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Nicole Kretkowski

Grand Canyon University: NSG-436

May 19, 2019


Self-assessments are important because they provide an opportunity for a person to

discover where their true values and talents lie. In addition, assessments can assist a student in

the learning process. By completing an assessment, a student can learn from past mistakes, as

well as understanding strengths and weaknesses. In topic one, two assessments were completed.

The purpose of this paper is to summarize the results and discuss how the results will lead a new

graduate to becoming a nurse leader, highlight insights that were discovered after taking the

assessment, and explain overall significance of the results in relation to behavior.

How the Results Will Lead to Inspiration

The results of the leadership matrix survey concluded with a “team leadership” approach

and the leadership compass self-assessment corresponded with the empathy category. A person

who is a part of the team leadership style, has a clear vision, develops personal goals, are great

team members, and usually are committed to their work and followers (Clark, 2015). After

completing the leadership compass self-assessment, empathy was identified as the primary

leadership style. An individual in this category focuses on the relationships and the needs of

other people and may lose focus on their own individual goals if these factors are compromised.

Empathy is known as “the ability to understand things from another person’s perspective. It’s the

ability to share someone else’s feelings and emotions and understand why they’re having those

feeling” (Masters in communications, 2019). Empathy and leadership are both quality traits to

have in the nursing practice and help guide a nursing student to becoming a nurse leader. When a

nurse is empathetic, patients and other members of a team will appreciate this trait rather than

someone who is constantly thinking of themselves. Team leadership can inspire an individual to

be a nurse leader because these types of people set a perfect example for the team. A nurse leader

is valued for their work ethic, commitment, and ability to effectively communicate and satisfy

team member’s needs.

Insights of the Results

The knowledge obtained from these assessments influence values and attitudes towards

others in order to approach tasks as a new nurse leader. For any leader, it is extremely important

to understand the strengths and weaknesses they hold, so that they can understand in order to

advocate for their team (Clark, 2015). Being able to communicate has always been a strength,

however, being able to coach and collaborate a team has never been completed. With the results

of the leadership matrix survey, there is more insight of leadership functions that gives a new

nurse insight on personality characteristics so that he or she can implement new tasks. The

leadership compass self-assessment describes the dominant decision-making style (Building

Intentional Communities, 2010). Being able to be empathetic with others will contribute to a

more positive work environment that will stand out to team members and most importantly, the


Significance of Results Vs. Behavior

In relation to individual behavior compared with behavior within groups and

organizations, the self-assessment results are very consistent. Behavior is usually true to self and

others. Approaches to an empathy work style consists of understanding how people need to

receive information so that one can act upon it, integrating others’ input in determining the

direction of what’s happening, being value-driven regarding aspects of professional life, and able

to focus on the present moment (Building Intentional Communities, 2010). The significance of

this assessment is to grow skills by knowledge and awareness and then implement these skills in

the work environment. In topic one, various leadership roles were discussed. The leadership style

known as “team leadership” is similar to servant leadership. Leaders first chose to serve others

and then be a leader (Huber, 2018). Servant leadership can be effective as a nurse leader because

the leader is motivating other nurses to perform work effectively by drawing attention to the

necessity to be attentive to the needs of others.

Altogether, assessments are a guide to find out new information about a person’s

personality or work ethic. Empathy and effective team leadership are important traits for a nurse

leader to have so that nurses can perform work effectively and patients can receive the quality

care they need.


Building Intentional Communities. (2010). The leadership compass self-assessment.

Retrieved from


Clark, D. (2015). Leadership matrix survey. Retrieved from

Huber, D. L. (2018). Leadership and nursing care management (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO:

Elsevier-Saunders. ISBN-13: 9780323389662

Masters in communications. (2019). Retrieved from

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