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16 Far-Reaching Pros
and Cons of
Industrial Revolution
Jul 5, 2015 by Crystal Ayres

There was a time when America

and Europe experienced rapid
growth and change—we know
this as the Industrial Revolution.
During this period, innovations in
methods, techniques and
machinery used in producing
goods opened up an entirely new
world, where products are made
in just a short amount of time.
This trend owed to
advancements in communication,
agriculture, transportation and
architecture, which provided
many jobs for people. But while
the Industrial Revolution
improved our quality of life, it
also had some drawbacks. Here
are its pros and cons:

List of Pros of Industrial


1. Industrial Growth
It its name implies, the Industrial
Revolution allowed industrial
growth, fueling economies and
actually improving world trade. It
allowed people to open
themselves up to trade with
other countries. An as industries
grew and surplus of goods was
realized, it formed powerful

2. Boost in Societal Classesv

As a result of industrialization,
classes in the well-being of
people had increased, and
nations began to identify
identities and national pride.
Generally, it increased wealth.

3. More Opportunities
Before the Industrial Revolution,
people had limited options for
growth. For instance, if your folks
were shoe makers, it would be
highly possible that you would
be making shoes too, no matter
how much you hated the job. But
with the emergence of more
factory jobs, people were able to
leave their homesteads and find
work that is different from their

4. More Productive Factories

The number of factories
producing quality products has
increased rapidly during this time
and machines were innovated, so
production rates were also
multiplied. Aside from mass
production of goods, the price of
products had also decreased,
resulting to enhanced quality
living that is full of comfort and
convenience. Moreover, the
factories also opened up
opportunities for craftsmen to
move to the city.

5. Free Enterprise
The Industrial Revolution
definitely opened up the concept
of free enterprise, as before it,
you would only be given one or
two choices for goods that were
available in your little town. The
more goods that were
manufactured, the cheaper their
prices became.


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6. Things Got Better from

Electronics to Housing
Industrialization allowed for
stronger, more comfortable and
cheaper homes to be built every
day. Also, fashionable clothes at
more affordable prices were
designed, and new appliances
were invented and upgraded as
time passes by.

7. Improvements in
The means of transportation
changed enormously during the
Industrial Revolution, where it
became more comfortable, faster
and cheaper. This allowed for
easier travel, which opened up
new areas to many people.

8. Increased Productivity
Due to the hike in trade, which
produced more jobs, production
was also increased.

9. Success for People

Because cities were growing and
offering a lot of opportunities
and work, people had become
successful in their lives.

Factory System in t…

List of Cons of Industrial


1. Hard Labor and Bad Work

Working from factories was
exhausting, where people worked
longer hours under bad
conditions, which led to illnesses
and even death. There were
cases where factory workers got
caught by uncovered machines,
which resulted to serious or fatal
injuries. Also, dust and fumes
from chemicals were harming
the people’s health.

Aside from hard and risky work,

the Industrial Revolution was
also built on the backs of
children because they could be
packed into the plants easier
because of they are smaller in
size. They were prompted to
work as young as 7 years old,
and their wages were low.
Actually, there were instances
where workers, including
children, were more indentured
slaves than employees.

Of course, things about in

factories have changed, where
they are being closely monitored
for safety, and children are not
permitted to work anymore.
However, one clear con of the
industrialization is the thousands
of children who were injured in
manufacturing facilities, losing
their childhood to help build the

2. Over-Population
Of course, industrialization
attracts immigrants, as it
promises good life. However, not
all regions were lucky because
they instead experienced
overcrowding, resulting in many
slum areas.

3. Loss of Craftsmanship
Before the Industrial Revolution,
people were obliged to make
their own items, as products are
not mass produced. They would
also buy from local artisans who
had the ability to create good-
quality goods. So, people took
pride in their handicraft, which
are probably “one of a kind” with
minimal flaws, making them
stand out from similar products.

4. Pollution
It is common knowledge that
industrialization comes with
pollution. Factories and vehicles
produce an unthinkable amount
of air pollution for modern cities
worldwide. Also, improper
disposal of chemicals and other
types of waste contributes to
the problem, putting the
condition of the ecosystem more
at stake.

5. Less Healthier Lifestyle

In the past, people did not live in
the cities’ cramped spaces, but
rather in wide open spaces. They
also got up every day and work
physically (building what they
need and growing what they eat)
to improve themselves and their
families, thus promoting a
healthy lifestyle.

6. Unemployment
Though the Industrial Revolution
offered opportunities, it also
brought about unemployment.
How? More machines were used
to take the place of manual
labor, resulting in high
unemployment rate for people
who did not have the right skills
and competencies. Because of
this, those who were not able to
look for a better job to earn for a
living resorted to commit crime
for the sake of supporting their

7. Diseases
With the new lifestyle trend
came new inventions and
products, among which became
the primary causes of lifestyle
diseases, such as heart attack,
diabetes, cancer, etc.


It is true that the Industrial

Revolution has changed the
world and the life of everyone for
the better. Many regions boomed
and many people made their
individual dreams come true.
However, almost everything (if
not all) in this world has two
sides—the good and the bad—so
the deliberation about this
subject would never die. On your
end, how do you feel about the
Industrial Revolution?

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About the Author of this Blog

Crystal Ayres is a proud veteran,
wife and mother. Our goal at
Green Garage is to publish the
most in depth content on the
internet for every topic we write
about. If you would like to reach
out to contact Crystal, then go
here to send her a message.

List of Pros and Cons

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