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Fruit Vendor Sales Report

Fruit Item Jan Feb Mar Apr

Apples 358 456 680 765
Bananas 435 254 213 365
Grapes 591 428 367 551
Kiwifruit 234 368 439 387
Oranges 389 567 482 567
Pears 345 482 326 310

Total month wise 2352 2555 2507 2945

1. Format all numbers as currency in dollar

2. Center the spread sheet and make heading as “Sales Report”
3. Create formula to display total for each fruit
4. Create formula to display total for each month
5. Create formula to calculate total sales for year to date.
6. Sort the above table Ascending on Fruit Item
7. Max sales Fruit wise
9. Min Sales Month wise

Payroll System
Find out HRA, DA and Gross salary of government employees based on the given crit
Basic HRA @ 30% of DA @ 20% of
S.No Name Salary Basic Basic
1 Kamal 5000 1500 1000
2 Pankaj 5500 1650 1100
3 Vinay 6000 1800 1200
4 Savita 6500 1950 1300
5 Jatin 7000 2100 1400
6 Sumit 7500 2250 1500
7 Amit 8700 2610 1740
8 Anand 5000 1500 1000
9 Radha 9000 2700 1800
10 Virender 9500 2850 1900

Find out HRA, DA and Gross salary of private sector employees based on the given cr
working Month overtime
Name Month Salary
Days (in hours)

Rajesh Aug-19 25 10000 4.5

Ramesh Aug-19 25 12000 3
Suresh Aug-19 25 14000 5.5
Mahesh Aug-19 25 8000 4.5
Ganesh Aug-19 25 15000 5
Anil Singh Aug-19 25 12400 7
Nandini Aug-19 25 13200 0
Vijayata Aug-19 25 11000 2
Sandhya Aug-19 25 12900 0

Solve the following:

Name Gender Basic DA HRA
Arun M 1500 600 150
Meena F 1400 560 140
James M 3400 1360 340
Raghav M 4500 1800 450
Seema F 3400 1360 340
Rajesh M 3480 1392 348
Vinayak M 5400 2160 540
Mishti F 5500 2200 550
Mahesh M 7000 2800 700
Ravi M 5600 2240 560
1.      Calculate DA @ 40% of basic.
2.      Calculate HRA @ 10 % of basic.
3.      Calculate Gross Salary.
4.      Calculate PF @ 4% of Gross.
5.      Include 2 decimals to PF & Net Amount.
6.      Using sumif function calculates the gross salary of female employees.
7. Using the sumif fuction calculate the DA and HRA of male employees

Type the following worksheet and try out the following function:
Item Unit Price Sale Amount
Lux 5 15 75
Cinthol 12 12 144
Ganga 25 15 375
Camay 5 15 75
Margo 15 10 150
Lifebuoy 20 20 400
Santoor 35 20 700
Venus 12 14 168
Total price & Sales 2087
Average Price & Sales 463.7777777778
Max. Price & Sales
Min Price & Sales

End of Sheet
Total fruit wise
₹ 2,259.00
₹ 1,267.00
₹ 1,937.00
₹ 1,428.00
₹ 2,005.00
₹ 1,463.00

₹ 20,718.00

les Report”


oyees based on the given criteria:

Total Bonus Gross Salary
7500 1200 8700
8250 2000 10250
9000 1500 10500
9750 1800 11550
10500 3500 14000
11250 2000 13250
13050 3200 16250
7500 2000 9500
13500 2500 16000
14250 2000 16250

ployees based on the given criteria:

Overtime Leave Final
Leaves Earnings Deduction Payout

2 225 800 9425 225 800

1 180 480 11700 180
0 385 0 14385 385
2 180 640 7540 180
1.5 375 900 14475 375
1 434 496 12338 434
0 0 0 13200 0
0 110 0 11110 110
3 0 1548 11352 0

Gross Salary PF Net

2250 ₹ 90.00 ₹ 2,160.00
2100 ₹ 84.00 ₹ 2,016.00
5100 ₹ 204.00 ₹ 4,896.00
6750 ₹ 270.00 ₹ 6,480.00
5100 ₹ 204.00 ₹ 4,896.00
5220 ₹ 208.80 ₹ 5,011.20
8100 ₹ 324.00 ₹ 7,776.00
8250 ₹ 330.00 ₹ 7,920.00
10500 ₹ 420.00 ₹ 10,080.00
8400 ₹ 336.00 ₹ 8,064.00

