a good teacher if you do not love what
you are doing. You have to enjoy every challenges that
comes into your way. And a good teacher should always
open to criticism, either it is negative or positive.
Everyone who deserves to be called a professional
teacher has made one of the most important dreams of a
lifetime come true – that of becoming a teacher. Every
teacher could cite compelling reasons for pursuing
this self-fulfilling career. To continue nourishing
such passion for teaching she evokes a stronger pledge
and determination to keep on despite perceived
difficulties on the way. Those who continue to stay,
driven by unending commitment and loyalty to the
profession and to the nation, deserve to receive the
highest accolade and commendation for life. A famous
saying goes, “Once a teacher, always a teacher.”

B. How does the experienced teacher, utilize his/her personal

qualities to make him/her a good teacher? Write in at least
two (2) paragraphs.

The teacher occupies the center stage in a learning

environment. She shines in a number of roles – teaching,
managing, leading and facilitating and more importantly
motivating and inspiring children. No single teacher is
proficient in all, since one may be good in managing but
not as capable in other chores. She brings forth into the
teaching profession a wealth of knowledge and skills,
complimented by her set of values and attitudes. A teacher
possessing this attributes merits the high esteems of
Another qualities of a teacher that make him/her a
good teacher is the desirable teaching attributes like
caring attitude, enthusiasm, humor and warmth, honesty and
Sincerity, Open-mindedness, Fairness and Impartiality. A
caring attitude is expressed through a thorough
understanding of how the student feel and react. A teacher
who cares is ready to spend time with her students and
listen to their stories of successes and failures, help
them with difficult task and consistently provide a
supportive and safe learning environment. She is willing to
share resources to those in dire need and knowledge to the
less capable. A strong feeling of togetherness is essential
if her goal is to arouse and sustain their natural
motivation and desire to learn. There is nothing that can
influence and inspire children to “move and follow other
than teacher’s spontaneous enthusiasm and energy. A smile
evokes a pleasant feeling. Wit and humor set a good mood
and spirit among children. It can soothe their feelings
momentarily. It therefore is not surprising if a teacher
with a happy mix of these traits can make every learning
event something to look forward to with eagerness and fun.
The rapport she creates can be matched by a lively and
friendly atmosphere, conducive to animated discussions of
the lesson.
A teacher can easily develop honesty and sincerity by
modeling. She is a stickler to truth in her words and
actions. She is genuinely straightforward and offers
assistance wholeheartedly. Easily, she could make teaching
a pleasant, satisfying and enriching experience that could
transform to a lasting learning. To be an open-minded
teacher she must have a respect for the opinions and ideas
expressed by student’s open avenues for unrestricted search
of information and evidence. They are encouraged to resolve
issues and problems in a democratic way. Learning becomes
an insightful experience for them based on an exhaustive
consideration of other individuals’ findings and
explanations. Such brings about an ideal teaching
situation, wherein they develop the same attitude and
disposition. Another qualities of a teacher are the
fairness and impartiality. A teacher who treats all her
students in a fair and just manner can easily win their
respect and cordiality. Being impartial and unbiased in
judging their works and study habits will instill a
positive feeling and willingness to participate in class
undertakings. Students are sensitive to discriminations,
such that preferential treatment can result to negative
responses and indifference. Objective suggestions are
easily accepted and gratefully acknowledge. It inculcates
self-confidence and a friendly attitude among students.

Integrating Theory and Practice

A. What have I learned from my experienced?

Direction: Label the personal qualities that are described

in the box.

1. Are you a person, someone can lean on? Are you honest and
sincere in words and action? Are you consistent in your
action and responses to different situations?

What personal qualities do you possess?

A. Innovativeness C. Buoyancy
B. Intelligence D. Reliability

2. Do you easily give up? Are you moody, a looner? Does

pressure in work make you surrender? Is it difficult to
you to succeed after you fail? Do you have poor
intrapersonal relationship?

What personal quality do you lack?

A. Buoyancy C. Reliability
B. Cooperativeness D. Fairness

3. Do you believe in yourself and in what you can do? Can

you work alone without asking help from others? Do you
believe in the saying: “No guts, no glory”?

What quality do you have?

A. Self- confidence C. Compassionate

B. Innovativeness D. Emotional Stability

4. Are you easily upset by petty things? Do you worry lot?

Do you panic when pressured? Do you often feel that you
are to be blamed?

