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AmericanBuffalo Copyright © 1976 by David Mamet All Rights Reserved "No part of this book may be reproduced, for any reason, by any means, Including any method of photographic teproduction, without the per? mlssion of the publisher, ‘CAUTION: This play s fully protected, in whole, in part, or in any form under the copyright laus of the United Statas of America, the Biiish Empire including the Dominion of Canada, and all other countries of the Copyright Union, and is subject to royally. Allright, Including pro- fessional, amateur stock, motion picture, radio, television, recitation, and public reading are strictly reserved. All inquiries should be addressed to the author's agent, Samuel Li, Willam Moris Agency, Inc. 1350 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N-Y. 10019, Fst Edition 1977 Second Printing 1978, ISBN: 0.394.17016.4 Grove Press ISBN: 0-8021-4099-8 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 77-78079 Manufactured inthe United Sites of America Distributed by Random House, Ine, New York GROVE PRESS, INC, 196 West Houston Street, New York, N.Y. 10014 ‘This play 1s dedicaled to Mr. J.J. Johnston of Chicago, Itinols. ‘American Buffalo was first produced by the Goodman Theatre Stage Two, Chicago, Ilinois, and opened on November 23, 1975, with the following cast: Boney William H. Macy Teach Bemard Erhard bony J. d. dobnston This production was directed by Gregory Mosher, set by Michael Merritt lighting by Robert Christen. After a twelve-performance showcase at Stage Two, it re- ‘opened at Chicago's St. Nicholas Theatre Company, with Mike Nussbaum in the role of TEACH. In February, 1976, it was showcased at St. Clement's, New York, with the following cast: osey J.T. Walsh Teach Mike Kellin owey Michael Egan This production was directed by Gregory Mosher; set by Akira Yoshimura; lighting by Gary Porto, The New York Broadway production at the Ethel Barymore ‘Theatre opened on February 16, 1977, with the following cast, Bonay John Savage Teach Robert Duvall Don Kenneth McMillan This production was directed by Ulu Grosbard; set by Santo Loquasto; lighting by Jules Fisher. “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. He is peeling down the alley in a black and yellow Ford. Folk Tune, THE CHARACTERS Dow Dusrow ‘Aman im his late forties, the owner of Don's Resale Shop Water Cour called Teact A friend and associate of Don Bos Don's gopher THE SCENE Don's Resale Shop. A junkshop. THE TIME One Friday. Act One takes place in the moming; Act Two starts around 11:00 that night. ACTI Don's Resale Shop. Moming. pon and 808 are siting. oN: So? Pause. So what, Bob? Pause. os: I'm sorry, Donny. Pause. DON: Al right, Boe: I'm sorry, Donny, Pouse. on: Yeah. Bos: Maybe he’s stil in there, on: If you think that, Bob, how come you're here? Boe: I came in. Pouse. ort: You don't come in, Bob. You don't come in until you do- a thing BoB: He didn't came out, on: What do I care, Bob, If he came out or not? You're: s'posed to walch the guy, you watch him, Am I wrong? os: I just went to the back. on: Why? Pause. Why did you do that? ‘Bos: ’Cause he wasn't coming out the front. Dow: Well, Bob, I'm sorry, but this isn't good enough. If you want to do business .. . if we got a business deal, it isn't good enough. I want you to remember this. BoB; Ido, 4 David Mamet ort Yeah, now ... but later, what? Pause. Just one thing, Bob. Action counts Pause. Action talks and bullshit walks 08: [ only went around to see he’s coming out the back. tron: No, don't go fuck yourself around with these excuses, Pause. os: I'm sony. Dox: Don't tell me that you're sony. I'm not mad at you. moa: You're not? 0N (Pause): Let's clean up here os starts to clean up the debris around the poker table. ‘The only thing I'm trying to teach you something here. B08: Okay, pox: Now lookit Fletcher 08: Fletch? ox: Now, Fletcher is a standup guy. oa: Yeah, ‘box: don’t ge a shit. He isa fellow stands for something— oe: Yeah, ow: You take him and you put him down in some strange ‘town with just a nickel in his pocket, and by nightfall he'll have that town by the balls. This is not talk, Bob, this is action, Pause. B08: He's a real good card player. Box: You're fucking A he is, Bob, and this is what I'm getting at. Skill, Skil and talent and the balls to anive at your own conclusions. Ametean Butllo & ‘The fucker won four hundred bucks last night sos: Yeah? Don: Oh yeah. 808: And who was playing? on: Me . 808: Uh-huh... ow: And Teach ... ‘BoB: (How'd Teach do?)}* pox: (Not too good.) os: (No, huh?) port: (No.)... and Earl was here Bos: Uh-huh... or: And Fletcher. Bos: How'd he do? por: He won four hundred bucks Bos: And who else won? ort Ruthie, she won. 08: She won, huh? pont: Yeah, 08: She does okay. on: Oh yeah Bo8: She's an okay card player. ow: Yes, she is. Bos: [ike her. oN: Fuck, Ike her, too. (There's nothing wrong in that.) * Some portions of the dlalogue appear in parentheses, which serve to matk ‘a slght change of outlook onthe pat ofthe speeker—perhaps a momentary ‘change fo a more inorpecive regard —D.M. 6 Dav Mamet 08: (No.) Dor: I mean, she treats you right 808: Uh-huh. How'd she do? Don: She did okay. Pause. 08: You win? ow: I did allright os: Yeah? Dow: Yeah. Idid okay. Not like Fletch 08: No, hub? Dox: I mean, Fletcher, he plays cards. ‘B08; He's real sharp. oN: You're goddamn right he is. Boa: I know it on: Was he bom that way? Bos: Huh? box: Im saying was he bom that way or do you think he had to learn tt Bos: Learn it on: Goddamn right he did, and don't forget it Everything, Bobby: it's going to happen to you, i's not, sing to happen to you, the important thing is can you deal with it, and can you leam from tt. Pause. And this is why I'm telling you to stand up. It's no different with you than with anyone else. Everything that ! or Fletcher Inow we picked up on the street. That's all tusi- ness is . .. common sense, experience, and talent. Bos: Like when he jewed Ruthie out that pig tron. Anacon Bulle 7 ox What pig iron? B08: That he got off her that ime. pox: When was this? os: On the back of her truck. I don't think, her pig iron. pot: That wasn’ ‘B08: No? ort: That was his pig iron, Bob, wos: Yeah? ot, Yeah, He bought it off her. Pause ‘BoB: Well, she was real mad at him, ot She was 8: Yup, ox: She was mad at him? os: Yeah. That he stole her pig iron. ox: He didn't steal it, Bob. os: No? ox: No, os: She was mad at him ow: Well, that very well may be, Bob, but the fact remains that it was business. That's what business is. Bos: What? ow: People taking care of themselves. Huh? os: No. Dox, "Cause there's business and there's friendship, Bobby there are many things. and when you walk around you hear a lot of things, and what you got to do is keep clear who your fiends are, and who treated you like what. Or 8 David Mamet else the rest Is garbage, Bob, because I want to tell you * something Bos: Okay, Dont Things are not always what they seem to be. Bo: | know. Pouse. Dox: There's lotsa people on this street, Bob, they want this and they want that. Do anything to get it. You den't have friends this ile... . You want some breakfast? 08: I'm not hungry. Pouse. Don: Never skip breakfast, Bob. 08: Why? Don: Breakfast... is the most important meal of the day. B08: I'm not hungry oN: It makes no earthly difference in the world. You know how much nutritive benefits they got in cofiee? Zero. Not one thing. The stuff eats you up. You can't live on coffee, Bobby. (And I've told you this before.) You cannot live on cigarettes. You may feel good, you may feel ine, but some- thing's getting overworked, and you ate going to pay for it Now: What do you see me eat when I come in here every day? B08: Coffee, ox: Come on, Bob, don't fuck with me, I drink a litle cof- fee... but what do I eat? Bos: Yogurt, on: Why? ‘B08: Because its good for you, ox: You're goddamn right. And it wouldn't kill you to take a vitarnin Boe: ox oe: ons Boa: Bos: B08: Dow: 08: on: Amescan Bufelo 9 They're too expensive Don't worry about it. You should just take “em. Tean't afford "em. Don't worry about i You'll buy some for me? « Do you need "ern? Yeah. ¢ Well, then, Pll get you sere, What do you think? Thanks, Donny. Its for your own good. Don’t thank me .. Olay. Tjust can't use you in here like a zombie |just went around the back. I don't care, Do you see? Do you see what I'm getting at? Pause, Yeah. Pause, Well, we'll see. 'm sony, Donny. Well, we'll see TEACH (appears in the doonuay and enters the store): Good ‘moming Morning, Teach. TEACH (walks around the store c bitin silence): Fuckin’ Ruthie, fuckin’ Ruthie, fuckin’ Ruthie, fuckin’ Ruthle, fuckin’ Ruthie. oN: What? ‘Tract: Fuckin! Ruthie ON: yeah? 10 David Mamet ‘Teac: Tcome into the Riverside to get a cup of coffee, right? I sit down at the table Grace and Ruthie. on: Yeah. Teactt: I'm gonna order just a cup of coffee. Don: Right ‘Tacit: So Grace and Ruthie's having breakfast, and they're done. Plates . .. crusts of stuff all over . .. So we'll shoot the shit. on: Yeah, Teactt Talk about the gome . DON: . .. yeah, Teactt . .. so on. Down I sit. “Hi, hi.” I take a piece of toast off Grace's plate Don: ... uh-huh . . Tract: 2. and she goes "Help yourself.” Help myself, should help myself to half a piece of toast i's fourslices for quarter. I should have a nickel every time we're over at the game, | pop for coffee .. . cigarettes ... a sweet roll, ever say word “Bobby, see who wants what.” Huh? A fucking roost-beef sandwich. (To 808) Am I right? (To Dox) Ahh, shit. We'ze sitting down, how many times do I pick up the check? But (No!) because I never go and make a big thing out of tits no big thing—and flaunt like “This one’s on me” like some bust-out asshole, but I naturally assume that I'm with friends, and don’t forget who's who when someone gets ‘behind a half a yard or needs some help with (huh?) some fucking rent, or drops enormous piles of money at the rack, or someone's sick or something bon (to B08): This is what I'm talking about. Teactt: Only (and I tell you this, Don). Only, and I'm not, I don’t think, casting anything on anyone: from the mouth of ‘Ameren Buildo 11 a Southem bulldyke asshole ingrate of a vicious nowhere cunt can this trash come. (To B08) And I take nothing back, and I know you're elose with them, ‘goa: With Grace and Ruthie? ‘Teac: Yes. ‘Bom: (I like ’em,) ‘TEACH: I have always treated everybody more than fair, and never gone around complaining. Is this true, Don? pon: Yup. ‘Teac: Someone is against me, that's their problem... lean ook out for myself, and I don’t got to fuck around behind somebody's back, I don't like the way they're treating me. (Or pray some brick sofe falls and hits them on the head, they're walking down the street.) But to have that shithead tur, in one breath, every fucking sweet roll that I ever ate with them into ground glass (I'm wondering were they eating it and thinking “This guy's an Idiot to blow a fucking quarter on his friends"... ) «this hurs me, Don. This hurts me in a way I don’t know what the fuck to do. Pause. pon: You're probably just upset. Teach: You're fuckin’ A I'm upset. I am very upset, Don, ox: They got their problems, too, Teach. reacts I would lke to have thelr problems. on: All 'm saying, nothing personal... they were probabiy, uh, talking about something. ‘TeAct: Then let them talk about it, then, No, Lam sorry, Don, | ‘cannot brush this off. They treat me like an asshole, they are an asshole Pause. The only way to teach these people is to kill them, 12 David Mamet Pouse. on: You want some coffee? seactt. I'm not hungry. 