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Entanglement between a Two-level System and a Quantum Harmonic Oscillator

Kwan-yuet Ho∗
Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
(Dated: January 2, 2008)
The entanglement between a Pauli-like two-level system and a quantum harmonic oscillator en-
hanced by an interaction between them and a δ-pulse sequence is studied, with the decoherence
due to their coupling with a Markovian bath. Without the Markovian bath, the entanglement is
enhanced to maximum possible values. With the Markovian bath, the entanglement is enhanced up
to some time and then dissipated, with the system in thermal equilibrium with the Markovian bath
after a very long time. The time for achieving the maximum entanglement shows discontinuous
jumps over the parameters of decoherence.
arXiv:0801.0310v2 [quant-ph] 16 Apr 2008

PACS numbers: 03.65.Ud, 03.65.Yz, 03.67.Mn, 42.50.Dv

I. INTRODUCTION of such a whole system and the corresponding master

equation are discussed. The different approaches of the
Entanglement is a very important quantum character- quantification of entanglement are introduced in section
istic that has no classical counterpart. Einstein, Podol- III and their advantages and disadvatanges are discussed.
sky and Rosen has proposed the famous EPR paradox In section IV, without the presence of a Markovian bath
in the context of two moving particles as a function of and with the initial state being a Fock state |0i and a
their coordinates and momenta, which are not commuta- thermal state, the time-evolution of state is calculated
tive [1]. Later, Bohm proposed the paradox in the con- and its entanglement is measured. In section V, the pres-
text of two spins in terms of their spin in different di- ence of a Markovian bath is considered.
rections [2]. In these two examples of the illustration of
entanglement, one is the entanglement between two con-
tinuous systems and another between two discrete sys-
tems. The entanglement between two discrete systems,
especially two-level qubit like systems has been studied In this system, there are a Pauli-like two-level system,
extensively with error-correction protocol. The entangle- a quantum harmonic oscillator and a thermal Markovian
ment between two continuous systems has been studied bath. Therefore the free Hamiltonian of this system reads
in depth in recent years [3]. ǫz X
H0 = ~ω0 a† a − σz + ~ νk b k † b k . (1)
The entanglement between discrete systems and con- 2
tinuous systems is more complicated and it contains
The first term is the energy of the oscillator. The bosonic
much richer behaviors. Examples include an atom (two-
operator a (and a† ) is the annihilation (and creation)
leveled) coupled to a bosonic field [4], or a system con-
operator for this oscillator. The second term is the energy
taining a superconducting charge qubit and a nanome-
of the two-level system with difference between the two
chanical resonator [5] [6]. The entanglement between
energy levels given by ǫz . The third term is the energy
two discrete systems and between two continuous sys-
of the bath with many degrees of freedom given by the
tems can be exchanged [7] with Jaynes-Cummings inter-
momenta k’s, with annihilation (and creation) operator
action [8], and arbitrary entangled states between two
continuous system can be generated arbitrarily with the being bk (and bk † ).
help of a two-level system [9]. On the other hand, a two- The coupling between the two-level system and the
level system which are coupled to a bosonic dissipative oscillator is given by the following interaction [8]:
environment are actually such a system. Sometimes an λ0
environment can be used to both enhance and dissipate HI = − (a + a† )σz , (2)
the entanglement between another two systems to a cer- where λ0 is the coupling parameter. Such interaction can
tain extent [4] [10] [11]. be found in many systems, such as a system consisting of
In this paper, the entanglement between a Pauli-like a nanomechnical resonator and a single Cooper-pair box.
two-level system and a quantum harmonic oscillator is With only the interactions (2), the system would just
studied, while they are coupled to a common bosonic oscillate between spin-up and spin-down state, as in Rabi
dissipative Markovian bath which induces decoherence. oscillation. The entanglement would then oscillate be-
This will be organized as follows: in section II, the model tween the lowest and highest values. In order to enhance
the entanglement, a δ-pulse sequence is added upon the
two-level system as
π X
∗ Electronic address:; Ht = ~ δ (t − nτ0 ) σx , (3)
URL: kwyho/ 2 n