A. Innovativeness C. Cooperativeness
B. Emotional Stability D. Reliability

5. Do you have higher order thinking abilities? Do you excel

in your abilities in any of Howard Gardner’s Multiple
Intelligences? Do you act quickly on problems of
immediate concern?

What personal quality do you possess?

A. Innovativeness C. Self-confidence
B. Compassion D. Intelligence

How will I use what I have learned in the future as a


Read carefully, and answer Yes if you can do it or No

if you cannot do it. Identify the personal quality
being described. Write on the blank provided.

1. Will you use your intelligence to plan and

implement appropriate lesson for your learners?
2. Will you adjust to whatever situation you will be
assigned as a teacher in the future? Yes___No____
3. Will you be capable of doing your job as a teacher
alone with less assistance from your peers and
superiors for? Yes___No___
4. Will you share your skills and talent to help
others so that the result will add to learning
outcomes? Yes___No___
5. Will you able to confront difficult problems as a
teacher by using your capacity to sink and swim
under difficult times? Yes___N0___

My Learning Portfolio

Pieces of Evidence:
1.Picture of self and description of personal qualities in a
Photo – essay and Reflections.
2.Photo- essay of the Experienced Teacher Personal Attributes
or Characteristics and Reflections.


Being a student teacher, I have so many experiences in
the field that sometimes I can ask myself if I will truly
finish my studies and pursue my teaching profession. I also
ask myself If I have already possessed such qualities on
how to be a good teacher someday. Those kind of question
are always trigger on my mind everytime I am on the field.
But on the other hand, I find myself already answered
those question of mine. And it’s a big YES. Yes, I will
continue my studies to become a successful teacher someday.
No matter how difficult it is or no matter how hard the
challenges it may be.
To be a good student teacher, you have to possess some
of the qualities that can reflect you to be a good teacher
someday. As I reflect on my personal qualities as a student
teacher, I can use my personal qualities in some ways. I
read all the materials they’ve been given about teaching
prior to entering the classroom. I am being more open to
criticism. I do my background research to find out about
the school in advance. I make only 5 to 6 set rules. I talk
to the teacher who is responsible for overseeing what I’m
doing. I stay natural. I move around. I respect the
students as well as the teachers and also my fellow student
My personal qualities can reflect myself for who I am.
Being a married woman and a mother of 3 children as well as
a student, it is not an easy task to do a job at the same
time. But I learned how to manage my precious time for my
family and for my studies. I do not want my time wasted in
some activities that does not really important.
It is nice to be a good teacher, however be not
content because you can be more than if you wish to. I can
tell to myself, that, if I can be a good teacher then
surely I can be “one of the best teachers. The best teacher
that can help the students to think out the answer for
themselves, a teacher who know how to be quiet and patient
while his students struggle to formulate their own thoughts
in to their own words. A teacher who respect the feelings
of his students that they are naturally more important than
a silly old subject, a teacher who know that
responsibility, honesty and good citizenship cannot be
taught in a course because such qualities are communicated
through daily actions not daily lectures. I hope someday
when I truly become a license teacher, I will possess those
qualities of a teache



Mrs. Fe T. Balmaceda


Teachers need to first become well rounded people in

order to become more effective professionals. Everybody
thinks should know their subject very well, but sometimes,
this is not enough. Teachers should have some
characteristics that identify them as a person. It is
important to be aware that as teacher, she play some
important roles in order to be more than traditional
Mrs. Fe T. Balmaceda is a grade six teacher adviser in
Panganiban Central Elementary School. Her 23 years in
service, made her a great professional teacher. Her
profound love and passion in teaching made her to be a
well-rounded teacher. She is one of the best teacher I’ve
ever known. She executes her lesson very well and giving
equal opportunities to the student to answer every
questions she passed on to the students. She has a very
friendly attitude to her class, that’s why her students
respect her so much. She is one of a kind teacher. Her
ability to empathize and understand how children cope with
problems and difficulties is well appreciated and
gratefully acknowledge. She is willing to share time,
effort and resources unselfishly. Her gentle touch can
soothe a child’s sufferings. Her sincere concern for them
to learn makes them strive hard to improve and grow.
She interacts with the child (physically and
mentally). She gives affection to the pupils, makes them
understand what emotion is. She smiles to his/her pupils
even when they screw up. She teaches not only text books
materials but also The truth that’s happening outside.
Practiced balanced theory. She dedicates herself to the
job. She made a commitment. And she has to do it. She
understands that a child is not only a tiny bundle of joy
that can cry, smile, laugh. She understands that in front
of her stands a true miracle of life. She is interested in
his own subjects and at the same time open-minded for
others and other topics. She has to be strict, self-
confident and show authority, but at the same time he has
to be the pupils, “helper” and quite often even something
like their friend who can they talk to if problems
occur.She is ma’am Fe Balmaceda commonly known as Teacher
Pinky, a well-rounded teacher.