'm sending Bobby to the Riverside. Teactt: (Fuckin’ joint ... ) pow: Yeah, Teactt: (They harbor assholes in there... ) pow: Yeah. Come on, Teach, what do you want? Bob? Bos: Yeah? Box (to Teach): Come on, he’s going anyway. (To 608, hand- ing him a bill) Get me a Boston, and go for the yogurt. Boe: What kind? pox: You know, plain, and, if they don’t got it, uh, something else, And get something for yourself Bos: What? oN: Whatever you want. But get something to eat, and what- ever you want to drink, and get Teacher a coffee. 08: Boston, Teach? Teactt: No, Bos: What? Teact: Black. on: Come on, 08: Right. Don: And something for yourself to eat (To Teach) He doesn’t want to eat TEACH (to B08): You got to eat (And this is what I'm saying at ‘The Riverside.) Pause, 808: (Black coffee.) box: And get something for yourself to eat. (To Teac) What American Bulle 13 do you want to eat? An English muffin? (To 808) Get Teach an English muffin ‘Tact I don't want an English muffin, oN: Get him an English muffin, and make sure they give you jelly. react: I don't want an English muffin ox: What do you want? Teacit: I don't want anything, 08: Come on, Teach, eat something, Pouse. ort You'll fel better you eat something, Teach. Pause. Teac (10 808): Tel! 'em to give you an order of bacon, real dry, real crisp. Boa: Okay. TEACH: And tell the broad if i's for me she'll give you more. B08: Okay. ox: Anything else you want? ‘Texctt, No. Dox: A cantaloupe? ‘Tact: I never eat cantaloupe. bon: No? ‘evctt It gives me the rans, pot: Yeah? ‘TeacH: And tell him he shouldn't say anything to Ruthie. ox: He wouldn't, Teactt: No? No, you're right. I'm sorry, Bob. 08: It's okay. Me Dattd Mamet ‘Teac: T'm upset. 08: It's okay, Teach. Pause. ‘Teac: Thank you. oa: You're welcome. 808 staris to exit. ox: And the plain if they got it oa: I will (Exits,) Don: He wouldn't say anything. Teac: What the fuck do J care Pause. Cunt. Pause. ‘There is not one loyal bone in that bitch’s body. ow: How'd you finally do last night? Tract This has nothing to do with that. Don: No, [ know. I'm just saying ... for talk .. ‘react Last night? You were here, Don. Pause. How'd you do? ox: Not well. Teach: Mrnm, ov: The only one won any money, Fletch and Ruthie. ‘Teck (Pause): Cunt had to win two hundred ¢ollars. Den: She's a good card player. ‘Texcit She is not a good card player, Don. She isa mooch and. she is a locksmith and she plays like a woman. Pause. American Bulflo 15 Fleicher’s a card player. Pl give him that But Ruthie... 1 mean, you see how she fucking plays ‘pon: Yeah. ‘Teactt: And always with that cunt on her shoulder. Don: Grace? ‘teact: Yes Dox: Grace Is her partner. ‘Teactt Then let her be her partner, then. (You see what 'm talking about?) Everyone, they're sitting at the table and then Graces going to walk around... fetch an ashiray 90 for coffee... this ... and everybody's all they aren't going to hice their cards. and they're going to make a show how they don't hunch over. and lke that. I don't give a shit. I say the broad’s her fucking partner, and she walks in back cof me I'm going to hide my hand. vow: Yeah. ‘TacH: And | say anybody doesn't's out of theit mind, Pause. We're talking about money for chrissake, huh? We're talk ing about cards, Friendship is friendship. and a wonderful thing, and Lam all fort. [have never said different, and you know me on this point. Ohay. But let's just keep it separate hub, let's just keep the two apart, and maybe we can deal with each other like some human beings. Pause. This is all 'm saying, Don. I know you got a soft spot in your heart ior Ruthie... DON: . .. yeah? ‘TEACH: I know you like the broad and Grace and, Bob, I know he likes ‘em too. pox: (He likes ‘em.) 16 David Mamet TeActt: And [lke 'em too. (I know, I know.) Im not averse to this. I'm not averse to siting down. (I know we will sit down.) These things happen, I'm not saying that they don’t and yeah, yeah, yeah, | know | lost a bundle at the {game and blah blah’ blah Pause, But all | ever ask (and I would say this to her face) is only she remembers who is who and not to go around with her or Gracie either with this attitude. "The Pastis Past, and this is Now, and so Fuck You.”” You see? pow: Yes Long pause. ‘Teac So what's new? pon: Nothing, ‘Teac; Same old shit, huh? on: Yup. ‘Tevctt: You seen my hat? pon: No. Did you leave it here? Teach: Yeah. Pause on: You ask them over at The Riv? ‘Teac: [ left it here Pouse. on: Well, you left it here, i's here ‘Teactt: You seen it? Dow: No. Pause. ‘eactt: Fletch been in? on; No, ‘Ameican Bulllo 17 Teactt Prolly drop in one or so, huh? on: Yeah, You know. You never know with Fletcher. ‘react: No. on: He might drop in the moming ‘react: Yeah, Dot: And then he might, he’s gone for ten or fifteen days you never know he's gone. react: Yeah, Dont: Why? Teactt I want to talk to him. Don (Pause): Ruth would know Teactt You sure you didn’t seen my hat? on: I didn’t see it. No. Pause, Ruthie might know. Teactt (Vicious dyke) ox: Look in the john. ‘Teacte It isn't in the john. I wouldn't leave it there. Don: Do you got something up with Fletch? ‘react: No, dust I have to talk to him. ox: He'll probably show up, ‘eactt, Oh yeah... . (Pause. Indicating objects on the counter) What're these? pox: Those? react: Yeah. on: They're from 1933. ‘Teac: From the thing? pox: Yeah. 18 David Mamet Pouse. ‘exci: Nice, ott; They had a whole market in ‘em. Just ike anything. They license out the shit and everybody makes it. Teact: Yeah? (I knew that.) oN: Just like now. They had combs, and brushes... you know, brushes with the thing on ‘em Teacit, Yeah, Iknow. They had... uh... what? Clothing too, huh? ow: I think. Sure. Everything. And there're guys they just collect the stuff, Teactt: They got that much of it around? Don: Shit yes. (i's not that long ago.) The thing, it ran two vyears, and they had (f don't know) allkinds of people every vyear they're buying everything that they can lay their hands con that they're going to take it back to Buifalo to giveit, vou know, to their aunt, and it mounts up. ‘Teac; What does it go for? on: The compact? Teactt: Yeah, on: Aah ... (You want 12) Teactt: No. on: Oh, I'm just asking. I mean, you want it Teac: No. I mean somebody walks in here . . Dox: Oh. Somebody walks in here ... (This shit's fashion able...) ‘Teack: (I don't doubt it.) oN: ., . and they're gonna have to go like fifteen bucks. Tract: You're fulla shit. ox: My word of honor. react: No shit ‘merean Bul 19 one Everything like that. react: (A bunch of fucking thioves os: Yeah. Everything. Teac (snort): What a bunch of erep, huh? ox: Oh yeah, Teac: Every goddamn thing on: Yes. ‘Teactt If kept the stuff that I threw out Dow: «yes. ‘TeAcH: I would be a wealthy man today. I would be cruising on some European yacht. on: Uh-huh, Teactt: (Shit my father used to keep in his desk drawer.) ox: (My father, too.) Teach: (The basement ... ) on: (Uh-huh,) Track: (Fuckin’ toys in the backyare, for chrissake ... ) on: {Don't even talk about it.) Teach: It's... Idon't know. Pause. ‘You want to play some gin? Don: Maybe later. Teact: Okay, Pause. I dunno, Pause. Fucking day . Pause. 20 David Mamet Fucking weather Pouse. ox: You think its going to rain? teacit: Yeah. I do. Later. ox: Yeah? react: Well, look at It B08 appears, carrying a poper bog with coffee and Joodstuffs in it. Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, Bobby. 08: Ruthie isn’t mad at you. ‘enc: She isn't? oa: No, react: How do you know? os: I found out Teact: How? BoB: | talked to her. ‘eactt You talked to her. Bos: Yes ‘eactt I asked you you weren't going to os: Wel, she asked me. ‘eactt: What? os: That were you over here. ‘Teactt: What did you tell her? soe: You were here. Teactt: Oh. (He looks at pox.) oN: What did you say to her, Bob? Bos: Just Teach was here. bon: And Is she coming over here? ‘Ameican Bulielo 21 Bot: I don’t think so. (They had the plain) DON (to Teac): So? (This is all right) (To #08) All right, Bob. He looks at Teach, Text: That's all right, Bob. (To self) (Everything's all right to someone... } oN takes bag and distributes contents to appropriate recplents. (To vow) You shouldn't eat that shit ox: Why? Teactt It's just I have a feeling about health foods. ox: It's not health foods, Teach. I's only yogurt. ‘Teach: That's not health foods? vor: No, They've had it forever. react: Yogurt? ow:_Yeah. They used to joke about it on "My Little Margie.” (To nos) (Way before your time.) Teac: Yeah? ott Yeah. ‘TEACH: What the fuck. A litle bit can’t hurt you. oN: It's good for you. Tract: Okay, okay. Each one his own opinion, (Pause. To 'b08) Was Fletcher over there? 08: No, DON: Where's my coffee? 'B08: It's not there? pox, No, Pause. ‘808: I told 'em specially to put It in, 22 Dawid Mamet Dow: Where is it? 0B: They forgot it Pouse, Tl go back and get it on: Would you mind? oa: No, Pause, ow: You gonna get it? os: Yeeh. Pouse, Don: What, Bob? oe: Can I talk to you? Pause. DoN goes to 208 DON: What is it? Bos: I saw him. pow: Who? B08: The quy. pon: You saw the guy? Bo: Yes bow: ‘That 'm talking about? Boa: Yes ow: Just now? 'Boe: Yeah. He's going somewhere ‘pon: He is ‘B08: Yeah, He's puttin’ a suitcase in the car. pox: The guy, or both of ‘em? BoB: Just him, ox: He got in the car he drove off?? American Bullo 23 08: He's coming down the stairs pow: Yeah, boa: And he's got the suitcase on nods. He gets in the car pox: Uh-huh so: He drives awav. Dox: So where is she? 08: He's goin’ to pick her up. Dow: What was he wearing? 808: Stuff. Traveling clothes. Dow: Okay. Pause. Now you're talking, You see what I mean? 08: Yeah. ow: All right, 08: And he hae! a coat, toe ox: Now you're talking bow: Like a raincoat ox: Yeah. Pause. Good. Fouse. B08; Yeah, he’s gone. ox: Bcb, go get me that coffee, do you mind? B08; Neo. on: What did you get yourself to eat? oo: I didn’t get anything. 24 David Mamet ox: Well, get me my coffee, and get yourself something to eat, okay? 08: Okay. (Good.) (Exits) Pause. ox: How's your bacon? ‘TEACH: Aaah, they always fuck it up. on: Yeah. ‘Tact: This time they fucked it up too bumt. ort: Mrnnom, ‘Teac: You got to be breathing on their neck. owt: Mmmm, ‘TCH: Like a lot of things. on: Uh-huh. exci: Any business on: Yeah, react: You want it run right, be there. ox: Yeah. Tract: Just like you. ox: What? Teac: Like the shop. ors, Well, no one’s going to run it, I'm not here Pause. ‘Teac: No. Pause. You have to be here. on: Yeah. ‘Teactt: It's a one-man show. Pon; Uh-huh, ‘American Bufolo Pause. ‘Teactt: So what fs this thing with the kid? Pouse. T mean, is it anything, uh on: I's nothing... you know ‘Teactt: Yeah. Pause Is what... ? ox: You know, it's just some guy we spotted. Teac: Yeah. Some guy. ow: Yeah. Teact: (Some guy . ox: Yeah, Pause. What time is it? ‘Texcit: Noon, ox: (Noon.) (Fuck.