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(OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE WASHINGTON, DC 20511 Ivan Pentchoukov August 16, 2019 Epoch Times 229 West 28" Street ‘New York, NY 10001 Reference: ODNI Case DF-2019-00291 Dear Mr. Pentchoukov: This responds to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated 5 August 2019, and received 6 August 2019 by the Information Management Division (IMD) of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODND), in which you seek “documents which the ODNI released to Judicial Watch on July 23 this year.” We have assigned your request with ODNI tracking number DF-2019-00291. ‘Your request has been processed in accordance with the FOIA, 5 U.S.C. § 552, as amended. The documents you requested are attached and titled: Enclosure 1 and Enclosure 2 to FOIA case DF-2018-00232, which is the original case number they were processed under. For your information, during the original processing of those documents ODNI determined that portions must be withheld pursuant to FOIA exemptions (b)(3), which applies to information exempt by statute, specifically 50 U.S.C. § 3024(m), which protects the identifying, information of ODNI personnel. In addition, the FBI determined that portions of the documents must be withheld pursuant to FOIA exemptions (b)(6) and (b)(7)(C), which applies to information, the release of which, would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. If you have any questions, please feel free to email our Requester Service Center at or call us at (301) 243-1499. You can also contact ODNI’s FOIA Liaison at Sincerely, Sally Nicholson Chief, FOIA Branch Information Management Division Enclosures Enclosure 1 ‘Approved for Release by ODN! on 19 uy 2019, DF-2018-00232 UNCLASSIFIED/HEOUO. (tettermereditor SS From: CE ow Sent: ‘Wednesday, February 10, 2016 12:43 PM Te: (RII 2 usa cov c Jeanette Memilan-ONI- Subject: RE: Meeting Request Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Yes, | will be coming to you. Right now, | think it will be only me. Best Inspector, ICIG (USI 0° | TEIN secure riginal Message From TA (CO}°3) (2c See a Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 20169:17 AM VT Ce: Jeanette J. Merilion-ON | Subject: RE: Meeting Request = UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Ok, you will be coming here then? Who else should we expect to come? riginal Message- (on OM. (2 Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 8:39 AM To: EAS (CO}() Ce: Jeanette J. Memilian-DNI- Subject RE: Meeting Request Classification: UNCLASSIFIED. Good morning, UNCLASSIFIED/#E0Ua. 00001 ‘Approved for Release by ODN on 19 July 2018, DF-2018-00292 UNCLASSIFTED/(zOio. (noearprovet tor —— Thank you for the quick reply. I'm sure the new Section Chief is getting the fire hose treatment this week and | would hate to add to it! Let's do next Tuesday at 10am. Best, Inspector, ICIS ORE ove" | Original Message From (CONS!) (eva ne uesday, February 09, 2016 3:54 PM FON 10S) eh Ce: Jeanette J, Memilian-DN'- {aaa UNCLASSIFIED Subject: RE: Meeting Request Classification: UNCLASSIFIED ‘The timing is good since our new Section Chief, Peter Str2ok, just reported for duty on Monday. Next Tuesday at either 10am or 11am works for both of Also, 3:30 either this Wednesday or Friday works too. Original Message From: ON: (ait AT Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 11:18 AM ‘To: (RSOMEANoNmma (CO)(F81) Cc: Jeanette J. Memillian-ONI- Subject: Meeting Request Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Good morning, a IG McCullough would like me to meet with you, at your convenience, to discuss our ongoing project. Do you have a 15-30 minute UNCLASSIFIED//F0u9. ‘000002 ‘Approved for Release by ODNI on 19 July 2019, DF-2018-00252 UNCLASSIFIED) /EO440 penetra Bultililesee window available this week or next for me to come down to your office? Inspector Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICG) EEE oven | KE secure ICIG Hotline (255) 731-3260 open | REIBsecure DORR | CEE INSPECTOR GENERAL SENSITIVE INFORMATION This email, including any attachments, is intended for authorized recipients only. Recipients may not further disseminate this information without the express permission of the sender or other Office of Inspector General of the Intelligence Community personnel. This email may contain Inspector General sensitive information that is confidential, sensitive, work product or attorney-client privileged, o protected by Federal