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Gordon Crovitz
Time to Improve Peter Thiel’s
College Savings Plans Legal Smackdown
* * * * * MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2016 ~ VOL. CCLXVII NO. 131 HHHH $3.00
Last week: DJIA 17807.06 g 66.16 0.4% NASDAQ 4942.52 À 0.2% STOXX 600 341.29 g 2.4% 10-YR. TREASURY À 1 10/32 , yield 1.707% OIL $48.62 g $0.71 EURO $1.1364 YEN 106.53

At the Boyhood Home of Muhammad Ali, Fans Pay Tribute

Business & Finance
U .S. officials appear
poised to make history by
approving the first private BY PETER NICHOLAS
space mission to go beyond
Earth’s orbit, a move that may A split is emerging inside
set important precedents. A1 the Bernie Sanders campaign
over whether the senator
 The Fed’s plans for
should stand down af-
raising rates went on hold
ter Tuesday’s election con-
after a dismal jobs report,
tests and unite behind Demo-
with officials wanting to
cratic front-runner Hillary
wait and see whether the
Clinton, or take the fight all
economy stays on track. A3
the way to the July party
 GM plans to convert convention and try to pry the
some Cadillac stores into nomination from her.

virtual dealerships that One camp might be dubbed

will have low overhead but the Sandersistas, the loyalists
sophisticated technology. B1 who helped guide Mr. Sand-
ers’s political ascent in Ver-
 Investors are buying
mont and the U.S. Congress
municipal debt at a record
and are loath to give up a
clip, enduring low returns
fight that has far surpassed
in exchange for stability. C1
expectations. Another has
 Republican victory in ties not only to Mr. Sanders
November elections would IN MEMORY: Aprilla Howard was among those Sunday who visited the former boxer’s childhood home in Louisville, Ky. Thousands of but to the broader interests
herald a scaling back of fi- fans left flowers, notes and gifts at a local museum dedicated to Ali’s life. A funeral and city procession is planned for Friday. A3, B7 of a Democratic Party pining
nancial regulations, accord- to beat back the challenge
ing to a policy blueprint. C1 from Republican Donald

Saboteurs Hit Nigerian Oil

Trump and make gains in
 The Pentagon has decided
congressional elections.
to rely on an Abu Dhabi-
Mr. Sanders in recent
owned company to supply
weeks has made clear he
the most advanced micro-
aims to take his candidacy
chips used in the military. B3
past the elections on Tues-
 Low interest rates are Attacks by the Niger By Drew Hinshaw
Shell PLC and the other owned latest demonstration of destruc- day, when California, New
hurting investment by en- by Italy’s Eni SpA, according to tive proficiency by the Avengers, Jersey and four other states
couraging stock buybacks Delta Avengers have in Abuja, Nigeria, and Nigeria’s navy. Shell confirmed which has considerably cut the vote. But the debate within
Sarah Kent in London
and dividends instead, a Car- cut output, helping to signs of a spill from one of its amount of oil in global markets. the campaign indicates that
lyle Group economist says. C1 pipelines and said it is still eval- The strikes have led Nigeria to Mr. Sanders’s next move isn’t
push up crude prices Africa’s biggest economy toward uating potential damage. Eni shift some of the forces who Please see RACE page A6
 The spread of combination
recession, and has cost Nigeria confirmed the attack but said it have been fighting an Islamist
cancer treatments threatens
A band of saboteurs that calls its position as the continent’s didn’t contribute to any new insurgency.
to heighten tensions over
itself the Niger Delta Avengers top oil producer—a distinction supply disruption. On and off for years, criminal
soaring drug prices. B1
has been prowling the swamps inherited by Angola. On the group’s purported groups in the Niger Delta have
 “Teenage Mutant Ninja of Nigeria’s petroleum-rich The Avengers struck again Twitter account, it called the Eni extorted and bombed oil compa-  Trump brings new voices
Turtles: Out of the Shadows” south for four months, bombing before dawn on Friday. A group attack part of its promise “that Please see OIL page A13 to bitter crime debate.... A4
was the latest sequel to under- pipelines and diving underwater of militants sneaked through Nigeria Oil production will be  Republican elders criticize
perform its predecessor. B5 to destroy equipment. marshland to bomb two pipe- Zero.”  Saudis cut prices of oil attacks on judge................ A4
The damage has helped tip lines, one owned by Royal Dutch The brazen strikes were the exports to Europe................... C3

Washington, Beijing Open Talks

 A split is emerging inside
Sanders’s campaign over
whether he should stand down
after Tuesday’s primaries and
unite behind Clinton. A1
 Damage caused by a
band of saboteurs in Nige-
ria has reduced oil output U.S. schools show higher rates of academic fraud among overseas enrollees
and helped tip the country
toward recession. A1
BY MIRIAM JORDAN found that in the 2014-15
 Some large public U.S. AND DOUGLAS BELKIN Changing Campus school year, the schools re-
universities recorded Number of international corded 5.1 reports of alleged
higher rates of cheating At Ohio State University, a undergraduate students in the U.S. cheating for every 100 interna-

among international students Chinese student took tests for tional students. They recorded
Chinese Others
than domestic students. A1 Chinese classmates for cash one such report per 100 do-
600 thousand
last year, guaranteeing an A. mestic students.
 China pushed back
At the University of Cali- Students from China were
strongly against U.S. criticism
fornia, Irvine, some interna- singled out by many faculty
of its stance on maritime dis-
tional students used a lost-ID- 400 members interviewed. “Cheat-
putes as the two sides be-
card ruse to let impersonators ing among Chinese students, SHARP SHOOTER: Secretary of State John Kerry taking part in a
gan high-level talks. A10
take exams in place of others. especially those with poor lan- ceremony in Mongolia on Sunday. Mr. Kerry is part of the U.S.
 Trump is giving a na- At the University of Ari- guage skills, is a huge prob- delegation meeting in Beijing this week for economic and security
tional platform to parents of zona, a professor told of Chi- 200 lem,” said Beth Mitchneck, a talks with Chinese officials. A10
victims of crimes by illegal nese students handing in mul- University of Arizona profes-
immigrants to boost support tiple copies of the same sor of geography and develop-
for hard-line policies. A4 incorrect test answers. 0 ment.
 India’s Modi will seek to
cement progress made with
the U.S. on economic and
A flood of foreign under-
graduates on America’s cam-
puses is improving the finan-
2012 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16
Note: Figures are for school years ending
in the year shown
In the academic year just
ending, 586,208 international
undergraduate students at-
U.S. Poised to Clear
security issues on a visit
to the nation this week. A10
cial health of universities. It
also sometimes clashes with a
fundamental value of U.S.
Source: Student and Exchange Visitor
Program, Department of Homeland Security
tended U.S. colleges and uni-
versities, according to the De-
partment of Homeland
Private Moon Mission
 A Buddhist temple in scholarship: academic integrity. Security. More than 165,000 were from China. BY ANDY PASZTOR ernmental projects comply
Thailand is at the center of A Wall Street Journal analysis of data from South Korea and Saudi Arabia were the source with longstanding interna-
a wildlife-trafficking probe more than a dozen large U.S. public universities Please see CHEAT page A14 U.S. officials appear poised tional space treaties. The prin-
after scores of dead tiger to make history by approving ciples are likely to apply to fu-
cubs were found. A10 the first private space mission ture spacecraft whose
 Kansas, Illinois and other Diving NBA Players Create ‘First-Row Problems’ to go beyond Earth’s orbit, ac-
cording to people familiar
potential purposes range from
mining asteroids to tracking
Midwestern states are scram-
i i with the details. space debris.
bling to firm up financial
The government’s endorse- Approval of a formal launch
packages to ensure classes
open again in the fall. A7 Should fans in pricey seats lend a hand, or duck and cover? ment would eliminate the larg- license for the second half of
est regulatory hurdle to plans 2017 is still months away, and
 Novak Djokovic won his by Moon Express, a relatively the proposed mission poses
first French Open title, BY BEN COHEN mongous, sweaty speed. “I would obscure space startup, to land huge technical obstacles for
beating Andy Murray. B7 NBA player in get away,” Mr. a roughly 20-pound package of Moon Express, including the
OAKLAND, Calif.—A ticket sneakers comes Mozgov said. scientific hardware on the fact that the rocket it wants to
CONTENTS Markets Digest..... C4 for a floor seat to an NBA Fi- barreling in your If only it were Moon sometime next year. use hasn’t yet flown.
Business News... B2-6 Opinion.............. A15-17
Crossword................. B6 Outlook....................... A2 nals game between the star- direction while that simple. There It also would provide the But the project’s propo-
Europe File............ A12 Sports.......................... B7 studded Cleveland Cavaliers chasing a loose is no statistician biggest federal boost yet for nents have considered federal
Election 2016...... A4-6 U.S. News......... A2-3,7 and Golden State Warriors is a ball—and then who tracks player unmanned commercial space clearance of the suitcase-size
Heard on Street......C6 Weather..................... B6
Journal Report R1-10 World News... A10-13
rare and increasingly expen- dives on top of leaps per game, exploration and, potentially, MX-1 lander and its payload as
sive commodity. But that priv- you. but it is likely to the first in an array of for- well as approval of a planned
ilege also presents the lucky Cleveland cen- happen a lot more profit ventures throughout the two-week operation on the
> fans in these courtside seats ter Timofey in the playoffs, solar system. Moon itself to pose the most
LeBron James
with a peculiar dilemma. Mozgov, who when possessions The expected decision, said significant legal challenges to
It isn’t the possibility of stands 7-foot-1 and weighs 275 come at a premium. In this the people familiar with the the mission.
spilling beer on the court or pounds, already knows what he year’s NBA Finals, though, the details, is expected to set im- After months of lobbying by
s Copyright 2016 Dow Jones &
being caught on television star- would do if he were in the fuss isn’t over how many play- portant legal and diplomatic Moon Express officials and
Company. All Rights Reserved ing into your phone. It’s what bleachers and someone of his ers have flung themselves into precedents for how Washing- high-level deliberations among
you choose to do when a hu- size came flying at him at full Please see DIVE page A14 ton will ensure such nongov- Please see SPACE page A7
A2 | Monday, June 6, 2016 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Best value in a large-cabin aircraft:
three flexible living areas, unmatched payload,
College Loan Glut Turns Sour
choice of a forward or aft galley. he U.S. government
over the last 15 years Debt, but No Degree
GULFSTREAM.COM made a trillion-dollar Student debt defaults have soared in recent years, particularly among students who borrowed but then
investment to improve the dropped out. Dropouts earn only marginally more than high-school graduates, and far less than college grads.
nation’s workforce, produc-
tivity and economy. A big Share of loans, by type, that are delinquent 90 days or more Median weekly earnings
portion of that investment
15% $1,500
has now turned toxic, with
echoes of the housing crisis. Education
The investment was in attainment
“human capital,” or, more 12
specifically, 1,200 Bachelor’s
THE higher educa- Student degree or
loan higher
OUTLOOK tion. The gov-
JOSH ernment 9
MITCHELL helped finance 900
tens of mil- Credit Some
lions of tu- college/
6 card
itions as enrollment in U.S. associate
colleges and graduate 600
schools soared 24% from Auto loan High
2002 to 2012, rivaling the 3 school
higher-education boom of equity line
the 1970s. Millions of others of credit Less
attended trade schools that Mortgage than high
0 quarterly data 300
award career certificates. school
The government fi- 2003 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 2000 ’10 ’14
nanced a large share of these Source: Federal Reserve Bank of New York (delinquencies); Labor Dept. (earnings) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
educations through grants,
low-interest loans and loan Treasury Deputy Secre- they entered. Almost all of high-school graduate. Other
SCOTT NEAL +1 912 965 6023 guarantees. Total outstand- tary Sarah Bloom Raskin them left with student research shows similar ing student debt—almost all compares the seven million debt—an average $8,000 for dropout rates at public col-
guaranteed or made directly student-loan borrowers in associate’s candidates and leges and universities.
by the federal government— default—and millions of oth- $13,000 for bachelor’s candi-

has quadrupled since 2000 ers who appear on the same dates. long with weak job
to $1.2 trillion today. The path—to homeowners who Those in for-profit certifi- prospects, most of
government also spent tens found themselves underwa- cate programs earned an av- these students are
of billions of dollars in ter and headed toward fore- erage $920 less. The Na- now severely behind on pay-
grants and tax credits for closure after the housing tional Bureau of Economic ments, damaging their credit
students. crash. Research working paper and limiting their ability to
“We needed individual used federal tax records and borrow for homes and cars.

ew research shows a households to stabilize prop- Education Department data. More than a fifth of all stu-
significant chunk of erty values and help revive dent debt is at least 90 days
that investment back- communities,” she said. “We delinquent, according to the
fired, with millions of stu- want to stabilize this genera-
Student debt New York Federal Reserve,
dents worse off for having tion of student borrowers threatens to widen and federal data show drop-
gone to school. Many never and revive their prospects for outs are three times more
learned new skills because the future. I think students
the gap between the likely to default than degree
they dropped out—and are essential to our future haves and have-nots. earners.
now carry debt they are un- economic growth and contri- No group saw its net
willing or unable to repay. Pol- butions to productivity.” worth decline more be-
icy makers worry that without In a working paper re- There are similar prob- tween 2010 and 2013 than
a bigger intervention, those leased last week, economists lems in nonprofit colleges, college dropouts. The me-
borrowers will become at George Washington Uni- which enroll about 2.7 mil- dian value of their assets
trapped for years and will ul- versity and the Treasury De- lion students a year. A re- minus debts fell 14% over
timately hurt, rather than partment tracked the earn- port released in May by that period, according to
help, the nation’s economy. ings of some 1.4 million Third Way, a nonpartisan the Federal Reserve’s Sur-
students who left a for-profit think tank, showed that vey of Consumer Finances.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL college in the two years among students who en- By comparison, the typical
(USPS 664-880) through September 2008. rolled in 2005, on average college graduate saw her
(Eastern Edition ISSN 0099-9660)
(Central Edition ISSN 1092-0935) Seventy percent of them only half graduated from wealth increase 5%.
(Western Edition ISSN 0193-2241) dropped out. Those who en- such institutions within six In that sense, student debt
Editorial and publication headquarters:
1211 Avenue of the Americas, rolled in associate’s and years. On average, nearly threatens to widen the gap
New York, N.Y. 10036 bachelor’s programs earned four in 10 undergraduates between society’s haves and
Published daily except Sundays and general
legal holidays. Periodicals postage paid at New
an average of $600 to $700 a at those schools who took have-nots. A disproportionate
York, N.Y., and other mailing offices. year less in the six years af- on student debt earned no share of for-profit college
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The ter leaving school compared more than $25,000 in 2011, students is poor, black and
Wall Street Journal, 200 Burnett Rd., Chicopee,
MA 01020. with the six years before the same as the typical Hispanic. The NBER study
All Advertising published in The Wall Street showed that half of the 1.4
Journal is subject to the applicable rate card,
million for-profit school bor-
copies of which are available from the
Advertising Services Department, Dow Jones rowers were parents.
& Co. Inc., 1155 Avenue of the Americas, New
York, N.Y. 10036. The Journal reserves the
Ms. Raskin worries these
right not to accept an advertiser’s order. Only borrowers are at risk of hav-
publication of an advertisement shall The Centers for Disease the number of affected states ing their financial positions
constitute final acceptance of the advertiser’s
Control and Prevention shared as 25. spiral downward due to debt.
Adhaesio order.
Letters to the Editor: the results of an assessment of During the housing crisis,
Fax: 212-416-2891; email:
One hand – two times counties vulnerable to HIV and The Nasdaq KBW Bank In- plummeting home values left
NEED ASSISTANCE WITH hepatitis C outbreaks with the dex includes 24 large commer- millions of Americans under-
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Following in Dad’s footsteps requires a great pair of shoes.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Monday, June 6, 2016 | A3


©T&CO. 2016
Fed Back in Wait-See Mode
Bank officials want Before Friday, when the La- that it was about time to raise
bor Department reported that short-term rates by another
economy to stay on hiring slowed sharply in May, quarter percentage point. The
track before raising Fed officials were considering main question was whether to
lifting rates this month or move this month or wait until
interest rates again next. their July meeting, after the


“Today’s labor market re- June 23 U.K. vote on whether
BY JON HILSENRATH port is sobering, and suggests to stay in the European Union.
AND KATE DAVIDSON that the labor market has “The economy is continuing
slowed,” Ms. Brainard to improve,” Ms. Yellen said in
The Federal Reserve’s plans said Friday. late May. “We saw weak
for boosting short-term inter- Cleveland Fed President Lo- growth in the first quarter of
est rates went on hold after retta Mester, speaking Satur- the year and relatively weak
Friday’s dismal jobs report, day in Stockholm, said the jobs growth at the end of last year.
with central bank officials now gain reported Friday was a Growth looks to be picking up
wanting to see whether the “disappointing number,” add- from the various data that we
economy remains on track be- ing it “has not changed funda- monitor.” A rate increase, she
fore they make a move. Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen mentally my economic outlook, said, was probable “in the
A rate increase at the Fed’s but we will be assessing the coming months.”
June 14-15 meeting is almost ience of our recovery for data as it comes in.” Now officials need to piece
surely off the table. A move at granted,” Fed governor Lael Employers added just together whether the hiring
their July meeting six weeks Brainard said in a speech Fri- 38,000 jobs to their payrolls in slowdown was temporary or JUST THE THING
later is still possible though day after the employment re- May, and the pace of hiring more lasting. If the slump was
less likely, because officials port, possibly foreshadowing slowed to an average 116,000 a temporary, they can proceed TO CELEBRATE GRADS
won’t have that much more Ms. Yellen’s approach. Though month over the past three toward rate increases once they
Return to Tiffany®
economic data to reassure the two women don’t always months, the Labor Department get the data to prove it. On six
themselves about the course of see eye-to-eye, they are both said. occasions since 2010, monthly
the economy’s expansion, ac- cautious about raising interest Ahead of the report, many hiring gains have dipped below
cording to their remarks. rates. Fed officials believed economic 100,000 and bounced back.
Some officials could prefer “In this environment, pru- growth was accelerating mod- One important factor is
to wait until their September dent risk management implies estly after a first-quarter slow- business investment, which
meeting to consider lifting there is a benefit to waiting down. Consumer spending softened in the first quarter. A
rates, provided the economy for additional data to provide picked up in the spring after gauge of such investment rose
picks up during the summer. confidence that domestic ac- softening in the first quarter. in April, but government mea-
The Fed’s next signal could tivity has rebounded strongly Exports were firming, and fi- sures can be volatile.
come Monday from Chair- and reassurance that near- nancial markets stabilized af- Fed officials won’t get a
woman Janet Yellen, who is term international events will ter turbulence early in the reading on second-quarter 800 843 3269 | TIFFANY.COM
scheduled to speak in Philadel- not derail progress toward our year. gross domestic product, a
phia on the economic outlook goals,” Ms. Brainard said at With hiring steady and in- broad measure of economic
and monetary policy. the Council on Foreign Rela- flation showing signs of rising, output, until after their July
“We cannot take the resil- tions. they thought before Friday meeting.

Global Tributes Follow Ali’s Death


James Dixon, a boxing

coach in Louisville, Ky.,
planned to head over to the
Muhammad Ali Center on Sun- LONGINES
day to leave a T-shirt from his
gym with some handwritten
words: “Rest in peace champ.”
Flowers, notes and boxing
paraphernalia from scores of
well-wishers piled up on the
plaza outside the museum and
cultural institution dedicated
to Ali’s life, as his hometown
prepared to say goodbye to
him with a procession and fu-
neral Friday, a week after his
death at age 74. A makeshift

memorial also took shape out-

side his boyhood home.
“We lost our son,” said Mr.
Dixon, a 42-year-old who
founded the Louisville TKO gym.
The funeral will take place
Friday afternoon at Louisville’s
KFC YUM! Center arena, the
city said, after a morning pro-
cession winds slowly through Rahaman Ali, right, the boxer’s brother, cried at a service in a Louisville church his family attended.
the city, down a boulevard
named after the boxing legend. again, she said, when she chief executive, said he has long battle with Parkinson’s
Confirmed speakers at the failed attemping to row a spoken with media from at disease, a degenerative neuro-
funeral include former Presi- hand-built boat across the At- least seven foreign countries logical disease. The Muham-
dent Bill Clinton, comedian lantic Ocean in 1996. She com- since the boxing great died. mad Ali Parkinson Center in
Billy Crystal and sportscaster pleted the quest three years He was remembered in Ma- Phoenix posted a video online
Bryant Gumbel. later. nila, the Philippine capital with patients paying tribute to
“I was honored to award Other Ali fans also revered where he beat Joe Frazier in the fighter known as The
him the Presidential Citizens him for his words and actions 1975, by local boxing legend Greatest. FATHER’S DAY
Medal at the White House, to outside the ring. Mr. Dixon, Manny Pacquiao.
The Longines Master Collection. $3325.
watch him light the Olympic the local boxing coach, said he Later in life, Ali was re-  Jason Gay: Another Muhammad
Fifth Avenue and 50th Street. 212.753.4000
flame, and to forge a friend- was impressed with Ali’s will- nowned for his three-decade- Ali? Probably never........................ B7 FREE GROUND SHIPPING ONLINE AND IN STORES. EVERY DAY. EVERY ORDER.
ship with a man who, through ingness to take a stand against
triumph and trials, became the Vietnam War in the late
even greater than his legend,” 1960s, even though it cost him
©D.YURMAN 2016

Mr. Clinton said in a statement. more than three years of sus-

At Louisville’s Spalding Uni- pension during his athletic
versity, where the athletic cen- prime.
ter includes the gym where Ali “He stood up to adversity
first trained when he was and discrimination and racism
known as Cassius Clay, univer- like no other athlete,” Mr.
sity President Tori Murden Dixon said.
McClure spoke about her But Ali’s exploits in the ring
friend during Saturday’s com- also helped seal his iconic,
mencement ceremony. He per- global status. Donald Lassere,
sonally encouraged her to try the Muhammad Ali Center’s

Soldiers Killed in Texas

Flooding Identified
BY JON KAMP Mitchell Alexander Winey, a
21-year-old from Valparaiso,
U.S. Army officials released Ind., on Thursday, said Maj.
the names over the weekend of John Miller, a spokesman for
the nine soldiers from Fort the 1st Cavalry Division. A me-
Hood in Texas killed last week morial service for the eight
when a flash flood swept away other soldiers is tentatively
their truck during a training planned for June 16, he said.
exercise. The memorials would allow
Eight of the deceased sol- soldiers at Fort Hood who
diers were members of the 1st can’t attend private family fu-
Cavalry Division, and one was nerals off base a chance to
a cadet from West Point. They grieve, he said.
ranged in age from 19 to 38, “As the extended Cav Fam-
according to Fort Hood. They ily grieves together, we wrap
came from around the U.S., in- our arms around the loved
cluding two soldiers from both ones and teammates impacted
California and Florida. by this tragedy,” Maj. Gen. J.T.
A team from the Army Com- Thomson said on the 1st Cav-
bat Readiness Center at Fort alry Division’s Facebook page.
Rucker, Ala., will investigate Three other soldiers from
the training accident, accord- the accident were rescued and
ing to Fort Hood. The team released from the hospital,
was dispatched to Fort Hood Fort Hood officials said. The belmont ® curb link collection
on Friday, a day after the acci- accident occurred in a central
dent, the Associated Press re- Texas area hit hard by floods
ported. that started after heavy rain DAV I DY U RM A N .C O M 8 8 8 - DY U RM A N
Fort Hood is planning a me- began pounding Texas on Me-
morial service for Cadet morial Day weekend.
A4 | Monday, June 6, 2016 P W L C 10 11 12 H T G K B F A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O I X X THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Trump Brings New Voices to Bitter Debate

The Republican cites ‘We’re going to build a wall and
Mexico will pay for it. And
support from families Kate,’” said Mr. Rosenberg, re-
of victims of crime by ferring to Ms. Steinle in San
illegal immigrants In the Journal interview, Mr.
Trump attributed a “stagger-
BY BETH REINHARD ing” amount of crime to illegal
immigration. But data is scarce.
Republican presumptive The federal government reports
presidential nominee Donald the ethnicity and race of offend-
Trump is giving a national plat- ers but not their legal status or
form to parents of victims of country of origin.
crimes by illegal immigrants, “On the question of whether
inviting them to rallies and tell- illegal immigrants commit
ing their tragic stories to boost crimes out of proportion to
support for hard-line immigra- their share of the population,
tion policies. it’s very hard to say,” said Ste-
Mr. Trump is drawing in- ven Camarota, director of re-
tense media attention to what search at the Center for Immi-
he says is a public-safety issue gration Studies, which favors
caused by illegal immigration. curbs on legal immigration and
But the families also help put a stricter border enforcement.
sympathetic face on Mr. Mr. Camarota and other pro-
Trump’s attacks on some Mexi- ponents of reduced immigration

can immigrants as criminals often point to a Government
and his plans to build a wall Accountability Office report in
along the southern border and 2011 that found an estimated
deport millions of people who 296,000 immigrants here ille-
are in the U.S. illegally. gally or with unknown legal sta-
Two weeks ago, Sabine Dur- tus in state and local jails. That
den told thousands of people at count, which includes multiple
a Trump rally in Anaheim, Ca- Women representing families of people killed in incidents linked to undocumented immigrants at a May Trump rally in Anaheim, Calif. incarcerations of the same per-
lif., about her 30-year-old son, son in different jurisdictions,
Dominic, a sheriff’s dispatcher severe this crisis is is to see the times. Mr. Trump seized on the by illegal immigrants at a Bev- League, which opposes discrim- covers violent and nonviolent
who was killed in a 2012 motor- families, and then they see the murder as proof his focus on erly Hills, Calif., hotel. ination, said in a 2014 report offenses. There are estimated to
cycle accident by an illegal im- horror of it.” border security was on track. “He told me my son’s death that the Remembrance Project be 11 million illegal immigrants
migrant truck driver convicted Mr. Trump’s kinship with Ms. Steinle’s brother, Brad, would not be in vain,” said Mr. “demonizes immigrants.” Ms. in the U.S.
twice of driving under the influ- these grieving parents parallels told CNN in July that Mr. Shaw, a Democrat-turned-inde- Espinoza didn’t respond to in- Deportations remain at re-
ence. Hillary Clinton’s ties to several Trump was “sensationalizing” pendent voter who owns a gym- terview requests. cord-setting numbers under
Choking back tears, she re- mothers of African-Americans her death. The Steinle family equipment repair firm. Another parent who met Mr. President Barack Obama, and
called: “I heard Donald Trump killed in gun violence or in con- last week declined a request for Among the parents Mr. Trump in Beverly Hills was Don more Mexicans are leaving the
on the television as I walked by frontations with police, includ- comment on Mr. Trump Trump is giving voice to are Rosenberg, whose 25-year-old U.S. than entering it, according
talking about illegal immigra- ing Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner through an attorney. blacks and Hispanics, who bring son was riding his motorcycle to the Pew Research Center. Mr.
tion and about the cost of and Michael Brown. The “moth- Mr. Trump did find an ally in a diverse face to a candidate in San Francisco when he was Trump’s critics say his empha-
American lives and I screamed. ers of the movement” have Jamiel Shaw, whose 17-year-old facing allegations of racial and struck and killed by an illegal sis on crime tied to immigra-
Donald Trump became my life campaigned with Mrs. Clinton son was gunned down in 2008 ethnic prejudice, most recently immigrant driver in 2010. tion is misguided.
savior that day, my hero.” to push tougher gun-control by a gang member living ille- for accusing a Mexican-Ameri- Mr. Rosenberg is grateful Mr. “Trump’s attacks on immi-
In an interview, Mr. Trump laws and raise awareness about gally in the U.S. “Donald Trump can judge of being biased Trump is drawing attention to grants and immigration are di-
said meeting the parents of racial profiling. was right on,” Mr. Shaw told against him. Mr. Shaw is Afri- illegal immigration but said his visive, racist, and quite frankly,
children killed by illegal immi- Two weeks after he flagged Fox News last July. “Donald can-American. inflammatory references to hearken back to some of the
grants “reinforced even more” crime by illegal immigrants in Trump is like speaking for us, Last year’s Beverly Hills Mexicans as “rapists” muddles darkest periods in our nation’s
his support for stringent immi- his June 16, 2015, campaign an- speaking for our dead.” gathering was organized by Ma- his message. The self-described history,” said Ali Noorani, exec-
gration laws. nouncement, 32-year-old Kath- Mr. Trump saw the Fox in- ria Espinoza, founder of the Re- liberal Democrat has pressed utive director of the National
“Even I didn’t realize how ryn Steinle was slain in San terview and called him. Days membrance Project, which ad- campaign advisers to offer Immigration Forum Action
bad it was,” he said. “The only Francisco, allegedly by a felon later, he met Mr. Shaw and vocates on behalf of such more detailed policy plans. Fund, which backs citizenship
way people can understand how who had been deported five other parents of children killed families. The Anti-Defamation “Every speech can’t be, for illegal immigrants.

Republican Elders Knock Attacks on Hispanic Judge

BY THOMAS M. BURTON broadcast Sunday. ethnicity, Mr. Trump an- the Republican Party establish- Speaker Paul Ryan (R., Wis)
Former House Speaker swered, “I don’t think so at all. ment has been fitfully coming told a local radio station, “The
Two Republican Party el- Newt Gingrich, an outspoken He’s proud of his heritage…. around to support Mr. Trump. comment about the judge the
ders on Sunday denounced Trump supporter who has sug- He’s a Mexican. We’re building Mr. Gingrich, appearing on other day just was out of left
Donald Trump’s attacks on a gested he would serve as Mr. a wall between here and Mex- Fox News, called on Mr. Trump field. It’s reasoning I don’t re-
Hispanic federal judge, adding Trump’s running mate, called ico.” to “move to a new level.” late to. I completely disagree
to a wave of criticism from the presumptive nominee’s re- Judge Curiel is presiding “This is no longer the pri- with the thinking behind that.”
party figures of their presump- marks “one of the worst mis- over a pair of cases in which maries,” the former House Also on Sunday, Democratic
tive presidential nominee. takes Trump has made,” and the plaintiffs allege Trump speaker said. “He’s no longer front-runner Hillary Clinton
Over the past week, Mr. said, “I think it’s inexcusable.” University duped them into an interesting contender. He is said Mr. Trump’s remarks
Trump has repeatedly said In an interview broadcast paying tens of thousands of now the potential leader of the about Judge Curiel were “vi-
that U.S. District Judge Gon- Sunday on CNN, Mr. Trump dollars on the belief they U.S. and he’s got to move his cious” and “typical” of Mr.

zalo Curiel, the Indiana-born complained that Judge Curiel would be trained to learn Mr. game up to the level of being a Trump’s “ethnic slurs and
jurist presiding over civil fraud had issued “horrible rulings” Trump’s real estate strategies. potential leader.” rants against everyone.”
litigation in California involv- against him in the Trump Uni- Mr. Trump denies the allega- Republican Sen. Rob Port- The former secretary of
ing Trump University, is unfit versity litigation and had tions, saying the students got man of Ohio, who is facing a state, appearing on ABC, said
to hear the case because he is treated him “very unfairly.” He their money’s worth, with difficult re-election race in a her opponent is “trying to di-
of Mexican ancestry and Mr. cited the judge’s “Mexican her- many offering positive evalua- U.S. Judge Gonzalo Curiel battleground state, told the vert attention from the very
Trump has vowed to build a itage” and noted “I’m building tions of the program. Washington Post in an inter- serious fraud charges” against
wall along the U.S.-Mexico a wall” between the U.S. and Appearing on NBC, Mr. are either recent immigrants view printed Sunday, “The fact the for-profit school.
border. Mexico. Judge Curiel, he said, McConnell said that “all of us or have ancestors who “were that the judge has a Mexican- Mr. Trump, she said, “does
“I couldn’t disagree more “should recuse himself.” came here from somewhere risk takers and who got up American heritage has nothing have that thin skin and, you
with what he had to say,” Sen- Asked whether it was racist else.” from wherever they were and to do with how you should de- know, Judge Curiel is as Amer-
ate Majority Leader Mitch to say the judge can’t do his Almost all Americans, the came here.” scribe his judicial ability.” ican as I am and certainly as
McConnell said in an interview job effectively because of his Kentucky Republican added, The denunciations come as And last week, House American as Donald Trump.”
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, June 6, 2016 | A5
A6 | Monday, June 6, 2016 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

RACE mid-1980s, takes a more ag-

gressive approach.
A victory in California and
elsewhere on Tuesday would
Continued from Page One
“strengthen” the argument for
the nomination, Mr. Weaver WIRE
For now, Democratic offi- said, but it isn’t necessary to HHHHH
cials, fund-raisers and opera- keep the candidacy alive
tives are getting impatient, through the convention.
calling on Mr. Sanders to quit “The plan is as the senator DEMOCRATIC RESULTS
the race and begin the work of has described it: to go forward
unifying the party for the after Tuesday and keep the
Clinton Winner in
showdown with the Republi- campaign going to the conven- Puerto Rico Primary
can presumptive nominee. tion and make the case to su- Hillary Clinton overwhelmed


Orin Kramer, a New York perdelegates that Sen. Sanders Bernie Sanders in Puerto Rico's
hedge-fund manager who has is the best chance that Demo- Democratic presidential primary
raised campaign funds for crats have to beat Trump,” Mr. on Sunday, putting her within
both President Barack Obama Weaver said. striking distance of capturing her
and Mrs. Clinton, said with re- That is what worries Demo- party's nomination.
spect to Mr. Sanders’s future cratic leaders. Pointing to After a victory Saturday in the
plans: “I would hope people polls indicating a tightening U.S. Virgin Islands and a win in the
would understand what a race in November, they say U.S. territory, Mrs. Clinton was less
Trump presidency would mean Sen. Bernie Sanders shook hands while campaigning in Los Angeles on Saturday. Mr. Sanders, if he is sincere than 30 delegates short of the
and act accordingly—and ‘ac- about beating back Mr. Trump, 2,383 needed to win the nomina-
cordingly’ means quickly.” must quickly join forces with tion, according to an Associated
A strong showing in New POLITICS COUNTS the party front-runner. Press count.
Jersey on Tuesday, before Cal- “Democrats will need as While Puerto Rican residents
ifornia results even come in,
could help Mrs. Clinton reach
the 2,383 delegates needed to
clinch the nomination. Her to-
Tuesday’s Terrain much unity as early as we can
get it as possible,” said Tom
Daschle, a former Senate Dem-
ocratic leader. “It would be a
cannot vote in the general election,
the island's politics could reverber-
ate into the fall campaign. Tens of
thousands of Puerto Ricans have
tal includes hundreds of su-
The six states holding Democratic contests Tuesday offer different huge mistake to underestimate left the island to escape a dismal
perdelegates—party leaders challenges for Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders. Mr. Sanders [Mr. Trump]. We’ve done that economy, with many resettling in
and elected officials who can has won no state that is more racially diverse than the U.S. on the entire election season.” the key battleground of Florida.
back either candidate. Mr. Democratic Senate leader —Associated Press
Sanders is hoping that defeat- average, so rural Montana and South Dakota, which are largely non- Harry Reid has concluded Mr.
ing Mrs. Clinton in the most Hispanic white, are likely a good fit for him. Diverse and densely Sanders has no path to the CAMPAIGN VIOLENCE
populous state later Tuesday nomination, an aide said, and
might give superdelegates rea- populated New Jersey will probably favor Mrs. Clinton. that he should shift focus to
Trump: Protesters
son to drop her and get be- helping Democrats pick up Sent by Democrats
hind his candidacy. Those su- People per square mile Percent white, non-Hispanic Pledged delegates at stake Senate seats. Doing so would Presumptive Republican presi-
perdelegates have given no help Mr. Sanders return to the dential nominee Donald Trump
U.S. 90 63
indication they will shift alle- chamber with more power on Sunday suggested protesters
giances. California 251 39 475 than he wielded before the who attacked his supporters af-
Even so, Mr. Sanders isn’t New Jersey 1,208 58 126 presidential race began a year ter a rally in San Jose, Calif.,
backing off. In an interview New Mexico 17 40 34 ago, the aide said. Thursday were “paid agitators”
that aired Sunday on CNN, he Montana 7 87 21
William Daley, who chaired deployed by the Democrats.
stepped up an attack on Mrs. Mr. Gore’s presidential cam- Appearing on CNN, Mr. Trump
Clinton involving the Clinton South Dakota 11 84 20 paign and served as a White blamed for the mayhem “thugs”
Foundation. Echoing a critique North Dakota 11 88 18 House chief of staff for Mr. who attend “every rally.”
made by Republicans, Mr. Obama, said in an interview “They’re bad people, and I
Sanders said he has “a prob- Source: U.S. Census Bureau (demographics); Democratic National Committee (delegates) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. the “damage” Mr. Sanders think they’re sent by the Demo-
lem” with the foundation ac- could do is “overwhelming if crats,” he said.
cepting money from foreign he doesn’t give [Mrs. Clinton] He offered no evidence for
sources during her service as her focus to Mr. Trump, she year—four days after the pri- two campaigns might set aside the breather she needs in the the claim, but said some of the
secretary of state. told CNN that after Tuesday, mary season ended—she gave differences that have grown run-up to the convention to protesters were holding cam-
In a news conference Satur- “I’m going to do everything I a speech bowing out and im- more pronounced in the heat take on Trump.” paign signs for Democratic candi-
day in California, Mr. Sanders can to reach out to try to mediately threw her support of the year-long campaign. At a minimum, some of date Bernie Sanders.
indicated he would battle for unify the Democratic Party, to Mr. Obama. “What will happen hope- Mrs. Clinton’s supporters In separate appearances on
superdelegates all the way to and I expect Sen. Sanders to Tad Devine, a senior Sand- fully when the voting is done, would like to see Mr. Sanders CNN, Mr. Sanders and Democratic
the convention. do the same.” ers strategist who advised our two campaigns will begin lay off the attacks. Alan Kes- front-runner Hillary Clinton con-
“The Democratic National When she ran against Mr. Democratic nominees Al Gore to talk once more to one an- sler, a longtime Democratic demned violence at political gath-
Convention will be a contested Obama in 2008, Mrs. Clinton in 2000 and John Kerry in other and figure out where the fundraiser, said Mr. Sanders’s erings. “I condemn it absolutely,”
convention,” he said. stayed in the race until the 2004, among others, sug- common ground is,” he said. tone is “a little disappointing.” Mr. Sanders said. “I want to make
Mrs. Clinton, who won end. As late as the final week gested the “path forward” is Campaign manager Jeff “There’s no reason why he it clear that any person who is a
Puerto Rico’s Democratic pri- of voting, she was talking uncertain, hinging on the out- Weaver, who has worked in shouldn’t fight for the things Bernie Sanders supporter, please,
mary on Sunday, seems to be hopefully of wooing super-del- come in California and other Mr. Sanders’s congressional that he’s talking about, but do not in any way, shape or form
running out of patience with egates and capturing the nom- states. He voiced a concilia- offices and Vermont-based there’s no need to continually engage in violence.”
Mr. Sanders. Having shifted ination. But on June 7 of that tory note, describing how the campaigns dating to the make it personal,” he added. —Kate Davidson
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Monday, June 6, 2016 | A7