• F. 6

Activity 1 Know Thy Self: My Philosophy of Education

Use the Survey Instrument found below for yourself and for two teachers in the school.
Read each statement and answer honestly. Select among choices from Agree Strongly to
Disagree Strongly.
(Based on Sadker and Sadker, 2nd Ed. Bilbao, 2014)
What is your philosophy of education? To find out, read
each of the following statements about the nature of education.
Decide whether you agree or disagree with each of the following
numbers to express your response:
Legend: 4 Agree strongly 2 Disagree
3 Agree 1 Disagree strongly
_______3_____ 1. The student learning should be centered around
3Rs only.
________3____ 2.The school subjects should focus on the great
thinkers of the past.
________4____ 3.Many students learn best by engaging in real-
world activities than reading.
________2__ 4.The students should be permitted to determine
their own curriculum.
_________3___ 5.Subject matter is taught effectively when it is
broken down into small parts.
_________4___ 6.The school subjects should include only
essential for all students to know.
_________2___ 7.Schools above all, should develop students’
abilities to think deeply, analytically, and
creatively than develop social skill or acquire
body of knowledge.
_________4__ 8.Teaching should prepare students for analyzing
and solving the types of problems they will face
outside the classroom.
______1______ 9.Reality is determined by each individuals’
perceptions. There is no objective and universal
______1_____ 10.People are shaped much more by their
environment than by the exercise of their free
_______2____ 11.Students should not be promoted to the next
grade until they have read and mastered certain key
_______2____ 12.An effective education is not aimed at the
immediate needs of the students or society.
_______3____ 13.The curriculum of a school should be built
around the personal experiences and needs of the
________1___ 14. Students who do not want to of study much
should not be required to do so.
_______3____ 15. Programmed learning is an effective method of
____2____18. Art classes should focus primarily on individual expression
and creativity.
_____2___ 19. Effective learning is unstructured and informal.
_____4___ 20. Students learn best through reinforcement.
_____2___ 21. Effective schools assign a substantial amount of homework.
_____2__ 22. Education should focus on timeless questions such as “What is
beauty?” or “What is truth?”
_____2___ 23. Since students learn effectively through social interaction,
schools should plan for more social gathering in their curricula.
______3__ 24. The purpose of the school is to help students understand
themselves and find the meaning of their existence.
_____3___ 25. Frequent objective testing is the best way to determine what
students know.
_____4___ 26. Countries must become more competitive economically, hence
schools must bolster their academic requirements for more
_____4___ 27. Students must be taught primarily for its own sake, rather
than to help them into their careers.
_____3___ 28. Schools must place more emphasis on teaching about concerns
of minorities and women.
_____4___ 29. Each person has free will to develop as he or she sees fit.
_____3___ 30. Reward students well for learning so they will remember and
be able to apply what they learned, even if they were not able to
understand why the information is worth knowing.
_____3___ 31. Philippine schools should attempt to instill traditional
Filipino values in students.
_____4___ 32. Teacher-guided discovery of profound truths is a key method
of teaching students.
____3___ 33. Students should be active participants in the learning
_____3___ 34. There are no external standards of beauty. Beauty is what an
individual decides it to be.
_____2___ 35. We can place a lot of faith in our schools and teachers to
determine which student behaviors are acceptable and which are
_____3___ 36. Schools must provide students with a firm grasp of basic
facts regarding the books, people, and events.
_____4___ 37. Philosophy is ultimately a practical subject to study like
computer science.
_____3___ 38. Teachers must stress to the students the relevance of what
Record your answer in the matrix below.

Now that you have responded to all 40 items, write the

number of the response to each statement in the matrix
below. Add the raw score in each column to determine your
PHILOSOPHY. Record those for the T1 and T2.