| Teac: What? Pause. Dox: You parked outside? ‘react Yeah Dott: Are you okay on the meter? ‘Teactt: Yeah. The broad came by already. Pause. pox: Good. Pause, ‘Teactt Oh, yeah, she came by. on: Good. 5 2 David Mamet TeAci: You want to tell me what this thing is? oN (Pause): The thing? Teac Yeah, Pause. What is it? ow: Nothing Teactt: No? What isit, jewelry? Dore No. I's nothing. ‘eactt Oh, pow: You know? react: Yeah. Pause Yeah. No. I don’t know Pouse. Who am I, a policeman on: Yeah, ‘Teactt: Huh? ‘making conversation, huh? Pouse. "Cause you know I'm just asking for talk. pox: Yeah. I know. Yeah, okay. Teac: And I can live without this. ON (reaches for phone): Yeah. 1 know. Hold on. I'll tell you. ‘Teac: Tell me if you went to, Don. on: I want to, Teach, ‘Tract: Yeah? Dow: Yeah, Pause. ‘enc: Well, Pd fucking hope so. Am I wrong? ‘Ametcan Bufo 27 vox: No. No. You're right. ‘Teac I hope so, ‘pox: No, hold on; I gotta make this call ‘Teacit: Well, allright. So what is it. jewelry? fox: No, ‘Teactt: What? ‘DON: Coins ‘Teactt (Coins) pon: Yeah. Hold on, I gotta make this call. ‘DON hunts for a card, dials telephone. (Into phone) Hello? This is Donny Dubraw. We were talk- ing the other day, Loolt, sr, if could getahold of some of that stuff you were interested in, would you be interested in some of if? Pouse. ‘Those things .. . Old, yeah. Pouse. Various pieces of various types. Pouse. Tonight. Sometime late. Are they what ...11?? Yes, but I dont see what kind of a question is that (at the prices we're talking about... ) Pause. No, hey, no, Yunderstand you... Pause. ‘Sometime late. Pause. One hundred percent, Pause. 28 ——Daxid Mamet I feel the same. All ight. Good-bye. (Hangs up.) Fucking asshole. TeAcH: Guys like that, [like to fuck their wives. or: I don’t blame you. Teactt: Fucking jerk ow: (I swear to God...) ‘Teactt: That guy's a collector? Don: Who? ‘Teac: The phone guy. pon: Yeah. ‘Teactt And the other guy? vox: We spotted? react: Yeah pox: Him, too. Texctt: So you hit him for his coins ow: Yeah, Teact: —And you got a buyer in the phone guy. ow: (Asshole.) ‘Teactt The thing is you're not siting with the shit. on: No. Tet, The guys am asshole or he’s not, what do you care? I's usiness, Pouse. now: You're right ‘Teac: The guy with the suitcase, he's the mark. pon: Yeah, ‘Teactt How'd you find him? on: In here, American Budo 29 vteact: Came in here, huh? pox: Yeah, ‘Teac: (No shit) Pause. ox: He comes in here one day, like a week ago. Teach: For what? ox: Just browsing. So he’s looking in the case, he comes up and with this buffalo-head nickel . . . vtexc: Yeah ox: From rineteen-something, (I don’t know. I didn't even know it's there Teactt: Uh-huh oN: ... ané he goes, “How much would that be?” ‘react: Uh-huh Dox: So I'm about to go, “Two bits,” jerk that am, but some- thing tells me to shut up, so I go, “You tell me.” ‘Teac: Always good business. Dox: Oh yeah. ‘Teack: How wrong can you go? ‘Don: That’s what I mean, so then he thinks a minute, and he tells me he'll ust shop a bit. “Teaci Uh-huh... (Slares out of window.) ott And sohe's shopping ... What? ‘teactt: Some cops. Dox: Where? ‘Tenctt At the comer. pow What are they doing? ‘react: Cruising, Pause, 30 David Mamet | on: They turn the comer? ‘TEACH (waits): Yeah, Pause. DON: . .. Andso he's shopping. And he’s picking up a beat-up minor .. .an old kid's toy... a shaving mug Traci: «right DON: Maybe five, six things, comes to eight bucks I get ‘em and I put ‘em in a box and then he tells me he'll go filty dollars for the nickel, ‘react: No, ox: Yeah. So I tell him (get this), “Not a chance.” Tesctt (Took balls.) | Don: (Well, what-the-fuck ...) ‘Teactt: (No, I mean it.) | Doni (I took a chance.) eactt, (You're goddamn right.) | Pause, oN (shrugs): So I say, “Not a chance," he tells me eighty is his highest offer. cd Teac: (I knew it) ON: Wait. Sol go, “Ninety-five.” ‘Teach: Uh-huh, oN: We settle down on ninety, takes the nickel, leaves the box of shit. ‘Teac: He pay for it? ‘pon: The box of shit? ‘Teach: Yeah. ox: No. Pause. American Bufflo 3 Teactt: And so what was the nickel? Dox: I don't know . .. some rarity react Ninety dollars for a nickel. oN: Ate you kidding, Teach? | bet it’s worth five times that. Teactt Yeah, huh? Dow: Ate you kidding me, the guy isgoing to come in here, he plunks down ninety bucks like nothing. Shit yeah, Pouse. react Well, what the fuck, it didn't cost you anything ox: That's not the point. The next day back he comes and he goes through the whole bit again. He looks at this, he looks at that, i's a nice day ‘Teac: Yeah .. bow: And he tells me he's the guy was in here yesterday and bought the buffalo off me and dol maybe have some other atticles of interest Teactt: Yeah, 0x: And so I tell him, “Not offhand" He says that could I get in touch with him, 1 get some in, so I say “sure,” he leaves his card, I'm s'posed to call him anything crops up. TeAcH: Uh-huh, ox: He comes in here like I'm his fucking doorman ‘exci: Mmmm, Don: He takes me off my coin and will I call him if I find another one. Teactt: Yeah, oN: Doing me this favor by just coming in my shop. ‘Teac: Yeah. Pause. Some people never change. 32 awed Mamet Dott, Like he has done me this big favor by just coming in my shop. Teactt: Uh-huh. (You're going to get him now.) on: (You know | am.) So Bob, we kept a lookout on his, place, and that's the shot ‘Teach: And who's the chick? ‘bon: What chick? Tract: You're asking Bob about. Dox: Oh yeah. The guy, he's married. I mean {! don’t know.) We think he's married. They got two names on the bel... Anyway, he’s living with this chick, you know . . ‘Teac: What the hell, DON: . . . and you should see this chick. Teactt: Yeah, huh? oN: She isa knockout: I mean, she is real nice-lookin’, Teach. ‘Teactt: (Fuck him...) bon: The other day, last Friday like a week ago, Bob runs in, lugs me out to look at 'em, they're going out on bicycles. ‘The ass on this broad, un-be-fucking-lievable in these bicycling shorts sticking up in the air with these short han- diebars. Teac: (Fuckin’ fruits...) Pause, ‘Don: So that's it. We keep an eye on ‘em. They both work. (Yesterday he rode his bicycle to work.) Teact: He didn’t. pox: Yesh. ‘Teach (snorts): (With the three-piece sult, huh?) on: | didn't see "em, Bobby saw 'em. Pause. American Bullo 3 And that's the shot. Earl gets me in touch the phone guy, he's this coin collector, and that's it ‘eactt It fell in your lap. pow: Yeah, eactt: You're going in tonight. one It Fooks that way, TEACH And who's going in? Pause. on: Bobby. Pause, He's a good kid, Teach Teactt: He's a great kid, Don. You know how | feel about the Wid. Pause 1 ke bir ox: He's doing good. can see that, Pause. But I gotta say something here. ox: What? ‘Teactt: Only this—and I don't think I'm getting at anything— 0x: What? reach (Pause): Don't send the kid in ot: I shouldn't send Bobby in? ‘eactt: No. (Now, just wait a second.) Let's siddown on this, What are we saying here? Loyalty. Pause. ‘You know how lam on this, This is great. Thisis admirable. ox: What? 34 David Mamet ‘exctt: This loyally. This is swell It turns my heart the things, that you do for the kid. Dow: What do I do for him, Walt? Teac: Things. Things, you know what I mean, Do: No. I don't do anything for him. ‘Teach: In your mind you don't. but the things, I'm saying, that you actually go do for him. This is fantastic. All I mean, a ‘guy can be too loyal, Don. Don’t be dense on this. What are we saying here? Business I mean, the guy's got you're taking his high-speed blender and a Magnavox, you send the kid in. You're talking about Brealjob... they don't come in right away and know they een had. You're talking maybe a safe, certainly a good lock or two. and you need a guy's looking for valuable shit. he’s not going to mess with the stainless steel silverware, huh. or some digital clock, Pause. We both know what we're saying here. We both know we're talking about some job needs more than the kid's gonna skin-pop go in there with a crowbar on: I don’t want you mentioning that Teac: It slipped out. ox: You know how I feel on that, ‘resets: Yes, And I'm sorry, Don. I admire that. All that 'm saying, don’t confuse business with pleasure. oN: But I don’t want that talk, only, Teach Pause. ‘You understand? Teac: I more than understand, and I apologize. Pause. Tm sony. American Bulllo 35 on: That's the only thing ‘Teac: Allright But I tell you. I'm glad I said it pox: Why? ‘Teach: ‘Cause it's best for these things to be out in the open. ‘pon: But I don’t want it in the open. ‘teactt: Which Is why I apologized Pause pox: You know the fucking kid's clean. He's tying hard. he's working hard, and you leave him alone. ‘Teactt: Oh yeah, he's tying reo! hard pon: And he's no dummy, Teach. ‘Teact: Far from it. All T'm saying, the job is beyond him. Where's the shame in this? Thisis not jacks, we get up to go home we give everything back. Huh? You want this fucked up? Pause All that Im saying, there's the least chance something might fuck up, you'd get the law down, you would take the shot, and couldn't find the coins whatever: if you see the least chance, you cannot afford to take that chance! Don? I want to go in there and gut this motherfucker. Don? Where is the shame inthis? You take care of him, fine. (Now this is loyalty.) But Bobby's got his own best interests, too. And you cannot afford (and simply as a business proposition) iyou cannot afford to take the chance. (Pause. Teack picks up a strange object.) What Is this? bon: That? ‘Teac: Yes. or: It's a thing that they stick In dead pigs keop their legs. apart all the blood runs out, reactinods. Pause, ‘react: Mmm, 36 David Marner Pause. ow: I set it up with him, ‘Teac: “You set it up with him.” ... You set it up and then you told him. Long pause. ow: 1 gave Earl ten percent. Teac: Yeah? for what? ow: The connection Teactt: So ten off the top: forty-five, forty-five Pause. ox: And Bobby? Teactt: Ahundred Alnundied fly... we hitbig.. . whutever ox: And you what? ‘Teactt: The shot. I go, I go in... I bring the stuff back (or wherever...) Pouse, ox: And what do I do? ‘Teck: You mind the fort Pause. pox: Here? Teach: Well, yeah . this is the fort. Pause. on: (You know, this is real classical money we're talking about.) ‘Teactt: I know it. You think I'm going to fuck with Chump ‘Change? Pause. So tell me. ox: Well, hold on a second. | mean, we're sill talking American Bulslo 37 ‘Teacte I'm sony. I thought we were done talking. Dow: No, Teactt Well, then, let's talk some more. You want to bargain? ‘You want to mess with the points? Don: No. I just want to think for a second, ‘eacit: Well, you think, but here's a helpful hint. Fifty percent of some money is better than ninety percent of some bro- ken toaster that you're gonna have, you send the kid In, (Which is providing he don't trip the alarm in the first place .. .) Don? You don't even know what the thing Is ‘on this. Where he lives. They got alarms? What kind of alarms? What kind of this. . ? And what if (God forbid) the guy walks in? Somebody's nervous, whacks him with a table lamp—you wanna get touchy—and you can take your ninety dollars from the nickel shove it up your ass— the good it did you—and you wanna know why? (And Tm not saying anything ...") because you didn’t take the tme to go first-class, BoB re-enters with a bog. Hi, Bob. Bos: Hi, Teach. Pause. ox: You get yourself something to eat? Bos: I got a piece of pie and a Pepsi. BoB and DON extract foodstuffs and eat ow: Did they charge you again for the coffee? 