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Chapter 1: Mathematical Logic

Q1. Which of the following are propositions?

I) 2+3=5 II) 5+7=11 III) x+2=11 IV) Answer this question.
a) I & II
b) I & III
c) I & IV
d) III & IV
Q2. Let P and q be the proposition as an English sentence.
p: swimming at the Arabian shore is allowed
q: sharks have been spotted at the shore.
Q.The English sentence “swimming at the Arabian shore is not allowed or sharks have been spotted
at the shore.” is mathematically represented as
a) p v q
b) ~p v q
c) P v ~q
d) None of the above.
Q3. For the sentence “You can pay using Indian Rs. or US dollars.” Which or is intended?
a) Inclusive OR
b) Exclusive OR
c) Either Inclusive OR or Exclusive OR
d) None of the above.
Q4. For the sentence “Coffee or tea comes with dinner.” Which or is intended?
a) Inclusive OR
b) Exclusive OR
c) Either Inclusive OR or Exclusive OR
d) None of the above.
Q5. Which of the following statements are tautologies?
i) (~q^(p->q))->~p
ii) (p^q)->p
iii) ~(p->q)->p
iv) pvq
a) I,ii,iii
b) I & ii
c) ii, iii, iv
d) iii, iv
Q6. Which of the following statement is true?
a) p->q  ~q->p
b) ~p <-> q  p <-> q
c) (p->q) ^ (p->r)  (p^r)->q
d) None of the above.
Q7. The dual of the compound proposition (p v F) ^ (q v T) is
a) (p ^ T) ^ (q ^ F)
b) (p ^ T) v (q ^ F)
c) (p ^ F) v (q ^ T)
d) (p ^ F) ^ (q ^ T)
Q8. ~ Operator is _____
a) Left associative
b) Right associative
Q9. Which rule of inference is used is used in the argument “If it is rainy then the pool is closed. It is
rainy. Therefore, the pool is closed.”
a) Modus ponens.
b) Modus tollens.
c) Hypothetical syllogism
d) None of the above
Q10. Which rule of inference is used is used in the argument “If it snows today, the university will
close. The university is not closed today. Therefore it did not snow today.”
a) Modus ponens.
b) Modus tollens.
c) Hypothetical syllogism
d) None of the above
Q11. Which rule of inference is used is used in the argument, “If I go swimming, then I will stay in sun
too long. If I stay in sun too long, then I will sunburn. Therefore if I go swimming, then I will sunburn.

a) Modus ponens.
b) Modus tollens.
c) Hypothetical syllogism
d) None of the above
Q12. “Komal is a mathematics major. Therefore, Komal is either mathematics major or computer
science major.” Which rule of inference is used in this argument?
a) Addition
b) Modus ponens.
c) Modus tollens.
d) Hypothetical syllogism
Q13. Which of the following is Principal Disjunctive Normal Form of the statement (x v y) ^ ~z?
a) (x ^ y ^ ~z) v (x ^ ~y ^ ~z) v (~x ^ y ^ ~z)
b) (x ^ y ^ ~z) v (x ^ ~y ^ ~z) v (~x ^ ~y ^ ~z)
c) (x ^ y ^ z) v (x ^ ~y ^ ~z) v (~x ^ y ^ ~z)
d) (~x ^ ~ y ^ ~z) v (~x v ~y ^ ~z) v (~x ^ y ^ ~z)
Q14. The Polish notation for ((p->q) ^ (q v r)) ->s is
a) -> ^ -> p q v q r s
b) -> v -> p q ^ q r s
c) -> -> p q v q r s
d) None of the above
Q15. The infix expression for p q-> r q-> ^ pr v^ q-> is
a) ((p -> q) ^ (r -> q)) ^ ((p v r) -> q)
b) (((p -> q) ^ (r -> q)) ^ (p v r)) -> q
c) (((p -> q) v (r -> q)) ^ (p ^ r)) -> q
d) None of the above
Chapter 2: Set Theory