for n is any positive integers and τ0 = ωπ0 . This δ-pulse With the density matrix of the whole system in the
sequence gives the effects of putting −iσx in the calcula- interaction picture given by ρ(t), its time evolution is
tion, and it flips the spin of the two-level system. This given by the following dynamical equation
delta function is an approximation of such flipping pulse
and is valid is such a pulse is much stronger than the
energy spacing of the quantum harmonic oscillator ~ω0
Both the two-level system and the oscillator is coupled
to a Markovian bath by the following interaction: dρ(t) 1
= [V (t), ρ(t)]. (11)
dt i~
X ǫz ǫz
HB = ~ g1k (bk † σ− e−i(νk + ~ )t + σ+ bk ei(νk + ~ )t()4)
+~ g2k (bk † ae−i(νk −ω0 )t + a† bk ei(νk −ω0 )t ),

where g1k and g2k are coupling constants. These cou-

plings give rise to the dissipative effects and decoherence. However, the entanglement between the two-level sys-
The total Hamiltonian is given by tem and the oscillator is the concern, while the thermal
bath is considered because of its decoherence effect. To
H = H0 + HI + Ht + HB . (5) facilitate the analysis, we consider the reduced density
matrix consisting only of the two-level system and the
In interaction picture, the Hamiltonian is given by oscillator, while all the degrees of freedom of the bath
 are traced out, written mathematically as

V (t) = exp i t H exp −i t . (6)
~ ~

By calculation, V (t) can be read as

V (t) = H̃JC (t) + H̃t (t) + H̃B (t), (7) ρs (t) = T rB (ρ(t)). (12)

H̃I (t) = − (ae−iω0 t + a† eiω0 t )σz , (8)
π X ǫz ǫz
While tracing out, the bath term (10) is expanded up
H̃t (t) = ~ δ(t − nτ0 )(ei ~ t σ− + e−i ~ t σ+ ), (9)
2 n to second order. Suppose the bath is stationary and the
X dissipation does not depend on the memory, i.e., the dis-
H̃B (t) = ~ g1k (bk † σ− + σ+ bk ) sipation is said to be Markovian. Markovian approxima-
X tion is taken and finally a master equation is derived [12].
+~ g2k (bk † a + a† bk ). (10) So the final equation is given as

dρs (t)
= iα0 ω0 e−iω0 t (aσz ρs (t) − ρs (t)aσz ) + eiω0 t (a† σz ρs (t) − ρs (t)a† σz )
−n̄σ (σ− σ+ ρs (t) − 2σ+ ρs (t)σ− + ρs (t)σ− σ+ )
−(n̄σ + 1) (σ+ σ− ρs (t) − 2σ− ρs (t)σ+ + ρs (t)σ+ σ− )
−n̄r (aa ρs (t) − 2a† ρs (t)a + ρs (t)aa† )

−(n̄r + 1) (a† aρs (t) − 2aρs (t)a† + ρs (t)a† a) (13)
πX h ǫz ǫz
  ǫz ǫz
−i δ (t − nτ0 ) ei ~ t σ− + e−i ~ t σ+ ρs (t) − ρs (t) ei ~ t σ− + e−i ~ t σ+ ,
2 n

where and α0 is related to the coupling by

1 λ0
n̄σ =   , (14) α0 = . (16)
ǫz 2~ω0
exp kB T −1
n̄r =   , (15)
exp −1

With the master equation, the time evolution of the well. Yet the negativity is still a good measure of entan-
system consisting only the two-level system and the os- glement for mixed states.
cillator can be evaluated. In this paper, both the participation ratio and nega-
tivity will be used as a measure to measure the entangle-

