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10.3 Parametric Equations and Calculus Parametric Form of the Derivative If a smooth curve C is given by the equations = ot Be] x=f() and y= g(t) y= x ye a * ‘ then the slope of C at (x, y) is ae 2x He =2 dy _dy/dt dx dy Me. yp dx dx/dt dt a aye 7 = Uf = IX qN (Jai Differentiation and Parametric Form Find dy/dx for the curve given by x = sin f and y = cost. w+ y*| 1) pled MMferardiens D204 Lyf’ =O Wy os 7Siat_ ye TYE Tost zo tt Y= & dx oo dia Y @y = {2 = ala = & Second derivative de dilde| dejar aia a = 413] = a ‘ Third derivative Finding Slope and Concavity “yp 2 4-4) rae For the curve given by y= 1 Sor € Cnet xz ft and y=qie 4), 120 yey yf a1 find the slope and concavity at the point (2, 3). Find £ tha gyes Please see: (2,3) (AG -4) > (E=4) eV AM oe} A Curve with Two Tangent Lines at a Point The prolate cycloid given by Recall prenovsly we dedvead rem Frat phewytes x=2t—asint and y=2- cost Bet ians foy cydloyas J 4rgeerly Find the equations off the tangent lines at (0,2). Please see: Please see: Arc Length in Parametric Form If a smooth curve C is given by x = f(f) and y = g(t) such that C does not intersect itself on the interval a <= ¢ < b (except possibly at the endpoin then the arc length of C over the interval is given by += [ JE Be- | wrorrvara )s r= 4G) {1 + (BY d ds = [a's GF = fer yy ay (3) dt Prrenee NV iaares Finding Arc Length A circle of radius | rolls around the circumference of a larger circle of radius 4, as shown in Figure 10.33. The epicycloid traced by a point on the circumference of the smaller circle is given by x=Scost—cosSt and y = Ssint ~ sin St. Find the distance traveled by the point in one complete trip about the larger circle. 40=4 (o+p) rel) 94 wil Sheps, wosteanst 844 =90 % = 40-8 my) B= 40-4 = 48 - 0-6) p= 58-40] — os (50) x= 5exO4 Linh = SwO+ Sw (58 -40) Y= S886 -Lewp = Ssnd~ w (58-10) Ley + sn(58) An epicycloid is traced by a point on the smaller circle as it rolls around the larger circle. Please see: y= 5 sn ~sin68) Area of a Surface of Revolution If a smooth curve C given by x = f(t) and y = g(f) does not cross itself on an interval a $ t < b, then the area S of the surface of revolution formed by revolving C about the coordinate axes is given by the following. > 7 dx\? | (dy\? LS= anf a(t) (2) + (2) dt Revolution about the a-axis: g(t) > 0 , at) * \de ‘ % 2 2 2.85 anf FO, /(2) + (2) dt Revolution about the y-axis: f(t) = 0 These formulas may be easier to remember if you think of the differential of arc length as Differential of arc length Notary spl) “ame ay wn #4 Finding the Area of a Surface of Revolution Let C be the are of the circle x? + y? = 9 from (3, 0) to 3303 _ X= Bost G28) iA = amyds ys S sunt . @. 38) A=| am (3st) - + Gcstf * ‘ s ° a): {| 2 =Iin | Sit dt os 2 x an hu [wt] Please see: Four Sua ALE ARGA Of SPHERE A= 41 Re 77. Integration by Substitution Use integration by substitution to show that if y is a continuous function of x on the interval @ < x < b, where x = f(t) andy = g(0), then [vee [row where f(t,) = a, f(t.) = b, and both g and f’ are continuous on [f,, ft]. 