law, including protection from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 USC § 552. Accordingly, the use, dissemination, distribution or reproduction of this information to or by unauthorized or unintended recipients may be unlawful. f you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately by return email, and please destroy all copies of the ‘email received in error. UNCLASSIFIED//F@US- 200003 ‘Approved for Rloase by ODN! on 19 July 2019, OF 2018 00232 UNCLASSIFIED), lestppreredter- mecca Cassification: UNCLASSIFIED//SQU2- Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOL Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//EQU- Classification: UNCLASSIFIED/#5 jon: UNCLASSIFIED//SOU2- UUNCLASSIFIED//60U 000004 Enclosure 2 Approves fr Reloace by ODN on 19 Jy 2019, DF-2018 00292, LUNCLASSIFLED/MBS ‘etkerroveeion ottettctensey (US es From: Jeanette J. Memian ONE Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 12:06 PM To: (GNC! US COV: ETON Subject: RE Meeting Request Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Thanks We understand the need to be flexible. We will make Thursday (2/18) at 2:00pm work. Cheers, Jeanette J. MeMillian, Esq. General Counsel Office of the Inspector General ofthe Intelligence Community Commercial INSPECTOR GENERAL SENSITIVE INFORMATION This email including any attachments is intended only for authorized recipients, Recipients may not further disseminate this information without the express permission of the sender or other Office of inspector General of the Intelligence Community personnel. This email may contain Inspector ‘General sensitive information that is confidential, sensitive, work product or attorney-client privileged, or protected by Federal law, including protection from public disclosure under the Freedom of information Act (FOIA), 5 USC 5352. Accordingly, the use, dissemination, distribution or reproduction ofthis information to or by unauthorized or unintended recipients may be unlawful. Ifyou have received this e-mailin error, please notify us immediately by return email, and please destroy all copies of the e-mail received in error. LUNCLASSIFIED//FHO- 00008 ‘Approved for Release by ODN! on 19 July 2019, OF 2018-00282, UNCLASSIFIED) SOUR. ‘Settee a -Original Message— From: EERE (CO) aio ESET) Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 9:23 AM To: Jeanette J. Memillan-DN- >| -O''- Subject: RE: Meeting Request — UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED {just met with Pete this AM and reviewed his schedule with him for next week. Itturnsouthe will be out on Tuesday afternoon. Can we move this to 2pm next Thursday (2/18)? His schedule is crazy since he started his new job on Monday. He i finding out how busy being an SES level employee is! Can you check with QYEHffor next Thursday @ 2pm? Original Message— From: Jeanette J. Memilian-ONF- (mai 2 a Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 8:29 AM To: {NST (CO) (2 ON Subject: RE: Meeting Request Classifica mn: UNCLASSIFIED. Thanks | think that{Qs out of the office today, But I confirmed with him that Tuesday, 16 Feb @2pm works for his schedule. Thanks for taking the time. Have a good weekend, Jeanette J. MeMiilian, Esq, General Counsel Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community Commercial Secure: Commerc: EE UNCLASSIFIED /FOUEH 00006 ‘Approved fot Release by ODN! on 19 July 2018, OF 2018-00232, UUNCLASSIFIED//eQue- INSPECTOR GENERAL SENSITIVE INFORMATION This email including any attachments is intended only for authorized recipients. Recipients may not further disseminate ths information without the express permission of the sender or other Office of Inspector General of the Intelligence Community personnel. This email may contain Inspector General sensitive information that is confidential, sensitive, work product or attorney-client privileged, or protected by Federal faw, including protection from public disclosure under the Freedom of information Act (FOIA), 5 USC §552. Accordingly, the use, dissemination, distribution or reproduction ofthis information to or by unauthorized or unintended recipients may be unlawful. if you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately by return email, and please destroy all copies of the e-mail received in error. From: ERENT (CO) 81) (ito ET a) Sent: Thursday, February 11,2016 4:17 PM To ON a Cc: Jeanette J. Mcmillian-DNI- <0] aaa > ‘Subject: RE: Meeting Request --- UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Sure, no