Funding Fights Vex Schools Risk Algorithms

Officials in Kansas,
Illinois and Michigan
Face Court Test
work to try to keep BY JOE PALAZZOLO do are boring or dull?” Scores
are generated by comparing an
classrooms open Algorithms used by authori- offender’s characteristics to a
ties to predict the likelihood of representative criminal popula-
Lawmakers in some states criminal conduct are facing a tion of the same sex.
have a daunting homework as- major legal test in Wisconsin. Prosecutors said Mr. Loomis
signment over their summer The state’s highest court is was the driver of a car involved
break: to find hundreds of mil- set to rule on whether such al- in a drive-by shooting in La
lions of dollars to make sure gorithms, known as risk assess- Crosse, Wis., on Feb. 11, 2013.
the next school year can start ments, violate due process and Mr. Loomis denied any involve-
on time. discriminate against men when ment in the shooting, saying he
judges rely on them in sentenc- drove the car only after it had
By Melissa Korn, ing. The ruling would be among occurred. He pleaded guilty in

Douglas Belkin the first to speak to the legality 2013 to attempting to flee po-
and Kris Maher of risk assessments as an aid in lice in a car and operating a ve-
meting out punishments. hicle without the owner’s con-
Stung by lower tax revenue Criminal-justice experts sent and was sentenced to six
and nearing the end of the reg- skeptical of such tools say they years in prison and five years
ular legislative sessions, politi- are inherently biased, treating of supervision.
cians and school administra- poor people as riskier than “The risk assessment tools
tors in Kansas, Illinois and those who are well off. Propo- that have been utilized suggest
some other Midwestern states nents of risk assessments say that you’re extremely high risk
are scrambling to firm up fi- Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner tells students in Auburn, Ill., in April about budget talks with lawmakers. they have elevated sentencing to reoffend,” Judge Scott Horne
nancial packages that would to something closer to a sci-
keep some educational pro- our children’s education,” he highest unemployment rate. jected to run out of cash. ence.
grams running through the said. “We’re like a banana repub- On Thursday, the state “Evidence has a better track
Tools used to
summer, and ensure that class- State Rep. Jim Ward, a lic. We can’t manage our House of Representatives record for assessing risks and evaluate offenders
rooms open again in the fall. Democrat, said his colleagues money,” Gov. Bruce Rauner passed a set of six bills that needs than intuition alone,”
The Kansas Supreme Court in the statehouse are the ones told reporters last week when would provide $617 million to wrote Christine Remington, an
for sentencing raise
ruled last month that legisla- playing politics. “They’re going the two sides again failed to the district, including $467 assistant attorney general in controversy.
tive efforts to make funding to play chicken for a while. reach a deal. million to pay off its operating Wisconsin, in a legal brief filed
for poorer school districts That never works out well,” he Illinois passed supplemental debt and $150 million to start in January defending the state’s
more equitable didn’t go far said, predicting a special ses- bills to release funds for spe- up a new, debt-free district. use of the evaluations. in La Crosse County said at Mr.
enough to meet a standing sion would be called toward cific purposes, like education, Democrats overwhelmingly Risk-evaluation tools have Loomis’s sentencing.
court order; judges said Fri- month’s end. last year; a first attempt to do opposed the funding plan, call- gained in popularity amid ef- Mr. Loomis said in his ap-
day that the state had un- “We must plan for the the same for the coming cycle ing for more money for the forts around the country to peal that Judge Horne’s reli-
til June 30 to bring funding worst and hope for the best,” failed last week. district and a new commission curb the number of repeat of- ance on COMPAS violated his
formulas in line with constitu- John Allison, superintendent Chicago’s schools won’t to oversee school openings. fenders. They help authorities right to due process, because
tional requirements or the of the 51,000-student Wichita open in the fall unless the gov- The measures passed Thurs- sort prisoners, set bail and the company that makes the
court would shut schools. School District, wrote on the ernor and Legislature pass a day would create an advisory weigh parole decisions. But test, Northpointe, doesn’t re-
The Kansas fight is the lat- district’s website Thursday. budget or supplemental educa- council that would make no their use in sentencing is more veal how it weighs the answers
est fallout from a move by the He said that while regular tion appropriation, said Chi- binding recommendations. controversial. to arrive at a risk score.
state’s Republican governor summer school is completed cago Public Schools Chief Ex- “This plan saves Detroit’s Before the sentencing of 34- Northpointe General Man-
and Legislature to cut taxes by July 1 and won’t be affected ecutive Forrest Claypool. That school system and returns lo- year-old Eric Loomis, whose ager Jeffrey Harmon declined
dramatically in an effort to by any shutdown, extended could compound the problems cal control to the city, prevent- case is before the state’s high to comment on Mr. Loomis’s
spur economic growth. summer sessions and a sum- facing many of the city’s ing a disastrous bankruptcy court, Wisconsin authorities case but said algorithms that
The state’s regular legisla- mertime meal program used neighborhoods already suffer- that would have affected every evaluated his criminal risk with perform the risk assessments
tive session ended last by low-income students could ing from a surge in deadly community in the state,” said a widely used tool called COM- are proprietary. The outcome,
Wednesday and was adjourned be suspended, and monthly shootings this year. Republican House Speaker PAS, or Correctional Offender he said, is all that is needed to
until January. Gov. Sam payroll and nonbond vendor “Any time your school sys- Kevin Cotter. Management Profiling for Al- validate the tools.
Brownback hasn’t yet said payments of more than $50 tem shuts down it has an in- The measures now head to ternative Sanctions, a 137-ques- Northpointe says its studies
whether he would call for a million would be affected. credible impact on families,” the state Senate, which passed tion test that covers criminal have shown COMPAS’s recidi-
special session to address Illinois closed out its spring said Mr. Claypool, whose dis- a different version of the pack- and parole history, age, em- vism risk score to have an accu-
school funding, but he reiter- legislative session last Tues- trict has more than 392,000 age. Michigan’s Legislature ployment status, social life, ed- racy rate of 68% to 70%. Inde-
ated Friday that he would day without a budget for the students. “But I don’t believe it typically breaks for the sum- ucation level, community ties, pendent evaluations have
work with the attorney general second year in a row. The will come to that.” mer in mid-June, and the Sen- drug use and beliefs. produced mixed findings.
and legislative leadership “to state, with a Republican gover- Meanwhile, Michigan law- ate could squeeze in the new The assessment includes Michael Rosenberg, a lawyer
respond aggressively and ap- nor and Democratic-led Legis- makers are trying to finalize a proposals this week, said Am- queries like, “Did a parent fig- for Mr. Loomis, and a spokes-
propriately” to the court’s clo- lature, now has $7 billion in financial rescue package less ber McCann, spokeswoman for ure who raised you ever have a woman for the Wisconsin Attor-
sure threat. “The court should unpaid bills, as well as the na- than a month before the De- Senate Majority Leader Arlan drug or alcohol problem?” and ney General Brad Schimel de-
not be playing politics with tion’s lowest credit rating and troit Public Schools are pro- Meekhof. “Do you feel that the things you clined to comment on the case.

Continued from Page One
various federal agencies led by
the White House science of-
fice, the people familiar with
the matter said, the company
appears close to obtaining
what it has called “mission ap-
proval.” Until recently, Moon
Express faced a regulatory

Catch-22 because there was no

template for getting Washing-
ton’s blessing for what it pro-
Official action coordinated
through the Federal Aviation
Rendering of Moon Express’s suitcase-size MX-1 spacecraft. Olympics
Administration, which regu- transmit photos and videos. of its payload” to determine if
lates U.S. rocket launches and
is responsible for traditional
payload reviews, could come
Moon Express’s lander is
slated to be blasted into orbit
from a remote New Zealand
it poses “any significant public
safety, national security, or
foreign policy concerns.”
as soon as the next few weeks, site by a 52-foot Electron “With the emergence of
these people said.
An FAA spokesman said the
agency “is currently working
rocket manufactured
Rocket Lab Ltd. Onboard
thrusters are supposed to pro-
by new private players, it’s im-
portant to show some regula-
tory predictability,” according
Make a
through the interagency pro- pel the spacecraft, carrying a to Scott Pace, a former senior
cess to ensure a mechanism is
in place that permits emerging
space telescope and equip-
ment for other experiments,
NASA official who teaches at
George Washington University.
commercial space operations” further from the Earth and Moon Express illustrates
such as Moon Express. But the
agency declined to elaborate.
down to the Moon’s surface in
a matter of days or weeks.
how dramatically costs to
build and launch small space-
Bob Richards, chief execu- Though the plan has drawn craft are falling. When the
tive and a founder of Moon little attention outside the company was formed around Join us in raising $1,000,000 to
Express, said over the week- commercial space industry, it the beginning of the decade, it
end that “we’ve become a reg- is being closely monitored by projected a moon mission support Special Olympics athletes.
ulatory pathfinder out of ne- aerospace companies and en- would cost roughly $50 mil- Now through June 24, 2016, you
cessity,” because in the past trepreneurs mulling invest- lion. Today, company officials
“only governments have un- ments in the nascent industry. project a price tag of around can make a donation at your local
dertaken space missions be- Under decades-old treaties, half that amount.
TD Bank.*
yond Earth orbit.” He added the U.S. and other countries The government is ex-
that the company “is eagerly are responsible for “continu- pected to use the same pro-
awaiting a determination” on ing supervision” of both gov- cess to vet private attempts to To learn more about how you
its mission-approval request. ernment and commercial pay- fly deeper into space, includ-
Based in Cape Canaveral, loads. Such responsibilities are ing billionaire Elon Musk’s can make a difference, visit
Fla., Moon Express, which has largely formalities when they plan to send an unmanned
40 employees, was co-founded focus on satellites headed for craft to Mars in 2018. Officials
by Naveen Jain, a Silicon Val- typical orbits around the of SpaceX, as Mr. Musk’s com- or call 1-888-751-9000.
ley entrepreneur and philan- Earth, or spacecraft controlled pany is called, are engaged in
thropist, and Mr. Richards, by the Pentagon, the National similar governmentwide dis-
along with another longtime Aeronautics and Space Admin- cussions in advance of seek-
space expert, Barney Pell, a istration or other federal enti- ing a launch license.
former NASA scientist. Mr. ties. So far, the government A SpaceX spokesman on
Richards also is a founder of has sent probes to the Moon, Sunday said, “we take plane-
International Space University, Mars and other planets. tary protection very seri-
a private institution that But the proposed Moon Ex- ously,” adding the company is
trains space scientists and press mission is more com- working with federal officials
which has a central campus in plex, raising new questions to ensure compliance with
Strasbourg, France. about international treaty ob- space treaty obligations.
From the beginning, Moon ligations and protection of Eventually, space scientists
Express’s goal was to conduct heavenly bodies. and aerospace-industry lead-
robotic missions able to carry The new procedure features ers expect congressional ac-
scientific payloads and scale a more detailed, govern- tion will be required to spell
up to commercial operations. mentwide review of what such out new review procedures re-
The company is among payloads include, and whether ducing industry uncertainty.
those competing for the their contents or expected tra- But until that occurs, Moon *92% of all donations benefit Special Olympics; remaining 8%
Google Lunar X Prize, which jectories pose contamination Express is expected to set the used for promotional materials.
offers a first prize of $20 mil- or other threats prohibited by standard for how the FAA,
lion for the first privately treaty provisions. According to State Department and other TD Bank, N.A. | Equal Housing Lender
funded team that develops a the FAA, a company such as federal agencies review pri-
spacecraft to land on the Moon Express “may volun- vate launches aiming to escape
Moon, traverse its surface and tarily request an FAA review the Earth’s gravitational pull.
A8 | Monday, June 6, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, June 6, 2016 | A9



As U.S. and European leaders have acknowledged, EUROPEAN MAYORS AND MUNICIPAL LEADERS ROMANIA
Alba Iulia – Mircea Hava
Biel – Erich Fehr
Lawrence – Daniel Rivera
Leominster – Dean J. Mazzarella
Rye Brook – Paul S. Rosenberg
Southold – Scott A. Russell
anti-Semitism is on the rise. In response, AJC reached Iasi – Mihai Chirica Lausanne – Daniel Brelaz Lowell – Rodney M. Elliott Suffolk County – Steven Bellone
ALBANIA Lampertheim – Gottfried Störmer Malden – Gary Christenson Syracuse – Stephanie Miner
out to mayors across Europe and the U.S., urging Berat – Petrit Sinaj Landau – Thomas Hirsch SLOVAKIA UKRAINE
Mendon – Mark Reil Wesley Hills – Marshall Katz
Korçë - Sotiraq Filo Landsberg am Lech – Mathias Neuner Bratislava – Ivo Nesrovnal Chernivtsi – Oleskii Kaspruk
Methuen – Steve Zanni Westchester County – Robert P.
them to publicly condemn and take concrete actions Lushnjë – Fatos Tushe Leipzig – Burkhard Jung SLOVENIA
Kiev – Vitaly Klichko
Monterey – Scott J. Jenssen Astorino
Patos – Rajmonda Balilaj Leverkusen – Uwe Richrath Lviv – Andriy Sadovyy White Plains – Tom Roach
Needham – Maurice P. Handel
against this pathology. These 188 European mayors Roskovec – Majlinda Bufi Lingen/Ems – Dieter Krone
Ljubljana – Zoran Janković
Odessa – Gennadiy Trukhanov
Newburyport – Donna D. Holaday Williston Park – Paul M. Ehrbar
from 31 countries, representing over 67 million people, Tirana – Erion Veliaj Ludwigshafen – Eva Lohse
Maintal – Monika Böttcher
Madrid – Manuela Carmena UNITED KINGDOM Newton – Setti Warren Yonkers – Mike Spano
Bristol – Marvin Rees Northampton – David Narkewicz NORTH CAROLINA
and 319 U.S. mayors and municipal leaders from 50 Salzburg – Heinz Schaden
Mainz – Michael Ebling SWEDEN London – Sadiq Khan Norwood – Paul A. Bishop Asheville – Esther E. Manheimer
Mannheim – Peter Kurz Stockholm – Karin Wanngard – Boris Johnson (2008-16) Plympton – Mark E. Russo Charlotte – Daniel G. Clodfelter
states and the District of Columbia, representing over Vienna – Michael Häupl
Marzahn Hellersdorf – Stefan Komoß Salford – Ian Stewart Quincy – Thomas P. Koch
Villach – Günther Albel NORTH DAKOTA
Meppen – Helmut Knurbein St. Albans – Salih Gaygusuz Revere – Daniel Rizzo
82 million people, have signed the Mayors United BELGIUM Mitte – Christian Hanke Salem – Kimberley Driscoll Grand Forks – Michael Brown

Against Anti-Semitism statement. Antwerp – Bart de Wever Monheim am Rhein – Daniel

Sandisfield – Alice B. Boyd OHIO
Boortmeerbeek – Michel Baert Sandwich – Frank Pannorfi Akron – Jeff Fusco


Knokke-Heist – Graaf Leopold Mühlheim an der Ruhr – Ulrich
Sharon – William A. Heitin
“Anti-Semitism is not compatible with fundamental democratic values,” Lippens Scholten Amberley Village – Thomas C.
Somerville – Joseph Curtatone Muething
asserts the Mayors United Against Anti-Semitism statement. Turnhout – Eric Vos Munich – Dieter Reiter
Springfield – Domenic J. Sarno Beachwood – Merle S. Gorden
Neuburg an der Donau – Bernhard
ALABAMA Johns Creek – Michael E. Bodker Stoughton – Joseph M. Mokrisky
“As Mayors and municipal leaders, we have a special responsibility to BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Gmehling Blue Ash – Lee Czerwonka
Nuremberg – Ulrich Maly Birmingham – William A. Bell Macon-Bibb County – Robert A. B. Taunton – Thomas Hoye, Jr. Cincinnati – John Cranley
speak out against the growing menace of anti-Semitism.” The statement Sarajevo – Ivo Komšić
Mobile – William S. Stimpson Reichert Waltham – Jeannette A. McCarthy
Offenbach – Horst Schneider Cleveland Heights – Dennis R.
affirms that: BULGARIA Roswell – Jere Wood Worcester – Joseph Petty Wilcox
Offenburg – Edith Schreiner ALASKA
Sofia – Yordanka Fandakova Sandy Springs – Russell K. Paul Columbus – Michael B. Coleman
Oranienburg – Hans-Joachim Anchorage – Ethan Berkowitz MICHIGAN
Laesicke Savannah – Edna Branch Jackson Cuyahoga County – Armond Budish
“We, the undersigned, CROATIA Ann Arbor – Christopher Taylor
Osnabrück – Wolfgang Griesert ARIZONA HAWAII Dayton – Nan Whaley
Zagreb – Milan Bandic Farmington Hills – Barry L. Brickner
n Condemn anti-Jewish hatred, in all its forms; Pankow – Matthias Köhne Phoenix – Greg Stanton Hilo – William P. Kenoi Harrison – Bill Neyer
CYPRUS Muskegon – Stephen J. Gawron Lima – David J. Berger
Passau – Jürgen Dupper Tempe – Mark W. Mitchell
n Reject the notion that anti-Semitic acts, while sometimes Honolulu – Kirk Caldwell Oak Park – Marian McClellan
Akanthou – Savvas Savvides Pforzheim – Gert Hager Tucson – Jonathan Rothschild Loveland – Linda Cox
carried out in the name of a political cause, may ever be Athienou – Dimitris Papapetrou Schwäbisch Gmünd – Richard
IDAHO Southfield – Donald F. Fracassi Lyndhurst – Joseph M. Cicero, Jr.
justified or excused by one’s opinions about the actions or Ayia Napa – Yiannis Karousos Arnold Boise – David H. Bieter MINNESOTA Parma – Tim DeGeeter
Little Rock – Mark Stodola
existence of the State of Israel; Ayios Dhometios – Kostas Petrou Springe – Christian Springfeld ILLINOIS Golden Valley – Shep Harris Pepper Pike – Richard Bain
Dali – Leontios Kallenos Stuttgart – Fritz Kuhn CALIFORNIA Berwyn – Robert J. Lovero Reading – Robert P. Bemmes
n Declare that prejudices against Jews or others due to Engomi – Zacharias Kyriacou Trier – Wolfram Leibe Agoura Hills – Illece Buckley Weber
Shaker Heights – Earl M. Leiken
Bloomington – Tari Renner Gulfport – Billy Hewes
differences in religious faith are inconsistent with our core Famagusta – Alexis Galanos Tübingen – Boris Palmer Albany – Peter Maass Bolingbrook – Roger C. Claar South Euclid – Georgine Welo
Ulm – Ivo Gönner Jackson – Tony T. Yarber
values; Geri – Argyris Argyrou Anaheim – Tom Tait Chicago – Rahm Emanuel Toledo – Paula Hicks-Hudson
Karavas – Ioannis Papaioannov Villingen-Schwenningen – Rupert Bakersfield – Harvey L. Hall Elgin – David Kaptain MISSOURI Youngstown – John A. McNally
n Support government efforts directed at eradicating anti- Kyrenia – Glafkos A. Cariolou
Kubon Beverly Hills – Julian A. Gold Clayton – Harold J. Sanger
Evanston – Elizabeth Tisdahl OKLAHOMA
Semitism and preventing extremist indoctrination and Wedemark – Helge Zychlinski Calabasas – Lucy M. Martin
Kythrea – Petros Kareklas Glencoe – Lawrence R. Levin Creve Coeur – Barry L. Glantz
Weiden – Kurt Seggewiß Tulsa – Dewey F. Bartlett, Jr.
recruitment; and support expanded education programs, Larnaca – Andreas Louroudjiatis Dublin – David Haubert Highland Park – Nancy Rotering Kansas City – Sylvester “Sly” James, Jr.
Werl – Michael Grossmann Emeryville – Ruth Atkin OREGON
including Holocaust programs, that increase awareness and Latsia - Panayiotis Kyprianou Homewood – Richard A. Hofeld St. Louis – Francis G. Slay
Wernigerode – Peter Gaffert Irvine – Steven S. Choi Beaverton – Denny Doyle
Lefkara – Savvas Xenofontos Joliet – Robert O’Dekirk University City – Shelley Welsch
counter intolerance and discrimination; Wittenberg – Torsten Zugehör Long Beach – Robert Garcia Portland – Charlie Hales
Limassol – Andreas Christou Morton Grove – Daniel P. DiMaria
Wolfenbüttel – Thomas Pink MONTANA
n Recognize the ever-present need to be vigilant about efforts to Morphou – Charalambos Pittas Los Altos – Jan Pepper Northfield – Fred Gougler Great Falls – Bob Kelly PENNSYLVANIA
Worms - Michael Kissel Los Angeles – Eric Garcetti
prevent and report acts of anti-Semitism, and other hate crimes; Nicosia – Constantinos Yiorkadjis Orland Park – Daniel J. McLaughlin Allentown – Ed Pawlowski
Zwickau – Pia Findeiß Sacramento – Kevin Johnson NEBRASKA
Paphos – Phedonas Phedonas Peoria – James Ardis Easton – Salvatore J. Panto, Jr.
and Paralimni – Theodoros Pyrillis San Diego – Kevin Faulconer Lincoln – Chris Beutler
GREECE Schaumberg – Al Larson Montgomery County – Josh Shapiro
n Believe that communities that promote a climate of mutual Strovolos – Lazaros Savvides Athens – Giorgos Kaminis San Francisco – Edwin M. Lee Skokie – George Van Dusen NEVADA Philadelphia – James F. Kenney
Yermasoyia – Andreas Gavrielides Thessaloniki – Yiannis Boutaris San Jose – Sam Liccardo
understanding and respect among all citizens are essential to Wheeling – Dean S. Argiris Henderson – Andy A. Hafen Pittsburgh – William Peduto
San Leandro – Pauline Cutter
good governance and democratic life.” CZECH REPUBLIC HUNGARY Santa Barbara – Helene Schneider INDIANA Las Vegas – Carolyn G. Goodman
Brno - Petr Vokřál Budapest – István Tarlós Santa Monica – Kevin McKeown Indianapolis – Gregory A. Ballard NEW HAMPSHIRE Central Falls – James A. Diossa
Prague – Adriana Krnáčová Debrecen – Papp László Cranston – Allan Fung
If your mayor is listed, please take a moment to thank him or her for West Hollywood – Lindsey P. Horvath IOWA Portsmouth – Robert J. Lister
Eger – László Habis Providence – Jorge Elorza
standing up against anti-Semitism. Otherwise, mayors can join this DENMARK COLORADO Des Moines – T.M. Franklin Cownie NEW JERSEY
Győr-Moson-Sopron County – Warwick – Scott Avedisian
Copenhagen – Frank Jensen
global effort by contacting If not now, when? Zoltán Németh Aurora – Stephen D. Hogan KANSAS Atlantic City – Donald A. Guardian
ESTONIA Kaposvár – Szita Károly Denver – Michael B. Hancock Kansas City – Mark R. Holland Avalon – Martin L. Pagliughi SOUTH CAROLINA
Tallinn – Taavi Aas Pécs – Zsolt Pava Leawood – Peggy J. Dunn Camden County – Jeffrey L. Nash Charleston – Joseph P. Riley, Jr.
Somogy County – Gergely Jako Overland Park – Carl R. Gerlach Cape May – Edward J. Mahaney, Jr. Columbia – Stephen K. Benjamin
FRANCE East Hartford – Marcia A. Leclerc
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County – Wichita – Jeff Longwell Cherry Hill – Chuck Cahn
Bordeaux – Alain Juppé Greenwich – Peter J. Tesei SOUTH DAKOTA
Oskár Sesztár Closter – John C. Glidden, Jr.
Montpellier – Philippe Saurel Hartford – Pedro E. Segarra KENTUCKY Rapid City – Steve Allender
East Hanover – Joseph Pannullo
Nancy – Laurent Hénart IRELAND Middletown – Daniel Drew Lexington – Jim Gray
Nice – Christian Estrosi Dublin – Críona Ní Dhálaigh New Britain – Erin E. Stewart Louisville – Greg Fischer Elizabeth – J. Christian Bollwage Chattanooga – Andy Berke
Arthur & Willi Aeder Lawrence D. Ginsburg Aldo & Sandra Papone Paris – Anne Hidalgo Stamford – David R. Martin
ITALY LOUISIANA Englewood – Frank Huttle Memphis – AC Wharton, Jr.
New York, NY Dallas, TX New York, NY
Sarcelles – François Pupponi Westport – James S. Marpe
Ancona – Valeria Mancinelli Bossier City – Lorenz J. Walker Fort Lee – Mark J. Sokolich Nashville – Karl Dean
Len Berenfield Dr. Rosemary Gluck Norman & Myrna Ricken
Cincinnati, OH
Strasbourg – Roland Ries Bologna – Virginio Merola DELAWARE Harrison – James Fife Shelby County – Mark H. Luttrell, Jr.
Baltimore, MD Boca Raton, FL
Toulouse – Jean Luc Moudenc Briga Novarese – Chiara Barbieri Wilmington – Dennis P. Williams MAINE Highland Park – Gayle Brill Mittler
Stanley & Marion Bergman Barnard & Rachel Gottstein Judith & David Rivkin
Augusta – David M. Rollins TEXAS
New York, NY Gottstein Family Foundation Rumson, NJ Campobasso – Antonio Battista Hope Township – Timothy C.
Anchorage, AK GERMANY DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Austin – Steve Adler
Richard L. Berkman & Toni Seidl Dr. Alain Roizen Ferrara – Tiziano Tagliani Bangor – Nelson E. Durgin McDonough
Philadelphia, PA Fleur & Leonard Harlan New York, NY Aachen – Marcel Philipp Muriel Bowser Corpus Christi – Nelda Martinez
Florence – Dario Nardella Lewiston – Robert E. Macdonald Jersey City – Steven M. Fulop
Rena & Martin Blackman New York, NY Daryl & Steven Roth Augsburg – Kurt Gribl Dallas – Mike Rawlings
Genova – Marco Doria FLORIDA Portland – Michael F. Brennan Livingston – Michael M. Silverman
New York, NY Alan & Barbara S. Jacobs New York, NY Bayreuth – Brigitte Merk-Erbe Fort Worth – Betsy Price
New York, NY L’Aquila – Massimo Cialente Apopka - Joe Kilsheimer Margate – Michael S. Becker
Adele G. Block Jan & Lawrence Ruben Bergheim – Maria Pfordt MARYLAND Galveston – James D. Yarbrough
New York, NY David & Terry Kahan New York, NY Milan – Giuliano Pisapia Aventura – Enid Weisman Marlboro – Jonathan L. Hornik
Troy, MI
Bochum - Thomas Eiskirch Anne Arundel County – Steve Schuh Garland – Douglas Athas
Lee Bohm Bonnie & Mitchell Rudin Novara – Andrea Ballarè Bal Harbour – Martin Packer Morristown – Timothy P. Dougherty
St. Louis, MO Gershon & Carol Kekst Scarsdale, NY
Bonn – Ashok Sridharan Baltimore – Stephanie Rawlings- Houston – Sylvester Turner
Palermo – Leoluca Orlando Bay Harbor Islands – Jordan W. Blake Newark – Ras Baraka
Giulietta Boukhobza & David Harris New York, NY Joan & Jack Saltz Bramsche – Heiner Pahlmann Plano – Harry LaRosiliere
Potenza – Dario De Luca Leonard Baltimore County – Kevin Kamenetz Parsipanny-Troy Hills – James R.
New York, NY Mr. and Mrs. Harris L. Kempner, Jr. New York, NY Braunschweig – Ulrich Markurth Richardson – Paul Voelker
Trento – Alessandro Andreatta Boca Raton – Susan Haynie Barberio
Lotte & Ludwig Bravmann Galveston, TX Arthur & Rebecca Samberg Charlottenburg – Reinhard Brunswick – Karin Tome
Plainsboro – Peter Cantu San Antonio – Ivy R. Taylor
Riverdale, NY Richard J. Kogan Ossining, NY Trieste – Roberto Cosolini Boynton Beach – Jerry Taylor College Park – Andrew M. Fellows
Naumann Waco – Malcolm Duncan, Jr.
Leo Bretter Short Hills, NJ The Schleifer Family Foundation Turin – Piero Fassino Broward County – Tim Ryan Princeton – Liz Lempert
Cologne – Henriette Reker Gaithersburg – Jud Ashman
New York, NY Sandra Krause Chappaqua, NY
Venice – Luigi Brugnaro Cooper City – Greg Ross Randolph – Joanne Veech UTAH
In Memory of Maurice L. Strauss Dachau – Florian Hartmann Hagerstown – David S. Gysberts
Simone & Jerome Chazen Seigle Family Foundation Coral Springs – Walter “Skip” Ridgewood – Paul Aronsohn Holladay – Robert M. Dahle
The Chazen Foundation Los Angeles, CA Chicago, IL Datteln – André Dora Verona – Flavio Tosi Harford County – Barry Glassman
Campbell Roxbury Township – Jim Rilee Midvale City – JoAnn B. Seghini
New York, NY Ruth & Sid Lapidus Herbert J. Siegel Dortmund – Ullrich Sierau Laytonsville – Dan Prats
Harrison, NY LATVIA Deerfield Beach – Jean M. Robb Summit – Ellen Dickson
Reeve Chudd & Marian Mann New York, NY Düsseldorf – Thomas Geisel Montgomery County – Isiah “Ike” Provo – John R. Curtis
Pacific Palisade, CA Leonard & Judy Lauder Riga – Nils Ušakovs Delray Beach – Cary D. Glickstein Leggett Tenafly – Peter Rustin
Nancy Olnick Spanu Emmerich am Rhein – Peter Hinze Salt Lake City – Ralph Becker
Clarins Groupe USA New York, NY New York, NY Doral – Luigi Boria West Orange – Robert D. Parisi
LITHUANIA Prince George’s County – Rushern L. Salt Lake County – Ben McAdams
Susan & Bill Levine Erfurt - Andreas Bausewein
Shirley & Milton Cooper Mira J. Spektor Hallandale Beach – Joy Cooper Baker III West Windsor – Shing-Fu Hsueh
Phoenix, AZ Essen – Thomas Kufen Vilnius – Remigijus Šimašius
New Hyde Park, NY In Memory of Eryk Spektor Juno Beach – Mort Levine Queen Anne – Randy Esty Woodcliff Lake – Jeffrey R. Goldsmith VERMONT
The Litwin Foundation New York, NY Esslingen am Neckar – Jürgen
Richard & Rosalee Davison MALTA Lauderhill – Richard J. Kaplan Rockville – Bridget Donnell Newton Burlington – Miro Weinberger
New York, NY Zieger
Baltimore, MD Chris Spyropoulos
Valletta – Alexiei Dingli NEW MEXICO Montpelier – John Hollar
The Honorable & Mrs. Earl Mack Old Brookville, NY Miami – Tomas Pedro Regalado Somerset – Jeffrey Z. Slavin
Martin Elias Frankfurt – Peter Feldmann Santa Fe – Javier Gonzales
Muttontown, NY Palm Beach, FL Barry Sternlicht MOLDOVA Miami Beach – Philip Levine Washington Grove – Joli A.
Fürth – Thomas Jung VIRGINIA
George & Oscar Feldenkreis Eunice & Andrew Melnick Greenwich, CT
Chisinau – Dorin Chirtoaca Miami Dade County – Carlos A. McCathran NEW YORK
Locust, NJ Gelsenkirchen – Frank Baranowski Alexandria – Wiliam D. Euille
In Honor of Michael Gould Nicki & Harold Tanner Gimenez Buffalo – Byron W. Brown
Miami, FL Barbara Mines New York, NY Göttingen – Rolf-Georg Köhler NETHERLANDS MASSACHUSETTS Chesapeake – Alan P. Krasnoff
North Bay Village – Connie Leon-Kreps Farmingdale – Ralph Ekstrand
Philip M. & Regan Friedmann Jupiter, FL John & Barbara Vogelstein Greven – Peter Vennemeyer Amsterdam – E.E. van der Laan Agawam – Richard A. Cohen Fairfax County – Sharon Bulova
North Miami Beach – George Vallejo Greenburgh – Paul Feiner
Chicago, IL M.K. – Link Foundation Foundation Halberstadt – Andreas Henke The Hague - Jozias van Aartsen Attleboro – Kevin J. Dumas Norfolk – Paul D. Fraim
Las Vegas, NV New York, NY Ocala – Kent Guinn Hastings-on-Hudson – Peter
Alice & Nathan Gantcher Haltern am See – Bodo Klimpel Beverly – Michael P. Cahill Richmond – Dwight Clinton Jones
Palm Beach, FL Sara Moss & Michael Gould Barry & Teri Volpert Rotterdam - Ahmed Aboutaleb Orlando – Buddy Dyer Swiderski
New York, NY New York, NY Hamburg – Olaf Scholz Boston – Martin J. Walsh Suffolk – Linda T. Johnson
Morad Ghadamian POLAND Palm Beach County – Shelley Vana Hempstead – Kate Murray
New York, NY Gilbert S. Omenn, M.D. Hameln – Claudio Griese Brookline – Neil Wishinsky Virginia Beach – William D. Sessoms
Herbert D. Weitzman Palm Beach Gardens – Eric Jablin Huntington – Frank P. Petrone
Ann Arbor, MI Dallas, TX Hannover – Stefan Schostock Bydgoszcz – Rafał Bruski Cambridge – David P. Maher
Parkland – Michael Udine Mamaroneck – Norman S. Rosenblum WASHINGTON
Hansestadt Rostock – Roland Gdańsk – Paweł Adamowicz Charlton – Rick Swensen
Pembroke Pines – Frank C. Ortis Montebello – Jeffrey Oppenheim Mercer Island – Bruce Bassett
Methling Kielce - Wojciech Lubawski Chelmsford – Matt Hanson
Pinecrest – Cindy Lerner Nassau County – Edward P. Mangano Seattle – Ed Murray
Heidelberg – Eckart Würzner Lublin - Krzysztof Żuk Conway – John O’Rourke
Port St. Lucie – Gregory J. Oravec New Rochelle – Noam Bramson
Stanley M. Bergman David Harris Michael Gould Heilbronn – Harry Mergel Poznan – Jacek Jaskowiak Dedham – Jim MacDonald WEST VIRGINIA
St. Petersburg – Rick Kriseman New York – Bill De Blasio
PRESIDENT CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER CHAIR, MEDIA CAMPAIGN Hildesheim – Ingo Meyer Rzeszow – Tadeusz Ferenc Easthampton – Karen L. Cadieux Huntington – Stephen T. Williams
Sunrise – Michael J. Ryan Ossining – Victoria Gearity
Hofheim am Taunus – Gisela Stang Warsaw - Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz Egremont – Bruce Turner Wheeling – Andy McKenzie
Tamarac – Harry Dressler Oyster Bay – John Venditto
Hürth – Dirk Breuer Wrocław – Rafał Dutkiewicz Fitchburg – Lisa A. Wong
Weston – Daniel J. Stermer Peekskill – Frank Catalina WISCONSIN
Kamen – Hermann Hupe Gloucester – Sefatia Romeo Theken
PORTUGAL West Palm Beach – Geraldine ‘Jeri’ Port Washington North – Robert Madison – Paul Soglin /ajcglobal @ajcglobal Karlsruhe - Frank Mentrup Greenfield – William F. Martin
Lisbon – Fernando Medina Muoio Weitzner
Kiel - Ulf Kämpfer Haverhill – James J. Fiorentini WYOMING
Porto – Rui Moreira Rochester – Lovely A. Warren
Kleve – Sonja Northing GEORGIA Holyoke – Alex B. Morse Gillette – Louise Carter-King
Rockland County – Edwin J. Day
Atlanta – Kasim Reed Hull – John Brannan
Augusta – Hardie Davis, Jr.
A10 | Monday, June 6, 2016 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Maritime Spat Brews as U.S., China Talk
Beijing rejects warning


that it risks isolating
itself due to its stance
in territorial dispute
China and the U.S. sparred
over maritime disputes at a
weekend summit before sitting
down for economic and secu-
rity talks expected to be domi-
nated by tensions over the
South China Sea.
The dialogue, which began

By Chun Han Wong in

Singapore and Felicia
Schwartz in Beijing

on Monday in Beijing, takes

place with China bracing
against growing international
pressure over its territorial
claims and asserting its intent
to exercise greater clout as a
major power. Economic strains Chinese Adm. Sun Jianguo, left, on Sunday dismissed what he called U.S. interference in Asian security issues. At right, the USS Blue Ridge arrived in Shanghai in May.
between Beijing and Washing-
ton, meanwhile, have flared and Treasury Secretary Jack izations in both the United sertive behavior and expansive Carter on Saturday told the only a few of them referred di-
over currency and trade prac- Lew, and on the Chinese side States and China”—and said claims in the South China Sea. conference in Singapore that rectly to China.
tices. by State Councilor Yang Jiechi he would raise concerns about “We were not isolated in China risked erecting a “Great “The timing of this confer-
The intent of the high-level and Vice Premier Wang Yang. human rights and transpar- the past, we are not isolated Wall of self-isolation.” He ence was very sensitive for
talks, which President Barack At the opening of the ency in the meetings. now, and we will not be iso- urged Beijing to abide by in- China,” coming just ahead of
Obama launched in 2009, is to talks, Mr. Lew chided China Disagreements were evident lated in the future,” Adm. Sun ternational law and respect the tribunal ruling, said Bonnie
try to find common ground. for a recently passed law on Sunday. At Asia’s largest se- said at the Shangri-La Dia- the outcome of The Hague ar- Glaser, senior adviser for Asia
U.S. officials, for instance, granting police broad author- curity conference in Singapore, logue, an annual gathering of bitration case, which was filed at the Washington-based Center
have said they would seek Bei- ity to supervise foreign non- Beijing’s highest-ranking dele- Asian and Western defense of- by the Philippines in 2013 in a for Strategic and International
jing’s help in pressuring North profit groups. gate spoke forcefully against ficials. Instead, he criticized bid to curtail China’s territo- Studies. “The Chinese were
Korea over its nuclear pro- “We are very concerned U.S.-led criticism of China’s ac- other countries for retaining a rial assertions in the South very much on the defensive.”
gram. Last week, though, that China’s recently passed tivities in the South China Sea, “Cold War mentality” when China Sea. The ruling is ex- A senior Chinese delegate
Washington took additional Foreign NGO Management Law particularly its refusal to ac- dealing with China, saying pected within weeks. admitted as much, saying they
steps to cut off Pyongyang will weaken that foundation cept a coming tribunal ruling at they may only “end up isolat- China’s denunciations of face an uphill task in overcom-
from the global financial sys- by creating an unwelcome en- The Hague that could contra- ing themselves.” the tribunal and its legal au- ing foreign “propaganda”
tem—a move that could ex- vironment for foreign NGOs,” dict its maritime claims in the On Monday, at the start of thority dominated discussions against Beijing. “International
pose China, North Korea’s Mr. Lew said, adding that “ad- world’s busiest shipping lanes. the talks in Beijing, Chinese at the Shangri-La Dialogue. public opinion is still being
largest trading partner, to dressing it will be important Adm. Sun Jianguo, deputy President Xi Jinping said Several Asian and Western de- controlled by the Western
negative economic effects. for our bilateral relationship.” chief of the Chinese military’s China is committed to “ad- fense chiefs—including those world,” said Maj. Gen. Jin Yi-
The annual Strategic and Mr. Kerry appeared to ref- Joint Staff Department, dis- vancing peace, stability and from Japan, Malaysia, Britain nan, a professor at China’s Na-
Economic Dialogue is a two- erence the NGO law as well— missed what he characterized development in the Asia Pa- and France—urged compliance tional Defense University. “In
day affair that draws hundreds saying “nothing does more to as U.S. interference in Asian cific.” “The vast Pacific should with the United Nations Con- such unfavorable circum-
of U.S. and Chinese officials. assist our official deliberations security issues and rebuffed be a stage for…cooperation, vention on the Law of the Sea, stances, we must still do our
They are led on the U.S. side by than the involvement of indi- accusations that Beijing risked not an arena for competition.” or Unclos, under which the tri- best to use public forums to
Secretary of State John Kerry viduals and grass-roots organ- isolating itself through its as- U.S. Defense Secretary Ash bunal was established, though explain China’s position.”