Entanglement is a quantum property that bears no IV. ENTANGLEMENT WITHOUT

classical analogue. For a system in its pure state, it is DECOHERENCE
said to be entangled if and only if there are more than
one terms in the Schmidt decomposition of the quantum Consider the system without the effect of decoherence,
state [13], where the Schmidt decomposition is given by i.e., Γ = 0 and C = 0. In that case, the entanglement be-
Xp tween the two-level system and the oscillator will achieve
|ψi = λn |an i|bn i, (17) a maximum eventually. The state can be analytically ex-
n pressed at time t = nτ0 for n being any positive integers,
where an ’s and bn ’s form two orthogonal sets of kets in while can be numerically computed at all the other times.
two systems. The quantification of the entanglement is Suppose initially the state is a Fock state |0i given as
often given by von Neumann entropy. While the entropy
is not advantageous for computation, the participation |ψ(0)i = √ (| ↑i + | ↓i)|0i. (21)
ratio [14] is often used for the sake of computation. The 2
inverse participation ratio is first used as a measure of
Since it is a pure state, it can be solved using the
localization of a wavefunction [15], but it is extended to
Schrodinger’s equation
deal with the mixedness of a density matrix. It is defined
as ∂
[H̃I (t) + H̃t (t)]|ψ(t)i = i~ |ψ(t)i. (22)
1 1 ∂t
K=P 2 = T r(ρ 2 ) , (18)
n λn r
And therefore, for nτ0 ≤ t < (n + 1)τ0 ,
which is the reciprocal of the purity for ρr is the reduced
i t ′
density matrix for one of the subsystems. It is a reason- |ψ(t)i = exp − ′ ′
dt [H̃I (t ) + H̃t (t )] |ψ(0)i (23)
able measure because the subsystems of a pure entangled ~ 0
state is a mixed state. However, this runs into the prob- 1
lem when the system itself is in mixed state, giving rise = √ (| ↑i| − (−1)n α̃(t, nτ0 )]i + | ↓i|(−1)n α̃(t, nτ0 )i) ,
to the situation that the subsystem becomes mixed even
if the system is not entangled. where
For a system in its mixed state, it is said to be entan-
gled if and only if its density matrix can be expressed as α̃(t, nτ0 ) = 2nα0 + α0 (1 − eiω0 (t−nτ0 ) ), (24)
a finite sum of tensor products of the subsystems:
X and the coherent state is |αi = D(α)|0i where D(α) is
ρ= pi (ρA B
i ⊗ ρi ). (19) given by (A2). After the interaction between the two
i systems, an obvious entanglement is established between
the two subsystems, since the level of which state the
One of the ways to determine whether it is entangled is
two-level system is occupied is correlated to the signs
introduced by Peres [16]. It is proved that if the partial
of the coherent state. To measure its entanglement, its
transpose of such a state consists of negative eigenvalues,
participation ratio and negativity are calculated. The
then the state is entangled. The quantity negativity is a
participation ratios for both subsystems are
measure of the amount of these non-negative eigenvalues,
defined mathematically as [17] 2
K= . (25)
||ρ PT
||1 − 1 1 + exp(−4|α̃(t, nτ0 )|2 )
N (ρ) = , (20)
2 And this is plotted as shown in Fig. 1. The negativity
where ρ PT
denotes the partial transpose of ρ, and ||A||1 has to be figured out by first finding the Schmidt decom-
denotes the tracenorm of the operator A, i.e., ||A||1 = position of (23), which is

T r( AAT ). A non-entangled state have a negativity r
equal to zero. However, the converse is not true except 1 + e−2|α̃(t,nτ0 )|2
|ψ(t)i = |+i|f+ (t)i
for composite systems of dimension 2 × 2 and 2 × 3 as r 2
shown by the Horodecki family [18]. It often happens 1 − e−2|α̃(t,nτ0 )|2
that an entangled state has a negativity equals zero as + |−i|f− (t)i, (26)

