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Shruti —

I'm sorry we couldn't have a discussion on the phone, but thank you for answering my
questions via writing.

I really do need answers as soon as possible. My editor is expecting this article as early as
tonight. I appreciate this.

1. Please explain to me the origins of your company. How did it come to be and what is it
intended to do? In addition to housing, please explain the community element.

2. How many Hub Hauses are there? Where are the others in San Francisco? Are any more
planned for this state and city in the near future?

3. In addition to Ophelia Haus, how many other Hub Hauses have closed? Where were they
and why did they close?

4. In addition to San Francisco, have officials in any other city objected to various Hub Haus
practices and/or demanded they be altered?

5. What contact did you have with San Francisco officials prior to the Planning Department in
late 2018 responding to complaints regarding Ophelia Haus? What steps did you take in an
attempt to mitigate the city's concerns prior to shutting down Ophelia Haus?

6. What legal grounds did HubHaus have to eject the tenants of Ophelia Haus?

7. Do you believe the tenants at Ophelia Huas were subject to rent control and/or this city's
just-cause eviction protections?

8. Attorneys have described third-party rental platforms such as HubHaus as a de-facto

"master tenant" and claimed that, in this city, master tenants cannot collect more in rent
from building residents than they pay to the building's owner. Do you feel HubHaus is
subject to this city law?

9. Where do you see your company in five years? In 10?


Joe Eskenazi

Hi Joe,

I didn't get a chance to answer the questions individually, but here is a statement with
answers to your questions:

As you probably know, we’re a co-living coordinator - we’re making the age-old concept of
living with roommates easier and more accessible. We believe co-living is a great option for
professionals both in terms of affordability and the community it offers.

We had an unfortunate issue in the City of San Francisco, where as you know, the City
believed our housemates did not fit in their definition of a “family." We disagree with the
City’s position and appealed. Unfortunately, the outcome the property owner and City
decided was one in which members had to leave the home. We believe the City of San
Francisco recognizes it has a severe housing crisis and we hope they will try to find ways to
accommodate co-living families and other modern uses that can help address the housing

We (thankfully) have not dealt with many city cases where our members have had to depart
homes. We did offer alternate housing to these members, and re-homed some of them in
nearby houses. Because this was an aberration, our protocol was not as streamlined as it
could have been. We are working to revise our off-boarding policy based on feedback to
create a better experience in the event something like this ever happens again.

The HubHaus company and format is growing at a rapid pace and we are enjoying a surge
business. We believe San Francisco and other communities will benefit from progressive
housing situations such as we offer our members.

I hope this answers your questions!


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