India’s Modi Looks to Fortify Ties With Washington

Indian Prime Minister Nar- Obama’s foreign-policy efforts: South China Sea,” where China val Pakistan, hasn’t backed In- about trading rules, if there is
endra Modi, who has worked to cultivating New Delhi as part of is locked in a standoff with the dia’s membership on the uncertainty about technology
forge closer strategic ties with his Asian pivot. The focus on U.S. and others over its mari- grounds that India, which also access, you will really not get
the U.S. as China’s rise changes India under Mr. Obama hasn’t time claims. has nuclear arms, hasn’t signed that kind of investment and

Asia’s power balance, will seek drawn as much attention as New Delhi remains wary of the nonproliferation treaty. players stepping forward,” he
many other initiatives abroad, an outright alliance with the Mr. Modi is also making said. “Getting us into the NSG
By Niharika Mandhana but the president sees a change U.S. In a recent interview with stops in Switzerland and Mex- would help facilitate nuclear
in New Delhi in India’s role as one of his ma- the Journal, Mr. Modi said he ico this week in a bid to win trade with us.”
and Carol E. Lee jor achievements, a senior ad- wouldn’t deviate from the support for India’s application. Until three years ago, Mr.
in Washington ministration official said. “nonalignment” doctrine that The issue is expected to come Modi was barred from the U.S.
“India made a big shift un- has defined India’s interna- up in his meeting with Mr. after religious riots broke out
to cement progress the two der Prime Minister Modi,” the tional relations for decades. Obama. Making India’s case on in 2002 in a state he governed
have made on economic and se- official said. “I think it’s really Still, India’s current stance is a Friday, Foreign Secretary S. as chief minister, leaving 1,000
curity fronts when he arrives in hard to overestimate the rapid significant shift from Cold War Jaishankar invoked a subject people dead, most of them
Washington on Monday. pace of progress in our defense days, when New Delhi tilted central to Mr. Obama’s legacy: Muslims. The U.S. revoked his
Mr. Modi will address Con- relationship.” clearly toward Moscow. the climate-change agreement tourist visa and denied him a
gress during the three-day The two countries agreed in Mr. Modi—who is seeking signed in Paris last year. diplomatic visa following alle-
visit, which comes months be- April to facilitate their armed American investment to fuel In- Mr. Jaishankar pointed to gations Mr. Modi didn’t do
fore President Barack Obama forces’ use of each other’s dia’s growth and technology to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India’s pledge to increase the enough to restrain Hindu mobs
leaves office. India’s Foreign bases for replenishment and re- modernize its defense sector— who visits the U.S. this week share of its electricity-genera- from attacking Muslims.
Ministry described Mr. Modi’s pair. They are in talks to co- has been eager to work closely tion capacity from sources Mr. Modi has denied the ac-
White House meeting, sched- produce advanced military with the U.S. Among the factors on issues including New Delhi’s other than fossil fuels to 40% cusations and an Indian court
uled for Tuesday, as a “consoli- hardware in India. In a message propelling the relationship is bid to join the Nuclear Suppli- by 2030. To make that happen, has said there isn’t enough evi-
dation visit,” after two years of to Beijing, they released a China’s growing footprint in In- ers Group, which would help it India will have “a very large dence to prosecute him.
brisk diplomacy and deepening “joint strategic vision” last year dia’s traditional sphere of influ- access nuclear fuel and technol- number" of nuclear reactors in —William Mauldin
relations between the leaders. agreeing to ensure freedom of ence. ogy more easily. China, a close the next 15 years, he said. in Washington
The trip furthers one of Mr. navigation, “especially in the The U.S. has supported India ally of India’s nuclear-armed ri- “If there is uncertainty contributed to this article.

1 0 TH A N N I V E R S A R Y S A L E Tiger Temple Is Focus of Trafficking Probe


Save $1,000 BANGKOK—A Buddhist

temple west of Bangkok, once
UNPRECENDENTED SAVINGS CELEBRATION! a staple on Thailand’s tourist
trail, is at the center of one of
To celebrate Inada USA’s 10th Anniversary, we’re offering the
the country’s biggest-ever
unmatched quality and design of the Flex3s at our lowest price ever. wildlife-trafficking investiga-
Combining therapeutic stretching with luxurious Japanese shiatsu tions after scores of dead tiger
massage techniques, the Flex3s releases your body and mind from cubs were found piled in a
the stress of everyday life and delivers transcendent relaxation. freezer and stuffed into bot-
Treat yourself to the best at a once in a decade price. tles and jars.
Until recently, the Tiger
Temple drew visitors with the
opportunity to pose for photo-
graphs with big cats or bottle-

feed tiger cubs. Wat Pha Lu-

Regular $5,299 ang Ta Bua, as the temple is
ANNIVERSARY formally known, was an easy
SPECIAL day trip from the capital. Bud-
dhist monks would charge 600
$4,299 baht—about $17—per person
as an entry fee, with addi-
tional payments for photos or
interacting with cubs. A tranquilized tiger was removed from the Tiger Temple, west of Bangkok, on Friday.
But now, Thai investigators
say they are trying to confirm legally possessing endangered and were stored there on the crack down on the trade. Ani-
activists’ suspicions that the animals or animal parts, in- recommendation of a veteri- mal-welfare and antitraffick-
temple was breeding tigers to cluding temple abbot Phra narian. It said it had no knowl- ing groups, which researched
feed the market for wild-ani- Sutthi Sarathera and other edge of tiger pelts and tiger a 2014 report for the Conven-
mal parts in China and else- monks, none of whom could be parts found at the temple. tion on International Trade in
where. reached for comment. Some Authorities say it is too Endangered Species of Wild
After removing 137 tigers were arrested while attempt- soon to conclude that the Ti- Fauna and Flora, wrote that
and shutting the attraction in ing to move tiger pelts and ger Temple was breeding cubs “an increasing number of live
recent days, police and wildlife other body parts away from for the trade in endangered animals and frozen bodies are
officials found 40 tiger-cub the temple. animals. “We need to talk to being detected, with more
corpses in a freezer and the Officials said they also the suspects and expand our than 50% of seizures over the
remains of another 20 stuffed found tiger carcasses in the investigation,” said Adisorn past 14 years occurring since
Made in Japan
into bottles and jars. This living quarters of Phra Sutthi. Nuchdamrong, deputy direc- 2010.” Tigers and tiger parts
raised questions about Temple staff said he left for tor-general of Thailand’s De- are still used in traditional
Available at Stores Nationwide whether endangered animals Bangkok in May and his partment of National Parks. medicine in China, and are of-
were being trafficked. whereabouts were unknown. Thailand has long been a ten sold as a way to boost sex-
Wildlife-protection officials On its Facebook page, the hub for wildlife trafficking, ual potency in men.
888-727-2150 have filed criminal complaints temple said the cubs in the and the business appears to be —Wilawan Watcharasakwet
against several suspects for il- freezer died of natural causes growing despite efforts to contributed to this article.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, June 6, 2016 | A11


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A12 | Monday, June 6, 2016 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Peruvian Presidential Runoff Goes Down to the Wire After Economist Surges in Polls
LIMA, Peru—Voters went to neighborhood.
the polls to pick a new presi- He told supporters that he
dent, in a contentious runoff would await the full count but
election that saw 77-year-old added that he was confident
economist Pedro Pablo Kuczyn- he won. “We are going to gov-
ski surge in the final days of ern Peru towards a bright fu-
the campaign. ture,” he yelled to supporters
About 22 million Peruvians outside his campaign office. “I
went to the polls on Sunday to love you Peru.”
choose between Mr. Kuczynski, Ms. Fujimori, who narrowly
known here as PPK, and Keiko lost the 2011 election, said she
Fujimori, the 41-year-old was optimistic but looked som-
daughter of imprisoned former ber when addressing support-
President Alberto Fujimori. At ers. “We are going to wait with
left, a woman voted in Lima on prudence because during the
Sunday. entire night the votes from re-
Peru’s election agency said gions, from abroad and the ru-
late Sunday that with 51.7% of ral vote from deep Peru are go-
the votes counted, Mr. Kuczyn- ing to arrive,” she said.
ski had 50.59% support and The winner will take over
Ms. Fujimori had 49.41%. A Peru’s government on July 28
quick count by pollsters Ipsos from President Ollanta Humala,
and GfK, which is based on a who is constitutionally barred
sampling of ballots at polling from seeking a second consec-
stations, showed that Mr. Kuc- utive term.


zynski would win with a simi- Both candidates have prom-
lar spread. ised to maintain Peru’s free-
Mr. Kuczynski, who would market policies while running
become one of the oldest poli- slight fiscal deficits to boost
ticians to win an election in infrastructure spending and
Latin America’s history, cele- support economic growth. They
brated the early results by have pledged to reduce poverty
dancing on the balcony of his by expanding basic services.
mansion in an affluent Lima —Ryan Dube

Cameron Struggles to Win Hearts on ‘Brexit’ Taliban

month that showed that a shields it from Brussels’ ex-
net 333,000 people came to
live in the U.K. in the past
year. That is far above the
True, the current eco-
nomic and political backdrop
government’s longstanding in Europe hardly makes it

target of fewer than 100,000 easy to counter this narra-

and has reinforced anxieties tive. But a self-confident
EUROPE FILE about EU rules that give ev- pro-EU campaign could tell a BY EHSANULLAH AMIRI
SIMON NIXON ery citizen in the bloc the strong story about the EU’s AND JESSICA DONATI
right to live and work in the vital role as a mechanism by
U.K. The Leave campaign’s which 28 sovereign countries KABUL—Taliban militants
This wasn’t what was claim that a British exit from can try to find common solu- stormed a court in eastern Af-
supposed to happen. With the EU, or Brexit, would al- tions to common problems ghanistan on Sunday, killing
just over two weeks to go low the U.K. to “take back facing a historically unstable seven people, including the
until the British referendum control” of its borders and continent. Mr. Cameron’s re- top provincial prosecutor, offi-
on European Union member- drastically cut migration has luctance to point to the EU’s cials said—the latest in a se-
ship, Prime Minister David clear appeal for many voters role in responding to cross- ries of attacks targeting the
Cameron might have ex- who fear that excessive mi- border challenges ranging judiciary.
pected his “Remain” cam- gration is putting an intoler- from terrorist threats to ille- In a separate incident, an
paign to be able strain on the U.K.’s eco- Mr. Cameron made the ‘Remain’ case on television last week. gal migration to climate Afghan lawmaker was killed
well ahead. nomic and social fabric. change is puzzling. So, too, by a bomb placed outside his
Weeks of Whether Brexit would re- migration as part of his pre- clear majority of businesses is his reluctance to talk home in Kabul later on Sun-
warnings ally lead to a substantial fall referendum negotiations of all shapes and sizes back about his own journey from day, the interior ministry said.
from inde- in migration is open to ques- with the EU. Remain, not least the over- Brussels-basher to champion The Taliban also claimed re-
pendent au- tion: More than half of re- whelming majority of tech of U.K. membership and sponsibility for the attack,

thorities in cent migrants came from nother reason for the companies. what he learned about the which wounded another 11
Britain, Europe and the outside the EU, and the evi- Leave campaign’s But perhaps the Remain realities of international di- people in the vicinity.
world were supposed to have dence suggests that EU mi- strength is that it has campaign’s biggest problem plomacy on the way. Also on Sunday, David
convinced voters that the grants contribute positively tapped into the global tide of has been its inability to Gilkey, a photojournalist with

risks of leaving were too to the economy and tax sys- anti-establishment senti- come up with a convincing erhaps that is because National Public Radio, and his
high in terms of lost trade, tem. Meanwhile, U.K. unem- ment. Unable to cite a narrative of why the EU ex- the prime minister be- Afghan translator were killed
investment and jobs. Remain ployment is just 5%, and friendly foreign government ists, what it does and where lieves that a few weeks when their vehicle was struck
campaigners say they are there is scant evidence that that supports Brexit or a it is going. The Leave cam- of campaigning is insuffi- by shellfire while traveling in
confident this message has EU migrants have depressed credible international organi- paign has resonated in large cient to counter 30 years of an army convoy in southern
cut through with enough wages. The Leave campaign’s zation that backs the cam- part because it has con- political and media hostility Afghanistan, the news organi-
voters to win the day. Yet pledge to restrict total immi- paign’s claim that the U.K. vinced many voters that the toward the EU. Or perhaps zation said.
the polls still show the con- gration to below 100,000 would be economically bet- EU is a distant, undemo- he is wary of appearing too Three assailants entered
test neck-and-neck. Mr. Cam- could only be met by taking ter off outside the EU, it has cratic overbearing superstate pro-European while he has the appeals court building in
eron is fighting for his politi- the U.K. out of the EU single instead presented supporters or a soon-to-be failed state hopes of reuniting his Logar province during a cere-
cal life. market. of the U.K.’s continued mem- that presents a clear danger party after the June 23rd mony to introduce the newly
Nonetheless, Mr. Cameron bership as members of a to British identity and insti- referendum. Either way, he appointed chief prosecutor

ow did it come to is vulnerable over migration self-interested global tutions. Rather than counter finds himself trying to fight and shot at people in the hall,
this? One reason is in part because he previ- elite. Leave campaigners ar- this caricature, Mr. Cam- an emotionally charged, said Saleem Saleh, the gover-
that the spotlight has ously promised and failed to gue they in contrast are eron’s approach has been identity-based Brexit cam- nor’s spokesman. Ten people,
swung firmly onto the touch- cut immigration below backed by risk-takers and broadly to agree, while paign armed largely with including the three attackers,
stone issue of immigration 100,000, then promised and entrepreneurs, though there stressing the ways in which economic statistics. It isn’t were killed and 23 were
following data published this failed to introduce curbs on is scant evidence for this: A the U.K.’s special status clear that will be enough. wounded in the hourlong siege
that followed, he said.
Afghan security forces who

Pope Names Populist Party Takes Lead in Rome Vote were deployed to rescue
trapped workers and flush out
the attackers eventually
gunned down the militants be-
fore they could detonate explo-

Saints in ROME—An antiestablish-

ment movement’s candidate
sive vests, local officials said.
The Taliban claimed re-
sponsibility and said the at-
Special Mass won the largest share of votes
in the first round of Rome’s
tack was launched to avenge
the deaths of six Taliban pris-
Associated Press mayoral election, adding to oners in May.
the advances of populist par- The Taliban have long tar-
VATICAN CITY—Pope Fran- ties across Europe and posing geted lawyers and judges who
cis proclaimed two new saints: a fresh test to Prime Minister are seen to be responsible for
a Lutheran convert who hid Matteo Renzi’s ruling center- imprisoning their fighters. But

Jews during World War II and left party. in recent weeks, they have es-
the Polish founder of the first The candidate for the up- calated attacks against court
men’s religious order dedi- start, euroskeptic 5 Star workers to avenge the hanging
cated to the immaculate con- Movement, 37-year-old lawyer of the Taliban prisoners.
ception. Virginia Raggi, won between The six prisoners, who had
The pope called Swedish- 34% and 38% of the vote cast been on death row for years,
born Elizabeth Hesselblad and Sunday in Rome, according to were executed after a truck-
Stanislaus Papczynski “exem- exit polls. Roberto Giachetti, bomb attack in Kabul killed
plary witnesses to this mys- the candidate for Mr. Renzi’s more than 60 people and
tery of resurrection” during Democratic Party, received be- wounded hundreds in April.
the canonization Mass in St. tween 22% and 26%. If final The prisoners themselves
Peter’s Square. data confirm the exit polls, the hadn’t been involved in the in-
Polish President Andrzej two will face a runoff on June cident, and human-rights
Duda and first lady Agata 19. groups criticized the hangings.
Kornhauser-Duda attended the Millions of Italians went to Rome mayoral candidate Virginia Raggi cast her ballot at a polling station in the capital on Sunday. Since then, the Taliban have
ceremony. the polls on Sunday to cast made the Afghan judiciary of-
Ms. Hesselblad saved the their votes in local elections are seeking new leadership ca- politician Beppe Grillo. ern. Final results of the elec- fices one of their main targets.
lives of 12 Jewish members of for new mayors and town pable of pulling the Italian Mr. Renzi has distanced tions across the country, In late May, a suicide bomber
the Piperno-Sed families by councilors in more than 1,300 capital out of a morass of cor- himself from a race that has including in Naples and Turin, killed 10 people in an attack
hiding them in the convent in cities. The elections—held in ruption allegations, disastrous risked being a debacle for his are expected to emerge early on a minibus carrying workers
Rome where she was superior some of Italy’s biggest cities— management and political up- party. Monday. to a court in Wardak province,
from December 1943 until the came at a delicate time for Mr. heaval. The city has been un- In Rome, the Democratic A poor showing by the west of Kabul. A week later,
capital’s liberation from Nazi Renzi, whose popularity has der special administration Party has been weakened by a Democratic Party would cast a Taliban insurgents wearing
forces on June 4, 1944. sagged amid a timid economic since former Mayor Ignazio string of political scandals and shadow over a constitutional suicide vests attacked a pro-
Stanislaus of Jesus and recovery, a simmering banking Marino, a fellow member of by a major criminal investiga- referendum that Mr. Renzi has vincial court in Ghazni prov-
Mary, as he is known, sup- crisis and an uptick in migra- Mr. Renzi’s Democratic Party, tion that uncovered ties be- called for October. ince, killing six people and
ported hospitals and shelters tion flows. resigned in October last year tween organized crime and That vote is on whether to wounding more than a dozen.
for the poor and cared for the In Milan, exit polls showed over accusations of expenses City Hall officials. approve a plan to simplify It- Fears of an escalation in
sick in 17th-century Poland. the center-left candidate irregularities. If Ms. Raggi wins the sec- aly’s tortuous legislative pro- Taliban attacks on government
“Papczynski preached mercy Giuseppe Sala leading with be- Widespread disaffection for ond round, her victory would cess, reduce the Senate’s pow- targets have risen since the in-
and encouraged people to do tween 39% and 43% of the traditional parties and the deal a major blow to the prime ers and ensure more stable surgent group’s leader, Mullah
acts of mercy,” the Polish vote cast, followed by his cen- Italian capital’s seemingly in- minister, giving the 5 Star governments. The prime min- Akhtar Mansour, was killed by a
Episcopate said on its website. ter-right rival Stefano Parisi at tractable problems have fueled Movement, which has closed ister has staked his govern- U.S. drone strike in southwest
His crowning achievement between 34% and 38%. support for the antiestablish- in on the Democratic Party in ment on a positive outcome to Pakistan in May. Maulavi Hai-
was founding the order of But the main battleground ment 5 Star Movement, recent polls, a major opportu- the referendum, promising to batullah, a religious leader, was
Marian Fathers. has been Rome, where locals founded by comedian-turned- nity to prove its ability to gov- resign if it fails. named to succeed him.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Monday, June 6, 2016 | A13


Militants Find Common Ground in Sinai

Islamic State affiliate open the border crossing from
Egypt in Gaza. Earlier this
in Egypt has forged year, Hamas stepped up pa-
ties with Hamas, trols along Gaza’s border with
Egypt, a move it said was
according to officials meant to assure its powerful
neighbor it isn’t working with
The rise of an Islamic State militants in Sinai.
affiliate in Egypt is altering “We have nothing to do with
the security landscape in a Egypt,” Ghazi Hamad, a senior
critical corner of the Middle Hamas leader, said recently, re-
East, according to Israeli and ferring to Sinai Province and
Western officials. Egypt’s claims that Hamas has
planned attacks there.
By Rory Jones in Attacks by Sinai Province
Rafah, Gaza Strip, and have led Egypt to retaliate. In
Tamer El-Ghobashy March, Egyptian authorities
in Cairo said a mortar attack on a
checkpoint near the city of el-
Militants with Sinai Prov- Arish in Sinai had killed 13 po-
ince, which has pledged alle- licemen. Sinai Province claimed


giance to the extremist group, responsibility.
have developed ties with the In subsequent days, Egyp-
Palestinian movement Hamas tian jets, helicopters and artil-
that rules the neighboring lery attacked targets near the
Gaza Strip, the officials said— border with Gaza, according to
despite deep ideological differ- the Levantine Group, a consul-
ences between the two Isla- tancy on regional security af-
mist groups. fairs, a sign of the weaponry Is-
The ties include help with rael is allowing Egyptians to
smuggling and medical care, Hamas forces in the Gaza Strip, near the Egypt border in April. Hamas officials deny involvement with the local Islamic State affiliate. use in Sinai.
they said. Officials in Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benja-
which has likened Hamas to nai,” Rep. Michael McCaul, based in Sinai, has launched to a pragmatic arrangement Israeli officials said they min Netanyahu has said that
Islamic State, said the cooper- chairman of the House Com- deadly attacks in Egypt. between Sinai Province and learned in April of 2015 that both Hamas and Islamic State
ation has also extended to mil- mittee on Homeland Security, The group is in contact with Hamas, according to Israeli Hamas was allowing Sinai are driven by extremism and a
itary training. Hamas officials said after meetings with Egyp- Islamic State’s leadership, and Western officials. Egypt’s Province fighters to be treated desire to expand beyond the
denied any involvement with tian President Abdel Fattah Al which helps fund the affiliate defense and interior ministries in Gaza’s Al Shifa hospital. The territory they control.
Sinai Province. Sisi and other officials in and promote it through Islamic have said the ties between the hospital declined to comment. But Sinai Province and
Egypt’s and Israel’s shared Cairo recently. ISIS is another State’s social-media network, two groups have included co- Later last year, Hamas op- Hamas don’t share political or
concern about Sinai Province’s name for Islamic State. according to Israeli officials, ordination on attacks in north eratives spent a month in the military goals, according to of-
growing threat is spurring The developments show Egyptian security officials and Sinai. Spokesmen for the min- Sinai region teaching the mili- ficials and independent re-
deeper security cooperation, that Islamic State is able to independent researchers. istries didn’t comment. tants how to fire antitank mis- searchers.
according to the officials. Israel, build relationships and shape Sinai Province and Hamas Egypt shared intelligence siles, Israeli officials said. The People familiar with the
for example, has let Egypt bring events far afield, just as the are both Sunni Muslim-led with Israel last year about co- officials declined to provide smuggling operations say the
more sophisticated weapons attacks in Brussels and Paris groups, but Hamas doesn’t operation between Sinai Prov- more details. Hamas subse- links are important to Hamas.
into its restive Sinai Peninsula linked to the group demon- share the same strict interpre- ince and members of Hamas’s quently received Russian-made “Hamas needs this relation-
than allowed under their 1979 strated its lethal reach. tation of Islam. armed wing, the Izz al-Din al- antitank missiles via the ship with [Islamic State] for
peace treaty, in a bid to help Sinai Province was created Sinai Province operates in Qassam Brigades, according to smuggling network Sinai Prov- sure,” said a cigarette smuggler
counter the group, they said. by up to 1,000 jihadists with a territory where the entrances a Western official. Israel was ince controls, an Israeli de- who goes by the nom de guerre
“The relationship has prob- group previously known as An- of smuggling tunnels that lead surprised to learn of the ties fense official said. of Abu Abd. “If the Egyptian
ably never been stronger in sar Beit al-Maqdis that pledged to Gaza are located, according given clashes in Gaza between Hamas officials have been army won’t allow you to get
terms of assistance in military allegiance to Islamic State in to smugglers and diggers who Hamas and Islamic State sym- meeting with Egyptian officials things in, it makes sense to
operations to attack ISIS in Si- November 2014. The group, work on tunnels. That has led pathizers, the official said. to improve ties and attempt to have a relationship with ISIS.”

Canada Debates Right-to-Die Limits

World Party Chief Rejects
BY PAUL VIEIRA Since the Supreme Court are eligible for government- climate of uncertainty Canadi- Watch Criticism Amid Crisis
The leader of Poland’s govern-
ruling is taking effect before funded health services in Can- ans will be left to languish— ing party, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, said
OTTAWA—A political stale- the legislation, medical profes- ada. exactly what the Supreme he would resist pressure from for-
mate over right-to-die legisla- sionals and legal experts say Some senators oppose lim- Court of Canada ruling sought eign governments and interna-
tion is stirring legal questions health-care providers and pa- iting doctor-assisted suicide to to avoid,” said Cindy Forbes, tional organizations to end the
about who can seek a doctor’s tients are entering an unusual those with terminal illnesses president of the Canadian FRANCE country’s constitutional crisis on
help to die and under what gray zone. and say that limit contravenes Medical Association. the opposition’s terms, as pro-
conditions doctor-assisted sui- “Canada will become the the Supreme Court ruling. It is unclear when both
Falling Water Levels tests were held against his gov-
cide is lawful in Canada. most liberal country in the That debate is part of what is chambers of Parliament will Raise Hopes in Paris ernment.
A 2015 Supreme Court of world with respect to death- holding up passage of the law. agree on legislation. The Sen- Water levels on the Seine Mr. Kaczynski blamed his op-
Canada ruling decriminalizing hastening policies” in the ab- ate is expected to hold a final River fell significantly after sev- ponents for a crisis over judicial
doctor-assisted suicide will sence of legislation, said Har- vote this week. Should the up- eral days without rain in the appointments and rules governing
take effect Tuesday, giving Ca- vey Chochinov, a palliative-
Citizens with per chamber make amend- French capital region, lifting the constitutional court. His so-
nadians who have “grievous care expert at the University ‘grievous’ conditions ments, the legislation would hopes that the risk of major cially conservative Law and Jus-
and irremediable” conditions of Manitoba in Winnipeg. Dr. head back to the lower house flooding within Paris had passed. tice party’s government has been
the constitutional right to seek Chochinov, a critic of having
can seek a doctor’s for a new round of debate. French officials were still in conflict with the court since it
a physician’s help to die. The no law in place to govern doc- help as of Tuesday. Anticipating the risk that grappling with the consequences canceled predecessors’ nomina-
ruling had been suspended to tor-assisted death, last year legislation wouldn’t be ready, of severe flooding in the region tions of judges and rewrote rules
give lawmakers time to craft led a government panel on ad- regional medical authorities around Paris, including weakened governing the court’s work last
legislation defining who fits dressing right-to-die policy. Justice Minister Jody Wil- have issued guidelines to doc- dikes and pollution dislodged by year. The court’s chairman re-
the court’s criteria. The proposed legislation, son-Raybould told senators in tors that they say are in ac- the overflowing Seine. jected most of those changes.
But while Prime Minister which has been passed by Par- testimony last week that with- cord with the Supreme Court’s The river fell to 18.5 feet by Each side has accused the other
Justin Trudeau’s government liament’s lower house and is out legislation, there would be ruling. But Ms. Wilson-Ray- Sunday evening in Paris, French of overreaching.
introduced legislation in April, now being debated in the Sen- a legal vacuum that would act bould, along with some medi- officials said. It had peaked early The spat has led to tensions
its bill has yet to be approved. ate, is similar to laws in some as a barrier to right-to-die ser- cal experts, warn that this Saturday morning at more than with the European Commission,
The proposed law would U.S. states with right-to-die vices, since some doctors won’t be enough because the 20 feet. which last week said the govern-
narrow the criteria to restrict regimes, such as Oregon and might shy away from acting. protocols fail to impose limits A government spokesman ment’s agenda for the court poses
physician-assisted suicide to California. A national physicians’ on who can seek a doctor’s said the death toll over the a systemic threat to the rule of
those with a terminal disease To avoid so-called suicide group echoed that concern. help to die. weekend from the flooding had law, and triggered a legal process
or to when death is “reason- tourism, it limits doctor-as- “Physicians across the country —Kim Mackrael risen to four. that could end in sanctions.
ably foreseeable.” sisted suicide to people who remain uncertain, and in that contributed to this article. —Matthew Dalton —Martin M. Sobczyk

OIL around 1.4 million barrels a day

in the first quarter, according to
the International Energy
Agency, which monitors energy
Falling Output
Nigerian oil production, in barrels
per day, monthly average.
Continued from Page One trends for industrialized coun- Officials say it fell sharply in May.
nies for profit. Pipelines have tries, so the lost Nigerian pro-
also been sawed open by oil duction is almost as large as 2.0 million barrels April
thieves, seeking to siphon off the excess daily output that has 1.6M
their valuable content. weighed down prices.
The Avengers seem to be “It is clearly having a mate-
more interested in undermin- rial impact,” said James Davis,
ing the administration of Pres- head of oil supply at consul- 1.0
ident Muhammadu Buhari, se- tancy Facts Global Energy.
curity consultants and A few months ago, oil prices
government officials say. They lingered at a 13-year-low. Gold- 0.5
say they are frustrated by the man Sachs Group Inc. analysts

lack of information about who predicted late last year that oil
the Avengers are. could fall as low as $20 a bar-
Mr. Buhari, a former military rel. Instead, a series of disrup- 2015 ’16
dictator from Nigeria’s north tions—including a worker’s Source: International Energy Agency
who was elected last year, is strike in Kuwait, a blockade in THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
unpopular in much of the coun- Libya, and wildfires in Can-
try’s south: He received just 13% ada—have pushed prices up. the thick mangrove forests and
of the vote in the Niger Delta. Nigeria’s government has find the Avengers’ camps.
“It is different this time,” publicly asked the Avengers to “The military will continue
said Dolapo Oni, oil and gas an- negotiate: “This government is A fish farmer in January stands in mud polluted by oil in his fish ponds in Nigeria. to do its best,” said Rabe
alyst for Togo-based Ecobank a listening government,” said Abubakar, spokesman for Nige-
Transnational Inc. “These guys Lai Mohammed, Nigeria’s infor- government has been at odds The attacks come at a peril- Nigeria’s government says it ria’s Defense Ministry.
are not stealing crude. They mation minister. with the residents of the Niger ous moment for the nation of is working as quickly as it can In May, the military posted
just bomb the pipelines and The Avengers have re- Delta, the Portugal-sized 187 million. Even before the to repair the damage the troops around one of Chevron
they run away. They just want sponded with a mix of threats, swamp where almost all of the Avengers arrived on the scene, Avengers have done. To win Corp.’s oil storage depots. For
to destroy.” steep demands—such as redis- country’s oil lies. Decades of oil Nigeria’s government was run- support, Mr. Buhari has ordered three days, the Avengers had
With near-weekly attacks tribution of oil rights to local spills and a prevailing senti- ning low on money. The coun- a clean up operation there. De- been vowing to attack it. But in-
that began in February, the mil- residents—and more attacks. ment that the country’s vast try’s reserves have plummeted cades of oil spills have left the stead of storming the depot,
itants have taken about one The group has sabotaged at petroleum wealth has enriched so precipitously that the central water so polluted that a United the militants bombed a nearby
million barrels of oil a day out least 10 oil installations in the only a few have pushed locals bank has rationed access to for- Nations report estimated a full gas pipeline. Hours later, the
of production, according to Ni- past month. It didn’t respond to to bomb pipelines, kidnap oil eign currency since last year, cleanup would take 30 years. militants bombed a pair of
gerian oil officials. The attacks several emailed requests for an workers, and steal oil. forcing businesses to shut down The military is also sending crude pipelines supplying
have intensified in recent interview. But until recently, Nigeria because they can’t get the dol- more troops into the swamps, nearby refineries.
weeks. “To the International Oil has been able to exercise some lars they need to import spare even as it battles the insur- “They knew exactly where to
The lost production helped Companies and Indigenous Oil basic level of control. Since parts or repay foreign lenders. gency Boko Haram in the north. attack and the time to attack,”
push crude prices above $50 a Companies, it’s going to be 2009, the government has paid The economy contracted by To secure oil infrastructure, said Mr. Oni, the oil analyst.
barrel recently for the first time bloody,” the Avengers said in an militants to stay out of trouble. 0.36% in the first three months the army recently moved a “There was literally nothing
since November. Roughly 96 online statement. “Your facili- It has also hired thousands of of this year. It is now headed group of U.S.-trained troops you could do.”
million barrels of crude are pro- ties and personnel will bear the militants to protect the pipe- into an “imminent” recession, from the front against Boko —Gbenga Akingbule
duced globally every day, but brunt of our fury.” lines they used to bomb and Godwin Emefiele, governor of Haram. It has also used surveil- in Abuja, Nigeria,
supply exceeded demand by Since the 1990s, Nigeria’s hacksaw open. the central bank, said in May. lance planes to try to peer into contributed to this article.
A14 | Monday, June 6, 2016 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


