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(For Demonstration Teaching)
Prepared by:
John Gilbert B. Paltao
Demo Teacher

Date Submitted: February 13, 2018

Date of Execution: February 13, 2018
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II
Delfin Albano, Isabela
Demonstration Teacher: John Gilbert B. Paltao Grade: 11 Hyacinth
Core Subject Title: English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Core Subject Description: The development of critical listening and viewing skills and strategies for effective
communications in various situations.
I. Objectives: After the end of the 60-minute discussion, the students would be able to:
a. Identify verbal and nonverbal communication – their meaning and use;

b. Distinguish the unique feature(s) of one communication element from the other;

c. Use verbal and nonverbal communication in supporting local government projects.

II. Subject Matter: Verbal and Nonverbal communication
Materials: Powerpoint presentation on verbal and nonverbal communication, Venn Diagram
References: Senior high school curriculum guide (1st semester);
Gasulas, A. M., Santos, V. S., & Lusica, F. G. (2016). Integrated English for Effective
Communication. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

Strategies: Inquiry method, group discussion, and interactive activity.

A. Customary Activities

Good morning class! Good morning sir!

Before you sit down, kindly arrange your chairs (The students follow and take their seats)


Just a simple flashback of our past discussion, What Sir, last meeting I learned about the meaning, use and
did you learn last meeting? importance of communication.

That is right! Based on what you understood, what is Communication is the process in which individuals
the meaning and purpose of communication? interact through symbols to create and interpret meaning.
Its purpose is to connect people.


Well said! Communication is one of the most

significant creation of man. It was developed due to the
extreme need of man to express thoughts and to
connect with one another.

To continue what we’ve started, we will kick off

today’s discussion with a simple activity. This activity
is entitled, Pass the message. Kindly read the Instructions:
instructions.  The teacher will divide the class into small
groups of five members.
 The groups will then arrange themselves in lines.
 The person at the back shall be given a quote of
one to two sentences to be whispered to the
person in front of them.
 Repeat the procedure until it reaches the first
persons in the lines, who will then write the
paragraph on a small whiteboard previously
 The group that finishes first with the most
accurate output wins the game.

Thank you so much. Now, before we do the grouping,

be reminded that this will be your permanent groups
for the entirety of today’s discussion. Are there any None sir!
(The students follow)
(The teacher will do the grouping)

Seeing you all in your proper places, let the game of (The students will do the activity)
passing begin!

Paragraphs to be passed:
1. Wise men speak because they have something
to say; fools because they have to say
something. – Plato (The students finishes the activity)
2. First, learn the meaning of what you say, and
then speak. - Epictetus

Looks like we have ourselves a winner! Yes sir, because all of us participated and paid attention
(The teacher announces the winner) very well.

Was the message accurately transmitted? Why or why No sir, there was confusion regarding the message that is
not? being passed.

How about the other groups?

Sir, I think it is pronouncing the words very well and

Paying attention is really key to good communication. speaking clearly.

Aside from paying deep attention, what else

contributed to the success of passing the message?

That’s right! Being able to articulate the words well

and speak clearly makes communication better.
B. Developmental Activities
Presentation of the lesson

Do you think the game, pass the message would be

possible without words/speaking? No sir. We have to use words and we have to speak in
order to accomplish the task.

Exactly! How about the others? No sir, because we have to have words for us to speak and
pass the message.

Very Good! Communication is done when we orally

state what we want to communicate.

But, can we transmit messages even when we do not

say a single word? If yes, How?

Discussion/ Analysis
We will all find the answer of those with our next
activity entitled, Charades with a Twist. Please read the
instructions. Instructions:
 The groups will select a representative to act out
the word(s) in a paper strip.
 The groups will guess the word(s) that will be
acted out by their representative.
 The categories shall include people, animals,
things, work, or the arts.
 The team that guesses the most number of words
 The students will be given 1 minute to act out and
answer the word(s) given.

Are there any questions? None sir!

