August 2008 Newsletter

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MOMS Club® of Woodstock-South, Georgia

August 2008 Newsletter

President’s Message

It’s hard to believe that the dog days of summer are coming to an end and the back to school rush will soon
begin. As many of us get ready to send the kids back to school, or in some cases send them to school for the
very first time, we must savor the last couple of weeks of summer! Splash around in the pool, enjoy a scoop of
delicious ice cream, and spend the day “being kids” with our own kids before the cooler weather returns and
the school year rush gets into full swing.

This said, your new MOMS Club board is already in full swing implementing new ideas, bringing back some
oldies but goodies, and working hard to make MOMS Club better for you and your kids. We are an ambitious
group of ladies with fabulous ideas and determination to get things done. Some of the board’s goals for the
year focus on more mom-centered activities and small groups to meet the needs of our most valued members –
YOU. We hope to expand our service projects to benefit kids in need and the environment, as well as the
elderly. We are also trying to broaden our activities to include MOMS with school age children so that they
don’t feel out of the loop. Lastly, we are working on making our newest members feel more welcome and
involved by re-vamping our Big Sister program.

One of our novel ideas this year is to reward you for your participation and involvement in MOMS Club. We
have initiated an incentive program that rewards you with discounts and perks to your favorite Atlanta hot
spots, outings, and will even save you money on groceries. We hope that you will have a chance to reap the
benefits of this new program! Most importantly, we would like to involve you in more planning and decision-
making. Our hope is that the club becomes more than a club, but a place for you to make friends, have fun
with your kids, and enjoy your role as a MOM. In the end, that is our number one goal, and it happens to be
the motto of our organization - MOMS Club: MOMS offering other MOMS Support.

Your President,
Nina T Garcia

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—August 2008 Newsletter

Club News
North Metro Gymnastics
**Special rate for Woodstock MOMS Club participants**.
The special pricing is for the following week only:
 Week 8: July 28th – August 1st Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 9:00am-1:00pm from $50.
If anyone is interested, please call the gym and register by phone – a $25 deposit is required to secure your
child’s spot in the camp. You must mention “Woodstock MOMS Club” special, and know that they may ask for
membership verification. If you have any questions, please contact Carolyn at by phone at (770) 384-8058 or

Playgroups are a wonderful way to broaden your child's social circle and for moms to get to know
each other better. Will your child's schedule be changing with the start of the new school year? At
this time of year, some moms find themselves in need of a new playgroup due to school schedules or other
activities. Please contact the Playgroup Liaison Julie Kori at or (678) 880-1983 if you want to join
a playgroup or need to switch to a different playgroup. As a reminder, please be aware that anyone wishing to
begin attending playgroup needs to be placed in one by the Playgroup Liaison. Current playgroup members should
not invite others to start attending their playgroup without first contacting the Playgroup Liaison. At times, there
may be other moms or potential new members that are being slotted for a particular group and it is the role of the
Playgroup Liaison to coordinate all placements to ensure the right mix of children per group and in accordance
with the Playgroup Guidelines.

MOMS Club Tidbits

Our secretary, Amy Nelson, sends out weekly tidbits through email to the entire club. There are usually
time-sensitive notices in these emails so please be sure to read them. If you have anything to share with
the entire club please send your message to Amy at and she'll be sure to get it
out to the club.

Helping Hands
Helping Hands coordinates not only meals for moms and baskets for babies, but also babysitting
needs in times of family crisis. If you should need help, please contact Gail Battey at Our goal is to support all moms in times of need.

Chapter Historian
SAY CHEESE!!! If you happen to take photos during any of our activities, or playgroups, please
share them with Betty Miller as she continues to fill our MOMS Club scrapbook. If possible, please
write carefully the names and what the activity is along with the date (or month) on the back of each photo or
separate sheet of paper. You can give them to Betty personally, email them to, or mail them
to her at 1508 Willow Bend, Woodstock, GA 30188. Thanks!

Calendar IDEAS!
Do you have a great idea to share? Or have a fun place in mind where you’d want to play with the
kids at? Please send your fun activity ideas to our calendar coordinator, Heaven Barnett at so she can coordinate the next month’s MOMS Club activities. When taking a more
active role in submitting creative ideas, the more our club will appeal to more members. All ideas accepted!