CHEAT Stacey Hancock, a statistics

professor at UC Irvine, said a
large portion of faculty time is
spent trying to ensure academic
Continued from Page One honesty. She uses randomized
of nearly 50,000 each and India seating and four different ver-
of about 23,500. sions of a test in an effort to de-
Faculty and domestic stu- ter copying from someone sit-
dents interviewed said it ap- ting nearby.
pears that substantial numbers Many professors spell out in
of international students either a course syllabus what consti-
don’t comprehend or don’t ac- tutes cheating, lest there be any
cept U.S. standards of academic doubt. Ms. Arcoleo of Ohio State
integrity. devotes three pages of the sylla-
At the University of Arizona, bus to this.
the staff works hard to explain At Georgia Tech, the honor


academic integrity to those from code is emblazoned on plaques
abroad, but “our students don’t outside classrooms. Armaan
always understand what plagia- Mehta, an American student
rism is,” said Chrissy Lieberman, there majoring in computer en-
associate dean of students. gineering, showed a note on one
Citing the Freedom of Infor- assignment stating that “you
mation Act, the Journal asked should design, implement and
50 public universities with large test your own code,” and that
foreign enrollments how many not doing so “constitutes aca-
reports of alleged academic-in- demic misconduct.”
tegrity violations they recorded Despite the warning, he saw
for international undergraduates “ridiculous amounts of cheat-
and how many involving U.S. un- Georgia Tech students Armaan Mehta, in blue shirt, and Lanqing Wang, in tank top, criticized the cheating they see by international students. ing” among Indian and Chinese
dergraduates. students, Mr. Mehta said, sitting
Many of the schools said they pass the test. That is kind of a market could also be under- in Georgia Tech’s futuristic
didn’t have such information or cultural thing.” mined,” said Ms. Fishman. Gaming the System Clough Commons building.
it would be too onerous to track Ms. Shi said her association Some universities work Reports of cheating were more frequent for international students A spokesman for Georgia
down. Fourteen provided the plans to launch a social-media harder than others to monitor than for domestic students at 14 large public universities that Tech said it works diligently to
full records sought, for the campaign to tackle the problem cheating, which could affect provided The Wall Street Journal with data. make sure students know its
2014-15 academic year. next fall. where they stood in the Jour- policies and the consequences of
At nearly all that provided nal’s analysis. UC San Diego, Reports of cheating per 100 students a violation.
data, the rate of such cheating which had one of the higher Domestic students International students Suspension or expulsion for
reports was at least twice as Foreign surge cheating-allegation rates for in- cheating is a risk for those from
high for foreign as for domestic Both private and public U.S. ternational students, also has an 0 per 100 students 5 10 abroad. Their student visas can
students, ranging up to over universities have welcomed a especially robust effort to track Univ. Calif., Davis 2.6 11.8 be revoked if they aren’t regis-
eight times as high. surge in foreign students, who infractions, led by Tricia Ber- Univ. of Arizona 1.8 11.2 tered at a U.S. college.
Universities don’t all define often pay two to three times the tram Gallant, its academic-integ- “I have had students sobbing
and track cheating reports ex- tuition and fees of others, partly rity director. Georgia Tech 1.5 11.2 in my office, saying their family
actly the same way. Most record because of special programs for “We decided to admit more UC, San Diego 1.8 8.5 has done everything to get them
the number of incidents, but them. At many public universi- international students in re- here and pleading for mercy,”
UC, Irvine 1.1 6.0
some record the number of stu- ties, their payments help com- sponse to a decrease in public said Melissa Famulari, vice chair
dents involved. The Journal’s pensate for shrinking state sub- funding without consideration Univ. of Minnesota 0.7 5.8 for undergraduate education in
analysis tabulated cheating re- sidies. of extra socialization they might Cal State-Fullerton 0.5 4.0 UC San Diego’s economics de-
ports as the universities defined Sanctions for cheating can need to adapt to the new aca- partment.
them. It didn’t delve into how range from an F on an assign- demic culture,” Ms. Bertram Purdue 1.0 3.9 Mr. Sanders of Purdue said
the cases were resolved. ment to suspension or expul- Gallant said. Schools are still UCLA 1.3 3.1 confronting a cheater is “incred-
Lanqing Wang, a Georgia In- sion. At the University of Ari- “playing catch-up.” ibly unpleasant for everyone
Iowa State 0.5 2.8
stitute of Technology electrical- zona, which recorded over 11 At Purdue University, David concerned. All of the institu-
engineering student from reports of alleged cheating for Sanders, a leader of the univer- North Carolina State 0.9 2.3 tional incentives, at multiple
Shanghai, who is distressed by each 100 foreign undergraduate sity senate, recently had the Univ. of Washington 0.4 2.0 levels, are against catching and
the cheating he sees, said, “In students in the 2014-15 school task of reading 4,000 essays prosecuting cheaters.”
China, it’s OK to cheat as long as year (and 1.8 per 100 domestic from applicants and said he Univ. of Houston 0.8 1.6 Expulsion can be a business
you’re not caught.” undergrads), no student was ex- found the obvious copying Florida International 0.4 0.5 opportunity for Andrew Hang
Paidi Shi, vice president of pelled that year and just two among Chinese students, in par- Total
Chen, a Pittsburgh-based con-
1.0 5.1
the Chinese Students and Schol- suspended, according to the uni- ticular, mind-numbing. sultant who places Chinese stu-
ars Association at the University versity. “I can’t tell you how many Source: WSJ analysis of schools’ records THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. dents in U.S. colleges. If a for-
of California, San Diego, dis- “I can assure you that some- times I read an essay that eign student is in danger of
agreed that it was all right to where someone at the university started, ‘The 20th century was losing a visa, he can assist.
cheat in her home country but is doing a calculus about how the century of physics and the pecially those with poor lan- students have been sent letters His company, WholeRen Edu-
said, “In China, our culture puts much tuition they would lose if 21st century will be the century guage skills, fit this description, explaining what offenses can re- cation, charges $4,000 to help a
a lot of pressure on students. they start coming down hard on of life sciences.’ I read that same she said. sult in expulsion. student transfer to another U.S.
We are more likely to find a students who cheat,” said Ms. phrase over and over and over They often are targeted by One method used by stand-in school. The stakes are high be-
shortcut to get a good grade.” Mitchneck, the geography pro- again,” he said. entrepreneurs offering to sell test-takers was uncovered at UC cause experience shows if a stu-
Qingwen Fan, president of fessor. Ms. Fan of the Chinese stu- custom-written research papers. Irvine. Imposters would report dent has to return to China, he
the Chinese Students and Schol- Asked about that, Lynn Nadel dents association at UC Davis Other opportunists offer the losing their university ID cards. or she likely won’t ever go back
ars Association at the University a leader of the faculty senate, said there was a “concept differ- services of professional test tak- The bookstore would issue new to college.
of California, Davis, said some said it is true the university’s ence” in how Americans and ers. ones bearing the impostor’s pic- “We have to act very, very
students in China get burned business model “is somewhat Chinese “define cheating.” She ture, but carrying the name of quickly” to transfer the student
out by cramming in high school, dependent on out-of-state stu- said it is common for Chinese the student for whom a test was to another U.S. college, Mr. Chen
and when they get to college dents, and it’s an acknowledged students to collaborate on as- Guaranteed ‘A’ to be taken. The system was said. “When we get a call, we
“they want to enjoy life. They fact that we depend on them to signments. Last year, Ohio State learned used mainly by Chinese stu- are counting by the hour.”
are busy with social stuff and cover our costs. But the next A spokesman for Purdue, that a Chinese student had been dents, faculty members said. Last year, he said, a Chinese
everything they missed before. step, that therefore we should Brian Zink, said the school advertising on a Chinese mes- A spokeswoman for UC Irvine student at a large public univer-
They start to cheat. They didn’t treat them with kid gloves, has stresses academic integrity at sage board that he could guar- said it didn’t know how many sity in New York sold test an-
put in the time but they want to never come before me or even freshman orientation, “and we antee an A on a test by taking it students were involved in the swers to a classmate for $2,000.
been uttered in my presence.” don’t accept ‘cultural confusion’ in someone’s place. His price scheme and declined to say how Both had to leave the school. Mr.
Academic dishonesty is an is- as an excuse for dishonesty.” was around $500 per test, said they were disciplined. She said Chen said he got both into a U.S.
Foreign Shores sue on campus without regard It is possible that cheating is Kim Arcoleo, associate dean for campus police have helped de- community college, which they
Country of citizenship for to students’ origins. About 60% more likely to be caught when a transdisciplinary scholarship. velop a system to thwart the ID- attended for a year and half be-
the 586,208 international of all students on U.S. campuses student is foreign, said Ms. Fish- Ohio State has so far card trick. fore being allowed to return to
undergraduate students in admit they cheated at least once man of the academic integrity found more than 30 Chinese Adele Barker, a professor in the large university.
the U.S., 2015-16 school year in the last year, according to center. A student who can barely students who made use of the the Department of Russian and Though many colleges in-
Teddi Fishman, director of the speak English but hands in a scheme, she said, with the inves- Slavic Studies at the University clude explanations of academic
Saudi Arabia 8% South Korea 9% International Center for Aca- skillfully written English-lan- tigation still under way. of Arizona, said frequently a integrity in orientation for inter-
demic Integrity, a nonprofit guage paper would draw atten- “The cheating isn’t limited to cluster of four or five Chinese national students, the lessons
with offices at Clemson Univer- tion, she noted. And instructors, Chinese students, but we see a students sitting near one an- often don’t sink in, said Wenhua
Vietnam sity. She said that level has re- once having perceived a cheat- disproportionate amount com- other during a test all provide Wu, a 21-year-old Chinese eco-
4% China
mained steady for 23 years. ing issue among foreign stu- ing from international stu- the same version of a wrong an- nomics major at the University
India Most of this cheating never dents, might scrutinize their dents,” Ms. Arcoleo said. swer. of Pittsburgh.
4% leads to a formal complaint, the work more closely. The University of Iowa is in- The influx of Chinese stu- Over time, Chinese students
Canada All others
Journal’s analysis shows. Still, Ms. Fishman said, there vestigating at least 30 students dents with weak English-lan- come to understand what con-
3% The especially high rate of is a profile of a certain kind of suspected of paying professional guage skills has grown “expo- stitutes cheating, Mr. Wu said,
cheating reported for interna- student more likely to cheat: a test takers to take online exams nentially,” she said. “Their but many do it anyway.
tional students fuels faculty con- youth who faces a high-stakes in their place, the school says. comprehension is so bad the “They do it for better
cerns about a cheapening of test, feels unprepared for it, and Some of the suspected imper- cheating is a nonevent. And I grades,” he said. “Most of them
Source: Student and Exchange Visitor schools’ diplomas. “If the integ- believes that others are cheating sonators took the online tests in can tell you everyone is dealing don’t get caught.”
Program, Department of Homeland Security rity of the degrees they are anyway. A relatively high per- China, said one person familiar with this, across disciplines, —Andrea Fuller
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. earning is undermined, that centage of foreign students, es- with the matter. Some of the across universities.” contributed to this article.

DIVE Danny Katz reaching for his

camera and snapping a picture
of the NBA’s Most Valuable
Player in distress. Mr. Katz, a
and rammed directly into Ellie
Day, who is the wife of profes-
sional golfer Jason Day.
Ms. Day was taken from her
Speights, “I probably would.”
Nevertheless, there are times
when sacrificing your body to
save a teammate’s doesn’t make
Continued from Page One former hedge-fund manager, seat in a stretcher and briefly sense. Warriors radio analyst
the front row. It’s who those has been attending Golden State hospitalized. She later said on Tom Tolbert once played in the
players were. games for more than 20 years, Twitter that being tackled by NBA with the 7-foot-1, 325-
In a Warriors playoff game but he’s also a sports blogger Mr. James was the equivalent of pound Shaquille O’Neal. When
last month, Golden State’s Ste- and photo journalist, he said, so a minor automobile accident. Mr. O’Neal came rumbling to-
phen Curry, one of the NBA’s his first instinct was to grab the “Much like attending a golf ward the team bench, Mr. Tol-

biggest stars, launched himself camera to record the scene. event and risking getting hit bert remembered, he wouldn’t
at and then over the fans be- “Twitter was all over me,” he with a ball,” she said, “sitting even consider slowing him
tween the visiting team’s bench said. “It’s not something I’d courtside you risk getting run down.
and the scorer’s table. wish on anybody.” into.” “There was no way in hell,”
Even though Mr. Curry is a Mr. Katz said he reached out Mr. James apologized and Mr. Tolbert said on his radio
somewhat manageable 6-foot-3 with an apology. “The last thing said he hoped Ms. Day would show. “I would’ve been a grease
and 185 pounds, which is small I’d want to do is disrespect you come to another game soon. spot on the ground.”
by NBA standards, no one tried and the Warriors in any way,” Golden State Warriors’ Stephen Curry in Oakland, Calif., last month. “It’s unfortunate it happened Mr. O’Neal, a four-time NBA
to catch him or help cushion his he wrote to Mr. Curry. tonight,” he said that night, champion who was one of the
fall. Mr. Curry crashed into a Sitting nearby that night was Mr. Curry’s wreck turned and tsk-tsking from those of us “but that doesn’t happen largest players in NBA history,
metal island between the pad- Dave Scially, who had a special into a referendum on fan behav- not in those seats,” Mr. Murphy much.” said courtside collisions were
ded courtside seats and the incentive to secure Mr. Curry: ior, said Brian Murphy, co-host said. “Everybody’s a hero until To be fair to the fans, there never far from his mind. He es-
arena’s lower bowl. He laid He’s a partial owner of the War- of a sports show on KNBR, a they’re in the fox hole.” isn’t much time for etiquette timated he laid out for loose
groaning on the floor for sev- riors. Mr. Scially bumped into San Francisco radio station. Basketball is the only major when an NBA player is bum- balls more than 20 times in his
eral anxious seconds before Mr. Curry at a team dinner after There was even some class war- sport with an imaginary bound- rushing you. “I don’t blame career, beginning in college,
peeling himself up with an el- the incident and told him that fare in blaming Mr. Curry’s spill ary between the court and the them,” Mr. Curry said after the when his coach threatened to
bow that suddenly looked like a when Mr. Curry hit the wall of on the people who paid small crowd. In baseball, there is a incident. “I wanted to do a punish him if he didn’t.
misshapen potato. fans, he had actually planted his fortunes for courtside spots. wall. In basketball, there is crowd-surfing kind of deal, like Over time, Mr. O’Neal
Mr. Curry’s hustle play was foot on Mr. Scially’s wife, Kathy, “It was an easy way to go paint. Ticket-holders assume at a concert, but they weren’t learned how to aim himself
immediately passed along on and used her as a vault to pro- Bernie Sanders on the 1-per- the risk of personal injury when ready.” while in the air. “If it was ladies
social media, and there was pel himself over the first row centers,” Mr. Murphy said. they attend NBA games. Warriors and Cavaliers play- and babies,” he said, “I had to
soon a storm of criticism di- and into the void on the floor. The consensus among his In another incident, the ers say that if a teammate came angle so I wouldn’t hurt any-
rected at the fans in the front Mr. Scially said Mr. Curry show’s listeners was over- other megastar of the Finals, roaring toward them on the body.”
rows who had parted like the sought her out before one of the whelming: They said fans in Cleveland’s LeBron James, bench, they would try to break In his entire career, he said,
Red Sea. Warriors’ next games, said he those seats have a responsibility showed why such warnings are his fall. The calculus is trickier there was only one crash with a
There was even more out- was sorry for scaring her and to break a player’s fall—espe- necessary. In December, Mr. for players on the other team. woman, which he immediately
rage when the television replay gave her a hug. “You’re so cially if that player is Mr. Curry. James had his own crash when “If it’s somebody I like,” said attempted to remedy. “I gave
showed a Warriors fan named sweet,” she told him. “There was much scolding he failed to hurdle the front row Warriors forward Marreese her a kiss,” Mr. O’Neal said.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Monday, June 6, 2016 | A15

Peter Thiel’s Legal Smackdown BOOKSHELF | By Stefan Beck

A Silicon
will be used not just against
the originally contemplated
targets, such as large business
The Elements
aire’s de-
c a d e -
l o n g
or government defendants,
but against a wide range of
others—journalistic defen-
Of Style
INFORMATION m i s s i o n dants included.”
AGE to drive a
The effect is compounded
by American juries’ tendency
How to Write Like Tolstoy
By L. Gordon
website to award huge sums in dam- By Richard Cohen
out of ages—$140 million in Mr. Ho- (Random House, 323 pages, $28)

business gan’s case. Contrast that with
has the media up in arms: the £60,000 ($80,000) Eng- ne is bound to feel duped if, having bought a book
What happens to freedom of land’s High Court in 2008 called “How to Write Like Tolstoy,” one encounters
the press if wealthy people awarded Max Mosley, the 76- within the first six pages the question “Can one, in
can fund lawsuits to bankrupt year-old son of British Fascist fact, teach people to write?” This dodge is a common rhe-
media outlets they don’t like? The Silicon Valley investor in San Francisco in April. Oswald Mosley, when a British torical gambit of people being paid to teach people to
Good question. Here’s a tabloid published video and write—the implication being, “Don’t expect a miracle.”
better one: Why did it take so backing would have been a fees and damages, and they photos of what it called “a Richard Cohen, an author, professor and veteran editor of
long for journalists to discover crime, known as “mainte- rejected settlement offers. It sick Nazi orgy” he had orga- such luminaries as Kingsley Amis and John le Carré, cites
abuses of the legal system nance” and dating from 13th- looks as if the lawyers’ pri- nized. Mr. Mosley, who had Kurt Vonnegut as having been skeptical of writing instruc-
that torment every other in- century English statutes mary loyalty was to Mr. Thiel, run the Formula One car-rac- tion. Vonnegut, on the faculty of the Iowa Writers’ Work-
dustry? aimed at preventing feudal who signed their checks, not ing organization, won a pri- shop, “held that one could not make writers, and likened
Media commentators have lords from interfering with to their client. vacy judgment when the judge himself to a golf pro who could, at best, take a few shots
almost universally condemned the legal process. English ju- Litigation finance quickly ruled there was no Nazi off someone’s game.” So one can teach people to write—
Peter Thiel, a PayPal co- rist William Blackstone de- became a huge business, fund- theme, only “bondage, beating just not like Count Lev.
founder and early investor in fined maintenance as “offi- ing everything from mass tort and domination,” which was Notwithstanding its ti-
Facebook, for how he went af- cious intermeddling in a suit claims by plaintiff lawyers to not a matter of public interest. tle, which is clearly tongue-
ter Gawker, which outed him that no way belongs to one” endless lawsuits by patent Even without the enormous in-cheek, Mr. Cohen’s book
and characterized it an “of- trolls against technology com- award—even if all the plain- has admirably modest aims.
fense against public justice, as panies. Outside investors tiffs he solicited and funded It seeks to provide sound
With Gawker under it keeps alive strife and con- bankrolled the multibillion- lost every case—Mr. Thiel advice to aspiring writers
tention and perverts the re- dollar case brought by Ecua- could have sued Gawker out of and to illuminate the ways in
attack, the press wakes medial process of the law into dorians against Chevron that business. In almost all other which the finest novelists
up to a justice system an engine of oppression.” But resulted in the plaintiff lawyer countries, losing litigants have addressed fiction’s cre-
laws against maintenance, as being convicted of fraud and cover the winning party’s le- ative and technical challenges.
that invites abuses. well as the related offenses of racketeering. gal bills, but in the U.S., suc- It begins with “Grab, Invite,
“champerty” and “barratry,” Walter Olson, author of cessful defendants must pay Beguile: Beginnings,” ends
were repealed in most U.S. “The Litigation Explosion” their own lawyers. The costs with “The Sense of an Ending,”
as gay in 2007. Mr. Thiel de- states in the 1960s, when law- (1991), explained in his Over- to Gawker of a few lawsuits and, in between, discourses
fends his actions as “less yers persuaded policy makers blog that Mr. would eventually have de- upon character, point of view, dia-
about revenge and more about that funding to encourage Thiel’s approach was predict- pleted the online publisher’s logue, plot and rhythm. There are also, less
specific deterrence.” Gawker, more litigation was good for able after maintenance “meta- modest assets. predictably, chapters on plagiarism and the difficulties and
he argues, plays a “uniquely society. morphosed around the 1960s The Constitution usually rewards of writing about sex. All of this amounts to some-
degrading role in our culture.” It was long understood why into what we now know as the shields journalists from litiga- thing more substantial than a mere handbook. It is a paean
Mr. Thiel, himself a Stan- only parties to a lawsuit public interest litigation tion, but that immunity too to the creative process.
ford-trained lawyer, was smart should have an interest in it: model: foundation or wealthy often blinds the news industry The book’s weakness, that it is at times accessible to a
enough to take advantage of a The wealthy could influence individual A pays B to sue C. to abuses in the legal system. fault, can also be counted among its strengths. Serious
radical change in the U.S. legal others’ cases, outside funding Since litigation during this pe- The Gawker case’s lesson for readers may chafe at how often Mr. Cohen illustrates his
system. He paid the lawyers would encourage “vexatious” riod was being re-conceived as journalists isn’t that they de- points with all-too-familiar works and passages. In his
representing professional litigation, and conflicts in in- something socially productive serve protections beyond the “Beginnings” chapter, for instance, he quotes the opening
wrestler Hulk Hogan, who terest between funders and and beneficial, what could be First Amendment, but that paragraphs of “The Old Man and the Sea” and “The
sued for invasion of privacy litigants would corrupt the le- more philanthropic and pub- they should do a better job re- Catcher in the Rye”; Salinger reappears later, in a two-
after Gawker disseminated an gal process. Example: Mr. Ho- lic-spirited than to pay for porting the abuses committed page section on “A Perfect Day for Bananafish.” Mr. Co-
explicit video of the plaintiff gan’s lawyers excluded a claim there to be more of it?” through a legal system that hen includes such inescapable matter as the concluding
and another man’s wife. that would have activated With maintenance decrimi- makes it so easy to achieve in- lines of “The Great Gatsby,” the apocryphal tale of Jack
Until recently Mr. Thiel’s Gawker’s insurance to pay its nalized, Mr. Olson warns, “It justice. Kerouac’s “On the Road” “scroll,” and an explanation of
Gordon Lish’s role in creating Raymond Carver’s work as
we know it.

A Close Race in Pro-Growth Peru Serious readers are aware of this stuff. So are many less-
than-serious ones. Yet it helps make “How to Write Like
Tolstoy” feel like a book for everyone, not just MFA stu-
Banker-busi- upgrading the quality of the dent has tried to stick around Yet many Peruvians associ- dents with a draft or two under their belts. It belongs in
nessman and judiciary and police diverged beyond his term limit. Mr. Fu- ate the Fujimori name with every high-school classroom. Not only does it cover the ba-
former Fi- significantly from Ms. Fuji- jimori was popular because he authoritarianism, and there sic mechanics of storytelling in a genial, conversational
nance Minister mori’s right-wing national stabilized a country brought was concern that her party’s way, but it also makes the literary sphere and literary life
Pedro Pablo populism, which included a to the brink by hyperinflation majority in Congress would seem wilder and more enticing than any high-school Eng-
Kuczynski was call to expand the role of the and terrorism. But with the rubber stamp Ms. Fujimori’s lish curriculum is allowed to do. The by turns amusing,
AMERICAS leading Keiko state-owned oil company. backing of the left—which agenda. She was further groan-making and meditative chapter on writing about
Fujimori, Peru stands out for its ad- never forgave his victory over weakened by the revelation sex—which provides a survey of literary erotica from “The
By Mary
daughter of herence over the past 15 years the bloodthirsty Maoist terror last month that the secretary- Song of Songs” and “Fanny Hill” to Philip Roth, John Up-
former Peru- to democratic capitalism, dur- group Shining Path—Peru’s general of her party is being dike and Tom Wolfe—goes a long way in that direction, too.
vian President ing a time when the authori- democrats stopped the presi- investigated by the U.S. Drug In any case, the sort of quotations one might find on a
Alberto Fuji- tarianism of chavismo ema- dent’s power grab. He’s now Enforcement Agency. bookstore tote bag sit amid a greater quantity of more so-
mori, in Peru’s runoff presi- nating from Venezuela gained in prison for convictions on Ms. Fujimori’s economic
dential election on Sunday as ground in neighboring coun- charges of human-rights vio- nationalism is strange in a
we went to press. But his lead tries. Even the 2011 election lations and bribery. country that has been climb- Part of the value of a college education is that
was within the 2% margin of of Ollanta Humala—an ally of ing out of poverty through it alerts the autodidact to his embarrassing
error, making the race too Venezuelan President Hugo engagement with the world.
close to call. Chávez who died in 2013— Two center-right During the campaign she blind spots. This book is a decent substitute.
Even before polls opened, didn’t derail Peru’s capitalist frequently demagogued Mr.
the election was already nota- revolution. candidates, but one Kuczynski as a rich guy who
ble for April’s first-round re- The economy grew at a has a more promising wants to help corporations phisticated or esoteric material, culled from literary biog-
sults. In that balloting, voters compounded annual rate of and foreigners by allowing raphies, writers’ and editors’ correspondence, and Mr. Co-
rejected Verónika Mendoza, 5% from 1999 through 2008. economic agenda. the export of natural gas re- hen’s own editorial career. An inquiry into the nature of
the candidate for the left- Over the same period exports serves. plot takes as its jumping-off point his work on editing
wing Broad Front party who went up by a factor of seven. That seemed insincere on Christopher Booker’s “The Seven Basic Plots” (2004), a
promised hard-core socialism Strong commodity prices If the Latin American left, multiple levels. As the daugh- two-decade-plus project that Mr. Cohen describes, in an al-
as a cure for poverty. Both helped. But Peru also did its which feigned a love of de- ter of the president she didn’t lusion to “Middlemarch,” as a “modern equivalent of Casa-
runoff candidates were cen- structural homework. mocracy, had used even a exactly grow up in the barrio. ubon’s Key to All Mythologies.” This section is a reminder
ter-right advocates of the A vibrant mining sector, fi- fraction of the energy it put And surely the Columbia Uni- of how deeply the author and his lodestars have engaged
country’s market-friendly, nanced by foreign investors, into ending Mr. Fujimori’s versity M.B.A. understands with the issues under discussion.
pro-development path of the was allowed to flourish along- political career on opposing that the gas has no value if it Those lodestars are far too numerous to list, but as a
past two decades. side the trade liberalization Hugo Chávez as he shaped a sits in the ground. consequence “How to Write Like Tolstoy” is worth pur-
Yet there also were real begun in the 1990s, which military dictatorship, Venezu- Mr. Kuczynski didn’t have chasing for its implied Suggested Further Reading alone.
differences between the two ended protectionism for do- elans might not be starving the benefit of a party ma- Part of the value of a college education is that it alerts the
candidates and, amid the ris- mestic producers. Access to now. By denying Mr. Fujimori chine. But he benefited from a autodidact to his embarrassing blind spots. Mr. Cohen’s
ing expectations of the bur- foreign exchange and imports another term, Peruvians set a strong anti-Fujimori senti- book could serve as a decent substitute. It names dozens if
geoning middle-class, a Kuc- gave Peruvian entrepreneurs precedent for the peaceful, ment among Ms. Mendoza’s not hundreds of works, as old as the Gilgamesh epic and as
zynski victory could have the tools they needed to com- predictable transfer of power supporters. And his platform of the moment as the levee-breaking tides of Karl Ove
important implications for pete globally. In the years and political competition. promising to upgrade law en- Knausgaard’s prose. It also draws on significant works of
stability and growth. since the global financial Ms. Fujimori—who was forcement and intelligence, literary criticism and instruction, ranging from the popular
Plenty of festering sores in crisis and the slowdown of the Peru’s “first lady” after her enhance transparency, lower (Stephen King’s “On Writing,” James Wood’s “How Fiction
Peru’s political economy need Chinese economy Peru has father and mother separated and simplify taxes, and bring Works”) to the classic (E.M. Forster’s “Aspects of the
attention if popular support been among the region’s best in 1994 and later divorced— potable water to Peruvian Novel,” F.L. Lucas’s “Style,” Henry James’s “The Art of Fic-
for liberal economics is to be performers with a com- distanced herself from her homes resonated in an aspir- tion”) to the lesser-known (Georges Polti’s “Les Trente-Six
maintained. The state is noto- pounded annual rate of growth father’s government and ing nation. Situations Dramatiques”).
riously corrupt. Too much of 4.7% from 2009 through pledged to respect democ- If Ms. Fujimori wins, she’ll Mr. Cohen’s chapter on plagiarism is, sadly, an espe-
government has pushed most 2015. racy. She is a disciplined poli- need Mr. Kuczynski’s ideas to cially welcome one, given how common literary theft has
economic activity under- Another Peruvian achieve- tician and prosecuted a fabu- move the country ahead. If become in high schools and on college campuses. Yet one
ground, limiting access to ment since Mr. Fujimori left lous campaign ground game, PPK maintains his early lead, wonders whether it might be misinterpreted by unsubtle
credit, and violent crime is in- office in 2000—after he tried effectively mobilizing her his challenge will be getting a or unscrupulous minds as a warrant to steal. He quotes
creasing. Mr. Kuczynski’s pre- to run for a constitutionally grass-roots Popular Force fujimorista Congress to work Bill Bryson: “Shakespeare was a wonderful teller of sto-
scriptions for reducing the forbidden additional term and party which she had built with him. ries so long as someone else had told them first.” He tells
large informal economy and was blocked—is that no presi- over years. Write to O’ us that Laurence Sterne plagiarized Robert Burton, Fran-
cis Bacon and Rabelais when writing “Tristram Shandy.”
While this discussion is fascinating, there is a bit too

Notable & Quotable: Minimum Wage at the Car Wash

much of this “good writers borrow, great writers steal”
(T.S. Eliot) sort of thing, and it is hardly relevant to the
type of plagiarism that tends to occur in the age of
From “Minimum Wage vs. the region, says over a dozen When the minimum wage try where the service that’s Google and Wikipedia.
the Carwasheros: New York’s car wash operators in New goes from $9 to $15, he esti- provided is so expendable,” The highest compliment one can pay “How to Write Like
new $15 wage floor pits man York City have inquired about mates that his expenses per says economist [Donald] Bou- Tolstoy” is that it provokes an overwhelming urge to read
against machine” by writer putting in the necessary ma- wash will rise about $7 to dreaux. “In economic terms, and write, to be in dialogue or even doomed competition
Jim Epstein for the July issue chinery to cut their labor $22, meaning he’ll have to you’d say that the demand for with the greatest creative minds. Encouraging this impulse
of Reason magazine: costs. charge at least $25 to make a car washes is highly elastic.” is a teacher’s real job. The Irish writer Brendan Behan, Mr.
One owner, who talked to profit. “Now put yourself in In other words, the industry Cohen tells us, once disappointed a standing-room-only
When the minimum wage Reason under the condition of the shoes of the customer,” he faces strong pressures to keep crowd by thundering, “Go on back home and frickin’ write”
goes to $15 an hour, automat- anonymity because he’s wor- says. “The first thing they’ll prices down, because car and then making his exit. This is a cop-out. One cannot im-
ing will be a no-brainer. “Since ried about the political reper- do is wash their cars at home. washes aren’t a necessary ser- prove as a writer without practice, but seldom does one
I have 15 guys on the property, cussions of speaking out Or they’ll drop from washing vice, so an increase will lead submit to that discipline without first having been taught
I wouldn’t be able to charge about the minimum wage, their cars three times a to a quick fall-off in customer to love it. That Mr. Cohen is an editor, that his love of lit-
less than $30,” [New York City says he’s considering purchas- month to once a month.” If he traffic. That’s why most can’t erature comes in large part from awe in the presence of
car-wash owner Martin Taub] ing $300,000 in equipment, automates, he figures he could afford to pay their workers better writers than he, is no small matter. His love is infec-
says. “Who’s going to pay $30 which would allow him to lower his price to about $8. $15 per hour and stay in busi- tious, and regardless of how well he ends up teaching us to
for a car wash?” eliminate 15 of the 22 men “That’s the only way I can ness. Car wash operators have write, that is miracle enough.
Amir Malki, a leading car who currently staff his full- think of to survive.” no choice but to automate,”
wash equipment installer in service hand wash. “I can’t think of any indus- says Boudreaux. Mr. Beck is a writer living in Hudson, N.Y.
A16 | Monday, June 6, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Trump and the ‘Mexican’ Judge For Many College Often Isn’t the Best Choice

onald Trump keeps giving his political more obnoxious, though we doubt he could do Jeffery J. Selingo makes an often Can’t we learn something about fam-
opponents ammunition, most recently much about it in office. The political blowback overlooked point that while the vast ily from “King Lear”? It’s time to free
majority of today’s good jobs require a college education or lifelong learn-
with his continuing attacks on Judge would rightly be enormous.
education and training beyond high ing from the employment statistics.
Gonzalo Curiel, who is presid- What elevates Mr. Trump’s school, that doesn’t mean everyone There is more to life than that.
ing over lawsuits against Why equating remarks to the reprehensible needs a bachelor’s degree (“College SOL GITTLEMAN
Trump University. But it’s im- ethnicity with judicial is his equation of ethnicity Isn’t Always the Answer,” op-ed, May Winchester, Mass.
portant to distinguish be- with bias. That truly is an at- 27). The programs he mentions,
tween what is merely obnox- bias is so offensive. tack on the independence of started by community colleges and Young people entering college are
ious and the truly odious in the judiciary because it means businesses, provide important alter- in dire need of effective career coun-
his remarks. that a judge can be disquali- natives. But states also have a role. seling. Determining whether or not to
Mr. Trump has repeatedly attacked the fied from a case merely for his personal back- We need to ensure that our chil- attend college and what to major in
judge as “unfair” and “a hater.” He has also ground, rather than for any material conflict dren’s curriculum includes built-in requires a great deal of thought. As
threatened a civil case against the judge if he of interest. options that prepare them for suc- Mr. Selingo suggests, in many cases a
cess in fields offering great career student may be better served by
becomes President, adding that because Judge The suit against Trump University is a clas-
opportunities in our states. The Path- choosing to pursue a trade such as
Curiel is “of Mexican heritage” he has “an in- sic civil fraud case that has nothing to do with ways to Prosperity initiative, cur- plumbing, carpentry, welding, electri-
herent conflict of interest.” The media have of- ethnicity. Judge Curiel happens to be an rently implemented in 12 states, is an cal or others, instead of attending col-
fered Mr. Trump opportunities to retreat, but American born in Indiana to immigrant par- ideal model. In Delaware, we have lege because the demand may be
he keeps insisting that ethnicity disqualifies ents, but that is of no legal import. He nearly a dozen pathways in areas greater and the pay more rewarding.
the judge from ruling fairly because the Re- shouldn’t be judged by the ancestry of his par- ranging from IT and engineering to Our leaders in government should
publican favors building a wall at the U.S.- ents any more than Chief Justice Roberts culinary arts and bioscience—all cho- also do everything possible to dis-
Mexican border. should be barred from ruling on religious lib- sen because those industries have abuse people of the idea that there is
Democrats and their media allies are trying erty cases like the Little Sisters of the Poor be- good jobs available in Delaware. Par- a stigma associated with jobs that
to portray this as an attack on “judicial inde- cause he is a Roman Catholic. ticipants take hundreds of hours of don’t require a college degree. Politi-
pendence,” but criticizing the judiciary is nei- coursework and have access to paid cians always speak of the need for a
As a legal matter this is well established, no-
internships, all developed with en- college education and promise stu-
ther new nor beyond the pale. Perhaps they’ve tably in a 1998 case (MacDraw v. CIT) in the gaged business partners. Students dent loans and even free college for
forgotten that President Obama slammed the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. A litigant chal- graduate high school with workplace everyone but seldom speak about
Supreme Court for its Citizens United ruling in lenged the fairness of Judge Denny Chin due to experience as well as some college other options.
2010 while the Justices were a captive audience his ethnicity. Judge Chin responded by slapping credits. We just recognized the first RALPH TIBILETTI
during the State of the Union address. down the complaint and sanctioning the law- graduates of our initial pathway— Spring, Texas
Mr. Obama also contributed to the Demo- yers, and he was backed by the appellate judges. started two years ago in manufactur-
cratic intimidation campaign against Chief Jus- “Courts have repeatedly held that matters such ing. All received industry-recognized An untold aspect of co-op educa-
tice John Roberts ahead of the 2012 ObamaCare as race or ethnicity are improper bases for chal- certificates and decided for them- tion is that of influencing students to-
ruling. “I’m confident that the Supreme Court lenging a judge’s impartiality,” wrote Judge selves whether to choose a job, con- ward careers with industries they
will not take what would be an unprecedented, Ralph Winter, a highly regarded conservative tinued education or both. might otherwise never have consid-
GOV. JACK MARKELL ered. In my case, it was love at first
extraordinary step of overturning a law that was appointed by Ronald Reagan.
Dover, Del.encounter in January 1956 when I, a
passed by a strong majority of a democratically Apart from his racist implications, Mr. mechanical-engineering student
elected Congress,” the President said at an April Trump is also indulging in the left’s habit of at- Mr. Selingo seems to think that the showed up for a Northeastern Univer-
2012 press conference. The Chief Justice ruled tributing the motivations of everyone and ev- only reason to attend a college is to sity co-op job interview at the Salem
as the President recommended. erything to race, class, gender and sexual orien- make a living. Isn’t it worth some- (Mass.) Harbor Station, then New
We and others criticized those attacks on tation. Claiming that a person’s judgment is thing to know the difference between England Power Company’s new flag-
the judiciary at the time. If our great progres- determined by his objective circumstances is a a Sunni and a Shiite, or that Chris- ship station. I was seduced. That
sive moralists were outraged, we must have Marxist trope. Isn’t Mr. Trump supposed to be tians once killed Christians in un- charismatic experience engendered a
missed it. However, the left has long wanted running against such thinking? heard of numbers during the Thirty passion that stayed with me through-
to make progressive judges off-limits to politi- The hopeful news is that Mr. Trump’s attack Years War (1618-1648)? Does the out my 35-year career.
cal criticism, which explains the attempts to on Judge Curiel’s ethnicity has been widely de- study of history or, God forbid, Shake- PETER KUSHKOWSKI
speare belong in economic statistics? Portland, Conn.
conflate Mr. Trump’s comments with criticiz- nounced, notably by senior Republicans includ-
ing any judge ever. ing House Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority
Mr. Trump is attacking Judge Curiel in a per- Leader Mitch McConnell. Unlike many of our
sonal business case, not a political one, and as outraged progressives, they are politically con- Risk Corridors Are Essential in Health Care
a candidate for President we think he should be sistent. As for Mr. Trump, he should let his law- Over the past several years, much cans were developed based on the
above this kind of pettiness. His implied threat yers argue his civil case, apologize to the judge, has been said about the politics of rules that were in place. Unfortu-
against the judge if he becomes President is and start talking about the economy. health-care reform. However, Sen. nately, as a result of the shortfall in
Marco Rubio’s criticism of risk corri- the risk corridors funding, more
dors associated with the Affordable than 800,000 Americans across the
Bringing Justice to Justice Care Act (“ObamaCare: A Crony Cap-
italist’s Best Friend,” op-ed, May 25).
country have faced disruptions in
coverage, health plans have had to