Essentialism Perennialism Progressivism Existentialism Behaviorism

Item S T1 T2 Item S T1 T2 Item S T1 T2 Item S T1 T2 Item S T1 T2

1 2 4 3 2 3 4 2 3 2 4 3 4 3 4 4 5 4 4 3

6 2 3 2 7 2 4 3 8 4 4 4 9 4 4 2 10 4 4 3

11 4 4 3 12 2 3 2 13 4 4 3 14 1 1 2 15 4 2 3

16 4 2 3 17 2 3 3 18 4 3 3 19 1 4 4 20 4 4 4

21 4 2 2 22 3 2 1 23 3 2 2 24 4 3 4 25 4 2 3

26 4 4 3 27 2 4 3 28 3 3 2 29 3 4 3 30 4 3 3

31 4 4 4 32 4 3 4 33 4 4 4 34 3 2 2 35 4 3 4

36 4 3 4 37 4 2 3 38 4 4 3 39 4 4 4 40 4 2 3

Total 28 26 24 Total 22 25 23 Total 28 28 24 Total 23 26 24 Total 32 24 26

Legend: S – Self ; T1 – Teacher 1; T2 – Teacher 2

Based on the information taken, answer the following

Rank your total raw scores for each category. Do the same
for Teacher 1 and Teacher 2.
1. What Philosophy is most dominant for you?Behaviorism
Which is least dominant?Perennialism
2. For Teacher 1, which is the most dominant?
Least dominant? Behaviorism

3. For Teacher 2, what Philosophy has gained the highest

score? Behaviorism
This is the most dominant philosophy of the teacher.
What has the lowest score?
Teacher 2 has a lowest score in Perennialism.

Activity 2 Application of Philosophy of Education in the


Name of Teacher:Mrs. Fe T. Balmaceda Dominant

Observations: Write at least 5 observations in narrative form that
shows the application of the dominant philosophy of the Teacher.
1. She let the student’s answered by themselves. She set herself as
a facilitator of the students. She believes that, students could
learn by discovering.

2. She creates ongoing projects. The ongoing project plays an

essential role in promoting mastery. She believes that, the key
My Reflections/Insights

1. Have you discovered your Philosophy of Education? How do

you feel after knowing it? Is your philosophy or firm
belief of education reflected in what you are doing as a
future teacher?

My dominant Philosophy of Education is BEHAVIORISM

The practices that I do as a student and future teacher
that reflect my philosophy are: (describe in sentences).

As a student, I am very particular about the rules and

regulations in school. I am aware of the behaviors that is
acceptable in the society I belong. For me, for every
actions there is an equal reaction. What you have done to
others will bring it back to you.

The practices that I will do, that will reflect my

Philosophy of Education will be: (describe in sentences)
I will be more sensitive about the behaviors of my
students. I will consider their differences as a person as
well as their environment they lived in that surely affect
their own behavior. I will set rules and regulations that
can truly discipline the children. A rules that did not
take authority but they can see as their mother, their
mentor and their friend. Before I set the rules and
regulation in my classroom, I will explain to them the
advantages of being a good follower so that they will
reflect on these advantages that would enable them to be a
good citizen

2. In your observations, does an experienced teacher practiced

what they believe in (philosophy of education) in actual
teaching? If yes, describe the instance/episode. If no,
what could be the reason?
Yes. The experienced teacher practiced what they believe in
Progressivism in actual teaching. The experienced teacher
believed that to develop lifelong learners, she should be
learner – centered. Based on my observations, the teacher
truly exercises the learner – centered approach. The
teacher let the students to think and discover the answer
by themselves. She did not allow the students to be
dependent on what the teacher always says. She always gives
an exercises to the students that will let the students
practiced the think, pair and share.

My Learning Portfolio

Pieces of Evidence:
1.The Matrix of Survey Results
2.Observation of the teacher and the Responses
3.Pictures (optional)
Essentialism Perennialism Progressivism Existentialism Behaviorism