where where
1 1 − |α+(−1)n̄n 2nα0 |2
|±i = √ (| ↑i ± | ↓i), P↑↑ (α, α∗ , nτ0 ) = e r , (31)
2 2πn̄r
1 1 ( n̄1 +2)4n2 α0 2 − |α| 2

|f± (t)i = p P↑↓ (α, α∗ , nτ0 ) = e r · e n̄r

2(1 ± e−2|α̃(t,nτ0 )|2 ) 2πn̄r
e2(−1) ( n̄r +2)(α−α )nα0 ,
n 1 ∗
·(| − (−1)n α̃(t, nτ0 )i ± |(−1)n α̃(t, nτ0 )i). (32)
1 ( n̄1 +2)4n2 α0 2 −e |α|
Vidal and Werner’s analytic formula for negativity [17] P↓↑ (α, α∗ , nτ0 ) = e r e
is used to find the negativity of such system, which is ∗
·e−2(−1) ( n̄r +2)(α−α )nα0 , (33)
n 1

1 − e−4|α̃(t,nτ0 )|2 1 − |α−(−1)n̄n 2nα0 |2
N = . (27) P↓↓ (α, α∗ , nτ0 ) = e r . (34)
2 2πn̄r

The negativity (27) is plotted as shown in Fig. 2. The participation ratios at t = nτ0 with respect to the
When the system just starts to evolve for some small two-level system and the oscillator are then given respec-
t, there are some overlapping between the two coher- tively by
ent states associated with | ↑i and | ↓i. As time 2
goes on, the coherent states gets further apart and Kσ (nτ0 ) = , (35)
1 + exp [−16n2 α0 2 (1 + 2n̄r )]
h−(−1)n α̃(t, nτ0 )|(−1)n α̃(t, nτ0 )]i ≈ 0, and thus system
become more entangled. The negativity approaches its 2(1 + 2n̄r )
Kr (nτ0 ) = i. (36)
saturated (maximum) value of 21 and the participation
h 2α 2
1 + exp − 16n 0
(1+2n̄r )
ratio 2.
If the initial state is a thermal ground state at temper- As time goes on, Kσ → 2 and Kr → 2(1 + 2n̄r ). The
ature T given in terms of density matrix as discrepancy comes from the fact that the state is a mixed
| ↑i + | ↓i h↑ | + h↓ |

ρI (0) = √ · √ The density matrix of the state can be computed at
2 2 any time by solving the master equation (13). This can
∞ be done numerically, but P↑↑ (α, α∗ , t) and P↓↓ (α, α∗ , t)
" #
~ω0 r~ω
−k T − k T0
⊗ (1 − e B ) e B |rihr| can also be computed analytically and so is Kr , given by
|α ∓ (−1)(n+1) α̃(t, nτ0 )|2

| ↑i + | ↓i h↑ | + h↓ |

= √ · √ P↑↑/↓↓ (α, α , t) = exp − ,
2 2 πn̄r n̄r
Z (37)
⊗ d2 α · P0 (α, α∗ )|αihα|, (28) where α̃(t, nτ0 ) is defined in (24). The reduced density
matrix of the quantum oscillator side is
where P0 (α, α∗ ) is the P -representation of the thermal Z
state and is equal to ρr (t) = d2 α · [P↑↑ (α, α∗ , t) + P↓↓ (α, α∗ , t)]|αihα|
1 − |α| d2 α · P (α, α∗ , t)|αihα|.
P0 (α, α∗ ) = e n̄r , (29) = (38)
The participation ratio of the oscillator side can be eval-
where the average boson distribution for the oscillator uated directly by
given by (15). When T = 0, the state becomes the pure
ground state |0ih0| which can be again manipulated as 1
shown previously for α = 0. As in appendix A, by (A5), = d2 α d2 α′ P (α, α∗ , t)P (α′ , α′∗ , t)
the state can be calculated analytically at t = nτ0 as 2
−|α′ |2 +α∗ α′ +αα′∗
·e−|α| , (39)
ρ(nτ0 ) = | ↑ih↑ | ⊗ d2 α · P↑↑ (α, α∗ , nτ0 )|αihα| and is found to be
+ | ↑ih↓ | ⊗ d2 α · P↑↓ (α, α∗ , nτ0 )|αihα| Kr (t) = h 2
i. (40)
Z 1 + exp − 4|α̃(t,nτ
2n̄r +1
0 )|