and other criticism on these pages reduce benefits and options, and
emember the federal judge who or- outside the grand jury without their counsel of the private health insurance in- several had to close their operations
dered Justice Department lawyers to present, and threatened perjury charges dustry are misguided. entirely.
take ethics classes after he learned against witnesses whose testimony didn’t fit When Congress passed the health No matter the party, everyone
they’d deliberately lied about the DOJ narrative. reform law, it included a temporary shares the goal of ensuring afford-
President Obama’s executive Sen. Chuck Grassley In their letter to Ms. Yates, three-year transition program to able access to health care. We be-
order on immigration? He’s wants answers from DOJ the Senators want to know mitigate disruption to consumers in lieve the private insurance market
not the only official asking whether this behavior is “ac- the early years of the new insurance is the best way to deliver choice
hard questions about inde- on prosecutorial abuse. cepted practice or policy,” market. This risk corridors program and quality for consumers. That
fensible behavior by federal and, if not, “what disciplinary is a time-tested policy that has been will require Congress to move for-
prosecutors. steps have been taken.” They used on a bipartisan basis as part of ward with bipartisan solutions that
many insurance initiatives, including protect consumers and promote a
On May 19 Senators Chuck Grassley and also want to know whether the Office of Pro-
Medicare’s highly successful pre- stable, affordable market for all
Mike Lee sent a letter to Deputy Attorney Gen- fessional Responsibility is investigating the al- scription drug program. Americans.
eral Sally Quillian Yates asking about the leged misconduct. Health plans responded to the law MATTHEW EYLES
“questionable actions of federal prosecutors” They should also ask Ms. Yates about the and the subsequent federal and Executive Vice President
regarding the criminal case against medical- memo she issued in September offering new state regulations as required. Cover- America’s Health Insurance Plans
device maker Vascular Solutions. Mr. Grassley guidance on prosecuting corporate officers. age options for millions of Ameri- Washington
chairs the Judiciary Committee. Justice has ample statutes to hold businesses
In February a federal jury acquitted Vascu- accountable for genuine abuses. The question
lar Solutions and its CEO Howard Root on all is whether President Obama’s antibusiness at-
criminal charges related to the promotion of titudes have created a climate in which DOJ It’s Time to Consider the Libertarian Ticket
one of its varicose-vein kits. The company prosecutors are willing to cut ethical corners
Your editorial calls the Libertarian demonstrated that on too many major
wasn’t accused of spreading false informa- to win convictions for which there isn’t enough
Party’s Gary Johnson-William Weld issues, the GOP no longer offers a co-
tion—merely of marketing the kits for off-label evidence. U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara’s failed ticket an “honorable alternative” to herent message to counter Democratic
uses that the Food and Drug Administration insider-trading cases are one example. the presumptive Democratic and Re- dogma. Republicans pay lip service to
hadn’t approved. The company’s attorneys Maybe Justice needs a new Yates memo publican nominees, and indeed it is the goal of smaller government, but
found evidence that prosecutors had shared that focuses on the consequences for DOJ law- (“The Libertarian Alternative,” May no progress has been made on that
grand jury testimony from some witnesses yers who bring cases that never should be 31). If Messrs. Johnson and Weld were front since the 1980s.
with other witnesses, interviewed witnesses brought—with sanctions for legal abuses. the Republican standard bearers On the most important issues of the
rather than the Libertarian ones, they day—how to fix America’s ailing econ-
would enjoy the full-throated support omy, America’s role in foreign affairs
Squeezing Kim Jong Un’s Bankers of conservatives and classical liberals
who cherish the GOP’s legacy of free
and the extent to which government
should be allowed to curtail liberties

markets and limited government. They to ameliorate perceived social prob-
he Obama Administration put signifi- pher Hill, lifting the Banco Delta Asia sanctions are two successful former governors lems—Libertarians, not Republicans,
cant new pressure on North Korea in 2007 in exchange for denuclearization prom- with unimpeachable conservative cre- offer the starkest and most principled
last week by designating the entire ises that Pyongyang predictably broke. But the dentials on economic matters, tolerant alternative to the Democratic Party.
country a “primary money- episode showed the Kim re- views on social issues and bipartisan JAMES LIDDELL
laundering concern.” This is The U.S. puts pressure gime’s sensitivity to losing appeal to boot. In this election cycle, Washington
the biggest gun in the arse- on the North’s finances. foreign bank access. where the major parties offer voters a
nal of financial sanctions. If Which is why Wednesday’s poor choice, the Johnson-Weld ticket I couldn’t agree more that the ac-
enforced, it will make banks What will China do? move is potentially conse- is a no-brainer—or it would be if so complished Libertarian ticket is an ex-
world-wide choose between quential: If any foreign bank many Americans weren’t conditioned cellent alternative to Donald Trump
doing business with North doing business with any to dismiss the idea of a third-party and Hillary Clinton, but more impor-
candidate out of hand. tant, it would punish the two estab-
Korea and maintaining access to U.S. dollars. North Korean entity will be subject to a U.S.
Donald Trump’s ascendancy has lished parties for breaking faith with
For Kim Jong Un and the Chinese banks that dollar ban, Pyongyang could face financing America for giving us unacceptable
sustain his regime, life is suddenly more problems that dwarf its former Banco Delta candidates. We know they are unac-
complicated. Asia woes. Writing Off Student Loans ceptable because each party has based
It’s about time. Despite blacklisting the fi- It’s true that past performance doesn’t guar- its message on how bad the other can-
nancial systems of Burma and Iran in this antee future results. As powerful as the U.S. Is an Idea With Great Legs didate would be rather than any ac-
wholesale fashion years ago, the U.S. has hit designation may be, Pyongyang’s patrons in How wonderful that the Obama ad- tual policy or character consider-
North Korea only with sanctions on certain in- Beijing can still undermine it by equipping se- ministration is forgiving student ations. This is insulting.
dividuals and entities. This allowed Pyongyang lect Chinese banks to operate independent of loans of those attending schools said At 10% now in the latest Fox poll,
to keep working with foreign banks and using the U.S. dollar system, or by resupplying Kim to have used deceptive advertising the Libertarians would need to take
nominally legal channels to move dirty money as his coffers dry up. Beijing criticized the U.S. and recruiting (“Applications to Can- just 12% from each of the established
cel Student Loans Surge,” U.S. News, parties to be positioned to win. A Lib-
from its rackets in drugs, counterfeiting, slave move as “unilateral,” reiterating its line that
May 27). Perhaps now American tax- ertarian presidency might just be
labor and weapons. President Obama was sanctions must not “harm the legitimate rights payers can have their past income what the country needs. Everybody
wrong last year to call North Korea the “most and interests of China.” taxes forgiven (and returned) when would have to work together because
sanctioned” country on earth, but perhaps now So the fate of these sanctions, like those that it’s shown that politicians have used they’d have no choice. With a Libertar-
he is committed to making it so. came before, lie in the U.S. ability to persuade deceptive advertising. ian president standing between them,
The model is the Bush Administration’s 2005 China to get on board. In this regard the timing ED WRIGHT the usual Republican-Democratic ran-
blacklisting of Banco Delta Asia, a small Macau of the designation may offer some reason for San Jose, Calif. cor just wouldn’t play.
bank, for allegedly helping North Korea launder hope: It came as tensions are already high over DAVE DAVIS
money. That froze $25 million in Kim family as- the South China Sea, on the eve of this week’s If the government pays off the stu- Phoenix
sets and, more important, caused other banks annual U.S.-China summit in Beijing, and as Chi- dent loans that graduates claim are
worthless, then the graduates should
to drop their Pyongyang business for fear of be- nese leader Xi Jinping met a personal envoy of Letters intended for publication should
lose their diplomas, which they claim be addressed to: The Editor, 1211 Avenue
ing similarly barred from the U.S. financial sys- Kim Jong Un. don’t have value. Graduates who have of the Americas, New York, NY 10036,
tem. Pyongyang soon had trouble buying mis- Rather than shrinking from such calendar a valued diploma wouldn’t ask for- or emailed to Please
sile parts and paying its cronies, so it begged pressure, as it often has in the past, the Obama giveness. This would separate the bo- include your city and state. All letters
for a reprieve. Administration made its move. Here’s hoping gus claims from real ones. are subject to editing, and unpublished
The Bush Administration obliged, at the urg- this presages tough enforcement in the months TED HAMMOND letters can be neither acknowledged nor
ing of diplomats Condoleezza Rice and Christo- to come. Greensboro, Ga.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, June 6, 2016 | A17


Ending the Corporate-Welfare Circus Waiting

By Brent Gardner ing to the New York Times.
For Obama

ompetition is at the
heart of America’s eco-
It’s not all bad news for taxpay-
ers. Wisconsin lawmakers last year
rejected Gov. Scott Walker’s plan to
On Religious
nomic success, but not
every type of contest
benefits society. Con-
inject $55 million into the Wiscon-
sin Economic Development Corpo-
ration. In February Florida lawmak-
sider the growing trend of busi- ers rejected Gov. Rick Scott’s
nesses cajoling states and politi- proposal to give $250 million to By Frank Pavone

cians to compete for who can dole Enterprise Florida. The state
out the most corporate welfare. agency will now be shrunk by he ball is now in the Obama
It’s especially frustrating because roughly two-thirds—a big win for administration’s court. For more
there are already plenty of ways anyone paying taxes in the Sun- than four years, religious non-
to promote job growth without shine State. profit groups like mine have defended
robbing taxpayers. Yet these are only exceptions ourselves against the ObamaCare
General Electric is one of the that prove the rule in this special- Health and Human Services mandate,
latest companies to shamelessly interest race to the bottom. If state which makes religious nonprofit
demand taxpayer-funded goodies and local lawmakers are truly inter- groups complicit in the distribution of
from government. The company’s ested in spurring job creation and abortion-causing drugs to their

senior tax counsel Bobby Burgner economic growth, they have better employees. We are now waiting to see
spoke freely about the firm’s strat- options than handing out taxpayer what the president and his appointees
egy earlier this month at a panel money to a lucky few. will do in light of the Supreme Court’s
hosted by the National Bureau of States could start with eliminat- recent action in Priests for Life v. HHS
Economic Research. Mr. Burgner ing tax carve outs and replacing and the other six cases that make up
declared that GE would generally dies from state governments. In nounced that it was looking for a them with lower-overall tax rates Zubik v. Burwell.
avoid states with congressional 2010 John Deere secured $15 mil- location to build its new 777X. and lighter regulatory burdens. Fed- The Supreme Court could have
lion from Iowa to maintain roughly This spurred a furious scramble by eral lawmakers could also do their settled the question of whether fed-
300 jobs at a Waterloo plant. A multiple states to win the com- part by lowering America’s highest- eral bureaucrats may issue punishing,
State gifts to the likes of year later in neighboring Illinois, pany’s favor. Although most kept in-the-developed-world corporate perhaps incapacitating, fines to faith-
Boeing, Ford, Google and Sears and the Chicago Mercantile their bids under wraps, Missouri tax rate. These already proven ideas based organizations that refuse to
Exchange Group threatened to relo- tried to tip the scales by passing a would help states create a healthy participate in what we believe to be
Apple are unnecessary and cate their headquarters unless the bill containing $1.7 billion in tax economic climate to attract busi- evil. Instead, the justices sent all of
unfair. Better to cut the tax state forked over about $100 mil- incentives. nesses and investment. the cases in Zubik back to the four
lion in tax breaks. General Electric That still wasn’t enough, and Embracing these policies would federal circuit courts that heard them
rate and reduce regulation. was in on the game as early as Boeing decided to stay in Washing- protect taxpayers, who should first. The high court also asked those
2010 when it sought $25 million in ton. The price? An $8.7 billion never be forced to fork over their appeals courts to step away momen-
tax credits from Massachusetts to package, the largest such giveaway money to companies that include tarily and give the two sides time to
delegations opposed to federal-sub- maintain 150 local jobs. in American history, that included multinational firms with multimil- resolve the case on their own.
sidy programs like the Export-Im- States also use tax giveaways to tax breaks on airplane production, lion-dollar profit margins. Con-
port Bank, which hands out tax- lure businesses to relocate or ex- a sales-and-use tax exemption for sumers and taxpayers will also
payer-backed loans and guarantees pand. North Carolina gave presents new buildings and taxpayer-funded benefit once a level economic play- Priests for Life is ready
to businesses like GE. This followed of $320 million to Apple and $250 training for employees. ing field forces businesses to com- to reach a solution, as the
the company’s refusal last summer million to Google so they would Some states now devote part of pete with each other based solely
to relocate its headquarters to Dal- build data servers in the Tar Heel their annual budget to doling out on the quality of their products Supreme Court directed.
las, because some prominent Texas State. Kentucky has doled out taxpayer-funded goodies to busi- and services.
lawmakers opposed reauthorizing more than $500 million in tax nesses, and many have established That might seem like a novel
the bank. breaks and subsidies for Toyota government agencies to grease concept to many of today’s lawmak- What will the administration do
Increasingly, major companies and Ford auto plants. Medical company wheels. New York has its ers and business leaders. But it’s now? The White House’s latest “ac-
determine where to maintain, ex- companies have milked Florida for Empire State Development Corpora- the kind of competition that has commodation” proposal for religious
pand or relocate facilities based on well over $1 billion in various tion. California’s is known as the spurred the innovation and ad- nonprofit charities, schools and other
how much money they can take handouts. Nevada threw $1.3 bil- California Infrastructure and Eco- vances that made America the eco- organizations did not satisfy the Reli-
from taxpayers’ pockets in the pro- lion at Tesla Motors to build an nomic Development Bank. And, as nomic envy of the world—not a gious Freedom Restoration Act. The
cess. They sometimes hold jobs and electric-car-battery plant. usual, everything is bigger in Texas: corporate welfare free-for-all. proposal and each of its previous ver-
entire communities hostage until And then there’s Boeing. In The state annually hands out more sions required faith-based groups
they get their way. 2013, the company, which assem- than $19 billion in corporate wel- Mr. Gardner is vice president of seeking an exemption from the man-
The most frequent tactic is to bles jetliners in the world’s largest fare through the Texas Enterprise government affairs at Americans date to submit a form to an authority.
demand tax credits or direct subsi- building in Everett, Wash., an- Fund and other programs, accord- for Prosperity. Without this initiating action, abor-
tion-causing drugs would not be
made available to our employees. The

Muhammad Ali and the Pinnacle of Confidence basic requirement that we be com-
plicit in the provision of abortifa-
cients and other life-denying drugs,
By Bob Greene the connecting flight; he arrived by encountered knew it, and so did he, ously burst into applause. devices and procedures was a part of

himself, with no entourage at all. I and he couldn’t do a thing about it. He seemed to understand, espe- every government proposal. When we
hat do you think of would have been surprised, except He didn’t let it stop him for a mo- cially near the end, that, heavy- responded that we are forbidden by
that?” Muhammad Ali that this was the same as it had ment. He spoke to every person who weight championships aside, the our faith to take part in this
asked. We were in adja- been the first time I ever encoun- approached him. greatest victory in this life is scheme—the government effectively
cent seats on an American Airlines tered him. The last time I saw him was at simply being able to wake up each retorted, “So what?
flight from Chicago to Washington, Still in school, I had been work- dinner a few years back at a morning to a new sunrise. Shortly But both sides in Zubik have told
D.C., as the plane made its landing ing as a summer reporter at the Chicago steakhouse. There were before that trip to Washington all the Supreme Court that a solution is
approach. Columbus Citizen-Journal in Ohio family members and friends at the those years ago, I had phoned him theoretically possible.
Ali was gesturing out the win- when I was told to cover a visit to table. Ali said not a word the entire at his home in California to arrange For instance, the administration
dow. I thought he was referring to town by Ali. I was intimidated by evening; he drew a picture of a the logistics. Partly kidding but could, for once, actually listen to the
the nighttime sight of the illumi- the assignment, but the number of mostly serious, he had said: “You Zubik petitioners—and to the scores of
nated monuments. I said I thought people initially accompanying him just want to put me on the cover. other faith-based groups that have
they looked very pretty. and running interference turned out There he was, as I saw him I’m the most famous man in the lawsuits pending in lower courts—and
But that is not what he was talk- to be zero. several times: the world’s world.” propose a solution that does not hijack
ing about. He was looking at the I’d see it again over the years: In I said that there would be no pho- our health-insurance plans. The
houses in suburban Virginia and the early 1970s, in Chicago, he was most famous person, tographs on the cover of the maga- administration could, for example,
Maryland: preparing for a fight against a boxer by himself, comfortable zine: just type. And that there would make abortifacient/contraceptive cov-
“Look at all those lights on all named Jimmy Ellis. There was a be people in the issue as famous as erage available to religious nonprofit
those houses. . . . Do you know I weathered little gym called the keeping his own company. he was. He scoffed at the idea, and employees through the ObamaCare
could walk up to any one of those Johnny Coulon Physical Training asked who. Oh, I said, John F. Ken- exchanges, Title X (the federal pro-
houses, and knock on the door, and Club, underneath the elevated-train nedy. Franklin Delano Ro-osevelt. Dr. gram devoted to family-planning ser-
they would know me? It’s a funny tracks on 63rd Street on the South mountain on a piece of paper in Martin Luther King Jr. vices), or separate arrangements with
feeling to look down on the world Side. Ali came to the place alone, front of him. Because of his tremors “They’re all dead,” Ali said, teas- our own or another insurance com-
and know that every person knows climbed the three shadowy flights of he needed help eating his meal, but ing a bit. And reveling, as ever, in pany. In other words, don’t involve us,
me. Sometimes I think about hitch- stairs and, in solitude except for a he graciously nodded hello to each the sheer, joyous fact of being alive. or the health-insurance plan we offer
hiking around the world, with no person timing him, punched away at stranger who walked by. When he our employees, in the effort to expand
money, and just knocking on a the heavy bags, his grunts of exer- rose to leave, the other diners in the Mr. Greene’s books include coverage of abortion-inducing drugs.
different door every time I needed tion and the slapping of his fists restaurant, some with tears stream- “Chevrolet Summers, Dairy Queen The administration might be
a meal or a place to sleep. I could against the leather the only sounds ing down their cheeks, spontane- Nights” (Harper Perennial, 2001). tempted to come up with a proposal
do it.” in the room. In the 1990s, outside a that satisfies only those groups that
Probably so. We first met and hotel in downtown Chicago, I no- have third-party insurance coverage—
had our first conversations when he
was 26 and I was 21. This flight was
a decade and a half later: In 1983
ticed him standing by himself, trying
to hail a cab; when I asked him what
he was doing there, he softly said, “I
Aloha, Puerto Rico and not those that self-insure. This
wouldn’t be acceptable, because self-
insurers underwrite their own health-
Esquire magazine, to commemorate have to get to the airport.” By Keli’i Akina more per kilowatt-hour than on the insurance plans and are, practically
its 50th anniversary, was devoting Unremarkable for anyone else, And Andy Blom mainland, according to the U.S. speaking, their own insurance compa-

an issue to the 50 men and women but not what you would necessarily Energy Information Administration. nies. A government “accommodation”
judged to have most influenced the expect for a man of his renown. The ongress is wrestling with Because of the Jones Act, liquefied that offered as its only option a re-
world in the previous half-century. pinnacle of confidence is being just legislation to put Puerto Rico natural gas cannot economically be quirement that insurers of religious
I’d been asked by the magazine to fine keeping your own company. back on its feet while avoiding imported to the island. nonprofit groups offer the employees
travel with Ali on this three-day trip And, for all the tales of Ali’s vaunted a taxpayer bailout or chapter 9 The fleet of U.S. vessels that of those groups separate plans for
to Washington. ego, he courageously put self-con- bankruptcy. Legislation empowering comply with the Jones Act has abortifacients and contraceptives
For a man so often seen, on fren- sciousness aside when his health a strict fiscal-control board is an dwindled to fewer than 100 today, would still force self-insured religious
zied fight nights, surrounded by began to fail. He could have hidden, important first step. But lawmakers from 2,300 in 1946. Many of those groups to violate their faith.
handlers and trainers and hangers- hoping to preserve the world’s also need to implement policies that ships are antiquated and expensive Then again, the administration
on, he always seemed exceedingly image of him in his prime; instead enable the Puerto Rican economy to to maintain. Allowing “international might completely ignore the Supreme
comfortable being alone. He had he looked the public right in the eye. grow. Exempting the territory from relay”—that is, a non-Jones Act ship Court and come up with yet another
told me to meet his plane from Los By the time of that trip to Washing- the Jones Act would be a good start. on a single voyage transferring regulation that satisfies no one ex-
Angeles at O’Hare International Air- ton, his voice had already become The Merchant Marine Act of goods between two U.S. ports— cept the bureaucrats who insist that
port in Chicago so we could get on shaky and slurred. Everyone he 1920, better known as the Jones Act, would bring significant relief to the religious must bow to the state.
specifies that ships carrying cargo Puerto Rico. If all the parties resolve the mat-
between two American ports must The Jones Act also damages Ha- ter, the case would probably be
be built in the U.S. and be 75% waii, which is the next-highest state closed. But if the two sides can’t
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY owned by American citizens. Fur- or territory in debt service. Puerto agree, four federal appeals courts will
ther, at least 75% of a barge’s crew Rico needs Jones Act relief to sur- eventually have to rule on the seven
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp must be U.S. citizens, and it has to vive, and Hawaii needs it to avoid Zubik cases. Almost all of the judges
Gerard Baker William Lewis fly the American flag. becoming Puerto Rico. from these courts who heard these
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher In practice, the law has been in- The congressional Republican lawsuits the first time are Democratic
Rebecca Blumenstein, Matthew J. Murray DOW JONES MANAGEMENT:
credibly damaging—to Puerto Rico Study Committee in February re- appointees who sided with the ad-
Deputy Editors in Chief Ashley Huston, Chief Communications Officer; as well as Hawaii, which has its own leased a statement explaining that it ministration. It isn’t likely that they
DEPUTY MANAGING EDITORS: Paul Meller, Chief Technology Officer; economic worries. One study esti- didn’t support a bailout for Puerto would issue decisions favorable to re-
Mark Musgrave, Chief People Officer;
Michael W. Miller, Senior Deputy;
Edward Roussel, Chief Innovation Officer;
mated that the Jones Act has cost Rico but instead wanted “pro- ligious liberty. The four courts may
Thorold Barker, Europe; Paul Beckett, Asia;
Christine Glancey, Operations; Jennifer J. Hicks, Anna Sedgley, Chief Financial Officer; Puerto Rican residents $29 billion in growth reforms that would alleviate also end up issuing conflicting rul-
Digital; Neal Lipschutz, Standards; Alex Martin, Katie Vanneck-Smith, Chief Customer Officer the past 40 years. The cost of ship- the burden that current federal poli- ings. Either scenario would bring us
News; Ann Podd, Initiatives; Andrew Regal, Video;
OPERATING EXECUTIVES: ping a 20-foot container from any cies place on the territory.” Why not back to the Supreme Court.
Matthew Rose, Enterprise; Stephen Wisnefski,
Professional News; Jessica Yu, Visuals
Nancy McNeill, Corporate Sales; U.S. port to Puerto Rico is twice as Jones Act reform for Puerto Rico? No timetable has been set for an
Steve Grycuk, Customer Service; expensive as shipping to the virtu- An exemption was made for the U.S. end to the HHS mandate controversy.
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page; Jonathan Wright, International;
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page DJ Media Group: ally equidistant Dominican Republic, Virgin Islands in 1922. Congress Given that both sides have indicated
WALL STREET JOURNAL MANAGEMENT: Almar Latour, Publisher; Kenneth Breen, a 2012 Federal Reserve Bank of New could alleviate Hawaii’s burden at to the Supreme Court that there is a
Trevor Fellows, Head of Global Sales; Commercial; Edwin A. Finn, Jr., Barron’s; York study showed. the same time by reforming this way to satisfy all parties, the govern-
Chris Collins, Advertising; Jason P. Conti, Legal; Professional Information Business:
Suzi Watford, Marketing and Circulation; Christopher Lloyd, Head; This makes most aspects of anachronistic, anti-growth law. ment’s unwillingness so far to make
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head everyday life more pricey. A vehicle the changes in the mandate necessary
Larry L. Hoffman, Production costs $6,000 more in Puerto Rico Mr. Akina is the president and to accomplish that is inexplicable.
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: than on the mainland, and food is CEO of the Grassroot Institute of
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 twice as expensive as in Florida. Hawaii. Mr. Blom is the executive Fr. Pavone is the national director
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES
Energy can cost two or three times director of Grassroot Hawaii Action. of Priests for Life.
A18 | Monday, June 6, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

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Lineup Goes Lame Going Backstage

At Governors Ball

Injury-riddled Mets make do SPORTS | A24 ARTS | A23 * * * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, June 6, 2016 | A19

PATH Enters Tunnel of Woe

Housing growth near
Passengers try to board at
train lines exacerbates the Grove Street station.
crowding, vexes riders;
no relief in near term


The PATH train, already

bursting at the seams, stands
to get more crowded amid a
building boom in northern
New Jersey, in another sign
the transit network is strain-
ing under the region’s popula-


tion growth.
Apartment buildings
John Anderson III, Alexander Cole, Brennan Gilbane Koch, and springing up in Jersey City
William Gilbane III, below, work for the family firm, Gilbane Building. and communities nearby are
funneling new riders onto the

Builder Riles Up
PATH, whose lines run to the
World Trade Center and Her-
ald Square in Manhattan.
Many passengers complain

Labor Amid Push

of crammed commutes, or
having to wait for trains to
pass before boarding one that
isn’t packed—an experience
Here They Come
Into NYC Market
familiar to many New York
City subway riders.
“It’s just miserable,” said A surge in development in Jersey City is helping fuel growing ridership
Elliot Kelly, 24 years old, who on the PATH train between northern New Jersey and Manhattan.
company’s founder and head of rides the PATH from Jersey
the New York office, said the City each weekday morning to Proposed development
ve .

company adheres to the highest work at a law firm in Manhat- NJ Tr

in A

Approved development ansit


safety standards in the indus- tan. “It’s never nice to make a Under construction 4

Light Rail
try. He pointed out that the commute when you’re 3 centi-

16th St.

Completed development
n Blvd.
company has never had a fatal- meters from someone else’s
ity in New York at one of its body.” Recreation/park 14th St. PATH
sites. As the PATH’s operator, the Historic district
Union leaders say Gilbane is Port Authority of New York 9
being singled out partly be- and New Jersey, considers im- Holland Tunnel
Some projects completed 9th St.
Brunswick St.

cause the company has been provements to expand the sys- over the past two years:
pushing the bounds of the size tem’s capacity, questions lin-
1 70 Columbus: 545 units 7th St.
of projects being built with a ger over when they will be
mix of union and nonunion la- completed and who should pay 2 350 Warren (Modera Lofts): 377

78 5th St.

Manila Ave.

bor. The protests are also a for them.

Marin Blvd.

3 50 Regent Street

3rd St. Future

Hudson River



sign of the intense behind-the- Port Authority Chairman Liberty Harbor North: 167

H Marina

scenes maneuvering going on John Degnan said Jersey City


4 Cast Iron Lofts 2: 232 to ph


er C
A Providence, R.I.-based in the clash between labor and shouldn’t approve new devel- olum
Warren St.

5 Majestic 2: 99 bus
builder run by the same family management in the city’s con- opments along the PATH’s Dr. 6

2 8
Mer 1
for five generations has been struction business. route without making sure the cer S
New J

making a big push into the On the surface, construction system can handle the ex- Some projects expected to open York
within the next two years: S t.
New York City market, increas- unions are attacking Gilbane pected growth in riders. 5 Montgomer
y St.
ing its share of business from for hiring nonunion contractors “It’s irresponsible for a city 6 200 Greene: 766 PATH
3 Grand St.
developers of residential, com- that they say aren’t fair to to allow indiscriminate growth

7 155 Marin,
Hudson St

mercial and institutional con- workers, pay lower wages and that’s going to tax public in- Liberty Harbor North: 448
structions projects. don’t adhere to top quality frastructure beyond its capa- 7
8 65 Bay Street: 447
But Gilbane Building Co. safety standards. Mr. LaBarbera bility,” Mr. Degnan said.
hasn’t made many friends said the company’s nonunion Jersey City Mayor Steven 9 Embankment Newport: 163 T id e w
a te r B
among the city’s labor unions. subcontractors pay as little as Fulop faulted the Port Author- a s in
Rather, the company has be- $15 per hour. ity, which is jointly controlled Source: Jersey City City Planning Division 1/4 mile
Liberty State Park
come a lightning rod for con- “It’s putting profits before Please see PATH page A20 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
struction work- people,” says Mr. LaBarbera.
DYNASTIES ers battling to Mr. Gilbane said the com-

Housing for City’s Senior Moment

maintain New pany uses a mix of union and
York’s status as nonunion contractors on its
one of the last union bastions jobs based on numerous crite-
in the country. ria including cost. He also de-
Unions have sponsored about nied that any of the company’s BY KEIKO MORRIS particularly in Manhattan. tially by the design of the rely on residents who can pay
a half-dozen anti-Gilbane rallies subcontractors pay as low as The joint venture plans a building and by the location for services rather than on re-
in recent months, including one $15 per hour. When executives from real- 15-story building at the north- of the building and have a sig- imbursement from govern-
in May that began at a Gilbane Mr. Gilbane said the main fi- estate investment trust Well- east corner of East 56th nificantly better quality of ment programs, such as Med-
construction site at 1 Wall nancial difference between tower Inc. and developer Street and Lexington Avenue. life,” said Thomas DeRosa, icaid, which are susceptible to
Street and ended at the com- union and nonunion contrac- Hines began discussing a proj- The develop- chief executive of Welltower, cuts.
pany’s downtown offices where tors is that nonunion shops ect to build a senior-housing PROPERTY ers, who didn’t which has 72 senior housing There are about a dozen li-
more than 250 protesters were don’t have many of the onerous development, they didn’t disclose total properties in the tri-state censed assisted-living resi-
joined by two large inflatable work rules that drive up costs, imagine the traditional leafy costs for the area. dences in New York City, in-
rats. Other rallies have included like requiring expensive labor- location outside the city. They project, paid $115 million for Investor interest in senior cluding one in Manhattan,
as many as five of the rats. ers to push buttons on auto- wanted to build in Manhattan. the parcels that make up the housing that offers assisted- according to the New York
“They pride themselves at matic elevators. Welltower and Hines are site. living services and care for State Department of Health
having an over-100-year history “We’re not doing union targeting an affluent sector of The building will have pri- dementia-related conditions website. Of those, nine—in-
with the highest ethical stan- busting,” he said. “We are very a growing urban aging popu- vate apartments, landscaped has grown in and around cit- cluding the Manhattan facil-
dards,” said Gary LaBarbera, focused on putting the most lation, as have other players terraces and an overall design ies such as New York, where ity—are also licensed as spe-
president of the Building and qualified, responsible compa- in the niche development sec- inspired by classic Park Ave- aging residents are increasing cial-needs assisted-living
Construction Trades Council, nies and people on our proj- tor. They said they are aiming nue apartment houses. It will in number, industry brokers, residences, providing special-
who has spoken at many of the ects.” to fill the gap between the be targeted at those with pri- analysts, developers and in- ized care for conditions that
rallies. “Then they go out and Tension between labor and strong demand and limited vate means to pay. vestors said. can include dementia.
do the exact opposite.” management has been part of supply of facilities that offer “This is a place where These residential facilities, “People are living longer,
William Gilbane III, a fifth- New York’s construction busi- assisted-living services and these people can be reminded which typically offer less care and as people live longer they
generation descendant of the Please see CLASH page A22 care for memory-impaired, of things in their past, poten- than a nursing home, largely Please see SENIOR page A22

Teachout, Who Tested Cuomo, Faces Her Own Populist Rival 84° TODAY’S
Real Feel
BY MIKE VILENSKY political corruption. ing out and raising people’s 9 a.m. 72°
In her run for Congress, she voices and standing up to 5 p.m. 82°
In her losing 2014 primary has won the endorsement of power,” she said, “and I’ll keep
Record High
against New York Gov. Andrew U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, a doing what I’ve done.”
98° (1925)
Cuomo, Zephyr Teachout, then fellow New York Democrat, and By contrast, Mr. Yandik, a

a little-known law professor, raised more than $500,000. Princeton University graduate, SUNNY, Sunrise/Sunset
ran as a populist Democrat to Aides to Mr. Cuomo didn’t re- has stressed his working-class WARMER 5:25 a.m./8:25 p.m.
the left of Mr. Cuomo. spond to a question about who Hudson Valley roots. “I’m
Two years later, Ms. Tea- he endorses. someone who grew up here and Tuesday’s High
chout, 44 years old, is the Ms. Teachout has been a vo- got a good education, and in-
front-runner in the Democratic cal advocate of a public cam- stead of moving to some other
primary for the state’s 19th paign-finance system, but she city, I’ve come back,” he said.
Congressional District. But now has proved skilled at private Mr. Yandik, 38, in addition to
she is the one facing an insur- fundraising in this race. Her do- farming, works in local politics N.Y. Sports Lineup
gent rival: Will Yandik, a nors include movie star Mark and helps run a family bakery.
fourth-generation farmer who Ruffalo, former Kickstarter ex- He called Ms. Teachout a new- 7:05 p.m. Monday
hails from the region. ecutive Fred Benenson and Ben comer to the area and said of Angels @ Yankees
“Zephyr is a star, she’s a big & Jerry’s co-founder Ben Co- her celebrity backers: “Endorse-
hero,” said Melinda Hardin, a Zephyr Teachout, running for Congress, lost to Gov. Cuomo in 2014. hen. Much of her funding has ments don’t win elections.”
political activist in the district, also come from small donors The district is currently rep-
which includes the Catskills is, really.” deep-pocketed donors when through ActBlue, a political-ac- resented by Chris Gibson, a Re- 7:05 p.m. Monday
and Hudson Valley, who voted Such shifting sentiments il- she ran for governor, she sur- tion committee supporting publican who held the seat for Mets @ Pirates
for Ms. Teachout in 2014. lustrate the challenge for Ms. prised some of them when she Democrats. three terms but said last year
However Ms. Hardin said Teachout as her profile has garnered more than a third of Ms. Teachout said she is that he wouldn’t seek re-elec-
she is now backing Mr. Yandik. risen. Largely ignored or dis- the primary vote. She subse- campaigning as hard as ever. “I tion in 2016. In the Republican
“He’s more grass-roots than she missed by elected officials and quently published a book on have spent my entire life speak- Please see RACE page A20 For N.Y. sports coverage, see A24
A20 | Monday, June 6, 2016 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Raising the Beds, With Assistance From a Professional

hile I didn’t flunk provement projects are those
shop, I didn’t excel you hire others to perform.
at it either. “When I was 17, I got a
In fact, I still marvel that I finish nail in my right eye,”
had any desire to become a he explained. “It bounced off
writer after the 500-word concrete. I never do this
punishment essays my shop work without some form of
teacher handed out as casu- eye protection.”
ally as he did hammer and The accident caused no
nails. If anything can turn a permanent damage. Mr. Ber-
person off the essay form, it’s endsohn blinked reflexively at
repeatedly having to come up the incoming projectile and
with variations on the theme trapped it with his eyelid.
of “Why I Fortunately, there were
Shouldn’t no mishaps as he sawed the
Talk in 10-foot planks I’d purchased
Class.” into 6-foot and 4-foot sec-
My skill tions to make the sides for
with carpen- the raised beds.