08: For your coffee? Don: Yes 1808; They charged me this time, I don’t know if they charged me last ime, Donny. on: It’s okay. Pause. 38 David Mamet ‘TEACH (to B08): How Is it out there? Boa: It's okay. Teactt Is it going to ran? Bos: Today? ‘Teach: Yeah, B08: I don't know. Pause. ‘Teact: Well, what do you think? BoB: It might react: You think so, huh? Dow: Teach... ‘Teach: What? I'm not saying anything 08: What? Teactt I don't think I'm saying anything here. Pause. Bos: It might rain Pause. I think later. Teact: How's your ple? BoB: Real good. Teac (holds up the dead-pig leg-spreader): You know what this le? Pouse. 08: Yeah Teac What is it? os: 1 know what it is Teac: What? 808; I know. Amercan Bull 39 Pause. react: Huh? ‘08: What? react: Things are what they are. Dox: Teach ‘react: What? ox: We'll do this later. 08: I got to ask you something. Teac: Sure, that makes a difference. ow: We'll ust do it later. ‘react: Sure. 08: Uh, Don? ox: What? Pause. BoB: I got fo talk to you. on: Yeah? What? 08: I'm wondering on the thing that maybe I could have a litle bit up front. Pause. Do you need it? I don't need it © How much? 1 was thinking that maybe you might let me have like fifty ‘or something, B58 Pause. To sort of have... ‘eactt: You got any cul links? OX: Look in the case. (To 80s) Weat do you need it for? 40 David Maret | soe: Nothing | Don: Bob... | oe: You can trust me. | | on: It's not a question of that, It's not a question I go arcund trustirg you, Bob 08: What's the question? Teactt: Procedure on: Hold on, Teach, oe: | got him all spotted Pause, ‘eacit: Who? oa: Some guy. ‘eacit: Yoah? os: Yeah, Teac: Where's he live? 08: Around. Teach: Where? Near here? 508: No, react: No? B08: He tives like on Lake Shore Drive. ‘react: He does. oe: Yeah. each (Peuse): What have you got, a job cased? sos: I just went for coffee -teactt: But you didn't get the coffee. Pause Now, did you? 08: No. ‘Amesian Batllo at ‘Teact: Why? ow: Hold on, Teach. Bob oe: What? oN: You know what? 08: No. on: Iwas thinking, you know, we might hold off on this thing, Pause, oe: You wanna hold off on it? ox: I was thinking that we might pos: Oh, Dow: And, on the money, I'll give you . .. forty, you ove me twenty, and, for now, keep twenty for spotting the guy. Pause. Okay? Bos: Yeah. Pause. You don't want me to do the job? aw: That's what | told you. What am I telling you? oa: I'm not going to do it. ox: Not now. We aren't going to do it now. Boa; We'll do it later on? oN (shrugs): But I'm giving you twenty just for spotting the guy. 808: I need fity, Donny. 0: Well, 'm giving you forty. oe: You said you were giving me twenty, ox: No, Bob, Idid not. I said I was giving you forty, of which you were going to owe me twenty. Pause. 42 auld Momet ‘And you go keep twenty. 808: I got to give back twenty. owt That's the deal on: When? ox: Soon. When you got it Pause. B08: If I don't get it soon? on: Well, what do you call “'soon"? Bob: I don’t know. ow: Could you get it ina 8; Maybe. I don't think so, Could you let me have fifty? ott: And you'll give me back thirty? ‘BoB: I could just give back the twenty ow: That's not the deal Bos: We could make it the deal day, or a couple of days or so? Pause, Donny? We could make it the deal. Huh? on: Bob, lookit. Here itis: I give you fifty, next week you pay me back twenty-five. Pause. You get to keep twenty-five, you pay me back twenty-five. Bos: And what about the thing? ox: Forget about it 808: You tell me when you want me to do it ox: I don't know that I want you to do it. Atthis point. Pause, You know what I mean? Pause. American Bulllo 4g, 08: No. ow: I mean, I'm giving you twenty-five, and I'm saying forget the thing, oa: Forget it for me. box: Yes 508: Oh, Pause. Okay. Okay. owt You see what I'm talking about? on: Yes. ots: Like it never happened. 08: I know. Dont So you see what Fm saying. 08: Yes Pause. Tm gonna go. Pause. TI see you later. (Pause. He looks at bon) box: Oh. (Reaches in pocket and hands bills to to8. To TeAcH) You got two fives? ‘Teac: No. on (to 808): I got 1o give you thirty. Bos: You said you were giving me fifty. box: I'm somy, I'm sony, Bob, you're absolutely right. (He gives 208 remainder of money.) Pause. thirty, you owe me back 80% Thank you. Pause. 44 aid Mamet Til see you later, huh, Teach? Tench: Til see you later, Bobby. B08: ['ll see you, Donny. ow: I'll see you later, Bob. Boa: I'l come back later. on: Okay. BoB starts to exit. exc See you. Pause. Boais gone. You're only doing the right thing by him, Don. Pause. Believe me. Pouse. It's best for everybody. Pouse. What's done is done. Pause. So let’s get started. On the thing. Tell me everything on: Like what? react... the guy... where does he five ow: Around the comer. ‘TEACH: Okay, and he's gone for the weekend. por: We don’t know. TEACH: Of course we know. Bob saw him coming out the door. The kid's not going to lie to you. on: Well, Bob just saw him coming out . . ‘Teacit He had a suitcase, Don, he wasn't going to the A&P He's going for the weekend . ‘American Bufllo 45, Pause. Don, (Can you cooperate?) Can we get started? Do you want to tell me something about coins? Pouse. pox: What about "em? ‘Teac: A crash course. What to look for. What to take. Whattto: not take (... this they can trace) (that isn't worth nothing ) Pause. ‘What looks like what but i's more valuable . . . so on Don: First off, I want that nickel back. Tract: Donny Dow: No, I know, i's only a fuckin’ nickel... I mean big deal, huh? But what I'm saying is I only want it back. ‘Teactt: You're going to get it back. I'm going in there for his coins, what am I going to take 'em all except your nickel? Wake up. Don, let's plan this out. The spirit of the thing? Pause, Let's not be loose on this. People are loose, people pay the price ow: You're right. ‘Teactt (And Ilike you lke a brother, Don.) Solet’s wakeup on this, Pause, Allright? A man, he walks in here, well-dressed... . (With a brielcase?) ow: (No.) ‘TEACH: All right... . comes into a junkshop looking for coins. Pause, He spots a valuable nickel hidden in a pile of shit. He farts around, he picks up this, he farts around, he picks up that. 45 David Maret Dow: (He wants the nickel.) ‘Teactt No shit He goes to check out, he goes ninety on the riick, DON: (He would of gone five times that.) Teactt (Look, don't kick yourself.) All right, we got a guy knows coins, Where does he keep his coin collection? ox: Hidden, Teactt The man hides his coin collection, we're probably look- ing the guy has a study . .. I mean, he's not the kind of uy to keep it in the basement... pon: No. ‘Teact: So we're looking for a study. bon: (A den.) Teact: And we're looking, for, ke hasn't got a safe on: Yeah... ? TEactt: . he's probably going to keep ‘em ... where? Pouse. on: I don't know. His desk drawer. ‘Teactt: (You open the middle, the rest of “em pop out?) on: (Yeah.) TEackt: (Maybe.) Which brings up a point. ox: What? Teactt As we're moving the stuff tonight, we can go in like Gangbusters, huh? We don't care we wreck the joint up. So what else? We take it, or leave it? Don: ... well Tract: I'm not talking cash, all | mean. what other stuff do we take . .. for our trouble Pause. Dox: I don’t know. ‘Ametcan Bufo 47 ‘Teactt It's hard to make up rules about this stuf pox: (You'll be in there under lots of pressure.) ‘eactt (Not so much.) pon: (Come on, a litle, anyway.) react (That's only natural.) pow: (Yeah.) ‘eact: (It would be unnatural I wasn't tense. A guy who isn't ‘ense. I don't want him on my side.) ort: (No.) Teactt: (You know why?) pow: (Yeah) react: (Okay, then.) I's good to talk this stuff out. ont. Yeah. ‘Teacit: You have to talk it out. Bad feelings, misunderstandings happen on ajob. You can't get away from ‘em, you have to deal with ‘em, You want to quiz me on some coins? You want to show some coins to me? List prices... the blue book... ? ox: You want to see the book? Tract: Sure. oN (hands large coin-book to TEACH): 1 just picked it up last week. ‘eact: Uh-hum. ow: All the values aren't current Teac: Uh-huh axe Silver react (looking at book): Uh-huh ox: What's rarity ence: Well, that's got to be fairly steady, huh? 48 Dav Mamet ow: I'm saying against what isn’t Teact: Oh, Don: But the book gives you a general idea, Teactt: You've been looking at it? ox: Yeah, ‘Teac: You got to have a feeling for your subject. on: The book can give you that. ‘Tacit: This iswhat I'm saying to you. One thing. Makes all the difference in the world. ox: What? Tract: Knowing what the fuck you're talking about. And i's so rare, Don, So rare. What do you think a 1929 S Lincoln-head penny with the wheat on the back is worth? DON starts to speak. Ah! Ab! Ah! Ah! Ah! We got to know what condition we're talking about. Don (Pause): Okay. What condition? TEACH: Any of ‘em, You tell me. oN: Well, pick one, Teactt: Okay, T'm going to pick an easy one. Excellent condi- tion 1929 5. Don: It's worth... about thirty-six dollars. Teac No, Dow: (More?) Teact: Well, guess. DON: Just tell me is it more or less, ‘Teac: What do you think? on: More, ‘American Bull 49 teactt, No. oN: Okay, i's worth, I gotta say ... eighteen-sixty, react: No. oon: Then | give up. tract: Twenty fucking cents ox: You're fulla shit. Teacit: My mother's grave. ox: Give me that fucking book. (Business) Go beat that Teach: This is what I'm saying, Don, you got to know what you're talking about. por: You wanna take the book? Teacit Naga, fuck the book. What am I going to do, leaf through the book for hours on end? The important thing is. to have the idea bore Yeah, Texctt: What was the other one? Dox: What other one? Terctt He stole off you. box: What do you mean what was it? Teac The date, so on ort How the fuck do J know? Teac (Pause): When you looked it up. ox: How are you getting in the house? ‘Teactt: The house? Dox: Yeah. TeAcH: Aah, you go in through a window they lt open, some~ thing, ox: Yeah, ‘Teact: There's always something, 50 David Mamet on: Yeah. What else, If not the window. Teach: How the fuck do I know? Pause. Ifnot the window, something else. ON: What? ‘Teactt: We'll see when we get there, oN: Okay, all 'm asking, what it might be. Tact; Hey, you didn't wam us we were going to have @ quiz on: It’s just a question. Teach know it Pouse. DON: What Is the answer? Teactt: We're seeing when we get there. on: Oh. You can't answer me, Teach? Teac#: You have your job, have my job, Don. Lam not here to smother you in theory. Think about it on: Tam thinking about it. I'd like you to answer my question, ‘Teactt: Don't push me, Don, Don’t front off with me here, lam ot other people, PON: And just what does that mean? Teactt Just that nobody's perfect. Don: They aren't, Teactt: No, Pause, on: I'm going to have Fletch come with us, Tract: Fletch, Bon: Yes. ‘TEACH: You're having him come with us. ‘American Bulllo 1 pon: Yes. ‘eactt, Now you're kidding me. pax: No, ‘react, No? Then why do you say this? pon: With Fletch ‘enc: Yes. ort I want some depth. react: You want depth on the team. ort Yes, I do. ‘EACH: So you bring in Fletch, pow: Yes ‘Teach: "Cause I don't play vour games with you. DON: We just might need him, react: We won't. ox: We might, Teach, react: We don't need him, Don, We do not need this guy. ow picks up phone. What? Are you calling him? ow nods. ox: I's busy. (Hangs up.) ‘Teactt, He's probably