+ | ↓ih↑ | ⊗ d2 α · P↓↑ (α, α∗ , nτ0 )|αihα|

It is plotted as shown in figure 1. Putting t = nτ0 in (40)
restores (36), and putting T = 0 (n̄r = 0) restores the
+ | ↓ih↓ | ⊗ d2 α · P↓↓ (α, α∗ , nτ0 )|αihα|,(30) zero temperature case in (25). With the numerical values

is realistic since any quantum system cannot exist alone.

To consider the the effect of decoherence, the state can
be computed numerically by solving the master equations
(13) with all the terms. Its negativity can be computed
numerically for every state by its definition (20). After
the interaction with the bath, the entanglement of the
system increases until some point and it will eventually
decrease, as shown in Fig. 3. Although the negativ-

FIG. 1: Participation ratio of the oscillator Kr (t) of the sys-

tem of the two-level system and the oscillator with coupling
strength λ0 = 0.2~ω0 , with the ground state and the thermal
state ( k~ω
= 0.74239) as the initial states.

FIG. 3: Negativities N (t) of the system of the two-level sys-

tem and the oscillator with coupling strength λ0 = 0.2~ω0
with the ground state and the thermal state ( k~ω
= 0.74239)
as the initial states with decoherence parameters Γ = C =

ity goes to zero at the end, it is still an open question

FIG. 2: Negativities N (t) of the system of the two-level sys- whether the state is really non-entangled. Without de-
tem and the oscillator with coupling strength λ0 = 0.2~ω0 , coherence, the state approaches the maximum negativ-
with the ground state and the thermal state ( k~ω
= 0.74239) ity of 21 after a long time. However, with even a small
as the initial states. amount of coupling, the state reaches a maximum nega-
tivity which is less than 12 at some certain time and then
damps eventually.
of ρs (t) computed, the negativity N (t), a better measure
of entanglement, is calculated using (20) and plotted as
shown in Fig. 2. It approaches the saturated value 21 as The state affected by decoherence can be studied by
time goes on, but at a slower rate than the case for the finding the Glauber-Sudershan representation of the re-
coherent state as the initial state. duced density matrix of the oscillator side analytically
[12]. Its reduced density matrix can be found by trac-
ing the spin components and be represented in Glauber-
V. ENTANGLEMENT WITH DECOHERENCE Sudershan P -representation as in (38). Putting the ex-
pression for the representation to the master equation
Quantum systems are vulnerable to decoherence due to (13), the Fokker-Planck equations for the oscillator state
its coupling with the thermal bath stated in (4), which are derived (in ignorant of the last term of (13))

∂P↑↑/↓↓ −iω0 t ∂P↑↑/↓↓ iω0 t ∂P↑↑/↓↓ ∂ 2 P↑↑/↓↓

∂ ∂ ∗
= ±iα0 ω0 e − e + α + α P↑↑/↓↓ + C n̄ r , (41)
∂t ∂α∗ ∂α 2 ∂α ∂α∗ ∂α∂α∗

where the upper sign denote the term for P↑↑ and the
lower sign for P↓↓ . The last term of (13) just switches
the spin at time t = nτ0 where τ0 = ωπ . Between these
switches, the state can be fully described by the Fokker-
Planck equations (41). The solutions to these two equa-
tions can be found using the Green’s function of the
Fokker-Planck equation, as listed in the appendix B. If
the initial state is a ground state, then the Glauber-
Sudarshan representation of the oscillator at any time
nτ0 ≤ t < (n + 1)τ0 is given by

P↑↑/↓↓ (α, α∗ , t) (42)

n+1 2

|α ∓ (−1)