try tools was I took command of the cir-

hardly better cular saw only briefly, mostly
than it was Roy Berendsohn teaches Ralph Gardner Jr. how to use a circular to say I had. I also solicited
with a Dixon saw, left. Above, Mr. Berendsohn shows the columnist how to tips about some of the gen-
Ticonderoga shovel, above, and stands with the finished beds, below. teel chores I find myself oc-
#2 pencil. So casionally tempted to accom-
when my plish: such as how to hammer
family recently began to con- a nail into a wall or piece of
sider a raised-bed garden, I wood without bending it.
took the liberty of enlisting “You put your shoulder
the help of Roy Berendsohn, over the nail,” he explained
“Popular Mechanics” maga- as he did just that, nailing
zine’s “Ask Roy” columnist. two sections of the board to-
Why raised beds instead gether. “Start with a couple
of a conventional garden? I’m of taps and drive it in.”
not sure except that our Hud- Mr. Berendsohn also
son Valley property is terri- coached me on proper wheel-
ble for growing anything but barrow shoveling technique:
poison ivy. There’s approxi- “Get as close to it as possi-
mately 2 inches of topsoil. ble. Align the long access
And from there to the center with the direction you’re
of the earth it’s solid rock. shoveling. You want to avoid
Per Mr. Berendsohn’s in- shoveling from the side.”
structions, I purchased He’d already lost me.
wood, nails and a truckload But it turns out I’m


of topsoil before his arrival pretty good at pushing a
at our home. All he had to wheelbarrow downhill, if not
do was show me how to the advanced math Mr. Ber-
measure, saw and nail to- endsohn employed to mark
gether a few boards. off the wood.
Or preferably do so him- However, the most com-
self why I feigned taking plicated chore yet awaits—
notes. figuring how to mount fence
But first I was curious to posts in solid rock. Whatever
learn a bit of Mr. Berend- we grow in the beds will
sohn’s biography; he’s been have to be protected from
at “Popular Mechanics” for the woodchucks, which are
27 years. Specifically, did he approximately the size and
excel in shop class as a kid? ravenousness of black bears.
Impressively modest, Mr. Mr. Berendsohn’s initial
Berendsohn, 56 years old, people if I can do this, you both Mr. Berendsohn and his spy satellites. His workbench, “It’s the hammer that put suggestions included setting
denied any special talent can do this.” 91-year-old father, Oscar, are shown in the story, is a thing me through college,” he said. fence posts inside concrete
recognized at an early age That was before he met interviewed. of organizational beauty. I couldn’t help asking blocks and stapling chicken
for hammering a nail me. Oscar, who fled the Nazis, Roy also learned a trick about mishaps, as Mr. Ber- wire to the wood, or jack-
straight. He also had excellent role got an engineering degree or two working construction endsohn pulled sawhorses hammering.
“I did not have a mechan- models. There’s a touching from the Polytechnic Institute in western Connecticut as a and a circular saw from the He’s working on addi-
ical gift,” he insisted. “I’ve interview in June’s “Things of Brooklyn (now the NYU teenager. He still uses the back seat of his 2001 Chevy tional solutions.
learned the hard way with My Father Taught Me” issue Tandon School of Engineer- solid steel Estwing hammer Malibu. My attitude being
anything I’ve done. I tell of Popular Mechanics where ing) and started working on a boss gave him back then. that the safest home im-

Continued from page A19
by New Jersey and New York
governors, for failing to prop-

erly plan.
“At the end of the day it’s
Port Authority’s responsibil-
ity,” Mr. Fulop said. “They
should stop putting blame
elsewhere. Every surrounding
municipality has grown.”
Apartments under con-
struction or approved in Jer-

sey City alone could usher in

an estimated 64,250 new resi-
dents, increasing the city’s
current population of about
Will Yandik, a Democrat, is running for Congress in a New York 264,000 by some 25%.
state district that includes the Catskills and Hudson Valley. “We’ve got a brewing cri-
sis,” said Dawn Zimmer,

RACE worked with communities in

the district during the gover-
nor’s race and while advocat-
ing for public education issues
mayor of neighboring Hobo-
ken, whose constituents fre-
quently complain of PATH
Continued from page A19 and developed deep relation- The Port Authority fore-
primary, John Faso, former mi- ships there. casts the PATH will carry 88.4 Commuters pass a construction site for new condo buildings near the Grove Street PATH station.
nority leader of the state As- Since announcing her candi- million passengers in 2020, a
sembly, is battling businessman dacy, Ms. Teachout has ap- 15% surge from 2015 levels. the case now. Mr. Degnan said the Port
Andrew Heaney. peared to some observers to The PATH’s experience Grab a Seat Until such upgrades are in Authority couldn’t afford to
The district is split about veer to the center. She called highlights a recurring plan- PATH ridership place, PATH’s plans to ease fund the PATH system’s oper-
evenly between Democrats and for an economic study of the ning disconnect between mu- crowding involve the expan- ating deficits while also foot-
Republicans, but politicians’ Constitution Pipeline, a pro- nicipalities and regional tran- 90 million sion of rush-hour service, run- ing the entire bill for its fu-
roots in the area have been a posed natural-gas project that sit systems. A building boom 80 ning trains more frequently ture needs.
heated subject in the past. In has riled upstate New York. But in the trendy Brooklyn area of for longer periods. “We’re not a piggy bank,”
2014, Democratic activist Sean both candidates said they Williamsburg in part forced 70 Port Authority officials de- Mr. Degnan said. “We can’t
Eldridge ran against Mr. Gib- agreed with a state decision to the New York’s Metropolitan clined to specify plans for stand by and simply dole out
son but was criticized for buy- reject it. Both candidates have Transportation Authority to 60 other service improvements, money because the mayor of a
ing a multimillion-dollar home criticized New York’s strict spend hundreds of millions of 50
such as when the system town tells us that the develop-
in the area and moving there gun-control laws, saying the dollars to increase capacity on would begin running 10-car ment they’re planning in the
shortly before announcing his process by which they were im- the New York City’s L subway 40 trains on its Newark-to-World future requires it. It’s time for
candidacy. plemented was flawed. line. Trade Center line, up from the them to step up to the plate.”
“He was right about many Ms. Teachout said she is a “a Much of the Port Author- 30 current limit of eight. Unlike other transportation
things, but he didn’t under- bit of a Teddy Roosevelt Re- ity’s attention over the past It remains to be seen agencies, the Port Authority is
stand what we’re all about,” publican,” adding “I like break- year has focused on improving whether the Port Authority largely funded by tolls it col-
said Pamela Pine, a 69-year-old ing up big banks, and I want to other means for crossing the 10 will move forward with plans lects on Hudson River bridges
retired designer and Columbia take on big cable.” She has pre- Hudson River, including a re- Projected to extend the PATH from New- and tunnels and revenue from
County Democrat, of Mr. El- viously called herself a “Rocke- placement for Manhattan’s ag- 0 ark Penn Station to Newark the New York City area air-
dridge. She is supporting Mr. feller Republican.” ing Port Authority Bus Termi- 2010 ’12 ’14 ’16 ’18 ’20 Liberty International Airport. ports it operates. The MTA, by
Yandik because she said he is Support for Mr. Yandik, nal. Last year, the bus Source: Port Authority of New York Mr. Degnan said the Port contrast, derives a significant
looking out “for the people who meanwhile, comes almost ex- terminal served 66.7 million and New Jersey Authority planned to seek amount of its operating and
live here.” clusively from within the dis- passengers, about 10 million THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. capital contributions from cit- capital budgets from state and
Mr. Eldridge, who lost to trict. Ms. Teachout has drawn fewer than the PATH. ies and developers that bene- local funding sources.
Mr. Gibson by double digits, national attention. “Crowding will get worse pected to arrive until the end fit from projects that increase
donated to Ms. Teachout but Marvin Ammori, a Washing- before it gets better,” said of 2018 at the earliest. A new the PATH’s capacity and ex-
declined to comment for this ton, D.C., attorney, donated to Rich Barone, transportation advanced signal system, which pand the system. That would We Want to Hear
article. Ms. Teachout, he said, because expert at the Regional Plan is part of a crash-avoidance mark a shift in how the Port From You
Ms. Teachout, who grew up they are friends and he believes Association, a civic group fo- system required by federal Authority pays for PATH im- Have something to say about
in Vermont, lived in Brooklyn she will advocate for net neu- cused on urban planning in law, would let PATH trains run provements. an article in Greater New
during the 2014 primary but trality, a broadband policy that the region. “This is the univer- closer together, increasing ca- Such a financial arrange- York? Email us, along with
moved north after that race. is important to him. sal trans-Hudson story. Our pacity up to about 20%, Port ment has recent precedent: your contact information, at
She continues to teach law at Ms. Teachout’s political delay in implementing years Authority officials said. Trains New York City effectively paid Your letter
Fordham University but lives in clout hasn’t gone to her head, of planning to add new capac- could then run about every for a new subway station at could be published in our
a Dutchess County home and he added. “To see her now, do- ity will have consequences.” two minutes during peak the Hudson Yards develop- weekly Feedback column on
said she grew up in a similar ing this political thing and get- Upgrades to PATH that times—as some of the busier ment in Manhattan by issuing Friday. Letters will be edited
area. She move to Dutchess ting endorsements and dancing would allow run trains to run New York City subway lines do bonds backed by expected in- for brevity and clarity. Please
County in 2015. at shindigs, she is still pretty more frequently—and help re- during rush hours—instead of creases in property-tax reve- include your city and state.
Ms. Teachout said she much just Zephyr.” duce crowding—aren’t ex- every four to six minutes as is nue.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Monday, June 6, 2016 | A21


Police Hunt Man Support for Israel on the Upper East Side
Wielding Knife
In Robbery Spree
Mr. Malave said he and an-
other co-worker were inside
the store about 9:30 p.m. mak-
ing preparations to close when
a man walked quickly inside.

He wore sunglasses and

flashed a knife, Mr. Malave
said. Images captured on a
surveillance camera show the


man holding out the knife be-
fore making his way to an area
designated for employees only.
Officials said the man said,
“ ‘Give me the money,’ ” be-
An image of the suspect from fore grabbing a tray of cash
a May 11 robbery in Queens. from the register and making
off with as much as $300.
BY MARK MORALES “It was a very quick pro-
cess. He made it clear what he
Police say the robberies wanted,” said Mr. Malave. “We
play out briskly and in roughly were alone, so there’s nothing
the same fashion: A stocky, much we could do.” RAIN OR SHINE: Seth Kofina of Rockland County blows a shofar in the Celebrate Israel Parade that traveled up Fifth Avenue on Sunday.
young man enters a fast-food Before the Subway restau-
restaurant, brandishes a big rant robbery in Forest Hills,
knife and demands cash. the robber took $400 on June

Cuomo Counters Boycotts of Israel

He usually leaves with sev- 1 from a Subway restaurant on
eral hundred dollars, and, au- Northern Boulevard, police
thorities say, the man has car- said.
ried out 22 similar holdups on Before that, on May 25, the
Long Island and in New York thief targeted a Dunkin’ Do- BY ZOLAN KANNO-YOUNGS will develop a list of those in- plauded the order. Clinton for the Democratic
City since March 1. nuts on Cross Bay Boulevard stitutions and companies and In a statement provided presidential nomination, has
About a dozen of the heists in Queens and made off with New York Gov. Andrew post it online within 180 days. through a spokesman, Donna said he thought Israel’s re-
have taken place in Nassau $776 in cash, police said. Cuomo signed an executive or- The office will notify the busi- Lieberman, executive director sponse in the seven- week
County. New York Police Depart- der Sunday to divest state nesses before adding them to for the New York Civil Liber- Gaza conflict was dispropor-
“The arrest of this individ- ment Chief of Detectives Rob- funds from businesses support- the list and give them 90 days ties Union, said the group tionate. Mr. Sanders’s cam-
ual is our number one prior- ert Boyce said the suspect se- ing a boycott against Israel. to show proof they aren’t sup- would be looking “very closely paign didn’t return a request
ity,” said Nassau County Police lects fast-food restaurants Mr. Cuomo said the boycott, porting the boycott. at this executive order.” for comment.
Department Detective Lieuten- located close to highways. divestment and sanctions The Palestinian BDS Na- “Whenever the government Mr. Cuomo, who has en-
ant Richard LeBrun, in a state- Detectives are combing movement “is in many ways tional Committee, which coor- creates a blacklist based on dorsed Mrs. Clinton, didn’t
ment released Sunday. through surveillance footage. more frightening” than tunnels dinates the initiative, didn’t re- political views it raises serious mention Mr. Sanders’s name.
The robber apparently They think he parks several Hamas constructed to infiltrate turn a request for comment. First Amendment concerns and Mrs. Clinton, during a de-
started his spree March 1 at a blocks away from the store he Israel. The committee’s website de- this is no exception,” Ms. Lie- bate in April with Mr. Sanders
Dunkin’ Donuts on Lakeville chooses to rob, Chief Boyce “We are against the BDS scribes the movement as “a berman said. in Brooklyn, expressed sympa-
Avenue in New Hyde Park, po- said. movement and it’s very sim- strategy that allows people of On Sunday, Mr. Cuomo, a thy for Israelis who she said
lice said. “He walks in and produces ple,” Mr. Cuomo said in re- conscience to play an effective Democrat, also expressed dis- are constantly under terrorist
He most recently is sus- a large butcher’s knife that he marks at the Harvard club in role in the Palestinian struggle approval of some Democrats attack.
pected to have been involved uses for each one and puts it Midtown before marching in for justice.” who have criticized Israel for After Mr. Cuomo’s speech,
in a robbery Friday at a Sub- back into his pant leg when he the Celebrate Israel Parade on Mr. Cuomo said New York its response to Hamas in the Rep. Jerry Nadler, a Democrat
way restaurant on 108th leaves,” Chief Boyce said. the Upper East Side. “If you was the first state to issue 2014 Gaza war. “How can you whose district covers portions
Street in the Forest Hills sec- Police say the man appears boycott against Israel, New such an such an order. have a disproportionate re- of Manhattan and Brooklyn,
tion of Queens, officials said. to be in his 20s. York will boycott you.” A Republican-sponsored bill sponse when you are dealing criticized Mr. Sanders. “A re-
“He caught us. We’re glad He stands about 5 feet 9 The order would prevent with similar aims as Mr. with an enemy who is ob- sponse is disproportionate if it
no one got hurt,” sad Anthony inches tall and was last seen state agencies and depart- Cuomo’s order passed the state sessed and single minded?” he is more destructive of life or
Malave, 22, a Subway restau- wearing a gray hooded shirt, ments from investing in com- Senate in January. Senate ma- said. property that is necessary to
rant employee who was inside black jeans and black boots, panies boycotting Israel. The jority leader John J. Flanagan, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sand- accomplish its military objec-
during the robbery on Friday police said. state Office of General Services a Long Island Republican, ap- ers, running against Hillary tive,” he said.

Polynesian Tradition Sails Into the City


ALOHA, NEW YORK: Crew members of the Hokule’a sing Sunday from aboard the vessel in
Manhattan. The Hawaiian voyaging canoe is sailing around the world and to promote conservation.

day he was in the surgical inten- a Bronx roadway.

Greater sive care unit.
Mr. Khan, a U.S. citizen of
Believed to be in her 30s, the
woman was in critical condition
New York Guyanese heritage, was wearing
traditional Islamic attire when he
at Jacobi Medical Center. Her
left arm is tattooed with a
Watch was attacked, according to Ms.
Nasher, who visited Mr. Khan in
flower, rosary beads and a Bibli-
cal quote that starts with the
the hospital Sunday. words “I will fear no evil…”
She said nothing was stolen She was discovered late Fri-
in the attack. day on an entrance ramp to Pel-
—Zolan Kanno-Youngs ham Parkway, with trauma to
QUEENS her head and her arm cut. Inves-
BROOKLYN tigators are trying to determine
Group Says Attack the cause of her injuries.
May Be a Hate Crime Four Men Shot Near —Associated Press
A leading Muslim civil-rights Amusement Park
organization Sunday called on Police said four men were NEW YORK STATE
the New York Police Department shot and wounded Sunday on a
to investigate the possibility of a Coney Island street, near the
Public Defense Funds
hate crime in Queens. famed amusement park. Change Is Proposed
The NYPD Hate Crimes Task Authorities didn’t immediately New York’s Assembly has
Force was notified of last week’s know the circumstances of the passed legislation to gradually
incident, officials said, and the shootings on Neptune Avenue transfer responsibility to fund
investigation is continuing. just before 3 p.m. public defenders from the coun-
Mohamid Rasheed Khan, 59 Two of the men were admit- ties to the state.
years old, was near the Center ted to Coney Island Hospital, and Assembly member Patricia
for Islamic Studies on Jamaica two others to Lutheran Medical Fahy, an Albany Democrat, said
Avenue on Wednesday, when he Center. Each was in stable condi- the bill would relieve the burden
was attacked, said Afaf Nasher, tion. Their names weren’t imme- from counties, where services
the executive director for the diately released. and funding are uneven.
New York Chapter of the Council —Associated Press Under current law, New York
on American-Islamic Relations. City and the 57 counties outside
Mr. Khan was riding his bicy- THE BRONX it are required to fund attorneys
cle when he was hit in the face for criminal defendants unable
and knocked over, causing his
Unconscious Woman to afford one.
head to slam on the ground, a Found on Roadway A companion bill with 20 co-
law-enforcement official said. He Authorities are trying to iden- sponsors has been introduced in
was taken to Jamaica Hospital tify a woman who was found the Senate.
Medical Center, where on Sun- unconscious and badly injured on —Associated Press
A22 | Monday, June 6, 2016 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Developers Bank on New York City’s Aging Population
Continued from page A19
have health and memory is-
sues,” said Chris Merrill, chief
executive of Harrison Street
Real Estate Capital LLC, a pri-
vate-equity firm. The firm and
its partner, the Engel Burman
Group, own 13 senior commu-
nities offering assisted living
and memory care services in
the surrounding New York
City area. He noted, “there is
a real need for quality as-
sisted living and memory
By 2040, the city’s popula-
tion of residents ages 60 and
older is expected to reach 1.86
million—up 22% from 2013—
and make up more than 20%
of the population, according
to projections from the New A rendering of Welltower Inc. and Hines’ 15-story senior living
York City Department for the community, left, and a current view of the block at the northeast
Aging. corner of East 56th Street and Lexington Avenue, above. Below, a

“For Hines, what we liked rendering of an assisted living residence planned by Maplewood
about this as an economic Senior Living and Omega Healthcare Investors for Second Avenue
matter [is] it’s on a demo- between East 93rd and East 94th streets.
graphic curve and not an eco-
nomic cycle,” said Tommy
Craig, senior managing direc-
tor at Hines, which will make
its first foray into senior
housing with this Midtown
Home prices also make the
New York City region attrac-
tive, because many potential
residents will use the equity
in their homes to pay for se-
nior housing, said Beth Mace,
chief economist of the Na-
tional Investment Center for
Seniors Housing & Care, or
NIC, an educational and re-
search nonprofit that tracks
the market. The median home
value in the New York metro-
politan area is $404,000,
while the U.S. average is
about $207,000, according to
The large presence of adult
children of the elderly living
in the New York area is also a
strong driver in the senior necessarily a sure bet. The vice in terms of maintenance Still, some see opportunity. to secure the assemblage of ized services, including care
housing industry, she said. business is labor intensive, and doorman and porters and Maplewood Senior Living and five buildings for their site on for those with varying levels
“You see a lot of marketing heavily regulated and requires everything delivered to your its partner Omega Healthcare Second Avenue between East of dementia. The project will
efforts not just to residents, experienced operators, indus- door,” said John Moore, chief Investors Inc., a real-estate in- 93rd and East 94th streets, also have an indoor pool,
but to their children as well,” try experts said. executive of Atria Senior Liv- vestment trust focused on the said the company’s chief exec- beauty salon and terrace.
said Ms. Mace. “Adult children “The challenge is operating ing Inc., a national operator long-term care industry, were utive Gregory Smith. “Even knowing there were
decide where the adult parent something in New York that is which manages four New York determined to establish a Maplewood and Omega are high barriers to entry, we
is going to go.” compelling for people to move City senior housing communi- presence in the Manhattan planning a $246 million se- stood our ground and decided
The project may be ad- into when you can stay in ties, including one on Manhat- market. The companies had to nior-housing high rise there that was a market we wanted
dressing a demand, but it isn’t your co-op and have full ser- tan’s Upper West Side. negotiate with several parties with apartments and special- to be in,” Mr. Smith said.

revealed the average asking rent May surveyed 2,000 investors

What’s the for this market niche was
$99.94 a square foot in the first
and startup firms, mostly in the
U.S., aiming to get a sense of
Deal quarter, up 0.5% from $99.43 in
September 2015—when the in-
key players’ views on where the
sector is headed in 2016.
dex was updated previously. About half of the investors
Landlords are maintaining said they expect to see more ac-
pricing levels but likely will con- quisitions in 2016 than 2015, and
tinue to offer robust tenant con- 87% said they anticipate making
QUEENS cession packages with free rent the same number or more in-
and allowances for tenants to vestments in real estate technol-
Forest Hills Tower build out their offices, said Cyn- ogy, according to the Global Real
Signs New Tenants thia Wasserberger a JLL manag- Estate Tech Confidence Index.
The owner of an office build- ing director. None of the investors said they
ing in the Forest Hills section of In previous economic cycles, expect to see fewer real estate
Queens is replacing a departing asking rents in trophy buildings tech deals this year.
government tenant with local showed sharp increases, rising Meanwhile, about 44% of

organizations seeking headquar- 127% between 1997 and 2000 startup founders expect raising
ters space in the neighborhood. and 82% between 2003 and venture capital in 2016 will be
Muss Development has 2007, the report noted. Since harder than in 2015, with 39%
signed 43,000 square feet of 2009, average asking rents have saying it will remain the same as
new leases at 118-35 Queens steadily increased by 36%. The last year and about 17% expecting
Blvd., known as Forest Hills first quarter’s average asking fundraising to be easier this year.
Tower. The building, which Muss rent was 17% below the 2007 Startups also are pessimistic
constructed in 1981, is undergo- peak of $120.22. about exit opportunities, with
ing a multimillion-dollar renova- Forest Hills Tower at 118-35 Queens Blvd., where Child Center of New York has signed a lease. “We are sort of chugging 44% reporting it is unlikely or very
tion, said principal Jason Muss. along,” Ms. Wasserberger said. unlikely their firm will be acquired,
In 2012, Muss arranged a a current tenant, signed a 15- a more central location, putting MIDTOWN “Rents aren’t too out of whack the go public or have a major liquidity
hasty, 200,000-square-foot year lease for 21,107 square feet us nearer to our wellness cen- way they were in 2000 and ‘07.” event in the next two years. Only
lease with the Federal Emer- on the third floor. After the ex- ters and partner schools in Ja-
Office Asking Rents —Keiko Morris 17.4% said such transactions were
gency Management Agency to pansion, Plaza College will oc- maica and South Queens.” Are Ticking Higher likely or very likely.
set up its New York City head- cupy 61,107 square feet there. Brittany Travis, a spokes- Average asking rents at Mid- NEW YORK Startups, however, aren’t en-
quarters after Hurricane Sandy. The Child Center of New York, woman with Plaza College, said town Manhattan trophy towers tirely skeptical about the year
The government agency is giv- founded in 1953, offers program- its expansion will be used for increased slightly from the fall,
Investors Are Bullish ahead, saying they plan to hire
ing back space and will fully de- ming, education and counseling classrooms and administration indicating landlords are holding On Real Estate Tech aggressively, with 39% planning
part the building by the end of to children in Queens. Its current “to accommodate the new and firm on rental pricing, according Investors are more bullish to hire six to 20 employees this
the summer, Mr. Muss said. headquarters in Woodside has exciting programs we are plan- to a JLL report. about the real estate tech sector year and 12% indicating they
With the available space, become overcrowded, said ning to offer in the near future.” The Hedge Fund Index, which this year than startup companies would hire up to 50 workers.
Muss signed a 12-year lease spokeswoman Eugenie Bisulco. Asking rents at the building tracks 24 high-end buildings are, according to a new survey. The Real Estate Board of New
with the Child Center of New “The new space is better- range from mid- to- high $30s a with a high concentration of MetaProp NYC, a real estate York reviewed the survey’s
York to take 21,808 square feet suited to accommodating our square foot. boutique hedge funds and in- technology accelerator, seed in- methodology and analysis.
on the sixth floor. Plaza College, growth,” she said. “Forest Hills is —Emily Nonko vestment management tenants, vestment and advisory firm, in —Keiko Morris

CLASH sents infrastructure contractors

that exclusively use union
Gilbane stepped into the pic-
to about 350, including three
other family members, Alexan-
der Cole, John Anderson III and
Brennan Gilbane Koch.
projects that historically have
been all union jobs.”
Gilbane also is in unions’
crosshairs because other big
Continued from page A19 ture as this sea change was tak- Gilbane’s newcomer status construction companies have
ness for decades. But it has ing place. Founded in 1873 by helps explain why it is a leader started to balk at renewing col-
been intensifying lately partly an Irish immigrant, the com- in pushing the use of a mixture lective-bargaining agreements.
because nonunion contractors pany has built several billion of nonunion and union contrac- The big firms “feel as though
have been making major in- square feet of space over the tors. Homegrown construction economically they’ve been
roads in what used to be an all- decades and today has more companies have been more forced into this position,” Ms.
union town. As recently as the than 50 offices world-wide. steeped in the city’s union- Richardson said. “They’re going
1980s, all residential projects in The company, which is 100% dominant culture. to do exactly what Gilbane has
the city used union labor exclu- family owned, did its first Union leaders say they be- done: open their subcontractor
sively. Today it is about half building project in New York in gan perceiving Gilbane as a packages up to union as well as
that much. 1940, but its work here has threat recently as it took on big nonunion firms.”
Unions still dominate com- been limited until recently. The jobs that traditionally would Mr. Gilbane said the com-

mercial and institutional con- company began flexing its mus- have been exclusively union, pany doesn’t like being subject
struction. But that too is show- cles in the city after the 2008 like 1 Wall Street. That 1-mil- to such attacks, but it has no
ing signs of slipping. financial crisis as part of a lion-square-foot office building plans to change its method for
“The nonunion contractors strategy to focus more on urban is being converted by developer choosing contractors. He ex-
became steadily more skilled areas throughout the country. Harry Macklowe into residen- pressed hope that his company
and able to take on bigger Mr. Gilbane said that the tial and retail space. Gilbane is and unions will be able to find
pieces of work, and the unions company currently is working using both union and nonunion common ground.
didn’t see it in time,” said De- on about $1.1 billion worth of contractors on that job. “There will be a meeting in
nise Richardson, executive di- New York projects, up from “We’re not talking about 20- the middle here that will be
rector of the General Contrac- $250 million four years ago. story residential buildings,” healthy for everybody,” he said.
tors Association of New York, The firm has grown from 80 said Mr. LaBarbera. “We’re —Laura Kusisto
an industry group that repre- employees in the city in 2008 talking about very complicated contributed to this article. A union protest outside Gilbane’s downtown offices in May.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Monday, June 6, 2016 | A23


Going Behind the Scenes at Governors Ball Festival

BY LEAH LATELLA bands and 55 food trucks, mum capacity while the
many by New York restau- crowds enjoyed this sold out
The sixth annual Gover- rants. Around 45,000 daily event. Behind the scenes,
nors Ball Music Festival fans flocked to the grounds 4,500 staff members and
kicked off this past Friday on by both bridge and ferry and 600 volunteers helped keep
Randall’s Island Park before 55% were local from the sur- things running smoothly.
closing down early Sunday rounding boroughs. We got an inside look at
due to inclement weather. In true New York style, some of the artists and what
The three-day, New York City every inch of green space they can’t live without at
based festival hosted 66 was occupied to its maxi- this homegrown festival.

Albert Hammond Jr.:

American songwriter and guitarist Albert Hammond Jr. of the Strokes has played the same
Fender Stratocaster since 1998. ‘Oh, it’s priceless. I’ve had it since the beginning,’ he said. Behind the
Big Apple stage, Mr. Hammond tells the story of how a quest to find a guitar repairman in
Manhattan started a chain of events that led him to the guitar and introduced him to J.P. Bowersock,
his guitar teacher and guitar guru for the Strokes’ first album. ‘Meeting this guy on the street kind of
has this whole thing that connects with my entire history of music, which is pretty crazy,’ he said. ‘It
was that year where stuff happened to me where I was like, that’s impossible.’ He continued, ‘It was
amazing. It was like, oh New York was the right move for me.’

Holly Miranda: Meg Mac:

American singer-songwriter While on tour with D’Angelo, Australian singer-songwriter Meg
Holly Miranda brings on stage Mac noticed he always wore a hat. So she tried it out as well.
with her a special rock that ‘Once I started wearing it, I couldn’t perform without it. It feels
she picked up during a powerful when you wear a hat,’ she said.
meditative music event near
Joshua Tree National Park in
southern California. ‘So now I
carry it around and I feel like I
am carrying a little bit of that
energy or that power with
me,’ she said.


Bloc Party:
Kele Okereke, frontman for the English indie rock band Bloc Party, center, uses an iPod for his routine
vocal warm up before every performance, which gets him in the mood for singing. ‘When I pull it out,
people look at me a bit funny because not many people have iPods anymore,’ he said. ‘I still keep it real
with a BlackBerry, so it’s very useful to me to have my entire music library in one place.' Their lineup
also includes from left, Justin Harris (bass), Louise Bartle (drums) and Russell Lissack (guitar).
A24 | Monday, June 6, 2016 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Injuries Take Toll on Mets
The Garden Staged
MIAMI—Please excuse Terry Col-
lins for needing to make a joke.
Ali’s Biggest Fight
“We may only have seven guys to- From “The Rumble in the Jun- months later, the pair continued
morrow,” he cracked before Sunday’s gle” to “The Thrilla in Manila,” Mu- their epic rivalry with 1975’s “Thrilla
1-0 loss to the Marlins. hammad Ali’s title fights spanned in Manila,” in which Ali prevailed
The Mets entered this series the globe. But the biggest battle of again by TKO after Round 14.
against the Marlins missing most of his career was reserved for New That ensured their epic rivalry
their starting infield—Travis d’Ar- York City. ended with Ali holding a 2-1 edge
naud, Lucas Duda and David Wright. in the ring, although that may be
Then when Yoenis Cespedes and
Juan Lagares went down with inju-
Take a Number underselling his record. The day be-
fore their second fight in New York,
ries on Saturday, Collins had all sorts Ali also prevailed over Frazier in the
of issues. On March 8, 1971, Madison marbles ring—on the city’s Sunday


He pulled Lagares from the game Square Garden was the site of his morning kids’ TV show, “Won-
to get his thumb examined by a doc- “Fight of the Century” with Joe Fra- derama.” —Michael Salfino
tor, but couldn’t find one. “There was zier. The showdown, in which Ali
no doctor to see Juan, I know that. If was trying to reclaim the belt that
anybody’s qualified, please step for- had been stripped from him for re-
ward now,” Collins said. fusing to be drafted, brought to-
After Saturday’s game, Collins gether two undefeated heavy-
tried calling Mets executives in New weight champions, drew a
York to inquire about roster moves. worldwide audience of 300 million
He couldn’t connect with them. Neil Walker was one of the few healthy starters in the lineup on Sunday. and was broadcast in 12 languages.
So there’s definitely something Ringside seats were scalped for
comical about all of this, making Col- $1,000 (nearly $6,000 in today’s
lins’s inclination to crack jokes un- The Injured List money.) Each fighter earned the
derstandable. Although there’s noth- A look at injuries to Mets’ position players. equivalent of about $15 million to-
ing funny about the injuries day, or about 17 times the salary of
themselves or the threats they pose PLAYER INJURY STATUS the highest-paid baseball player of
to the season, they did survive the Travis d’Arnaud C Rotator cuff strain DL; Began rehab assignment playing DH on Sunday the time, Carl Yastrzemski.
Fight of the Century
weekend rather well. After all, they Lucas Duda 1B Back (stress fracture) DL; Likely out until at least late June or July After a three-and-a-half-year ex- Some noteworthy facts from the
took two of three games from Miami, David Wright 3B Neck (Herniated disc) DL; Out a minimum of six to eight weeks ile from boxing, Ali returned a first bout between Muhammad Ali
only losing against the utterly domi- Yoenis Cespedes OF Hip Day-to-day; has flared up previously much different, less evasive fighter, and Joe Frazier.
nant Jose Fernandez, who struck out Juan Lagares OF Thumb (sprained) Seeing doctor in New York on Monday content to battle the southpaw-
14 and kept the Mets scoreless on slugging Frazier toe-to-toe. After Date March 8, 1971
Sunday. dominating the early going, Ali lost Madison Square
The other reason to be cheery: he defiantly rejected his last time out proceed: Can they weather the storm the vast majority of the remaining Garden
The Mets’ patchwork lineup showed with a seven-inning, two-hit shutout with a lineup filled with players who rounds according to the official Joe Frazier’s 26-0, 23 KOs
surprising promise. The Mets scored against the White Sox. “Today was, I began the year in Triple-A, or will scorecards, with Frazier winning a record
six runs in each of Friday and Satur- guess you could say, a second step they need to look for outside help? unanimous decision. But, unoffi- Muhammad 31-0, 25 KOs
day’s back-to-back wins after a frigid from last start,” Harvey said. The good news is that the her- cially, the United Press International Ali’s record
May during which the team averaged As for the injuries, Cespedes is alded starting rotation is finally scored the fight a 7-7-1 draw. Ali Ringside seat $150 ($886)
only three runs per game. day-to-day with a sore hip, an injury clicking on all cylinders with Harvey suffered the only knockdown after (2016 dollars)
They got key contributions from that has flared up in the past but finally looking like his old self. Mets being hit flush with a Frazier left Scalper ringside $1,000 ($5,908)
catcher Rene Rivera, first baseman isn’t considered serious. He was starters have a 3.17 ERA on the sea- hook in the 15th round. But Frazier, (2016 dollars)
James Loney and third baseman taken out of the starting lineup Sat- son, the second lowest rotation ERA his face badly swollen and mis- Crowd 20,455
Wilmer Flores, all of whom came urday and pinch-hit on Sunday, with in baseball, and that figure may even shapen, was in and out of hospital Guaranteed
through with big hits. Backups Matt the team hoping to have him back for drop with Harvey’s improved form. for two weeks following the fight. $2.5 million ($14.8
purse (2016 million)
Reynolds and Alejandro De Aza made the upcoming series in Pittsburgh. Now the pressure is on for Harvey Ali’s rivalry with Frazier would dollars)
key contributions, while outfielder Lagares’s status is less clear. Dur- and the other Mets aces to dominate. continue after the latter lost his ti- Worldwide 300 million
Michael Conforto broke out of an 0- ing Saturday’s game, he made a div- “No matter what our lineup may tle to George Foreman. Their re- viewership
for-20 slump at a time when his bat ing catch to rob Ichiro Suzuki of an look like or injuries we have, you match at the Garden on Jan. 28, AP scorecard 9-5-1 Frazier
is vital. RBI-hit but in the process injured his have to stay focused and do every- 1974 saw Ali take a narrow win by UPI scorecard 7-7-1 Draw
In Sunday’s loss, Matt Harvey had thumb and later had to be removed thing you can to put up zeroes,” Har- decision thanks to his tactic of Knockdowns Ali in Round 15
his second consecutive stellar outing, from the game. It has been diag- vey said. “We could have the best clinching Frazier by the back of the Frazier by
allowing just one run on four hits in nosed as a sprain before he visits lineup in the world, we could have neck every time he tried to move in Result unanimous decision
seven innings. This came after his with doctors in New York, and he the worst lineup in the world. Obvi- to attack. After Ali’s shocking upset
struggles had become so severe said he hopes to be back in Pitts- ously, our job is to go out and go as of Foreman in Zaire just nine WSJ
there were talks of removing him burgh for game time on Monday. deep into the game as we can and UPI/PICTURE-ALLIANCE/DPA/AP
from the starting rotation, a question It’s also unclear how the Mets will fight for zeroes.”


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Pentagon Hires Alcohol Price Djokovic Makes
Foreign Supplier Ruling on Tap History in France

© 2016 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, June 6, 2016 | B1

GM Bets on Virtual Stores Large Dealer Footprint

Cadillac sells fewer vehicles in the U.S. than many luxury-car
rivals but has far more dealers.