talking on the phone. bon: Yeah. He probably is. TeacH: We don’t need this guy. Don, We don’t need him. I see your point here, I do. So’ you're thinking I'm out there alone, and you're worried I'll rattle, so you ask me how I go fn, T understand. I see this, I do. [could go in the second floor, climb up a drainpipe, I could this on dials phone again, 52 David Mar He's talking, he's talking, for chrissake, give him a minute, buh? DON hangs up phone, Tam burt, Don. on: I'm sory, Teach, ‘Teac: I'm not hurt for me. Dox: Who are you hurt for? ‘Teack: Think about it, ON: We can use somebody watch our rear. Teactt: You keep your numbers down, you don't have a reat, You know what has rears? Armies. on: I'm just saying, something goes wrong .. ‘Teact: Wrong, wrong, you make your own right and wrong. Hey Bilig fucking deal. The shot is yours, no one's disputing that. We're talking business, le’s talk business: you think 4's good business call Fletch in? To help us. on: Yes. ‘Teach: Well then okay. Pause, ‘Are you sure? pox: Yeah, TEACH: Al right, if you're sure ow: I'm sure, Teach. Teactt: Then, allright, then, That's all I worry about. Pause ‘And you're probably right, we could use three of us on the job. bon: Yeah, Teac: Somebody watch for the cops... . work outa signal oN: Yeah. American Bufllo 53 ‘eactt: Safety in numbers, por: Yeah. ‘eactt: Three-men Jobs. ox: Yeah. react: You, me, Fletcher. on: Yeah. ‘Teactt: A division of labor. Pouse. (Security. Muscle. Intelligence.) Huh? Dow: Yeah. ‘Teactt: This means, what, a traditional split. Am Iright? We get ‘en of the top goes to Earl, and the rest, three-way split. Huh? That’s what we got? Huh? ow: Yeh. ‘Tact Well, that’s what's right. Pouse. All right. Lay the shot out for me. bon: For tonight? Teach: Yes. on: Okey. Pause. | stay here on the phone TEACH: « .. yeah Dow: ... for Fletcher... ‘Teach: Yeah, Don: We meet, ten-thitty, ‘leven, back here ‘Teac: (Back here, the three... ) pox Yeah. And go in. 54 ald Mamet Pause. Hub? Teact: Yeah. Where? on: Around the comer. Teac: Yeah, Pouse. Are you mad at me? po: No. Teach: Do you want to play gin? on: Naaa. Teactt: Then I guess I'll go home, take a nap, and rest up. ‘Come back here tonight and we'll take off this fucking frit's ow: Right, Teac eel like I'm tying to stay up to death Dox: You ain’t been to sleep since the game? Teac Shit no (then that dyke cocksucker... ) oN: So go take a nap. You trying to kel yourself? ‘Teactt, You're right, and you do what you think is right, Don, ON: I got to, Teach. Teac: You got to trust your instincts. right or wrong. Dori: I got to. ‘each I know it. [know you do. Pause. ‘Anybody wants to get in touch with me, I'm over the hotel Dow: Okay. ‘Teactt: I'm not the hotel, I stepped out for coffee, I'l be back ‘one minute, pox: Okay. ‘Amercan Bulle 55 ‘Teactt And I'll see you around eleven. pow: O'elock: Teacit Here. os: Right. TeAcit And don't wory about anything. post: I won't ‘Texckt I don't want to hear you're woring about a god- damned thing, pox: You won't, Teach, ‘Teacit You're sure you want Fletch coming with us? pox: Yes. ‘Teac All ight, then, so long as you're sure. ont I'm sure, Teach, ‘Teactt Then I'm going to see you tonight. ox: Goddamn right you are. ‘exci Lam seeing you later. pon: I know. react Good-bye. ox: Good-bye. Teactt I want to make one thing plain befere I go, Don. Iam ‘hot mad at you. ow: I know. ‘Teacte Al right, then. pox: You have a good nap. ‘Teactt | will Teach exits, Dow: Fuckin’ business Lights dim to black. ACT IT ors ‘American Bulllo 8 Don's Resale Shop, 11:15 that evening. The shop is darkened. vowis alone. He is holdng the telephone to his ear, Great. Great great great great great. Pouse, (Cocksucking fuckhead . .. ) Pouse, This is greatness. DON hangs up phone. B08 appears in the door to the: shop. What are you doing here? Bos: Dox: ‘Boa: ‘Dox: 10a: Tcame here. For what? I got to talk to you, Why? : Business. Yeah? Tneed some money. t: What for? Nothing. I can pay for it For what? ‘This guy. [found a coin, A.coin? A buffalo-head, Nickel? Yeah. You want it? Pause. What are you doing here, Bob? I need money. 60 Dowd Mamet ‘Dow picks up phone and dials. He lets it ring as he talks fo B08 You want if? ott: What? os: My buffalo. oN: Lemme look at it Pouse. 1 got to look at it to know do I want it. os: You don’t know if you want it? on: | probably want it... what I'm saying, if t's worth any- thing, 08: I's a buffalo, it's worth something, bon: The question is but what. It's just like everything else, Beb. Like every other fucking thing. (Pause. He hangs up phone.) Were you at The Riv? Bos: Before. on: Is Fletch over there? B08: No, on: Teach? ‘808: No, Ruth and Gracie was there for a minute, ox: What the fuck does that mean? Pause. ‘B08: Nothing. Pause. Only they were there. Pause. Jddn't mean anything... my nickel... Lean tell you what itis, Pause. American Butflo 61 Tean tell you what It Is, ‘on; What? What date it is? That don’t mean shit. po: No? ox: Come on, Bobby? What's important in a coin... Bos: ... yeah? ox: What condition i's in. . Boa: (Great.) DON: . .. you can (I don't know... ) count the hair on the Indian, something. You got to look it up. ‘508: In the book? on: Yes. BoB: Okay. And then you know. oN: Well, no. What I'm saying, the book is like you use it lke an indicator (I mean, right off with silver prices... so on...) (He hangs up phone.) Shit. 08: What? Dor: What do you want for the coin? Bos: What i's worth only. Don: Okay, we'll look it up 808: But you sill don’t know, on: But you got an idea, Bob. You got an idea you can deviate from. Pause, 08: The other guy went ninety bucks, bon: He was a fuckin’ sucker, Bob. Pause, ‘Am I'a sucker? (Bob, I'm busy here. You see?) BoB: Some coins are worth that. ox: Oddities, Bob. Freak oddities of nature, What are we 2 David Mart talking about here? The silver? The silver's maybe three times face. You want fifteen cents for it? 08: No. ox: So, okay. So what do you want for it? Bos: What i's worth, Don: Let me see it os: Why? Dox: To look in the goddamn ,. . Forget it. Forget it. Don't let me see it. B08: But the book don't mean shit. on: The book gives us ideas, Bob. The book gives us a basis for comparison Look, we're human beings. We can talk, we ean negotiate, Wwe can this .. . you need money? What do you need? Pause. Bos: I came here Pause. oN: What do you need, Bob? Pause, Bos: How come you're in here so late? on: We're gonna play cards. B08: Who? on: Teach and me and Fletcher. ‘Teac enters the store. What time is it? Teact: Fuck is he doing here? Don: What fucking time is it? ‘teach: Where's Fletcher? Pause. Ametcan Bufslo 63 Where's Fletcher? os: Hi, Teach, TEACH (10 DON): What is he doing here? Boe: I came in, oN: Do you know what time it is? ‘TeacH: What? I'm late? on: Damn right you're late Tracts I'm fucked up since my watch broke. ox: Your watch broke? Teach: I Just told you that. ox: When did your watch break? Teac: The fuck do I know? DON: Well, you look at it. You want to know your watch broke, all you got to do is look at it Pouse, Teactt I don't have it ore: Why not? TeAxcit I took it off when it broke. (What do you want here?) vox: You're going around without a watch Teactt: Yes. Lam, Donny. What am I, you're my keeper all a sudden? ox: I'm paying you to do a thing, Teach, I expect to know where you are when, ‘eactt: Donny. You aren't paying me to do a thing, We are doing something together, [ know we are. My watch broke, that is my concern. The thing is your and my concem. And the concem of Fletcher. You want to find a reason we should jump all over each other all of a sudden like we work In a bloodbank, fine, But it's not good business. Pause, 4 auld Memet ‘And so who knows what time it Is offhand? Jerks on the radio? The phone broad? Pause. Now, | understand nerves. on: There's no fuckin’ nerves involved in this. Teach. Teactt: No, huh? ow: No. ‘Teactt Well, areat, That's great, then. So what are we talking about? 4 litle lateness? Some excusable fucking lateness? And a couple of guys they're understandably a bit excited? Pause. oN: I don’t like tt. Teactt Then don’t like it, then. Let's do this. Let's everybody get a writ. I got a case. You got a case. Bobby—I don't know what the fuck he’s doing here Pow: Leave him alone. ‘Teact Now I'm picking on him. ov: Leave him alone. Tract: What's he doing here? on: He came in, os: I found a nickel. ‘Teac: Hey, that’s fantastic. Boe: You want to see it? Teac: Yes, please let me see it. 808 (hands nickel, wrapped in cloth, to TEact): | like "em be. ‘cause of the art on it TeAcH: Uh-huh, 08; Because It looks lke something, TEACH (to Don): Is this worth anything? 808 We don’t know yet ‘Ametcan Buffalo 65 ‘Teactt: Oh. 808: We're going to look tt up. ‘EACH: Oh, what? Tonight? 08: I think so. ‘bon (hangs up phone): Fuck. ‘eactt: So where is he? ow: How the fuck do I know? Teach: He said he'd be here? ow: Yes, he did, Teach. sos: Fletcher? Tact, So where is he, then? And what's he doing here? ot: Leave him alone. He'll leave. TeAci: He's going to leave, huh? on: Yes ‘Teac You're sure it isn't like the bowling league, Fletch doesn't show up, we just suit up Bobby, give him a shot, and he goes in? Pause Aaah, fuck. 'm sony. I spoke in anger. 'm sony. I'm sory. (Everybody can make mistakes around here but me.) I'm sony, Bob, I'm very sony. 808 That's okay, Teach. ‘Teac: All meant to say, we'd give you a fuckin’ sult, ike in football. Pause and you'd (You know, like, whatever...) and you'd go in. (Pause. To Dox) So what do you want me to do? Dress up and lick him all over? I said I was sorry, what's going on here. Hub? In the first place. I come in, I'm late... he’s here Pause. 66 David Mamet vow: Bobby, I'll see you tomorrow, okay? (He picks phone up and dials.) BoB: I need some money. TEACH (dlaging in pockets): What do you need? 08: I want to sell the buffalo nickel. reacts: Tl buy it myself. Bos: We don’t know what it’s worth. Teac; What do you want for it? os: Fifty dollars, ‘react: You're outta your fuckin’ mind. Pause. Look. Here's a fin. Get lost. Okay? Pause. oa: It's worth more than that ‘exctt: How the fuck do you know that? oa: | think it is. Pause. Teac: Okay. You keep the fin like @ loan. You keep the fuck- Int nickel, and we'll call it a loan. Now go on. (He hands nickel bock to £08) ow (hangs up phone): Fuck. pos: I need more. ‘TEACH (to on): Give the kid a couple of bucks. vox: What? ‘TeAcHt Give him some money. pox: What for? ‘Teactt: The nickel Pause. BoB: We can look in the book tomorrow, ‘Amesian Bufolo 67 DON (to TEACH): You bought the nickel? Tesctt, Don't wony about i. Give him some money. Get him out cf here, ox: How muich? ‘exc: What? I don't care oN (to Bos): How much giving him money for? (To Teach) What the fuck am I exci: dust give it to him. Don: What? Ten? (Pause. Digs in pocket, hands bill fo 208) How is that, Bob? (Pause. Hands additional bill to 05) Okay? 08: We'll look it up. Dor’ Olay. Huh? We'll see you tomorrow. 808: And well look it up on: Yes. B08 (to TexcH): You should talk to Ruthie. react: Oh, I should, huh? Boa: Yes. Teac: Why? os: Because. Pause, Teactt Il see you tomorrow, Bobby. 08: Good-bye, Teach. TEACH: Good-bye. vox: Good-bye, Bob. B08: Good-bye Pause. B08 exits. on: Fuckin’ kid ‘Teach: So where is Fletcher? 