78. Surface Area A portion of a sphere of radius r is removed by cutting out a circular cone with its vertex at the center of the sphere. The vertex of the cone forms an angle of 28. Find the surface area removed from the sphere. PB Areas of Simple Closed Curves In Exercises 81-86, use a computer algebra system and the result of Exercise 77 to match the closed curve with its area. (These exercises were based on “The Surveyor’s Area Formula” by Bart Braden, College Mathematics Journal, September 1986, pp. 335-337, by permission of the author.) (a) Sab (b) Bra? (©) na? (d) ab (e) 2nab-— (ft) 62a? 81. Ellipse: (0<1< 2m) — 82. Astroid: (0 < t < 2z) x= boost x =acos3t y=asint y=asin't ri ‘ we y dx ‘ vere a Bett Gout) , a A= Afi beat a ost . — bot ~ = 1a 83. Cardioid: (0S t< 2m) 84. Deltoid: (0 = ¢ = 2m) x = 2acosf — acos 2t x = 2acost + acos 2t y = 2asint — asin 2t y = 2asint — asin 2t 85. Hourglass: (0 < ¢< 2m) 86. Teardrop: (0 < t < 2m) x= asin 2t x = 2acost — asin 2t y = bsint y= bsint y- }- CD 93. Involute of a Circle The involute of a circle is described by the endpoint P of a string that is held taut as it is unwound from a spool that does not turn (see figure). Show that a parametric representation of the involute is x= r(cos@ + @sin6) and y= dsin6 — @cos 4). Figure for 93 Figure for 94 94, Involute of a Circle The figure shows a piece of string tied to a circle with a radius of one unit. The string is just long enough to reach the opposite side of the circle. Find the area that is covered when the string is unwound counterclockwise. X= red + 5.3m = ror t rOsmO = F (ay 4 Osin8) y= rsmQ — 5S wos) br sn8 ~ nO EO = v (sm -6 e9) - X=Plesd + 8 si00) Yer (owe - 0 036) DOL A=90 i} mo D) O-f=0 o=6 10.4 Polar Coordinates and Polar Graphs Polar-to-Rectangular Rectangular-to-Polar x=rcosé tang => x y=rsind rP=x+y? y (8) res Pol: i (re es Gy) = 2,0) ‘SCN I9834 1 Rectangular-to-Polar Conversion Graphing Polar Equations Describe the graph of each polar equation. Confirm each description by converting to a rectangular equation. Mer TS Pel ar=2 bO= > cr=secd WO Sake 4 oN oO Row = = = a a1 | gs x 2 (ary GY Sketching the graphs of compile 2 i polar equations by hand * can be tedious. With technology, however, the task is not difficult. Use a graphing + utility in polar mode to graph the equations in the exercise set. If your graphing 2 utility does not have a polar mode but does have a parametric mode, you can graph tre £(@) by writing the equation as 1 x=f(@)cose g=t : y =f (0) sine. O V=%9 X =te(2 J ao * OG grows ao Reo => | Hompdel Tarbes! IOS bal tml! {20 = Nhat FT inlaen, Please see:, Vecieh Tay), i <6 d8 f[ 20d]: 0 ah (ere - co OF O° — sind — Lov ( a) =O S1nQ — Lessa O sg (1-2. oe) y 6n8 =O wes WA Tangent Lines at the Pole If the graph of r = f(@) passes through the pole when @ = o: and f"(a) # 0, then the formula for dy/dx simplifies as follows. 4 _ft@)sina +fla)cosa _ f(@)sina +0 _ sine _ a fla)cosa—fla)sina fla)cosa—0 cosa “"% So, the line @ = a is tangent to the graph at the pole, (0, «). Consider again, Example 4 Limagons et beos8 at bsin@ {a >0,b >0) Rose Curves petals when m is odd 2n petals when nis (n22 Circles and Lemniscates Special Polar Graphs Several important types of graphs have equations that are simpler in polar form than in rectangular form. For example, the polar equation of a circle having a radius of @ and ‘centered at the origin is simply r= a. Later in the text, you will come to appreciate this benefit. For now, several other types of graphs that have simpler equations in polar form are shown below. (Conics are considered in Section 10.6.) ~~ a fet ‘Limagoa with ‘nner loop t a | t t r Tr tes icter Cass Dingle insspa (heart-shaped) Be r= acorn? Rose cure : i . 0 « “0 x » ? t r= asind = @sin2e Cirle Lemaiscate se

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