Cadillac plans to turn is being hatched to convert a dealers said. Hired by Chief ing whether some of the deal- 2,500
portion of Cadillac’s 925 stores Executive Mary Barra in 2014 erships with the lowest vol-
some of its dealerships into virtual dealerships that to turn the struggling luxury umes would be willing to go to
344,601 vehicles
into VR showrooms; will be low on overhead and big maker around, Mr. de Nyss- tier 5, which is virtual. sold in 2015
on sophisticated technology. chen is revamping the way the Regarding virtual dealer-
headsets, but no cars In a somewhat unprece- company compensates its deal- ships, a GM spokesman said Ca-
dented way of moving metal, ers by rewarding them less on dillac is working on the concept
Buyers walking into a Cadil- Cadillac President Johan de the basis of vehicles sold and and researching technologies.
lac dealer in the near future Nysschen will this month be- more on the way those dealers Mr. de Nysschen came to Ca-
could find an interesting thing gin looking for commitments mimic better performing lux- dillac amid GM’s ignition-switch 1,500
on the car lot: nothing. from some store owners will- ury brands with perks such as crisis and his aggressive stance BMW
ing to set up showrooms free roadside assistance. to clean up a luxury brand in Mercedes
By Christina Rogers, where buyers can get a car Company executives will disarray has been the subject of


John D. Stoll and serviced or learn about prod- solicit commitments during a some complaints within the 1,000
Gautham Nagesh ucts via virtual reality head- roadshow that starts in June, dealer body, according to deal- Infiniti
sets without getting behind traveling to about a half-dozen ers and executives familiar with 133,498
General Motors Co.’s luxury the wheel. Driving off immedi- cities to win over dealers con- the matter. Acura Cadillac
division has about three times ately with a new vehicle will fused or even angered by a Many dealers view Mr. de 500 177,165 188,794
as many U.S. stores as German be impossible because these plan that could be seen as a Nysschen’s ability to push
luxury auto makers or Toyota stores won’t have inventory. way to force the smallest of through Project Pinnacle as a Volvo
Motor Co.’s Lexus, but sells Virtual stores are a part of dealers out of business, ac- test of his staying power at a 70,046
only about half the volume. “Project Pinnacle,” an exten- cording to GM and several company that has in the past
Short of steering around rigid sive retail-strategy overhaul by dealers. Mr. de Nysschen squeezed out managers who 200 400 600 800 1,000
state franchise laws and ham- Mr. de Nysschen first intro- wants to know which of five ruffled too many feathers. Mr. APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF DEALERS
mering out financial settle- duced to dealers a few months tiers of dealers those store de Nysschen wasn’t available Sources: the companies; McKinsey; Automotive News
ments to shutter stores, a plan ago in closed-door meetings, owners want to fit in, includ- Please see DEALER page B2 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Oil Drillers Have a Few Sweet Spots Left Combining

BY ERIN AILWORTH based on oil priced at $45 a
barrel, operators say; premium
America’s oil and gas pro-
ducers are still finding places
where they can prosper even
wells are generating greater
In part, returns benefit
For Cancer
at today’s lower prices.
Companies are refocusing
their drilling efforts on the
from access to established
pipeline, storage and other in-
frastructure. Drillers in both
Gets Costly
Permian Basin in Texas and areas have been able to find BY PETER LOFTUS
New Mexico and rushing into energy stacked in layers un-
a part of Oklahoma known as derground. Some producers CHICAGO—Cancer research-
the Stack where they can also are tapping holdings that ers see promise in giving pa-
claim solid returns. were acquired long ago, when tients combinations of multiple
While small in terms of acquisition costs were lower. drugs that are proving more ef-
overall production, the move Continental Resources fective than one or two. But the
is gathering steam, even as Inc., which helped spark the strategy poses a dilemma for
drilling in places like North North Dakota boom, says its health insurers and patients:
Dakota and Pennsylvania re- best wells today are in the even higher prices.
mains sluggish. Stack—a well-trod part of Researchers said at a medi-
Wells in the Permian and Oklahoma near Cushing, Okla., cal meeting here Sunday that
the Stack—which stands for a major oil storage and trad- adding a third drug, Johnson &
Sooner Trend, Anadarko basin, ing hub. The company says its Johnson’s Darzalex, to an older
and Canadian and Kingfisher drilling there can yield a 75% two-drug combination for pa-
counties—are racking up be- return with oil at $45 a barrel. tients with multiple myeloma
tween 10% and 30% returns Please see OIL page B2 significantly slowed the blood
cancer’s growth compared with
KANSAS the older two-drug combination
alone in a clinical trial.
But the combined cost of the
Tulsa drugs—based on current list
prices and the dosing schedule
Stack Oklahoma City used in the study—would be at
least $180,000 for the first full
Cana d ian year of treatment for the aver-

age patient. Darzalex, which

OKLAHOMA was introduced last year, costs
100 miles about $134,550 for the first
year and $76,050 each year
thereafter, a J&J spokesman
A drilling rig in the Permian Basin, a region that still yields solid returns for American oil producers. Source: RS Energy Group THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. said.
High prices for new cancer
drugs and repeated increases

Google’s Chrome OS Steals a March on Rivals

for some older ones have
sparked criticism from doctors,
patients and insurers, who say
the costs are straining budgets
and often seem unrelated to

or most of my working and power, I increasingly mobile operating systems. how well the drugs work. The
life, I have used Macs think it is the future of com- Chrome is fast, even on spread of combination treat-
at home and Windows puting. relatively weak hardware, ments threatens to heighten
PCs at work. But a couple of That view is gaining ad- which is why a decent this tension.

years ago, intrigued by a herents. In the first quarter, Chromebook can be had for “We have to think about if
change in the winds of com- Chrome OS devices outsold less than $300. Like a mobile the benefit from combination
puting— products using Apple Inc.’s OS, it updates automatically. therapies is worth the cost,”
from the Mac OS for the first time. But unlike every other OS Daniel Goldstein, a medical on-
desktop to Chrome OS devices still I’ve ever used, these updates cologist at Rabin Medical Center
the cloud— account for only 10% of per- are invisible, unavoidable, in Israel, said in an interview
I decided to sonal-computer sales in the occur only in the back- Friday at the annual meeting of
give U.S. and 2.5% of PC sales ground, and never seem to the American Society of Clinical
Google’s world-wide, according to slow down the machine. Oncology in Chicago.
KEYWORDS Chrome- Linn Huang, a director of re- All of this is deliberate, Steve Pearson, president of
CHRISTOPHER books a search at IDC. But IDC ex- says Rajen Sheth, a director the Institute for Clinical and
MIMS chance. pects sales of Chrome OS de- of product-management for Economic Review, a nonprofit
Now, to vices to increase nearly 30% Chromebooks have had notable success in the education market. Chrome. “What resonates that assesses the cost-effective-
my sur- this year, far outstripping with users is simplicity, secu- ness of drugs, suggested drug
prise, I use the Chrome oper- the PC market’s overall Chrome is just better. runs a web browser. As a re- rity, shareability and speed,” companies work together to of-
ating system for all my non- growth. Chrome was designed to sult, it does things that no he says. fer “group discounts” on all
mobile computing. Here’s why I agree: For be an operating system that other desktop operating sys- Chromebooks have seen drugs in a combination regimen.
Thanks to continuous im- most of what people need to relies on the cloud—basically tem does, but that we have tremendous success in the This would allow combination
provements in its usefulness accomplish on a computer, a machine that primarily come to take for granted in Please see MIMS page B4 Please see DRUGS page B2
B2 | Monday, June 6, 2016 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

A-B Glencore ...................... R7 Resources..................B2

Acer.............................B4 Globalfoundries...........B3 Procter & Gamble.......R5
Alcoa............................R7 Greylock Partners.......C3 Qlik Technologies........C6
Alibaba........................B4 GungHo Online R-S
American International Entertainment..........B4
Halliburton................R10 Retrophin .................... B6
Group.........................C1 Rio Tinto ..................... R7
AMG Advanced Home Depot................R5
Rocket Lab..................A7
Metallurgical.............R7 I-J Royal Dutch Shell..A1,C1
Anheuser-Busch InBev.B5 International Business SABMiller...............B5,B6
Apple...........................B1 Machines...................B3 Salesforce....................C6
BNSF Railway.............B3 Johnson & Johnson....B1 Saudi Aramco..............C3
BP ................................ C1 J.P. Morgan Chase......C6 Signet Jewelers..........B5
C-D L-M SoftBank Group..........B4
Calamos Asset LendingClub.................C3 Supercell......................B4
Management.............R9 Lockheed Martin.........B3 T-U
Carlyle Group .............. C1 Macquarie Group.........C1 Tencent........................B4
Chevron.....................A13 Marketo.......................C6 Tesco............................B6
Comcast.................B5,R5 McDonald's..................C1 Tesla Motors...............R5


Continental Resources. B1 Microsoft ............... B4,R5 Textura ........................ C6
Credit Suisse...............C6 Monsanto..................R10 Thoma Bravo...............C6
Cypress Semiconductor B3 Moon Express.............A1 Thomson Reuters.......R2
Dell..............................B4 Morgan Stanley .......... C6 Toyota Motor..............B1
Demandware...............C6 N-O Turing PharmaceuticalsB6
Diageo ......................... B6 UBS..............................C6
E-F NantKwest .................. C6 V-W
Eli Lilly.........................C1 Newfield Exploration..B2 Valeant Pharmaceuticals
ENI...............................A1 Occidental Petroleum.B2 International.............C1 GM has spent 15 years investing heavily in the Cadillac brand—but it still falls far behind foreign rivals in terms of profit and volume.
First Round Capital.....C3 Opower........................C6 Verizon CommunicationsC1

G-H Oracle...........................C6
Vista Equity Partners.C6
Gannett.....................R10 P-Q Vouch Financial...........C3 Closing dealerships or dis- virtual model will have tester that is costly and threatens to
GEA Group .................. R7 Pernod Ricard..............B6 WeWork ...................... B4 continuing brands is costly cars on site, which can be erode the brand’s luxury ca-
General Motors...........B1 Pioneer Natural WholeRen EducationA14 due to franchise laws that loaned to people getting their chet. Cadillac has an 88 days’
have long protected individu- car serviced or used in test supply of sedans sitting on

INDEX TO PEOPLE Continued from the prior page

to comment for this article.
One long-held belief among
als from widespread consoli-
dation by the manufacturer.
GM and Fiat Chrysler Automo-
drives, Mr. Churchill said. Pro-
spective buyers can learn a lot
about a Caddy by putting on
dealer lots, according to Ward-, a number that ex-
ceeds levels at Germany’s
A-B Gudger, Andre.............B3 Pearson, Michael ........ C1 dealers he has come to em- biles spent billions in 2009 to the virtual-reality goggles, he three luxury makers.
Anderson, Jamie.........R6 H-J Piper, Mike..................R4 brace is that Cadillac’s dealer cancel agreements with thou- said. Because Cadillacs are In a round table interview
Arora, Nikesh..............B4 Hamm, Harold.............B2 R-S count has been considered a sands of dealers. made in the U.S., orders with reporters earlier this
Bernhardt, Keith.........R2 Hanke, Steve...............R7 Ranson, David.............R9 valuable asset because many Some dealers in lower-vol- should be quickly filled. year, Mr. de Nysschen said GM
Boswell, Brian.............R2 Hartwig, Robert..........C1 Redstone, Sumner......B5
Brafman, Benjamin.....B6 of these franchises are at- ume locations will stop short Mr. de Nysschen’s virtual knows the mass market ex-
Hensarling, Jeb...........C1 Renzi, Matteo...........A12
Brodsky, Reed.............B6 Hirsch, Susan..............R6 tached to larger-volume Chev- of going virtual. Brian Hamil- concept is new, and strategies tremely well, ranking as the
Richards, Bob..............A7
Browne, Jeremy..........B6 Hollub, Vicki................B2 Rodriguez, Manuel......C1 rolet stores that are closer to ton, principal at Midway Auto that eliminate inventory have No. 1 U.S. player and No. 3 in
C-D Huang, Linn.................B1 Ryan, Paul ................... C6 much of the population than Dealerships in Kearney, Neb., been rarely employed in the U.S. the world in terms of sales.
Jarrett, William..........R4 Salmond, Alex.............B6 other luxury stores. Even if a said even a limited amount of While some dealers have Auto makers have long
Calamos, John P.........R9
Joy, Tom......................R6
Cameron, David...........B6 Schimmelbusch, Heinz.R7 Cadillac store sells only a few inventory is necessary and voiced concern about Project flooded dealer lots for two rea-
Canup, James..............R2 K-L Schwartz, Norty..........B3 cars a month, that is a few doubts many dealers will want Pinnacle’s potential to squeeze sons: car companies book reve-
Chappell, Bill...............B3 Kagan, Michael...........R5 Sheth, Rajen...............B1 cars more than the brand oth- to entirely ditch the tradi- out small-volume stores, most nue on production volumes, not
Colligan, Megan..........B5 Kantrowitz, Mark ....... R2 Shkreli, Martin............B6
Kitces, Michael...........R4 Smith, Andreas
erwise would have sold. tional selling model. say Cadillac needs to change. retail sales. An overabundance
Cooperman, Leon......R10
Diaz, Francisco............C2 Kochan, James............C1 Whittam ................... R6 Mr. de Nysschen’s support- Mr. Hamilton’s state is an Once the benchmark for pre- of output can boost revenue,
F-G Koudounis, John ......... R9 Soon-Shiong, Patrick..C6 ers say keep their franchise, interesting test case for Cadil- mium automobiles, GM has and the problem can be taken
Laird, Adam.................R6 Spiegel, Michael..........C3 lose the inventory. lac. Once home to 22 stores, spent 15 years investing heavily care of later via discounts or
Fabian, Matt................C2 Landy, Douglas............C6 Stockwell, Tim............B6 “They can still sell the same the count has shrunk to eight in the brand—but it still falls far production cuts. Car buyers
Farmer, Nancy.............R2 Lee, Yee.......................C3
Feirstein, Andrea........R2 T-W volume,” said Will Churchill, after GM’s 2009 bankruptcy behind foreign rivals in terms of also are used to having ample
Ferraro, Dominick.......R2 Taormina, Rick ............ C2 owner of Frank Kent Cadillac and Cadillac’s volume declines. profit, reputation and volume. selection to choose from.
Freeman, John............B2 Miller, John.................C2 Tarullo, Daniel.............C3
Newsome, James........C3
in Fort Worth, Texas, and head Still, that is quadruple what Having so many outlets has Mr. De Nysschen said this
Frost, David.................B6 Thill, Brent..................C6 of Cadillac’s dealer council. BMW, Lexus or other key lux- helped the domestic brand isn’t the case with luxury car
Ghizzoni, Federico .... R10 O-P Thomas, Jason............C1
Glasser, Scott ............. R5 Wagner, Che................C6
“They don’t have to stock the ury competitors have in the lure people who otherwise buyers. “I don’t think Hermès
O'Connor, Emily .......... C3
Glownia, Rob...............R9 O'Flynn, Denis.............B6 Waters, Maxine .......... C6 15 cars and hope that they state. “Hopefully we can use wouldn’t consider a Caddy, but or Rolex are famous because
Greebel, Evan..............B6 Pace, Scott..................A7 Wright, Robert............R9 have the right one…the data that to our advantage.” it also requires GM to produce they have a sale every month.
Gross, Michael............B4 Papa, Joseph...............C1 Wynne, Geoffrey L ..... C3 shows they probably don’t.” Those who do adopt the a glut of inventory—a practice They have brand cachet.”

DRUGS vival or shrank tumors in a sig-

nificant percentage of patients.
But many patients haven’t
benefited from the drugs,
given the cost of these drugs?”
Last year, the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration approved
the first immunotherapy com-
eloma had worsened despite
at least one prior treatment
with other drugs. About half
were given the drugs Velcade
Continued from the prior page prompting researchers to test bination, Bristol-Myers’ Opdivo and dexamethasone. The other
treatments to meet cost-effec- them in combination with other and Yervoy, to treat melanoma. half were given Darzalex in
tive targets without requiring medications, including different It costs more than $250,000 a combination with those drugs.
only the newest addition to of- immunotherapies, chemother- patient for the first full year of The addition of Darzalex re-
fer a big discount, he said. apy or drugs that target genetic treatment. duced the risk of disease pro-
Some drugmakers, including mutations. AbbVie Inc. and its partner gression or death by about
Roche Holding AG, say they Keytruda is being tested in companies are testing a combi- 61% versus the older treat-

would consider discounts on various combinations with nation of the drugs Imbruvica ment, at a median follow-up
combinations, but note there more than 50 other drugs, and Venclexta to treat a form period of about 7½ months af-
are challenges in the U.S. be- while Opdivo is being tested of leukemia. For their currently ter the start of treatment. Side
cause the health-insurance sys- with about 40 other drugs, ac- approved uses, Imbruvica costs effects associated with the
tem is fragmented. J&J said it cording to Evaluate Ltd., a at least $116,000 a year and Darzalex-containing regimen
couldn’t project pricing for the drug-industry research firm. Venclexta costs $109,500 for included blood-platelet defi-
Darzalex-containing combina- Roche Holding’s Genentech the first year of treatment. ciency and anemia.
tion, which hasn’t been ap- unit, which recently began sell- In an interview, AbbVie Velcade is co-marketed by
proved by U.S. regulators. ing the immunotherapy Tecen- Chief Executive Richard Gon- Takeda Pharmaceuticals Inter-
Much of the push for com- triq, is running about 50 clini- zalez acknowledged the high national Co. and J&J, and dex-
binations centers on a new cal trials of combinations of cost of multidrug combina- amethasone is a generic drug
wave of drugs that harness the two or more cancer drugs, A scientist worked on a new anticancer drug called Imbruvica in tions. “In the grand scheme of available from multiple com-
body’s immune system to fight Chief Medical Officer Sandra a Pharmacyclics Inc. lab in Sunnyvale, Calif., in 2014. things, it’s worth it” if they panies. In the study, patients
cancer, including Merck & Co.’s Horning said in an interview. lead to cures or long remis- stopped taking Velcade after
Keytruda and Bristol-Myers Daniel O’Day, CEO of Roche’s breast-cancer drug Perjeta month. sions, he said. An AbbVie six months of treatment. A six-
Squibb Co.’s Opdivo, each of pharmaceuticals unit, said the lower than many other new Robert Vonderheide, a can- spokesman said the Imbru- month supply costs about
which costs more than $12,500 company has had discussions cancer drugs because the com- cer researcher at the University vica-Venclexta combination is $45,000, a Takeda spokes-
a month. with health insurers “to move pany knew it would be used in of Pennsylvania, said in an in early clinical studies, and woman said. Patients took
Initially, these drugs were to a system where we can get combination with its older ASCO presentation that the that no cost has been set. Darzalex until they no longer
approved for use as single combination-based pricing in breast-cancer drug Herceptin. choices of drugs to test in com- The new study of J&J’s benefited from the drug.
agents, based on clinical trials the U.S.” A Roche spokeswoman Perjeta costs $6,300 a month bination were “dizzying.” But Darzalex included nearly 500 —Ron Winslow
showing they prolonged sur- said the company priced its and Herceptin costs $5,500 a he added, “Can we afford it, patients whose multiple my- contributed to this article.

OIL cline elsewhere.

“Now we’re talking about
plays that can break even or
do better at $45 oil,” said
told investors that the
area would be the company’s
highest priority.
“We feel like that is where
streaming into North Dakota,
pushing rental prices sky high
and spawning hotel construc-
tion as they looked for work
Continued from the prior page John Freeman, an energy ana- we get the most value for the on or around one of the more
The company recently an- lyst at Raymond James & As- dollars we invest,” she said. than 200 rigs drilling in the Custom Interior Protection For Whatever You Drive
nounced a gusher of a well in sociates. Pioneer Natural Resources Bakken Shale formation. 630-769-1500 • 800-441-6287
the field. Another area where produc- Co., currently the most active Today, energy is still draw-
“These wells are among the tion is still rising is the Perm- driller in the Permian, said it ing workers to places like El
best-performing wells I’ve ian Basin, which spans parts of is planning to add more rigs to Reno, a city of roughly 20,000
been involved with in my en- West Texas and New Mexico. its operations—one or two at about 30 miles west of Okla-
tire career,” Harold Hamm, The Permian, a major oil-pro- a time—when oil prices hit homa City, where Hallibur-
Continental’s chief executive, ducing area for decades, has $50 a barrel. ton Co. has an office and re-
told investors last month. Of been reborn as the combination Chevron Corp. said it has pair facility.
the 57 rigs currently drilling in of horizontal drilling and hy- identified some 4,000 wells in “Our motels are still pretty
Oklahoma, about half are in draulic fracturing have helped the Permian that can generate much full,” said El Reno Mayor
the Stack, and 11 of those are companies tap oil trapped in a 10% return at that price, as Matt White. “We really are ex-
Continental’s, the company dense rock formations. well costs in the area have cited about the energy play
said. Operators there now pump fallen even as output in- out here. It’s a big deal for us.”
As U.S. oil futures, which more than 2 million barrels creases. PayRock Energy LLC, a pri-
closed on Friday at $48.62 a of oil a day, more than in any “We see our activity in the vate-equity-backed outfit that
barrel, rebounded and recently other U.S. drilling region, ac- Permian as being very, very, buys acreage to drill and flip,
approached $50 a barrel, some cording to estimates from the strong,” Joseph Geagea, Chev- said there has been so much
large and midsize energy com- U.S. Energy Information Ad- ron’s executive vice president interest in its Stack property
panies have said they are ministration. of technology, projects and that the company has put all
planning to step up production The Permian’s low produc- services, told investors in its 58,000 acres on the mar-
in lower-cost areas. The gains tion costs are luring compa- April. ket.
aren’t likely to tip the scales nies such as Occidental Petro- The fortunes of these areas “Little guys, private guys, Laser Measured
toward greater production or leum Corp. away from other could change as quickly the public guys, in-basin guys, out-
hiring nationwide, but they fields. Vicki Hollub, Occiden- old ones. Just a few years of-basin guys—you name it,” FloorLiner™
are tempering some of the de- tal’s chief executive, recently ago, energy workers were said John Zimmerman, Pay-
Rock’s vice president of fi-
nance. “Everybody who is in
the Stack wants more of it.”
Case in point: Newfield Ex- “Factory Direct” Thousands of American made,
ploration Co. recently paid custom applications in stock!
$470 million to Chesapeake 99.9% shipped within 48 hours
Energy Corp. for more than
40,000 acres that complement See our full line of Automotive Accessories
its existing footprint in the For US Customers :
Stack. The Texas-based energy
explorer has shifted most of

For Canadian Customers :

its activity to Oklahoma,
where it will spend 90% its
$650 million budget this year. For European Customers :
“The industry has really Made in America
voted with its check- ©2014 by MacNeil IP LLC
book,” said Stephen Campbell,
Continental Resources says its best wells today are in the Stack, a well-trod section of Oklahoma. a Newfield vice president.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, June 6, 2016 | B3


Pentagon Hires Foreign Chips Supplier

Globalfoundries, owned
by Abu Dhabi, reaches
deal for microchips
used in jets, satellites

The Pentagon has decided

to rely on an Abu Dhabi-owned
company to supply the most
advanced microchips used in
U.S. spy satellites, missiles and
combat jets.
A senior U.S. Defense De-
partment official said in an in-
terview that the Pentagon has
reached a seven-year agree-
ment with Globalfoundries
Inc. to supply the microchips.
Terms weren’t disclosed.
The agreement ends months
of uncertainty over supplies of

such chips but is just the first
step in a broader effort to pro-
tect sensitive military systems
from cyberattacks and other
Globalfoundries last year
acquired from International Globalfoundries will supply advanced microchips for U.S. military equipment, including the F-35 combat jet, under a seven-year pact with the Defense Department.
Business Machines Corp. the
two plants—in Burlington, Vt., into the wrong hands. mont and upstate New York vanced chips—manufacturer Pentagon’s Defense Advanced sembled in a secure facility.
and East Fishkill, N.Y.—that The Pentagon also is moving produced almost all of the cus- Lockheed Martin Corp. won’t Research Projects Agency, The work on vetting and
make the chips. IBM had been away from a reliance on purely tom-made chips used in the disclose the exact number— known as Darpa. tagging chips has also at-
the near-monopoly supplier of U.S.-made chips, widening its most sensitive weapons sys- production runs for the most Opening the military market tracted interest from other in-
the chips to the Pentagon for net of vendors to keep up with tems, effectively leaving the sensitive military-grade pro- to more producers of the most dustries, including utilities,
more than a decade and paid changes in commercial tech- government reliant on a single cessors range from a few advanced commercial chips looking to counter the rising
Globalfoundries $1.5 billion to nology that are outpacing the supplier in the U.S. dozen to 1,000. That compares would allow the Pentagon to threat of cyberattacks.
take the unprofitable business defense world. “Our goal is to With the semiconductor in- with tens or even hundreds of keep pace with technology de- Globalfoundries—which has
off its hands. look globally,” said Andre dustry’s center of gravity shift- millions for consumer-elec- velopments, officials said. But significant operations in Ger-
Lawmakers and watchdogs Gudger, the Pentagon’s deputy ing to facilities in Asia that tronics devices. that will require new ways to many, Singapore and upstate
such as the Government Ac- assistant secretary for manu- churn out hundreds of millions monitor chips to ensure they New York—provides the Penta-
countability Office had ex- facturing and industrial base of chips for consumer-elec- haven’t been tampered with, gon’s immediate needs. But a
pressed concern about the policy. “We want access to the tronics devices, the Pentagon
The military relies whether made in the U.S. or coalition of U.S. chip makers
Pentagon’s reliance on a single latest and the greatest.” has much less influence on an on customized chips overseas. For example, Darpa including Cypress Semicon-
source for some of its state-of- The plants where chips are industry it helped fund and de- is developing a tiny tagging ductor Corp. has been pressing
the-art chips. “Due to market assembled have long been velop in the 1960s and 1970s.
rather than mass- device for chips that can be the Pentagon to help fund up-
trends, supply chain globaliza- viewed by the Pentagon as a While military users ac- produced ones. embedded in processors from grades to fabrication plants
tion and manufacturing costs, vulnerable part of the military counted for as much as one- any manufacturer and used to owned by U.S. companies to al-
the [Defense Department’s] fu- supply chain. The biggest con- quarter of global chip demand detect malicious content. low them to take on the most
ture access to U.S.-based mi- cerns were over technology in the early 1980s, that had Chip makers have shifted “There’s a lot of wariness sensitive work.
croelectronics sources is un- theft and any insertion of ele- fallen to less than 0.1% by the their focus to the larger con- and concern, but it’s a great For some, the main safe-
certain,” the House Armed ments that could be remotely turn of this decade, according sumer market, where competi- opportunity to open the door guard remains keeping the
Services Committee said in a triggered to access equipment, to the Trusted Access Program tion led to technology being to a much greater supply trusted-foundry program fo-
recent report. or so-called kill switches that Office, which coordinates buy- refreshed in months or weeks, chain,” Mr. Chappell said. cused on domestic manufac-
The new Globalfoundries render equipment useless. ing for the Pentagon and intel- while military chips ordered in Mr. Gudger, the Pentagon turing. “That [chip] foundry
agreement, which was previ- In 2004 the Pentagon ligence agencies. small numbers might be up- official, said the Darpa technol- needs to be in the U.S.,” said
ously undisclosed, runs until launched a vetting system of The military relies on cus- graded once or twice a year, ogy is only one avenue being Norton Schwartz, Air Force
2023. Meanwhile, the Pentagon what are now more than 70 tomized chips rather than the industry officials said. explored. While others are chief of staff from 2008 to
will seek to identify more sup- companies, including about 20 mass-produced ones used in “We have fallen behind in largely classified, options in- 2012 and now president of
pliers and expand protections so-called trusted foundries. cellphones. For instance, while what our typical electronics clude “blind” manufacturing Business Executives for Na-
needed to prevent chips from But the two heavily guarded the new F-35 combat jet con- have in them,” said Bill Chap- where chip makers produce in- tional Security, an industry
being tampered with or falling former IBM factories in Ver- tains several hundred ad- pell, a program director at the dividual parts that are later as- trade group.

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Union Pacific is one of the two major railroads serving Southern California ports, along with BNSF.

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Also available in Ruby Red finish.
AND ERICA E. PHILLIPS L.A. From the docks, much of that

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Los Angeles
cargo is trucked to a rail ter-
The fate of BNSF Railway minal.
Co.’s new terminal near the Current As larger loads arrive,

on Your Desktop
Port of Los Angeles is now in terminal many in the industry say rail
110 3 miles
jeopardy even though it has capacity needs to be in-
been in development for 10 South Gate 710 creased to keep up with the
years at a cost of more than
Downey inflow of containers. A lack The 500K Special Roadster is one of the rarest and
$50 million and would provide 5 of capacity can grind port
badly needed rail capacity. operations to a halt as con- most-sought after automobiles ever built.
In March, a judge halted the Paramount tainers stack up and are un-
railroad’s plans, ruling its en-
vironmental review wasn’t Lakewood
able to leave. Rail capacity is
already tight at the Ports of
I t's hard to deny that one of the signature models of Mercedes-Benz® is the 500 series.
So many striking and elegant bodies would grace the stalwart
chassis. The 500K's of the 1930s were beautiful, elegant,
properly done. Opponents of 405 Union Pacific 605 Los Angeles and Long Beach,
the project, which include terminal with container volumes and exclusive models often outfitted with voluptuous
nearby businesses, neighbors, projected to grow 25% by coachwork and sold to the wealthiest of clientele.
air-quality regulators and the Proposed 2020, and more than double The most ravishing model of this species was the two-
City of Long Beach, had dug in BNSF Long Beach by 2035. Railroads say they seater 500K Special Roadster launched in 1936. It was
their heels over the expected terminal must get ahead of the
Port of a limited production cabriolet, in total less than 30
increase in truck traffic, pollu- growth.
Port of Long Beach were made, adding to its near-mythical qualities. In its
tion and noise. Los Angeles BNSF and Union Pacific
BNSF is now deciding Corp. are the only two major day it went for top dollar—over $106,000. Today, these
P a c i fi c O ce a n
whether to appeal, negotiate, railroads serving the South- ultra rare masterpieces are going for millions. In 2012,
or abandon the effort. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. ern California ports. But a Special Roadster fetched more than $11.7 million
The project was already both have run into trouble at auction at the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance. Die-cast metal body features doors, hood
and trunk that open, steerable wheels
costly, and “it now appears as terminal in Baltimore pending with their expansion plans. The masters at Maisto® produced this die-cast metal that roll, and four wheel suspension.
though it has become even more information from the de- Currently, the closest BNSF
more expensive,” said Stevan veloper. In Oakland, a new terminal to the ports of Los
replica capturing the sexy curves and sumptuous coach- Available in Ruby Red finish.
Bobb, the railroad’s chief mar- coal-shipping facility under Angeles and Long Beach is work of the full-size model in striking detail. Just shy
keting officer. With a price tag development is now facing op- roughly 25 miles away. Its of a foot long, and available in pearl white or ruby red. You don’t need to spend millions to
of $500 million, “the real position after nearby residents new terminal would be 4 showcase your impeccable taste. Sold! To the discerning reader for $99!
spending was yet to come.” balked at its use for transport- miles away from the ports. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. Test drive the Special Roadster for 30 days. If for any
Railroad expansion plans ing the commodity to Asia. Meanwhile, Union Pacific has reason you are not completely satisfied, simply return it to us for a full refund of your purchase
nationwide are running afoul Within the next five years, been locked in what it calls
of communities and environ- U.S. seaports and their pri- “environmental review pur-
price. But we’re sure that once you park this beauty in your house you’ll be sold.
mental activists with increas- vate-sector partners estimate gatory” at the ports for Comes factory sealed in its original packaging in order to retain its status as a highly collectable item.
ing frequency. Permitting dis- spending $155 billion on ex- nearly a decade as it tries to
putes are becoming prevalent, pansions and improvements— double capacity to handle 1.5 1936 Mercedes-Benz® 500K Special Roadster
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SoftBank to Unload GungHo Stake

U.K. Tries Using
Humor to Boost
Voter Turnout
Election regulator enlists shiny penguin as a
mascot for its ads about the EU referendum
BY STU WOO mobilization drives.
One recent example is Cul-
LONDON—The U.K.’s elec- ver City, a California city of
tion regulator wants people to 40,000 residents that hired a
register by Tuesday for this nonprofit called SeePolitical
month’s vote on whether Brit- to create a cartoon bird mas-
ain should leave the European cot named Birdie for its April
Union. That is why its TV and 2016 local elections. Culver
internet ads talk about a shiny City Deputy City Clerk Jer-
penguin. emy Green said voter turnout
“This type of humor is for the 2016 election was

quirky and random, which 22%, up from 14% for the

could be described as a type Birdie-less 2014 election,
of British humor,” said Emma though that increase may
Hartley, head of campaigns at have been due to the overall
the Electoral Commission, in a effect of the $21,000 public-
statement. awareness campaign and not
The Electoral Commission, only Birdie.
an independent body set up by Ms. Hartley said the Elec-
the U.K. Parliament, is follow- toral Commission has tried to
ing a classic corporate mar- be funny since at least the
keting strategy: trying to be September 2014 election on
funny. Its goal isn’t to sell Scottish independence. Among
SoftBank Group Corp. is ¥294 a share. Shares of President Nikesh Arora, who in ing to people familiar with the candy or cars, but rather to other things, it aired a TV ad
set to sell most of its stake in GungHo closed at ¥302 Friday. March was put in charge of its matter. maximize voter registration that showed a man being vio-
GungHo Online Entertainment The move comes a week international investments and Any sale of such assets and participation for the June lently yanked out of a polling
in a deal valued at about ¥73 after the telecom giant said it operations, a person familiar would help shore up Soft- 23 referendum. station on a bungee cord after
billion, or roughly $685 million. was selling its shares in Ali- with the matter said. Bank’s balance sheet, which is The Commission found in a finding out he wasn’t regis-
GungHo, whose mobile on- baba Group Holding Ltd. in SoftBank is also in talks saddled with more than $80 2014 study that 7.5 million tered to vote.
line game “Puzzle and Drag- which SoftBank could raise with internet company Ten- billion in net interest-bearing people weren’t correctly reg-
ons” is shown above, said it about $10 billion in total. cent Holdings Ltd. of China to debt, about one-third of which istered to vote. In addition,
plans to buy back the stake Softbank’s portfolio of video- sell its majority stake in Su- is tied to its struggling U.S. election analysts and betting
The goal of the ads
through a tender offer starting game companies is an area that percell Oy, the Finland-based mobile-carrier unit Sprint Corp. websites predict a voter turn- is to maximize
within 20 days from June 3 for is under scrutiny from company “Clash of Clans” maker, accord- —Atsuko Fukase out for the EU referendum to
be between 50% and 59%,
participation in the
said Matthew Goodwin, a June 23 vote.
University of Kent political

MIMS nology professionals, who

choose, or help choose, sup-
Starting in late 2014,
Booking Up
U.S. Chromebook shipments
facing Chrome in the busi-
ness world are substantial,
says Mr. Huang. One of the
biggest is simply inertia. The
scientist. That would be
slightly lower than the 66%
turnout for the 2015 general
election but higher than that
The Commission said that
by polling day, 84% of people
surveyed said they recognized
Continued from page B1 Google introduced Chrome- 10 million decadeslong dominance of of recent referendums in the the Commission’s ad campaign
9M projected
U.S. education market. In books for Work, offering fea- Windows means many busi- U.K., he said. for the Scottish vote.
schools they now outsell all tures important to IT admin- nesses have hundreds, or “Europe has not dominated Ahead of the 2015 general
other devices combined, istrators, like security 8 even thousands, of old appli- the minds of the mass public,” election, the Electoral Com-
thwarting Apple’s push into measures including VPNs, cations that run only on Mr. Goodwin said. “It has not mission ran a droll TV ad
education with the iPad. single sign on and digital Windows. Right now, been a highly salient issue.” with the stars of “Goggle-
The next challenge is to certificates. The package 6 Google’s solution is to run He added that interest could box,” a reality show that
leap from schools and hobby- comes with a new revenue these applications on Win- rise as campaigning intensifies showed people watching TV
ists like me to the business stream for the Alphabet Inc. dows servers and allow in coming weeks. and talking about what they
world, long dominated by unit, in the form of $50 an- Chromebooks to connect to To do its job of publicizing were watching on TV. Its ad
Microsoft Corp.’s Windows nual per-seat fees for them remotely—essentially, the voter-registration deadline ahead of the May 2016 local
operating system. Chromebooks for Work. to put these legacy applica- and the date of the actual elections featured the stars
At the same time, the tions in the cloud. vote, the Electoral Commis- of the soap opera “Holly-
companies that make In the long run, Chrome- sion is going for laughs, join- oaks” talking about how to
2 Million Chromebooks, including Dell,
HP and Acer, are rolling out
2013 ’14 ’15 ’16
books could prove to be a
temporary blip in the history
ing other organizations that
have long tried to make voting
“do it” for “a couple of min-
utes.” They were referring to
Number of Android apps— more powerful—and more of computing or the thing cool. The celebrity-powered voter registration.
almost all of them—that expensive—devices aimed at Source: IDC that finally ends the domi- and MTV-supported Rock the After seeing the Hollyoaks
Chromebooks will be able to businesses. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. nance of Windows in the en- Vote campaign, for example, ad, some people on Twitter
run by October, Google said. The new laptops include terprise. My bet is that has encouraged young Ameri- jokingly asked whether they
bigger and better screens, can work fine offline, but Chrome will land somewhere cans to vote since 1990. could un-register to vote.
keyboards and trackpads; only with Google’s apps. Be- in between—part of the ever- But studies suggest that The current television
Mr. Sheth says that faster processors for users ing able to use things like growing menagerie of tech- Rock the Vote and other voter- campaign for the EU referen-
Chromebooks will succeed in who keep dozens of tabs Microsoft’s Office suite for nology we all use, including mobilization drives have no dum shows neon signs adver-
part because of how easy open; and cases made of car- Android tablets offline will mobile and desktop operat- effect in the U.S., said Michael tising the coming vote in odd
they are to administer. bon fiber and aluminum. be big for users who depend ing systems. McDonald, a University of places, such as a forest, a
Google seems to have Finally, Google recently on such software. But I am also willing to bet Florida political scientist who soccer field and a coin laun-
learned a great deal since it announced that by October, “We’re seeing that there’s that Chrome will be a bigger studies voter turnout. “People dry. Says the man in the
launched Chrome OS in 2011, Chromebooks will be able to a good amount of interest for business for Google than any- vote when they’re interested, voice-over: “We wanted to
when Google claimed that run nearly all the two million Chrome in large U.S. enter- one has anticipated, and that so the election has to be inter- make sure you couldn’t miss
75% of business users on Android apps. That will make prises,” says Mr. Huang. By Apple and Microsoft, which esting to the person,” Mr. it, ever. Like a bolt of light-
Windows could switch. Chromebooks, long thought 2018, IDC projects that 25% have been, by turns, either McDonald said. ning. Or a really, really shiny
One key lesson: to crack of as having limited function- of Fortune 500 companies dismissive of or defensive U.S. elections are generally penguin.”
the business market, tech ality without an internet con- will be issuing Chromebooks about Google’s move into run by individual states or mu- The neon signs also were
companies have to satisfy nection, dramatically more to their employees. their traditional strongholds, nicipalities, and political experts used in the impartial voting
corporate information-tech- useful. Existing Chromebooks Even so, the challenges should take notice. say few election regulators have guide mailed to U.K. house-
attempted lighthearted voter- holds.

