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Ecology Activity 1.

1 Part 2
presented by Matt Milmine on August 15, 2019

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Notes by steven
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Quiz Wolves in Yellowstone Video Questions

1. Wolves had disappeared from Yellow stone National Park and were brought back to the
area by park rangers.



2. Local cattle ranchers are concerned about wolves killing their cows.



3. Wolves in Yellowstone stay inside of the park's boundaries.



4. Some people moving into the area are building more houses and reducing open space.



5. Wolves may eat cows, sheep, elk, and bison.


6. The Yellowstone environment includes mountains, lakes, and grasslands.


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Slide Notes:

1. Some living thing in Yellowstone is the wolves. one nonliving thing is the river. they interact
because the water is something important to them too cool off. 2. One event was humans
invading the wolf population. Second reason was that humans made home that invade the
wolves land space. It will cause humans to leave and sale there land and it will cost the lives for
the animals. 3. They decided to release them because they were becoming instinct and the
wanted the to reproduce. they will cause to be less food supplies . 4. They will feel threat by
the wolves .They will feel bad because their crops are going to be affected .They going to be
aware and frighten. They feel proud because there saving a type of animals. 5. I think its a good
idea because humans invaded there territory and they should be back to there habitat.

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