1 α̃(t, nτ0 )|
= exp − , FIG. 4: Participation ratio of the oscillator Kr (t) of the sys-
2πn̄r (1 − e−Ct ) n̄r (1 − e−Ct )
tem of the two-level system and the oscillator with coupling
and if the initial state is a thermal state, then it is strength λ0 = 0.2~ω0 , with the ground state and the thermal
state ( k~ω
= 0.74239) as the initial states. The decoherence
|α ∓ (−1)n+1 α̃(t, nτ0 )|2
1 parameter is C = 0.1.
P↑↑/↓↓ (α, α∗ , t) = exp − .
2πn̄r n̄r
Here α̃(t, nτ0 ) denotes value of the modal coherent state
in any time t between nτ0 and (n + 1)τ0 , expressed as
α0 ω0 e− 2 (n−1)τ0 n C
α̃(t, nτ0 ) = iC
n(1 + e− 2 τ0 ) (44)
ω0 − 2
h C
+eiω0 (t−nτ0 ) e− 2 τ0 e−(iω0 + 2 )(t−nτ0 ) − 1 .

Note that this α̃(t, nτ0 ) is different from another one

for non-decoherence case in (24). When C → 0,
α̃(nτ0 , nτ0 ) → 2nα0 , which is the result found for the
case without decoherence. However, for a non-zero C,
α̃(t, nτ0 ) → 0 for t → ∞.
The representations in (42) and (43) are important
when studying the entanglement. By (39), the partic- FIG. 5: Maximum negativity Nmax of the system of the
ipation ratio for the ground state is, two-level system and the oscillator with coupling strength
λ0 = 0.2~ω0 with the coherent state as the initial states as a
2 2n̄r (1 − e−Ct ) + 1
function of the decoherence parameters ( with Γ = C) .
Kr (t) = h i, (45)
α̃(t,nτ0 )|2
1 + exp − 2n̄4|r (1−e −Ct )+1

and that for the thermal state is

2 [2n̄r + 1]
Kr (t) = h 2
i. (46)
1 + exp − 4|α̃(t,nτ 0 )|
2n̄r +1

They are plotted as shown in Fig. 4. At the beginning,

the values of K are different since the ground state is
pure at the beginning but the thermal state is already
mixed. However, as time goes on, the two participation
ratios coincides with each other. The reason is that the
ground state is approaching the thermal state in order
to achieve thermal equilibrium, as it can be seen in (42)
that as t → ∞, it is asymptotically approaching (43).
With ground state as the initial state, the maximum FIG. 6: Time tmax (in terms of the unit of τ0 ) to achieve max-
imum negativity Nmax of the system of the two-level system
negativity as a function of the decoherence parameters
and the oscillator with coupling strength λ0 = 0.2~ω0 with
(with Γ = C) is plotted as shown in figure 5, which the coherent state as the initial states as a function of the
shows that the entanglement decreases as the decoher- decoherence parameters (with Γ = C) .
ence strength increases.


It is shown that the Jaynes-Cummings interaction be-

tween a quantum oscillator and a Pauli-like two-level sys-
tem, with the help of a delta jump in the two-level sys-
tem, enhances the entanglement between the two systems
to its maximum possible values, no matter the system is
initially a Fock state |0i or a thermal state. The coupling
of each subsystem to a Markovian bath causes dissipation
of the entanglement. The system will be in thermal equi-
librium with the Markovian bath after a very long time.
The maximum time for achieving the maximum entan-
glement shows discontinuous jumps over the parameters
of decoherence.
FIG. 7: Negativities N (t) of the system of the two-level sys-
tem and the oscillator with coupling strength λ0 = 0.2~ω0
with the coherent state as the initial states with decoherence
parameters Γ = C between 0.029
and 0.034
I wish to acknowledge Lin Tian for discussing this work
and supplementing ideas.