May I call on the representatives of each group to

proceed here in front. (The Students will do the activity)
Word(s) to be guessed:
1. Bored
2. Confused
3. Nervous
4. Angry
5. Impressed

(The students finishes the activity)

The group that got the most guesses is group . . . . .
(The teacher announces the winner) (The students gives the winner a round of applause)
Did your classmates’ actions help you in guessing the
words correctly? How? Yes sir, their actions gave us a clue on what the word
might be.
Correct! Can we transmit messages even when we do
not say a single word? How? Yes sir, we can still transmit messages through actions,
facial expressions, and body language.
Very Good! What kind of communication is done when
we transmit messages through the use of actions, facial
expressions, and body language? Nonverbal communication sir!

Excellent! How about the kind of communication done

when we transmit messages orally? Verbal communication sir!

I am really glad that you’re answers are on point. To
keep the ball rolling, I have here a Venn diagram.

What is the meaning and purpose of Venn diagrams?

Sir, Venn diagrams are intersected circles to represent
logical relations between concepts. It is used to compare
and contrast two concepts.
Well said! Our activity is entitled, “Feature Perfect!”
Kindly read the instructions.
 The students will accomplish the Venn diagram
by comparing and contrasting verbal and
nonverbal communication.
 The students will select a representative to
present their output in front of their classmates.
 The groups will be given 5 minutes to accomplish
the activity.

Are there any questions? None sir!

Your five minutes starts right now. (The students will do the activity)

Time’s up! May I call on the first presenter, group1. (Group 1 will present their output)

Excellent work group 1, let’s welcome group 2. (Group 2 will present their output)

Thank you group 2, everyone give a hand for group 3. (Group 3 will present their output)

Very good group 3, last but not least group 4. (Group 4 will present their output)

Outstanding group 4. All of you deserves a big round

of applause. (The students will give themselves a round of applause)


Comparing and contrasting your answers with the

other groups, what can you infer about verbal and
nonverbal communication in terms of features, As much as verbal and nonverbal communication have
meaning, and use. commonalities, they also have unique features that
distinguishes them from the other. The appropriateness of
using them merely depends upon the situation, condition
or circumstance.

Very Good! How about you? Verbal and Nonverbal communication, whatever feature
they may share or not, are both important in the field of
self-expression. Moreover, balance and unity is achieved
through communication.

Enough said! Communication is a powerful thing, that

the proper use of it is essential as we move forward in
this ever changing technological world.

As such, this will be your final activity. Please read the

instructions. Instructions:
Your barangay captain is planning to launch a “No to
Drugs” campaign to spread public awareness of the
dangers of drugs. As active members of the local youth
club, you are asked to present the following during the
barangay forum in front of fellow barangay residents: (1)
A barangay ordinance proposal on prohibited drug
education; (2) An interpretative dance of the song,
Kabataan Kontra Droga; (3) A slogan and poster depicting
the danger of prohibited drug usage; and (4) A song
promoting well-being and healthy living.

Regarding the task that you will perform, I have here

envelopes for you to draw upon. Upon getting your
envelopes, you will be given 10 minutes to
conceptualize and practice your task.

Also, your final output will be assessed following this


Content ---------------------25%
Group participation--------25%
Time Management---------25%

Are there any questions? None sir!

Ok! Let’s begin! (The groups will draw out their envelopes and start
conceptualizing on the task at hand)

Time’s up! May I call on the first presenter, group 4. (Group 4 will present their output)

Interesting work group 4! Let’s welcome group 3. (Group 3 will present their output)

Great job group 3! Everyone give a hand for group 2. (Group 2 will present their output)

Very good group 2! Last but not least group 1. (Group 1 will present their output)

Well done group 1! With those outputs, I am sure that

the forum will be a success.

Aside from supporting barangay projects and schemes,

where else can verbal and nonverbal communication
be used? Sir, it can be used to promote advocacies and movements
sir. It can also be used as a powerful campaign material
for politicians (e.g. Corazon Aquino and her yellow
ribbon sign)

That’s right! Anything is possible through verbal and

nonverbal communication. It can be used as a powerful
tool to turn a simple project to a global phenomenon.
Take the earth hour movement as an example.


So for your assignment, draw out all your thoughts and

opinion with the government’s war on drugs to produce
a “one-sentence” advocacy to be presented tomorrow
in front of your classmates.

Is everything clear class? Yes sir!

Let’s call it a day then. Goodbye class. Goodbye sir

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