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—August 2008 Newsletter

MOMS of the Month
Catherine Moore: Hi Everyone, I’m Catherine Moore. Since I’m on the MOMS Club Board,
I’ve written several of these bios, so I’ll try and come up with some new things to say .
I grew up in Macon, Georgia (about 1 ¾ hours south of here). I went to school at Rhodes
College in Memphis, Tennessee where I majored in philosophy. Having primarily baby-sat my
way through high school/college and armed with a thoroughly un-employable liberal arts degree,
I went through a 12-week Governess Certification Program. After finishing that (and taking a 2-
week break to get married), I was placed with a family just outside of Boston and worked for
them for almost a year before Spencer was born. Since then I’ve mostly stayed at home with a brief stint as a part-
time preschool teacher when Spencer was 1 ½ to 3 - before Audrey was born.
Some of my favorites are: ** Anything Purple (a trait that Spencer inherited somehow) ** Band: They
Might Be Giants ** TV: (since we cut off cable, we download or rent) Lost, Boston Legal, Heroes, 24, House **
Movies: Closer, Dogma, With Honors, The Princess Bride, Cars ** Tom Robbins (author of many of my favorite
books, including Skinny Legs and All) ** Rent (both the movie and the Broadway Show) ** Harry Potter (the
books significantly more than the movies) ** collecting key chains (I started around age 9 currently have a chain
about 10 feet long)
When this edition of the newsletter comes out, I will be on safari in southern Africa! We won a
sweepstakes from Target – one of the most (if not the most) exciting things ever to happen in my life. I’ve never
been out of the country before and am super psyched about my first vacation with my hubby being such a big
adventure. If you ask, I’m sure I’ll talk your ear off about it when we get back – or make you sit through a zillion

Mitzi Morrow: Hey y'all. My name is Mitzi Morrow, short for Melissa. I have two
children Cole (5) and Connor (3). I grew up in East Cobb until middle school and then
moved out of state to Wisconsin and then Ohio. I attended the last 2 years of high school
and then college in Ohio and met my husband when we worked for a company called
MBNA, now part of Bank Of America. We actually worked together many years and
were not the fondest of each other (ie: we didn't like each other.) I was in HR and he was a
manager who got transferred in to one of my departments and we started working closely together. He wanted to
date, but I saw a lot of couples that dated at work and then broke up and things got ugly. I didn't want that, so when
we finally started dating, we knew it was for keeps. We were engaged 7 months later and married a year after
that. We have been married for almost 8 years now. We had major problems getting pregnant and after some
miracles, now have 2 wonderful and active boys who keep me very busy. I had always wanted to move back
"home" to Georgia, but it never happened. Then 3 years ago, after the birth of our second child, our company got
bought out. We knew it was then or never. We bought our house in the Woodlands subdivision sight unseen, with
my best friend doing the walk through. We attend Johnson Ferry Baptist Church and spend a lot of our time there,
at our neighborhood pool, YMCA soccer or t-ball or at North Metro gym, where I was introduced to their
wonderful staff through MOMS club when we first moved here. My oldest has attended classes off and on at North
Metro since then and my youngest started classes there this spring. Surprisingly enough, this is my third year as a
member of the MOMS Club. It has always been a goal to be more active getting to know you all, but since I work
almost full time from home, while technically being a "stay at home mom" and my first child has some autism
spectrum issues, it never happens. Since I feel like we haven't met a lot of people over the last 3 years, it is my goal
again this year to come to more events and make some new friends. Now that I have said that to everyone, it will
kick me to get to some events and I will get to know you all soon. Thanks for this chance to let you know a bit
about me.

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—August 2008 Newsletter

Julie Kori: Hi everyone- I’m Julie Kori. I have been a member of the MOMS Club for over 4
years now. I am thankful for all the wonderful friendships we have formed with MOMS Club
members! A few years back, I served as MVP and this is my second year as Playgroup Liaison.
I grew up in Jacksonville, Florida and went to college at Rollins College in Winter Park,
Florida. I was fortunate to spend a semester aboard in Dublin, Ireland, which was undoubtedly a
once in a lifetime experience. After graduating from college, I worked in the mental health field
for a number of years. My previous jobs included working at a facility for Autistic children,
working at a group home with “troubled” teens, working at a hospital in their mental health
department handling crisis and suicide calls. My last “real” job before becoming a mom was being an office
manager for a psychology practice in Atlanta. Somewhere along the way, I met my wonderful husband Jeff. We
met in an unusual way- over the phone handling some hospital business. He was in Atlanta and I was in
Jacksonville. He happened to have family in Jacksonville as well and was planning to come for a family reunion in
a few weeks time, so we set ourselves up on a blind date. We dated about 1 ½ years long distance before getting
married. Then I moved to Atlanta. We are blessed with 2 beautiful boys- Joshua age 5 and Jamie age 2. Joshua is
getting ready to start Kindergarten and Jamie will be starting preschool in a few weeks. I love being a stay-at-home
mom and being there to see my children learn and grow on a daily basis. In my “free time” I enjoy exercising,
especially kickboxing and spin classes, scrapbooking, and spending time with friends. If I could choose between a
personal chef, full-time housekeeper or nanny, I would definitely choose a personal chef as I am not much of a
cook and I would love to have someone cook delicious healthy meals for my family and the chef would of course
do ALL my grocery shopping as well!