Item S T1 T2 Item S T1 T2 Item S T1 T2 Item S T1 T2 Item S T1 T2

1 2 4 3 2 3 4 2 3 2 4 3 4 3 4 4 5 4 4 3

6 2 3 2 7 2 4 3 8 4 4 4 9 4 4 2 10 4 4 3

11 4 4 3 12 2 3 2 13 4 4 3 14 1 1 2 15 4 2 3

16 4 2 3 17 2 3 3 18 4 3 3 19 1 4 4 20 4 4 4

21 4 2 2 22 3 2 1 23 3 2 2 24 4 3 4 25 4 2 3

26 4 4 3 27 2 4 3 28 3 3 2 29 3 4 3 30 4 3 3

31 4 4 4 32 4 3 4 33 4 4 4 34 3 2 2 35 4 3 4

36 4 3 4 37 4 2 3 38 4 4 3 39 4 4 4 40 4 2 3

Total 28 26 24 Total 22 25 23 Total 28 28 24 Total 23 26 24 Total 32 24 26

Observation of the Teacher and the Responses
Name of Teacher:Mrs. Fe T. Balmaceda Dominant
Observations: Write at least 5 observations in narrative form that shows
the application of the dominant philosophy of the Teacher.
She let the student’s answered by themselves. She set herself as a
facilitator of the students. She believes that, students could learn by
She creates ongoing projects. The ongoing project plays an essential role
in promoting mastery. She believes that, the key to ongoing projects is to
provide plenty of project choices that enable students to demonstrate what
they are learning. Many objectives or standards can be met in one well-
crafted project that allows students to decide what the final product
looks like. The ongoing project stimulates the workshop environment that
is the foundation upon which the student-centered classroom is built.
She integrates technology.
She replaces homework with engaging in-class activities.
She eliminates rules and consequences. She set the tone from the first day
of the school year by eliminating all discussion of rules and
consequences. She explained that the learning environment is built on
mutual respect and a quest for knowledge, so there won’t be time for any
behavior issues. Keep activities engaging, and behavior will never be an
She involves students in evaluation. She involved students in
conversations about their learning not only builds trust, but also helps
them become critics of their own work, which is a remarkable part of the
amazing student-centered classroom.
The teacher is giving
advice to her student.

The teacher during the execution of her

lesson in music.
• F. 6
• FIELD STUDY The teacher in a school

Activity 1 Teacher in the school setting: Encounter

of the first kind

1. Copy the Class program of the teacher

Name of the teacher: Christina Balonzo

Name of the School: Oxford-Philippines International School

District of Cavite

Division of Dasmariñas


Grade 2

Morning Class Session 7:00-7:40 English 9:00-

9:40 Break time 11:00-11:40 AP

7:40-8:20 Mother Tongue 9:40-10:20 Science 11:40-12:00

8:20-9:00 Math 10:20-10:60 Filipino MAPEH

Noon Break 12:00-1:00

Afternoon Class Session Grade 2 has no afternoon class.

2. Record Observations

At the time you are in school, what significant observations have

you made?
Areas of Focus for
My Observations (Describe Clearly as you
Observation in the
School Setting
Physical Setting
Not organize, like the chairs are not
well arrange and the books are
1. Classroom Arrangement
everywhere, also the things of the
pupils are messy. It was untidy.
It was well organized and eye catching.
2. Bulletin Board
It was very informative and attractive
to some students.
The school playground is pleasant and it
3. School Playground was cleaned daily. The children’s love
to play basketball there.
Base from my observation, the school’s
learning resource center is lack of new
4. Learning Resource
and modern materials that are needed for
the learning but it was well
administered and tidy.
Socio-Psychological Setting
Base from my observations, the class
schedules are not well arrange because
1. Class Schedules some students has a hectic schedule that
some only has a one subject within 2
hrs. in one day.
2. Teacher’s Activities Interactive and fascinating
Collaborative, Interactive and
3.Learner’s Activities
4. Co-curricular Interactive, Intrinsic and Experiential
Activities Learning
5. Extracurricular Experiential learning, Interactive and
Activities Fun

My Reflections/Insights

Based on the teacher’s program and your observations, answer the


1. Would you consider teaching as a full time job? Why? Why


Yes, because based from my observations and survey I’ve learned

that teaching is a lifetime career and being a teacher is a
lifetime profession.
2. Are the conditions in the classroom conductive to the
welfare of both the learners and teacher? How will you
improve on it?

Yes, because both the learners and teacher are satisfied to the
conditions of the classroom. It’s a comfortable place to learn,
to teach and to develop experiential learning.

I will make it more interactive and interesting to learn and to


3. After closely observing the teacher in the school setting,

are you motivated to continue on becoming teacher? What in
the teacher’s practices inspire you to become a
professional teacher?

Yes, because I realized that I can also do what the teacher is

doing and she makes me get the interest and I do. She teaches me
tips and shares to me her other experiences in teaching, either
good or bad, and it gives me a lesson. She told me to study more
about the techniques on how to catch the interest of the pupils.