68 Dovid Mamet ox: Don’t wony. He'll be here. Teactt: The question is but when. Maybe his watch broke. ox: Maybe itjust did, Teach, Maybe his actual watch broke. Teach: And maybe mine didn't, you're saying? You wanna bet? You wanna place a litle fucking wager on if? How much money you got in your pockets? I bet you all the money in your pockets against all the money in my pockets, walk out that door right now, I come back with a broken, watch, Pause. ot: Calm down, Teacit: Iam calm, I'm just upset. owe I know. ‘Teact: So where is he when I'm here? on: Don’t worry about it react: So whe's going to worry about it then? ox: (Shit) ‘Teactt, This should go to prove you something ow: It doesn’t prove anything. The guy's just late. ‘Teactt Oh, And I wasn't? pon: You were late, too. ‘each: You're fuckin’ A I was, and I got bawled out for it ox: He's late fora reason. Teac: I don't accept it ox: That's your privilege. TEAC And whet was Bab doing here? ‘bon: He told you. He wanted to sell me the nickel ‘Teac: That's why he came here? pon: Yes, ‘American Butslo 69 Teactt To sell you the buffalo? on: Yes. reacts, Where did he get it? ox: I think from some guy. ‘react: Who? Pause. port: I don’t know, Pause. ‘Tenctt, Where's Fletcher? ‘oN: I don’t know. He'll show up. (Picks up phone and dials.) ‘react He'll show up, ont: Yes. ‘eactt: He's not here now. ow: No. ‘Teactt: You scout the guy's house? ow: The guy? No. Teactt: Well let's do that, then. (He's not home. Hang up.) ox (hangs up phone): You wanna scout his house. ‘exctt: Yeah. oN: Why? Bob already saw him when he went off with the suitease ‘Teacit: Just to be sure, huh? pon: Yeah, Okay. ‘exc, You bet. Now we call him up, port: We call the guy up. Teac: Yeah. Pause. 7 Dawid Mamet on: Good idea. (He picks up phone. Hunts guy’s number. Dials. To himself) We can do this. Teactt This is planning, .. . This is preparation. If he answers DON shhhhs Teactt Tm telling you what to do if he answers pox: What? Tract: Hang up. (DON starts to hang up phone.) No, Don't hhang up. Hang up now. Hang up now! ‘on hangs up phone. Now look: If he answers Dow: . .. yeah? ‘TeAcH: Don’t arouse his fucking suspicions. ow: All right. ‘Teach, And the odds are he’s not there, so when he answers just say you're calling for a wrong fucking number, some- thing. Be simple. Pause. Give me the phone. ow hands teactithe phone. Gimme the card. ow hands TeAcH card. This is his number? 2217834? on: Yeah, ‘TeacH(snorts): All right. I dial, I'm calling for somebody named June, and we go interchange on number. Pause. We're gonna say lke, “Is this 221-7834?" Dok: ... yeah? TEACH: And they go, “No.” (I mean "7843." It ls 7834.) American Bufflo 71 So we go, very simply, “Is this 221—7843?" and they go “No,” and right away the guy is home, we sill haven't blown the shot. DON: Okay. ‘Teac picks up the phone and dials. TEACH (into phone}: Hi Yeah. I'm calling ... uh ... is June there? Pause. Wel, is this 221-7843? Pause. Its? Well, look I must of got the number wrong. 'm sorry. He hangs up phone. (This is bizare.) Read me that number. pon: 221-7834, ‘eactt: Right. (Dials phone. Listens.) Nobody home. See, this is careful operation ... (Pause. Hangs up.) You wanna try it? vox: No, ‘TEACH: I don't mind that you're careful, Don. This doesn't piss me off. What gets me mad, when you get loose. oN: What do you mean? ‘eactt: You know what I mean, pow: No, I don't ‘Tact: Yes you do, I come in here. The kid's here. ov: He doesn't know anything, Tract: He doesn't. pow: No. ‘Teactt, What was he here for, then? on: Sell me the butfalo. ‘Teactt: Sell it tonight. 72 Dawid Mamet ox: Yeah, Teactt A valuable nickel, ow: We don’t know. Pause. Teact: Where Is Fletch? ow: I don’t know. (Picks up phone and dials.) ‘Teactt: He's not home. He's not home, Don. He’s out on (into phone): Hello? ‘Teactt: He's in? on: This is Donny Dubrow, ‘Teact: The Riv? ox: I'm looking for Fletcher. Pause, Okay. Thank you. (He hangs up.) Teac, Cocksucker should be horsewhipped with a horsewhip. von: He'll show up. Teactt Fucking Riverside, too. (Thirty-seven cents for take. out coffee... ) on: Yeah. (Picks up phone.) ‘Teactt Alot of nerve you come in there for sixteen years. This 1s not free enterprise. ow: No. ‘TEACH: You know what Is free enterprise? on: No. What? Teach: The freedom .. oN: ... yeah? Tract: OF the Indlvidtual one... yeah? ‘Amercan Bulle 73 Teact To Embark on Any Fucking Course that he sees fit. pow: Uh-huh . . Teactt, In order to secure his honest chance to make a profit. ‘Am I so out of line on this? pon: No, ‘Teactt: Does this make me a Commie? ow: No, ‘Teactt: The country’s founded on this, Don. You know this. oN: Did you get a chance to take a nap? Teactt: Nap nap nap nap nap. Big deal on (Pause): Yeah, Teactt: Without this we're just savage shitheads in the wilder- ness. ox: Yeah, TeAcH: Sitting around some vicious campfire. That's why Ruthie bums me up. ow: Yeah, ‘Teac: (Nowhere dyke ....) And take those fuckers in the concentration camps. You think they went in there by choice? Dox: No. ‘Texctt: They were dragged in there, Don DON: ... yeah. ‘Teac: Kicking and screaming. Gimme that fucking phone. Teac grabs phone. Listens. Hangs up. He's not home. I say fuck the cocksucker. ‘0x: He'll show up. ‘Teach: You believe that? pon: Yes, 74 David Mamet Teactt Then you are full of shit. Don: Don’t tell me that, Teach. Don't tell me I'm full of shit. ‘Teactt: Im sony. You went me to hold yourhand? This s how you keep score, I mean, we're all here .. on: Just, I don’t want that talk. Teactt Don . .. talk straight to you “cause I respect you. It's kickass of kissass, Don, and I'd be lying if] told you any different. on: And what makes you such an authority on life all of a sudden? ‘Teactt: My life, Jim, And the way I've lived It Pause, ox: Now what does that mean, Teach? ‘Teactt: What does that mean? on: Yes Tack: What does that mean? on: Yes. eactt: Nothing. Nota thing, All that I'm telling you, the shot is yours. Its one night only. Too many guys know. All I'm saying. Take your shot. ox: Who knows? ‘Teac: You and me. pow: Yeah. ‘Teack: Bob and Fletcher. Earl, the phone guy, Grace and Ruthie, maybe. ox: Grace and Ruth don’t know, ‘Teac: Who knows they know or not, al that I'm telling you, its not always so clear what’s going on. Like Fletcher and the pg iron, that time. oN: Wat was the shot on that? ‘Ametcan Butslo 75 ‘Teac: He stole some pig iron off Ruth ow: (I heard that...) ‘Teac: That's a fact. A fact stands by itself. And we must face the facts and act on them, You better wake up, Don, right now, or things are going to fall around your head, and you are going to tum around to find he's took the joint off by himself, ox: He would not do that. veacit: He would, He is an animal ox: He don’t have the address. ‘excit: He doesn't know it. ox: No. Teactt: Now, that is wise. Then let us go and take what's ours. ore: We have a deal with the man. eactt: With Fletcher. on: Yes. TeActt We had a deal with Bobby. ox: What does that mean? ‘eacit: Nothing. on: It don't teacit: No. ors, What did you mean by that? ‘eactt I didn't mean a thing, ox: You didn't. react: No. Dox: You're full of shit, Teach. Teach: Tam. Dont Yes. Teactt Because | got the balls to face some facts? 76 avid Mamet Pause. You scare me sometimes, Don. pox: Oh, yeah? ‘Teac: Yes. Idon't want to go around with you here, things go down, well settle when we're done. We have a job to do here. Huh? Forget it. Let’s go, come on, ox: We're waiting for him. Teac: Fletcher. ox: Yes. ‘react: Why? oN: Many reasons. ‘eact: Tell me one. You give me one good reason, why we're sitting here, and I'll sit down and never say a word. One reason, One, Go on. I'm listening. ox: He knows how to get in, Pause Teactt Good night, Don. (He starts to go for door) ox: Where are you going? react: Home. ox: You're going home. ‘enctt: Yes, ox: Why? ‘Teactt: You're fucking with me. I's allright. ox: Hold on. You tell me how I'm fucking with you. ‘Teactt: Come on, Don, ox: You asked me the one reason. ‘eacit: You make yourself ridiculous. pow: Yeah? ‘Teact: Yeah, ‘Amertcan Bulllo 77 ow: Then answer it. ‘Teach: What Is the question? ow: Fletch knows how to get in. ‘Teac: “Get in.” That's your reason? pow: Yes. Pouse. ‘Teac: What the fuck they live in Fort Knox? (“'Get n.”) (Snonts,) You break in a window, worse comes to worse vyou kick the fucking back door in. (What do you think this is, the Middle Ages?) ox: What about he's got a safe? TEACH: Biilig fucking deal on: How Is that? ‘Teactt: You want to know about a safe? on: Yes. ‘Teac: What you do, a safe... you find the combination. Dow: Where he wrote it down. vteac: Yes, Don: What if he didn't write tt down? ‘Teactt: He wrote it down. He’s gotta write it down. What hap ppens he forgets it? ox: What happens he doesn’t forget it? ‘Teacst, He's gotta forget it, Don. Human nature. The point being, even he doesn’t forget it, why does he not forge: it? Dox: Why? ‘TeacH; ‘Cause he's got it wrote down. Pause. ‘That’s why he writes it down, Pause, 78 David Mamet Huh? Not because he’s some fucking turkey can't even remember the combination to his own safe ... but only in the event that (God forbid) he somehow forgets it... he's got It wrote down Pause. ‘This is common sense, Pause. What's the good keep the stuff In the safe, every time he ‘wants to get at it he's got to write away to the manufacturer? DON: Where does he write it? ‘Tenctt, What difference? Here .. . We go in, I find the combi- nation fifteen minutes, tops. Pause. There are only just so many places it could be. Man is a creature of habits. Man does not change his habits over- night, This is not like him. (And if he does, he has a very good reason.) Look, Don: You want to remember some- thing (you waite it down}. Where do you put i? Pause. on: In my wallet. Pouse, react: Exactly! Pause. Okay? on: What if he didn’t unite it down? ‘Teac: He wrote it down. pox: I know he did, But just, ['m saying, from another In- stance. Some made-up guy from my imagination, ‘Teac: You're saying in the instance of some guy pon: (Some other guy...) TEACH: ... he didn't write it down? ‘Amerean Bulle 79 Pause. von: Yes ‘each Well, this is another thing. Pause. You see what I'm saying? ow: Yeah, Teach: It's another matter, The guy, he’s got the shit in the safe, he didn’t write it down Pause. Don...? on: Yes? Teach: How do you know he didn't write it down? ox: (I'm, you know, making it up.) Pause. Teac Well, then, this is not based on fact Pause. You see what I'm saying? Tan sit here and tell you this, I can tell you that, I can tell you any fucking thing you care fo mention, but what Is the point? You aren't telling me he didn't write it down. All that you're saying, you can't find it. Which is only natural, as you don't mow where to look. All 'm asking for alittle trust here ox: I don’t know. Teact: Then you know what? Fuck you. (All day lang. Grace ‘and Ruthie Christ) What am I standing here convincing you? What am I'doing demeaning myself standing here pleading with you to protect your best interests? I can't believe this, Don. Somebody told me I'd do this for you. (For anybody) Vd call him a Kar. (I'm coming in here to efface myself.) | am not Fletch, Don, no. and you should 80 David Mamet thank God and fall down I'm not. (You're coming In here all the time that “He's so good at cards. . .") The man's a cheat, Don. He cheats at cards—Fletcher, the guy that you're waiting for. ox: He cheats. ‘Teactt: Fucking A right, he does ort, Where do you get this? Pause You're full of shit, Walt. You're saying Fletch cheats at cards, Pause You've seen him. You've seen him he cheats. Pause You're telling me this? ‘Teac: (The whatchamacalit is always the last to know.) ‘Don: Come on, Walt, I mean, forget with the job and all ‘Teac: You live in a world of your own, Don. ‘Don: Fletch cheats at cards ‘Tract: Yes. ox: I don't believe you. Teac Ah, You can't take the truth. pox: No. Iam sony. I play in this fucking game. ‘teact: And you don't know what goes on. ott [leave Fletcher alone in my store. ... He could take me off any time, day and night. ‘What are you telling me, Walt? This is nothing but poison, don't want to hear it. (Pause,) ‘Teactt: And that is what you say. ort Yes, Its, American Butalo BI Pause. Teac: Think back, Donny. Last night. On one hand. You lost ‘two hundred bucks. Pause. You got the straight, you stand pat. I go down before the draw. ox: Yeah, ‘Teactt: He's got what? ow: A flush, ‘Teactt: That is comect. How many did he take? ox: What? ‘Teac: How many did he take? Pause. ow: One? ‘Tact; No, Two, Don. He took two. Pause. ow: Yeah. He took two on that hand. ‘Teac: He takes two on your standing pat, you kicked him thirty bucks? He draws two, comes out with a flush? on (Pause): Yeah? Teac: And spills his fucking Fresca? ox: Yeah? ‘Teac: Oh, You remember that? ox (Pause): Yeah. Teactt: And we look down. bon: Yeah, ‘Teac: When we look badk, he has come up with a king-high flush, Pause. 