Small Groups
Activity Groups Information -August 2008

Activity groups are a great way to meet new people within the club. The groups are also a great way to have some
well-deserved mommy time. Some suggested groups have been Book Club, Recipe Club and the “Lonely Wives”
Dinner Club, but we need someone to head them up. Coordinating a group is not time consuming and it is a great
way to get more involved in the club. If you have an interest and would like to form a group, please contact the
Activities Group Liaison, Betty Miller at or by phone at (770) 592-4961.

Here’s the info on our current groups:

Coffee Club
Now that school is back in session, take some time for yourself. Join your fellow moms for coffee
and conversation at the Serene Bean. Bring the little ones along and we can play at the Woodstock
City Park gazebo after we get our coffee. You don't have to be a coffee drinker to join us. The Serene Bean offers
breakfast items, tea, cocoa and juice as well.

Movie Club
Movie Club is an opportunity to go to a movie theatre with other moms this summer! Mark your
calendars for the 2nd Friday of every month June – September: Aug. 8th, Sept. 12th. Movie is to be
determined by members. All members are welcome, so if you haven't come before, come join. For
more information, contact Amy Nelson at or by cell phone at (404) 932-3232.

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—August 2008 Newsletter

If you are interested in learning about opportunities to scrapbook with some other moms, then please
email Amy Nelson at to be added to her email list. Many of the
opportunities are FREE and a few of them have a nominal fee for food. If you know of some other
opportunities, then let Amy know those too!

If you like new recipe ideas and/or love to share recipes when you try something and love it…. then
let Amy Nelson know you want to be added to her recipe email list. As she gets recipes emailed to
her, she’ll pass it along to YOU! It’s always fun to have new cooking ideas! If you send in a recipe, please note if
you’ve tried it or not. Feel free to send meal planning information, recipe websites, or cooking tips too. We love it
all! Amy’s email is

Fitness Directory
If you’d like to get periodic updates on who is a member of Moms Club AND also a member of
YOUR gym or fitness interest, then email Amy at Friendship,
Accountability & More Fun at YOUR Fitness Club/Gym or fitness interests… all I need to know if your
name/email/cell #/what gym or fitness interest & location if it’s not well known. Here are some local fitness

Happy Birthday to: MOMS KIDS

Kristen Robbins (08/18) Anna Freeman (08/08)

Kristin Freeman (08/23) Drew Hawkins (08/15)
Heaven Barnett (08/24) Julianne Butler (08/21)
Marianne Butler (08/31) Cleo Dawson (08/28)
Jake Ruth (08/30)

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—August 2008 Newsletter

Treasury Report
Dollars and Cents



Dues New Members $

Dues Renewals $
Fundraiser $
Misc. $
Other (Advertising) $


Postage $
Copies $
Donations $
Misc. $

Reimbursements $91.50



Membership News
~Hello and Goodbye~

Welcome New Members: Up for Renewal: Farewell to:

Claire Black Simone Friedman
Jennifer Boyd
Marianne Butler
Amy Willingham

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—August 2008 Newsletter

Contact Information
Our Volunteers

This Club is only as good as you make it. All of us are moms in the same stage of life, so please know that your
Club volunteers are just as busy as you are. Respect your volunteers and their time that they give to all of us.
Maybe become a volunteer, too.
President: Helping Hands Coordinator: MOMS Club Area Coordinator
Nina Garcia (770) 517-7264 Gail Battey (678) 384-4992 Kerry Keough 3045 Sharon Lane
Cumming, GA 30041
Administrative Vice President: Party/Craft Coordinator: 770-889-4975
Maya Arabia (404) 514-8586 Nina Garcia (770) 517-7264
MOMS Club GA Area Coordinator
mailto:tripp1113@yahoo.comMem Newsletter Editor: Kimberly Sherman
bership Vice President: Heaven Barnett (404) 641-7655 520 Oak Bridge Trail
Catherine Moore (678) 367-1162 Alpharetta, GA 30022 770-753-9691
Website Mistress:
Treasurer: Bethany Mashini (770) 517-0965
Dana Wood (770) 928-4600 MOMS Club Asst Regional Coordinator
Chapter Historian Allie Roberts
Secretary: Betty Miller (770) 592-4961 11010 N. Lamont Court
Amy Nelson (678) 445-9454 Fredericksburg, VA 22407 540-786-7777
Big Sister Program Coordinator
Calendar Coordinator: Catherine Moore (678) 367-1162
Heaven Barnett (404) 641-7655 Inquiries outside your local area can be made by sending an e-mail to
Activities Group Liaison or by writing to:
Playgroup Liaison: Betty Miller (770) 592-4961 The MOMS Club,
Julie Kori (678) 880-1983 1464 Madera Rd. #N 191, Simi Valley, CA 93065.
(Please include a $2 donation when
requesting information by mail.)

