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Date: November 4, 2019
Grade level: 3, Special Ed Students
Duration: 45 min
Topic/Title: Stone Fox, by John Reynolds Gardiner Novel Study INTRODUCTION

(This is Lesson 1 in a novel study that will take about 3 weeks)

Curriculum links for Stone Fox Unit: CCRA.R.1., CCRA. R.2., CCRA.R.3, CCRA.R.4, CCRA.R.5.

CCRA.R.6, CCRA.R.8, CCRA.R.10, CCRA.W.1, CCRA.W.2, CCRA.W.4, CCRA.W.6. CCRA.W.10.


Key learning area: Reading Comprehension, expanding vocabulary,

Stone Fox, book and video starring Buddy Ebsen

• Vocabulary lists for handouts
• Drawing paper
• Blank US maps
• Pencil crayons/markers
• Pictures/books of Wyoming
• Find-a-word puzzle

will be able to discuss the visual images they form of the characters and setting.
will be able to explore and compare the geographical setting of the story to their own.
will expand their vocabulary using words from the story.
Students will be able to create and/or solve a word search
will be able to execute a basic search and print operation using the computer

UTAS basic lesson plan proforma, June 2010 1

Procedure Differentiation Based on
Timing Readiness Ideas

5-10 Lesson introduction (How will I engage/tune students • EL students may need
min in?) support reading place
• Students will locate Wyoming and home state names
on a blank US Map as well as other major land • May pair EL students with
forms/ oceans. a buddy
• Show a quick video about Wyoming • May use a computer,
book, atlas to help find
necessary information

20-25 Body of lesson
min • Students will then label and color each of the • Based on readiness level,
two states. Labelling Canada and major land have students use the
forms/oceans as well internet to find
• Further discuss setting in the novel information, using speech
• Using books and the internet, students will learn to text, (or without) find
about the climate of Wyoming and how it information
compares and contrasts to Wisconsin independently or work
with a partner. This will
be determined based on
the make-up of students
in classroom and
• Resources are at every
reading level (K-3) and
will be chosen based on
readiness, adjusting the
task as necessary

5-10 Lesson conclusion • Students will either
min • Students will come up and share 1 to 2 partner up or work
details on Wyoming vs. Wisconsin independently, again,
based on readiness
• Find-a-word puzzle using vocabulary
from text – depending on time

Assessment of student learning (What strategies will you use to assess whether or not students

achieved the above outcome/s?)
UTAS basic lesson plan proforma, June 2010 2
Observations, how well they completed the assignments and how well they were able to discuss
what they found in the variety of resources available to them.

Teacher reflection (What went well? Why? What could be improved?)

My reflection would contain notes regarding which students struggled through this initial

assignment and which students need to be further challenged. Was the pacing too slow? Too

fast? Which students can handle more independence? Based on these questions I would

further modify things to make sure I’m giving them tasks that challenge them. I may have “The
Equalizer” Figure available for each student to ensure that I am challenging them/supporting

them in the best way.

Notes for next lesson

As I complete this lesson in real time with my students, I’m sure I’ll find further ways to
differentiate based on readiness, interest and learning profile. Those notes will go here along
with notes for the upcoming lesson.

UTAS basic lesson plan proforma, June 2010 3

Learning Profile Differentiation
LESSON 2 and 3

Date: November 5 and 6, 2019
Grade level: 3
Duration: 90 min
Topic/Title: Lesson 2 and 3 Stone Fox by John Reynolds Gardiner

Curriculum links for Stone Fox Unit: CCRA.R.1., CCRA. R.2., CCRA.R.3, CCRA.R.4, CCRA.R.5.

CCRA.R.6, CCRA.R.8, CCRA.R.10, CCRA.W.1, CCRA.W.2, CCRA.W.4, CCRA.W.6. CCRA.W.10.