4. How can I improve the school setting that I have observed

when I become a teacher?
a. Classroom Arrangement

I will make sure that everything is on its right place

and my classroom is interactive.

b. Bulletin Board display

I will make sure that its eye catching, creative and

c. School playground
I will make it more fun, child friendly, and safe for
the children.
Episode 4.The teacher in the community setting.

Activity 1 Rapid community survey


Name of the School in the Barangay: Juan M. Alberto Memorial
Elementary School
Name of the Barangay:STA. ELENA
Name of the Town/ Municipality:VIRAC
Name of the Province/ City: CATANDUANES
I. Barangay Location
1. Distance from the City (in Km):MUNICIPAL- 825
2. Distance from the College/ University where
enrolled: more or less 5 km.
II. Demography
1. Population:793
2. Number of Households: 161
3. Number of school-going children: 62

III. Physical Features (Check the number of the type).

( ) Lowland () Mountains
() Upland ( ) Coastal

IV. Facilities (Check the number of the facility that

( ) School ( ) Plaza
( ) Community ( ) Health Center
( ) Market
( ) Reading Center
( ) Cooperative Store ( ) Others (Please list)
( ) Church/ Chapel
( ) Electricity
V. Agricultural Resources (Please check the number if
( ) Rice fields ( ) Fruit tress
(mango, jack, fruits,
( ) Cornfields etc)
( ) Sugarcane () Forest tress
(Mahogany, narra, etc.)
( ) Coconut palm
() Bananas

( ) Root crops ( ) Fisheries (Ponds, Deepsea)

( ) Livestock’s
(carabao, cattle)

VI. Commercial Resources (Please check if existing)

( ) Sari-sari
( ) Cooperative stores
( ) Trading
center ( ) Product sales

( ) Rural banks ( ) Others (Please list)

VII. Development Programs in Barangay (check the number if

it exists).
( ) Brigada
( ) Peace and Orcder
( ) Clean and
Green ( ) Others (please list)

( ) Gulayan ng
VIII. Annual Community Activities (Please check if it
( ) Barangay ( ) Community
Fiesta Festival
( ) Sports agricultural
Festival resources such
as trees, crops
( ) Search for Miss as an example in
Barangay giving
assessment to
( ) Christmas the students.
Celebration They make a
() Others (Please list) situation in
solving a
After making the mathematics
inventory of community problem, it can
resources, spend some time to be observed in
observe classes and find out the class
which are being utilized by starting Grade 3
up to Grade 6.
the teachers.

Social Church/Chapel
Add the chart in your Studies and Barangay
Portfolio. Fiesta- they
discuss the
importance of
Community Resources Utilized Christianity and
in Classroom how it was
adapted by the
Subjects in Community
School Resources Sari- sari
Utilized Store- to
determine the
Science Agricultural and relationship of
natural the supply and
resources- they the demand in
identify the buy and sell
different kinds practices.
of plants,
flowers and they
discuss the ICT/ Computer Shop-
parts of it. And General they used to
also in the Subjects research data/
upper Grade, information
they talked about the
about the specific topic
different rocks that was given
and how was the as an assignment
process. by surfing
internet in the
Mathematics Rice Fields- computer shop.
they used
IX. Other significant data of the Community:

 Existence of the old capitol where in the Provincial

Tourism located.

Activity 3 Interview of the School Teacher


1. What schools activities do you conduct that allow the

participation of the people in the barangay?

2. Are the community activities that you, as a teachers

join? Please name. Do your learners join also these


3. What learning do your pupils/students gain from the


4. What does the community benefit from joining in your

school activities?