Q1. A= {1, 2, 3}, 2 is included in set A is

a) True
b) False
c) None of the above
Q2. Subset (⊆) operation is ______
a) Reflexive
a) Transitive
b) Both a & b
c) None of the above
Q3. Two sets A & B are said to be extensionally equal iff
a) A ⊆ B ^ B ⊆ A
b) A ⊆ B v B ⊆ A
c) A ⊆ B ^ B is not ⊆ A
d) None of the above
Q4. A set A is called a proper subset of a set B if
a) A ⊆ B and B ≠ A
b) A⊆B and A=B
c) A⊆B and B⊆ A
d) None of the above
Q5. A proper inclusion is
a) Reflexive and transitive
b) Not reflexive but transitive
c) Reflexive but not transitive
d) Not reflexive not transitive
Q6. {x| P(x) v ~ P(x)} where P(x) is any predicate is
a) Universal set
b) Null Set
c) None of the above
Q7. {x| P(x) v ~ P(x)} where P(x) is any predicate is
a) Universal set
b) Null Set
c) None of the above
Q8. X = {Bi | i ε J} where J = { i | I is a binary integer, 000≤ 111}. The set X represents
a) ρ (S3) [Power set with 3 distinct elements]
b) Set of 23 subsets with 3 distinct elements.
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
Q9. Relative complement is
a) Associative
b) Commutative
c) Not commutative
d) None of the above

Q10. (A ∪ ~A) - A is

a) Relative complement
b) Absolute complement
c) Complement of A
d) Both b & c
Q11. The symmetric difference of A and B is
a) (A - B) ∪ (B - A)
b) (A - B) ∩ (B - A)
c) A-B
d) None of the above
Q12. Cartesian product is
a) Associative
b) Commutative
c) Not commutative
d) Both a & c Q13. A X (B ∩ C)

a) (A X B) ∩ (A X C)
b) (A X B) ∪ (A X C)
c) (A X B) ∩ C
d) None of the above
Q14. Symmetric difference (Boolean sum) is
a) Associative
b) Commutative
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
Q15. The set A X A is called
a) Universal relation
b) Void relation
c) None of the above
Q16. ϕ ⊆ A X A is calledUniversal relation

a) Void relation
b) None of the above
Q17.Which of the following relation is reflexive?
R2= {(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1)}
a) R1
b) R2
c) R3
d) R4

Q18. The relation of proper inclusion in the set of all nonempty subsets of a universal set is
a) Reflexive
b) Symmetric
c) Irreflexive
d) None of the above
Q19. Which of the following is the partition of set A= {a, b, c, d}?
a) {{a, b}, {c, d}}
b) {{a}, {a,b}, {a,c}}
c) {{a, b, c}, {c, d}}
d) {{a, b}, {b, c, d}}
Q20. Which of the following is the covering of set A= {a, b, c, d}?
a) {{a, b}, {c, d}}
b) {{a}, {a,b}, {a,c}}
c) {{a, c}, {c, d}}
d) {{a, b}, {b, c, d}}
Q21. Let R be a relation on the set of all web pages. (a,b) ∈ R. “Everyone who has visited web page a
has also visited web page b.” is
a) Reflexive
b) Transitive
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above

Data for Q22 to Q26

Let A be the set of students at your school and B the set of books in the school library. Let R1 and R2
be the relations consisting of all ordered pairs (a,b),” where student a has read book b in a course”,
and “where student a has read book b”, respectively then
Q22. {(a, b) |either a is required to read b but has not read it or a has read b but is not required to } is
represented as
a) R1 ∪ R2
b) R1 ∩ R2
c) R1 ⊕ R2
d) R1 – R2
Q23. {(a, b)|a is required to read and has read b }
a) R1 ∪ R2
b) R1 ∩ R2
c) R1 ⊕ R2
d) R1 – R2
Q24. {(a, b)| a is required to read or has read b}
a) R1 ∪ R2
b) R1 ∩ R2
c) R1 ⊕ R2
d) R1 – R2
Q25. {(a, b)| a is required to read b but has not read it}
a) R1 ∪ R2
b) R1 ∩ R2
c) R1 ⊕ R2
d) R1 – R2