t = nτ0

Suppose the Dirac delta pulse (3) is imposed as the

tunneling to the system and there is no decoherence. The
time evolution between the pulses is given by [6]

U1 = D(α0 σz )e−iπa a D† (α0 σz ), (A1)

where D is the displacement operator given by

−α∗ a
D(α) = eαa . (A2)
FIG. 8: A magnified graph of the negativities N (t) of the
system of the two-level system and the oscillator with coupling The effect of the Dirac delta pulse on the system is merely
strength λ0 = 0.2~ω0 with the coherent state as the initial (−iσx ), and thus the time evolution at time t = nτ0 is
states with decoherence parameters Γ = C being equal to given by
and 0.032
U (nτ0 ) = (−iσx U1 )n . (A3)

It is worth to note that the time tmax to achieve By σx D(α0 σz )σx = D† (α0 σz ) and
iπa† a −iπa† a †
this maximum negativity decreases as the decoherence e D(α0 σz )e = D (α0 σz ), we have
strength increases, with some jumps at a number of  †
points as shown in figure 6. The jump can be explained D (2nα0 σz ) for even n
U (nτ0 ) = † . (A4)
by observing the time evolution of the entanglement with iσx e−iπa a D† (2nα0 σz ) for odd n
different values of Γ(= C). As Γ increases, the graph
As a result, if the system is a pure state desccribed by
of the time evolution of the entanglement shifted down-
kets, the initial state |ψ0 i will evolve to
wards continuously as shown in figure 7. Unlike the time
evolution of the entanglement while there is no decoher- U (nτ0 )|ψ0 i.
ence which increases monotonically (as in figure 2), there
are some ripples in the variation as time goes on when And if it is a mixed state, the state is described by density
decoherence due to a thermal bath is present. The max- matrices and at t = nτ0 the matrix is given by
imum negativity Nmax still decreases continuously as Γ  †
increases, but the time tmax to achieve this maximum get  D (2nα0 σz )ρ0 D(2nα0 σz ), for even n
† †
a jump because of these ripples, as shown in the magni- ρ(nτ0 ) = σx e−iπa a D† (2nα0 σz )ρ0 D(2nα0 σz )eiπa a σx , .
fied graph of the time variation of negativity in figure 8. for odd n


APPENDIX B: GREEN’S FUNCTION OF THE for the upper sign denotes the spin-up and the lower sign
FOKKER-PLANCK EQUATION the spin-down. Then it can be proved that
The Fokker-Planck equations (41) can be solved with w(t, nτ0 ) = (−1)n e− 2 nτ0 w(t − nτ0 , 0), (B3)
the use of Green’s function [19]. Suppose at time t = nτ0 ,
the state is given by P↑↓ (α, α∗ , nτ0 ), the state at any time where
nτ0 ≤ t < (n + 1)τ0 is then given by C
e−(iω0 + 2 )(t−nτ0 ) − 1
w(t − nτ0 , 0) = ±(−1)n α0 ω0 eiω0 t .
P↑↑/↓↓ (α, α∗ , nτ0 ≤ t < (n + 1)τ0 ) (B1) ω0 − i C2
Z (B4)
= ds α · P (α, α∗ , t|α′ , α′∗ , nτ0 )P↑↓ (α′ , α′∗ , nτ0 ),

where the Green’s function is given by

P (α, α∗ , t|α′ , α′∗ , nτ0 ) =
πn̄r [1 − e−C(t−nτ0 ) ]
" C
|α − α′ e− 2 (t−nτ0 ) + w(t, nτ0 )|2
· exp − . (B2)
n̄r (1 − e−Ct )

The function w(t2 , t1 ) is actually given by the driving

Z t2
′ C ′
w(t2 , t1 ) = −i dt′ (∓α0 ω0 )eiω0 (t2 −t1 −t ) e− 2 t

e−(iω0 + 2 )t2 − e−(iω0 + 2 )t1


= ±iα0 ω0 eiω0 (t2 −t1 ) ,

− iω0 + C2

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