5. As per your observation, are the lessons that you taught

Before Iin
to school
school transferred
to interviewtoteachers,
the homes Iorvisited
the community?
barangay and I
talked to appointed secretary of the barangay. He said, that the
school and the barangay officials met to discuss the school activities
and community activities. And as the conversation goes on, he give me
a short briefing about the barangay Sta. Elena in connection to
I interviewed two teachers from JMAMES, teacher Tess she is
handing SPED classes in school and teacher Meriam she is handling
Grade 1 regular classes. According to the teachers, JMAMES have
different activity that allows participation of the community such as
“Brigada Eskwela”, it is annual activity of every school. It permits
the parents to help in cleaning the school to promote solid waste free
school. Rendering to their statement, some parents used to pay than
giving hard work in cleaning. Though it is not a bad idea, parents
must involve their selves in the activity. The progress of this does
not reflect to the teachers but to the parents, their support to their
children’s education. The community also participated in schools
celebration such as Nutrition month, the school and the community
promote good nutrition for everyone. They had programs which
corresponds activities for students and parents. As a teacher, they
both participated in community activities such as during Barangay
Fiesta and Sports Festivals. They train students to join academic
activities (such as slogan, poster making, and quiz bee) and non-
academic activities (such as singing and dance competitions). Teacher
Tess highlighted that activities in the community allows students to
be competitive enough to join in the competitions involve, this have a
benefit in students development and also to unwind them in the school
stress. And also the Clean and Green program in the community.As well
as in the school activities community expected to join, as they
stated. Teacher Meriam once said “Bilang salong ina reponsibilidad ta
na supportahan an activities sa eskwelahan ta alam na ang bawat
activities may goal para tuwangan ang lambing salo kaya bilang maestra
masasabi kong dai kaming piga gibong plano para sana maging eroplano”.
Her avowal explains the importance of joining in the school
activities. How can school change society? School main goal is to
educate people with good moral character and established activities to
develop individual. Simple participation of the parents in the school
activity has a great impact in their children such as they feel that
they are important to you as their parents. They both observed that
their learners have a meaningful learning as they practice their
learnings in home.
The interview goes well done. That chance to talk to them is such
an experience. Even they are busy doing students grades they allow me
to conduct an interview.

Activity 4 How is the Teacher Viewed by the Community

My Reflections/ Insights
After making a survey of the barangay and interviewing the
teacher, answer the following questions:
1. How do you feel about the participation of the school, teacher and
learners in the celebration of the barrio fiesta?
I am happy that they both participated in the activities they
implemented. Such as the school help the community in exchange the
community supports the activities in the school. As we took an
interview survey in the barangay, it was a little bit challenging.
Because we don’t know really how Sta. Elena going although I am near
in the place, I have never been in touch to them since I don’t have
any friend living at the barangay but to the active members in the
church I think I am familiar to them, I join at their choir at the
meantime when I was young.
Barangay Sta. Elena do have many household, involving the
students who was staying in the boarding houses. They are rich in
establishments such as Century Family Mall, Land Bank, Computer shops,
Salons, Finance Corporation, Dental Clinic, Inn, Restaurant and Sari-
sari stores. The Old Capitol was also built in barangay Sta. Elena. I
can say that this barangay is not just rich in people but also
economically. They also have agricultural resources such as crops,
trees but for each household only. They don’t really have a farm but
as I observed some houses had vegetables planted.

2. How does the view of the people in the community improve the
teacher’s status?
In personal view, it helps teachers to know what their wrongs
they did. In this way, the teacher may change her attitude to be
highly accepted by the community. In the teacher’s status, view of the
people in the community help teacher’s statusimprove maybe with the
help of giving good feedbacks to the teacher. By means of this any
institution may accept his/her application for his/her good
performance. And also some barangay gives remark such as certificate
to the teachers whom help them in their activity and this will serve
as a credit to them to keep going towards the high position. For
example last summer I join the immersion given by the Eve Gates Salon,
we do free haircuts for men and women. My former teacher in Science
also participated in the same activity. In every barangay that we
engage, He always asked for the certificate in the Barangay Captain.
And there he told me the importance of being active in the community
as a teacher. One thing I think of is that maybe in the sense of
teacher’s status in the community. If the teacher always join and
supports community activities of course the people will admire his/
her kindness.

3. What realization that relates to your becoming a teacher, have you

gained from your concrete experiences and observations in the
Teachers must know about everything and must practice it in
everyday life. Some parents do seldom misinterpret the teacher’s
decisions and actions toward some situation, that’s why conflict
arise. I realized that a teacher must involve herself in the community
since school is a part of the community. A teacher must always
practice her professional attitude in or outside the institution. The
teacher does not only educate people inside classroom but therefore
gives extra effort to educate people with attitude. Attitude is the
key in every success, that’s why each individual shall possess the
good characteristics and the teacher is their role model.
As a future teacher, I was inspired by both teacher Tess and
teacher Meriam for their passion and dedication in school as well as
in helping the community. There’s no greater than a teacher can do. A
teacher possess a magical power that ignites the losing light of an
individual. And I assure everyone can’t forget the experiences they
had with teachers.
My Learning Portfolio

This is a photo of Barangay Sta.

Elena Plaza where in student’s
play basketball and where
barangay activities held.

Barangay Session

Barangay Sta. Elena spot

map. 

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