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—August 2008 Newsletter

Market Place
This is the classified section of our newsletter. Please restrict your submissions to 20 lines or less of text in
12pt. Times New Roman type. Anyone wishing to place an ad should contact the Newsletter Editor, Heaven
Barnett at

Toys - $60
 Train Table
 Wooden Train Set
 Box of LEGOS
Contact Tiffany Howard if interested in any of these items at or (404) 822-7661.

Winnie the Pooh nursery items (or will see separately) - $50
 music and lights for crib
 womb and music bear for crib
 mobile (GUESS bears)
 2 fitted Pooh crib sheets
 Pooh and Tigger shelf
Contact Tiffany Howard if interested in any of these items at or (404) 822-7661.

Kidsline Cream Colored Bed Set - $25

 crib bed set with quilt
 3 valances
 bumper
It is really nice and has embroidered sun and moon very subtle. It is very gender neutral and good quality (not
pictured). Contact Tiffany Howard if interested in any of these items at or (404) 822-7661.

Mission Style Antique Dining Room Table - $200.00 pictures available upon request.
Contact Tiffany Howard if interested in any of these items at or (404) 822-7661.

Baby Crib and Changing Table - $200 (Will also include misc. crib sheets)
 Legacy baby crib & mattress w/drawer underneath for storage
 Matching changing table
 Removable rails for a toddler bed.
Please contact Betty Miller at or
(770) 592-4961 if interested.

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—August 2008 Newsletter

August 2008
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2
“The Little Summer Concert @
Mermaid” @ Woodstock City
Kudzu Playhouse Park
11a 7:30p
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sunday ROCKS Board Games For Pool Day @ the The Playroom Playdate @ Chattahoochee
w/Raven @ Six MOMS Moore’s 10:30a Hobbytown USA Park/Playground
Flags 10a-12p 10a 10a 10:30 am
4p Car Wash Tour
RSVP by 08/01
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Fox Tale Books Imagine It! Target Coffee Club @ Board Meeting Calendar Meeting
Storytime Free Second Serene Bean @ Dunkin Donuts
11a Tuesdays 9:30a Jump n’ Bounce 9-9:30a
1p @ Monkey Joes
Playtime @ 10:30a MNO @ Sun Dial
Kidzstock Resturant Bar &
3:30p View
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Exotic Animal Members Meeting Circle of Friends Ice Cream Social “Movies in the
Encounters @ Zoo @ Dupree Park 10a @ Woodstock Park” @ East Cobb
Atlanta 10a Community Park Park
11a 3:30p 6p

24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Lunch @ Bumper Bowling @ The Ultimate Woodstock Library PBK Sing-a-long &
McCallister’s Woodstock Lanes Playdate @ East Storytime Soft Play @ North
12p 3p Cobb Park 10:15a Point Mall
4p 10a

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—August 2008 Newsletter

Activities Descriptions
August 2008
Send all RSVPs to
To access the Gmail account to see other RSVPs for each event , please login to
Username is woodstockmomsclubrsvp and the password is funevents.
When RSVPing for an activity, please use the activity name (i.e. Jump Zone or Grant Park) as the subject for your email.

Fri. Aug. 1st The Little Mermaid: Melody swims to The Top of the Sea where she meets the painfully shy, but
funny, Ollie, reluctantly in training to be King. Best for ages 2-9 years old. Cost: $8/person. For
“The Little more information go to or call (770) 594-1020. Directions:
Mermaid” @ Take Hwy. 92 towards Roswell. Turn left onto Alpharetta Hwy. End at 10743 Alpharetta Highway
Kudzu Roswell, GA 30076

Sat. Aug. 2nd It’s the last summer concert of the year! Join in on the fun and watch this Summer Concert with
Assembly of Dust at the Woodstock Downtown City Park. Cost: Free. For more information call
Summer (678) 445-6518. Directions: From GA Hwy. 92 turn left onto Canton Rd./Main Street towards
Concert @ Old Town Woodstock. Then make a slight right onto East Main Street. End at the gazebo.
City Park

