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Mutual Legal Assistence: Preventing and Combating Transnational

Organized Crime

Septa Candra

Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta


Technological and industrial improvement that are the result of human cultures does not only
bring positive impact which influence human’s life generally, but also bring negative impact
which toward the civilization and improvement of human itself. One of the negative impacts
for the development of world’s globalization today is the appearance of many kinds of
organized crimes across the countries (transnational organized crime). These cases happen in
many countries with different time (tempus delicti) and place (locus delicti). Indonesia as the
area of land and vast coastlines could potentially be an ideal area for organized traffic
transnational crime, either as a place of transit, the source, nor the objectives of different
types of organized transnational crime. Therefore, in the prevention and eradication of
organized transnational crime, the role of international cooperation among countries is
needed, either bilateral or multilateral agreement, it cannot be postponed in its execution.
Preventing and eradicating various organized transnational crime could not be done by the
power of the state on its own, without the support and help of other countries. Then, it
becomes the basic and considerations why Mutual Legal Assistance must be applied as one of
the instruments in the enforcement of the law against some of the organized transnational
crime which is happening.
Keyword: Transnational crime, prevention, eradication

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