15450 15450
12352 15450
ale employees.
ale employees

Mathematical Functions

Item Unit Price Sales

Lux 5 150 750

Cinthol 12 50 600
Ganga 25 150 3750
Camay 5 250 1250
Margo 15 500 7500
Lifebuoy 20 1000 20000
Santoor 35 800 28000
Venus 12 750 9000
Calculate Commission based on below criteria
Sales Commission
Less than 1000 4%
Less than 5000 5%
Above 5000 10%


Employee region state sales
diwakar North Uttarakhand 20000
lalit South Tamil nadu 8500
pakhi West Maharashtra 12000
sejal North Uttarakhand 10000
sandeep West Maharashtra 15000
deepak North Uttar pradesh 10000
lalit South Tamil nadu 5600
Shivam North Uttar pradesh 10000
Laxman South Kerela 22000
David East Assam 17500
Venky South Kerela 16000
Dev East Assam 22500
Deepak North Uttar pradesh 15000
1. Using SUMIFs function find out the total sales in North, South, East and West re
2. Using SUMIFs function find out the sales of Deepak and Lalit individually.
3. Using SUMIFs function find out the total sales in Uttarkahnd in North region, Ke

S. No Workers Mon

1 Harish P P
2 Mahesh A A
3 Suresh P P
4 Lakhan P P
5 Rohan A L
6 Madan P A
7 Sonia A P

1. With the help of counta function find out the total working days
2. Using countif function find out worker’s present, absent and leave.

Count if and countifs

Sales Chart
Name Sales city
Keshav 20000 Delhi
Mahi 25000 Meerut
Amar 15000 Roorkee
Keshav 50000 Delhi
Keshav 25000 Delhi
Kailash 10000 Gurugram
Mahi 5000 Meerut
Mohan 25000 Noida
Amar 12000 Roorkee
Madan 8000 Ghaziabad
Mohan 10000 Noida
Kailash 26000 Gurugram
Kailash 22000 Noida
Amar 10000 Roorkee
From the above data find count the sales of Kailash above 20000 using COUNTIFs
Total number of Sales of Keshav and Amar using COUNTIFs
Count the sales of Amar above 11000 using COUNTIFs

Average and Averageif

Month Name Product Sales
Jan ram Panasonic 15
Jan rohit LG 10
Jan rohit LG 12
Feb amar sony 10
Feb rohit LG 15
Feb amar samsung 14
Mar ram LG 20
Mar rohit Panasonic 25
mAR amar samsung 30
April ram Panasonic 30
April rohit LG 35
April amar samsung 37
May ram Sony 20
May rohit Panasonic 24
May amar Sony 26
June ram LG 41
June rohit samsung 15
June amar Panasonic 42
Average Sales where sales >10, <15 and >30
With the help of the above data find out Ram, rohit and Amar average sales.
Using Averagifs formula find out the average sales of Rohit for LG , Amar sales for Samsu

Rand and Randbetween

Rand ( if we press F9 it will keep on changing so to avoid it we choose paste special option)
0.74 0.1917156471 0.3977954933
0.51 0.6351096815 0.9657818226
0.75 0.4690476925 0.7538442405
0.44 0.5835245561 0.461486733
0.49 0.0262103672 0.7980986653
0.37 0.2475432739 0.3940086703
0.08 0.4285098961 0.034125836
0.89 0.4634489423 0.5226065752

Rand Between ( with rand function we can type the marks of students)
Subject Ram Raman Deepak
Maths 61 53 67
commerce 51 76 76
Science 75 74 86
Social Studies 53 89 71
Economics 52 56 54
Art 51 58 61
Music 74 85 58

With the help of rand between function find out the salary of employees in differen
Name Salary
Tehri Branch 22900
Ddun Branch 28000
Rishikesh Branch 25300
Haridwar Branch 21400
Roorkee Branch 19700


Bill NO Payee Bill Amount CGST
101 M/s AK Traders 17432 1045.92
102 M/s Inside Softwares 21988 1319.28
103 M/s RVT 21321 1279.26
104 M/s Ak Tradrs 32145 1928.7
105 M/s RK Interntiona 43207 2592.42
106 M/s ISPL 765432 45925.92

Commission using if

Total Sales (All Region) 184100

Uttarakhand Sales 30000 30000
Kerela Sales 38000
Maharashtra Sales 27000
Uttar Pradesh Sales 30000
North Region Sales 14100
South Region Sales 27000
Sales by Deepak 10000
Sales by Lalit 15000

South, East and West region.