Sun. Aug. 3rd Sunday Rocks! presented by DanceDanceRevolution® and Chase is excited to
announce a bonus concert featuring one of the biggest stars in pop music: Raven
Sunday ROCKS Symoné! This concert is FREE with park admission and will conclude the Sunday
w/Raven @ Rocks! Presented by DanceDanceRevolution® and Chase concert series. Make plans to attend this
Six Flags phenomenal concert destined to be one of the best ever! Cost: Adults $39.99; Children (48” and
below) $29.99; Children 2 & under FREE! *You can purchase your passes online at
4p for an adult discounted rate of $29.99.
For more information go to the above website address. Directions: Take Hwy. 575 towards
Atlanta. Merge onto I-75; take the I-285 Bypass W (Exit 259) Birmingham/Tampa. Then merge
onto I-20 W/GA-407 via the exit on the left toward Birmingham/Montgomery. Merge onto I-20
W/GA-402 W via exit 10B toward Birmingham. Merge onto Riverside Pkwy SW via exit 46A
toward Six Flags Park. End at Six Flags Over Georgia, 275 Riverside Parkway, Austell, GA 30168.
Mon. Aug. 4th Come join us to enjoy board games (or card games) that are more fun and interesting for us than
Candyland. Kids are, of course, welcome to come with you - they can play in playrooms while we
Board play at tables out of reach of little hands. Or if you're a lucky mom who has a free morning with
Games the kids at camp, come and enjoy it with friends & games. You can come just one time or on a
For MOMS regular basis - all are welcome!! Cost: Free! Directions: From 575 take exit #7. Go East towards
Roswell. Turn left on W. Wiley Bridge Road. Turn left into Willow Tree subdivision. Turn left at
10a-12p first stop sign (Willow Way). I'm on the left. End at Mandy Squires home at 1627 Willow Way.
Tues. Aug. 5th Summer is almost over! Head on out to the Moore’s poolside for some splish-splashing FUN!!!
Cost: Free! Directions: Take Main St/Hwy 5 North. Pass the Library on your right. Turn Left
Pool Day @ at the next light onto Ridgewalk Pkwy (just before the Rec Center). Turn Left on Ridge Trail. Alta
The Moore’s Ridgewalk Apartments is on the Right. The Gate Code is 777#. Follow the road back past the
mailboxes and it dead-ends near our building. We're 7106 - ground floor off the right side
10a breezeway.
Wed. Aug. 6th What a fun way to let the kids bounce around and have fun with their MOMS friends. This is the
Playroom’s new location, with new equipment. Cost: $9/first child; $6/for each sibling.
“PLAY” For more information call (770) 650-0122. Directions: Take Hwy. 92 towards Roswell. Turn
an Activity right onto Crabapple Road; End at 10930 Crabapple Rd Suite 15 Roswell, GA 30075.
Center for Kids

Wed. Aug. 6th John Gentry, the owner of Splash Car Wash, has a fascinating car wash tour planned just for our
MOMS Club!! We’ll learn about the 1st car washes and get a behind-the-scenes look at the
Splash Car following systems: computer, water recycling & power saver. We’ll get to see and hear about a car
MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—August 2008 Newsletter
Wash Tour wash in action when you take a drive through car wash experience in your own car. Cost: Free;
complimentary $3.99 car wash. Directions: Take Hwy. 92 towards Roswell. Turn right into the
3p Wal-Mart parking lot. End at Splash Car Wash, 12176 Hwy 92, Woodstock, GA 30188.
RSVP by 08/01
Thurs. Aug. 7th Go on over to Hobbytown with your fellow MOMS and have a playdate!!! There is a lot to do and
play with. Hobbytown has a playroom for all the children to play in while the MOMS relax and
Playdate @ catch up on everyone’s summer vacations. There are train tables and much more!! Cost: Free.
Hobbytown Directions: Take I-575 to Barrett Parkway. Turn right onto Barrett Parkway. Barrett Parkway
USA turns into Ernest W Barrett Parkway. End at 840 Ernest Barrett Parkway.

Fri. Aug. 8th Tired of the usual playgrounds around Woodstock? Come to the BEAUTIFUL and large
playground right on the Chattahoochee River. There is also a wonderful walking trial for those of
Chattahoochee you who would like to get some exercise. Bring your balls, kites, bikes, scooters and a picnic
Park & lunch. Directions: Take HWY 92 toward Roswell. Turn right on Dogwood street. (Almost to
Playgroung 400... right after the Krystal burger restaurant.) Keep following this road and you will see the
playground equipment on your left.
Mon. Aug. 11th Fox Tale Book Shoppe is an exciting bookstore. Treat yourself to a visit, and join in on the
storytime of amazement. Cost: Free! For more information go to or
Fox Tale call (770) 516-9989. Directions: From GA Hwy. 92 turn left onto Canton Rd./Main Street
Books towards Old Town Woodstock. Then make a slight right onto East Main Street. End at 105 East
Storytime Main Street, Woodstock, GA.

