Improvement of PH of RO Product Water: Basis

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Improvement of pH of RO product water


Plant capacity: 1000 LPH

RO Product water quality:

pH 6.3
TDS mg/l 80
Total Hardness mg/l as CaCO3 50
Total Alkalinity mg/l as CaCO3 2.30

Desired pH of product water 7

pH = 6.3 + log (Concentration of HCO3/Concentration of CO2)

Therefor concentration of CO2 = 2.30

1. Requirement of NaHCO3 to achieve desired pH

pH = 6.3 + log (Concentration of HCO3/Concentration of CO2)

=> Concentartion of HCO3 required to achieve desired pH = 11.54 mg/l as CaCO3 = 14.08 mg/l

=> Amount of NaHCO3 required

Na + HCO3 = NaHCO3
23 + 61 = 84
For 37.91 mg/l HCO3, NaHCO3 works out to be 19.39 mg/l

For 1000 lit per hr capacity plant, the hourly consumption of NaHCO3 works out to be 19.39 gm

2. Requirement of Na2CO3 to achieve desired pH

From calculations above, we understand that the ratio of concentration of HCO3 as CaCO3
to concentartion of CO2 needs to be 6.11

Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2 = 2NaHCO3

106 +18+44 = 168

" (Conc. Of CO2 - Reduction in Conc. Of CO2) x 6.11 = Conc. Of HCO3 + (Reduction in Conc. Of CO2 X 168/44)

=> Reduction in CO2 = 1.40 mg/l

=> Amount of Na2CO3 required = 3.38 mg/l

For 1000 lit per hr capacity plant, the hourly consumption of of Na2CO3 works out to be 3.38 gm

3. Requirement of Calcite to achieve desired pH

CaCO3 + H2O + CO2 = Ca(HCO3)2

100 + 18 +44 = 162

=>Reduction in CO2 = 1.40 mg/l

=> Amount of CaCO3 required = 3.19 mg/l

For 1000 lit per hr capacity plant, the hourly consumption of CaCO3 works out to be 3.19 gm
Note: The above consumption figures are considered for continuous operation of the RO plant.

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