Key learning area: Reading Comprehension

Materials: Stone Fox, Potato farming youtube video, Pencils, paper, Visual Images of Main

Characters, Vocabulary Assignment


Students will be able to express, through art, or through written word key understandings of
chapters 1-3

Students will expand their vocabulary and will be able to discuss and represent vocabulary terms

Students will be able to discuss details of the story after it is read

Timing Procedure Differentiation Based on
Learning Profile
10-15 Lesson introduction (How will I engage/tune students in?)
min • Discuss potato farming, show YouTube Video • Allow students to choose
before we read about it in Stone Fox. seating (bouncy chairs,
• Noise cancelling
headphones are available
if students need them
• Based on students we
could discuss and look up
different farming
practices in different
parts of the world/where
my students are from. I
have some students from
Laos Some have
been/some haven’t

UTAS basic lesson plan proforma, June 2010 1

30-40 Body of lesson
min • Introduce vocabulary words (Strongbox, city • As I’m reading students
slickers, twilight) can take notes/draw key
• Read aloud Chapters 1-3 events in the story to
• Discuss Visual images of Little Willy, Searchlight, demonstrate
Doc Smith, Grandfather understanding
• Throughout this unit I will
vary how students will
access the book, audibly,
visually, and/or reading it
themselves based on
both learning profile, but
also learning outcomes

45 min Lesson conclusion • Students choose how
they want to complete
• Students are given time to work on vocabulary assignment based on how
assignment they feel they will best
• While students are individually working on remember words (ie.
assignments I will do lesson checkouts with Visually acting out words
them. This may change daily: either true or false along with using the word
questions, orally reading a portion of text, in a sentence via video,
quickly reading Frequently Used Word lists etc) illustrating word along
with either orally or
visually using it in a
sentence etc)
• Students can choose to
complete work
individually or with a

Assessment of student learning (What strategies will you use to assess whether or not students achieved the

above outcome/s?)

Observations, discussion, completed assignments. Though not in this lesson there are vocabulary
and comprehension quizzes given throughout. True or false checkout, oral reading, comprehension


UTAS basic lesson plan proforma, June 2010 2

Teacher reflection (What went well? Why? What could be improved?)

As I’m creating these lessons, I feel they all could be a blend of interests, learning profile and

readiness, but for the sake of this assignment I’m mostly using one category per lesson.

Notes for next lesson

UTAS basic lesson plan proforma, June 2010 3

Interests Differentiation
Cumulative Project

Date: November 21, 22
Grade level: 3
Duration: 45min
Topic/Title: Stone Fox Cumulative Project

Curriculum links: CCRA.R.1., CCRA. R.2., CCRA.R.3, CCRA.R.4, CCRA.R.5. CCRA.R.6, CCRA.R.8,


SL.4, CCRA. SL.6, CCRA.L.1, CCRA.L.2, CCRA.L.3, CCRA.L.4, CCRA.L.5, CCRA.L.6

Key learning area: Reading Comprehension

Materials: Stone Fox, book and video starring Buddy Ebsen, Compare/Contrast Graphic organizer


Students will be able to compare and contrast story elements between the video version and the

book version of the story
Students will be able to discuss details of the story after it’s read/viewed

Students will be able to read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts

independently and proficiently

Timing Procedure Differentiating Via
5-10 Lesson introduction
min • Last culminating activities for Stone Fox. In the
previous lesson Students finished watching the
movie, quick discussion on similarities and
differences in the movie – what the students

preferred and why…

UTAS basic lesson plan proforma, June 2010 1

25-30 Body of lesson • Students can choose to
min • Compare and contrast the novel and the movie orally record themselves
handout/graphic organizer comparing and
• Show students past projects that have been contrasting the book and
done as a culminating activity for Stone Fox to movie, based on the
get them thinking about what they’d like to do graphic organizer or fill
and that shows their understanding of the out the sheet by hand
• Students then choose a project of interest that • Students can determine
is perfect for them. They can create a book how they want to
cover, race poster, race map, write an express themselves
alternate ending, write a newspaper article, through their final
create a timeline, or complete research on the project. Projects can be
Iditarod race. They can also submit other ideas. done electronically or by
hand (ie newspaper
article etc).

5-10 Lesson conclusion • Based on my students
min • Graphic organizers are handed in ask myself the following:
• Students who are ready can consult with me How can I further
regarding their final project, what they’re support my students in
thinking, what they need help with etc. creating their final
project? What resources
do I need to bring in to
help them achieve their

• Assessment of student learning (What strategies will you use to assess whether or not students achieved

the above outcome/s?)

Observation, graphic organizer assignment. Were they able to successfully

compare/contrast the movie and the book? What did they struggle with? What do I still
need to go over with them?

UTAS basic lesson plan proforma, June 2010 2

Teacher reflection (What went well? Why? What could be improved?)

Notes for next lesson

UTAS basic lesson plan proforma, June 2010 3

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