Petrolera Segundo Parcial

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Subject: ____________________________ Date:___________________ Grade_____ /44___

1. Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the following adjectives in brackets. 10 pts.
1. Jake's room is than Larry's room. (small)
2. The blue car is than the black car. (nice)
3. This exercise is than that one. (boring)
4. His pullover is than his jeans. (dark)
5. Susan's hair is than my hair. (long)
6. George is than Robert. (funny)
7. My result in the test was than Harry's. (good)
8. Gold is than silver. (expensive)
9. Christine is than Alice. (smart)
10. Football is than handball. (popular)

1.- write the past participles of the following verbs. 12 pts

Fly ________________ Begin________________ Ride________________
Break ______________ Cut_______________ Catch________________
Teach ______________ Ring _______________ Bite______________
Fight ______________ Sing _______________ Hide _______________

2.- write 2 reasons why we use present perfect.

3 .- Use present perfect and past simple according to the importance of events. 10 pts
1.- America (be)____________________ discovered by Cristobal Colon, He (receive)_____________
the discovering honour.
2.- Newton (discover)____________________ the gravity law, due to an apple (fall)_______________ over
his head
3. Michael Phelps and his brother (swim) ____________________ since childhood, Michael Phelps
(win)____________ 6 gold medals in 2012.
4.- European countries economy (rise up) __________ quietly ___________, they (make) ____________ an
agreement of economical support among them.
5.- I (taste) ___________ wasabi last night. ____________you _____________ (eat) it?

4.- Fill the gaps with present perfect or past simple tense. 10 pts. Track 26
I’______________ lots of variable jobs in my life, but the worst job I _______________ was selling hot-
dogs. I ___________ the job at the beginning of last summer because I __________some money to buy a
car. It was the biggest mistake I ________________ in my life. I ______________ the smell of the hot-dogs
and on the first day I failed two. The weather was really bad and I ______________ two or three. At the
end of the day the boss _________ to me “you ______________________enough”. The next morning, I
___________ to stay in bed.

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