82 David Marat After he has drawed two. Pause. ‘You're betier than that, Don. You knew you had him beat, and you were right. Pause, pore It could happen. react; Donny ... oon: Yeah? react: He laid down five red cards. A heart flush to the king Pause. on: Yeah? ‘Teach: | swear to God as lam standing here that when I threw my hand in when you raised me out, that I folded the king of hearts, Pouse. bow: You never called him out. react: No. von: How come? ‘EAcit: (He don't got the address the guy?) Dor: I told you he didn't Pause. He's cheating, you couldn't say anything? EACH: It's not my responsibility, to cause bloodshed. I am not your keeper. You want to face facts, okay. ox: | can't belive this, Teach, TEACH: (Friendship is marvelous.) ox: You couldn’t say a word? TEACH: | tell you now. on: He was cheating, you couldn't say anything? Amerkan Bulle 83 Teactt_ Don. Don, I see you're put out, you find out this guy is a cheat Dox: According to you. Teactt According to me, yes. I am the person it's usually ac- cerding to when T'm talking, Have you noticed this? And Tm not crazed about it you're coming out | would lie to you on this. Fuck this. On anything. Wake up, Jim. Pm not the cheat. I know you're not mad at me, who are you mad at? Who fucked you up here, Don? Who's not here? Who? ow: Ruth knows he cheats? -teactt Who is the bitch in league with? Dox: Him? ‘Teck (Pause): You know how much money they took from this game? on: Yeah? Teactt Well, I could be wrong. oN: Don't fuck with me here, Teach, Teactt_ I don’t fuck with my friends, Don. I don’t fuck with my business associates. | am a businessman, I am here to do business, I am here to face facts (Wil you open your eyes... . 2) The kid comes in here, he has got a ceriain coin, i's like the one you used to have the guy you brought in doesn't show, we don’t know where he's Pouse. ‘Something comes down, some guy gets his house took off Pause. Fletcher, he's not showing up. All right. Let's say I don't know why. Let’s say you don’t know why, But I know that. we're both better off. We are better off, Don. Pause, What time is it? 84 auld Mamet on: It's midnight Pause. Teactt: Fm going out there now. I'll need the address. TEACH takes out revoluer and begins to load it. ont) What's that? Teac: What? Don: That Teac: This “gun” pon: Yes. ‘eacit, What does tt look ike? ote A gun, Teactt tls a gun. Dow (rises and crosses to center): I don't lke it Teactt Don't look at Dor: I'm serious. Teactt So am L or: We don’t need a gun, Teach. react, I pray that we don't, Don, Dov: We don’t, tell me why we need a gun. ‘Tack: It's nota question do we need it. . . Need... . Only that it makes me comfortable, okay? It helps me to relax So, God forbid, something inevitable occurs and the choke is (And I'm saying “God forbid”) is either him or us, ox: Who? Teac: The guy. I'm saying God forbid the guy (or somebody) ‘comes in, he’s got a knife . .. a cleaver from one of those magnetic boards... ? von: Yeah? eactt ... with the two strips ... 2 ‘American Bulllo 85 ox: Yeah? ‘TEACH: And whack, and somebody is bleeding to death, This is all. Merely as a deterrent. Pause. All the preparation in the world does not mean shit, the path of some crazed lunatic sees you as an invasion of his Personal domain. Guys go nuts, Don, you know this. Public officials .. . Ax murderers ... all I'm saying, took out for your own, DON: I don't like the gun, Teactt: I's a personal thing, Don. A personal thing of mine. A silly personal thing. I just like to have it along. Is this so unreasonable? ox: I don’t want it ‘Teac: I'm not going without it, Box: Why do you want it? ‘Tesctt Protection of me and my partner. Protection, deter- rence. (We're only going around the fucking comer for chrissake ...) on: Idon’t want it with, TEactt: Lean't step down on this, Don. I got to have itwith. The light of things as they are. on: Why? Tractt: Because of the way things are, (He looks out window.) Hold on a second, vow: Fletcher? Teach: Cops. Don: What are they doing? react: Crulsing Pause. pon: They turn the comer? 86 David Maret TeAcH: Hold on, Pouse. Yes They have the right idea. Armed to the hilt. Sucks, Mace, knives... who knows what the fuck they got. They have the right idea. Social customs break down, next thing everybody's lying in the gutter. ‘A knocking is heard at the door. (Get down.) (Douse the light.) ow: (Lemme see who it is...) Texctt: Don’t answer it ‘808 (from behind door): Donny? ‘each (Great.) Dore (I's Bobby.) ‘eactt: (I know.) bos: Donny? Pause. ‘eactt: (Don't let him in.) ore (He knows we're in here.) ‘eactt (So let him go away, then.) Bos: I got to talk to you, DOW looks at TEACH, ‘DON (to B08): What is it? Bos: I can’t come in? react: (Get him outta here.) Pause. ox: Bob oa: Yeah? on: We're busy here. ‘American Buislo 87 B08: I got to talk to you. DoW looks at TEACH, ‘Teactt (Is he alone?) on: (I think.) Tenctt (Pause): (Hold on.) ‘TeACH opens door and pulls 608 in ‘What, Bob? What do you want? You know we got work to do here, we don’t need you to do it, so what are you doing here and what do you want? ‘B08: To talk to Don, ‘Teactt: Well, Don does not want to talk to you. Boe: I got to tal: to him. ‘each You do not have to do anything, Bob. You do not have to do anything that we tell you that you have to do. B08:_I got to talk to Donny. (To pon) Can I talk to you? (Pause. To vow.) I came here... DON: ... yeah? Bos: . .. The Riverside? on: Yeah? Bos: Grace and Ruthie ... he’s in the hospital, Fletch Pause. only wanted to, lke, come here. | know you guys are only playing cards this... . now. [didn’t want fo disturb you like up, but they just [ found out he was in the hospital and I came over here to ... tell you. Pause, ‘Teach: With what? Boa: He got mugged. ‘Teach: You're so full of shit 1Bos: I think some Mexicans. 88 David Memet ‘TEACH snorts He did, He's in the hospital ‘Teactt: You see this, Don? pox: He's mugged? ‘Bom: Yeah, Grace, they just got back. They broke his jaw, Teactt: They broke his jaw. Bos: Yeah, Broke. ‘teach: Andnow he's in the hospital. Grace and Ruthie just got ‘back. You thought that you'd come over. oe: Yeah. Teactt: Well, how about this, Don? Here Fletch is in Masonic Hospital a needle in his arm, hub. How about this? ox: How bad Is he? 808: They broke his jaw. ox: What else? B08: I don't know. Teactt, Would you believe this f I told you this this aftemoon? on: When did it happen, Bob? BoB: Like before. oN: Before, huh? 08: Yeah, Teactt: How about this, Don? Bos: We're going to see him tomorrow. ox, When? 08: | don't know. In the moming. oN: They got hours in the morning? Bos: I guess 50. exci Hey, thanks for coming here. You did real good in coming here. American Bufflo 89 sox: Yeah? ‘Teaci (to D0"): He did real good in coming here, huh, Donny? (To 08) We really owe you something, B08: What for? ‘each: Coming here, os: What? Teactt: Something. oe: Like what? ox: He don't know. He's saying that he thinks we owe you something, but right now he can't think what iti. oa: Thanks, Teach, ‘Teactt, It's okay, Bob. Pause. BoBstaris to exit Stick around. 808: Okay. For a minute Teac: What? You're busy? Bo8: I got, lke, some things to do, Teactt, Whaddaya got, a “date”? 08: No. ‘eactt, What, then? oa: Business. Pouse. Dott Where did they take him, Bob? Pause. Bos: Uh, Masonic. oN: I don’t think that they got houts start til after lunch. os: Then we'll go then. I'm gonna go now. Teactt Hold on a second, Bob. I feel we should take care of you for coming here. 90 David Mamet 808: That's okay. I'll see you guys. on: Come here a minute, Bobby. Bos: What, Donny? ow: What's going on here? Bos: Here? ow: Yes. Pause. Bo8: Nothing. on: I'm saying what's happening, Bob? os: I don't know. ont: Where did you get that nickel from? Bos: What nickel? ox: You know what nickel, Bob, the nickel I'm talking about. Bow: I got it off a guy Do: What guy? 808: I met downtown. ‘Tenctt, What was he wearing? Bos: Things. Pause, Dott: Hew'd you get it off him, Bob? on: We kinda talked. Pause, ‘pon: You know what, you look funny, Bob. os: Tmlate. Don: It's after midnight, Bob. What are you late for? Bos: Nothing ‘bon (very sadly): Jesus. Are you fucking with me here? 08: No. American Bufelo 94 Dox: (Bobby) 08: I'm not fucking with you, Donny. Pause, Dox: Where's Fletcher? Pause. BoB: Masonic. oN goes to telephone and dials information, ON into phone): For Masonic Hospital, please. Bos: ... 1 think ,. oN to B08): What? 08: He might not be Masonie. ox ('0 phone): Thank you. (Hangs up phone. To 808) Now, what? oe: He might not be there Don: You said he was there. ‘bos: Yeah, I just, ike, I said it I really don’t remember what they said, Ruthie, ‘Teact: (Ruthie.) B08: ... so Ijust.., soid Masonic, on: Why? Bos: I thought of it Pause. Dox: Uh-huh. (To phone) Yes. I'm looking for a guy was just ‘admitted, Fletcher Post Pause. dust a short time ago. Pause. Thank you. (Pause. To 808 and TEACH) She's looking for it (To phone) No? 92 David Memot Bos: (I told you... bow: You're sure? Pause ‘Thank you. (Hangs up phone. To Boa) He's not there Bos: I told you. react: (What did I tell you, Don?) on: Where is he? Bos: Somewhere else. os: (This makes me nuts...) Bobby... os: Yeah? Pause. They broke his jaw. pox: Who? Bos: Some spics. I don’t know. TEACH snorts They did pox: Who? ‘Teactt: Yeah. Dox: Who is this “they,” Bob, that you're talking about? TEACH: Bob. 80m: ... yeah? TEACH: Who are these people you're talking about? 08: They broke his jaw. ‘Teac: They took itin them all ofa sudden they broke his jaw. ‘p08: They didn't care it was him, ‘eactt: No? 08: No, Teach. Amercan Bullslo 98 TEACH: So whois it takes him out by accident. Huh? Grace and Ruthie? Bos: They wouldn't do that. Teactt I'm not saying they would. 