Lalit individually.
hnd in North region, Kerela in South region, Maharashtra in West region and , Uttar Pradesh in North regio

Wed Thu Fri Sat Present

P P P P 6
P P L A 2
L P A P 4
P A L L 3
A P A P 2
P L P P 4
P P P A 4

otal working days

criteria CAN go
t, absent and leave. upto 127

Kailash Sales > 20000 2 2

Keshav or Amar Sales 6 6
Amar Sales 3 3
Amar Sales > 11000 2 2

0 using COUNTIFs

>10 25.0625
<15 11.5
>30 38.75

Ram 25.2 25.2
Rohit 19.428571429 19.4285714286
Amar 26.5 26.5

Rohit LG Jan 11
Amar samsung Feb 14
Sony May

verage sales.
G , Amar sales for Samsung and Ram sales for Sony.

e special option)


of employees in different branches with "0" sufixed at the end of each salary
SGST Total GST RoundUP GST Round Down GST
1045.92 2091.84 2092 2091
1319.28 2638.56 2639 2638.5
1279.26 2558.52 2559 2558.5
1928.7 3857.4 3858 3857.4
2592.42 5184.84 5185 5184.8
45925.92 91851.84 91852 91851.8
Uttar Pradesh in North region.

Absent Leave Salary Total

(Countif) (Countif) Per day Salary
0 0 350 2100
3 1 320 640
1 1 250 1000
1 2 150 450
3 1 300 600
1 1 200 800
2 0 250 1000
Concatenate Function allows us to join 2 or more strings together and is a built in function
First Name Concetenate function
Rashmi Rashmi Parekh (Manager) Rashmi,Parekh(Manager)
Jugal Jugal Dev (Supervisor) Rashmi,Parekh(Manager)
Mohit Mohit Gupta (Manager)
Seema Seema Negi (Asst. Sales)
Shruti Shruti Gupta (Auditor)

Name website
mohan @
Shaan @
Meera @
Mohit @
Hassan @

Filters and Advance Filte

Advance Filter ( it helps in finding out multiple information from a data base)
Filter helps in finding out single value from database.
Id Code Nokia Samsung
D-001 23 10
R-002 6 10
G-003 24 20
R-004 26 24
S-005 6 28
D-006 25 26
R- 011 12 14
D- 012 10 12

1 Filter all the names with "East Location"

2 Display the result of id's starting from alphabets "D" and "R".
3 Filter the names in "North Location".

Invoice Date Amt Status

43128 15000 Paid
43153 25000 Unpaid
43157 14000 Unpaid
43173 10000 Unpaid
43184 8000 Paid
43205 25000 Paid
43218 21000 Paid
43220 7500 Unpaid
43221 20000 Paid
43235 15000 Unpaid
43240 21000 Paid

Display the result of all those invoices whose invoice number is <1055

S.No Chemistry Maths
5 34 46
2 40 88
4 45 88
3 50 67
6 55 70
7 55 78
1 65 44

Sort the following data in ascending order, descending order

Conditional Formatting
The following are the salaries of five employees:
1011 900 1800
1012 790 1500
1013 650 1900
1014 800 2500
1015 700 2200
Use Conditional formatting list out of Employees who got
1. Less than Rs.15000 As Salary as red
2. More than Rs.700 as Part time as blue
3. Between Rs.1600 and Rs 1800 as Arrears as green

Monthly Budget
Income Expenses
Full time job DTH
Part time job Rent
Misc income Car loan repayment
Income from Groceries
Receipts Parcel
Total income Health insurance
Easting out
Phone bills
Electricity Bills
Other insurance
Video Rentals
Gas bills
Total expenses


Through conditional formatting do the following:

1. Bold all the expenses below 600
2. Color blue all the incomes above 800
3. Color all the expenses and income green and italics which are less than

Data Validation
Employees Details
Data Validation Drop down for title and city
Title State
mr. Uttarakhand
mrs. Uttarakhand
miss Uttarakhand

use these as data validation


NAME Mobile
Use data validation command for age Whole number, input message or alert (if age is between 18 and 60 years) an

Accept number only

Monday 25
Tuesday 33
Wednesday 34
Thursday 40
Friday 38
Saturday 32
Sunday 39
In the above data validate the temperature cell range between 25 and 40 degree

Accept text only

Black Pepper ood
Tirupati excellent
Punjab Grill good
Dominos very good
South Indian Vibes
With the help of validation command give the ratings to the above food outlets

Name Graphic Des Total
Lalit 82 234
Aakash 78 215
Aman 74 249
Advit 81 249
Meera 59 217
Kamal 75 225
Nimish 78 240

Departments Rank (descending)

Customer 1 4
Customer 2 5
Customer 3 7
Customer 4 8
Customer 5 1
Customer 6 2
Customer 7 3
Customer 8 6

and is a built in function in Excel.