problem. Also, something just popped up on the schedule for Peter. Can we move the meeting to 2pm on the 16th instead? Original Message—- [or ON 2ie ST Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 2:52 PM To: (ERS (co\e1) Ce: Jeanette, Mcmilian-ONI- ‘Subject: RE: Meeting Request Classification: UNCLASSIFIED + Would it be okay if Jeanette tagged along so she could meet the new Section Chief? LUNCLASSIFIED/;ESU- (000007 ‘Approved for Releaee by ODN on 19.Juy 2018, DF-2018-00252 wncussienuscus Plebtaprevedsfone SS Inspector, IC 1G (RE open | (TEI secure ~ Original Message— From: (SRE (CF) [llc SSSA Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2018 4:30 PM To! ON ET > Ce: Jeanette. Merlin ON {Sa Subject: RE: Meeting Request ~~ UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED CON (noi Sa Sent; Wednesday, February 10, 2036 3:02 PM ‘To: EROS (CO)(F 81) Ce: Jeanette J. Memillian-DNI- ‘Subject: RE: Meeting Request Classification: UNCLASSIFIED No, Sir. Primary purpose is to brief you on our next steps to ensure we don't cause you unnecessary problems. Best, Inspector, IC1G open | riginal Message From: (SSN (CO}(!) [mailto SS Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 8:24 AM Tor ON P ae Ce: Jeanette J. Memillian-ONI- <)> Subject: RE: Meeting Request -- UNCLASSIFIED. UNCLASSIFIED ##UE 00008 ‘Approved for Release by ODN! on 19 July 2019, DF-2016-00282 UNCLASSIFTED/:sc (Glckappeouacina, Abledsiaced Classification: UNCLASSIFIED | there anything in particular we should prepare for? Original Message— om: ET ON'- oT RRR Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 8:39 AM To: (RRO (CD}(F8!) Ce: Jeanette J. Memilian-DNE- Subject: RE: Meeting Request Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Good morning, RE ‘Thank you for the quick reply. I'm sure the new Section Chief is getting the fire hose treatment this week and | would hate to add to it! Let's do next Tuesday at 10am, Best, Inspector, ICIG [STERN oe” | ESI secure Original Message-—— From: SSRCREATO (CO) Ft) alto NEA) Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 3:54 PM. {oe ON > Ce: Jeanette, Mcrilian- ON Subject: RE: Meeting Request ~~ UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED The timing is good since our new Section Chief, Peter Strzok, just reported for duty on Monday. Next Tuesday at either 10am or 11am works for both of us, Also, 3:30 either this Wednesday or Friday works too. UNCLASSIFIED) Jeni 000009 ‘Approved for Release by ODN! on 19 July 2019, OF-2018-00252 UNCLASSIFIED / free ualealassa. Original Message--—- From: ONI- (mailto TEM 7 oo Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 11:18 AM To: RET (€O)(1) Ce: Jeanette. Memilian-DNI- Subject: Meeting Request Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Good morning, HB IG McCullough would like me to meet with you, at your convenience, to discuss our ongoing project. Do you have a 15-30 minute window available this week or next for me to come down to your office? Best, Inspector Intelligence Community Inspector General {IC IG) open | [ENE Secure ICIG Hotline (855) 731-3260 open | ETN secure a aaa INSPECTOR GENERAL SENSITIVE INFORMATION. This email, including any attachments, is intended for authorized recipients only. Recipients may not further disseminate this information without the UNCLASSIFIED/##eMe aooar0 Approved for Release by ODN on 19 July 2018, OF 2018 00232 UNCLASSIFIED ROWE Femecsenee express permission of the sender or other Office of Inspector General of the Intelligence Community personnel. This email may contain Inspector General sensitive information that is confidential, sensitive, work product or attorney-client privileged, or protected by Federal law, including protection from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 USC § 552. Accordingly, the use, dissemination, distribution or reproduction of this information to or by unauthorized or unintended recipients may be unlawful. If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately by return email, and please destroy all copies of the ‘email received in error, Classification: UNCLASSIFIED. Classification: UNCLASSIFIED. Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED //-*886- Classification: UNCLASSIFIED //POXE LUNCLASSIFIED/ FOTO 00011 ‘Approved for Release by ODN! on 19 July 2019, OF 2018 00232 UNCLASSIFIED/#EOuDL (tetteroredion Posten Classification; UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED SOMO 0032

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