08 (to DON) What is he saying, Donny? Track: Bob, Bob, Bob... what am I saying .. Pause, on: Where's Fletch, Bobby? B08: Hospital ‘Teach: Aside from that. 0B: All| know, that's the only place he Is, Teach. ‘Tract: Now, don't get smart with me, Bob, don't get smart with me, you young fuck, we've been sweating blood all day on this and I don’t want your smart mouth on It (Luck around with Grece and Ruthie, and you come in here...) $0 all we want some answers. Do you understand? Pouse, I told you: Do you understand this? on You better answer him. Bos: | understand. Teactt: Then let's make this clear: Loyalty does not mean shit a situation like this; I don't know what you and them are up to, and I do not care, but only you come clean with us. ‘B08: He might of been a different hospital. ‘TEACH: Which one? B08: Any of ‘er, ‘Do: So why'd you say “Masonic 1808: 1 just thought of it ‘Teacit: Okay, Otay. .. . Bob? 94 Davtd Mamet Boe: . .. yes? ‘Teactt: [want for you to tell us here and now (and for your own protection) what is going on, what is set up... where Fletcher is... . and everything you know. ON (sotto voce): (I can’t believe this.) Bos: I don't know anything, teact: You don't, huh? os: No. bon: Tell him what you know, Bob. Bos: I don't know it, Donny. Grace and Ruthie... Teacti grabs a nearby object and hits Bos viciously on the side of the head. ‘Teactt: Grace and Ruthie up your ass, you shithead; you don't fuck with us, I'l kick your fucking head in. (I don't give @ shit...) Pouse You twerp A pause neor the end of which 808 starts whimpering I don’t give a shit. (Come in here with your fucking stories Pause, Imaginary people in the hospital 808 starts to cry. That don’t mean shit to me, you fruit. os: Donny ox: You brought it on yourself ‘Teactt: Sending us out there... who the fuck knows what Bos: He's in the hospital. ox: Which hospital? Bos: I don't know. ‘American Butllo 98 react: Well. then, you better make one up, and quick on: Bob Teac: (Don’t back down on this Don. Don't back down on ‘me, here.) on: Bob Bos: ... yeah? on: You got to see our point here, 0B (whimpering): Yeah, I do. on: Now, we don't want to hit you Teac (No.) Boe: I know you don't Teactt: No, on: But you come in here Boe: ... yeah ON: . .. the only one who knows the score Boe: Yeah ... (My ear Is bleeding, It's coming out my ear.) ‘Oh, fuck, I'm real scared, on: (Shit.) 808: | don't feel good. ‘ence: (Fuckin’ kid poops out on us...) 08: Don ‘eactt: Now what are we going to do with this? on: You know, we didn't want to do this to you, Bob. Bos: I know Don: We didn't want to do this. Phone rings. ‘Teach: (Great) os (to phone): What? What the fuck do you want? 96 David Mamet Teactt: (I's the guy?) bow: (It's Ruthie.) (To phone) Oh yeah, we heard about that, Ruth, ‘encts: (She's got a lot of nerve... } oN (to phone): From Bobby. Yeah. We'll all go. Pause. | thought he was at Masonic? Bobby. Well, okay, that's ‘where we'll go then, Ruthie, we aren't going to go and see him at some hospital he isn't even at ... Pause. Bobby's not here. | will. Okay. Iwill, Around eleven. Okay. (He hangs up.) ‘TEACH (to 08): And you owe me twenty bucks. ox (dialing): For Columbus Hospital, please. Teach: (Fuckin’ medical costs... ) ox: Thank you. ‘TEACH (singing sofily to himself): “... and I'm never ever sick at sea.” ON: Yes. For Fletcher Post, please, he was just admitted? Pouse. No. J only want to know Is he all right, and when we go to see him, Pause. Thank you. ‘reacts; What? oN: She's looking, (To phone) Yes? Yeah. Thank you very much. Yes. You've been very kind. (He hangs up phone.) Teactt: What is he, In there? bow: Yeah, Teactt: And they won't let us talk to him? ‘Ameican Buffalo 97 DON: His jaw is broke. 02: I feel funny, ‘Teactt: Your ear hurts. oN: Bob, it hurts. Bob? TEACH: I never felt quite right on this. ON: Go tit your head the other way, ‘Teactt I mean, we're fucked up here. We have not blown the shot, but we're fucked up. on: We are going to take you to the hospital Teactt: Yeah, yeah, we'll take you to the hospital, you'll get some care, this isn’t a big deal oN: Bob, you fell downstairs, you hurt your ear. Teac: He understands? ON: You understand? We're going to take you to the hospital, you fell downstairs. Teach (at door): This fucking rain. on: You give 'em your right name, Bob, and you know what you can tell'em. (Reaches in pocket, thrusts money at £03) You hold on to this, Bob. Anything you want Inside the hospital B08: I don’t want to go to the hospital ‘TEacH: You're going to the hospital, and that’s the end of it. 08: | don’t want to oN: You got to, Bob. B08: Why? ‘each: You're fucked up, that's why. 08: I'm gonna do the job. ox: We aren't going to do the job tonight, Bob. Teactt, You got a hat or something keep my head dry? 98 David Mamet ox: No. 08: I get to do the job. ‘reacts: You shut up. You are going in the hospital. on: We aren't going to do the job tonigh: B08: We do it sometime else. on: Yeah. ‘Teacit: He ain’t going to do no job. ow: Shut up. ‘Teac: Just say he isn’t going to do no Jot. on: It's done now. ‘react: What? von: I'm saying, this is over. ‘Teactt; No, i's not, Don. It is not. He does no job. bon: You leave the fucking kid alone. ‘react; You want kids, you go have them. [ am not your wife. This doesn't mean a thing to me. I'm in this. And it isn’t over. This is for me, and this is my question: Pouse. Where did you get that coin? 08: What? eact: Where'd you get that fucking nickel, if it all comes out Pause. He comes in here, a fifty dollars for a nickel, where'd you get it? os: Take me to the hospital Pause. Teactt, Where did you get that nickel? (I want you to watch this) ‘American Bufalo 99 Pause. soa: I bought it react: (Mother Fucking Junkies.) ow: Shut up. Teach: What are you saying that you bought that coin? bos: Yeah. exci: Where? B02: A coin store. Pause. ‘teackt: You bought it ina coin store, soa: Yeah, Pause. react: Why? ow: Go get your car. Teactt, What did you pay for it? Pouse. What did you pay for it? Bos: Fifty dollars. ‘Teac: You buy a coin for fity dollars, you come back here. Pause. Why? ox: Go get your fucking car. Teactt: Why would you do a thing like that? Bos: I don't know. ‘Teack: Why would you go do a thing like that? 08: For Donny. Pause. 100 David Mamet ‘Teactt You people make my flesh crawl. Dox: Bob, we're going to take you out of here “Teactt I can not take this anymore. ox: Can you walk? Bos: No, ox: Go and get your ear. ‘Teacit Lam not your nigger. I am not your wife. ox: I'm through with you today. ‘react You are. ow: Yes Teac Why? Pause. ‘pow: You have lamed this up real good, ‘eactt | did. pox: Real good. Teactt: Llamed it up, soe: He hit me. pox: I know, Bob. Teactt Yes, [hit him, For his own good. For the good of al ow: Get out of here Teactt “Got out of here"? And now you throw me out like trash? I'm doing this for you. What do Thave to wreck this Joint opart? He told you that he bought tin a coin store. ox: I don’t care. Tat You don't care? (I cannot beteve this) You beteve im? on: I don’t care. I don't care anymore. ‘Teac: You foke. You fucking fake. You fuck your friends. You hhove no friends. No wonder that you fuck this id around. ‘Ametican Bufflo 10) on: You shut your mouth, Teach: You seek your friends with junkles. You're a joke on this street, you and him. ; on: Get out Teactt I do not go out, no. Boa: (I eat shit) ox: You get out of here. Teactt: 1am not going anywhere. I have a piece of this. Pox: You have a piece of shit, you fucking lame. (Advancing on him.) Teactt: (This from a man who has to buy his friends.) bon, TH tll you fiends, I'l gve you fends... (Stl advan io BoB: (Oh, fuck...) on: The stinking deals you come in here .. ‘TeacH: You stay away from me on: You stif this one, you stiff that one... you come in here, you stick this polson in me... . (hitting aim), Teac (Oh, Christ... ) B08: (I eat shit) Teact: (Oh, my God, I live with madmen.) ON: All these years bos: (A cause I missed him.) Dox (advancing agoin): All these fucking years eacit (You're going to hit me.) os: Donny... ort: You make life of garbage. 08: Donnyl Teactt (Oh, my God.) 102 David Mamet Bos: I missed him, DON (stopping): What? B08: I got to tell you what a fuck I am, oN: What? B08: I missed him, ox: Who? os: The guy. ow: What guy? Boe: The guy this moming, Dont: What guy? 08: With the suitcase, oN (Pause): You missed him? 108: | eat sht ‘ON: What are you saying that you lied to me? BoB: | eat sht. ‘Teactt: Whats he saying? Pause. on: You're saying that you lied? ‘eactt: What is he saying? oN: You're saying you didn't see him with the suitcase? Teac: This Hd ts hysterical ox: You dich't see him? ‘Teactt: He's saying that he didn't see him? or: When he left this moming. ‘react: He's saying that he lied? 208: I'm goirg to throw up. ‘Teack: He's saying he didn't see the guy? Pause. Amedcan Bufflo 103 When he came out. I was in here. Then you saw him. When he had the suitcase. (Pause.) Then. Pause. You saw him then, Pause. 208 shakes his head. My Whole Cocksucking Life ‘eack picks up the dead-pig sticker and starts trashing the junkshop. ‘The Whole Entire World, ‘There Is No Law. There Is No Right And Wrong, The World Is Lies. ‘There Is No Friendship. Every Fucking Thing, Pause. Every God-forsaken Thing. ox: Calm down, Walt. Teactt We all live like the cavemen, During the speech, now tries to subdue TEACH. and finally does, on: (Siddown.) Pause. ‘TEACH ats still. TEACH: I went on a limb for you. Pause. You don't know what I go through. I put my dick on the chopping block. Pause. Uhock my fucking watch . . Pause. I go out there, I'm out there every day. 104 David Mamet Pause ‘There is nothing out there. Pause. | fuck myself Pause. ox: Are you all right? react, What? oN: Are you all right. ‘Teac: How the fuck do I know? ow: You tire me out, Walt. ‘exci: What? pon: I need a rest Teactt: This fucking day. on (Pause): My shop's fucked up. ‘react, I know, DON: I's all fucked up. Pouse. You fucked my shop up. TeAcHt Are you mad at me? on: What? Teact: Are you mad at me? Pouse. ox: Come on. Teac Are you? ox: Go and get your car. Bob? ‘eack (Pause): Tell me are you mad at me. bon: No. Teac: You aren't? American Bulelo 105 on: No. Pouse, Teac: Good. Dok: You go and get your ear react: You got a hat? on: No. react, Do you have a piece of paper? owt: Bob... 2 TEACH walks to counter, takes a piece of newspaper, and starts making himself a paper hat, ‘TEACH: He's all right? pox: Bob... ? ‘Teach: Is he all right? on: Bob... ? 0 (waking up): What? Don: Come on. We're taking you the hospital ‘TEACH puts on paper hat and looks at self in window. TEACH: I ook like a sissy, DON: Go and get your car Pouse. Teactt Can you get him to the door? or: Yeah, Pause Teactt: I'm going to get my car. ox: You gonna honk? Teack: Yeah, oN: Good. ‘eactt I'll honk the hom, Pause, 306 Devtd Mamet ox: Good, Pause ‘reacts: This fucking day, huh? ons Yeah. exci Lknow it. You should clean this place up. Dow Yeah Pause eactt: Good. (Exts.) ox: Bob. Bos: Whai? ox: Get up, Pouse. Bob. I'm sorry. oe: What? ort I'm sony. os: | fucked up. pox: No, You did real good, 08: No. ox: Yea. You did real good. Pause. oe: Thank you. ox: That's allright Pause oa: I'm sony, Donny. Don: That's allright. 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