Mon. Aug. 11th Come spend an afternoon at this great playground! Bring a snack and play on the playground. This
park is fun for all ages, including a separate fenced in toddler area. Cost: Free. Directions:
Playtime @ From 575, travel on Hwy 92 toward Roswell until you come to the light at Neese Rd (right before
Kidzstock Trickum Rd), turn left at the light and turn right immediately into the church parking lot in front
of the playground.
Tues. Aug. 12th Join the MOMS and their children at an interactive exhibit that’s hands-on. Imagine IT! offers
encounters with some of the tale's famous characters, and encourages curiosity through an
Imagine It! adventure in learning. For more info go to or call (404) 659-KIDS.
Target Free Cost: Adults and Children FREE sponsored by Target. Directions: Travel on I-75 South. Exit
Second Exit Williams Street; Go straight off the exit onto Williams Street; Turn right onto Baker Street;
Tuesdays The museum is located on the corner of Baker Street and Centennial Olympic Park Drive.

Wed. Aug. 13th Now that school is back in session, take some time for yourself. Join your fellow moms for coffee
and conversation at the Serene Bean. Bring the little ones along and we can play at the Woodstock
Coffee Club @ City Park gazebo after we get our coffee. You don't have to be a coffee drinker to join us. The
Serene Bean Serene Bean offers breakfast items, tea, cocoa and juice as well. Cost: Varies between $1.50- $4.
Directions: The Serene Bean is located in downtown Woodstock at the intersection of Main
9:30a Street and Towne Lake Parkway.
Thurs. Aug. 14th Come out to Monkey Joe's in Kennesaw/Marietta and let your kid’s jump, slide, run, climb, and
laugh until they drop! It is one of the biggest indoor playgrounds you have ever seen, and they
Board Meeting have a separate toddler area with softer smaller things to climb on, with parent seating. They also
have a concession stand and TVs and a wireless internet cafe for parents. No outside food
Jump n’ Bounce allowed! Don’t forget to bring or wear socks! Cost: Children 3 and older are $7.99 each. For
@ Monkey Joe’s more information go to Directions: Take 575
South to Exit 1 and turn left on to Barrett Parkway. Cross under 575 and go up a couple of lights.
10:30a Turn left into the Prado shopping center (Stein Mart, Ross, Publix, etc…). Monkey Joe’s is located
behind the shopping center near the Bally’s gym.
Fri. Aug. 15th Head on over to Dunkin Donuts for a sweet breakfast while we brainstorm for some fun activities
for our September calendar. Cost: Between $1.50-$7.00; varies. Directions: Exit off on
Calendar exit 7/Woodstock. Pass 575 Parkway, and you’ll see the Dunkin Donuts on your left; right next to
Meeting @ the QT gas station.
Dunkin Donuts


MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—August 2008 Newsletter

Fri. Aug. 15th The Sun Dial Restaurant, Bar & View is Atlanta's only tri-level dining complex featuring a
revolving upscale restaurant, a rotating cocktail lounge and an observatory View Level offering a
MNO @ breathtaking 360-degree panorama of the magnificent Atlanta skyline. An Atlanta tradition,
Sun Dial thousands of locals and tourists board the scenic glass elevators each year to climb the hotel's 73
Resturant stories to The Sun Dial for its unbeatable views, classic cuisine, live jazz and relaxing ambiance.
Bar & View Situated 723 feet above the city, The Sun Dial's diverse menu offers Chef Christian Messier's
seasonally-influenced contemporary American cuisine including lunch, dinner and Sunday
7:30p brunch. With spectacular views, tantalizing menus and live jazz to create the perfect ambience,
RSVP by 08/11 The Sun Dial Restaurant Bar & View truly is the ultimate Atlanta dining experience. Valet Parking:
The Sun Dial Restaurant, Bar, & View will validate parking for dinners for up to three hours in the
hotel parking in the motor lobby of the hotel. Proper attire is always required at The Sun Dial
Restaurant, Bar & View. Relax and enjoy the views as casual attire is acceptable during our lunch
hours and at all times in The Bar and The View. As day turns to night, dinner hours are a bit more
formal and we ask for business casual attire. Please be mindful of our other guests and refrain
from wearing athletic gear, shorts, hats, and flip-flops. Cost: Appetizers vary between $9-$15;
Entrees $29-$38; and Desserts are $8. For more information to go Directions: GA-400 feeds into I-85 South. The two interstates
merge shortly before downtown. Take exit 249A, Courtland Street (one way-exit ramp merges into
flow of traffic). Follow to third traffic light and turn right on International Boulevard (one way).
Follow to third block, crossing over to Peachtree Street, our motor lobby will be at the end of the
block on the left. Welcome to The Westin Peachtree Plaza. RSVP deadline is MONDAY, 08/11.
**Carpool is an option to this activity**
Mon. Aug. 18th Daily events, including zookeeper talks, training demonstrations, and animal encounters are
included with zoo admission. Special animal feedings also occur throughout the day and include
Exotic gorilla and orangutan feedings between 2pm and 2:45pm daily. Cost: Children (3-12) $12; Adults
Animal $17.99; Children (2 & under) Free. For more information go to or call
Encounters@ (404) 624-5822. Directions: Off Interstate 75/85, take Exit 246 (Fulton Street) and drive
Atlanta Zoo east on Fulton Street. Turn right at Capitol Avenue. Follow Capitol Ave. to first light, turn left on
Georgia Avenue. Georgia Avenue ends at the Cherokee Avenue lot.
Tues. Aug. 19th It’s already August and school is in session. So pack a lunch for you and your littler ones and head
on over to Dupree Park where we will hold our monthly members meeting. Dupree Park has a
Members fenced in playground so the children can play safely. While you’re there, they can slide on the
Meeting slides, play tag, swing, build sandcastles, and also feed the ducks! Cost: Free. Directions: FROM
@ Dupree TOWNLAKE take Hwy 575. Exit on 7 Woodstock. Turn left onto Hwy. 92. Turn left onto Neese
Park Road. Dupree Park will be on the right. FROM ROSWELL take Hwy 92. Turn right onto Neese
Road. Dupree Park will be on the right.
Wed. Aug. 20th Come and join our Circle of Friends - Get together with your fellow moms to discuss anything
that is on your mind - current events, children's phases/parenting issues or even the latest
Circle of celebrity gossip. Bring a snack to share and come ready to enjoy some good adult conversation,
Friends make new friends and maybe even learn something new. Kids are invited of course. See you
there! Cost: Free! Directions: 406 Gael Way, Woodstock, GA 30188. Take hwy. 92 towards
10a Roswell and make a left onto Woodlands Parkway. Take a right at the first street on the
roundabout. Make a left at Revillion Way. Make another left on AnnaZanes Place. End at 406
Gael Way (Nina Garcia's house).
Thurs. Aug. 21st Join us for a fun way to socialize and eat delicious ice cream. The kids can play on the fenced-in
playground at Woodstock Community Church. When you RSVP please list what you will bring! We
Ice Cream will need two people to bring ice cream, one person to bring bowls and spoons, and at least two
Social @ people to bring toppings, but more are welcome. Directions: Woodstock Community Church is
Woodstock on the northwest corner of Main Street (Hwy 5) and Towne Lake Parkway. Parking is behind the
Community church off of Towne Lake Parkway.

Fri. Aug. 22nd Bring your family and come view some of your favorite flicks outside on the BIG screen at the
park! Pack some snack or a picnic dinner and enjoy the playground and park. There will be live
Movies in the music to listen to and a bounce house before the film begins. Activities begin at 6pm sharp. Film
Park @ East begins at dusk. Cost: Free. For more info go to Directions: Take
Cobb Park 575 South to 75 South. Get off at exit 265 and take the GA-120 loop towards Marietta/Roswell.
Take that to the Roswell Road exit. Turn left on to Roswell Road and take that to the park, which
6p will be on the right side. End at 3322 Roswell Road.

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—August 2008 Newsletter

Mon. Aug. 25th If you are looking for an inexpensive yet good place to eat then come to McAlister's Deli. This
family friendly deli has tons of choices - baked potatoes, salads, sandwiches, soups - and a great
Lunch @ kids menu. They are best known for their chili in a bread bowl and sweet tea! So plan on joining
McCallister’s your fellow moms for lunch and some good conversation. Directions: Merge onto I-575 S/GA-5
S via the ramp on the LEFT. Take the CHASTAIN ROAD exit, EXIT 3, toward I-75 N. Keep RIGHT
12p at the fork to go on CHASTAIN RD NW. Turn LEFT onto BUSBEE PKWY NW. End at 2950
Busbee Parkway, Suite 102 Kennesaw, GA 30144 (across from Garden Ridge and the PGA golf
Tues. Aug. 26th Let’s head inside for some fun bumper bowling! Come experience the fun of bowling at AMF ...
Where good friends meet good times. Cost: At the AMF Bowling Center in Woodstock the prices
Bumper are (Weekdays before 5 pm); Kids 12 and under: $3.25/game + $3.00 for shoes
Bowling @ Adults: $3.75/game + $4.00 for shoes. For further details and pricing visit their website at
Woodstock or call at (770) 926-2200.
Lanes Directions: I575 north to Hwy 92 Woodstock. Turn right on Hwy 92 and turn left just before
the McDonalds and drive down the back you will see the AMF Bowling Center on the right hand
3p side (where the old Wal-Mart used to be).
Wed. Aug. 27th Every Wednesday afternoon, weather permitting, live music performed at the park by Jay
Memory, local resident and founding member of the popular national act Memory Dean. Songs
The Ultimate include classic hits and sing-alongs for kids. Cost: Free! For more info, check out:
Playdate @ East Directions: Take 575 South to 75 South. Get off at exit 265 and take the
Cobb Park GA-120 loop towards Marietta/Roswell. Take that to the Roswell Road exit. Turn left on to
Roswell Road and take that to the park, which will be on the right side. End at 3322 Roswell Road.
Thurs. Aug. 28th Every week the library offers a FREE story time with singing, dancing, and creative children's
stories for all ages accompanied by an adult. The library building has a great children's section
Woodstock including a train engine to play in. The Librarians ask that we arrive 15 minutes prior in order to
Library participate in this activity. Max number of children is 30. So get there early! Cost: FREE!
Storytime Directions: Take 575N to Exit 8 (Towne Lake). Take a right off exit then take a left at first light
(Woodstock Pkwy.). Take Woodstock Pkwy. to light and make right onto Ridgewalk Pkwy. Take
10:15a Ridgewalk to light (over railroad tracks). Turn right at light onto Hwy. 5, library will be on your
Fri. Aug. 29th North Point Mall’s Pottery Barn Kids hosts a session of singing, dancing, and playing with
children's entertainer Gail Burnett. Afterwards, head on over to the indoor soft playground for
PBK Sing-a- some more fun! Cost: Free. For more information call (678) 624-0149. Directions: Take Hwy 92
long toward Roswell. Turn left on to Mansell Rd. Go under 400. Left at the next traffic light on to
& Indoor North Point Parkway. Mall is on the left.End at 1000 Northpoint Circle, Northpoint Mall,
Soft Play Alpharetta, GA 30022.