Create Email ID using values in left

Xiaomi Total
14 47
15 31
20 64
30 80
35 69
38 89
16 42
18 40
Invoice Date Invoice Customer Amt Status
ABC Corp. <20000 Paid

Invoice Date Invoice Customer Amt Status

<1055 ABC Corp.

Economics Commerce Total

78 87
56 44
98 76
89 90
56 88
58 90
33 60
850 780
500 460
650 350

780 900

100 456
800 760
560 340
890 980
780 420
1000 1200
780 560
780 340
8470 7546

alics which are less than 500.

s between 18 and 60 years) and text length for mobile number

and 40 degree

food outlets

Avg Rank
78 4
71.6667 7
83 1
83 1
72.3333 6
75 5
80 3
Fruit Item Jan Feb Mar Apr
Apples 358 456 680 765
Bananas 435 254 213 365
Grapes 591 428 367 551
Kiwifruit 234 368 439 387
Oranges 389 567 482 567
Pears 345 482 326 310
Total month
wise 2352 2555 2507 2945

Name Month working Days Salary e (in
Rajesh Aug-19 25 10000 4.5
Ramesh Aug-19 25 12000 3
Suresh Aug-19 25 14000 5.5
Mahesh Aug-19 25 8000 4.5
Ganesh Aug-19 25 15000 5
Anil Singh Aug-19 25 12400 7
Nandini Aug-19 25 13200 0
Vijayata Aug-19 25 11000 2
Sandhya Aug-19 25 12900 0

Name Gender Basic DA HRA

Arun M 1500 600 150
Meena F 1400 560 140
James M 3400 1360 340
Raghav M 4500 1800 450
Seema F 3400 1360 340
Rajesh M 3480 1392 348
Vinayak M 5400 2160 540
Mishti F 5500 2200 550
Mahesh M 7000 2800 700
Ravi M 5600 2240 560


Employee region state sales

diwakar North Uttarakhand 20000
lalit South Tamil nadu 8500
pakhi West Maharashtra 12000
sejal North Uttarakhand 10000
sandeep West Maharashtra 15000
deepak North Uttar pradesh 10000
lalit South Tamil nadu 5600
Shivam North Uttar pradesh 10000
Laxman South Kerela 22000
David East Assam 17500
Venky South Kerela 16000
Dev East Assam 22500
Deepak North Uttar pradesh 15000

Name Sales city

Keshav 20000 Delhi
Mahi 25000 Meerut
Amar 15000 Roorkee
Keshav 50000 Delhi
Keshav 25000 Delhi
Kailash 10000 Gurugram
Mahi 5000 Meerut
Mohan 25000 Noida
Amar 12000 Roorkee
Madan 8000 Ghaziabad
Mohan 10000 Noida
Kailash 26000 Gurugram
Kailash 22000 Noida
Amar 10000 Roorkee
Total fruit wise


Leaves Overtime Earnings Final Payout

2 225 800 9425

1 180 480 11700
0 385 0 14385
2 180 640 7540
1.5 375 900 14475
1 434 496 12338
0 0 0 13200
0 110 0 11110
3 0 1548 11352

Gross Salary PF Net

2250 ₹ 90.00 2160
2100 ₹ 84.00 2016
5100 ₹ 204.00 4896
6750 ₹ 270.00 6480
5100 ₹ 204.00 4896
5220 ₹ 208.80 5011.2
8100 ₹ 324.00 7776
8250 ₹ 330.00 7920
10500 ₹ 420.00 10080
8400 ₹ 336.00 8064
Uttarakhand Sales 30000
Kerela Sales 38000
Maharashtra Sales 40000
Uttar Pradesh Sales 35000
North Region Sales 0
South Region Sales 0
Sales by Deepak 0
Sales by Lalit 0

Kailash Sales > 20000

Keshav or Amar Sales
Amar Sales
Amar Sales > 11000

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