Q26. {(a, b)| a has read b but is not required to}

a) R1 ∩ R2
b) R1 ⊕ R2
c) R1 – R2
d) R2 – R1

Data for Q27 & Q28

Let R be the relation on the set of people consisting of pairs (a, b), where ‘a’ is a parent ‘b’. Let S be
the relation on the set of people consisting of pairs (a, b), where ‘a’ and ‘b’ are siblings (brothers or
sisters) then
Q27. {(a, b)| ‘a’ is a parent of ‘b’ and ‘b’ has sibling} is
a) S ο R
b) R ο S
c) S ο S
d) R ο R
Q28. {(a, b)| ‘a’ is an aunt or uncle of ‘b’} is
a) S ο R
b) R ο S
c) S ο S
d) R ο R
Q29. Which of the following relations on {0, 1, 2, 3} are equivalence relations?
a) {(0, 0), (1, 1), (2,2)}
b) {(0,0), (0, 2), (2, 0), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 2), (3, 3)}
c) {(0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 3), (2, 2),(2, 3), (3, 1),(3, 2),(3, 3)}
d) {(0,0), (0, 1), (0,2), (1,0),(1, 1), (1, 2), (2,0), (2, 2),(3, 3)}
Q30. Which of the following relation on {{0, 1, 2, 3} is partial orderings?
a) {(0,0),(1,1), (2,2), (3,3)}
b) {(0,0),(1,1),(2,0), (2,2),(2,3), (3,2), (3,3)}
c) {(0,0),(0,1),(0,2),(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(2,0),(2,2),(3,3)}
d) None of the above
Q31. Which of the following are posets?
a) (Z, =)
b) (Z, ≠)
c) (Z, ≥)
d) Both a & c
Q32. Let <P, ≤> be a partially ordered set. If for every x,yϵ P either x ≤ y v y ≤ x then <P, ≤ > is called
a) Totally ordered
b) Simply ordered set
c) Chain
d) All of the above
Q33. Which of the following is not function from R to R(R is the set of real numbers)?
a) f(x)=x2 where x ϵ R
b) f(x)=2x where x ϵ R
c) f(x)=1/x where x ϵ R
d) None of the above.
Q34. Which of the following is not function from R to R(R is the set of real numbers)?
a) f(x)=x2 where x ϵ R
b) f(x)=2x where x ϵ R
c) f(x)=√x where x ϵ R
d) None of the above.
Q35. Which of the following functions from {a, b, c, d } to itself is one-to-one?
a) f (a)=b, f (b)=a, f (c)=c, f (d)=d
b) f (a)=b, f (b)=b, f (c)=d, f (d)=c
c) f (a)=d, f (b)=b, f (c)=c, f (d)=d
d) None of the above
Q36. Which of the following functions from {a, b, c, d } to itself is onto?
a) f (a)=b, f (b)=a, f (c)=c, f (d)=d
b) f (a)=b, f (b)=b, f (c)=d, f (d)=c
c) f (a)=d, f (b)=b, f (c)=c, f (d)=d
d) None of the above
Q37. Which of the following functions from {a, b, c, d} to itself is into?
a) f (a)=b, f (b)=a, f (c)=c, f (d)=d
b) f (a)=b, f (b)=b, f (c)=d, f (d)=c
c) f (a)=a, f (b)=b, f (c)=c, f (d)=d
d) None of the above
Q38. Which of the following functions from Z to Z is onto?
a) f(n)=n-1
b) f(n)=n2+1
c) f(n)=n3
d) None of the above
Q39. Which of the following function is bijective from R to R?
a) f(x)=2X+1
b) f(x)=x2+1
c) f(x)=(x2+1)/(x2+2)
d) None of the above
Q40. Let g is a function from A to B and f is a function from B to C. Both f and g are one-to-one. Then
f ο g is
a) One-to-one
b) Onto
c) Into
d) One-to-one onto