MOMS Club of Woodstock-South

Business Pages
Vera Hurioglu
Tidewater Beach Resort, Panama City, FL- Opening Jan. 2008! MOMS Club Special! 1 King Bedroom and Bunk
Area (Sleeps 4-6). Great amenities! Check website for descriptions at

Vera Hurioglu
I am an Independent Insurance Agent. FREE quote for auto, home, and business insurance. I work independently
with companies like Travelers, Progressive, and MetLife. Will find you best rate. Any questions, please call (770)
262-7394 or email

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—August 2008 Newsletter

Julie Kori
Discovery Toys- Make learning fun with these award winning toys, games and books. I now have inventory on
hand if you need a quick birthday gift. Host a party and earn FREE toys. For more info, contact me at
(678) 880-1983 or email

Betty Miller
Heritage Makers Consultant -What stories are hiding in your heart? Life stories, love stories, funny stories,
touching stories...we all have so many of them. Let's weave your heritage into storybooks that will last forever.
Visit my website: to learn how you can take boxes of photographs and turn them in
to priceless one-of-a-kind storybooks!

Danyel Owens
Tastefully Simple-We offer a wide variety of gourmet foods that can be enjoyed right out of the package or
prepared within minutes! For catalog and recipes go to $5 OFF ALL
GIFT PACKS. Coupon Code:MOMS. All orders must be placed through Danyel Owens by phone or email only.

Stacie Parkes
Tastefully Simple- TS offers easy-to-prepare gourmet foods designed to help people spend less time in the kitchen
& more time enjoying the rest of their lives. If you’d like to host a home or catalog party, or would like to
purchase a gift or personal order then please contact me. Check out the TS product line on my website at or email me at

Debra Richards
MonaVie-A delicious & energizing blend of the Brazilian Acai Berry -1 of nature's top super foods & 18 other
nutrient dense fruits. Developed w/the philosophy of balance-variety-moderation MonaVie delivers the
phytonutrients & antioxidants you need to maintain a healthy/active lifestyle!

Nancy Brannon
MOM MOMS Club special – No cleaning fee for week rentals – a two-bedroom condo with a beautiful view of the
Gulf of Mexico. Check out our family website For any questions call Nancy at
(770) 517-6948.

Sherri Dahlheim
Simply Nutrilite Twist Tubes & ROC2O –Add flavor and health benefits to your water. I am running a special
promotion on these items in the months of July and August. Call (770) 527-9990 for more information.

Sherri Dahlheim
Ribbon Gift albums – Need a gift? Ribbon gift albums are perfect for every occasion. Over 20 to choose from
including specialty albums for baby, teens, wedding, jewelry, steaks, and more! Website: or call (770) 527-9990.

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—August 2008 Newsletter

Please note that neither MOMS Club International nor MOMS Club of Woodstock collectively endorses any of these companies.
MOMS Club International recommends that local chapters adopt a blanket rule stating that no member may solicit sales at meetings or group functions. The MOMS Club of
Woodstock wholeheartedly endorses this recommendation. Selling takes away from the purpose of the club—getting moms together in an accepting no-pressure

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—August 2008 Newsletter

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