Q41. Let g is a function from A to B and f is a function from B to C. Both f and g are onto. Then
f ο g is
a) One-to-one
b) Onto
c) Into
d) One-to-one onto

Chapter 5: Lattices and Boolean algebra

Note: Data for Q1 to Q6

< {3, 5, 9, 15, 24, 45}, |> where a | b is a divides b.
Q1. Maximal elements are
a) 24
b) 45
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above

Q2. Minimal elements are

a) 3
b) 5
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

Q3. Upper bound of {3, 5}

a) 15
b) 45
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
Q4. Lower bound of {15, 45}
a) 3
b) 5
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
e) Q5. Least upper bound of {3, 5}
a) 15
b) 45
c) 24
d) 9

Q6. Greatest lower bound of {15, 45}

a) 3
b) 5
c) 15
d) 9

Note: Data for Q7 to Q12

<{{1},{2},{4},{1,2},{1,4},{2,4},{3,4},{1,3,4},{2,3,4}}, ⊆ >
Q7. Maximal elements are
a) {1,2}
b) {1,3,4}
c) {2,3,4}
d) All of the above

Q8. Minimal elements are

a) {1}
b) {2}
c) {4}
d) All of the above

Q9. Upper bounds of {{2},{4}}

a) {2, 4}
b) {3, 4}
c) {2, 3, 4}
d) a & c

Q10. Lower bounds of {{1, 3, 4}, {2, 3, 4}}

a) {4}
b) {3, 4}
c) {2, 4}
d) Both a & b

Q11. Least upper bound of {{2}, {4}}

a) {2, 4}
b) {3, 4}
c) {2, 3, 4}
d) None of the above

Q12. Greatest lower bound of {{1, 3, 4}, {2, 3, 4}}

a) {4}
b) {3, 4}
c) {2, 4}
d) Both a & b

Q13. Which of the following posets is not lattice?

a) <{1,3,6,9,12}, |>
b) <{1,5,25,125}, |>
c) <Z, ≥>
d) <ρ(S),⊆>

Q14. Dual of x⋆ (y ⊕ 0) is
a) x⋆ (y ⊕ 1)
b) x⊕ (y ⋆ 0)
c) x⊕ (y ⋆ 1)
d) x⋆ (y ⊕ 1)

Q15. Cube array of abcd+abbcd+abcdc +abbcdc is

a) {1111,1011,1101,1001}
b) {0000,0100,0010,0110}
c) {1111,1101,1011,1001}
d) None of the above

Q16. The cover of abcd+abbcd+abcdc +abbcdc is

a) 1xx1
b) 1x11
c) 10x1
d) 1x11

Q17.0 cube is
a) Vertex
b) Line
c) Plane
d) Three dimensional Cube

Q18. 1 cube is
a) Vertex
b) Line
c) Plane
d) Three dimensional cube

Q19. 2 cube is
a) Vertex
b) Line
c) Plane
d) Three dimensional cube

Q20. 3 cube is
a) Vertex
b) Line
c) Plane
d) Three dimensional cube

Q21. Let g=x1 ⋆ (x2 ⊕ x3x4c ) is a 4 variable Boolean function represented as

a) Σ (10,12,13,14,15)
b) Σ (10,11,13,14,15)
c) Σ (10,13,14,15)
d) Σ (9,12,13,14,15)
Q22. SOP canonical form of (x+y). z c is
a) xyyz + xyyzy + xyyzy
b) xyzc + xyzc c + xyc zc
c) xcycz + xyczc + xyc zc
d) xycz + xyc czc + xyc zc

Q23 Prime implicants for Σ (10, 12, 13, 14, 15)

a) 1x10, 11x1, 11xx
b) 10x0, 11x0, 10xx
c) 11x0, 1xx0, 10xx
d) 10x0, 11x0, 10x0

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