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Business Reports Question
Watch Credit; Shares Slide
Shares of Signet Jewelers
Ltd. fell on Friday, pushing their
decline last week to 12%, amid
reports that questioned the

credit quality of the company’s

AB INBEV customers and alleged that
some Signet employees had re-
New Union Opposition placed premium diamonds with
To SABMiller Takeover cheaper, man-made substitutes.
Anheuser-Busch InBev NV In a statement Friday, the com-
faces a new challenge from a pany said: “We strongly object to
key South African union as it recent allegations…that our team
seeks approval for the acquisition members systematically mishan-
of rival brewer SABMiller PLC. dle customers’ jewelry repairs or
South Africa’s Food and Al- engage in ‘diamond swapping.’ ”
lied Workers Union plans to ob- Signet owns some of the most
ject to the merger at a hearing prominent jewelry-store brands in
before the country’s Competition the U.S., including Jared, Kay Jew-
Tribunal, said Katishi Masemola, elers and Zales.
the union’s general secretary. Like other sellers of big-ticket
‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows’ opened to $35.3 million, barely half as much as the first ‘Ninja Turtles’ film. The union opposes AB InBev’s items, Signet often provides fi-

‘Ninja Turtles’ Disappoints

plan for handling a shareholder nancing for purchases its custom-
program that SABMiller estab- ers make.
lished for employees, retailers and After the stock market closed
others in South Africa, he said. Wednesday, “Grant’s Interest
The union wants those share- Rate Observer,” an investment
holders to be able to cash out newsletter, issued a negative re-
‘Out of the Shadows’ Viacom’s controlling share- their stake in the company when port on Signet, saying its credit
holder, Sumner Redstone, is the deal closes rather than wait portfolio could be in worse
continues string of Estimated Box-Office Figures, Through Sunday feuding with the conglomer- until 2020 when their shares ma- shape than thought because of
sequels that fail to ate’s management and seeking ture under terms of the SAB- the way the company accounts
FILM DISTRIBUTOR WEEKEND* CUMULATIVE % CHANGE to halt their plans to sell a mi- Miller shareholder program. for loan delinquencies and losses.
deliver at box office nority stake in the studio. The union’s objection creates Shares of Signet declined
1. Teenage Mutant Ninja Paramount $35.3 $35.3 --
Paramount’s other big bets a new obstacle to AB InBev’s ef- 6.6% the day following the re-
Turtles: Out of the
BY BEN FRITZ for the summer are sequel fort to win over regulators in port.
“Star Trek Beyond” and a re- South Africa, one of four mar- Signet Chief Executive Mark
Hollywood is betting big on 2. X-Men: Apocalypse 20th Century $22.3 $116.5 -66% make of “Ben-Hur.” kets where regulatory approval Light on the company’s recent
sequels this summer, but so far Fox Also new in theaters this is a precondition to closing the earnings call said, “our credit
moviegoing audiences are 3. Me Before You Warner Bros. $18.3 $18.3 -- weekend was the teen tear- roughly $108 billion deal. AB In- metrics and our credit portfolio
proving more discriminating jerker “Me Before You,” based Bev appeared on track for South are strong.”
4. Alice Through the Disney $10.7 $50.8 -60%
about which ones they see. on the best-selling novel. Re- African approval when the coun- Shares of Signet closed down
Looking Glass
“Teenage Mutant Ninja Tur- leased by the New Line Cinema try’s Competition Commission about 4.4% at $88.19 in New
tles: Out of the Shadows” this 5. The Angry Birds Movie Sony $9.8 $86.7 -48% unit of Time Warner Inc.’s recently signed off on the deal. York on Friday.
weekend continued a string of *Friday, Saturday and Sunday Source: comScore Warner Bros. and co-produced —Tripp Mickle —Austen Hufford
recent sequels that signifi- by Metro-Goldwn-Mayer Inc.,
cantly underperformed their the film opened to a decent
predecessors, including “Alice about $135 million to produce, said Ms. Colligan. Its average $18.3 million.
Through the Looking Glass,” did sell more tickets on Satur- grade of A-, according to mar- A third new movie, the com-
“X-Men: Apocalypse” and day in comparison to Friday ket-research firm CinemaScore, edy “Popstar: Never Stop Pop-
“Neighbors 2.” The only sequel than the 2014 release, indicat- is also a good sign for box-of- ping,” from Comcast Corp.’s
to buck that trend in Holly- ing it appealed to more of a fice longevity. Universal Pictures, barely reg-
wood’s summer season, which family audience. “Out of the The new film performed istered, opening to a dismal
starts the first weekend of Shadows” drew more children better overseas. Its $34 million $4.6 million. Universal used a
May, has been “Captain Amer- than the last movie but not as start was only 8% behind the mostly digital ad campaign for
ica: Civil War.” many young adults who were original, a surprise hit that ul- the movie, and executives


“Out of the Shadows,” from fans of the 1990s “Ninja Tur- timately grossed $493 million there hope it will find more life
Viacom Inc.’s Paramount Pic- tles” cartoon, said Megan Colli- world-wide. in its home-entertainment re-
tures, opened to an estimated gan, Paramount’s president of A flop would add to troubles lease later this year.
$35.3 million in the U.S. and marketing and distribution. for Paramount, which has al- The superhero sequel “X-
Canada, barely half as much as Family movies tend to per- ready had a weak year at the Men: Apocalypse,” from 21st
the studio’s first “Ninja Tur- form better after their open- box office, with disappoint- Century Fox Inc.’s 20th Cen-
tles” film, which made its de- ings than ones that appeal to ments including “Zoolander 2” tury Fox, which opened in the
but with $65.6 million two young adults, giving Para- and “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” U.S. on May 27, had a strong
years ago. mount some hope the movie outweighing the solid per- start in China over the week- Signet owns some of the most prominent jewelry-store brands in
The sequel, which cost will recover from its soft start, former “10 Cloverfield Lane.” end, collecting $59 million. the U.S., including Zales, Jared and Kay Jewelers.

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A court will decide this tanks questioning the efficacy of
minimum-unit pricing and high-
summer if Scotland’s lighting the importance of par-
government can set a ents’ roles in whether children
grow up to drink responsibly.
floor on alcohol prices The Wine and Spirits Trade
Association led a campaign
BY SAABIRA CHAUDHURI called “Why Should Responsible
Drinkers Pay More” and ar-
The global alcohol industry is ranged industry meetings with
bracing for a potentially prece- the Home Secretary Jeremy Martin Shkreli has pleaded not
dent-setting court decision in Browne. The trade body also ig- guilty to seven counts.
Scotland this summer on nored the official scope of the
whether the government can set
a floor on alcohol prices.
The semiautonomous Scot-
consultation and said minimum-
unit pricing was ineffective, un-
fair and likely illegal under EU
tish government in 2012
passed legislation that sets a
minimum price for all alcoholic
law, according to a person fa-
miliar with the moves.
Mr. Browne in July 2013 an-
Faces New
beverages of 50 pence (about
72 cents) a unit, which is equal
to 10 milliliters of pure alcohol.
nounced the government was
shelving plans for minimum-
unit pricing, citing insufficient
So-called minimum-unit pric-
ing, or MUP, is meant to curb
heavy drinking by sharply
evidence that it works.
Several alcohol executives
credit the Scotch Whisky Asso-
boosting the price of the ciation’s European Commission BY NICOLE HONG
cheapest booze on the market. complaint that summer with
A 20-pack of Foster’s 440- helping to put England’s policy Federal prosecutors in the
milliliter (15-ounce) beer cans, on ice. U.S. on Friday unsealed a new
for instance, currently sells for If Scotland implements mini- conspiracy charge against


£11 ($16) at Tesco PLC and J mum-unit pricing, it could reig- pharmaceutical executive Mar-
Sainsbury PLC stores in Scot- nite calls for the measure to be tin Shkreli and his former law-
land. The legislation would passed in England. “We all rec- yer, Evan Greebel.
boost the price to at least ognize it could come back,” said Both men were arrested last
£22.44. a London-based senior alcohol December and accused of
While parts of Canada have executive. scheming to steal money from
some form of minimum-unit “Minimum-unit pricing re- pharmaceutical company Ret-
pricing, if Scotland succeeds in mains under review pending the rophin Inc., where Mr. Shkreli
court it will become the first full The alcohol industry says minimum unit pricing in Scotland would set an international precedent. outcome of the legal case be- had been the chief executive, to
country to implement a floor tween the Scottish Government cover up losses suffered by in-
price per unit of alcohol. minimum-unit pricing. and the Scotch Whisky Associa- vestors in Mr. Shkreli’s hedge
The alcohol industry says Scotland’s Parliament in May Price Boost tion and any implementation in funds. Retrophin’s board
minimum-unit pricing in Scot- 2012 passed the law establish- Under the Scottish government’s minimum-unit-pricing proposal, prices Scotland,” said a spokeswoman ousted Mr. Shkreli as chief ex-
land would set an international ing a 50-pence floor on per-unit of the country’s least expensive alcoholic beverages would rise sharply. for the U.K. Home Office. ecutive in 2014.
precedent that could unleash a alcohol prices, with 86 members Variants of pricing based on Mr. Shkreli had pleaded not
wave of regulation and crimp voting in favor of the measure. Here’s a sampling of potential price hikes alcohol strength have been ef- guilty to seven counts of secu-
profits. The single member who voted fective where they have been rities fraud and conspiracy. Mr.
Crofter’s Foster’s Beer Hardys Legacy Famous Grouse
against the measure later said implemented, health research- Greebel had pleaded not guilty
hard cider 20 pack Shiraz Cabernet Scotch whisky
she did so by mistake. ers say. to one count of wire-fraud con-
Minimum-unit The alcohol industry attacked The Canadian province of spiracy.
pricing is aimed at the law as illegal and ineffective, Saskatchewan has five price On Friday, Brooklyn federal
saying it wouldn’t stem heavy bands per beverage based on al- prosecutors added a new secu-
curbing heavy drinking but instead force re- cohol strength. A 10% increase rities-fraud conspiracy charge
booze consumption. sponsible drinkers to pay more. in the minimum price of alco- against both men related to Mr.
The Scotch Whisky Associa- holic beverages in Saskatchewan Shkreli’s alleged failure to dis-
tion in July 2012 filed a com- was associated with an 8.43% close to the U.S. Securities and
“If we lose it, I would expect plaint with the European Com- reduction in total alcohol con- Exchange Commission his con-
that we will see MUP and simi- mission, saying a pricing floor sumption, according to a 2012 trol over certain shares of Ret-
lar health-justified schemes in- would “artificially distort trade analysis by Tim Stockwell, direc- rophin. Mr. Greebel had served
troduced not just in Scotland in the alcoholic drinks market, tor of the Centre for Addictions as outside counsel to Retrophin.
but eventually and gradually in contrary to EU law.” It also op- Research of British Columbia. Benjamin Brafman, a lawyer
many places around the world,” posed the legislation in Scot- 2 liters 440 ml cans 750 mll 1 lit
liter Alcohol is a particularly hot- for Mr. Shkreli, said in a writ-
said David Frost, chief executive land’s highest civil court, Edin- 5% ABV* 5.1% ABV 13% ABV 40% ABV button issue in Scotland, where ten statement: “There is noth-
of the Scotch Whisky Associa- burgh’s Court of Session, New price: £5 £22.44 £4.88 £20 sales were 20% higher than in ing in the new indictment that
tion, an industry trade group contending it breached the England and Wales last year, ac- impacts in any way on the
whose members include Diageo U.K.’s EU treaty obligations. cording to data released last flawed theory of the case as
PLC and Pernod Ricard SA. After years of the case 151% 104% 8.4% 5.3% week by Scotland’s National applied to Mr. Shkreli.”
Wales—like Scotland a part bouncing between courts in from current Health Service. Reed Brodsky, a lawyer for
of the U.K. but with the ability Scotland and Europe, the Court *Alcohol by volume, £1 = $1.45 Drinking kills six Scots a day, Mr. Greebel, declined to com-
to write many of its own of Session will hold a hearing on Source: Tesco PLC (prices) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. and Scottish drinkers are twice ment.
laws—last year began consult- minimum-unit pricing Tuesday as likely to die of alcohol-related Mr. Shkreli gained notoriety
ing on setting a floor price on and is expected to make a deci- said Pernod Ricard’s U.K. man- ple to get drunk on cheap alco- health problems as those in the during his time as CEO of Tu-
alcohol. Ireland has a mini- sion by August. aging director, Denis O’Flynn. hol at home before they even rest of the U.K., according to ring Pharmaceuticals AG, when
mum-unit-pricing law making “We don’t believe in penaliz- “We think personal responsibil- set foot in the pub,” Mr. Cam- data from the Scottish Health he raised by more than 50-fold
its way through the legislative ing the majority of people who ity and education is how you ad- eron said. He opened a consul- Action on Alcohol Problems, a the price of a drug that treats a
process. Estonia is considering drink responsibly,” said a dress the whole issue of respon- tation into the level at which a government-funded group. potentially deadly parasitic in-
implementing a similar plan. spokeswoman for Diageo, the sible drinking.” minimum price should be set, “I’m not a teetotaler, but fection. He resigned as CEO of
Alcohol-industry executives world’s largest drinks maker Industry moves successfully but said a floor of 40 pence a I’m concerned that cheap alco- Turing shortly after his arrest.
worry that countries strug- and the biggest distiller of derailed minimum-unit pricing unit could mean 50,000 fewer hol is ruining and costing the The criminal charges against
gling to contain the social and Scotch whisky. She added that in England, where British Prime crimes a year and 900 fewer al- lives of many of my fellow Mr. Shkreli have nothing to do
fiscal costs of heavy drink- the company believes in an ap- Minister David Cameron cohol-related deaths a year by countrymen,” said Alex Sal- with his time at Turing, al-
ing—such as South Korea and proach focused on “the minority pledged in March 2012 to intro- the end of the decade. mond, who led the Scottish though Mr. Shkreli has said that
Thailand—could justify of irresponsible drinkers.” duce it. The alcohol industry reacted National Party when it pushed he believed he had been tar-
tougher measures if Scotland Establishing a pricing floor “When beer is cheaper than swiftly. SABMiller PLC commis- through minimum-unit pricing geted by authorities partly be-
successfully waves through “is a very crude implement,” water, it’s just too easy for peo- sioned three reports from think in 2012. cause of the drug-price increase.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 To the left or 30 Bar on a car
60s d t
Edmonton 40s <0
50s right 31 Curfew for a
Vancouver 0s 14 15 16
Calgary 3 Stroke on a letter vampire
70s Seattle p
Winnipeg 60s 17 18 19 4 Hardy’s “___ of 32 Tubular
70s 20s
80s 80s 20 21 the d’Urbervilles” instrument
Portl d l
Helena 60s Montreal 70s 30s
Bismarckk Ottawa 5 Medical center 33 Darken, in a way
90s 50s A
Augusta 40s 22 23 24 25 26
Eugene i
Boise Boston
6 Sleeper’s dream 37 Is proud to have
Billings pls //St. Pa
Mpls./St. P
Paul 60s T
Toronto A b y
Albany 50s
70s 27 28 29 30 state, for short 38 Paver’s goo
Sioux Falls Hartfordd 60s
Pierre Detroit Buffalo New ew Y
Yorkk 31 32 33 34 35 7 Little devil 40 Four-time
100s k
Milwaukee Cleve
Cleveland d 70s
Reno Salt
alt Lake
Lake City ess Moines
Des i 8 Ride the waves co-star of Wilder
Ch y
Cheyenne Chicago
80s b h Phila
Pitt P h d lph
Philadelphia 80s 36 37 38
Sacramento Omahah d p
Indianapolis 9 Constitution’s 41 Put forward
Denver h gton D.C.
Washington D.C
DC 90s
n Francisco
Colorado Topeka
Kansas Spring
p i gfi ld Charles
Springfield h
Charleston 39 40 41 beginning 43 Most docile
City h
Richmond d 100+
Las p g
Springs .
St. Lou
Vegas hit
Wichita Louisville
i h
Raleigh 42 43 44 10 Make a raid, 44 “Uncle Tom’s
100s 80s h ill
Nashville 70s perhaps
Los A
anta Fe
Santa Charlotte
Ch l tt Cabin” villain
Memphis hi 45 46 47 48 49
Ph i
Phoenix A b q q
Albuquerque Oklahoma City 80s Atl C
Columbiab 11 Cut off from Simon
San Diego t
Atlanta Warm Rain
T c
Little Rock 50 51 52 53 54 society 47 Potions
El P
Paso D ll
Dallas h
Ft. Worth Jack
100s Cold T-storms 12 Privy to professor at
55 56 57
Mobile JJacksonville
k ill
13 Treats hides Hogwarts
40s 30s 90s A ti
Austin Stationary
Houston 90s Snow 58 59 60
l d
Orlando 18 “Slithy” 48 Broadway backer
w Orleans
50s 80s an Antonio
San Tampa
creatures in 49 Bearings
61 62 63
60s Anchorage
A h g Honolulu
l l 80s Showers Flurries
Miami “Jabberwocky” 50 Small plane’s
70s 19 Engage in spinner, for short
Ice GET IT IN GEAR | By Mae Woodard larceny 51 Give a new look
U.S. Forecasts Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Across 23 “Veni, vidi, ___” 46 Examines 24 Famed to
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W closely
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Observe 26 Lo ___ (Chinese sportscaster 52 Gateway Arch
Omaha 82 52 s 78 57 s Frankfurt 82 62 t 80 60 t Howard
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow;
Orlando 85 75 r 89 75 t Geneva 75 57 t 72 58 t
Yom Kippur or menu choice) 47 “Stay With Me” architect
Today Tomorrow Philadelphia 85 68 s 84 61 pc Havana 84 75 r 85 74 t Ramadan 27 Deputy to the singer Smith 25 Properly situated Saarinen
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Phoenix 112 80 s 107 81 s Hong Kong 90 83 t 91 81 r 5 Like new dollar top dog 50 Plug 27 Sun setting 54 Quite excited
Anchorage 54 48 sh 61 49 c Pittsburgh 78 60 pc 71 52 t Istanbul 76 63 pc 73 63 t bills
Atlanta 81 67 t 88 63 s Portland, Maine 74 58 pc 73 56 t Jakarta 91 78 t 91 77 t 31 Loading areas 53 Fashion designer 28 Lindo of “The 56 Spoil
Austin 87 65 s 89 65 s Portland, Ore. 90 61 s 87 59 pc Jerusalem 81 63 s 84 68 s 10 Fisherman’s need 34 Compete in a bee Versace Cider House
Baltimore 85 65 s 83 60 pc Sacramento 93 58 s 89 56 s Johannesburg 65 38 s 65 38 s 57 Mel in the
14 Words of 35 Cowboy 55 Retiree’s Rules” Baseball Hall of
Boise 94 67 pc 97 68 pc St. Louis 87 61 pc 78 58 s London 73 54 pc 72 56 c
Boston 86 64 pc 79 60 pc Salt Lake City 95 67 pc 90 67 t Madrid 86 59 pc 91 62 s understanding nickname borrowing plan 29 In the vicinity Fame
Burlington 79 60 r 78 52 c San Francisco 72 56 pc 73 56 pc Manila 94 80 t 92 80 t 15 Arboreal animal 36 In a competent 58 Some poetry
Charlotte 84 67 t 87 60 s Santa Fe 89 57 pc 90 53 pc Melbourne 58 50 sh 58 49 c of Madagascar Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Chicago 79 54 pc 73 49 pc Seattle 85 58 pc 81 55 s Mexico City 75 55 t 76 53 t manner 59 Speak
Cleveland 82 60 t 70 52 c Sioux Falls 72 46 pc 74 50 s Milan 81 61 t 82 63 pc 16 Bone parallel to 37 Southern pompously
Dallas 88 64 s 90 67 s Wash., D.C. 85 69 s 84 62 pc Moscow 53 41 sh 54 38 c the radius charmer
Denver 79 55 pc 80 58 t Mumbai 94 87 pc 94 88 pc 60 Ready for
Detroit 81 56 t 69 48 pc Paris 75 60 t 74 60 t 17 It’s good to make 38 Greenish-blue customers
Honolulu 83 73 pc 82 73 pc
International Rio de Janeiro 82 70 r 74 67 r a good one
Today Tomorrow shade 61 Shipping city
Houston 85 68 t 89 65 s Riyadh 107 81 s 108 86 s 20 Inventor with
Indianapolis 81 58 pc 71 53 s City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Rome 78 61 s 79 63 t 39 Pursue 62 Strong point
Kansas City 84 55 pc 77 57 s Amsterdam 77 59 pc 77 55 t San Juan 88 77 s 87 78 pc
more than 1,000 romantically
Las Vegas 104 80 s 108 82 s Athens 86 69 s 81 68 pc Seoul 82 65 pc 83 64 pc patents 63 Some hair
Little Rock 88 66 s 89 63 s Bangkok 97 80 t 96 80 t Shanghai 81 70 s 79 71 sh 40 From the Arctic products
21 Prepares for the
Los Angeles 73 59 pc 74 59 pc Beijing 91 66 pc 78 62 sh Singapore 90 77 pc 88 78 pc state fair, say 41 San Diego player Down
Miami 89 79 t 87 77 t Berlin 74 52 s 74 56 s Sydney 64 54 sh 65 54 s
Milwaukee 76 55 t 68 51 pc Brussels 78 61 t 77 60 t Taipei 88 76 t 88 77 pc 22 Whistle blower 42 Gray or beige, for 1 Drummer’s The contest answer is BLT. The three longest
Minneapolis 67 52 pc 71 51 pc Buenos Aires 56 40 pc 58 37 s Tokyo 77 67 pc 75 68 pc on a basketball example partner, in answers contain words or names that can form
Nashville 86 64 s 83 56 s Calgary 87 57 s 79 57 t Toronto 74 59 pc 70 50 c court 45 Week septet military marches two-word phrases (KEVIN BACON, ICEBERG
New Orleans 90 76 t 92 75 s Dubai 105 83 s 103 84 s Vancouver 72 59 s 74 55 s
LETTUCE and ROMA TOMATO), the second
New York City 85 68 s 82 60 pc Dublin 70 53 t 69 52 t Warsaw 67 44 pc 69 48 pc
Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at

Oklahoma City 87 62 s 87 66 s Edinburgh 68 49 pc 72 52 t Zurich 75 56 t 75 57 t words of which are the ingredients of a BLT.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Monday, June 6, 2016 | B7



Muhammad Ali, pictured in training in 1966. In the decades since Ali dominated the conversation, sports have moved to a safer, shinier, less confrontational space.

Another Muhammad Ali? Probably Never

Will sports ever see another ters were intertwined. It isn’t hard nated the conversation, sports scious as a bag of marbles. the planet. And whether people
Muhammad Ali? to find clips of an exiled Ali dis- have moved to a safer, shinier, less Still, it would be foolish to de- loved or loathed him, they couldn’t
Let’s be real: probably not. cussing his refusal with inquisitors confrontational space. The biggest pict Ali as merely a byproduct of take their eyes off him. Even at his
That’s been obvious for decades, baffled that he would stick to the ones are billion-dollar businesses, his times. brashest and loudest, there was al-
but it’s become very clear from the position and not, say, flee to Can- corporate in nature, carefully He was an all-timer as a boxer, most always a twinkle of self-
obits and encomiums ada so he could box again. Here’s avoidant of controversy. Athletes, and an all-timer as a performer, awareness, a signal that he got it,
since Ali’s death Fri- Ali seated across from William F. too, are cautious, and deviations and I suspect he would have been a that this was all part of a larger
day evening: Muham- Buckley on Firing Line: “What I am from the branded script are un- giant in any era. One of the joys of circus. He could be mean—he was
mad Ali was absolute doing is for myself, and for justice usual. The smell of money over- watching sports is when you see indeed sometimes to Smokin’ Joe
sui generis, an un- for black people. Running will kill whelms everything. Ali may have someone who appears absolutely Frazier—but his wit was usually
precedented combi- it all. So I’d rather go to jail.” redefined what was possible from born to do it: the athlete who pos- sharp and precise. “Howard, every
JASON nation of athleticism, Those who lived through that an athlete as a generational voice, sesses that combination of skill time you open your mouth, you
GAY intelligence, bravado period know how raw and conten- but the conversation has been and work ethic that makes them should be arrested for air pollu-
and social conscious- tious it was. Consider this excerpt neatly put back in a box, with ath- appear preternaturally built for tion,” Ali once teased to his friend
ness during one of from the boxing columnist and Ali letes considered entertainers who their chosen craft. Ali had that as a and play-nemesis, Howard Cosell.
the most turbulent chapters in confidante Jerry Izenberg, writing are better viewed than heard from. boxer—I’ll cede here to the Jour- It’s been tremendous to watch
American history. He was contro- Saturday in the Star-Ledger, about This isn’t to say there haven’t nal’s great boxing writer, Gordon Ali’s legacy getting a full airing, to
versial, to say the least, but he was the public reaction to his support been moments in which athletes Marino, who praised, among other see the person who battled Parkin-
an epic figure that sports will al- of Ali at the time: have stepped forward: recently, things, Ali’s grace and “ability to son’s for decades reanimated to his
most surely never witness again. Some papers that carried my there was LeBron James’s and detect a punch even as his oppo- vital, incandescent prime. Athletes
The man seems unrepeatable. column regularly dropped it. Bomb other NBA players’ public solidar- nent was just thinking about the have always had way of perverting
A critical reason, of course, is threats emptied our office, making ity with the family of a young man blow.” But Ali may have been even our judgment and accentuating our
timing. The ascension of the for- the staff stand out in the snow. My killed in a police confrontation; the more preternatural as a personal- hypocrisies; awestruck by their
mer Cassius Clay paralleled a pe- car windshield was smashed with a University of Missouri football ity. He was a talker unlike any feats, we lift them up to unsustain-
riod in which his country was sledgehammer. Among the thou- team’s protest against the school talker before—spend 20 minutes able heights, and then tear them
gripped by the interwoven strife sand of pieces of hate mail I re- president over the handling of ra- on YouTube watching Ali videos apart for the most human of mis-
over civil rights and the war in ceived, two required the attention cial issues on campus; the U.S. and you have to thoroughly recali- takes. We regularly make idols out
Vietnam. Ali’s decision to refuse of postal inspectors. One turned Women’s National Soccer Team’s brate your idea of what makes a of winners who don’t deserve the
induction into the military was out to be nothing but a ticking action against its governing body compelling athlete interview. And mantle, and run hard over the de-
deeply polarizing—and still so, alarm clock, and the second con- over pay equality. But most of Ali seemed to always be compel- feated, when they deserve our em-
judging from the comments sec- tained what I hoped was dog fe- what is deemed to be “controver- ling—whether in the aftermath of a pathy and respect. We nostalgically
tions of virtually everything writ- ces—as opposed to the alternative. sial” in sports today—a bat flip!— prizefight; defending himself on pine for “heroes” who never were.
ten about the man in the past 36 These were ugly times. is a joke compared with the island the steps of a public building; be- Seldom does anyone in sports ap-
hours—and not without cost. And Unbelievable. When a sports Ali put himself on. In fact, many of ing awkwardly picked apart by proach the legend of what we want
yet Ali willfully became a spokes- columnist touts him or herself as the “controversies” in sports are suits on a public affairs show; or him or her to be.
person for his choice, his race, and “brave” for pecking out an edgy phony media creations cooked up relaxing on the loungey West Coast Muhammad Ali, an imperfect
his religion, embracing the oppor- tweet, remember Jerry Izenberg. for attention, undeserving of your couch of Johnny Carson. but seismic man, did.
tunity to show how all these mat- In the decades since Ali domi- time and about as socially con- Ali was at home anywhere on And he may be the last.

Heard On Djokovic Slams His Way Into History


Four Grand Slam tournaments!
Back-to-back-to-back-to-back! Wim-
bledon. The U.S. Open. The Austra-
lian Open. And now, the French
Open—all the major tennis trophies
belong to Novak Djokovic, who won

his first title at Roland Garros on

Sunday, 3-6, 6-1, 6-2, 6-4 against
Andy Murray. Bjorn Borg and John
McEnroe never won all four majors.
Neither did Pete Sampras, Jimmy
Connors, Ivan Lendl or Boris Becker.
Andre Agassi, Roger Federer and Ra-

fael Nadal did, but not in a row. For

Warriors Take 2-0 the first time, Djokovic can look
around at his peers and heroes and
Series Lead Over Cavs say, How about that?
LeBron James’s last four NBA Fi- Eight men have won each Grand
nals appearances before this year Slam title at least once, a list that
started the same way: with a Game includes Federer, Nadal, Agassi and
1 loss. But what happened next now, Djokovic. But no man since Rod
was also the same. As the rest of Laver, in 1969, has held all four ti- Novak Djokovic celebrates after beating Andy Murray in four sets to win the French Open on Sunday.
the basketball universe panicked, tles. Laver did it twice, the first time
James was the eye in a storm of in 1962. The only other man in their Court stood and applauded Djokovic he had asked Kuerten’s permission Djokovic along with Becker, a former
second-guessing. He went out and class is Don Budge, who won six as if he had won. The love brought earlier in the tournament. No. 1 player.
won Game 2 every single time. straight from 1937 to 1938. Asked him to tears, and this year, he said, “He’s a super-human being,” Kue- In his major title sweep, Djokovic
This year’s Finals, though, are earlier this year about Djokovic’s he felt like the people’s choice. Ball rten said. has won two finals against Federer,
slightly different from every series dominance, Laver was unequivocal. kids stood with him after every Murray, who has lost to Djokovic who played superb tennis in 2015, and
that James has ever played in. “I would say there isn’t any way match and helped him salute the in five major finals, agreed. two against Murray. So much could
That’s because he happens to be you could play better,” he said. crowd. He spoke the best French of “Something you probably won’t have gone wrong. Djokovic could have
playing the Golden State Warriors. The 29-year-old Djokovic’s climb his life. On Sunday, the stadium was see for a long, long time,” Murray tripped. He could have caught a cold
And they might be the best NBA has been long and slow. He used to wild with chants of “Nole!” as Djok- said. or accidentally broken his strict diet
team of all time. be the odd man out in this all-time ovic, stressed and tentative in the All tennis victories bring elation. by slurping down some gluten-filled
That incredible streak of James’s great tennis generation, the kid with first set, stopped missing and built This one also brought relief. Djokovic linguine. (Djokovic is allergic to glu-
was snapped Sunday by something a lot a game but not as much nerve an insurmountable lead. His nerves had won more matches at the French ten.) At a Grand Slam tournament,
more remarkable, the Warriors, who or moxie as Federer or Nadal. After returned at the finish, but this time, Open than any man who had not won anything can happen. Djokovic has
routed the Cavaliers, 77-110, to take trailing those two titans for years, he survived. He doesn’t quite re- the title. The pressure was immense. plenty of proof. He’s won 12 Grand
a 2-0 series lead in the Finals. Djokovic eventually passed them, but member how. After he won, his family and friends Slam singles titles, but lost in eight fi-
It was Golden State’s seventh couldn’t solve Roland Garros. “It’s like my spirit [had] left my gathered in the players’ lounge and nals. After this one, though, he might
consecutive win over Cleveland, and Federer beat him here in 2011, and body and I was just observing my popped open bottles of champagne. never feel stressed again on a tennis
to bring a title to Cleveland, James ended a 43-match winning streak. body,” Djokovic said, “hoping that They sang Serbian songs. When Djok- court, and that could be scary for ev-
now has to beat Stephen Curry Nadal beat him in two finals. Stan Andy will make a mistake.” ovic and his trophy arrived, his father, eryone else.
four times in the next five games. Wawrinka beat him in another, and Murray did, and Djokovic fell on Srdjan, lifted it over his head. Then he “I don’t want to sound arrogant,
The only problem: The Warriors lost that one hurt the most—and his back. He later drew a heart in the passed it around so everyone could but I really think everything is
a total of nine times in 82 games changed everything for Djokovic. clay with his racket, just as Gustavo sip champagne from it. achievable in life,” he said. “Winning
this season. During the trophy ceremony last Kuerten, the winner of three French “Everything went well, finally,” this trophy today gave me so much
—Ben Cohen year, fans inside Philippe Chatrier Open titles, used to do. Djokovic said said Marian Vajda, who coaches happiness and fulfillment.”
B8 | Monday, June 6, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

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Cheaper Oil to Europe Aren’t Finished
Saudi Arabia reduces its prices GLOBAL FINANCE | C3 THE STREET | C6
© 2016 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, June 6, 2016 | C1
Last Week: DJIA 17807.06 g 66.16 0.37% S&P 2099.13 À 0.003% NASDAQ 4942.52 À 0.18% 10–YR. TREAS. À 1 10/32, yield 1.707% OIL $48.62 g $0.71 EURO $1.1364 YEN 106.53

Latest Hot Buy: Municipal Bonds

Investors scurry for cording to Lipper data going tive—yields on government driven prices in the roughly that are typically free from
back to 1992. Investors have bonds world-wide have made $3.7 trillion market so high federal taxes. In the years
safety as slow global poured a net $22.5 billion into munis increasingly appealing that yields have fallen to near- since the financial crisis, the
growth, low interest such mutual funds in 2016 relative to other fixed-income record lows. The enthusiasm highest-rated municipal bonds
through Wednesday, the best assets. The amount of munici- comes even as Puerto Rico is have often yielded more than
rates cast a shadow


start to a year since 2009. pal debt held by foreign inves- defaulting and concerns per- Treasury debt. But that trend
They have pulled tors increased 44% to $85 bil- sist about the financial health has begun to reverse in recent
BY HEATHER GILLERS ABREAST $39.97 billion lion from 2009 through 2015, of some cities and states. In months, intensifying some an-
AND AARON KURILOFF OF THE from equity according to Federal Reserve addition, U.S. interest rates alysts’ concerns about the
MARKET funds in the data. are still expected to rise this risks of purchases at current
Investors are buying munic- same time. Munis also provided a ha- year, which can hurt the value prices.
ipal debt at a record clip, en- The buying is being spurred ven for investors during sharp of outstanding bonds. Yields “aren’t all that at-
during low returns in ex- by continuing concerns about swings this winter in the eq- Investors prize munis in tractive anymore, yet we con-
change for the relative the slow pace of global growth uity and high-yield corporate- general because they are con- tinue to see inflows into the
stability of bonds sold by U.S. and the prospect of interest bond markets. And years of sidered nearly as safe as Trea- funds,” said James Kochan,
state and local governments. rates staying lower for longer, price appreciation in munis surys, backed by tax revenue chief fixed-income strategist Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R., Texas)
Municipal-bond funds had concerns boosted by Friday’s have left investors hungry to or fees on critical public ser- at Wells Fargo Funds Manage-
more than $632 billion in as- weak jobs report. snap up new issues. vices, such as water. The debt ment. “It doesn’t take much to
Please see BONDS page C2
sets as of June 1, a record, ac- In addition, low—or nega- Enthusiasm for the debt has also offers interest payments
Dividends, Rollback
Buybacks On GOP
Dull Effect
Of Rates Agenda
One of the great mysteries of
the recovery is why low interest WASHINGTON—Republi-
rates have done so little to lift can victory in November elec-
business investment. tions would herald a signifi-
After all, that is supposed to cant scaling back of financial
be one of the ways monetary regulations enacted since the
policy works: A lower cost of 2008 crisis, according to a pol-
capital makes any project more icy blueprint to be unveiled by
viable. But what if lower interest a top GOP lawmaker on Tues-
rates are hurting investment by day.
encouraging companies to pay The government would no
dividends or buy longer have the power to ex-
ANALYSIS back stock in- tend federal oversight and
stead? constraints to big nonbanks

That is the branded “systemically impor-

theory advanced by economist tant,” according to a written
Jason Thomas of private-equity summary of the plan provided
giant Carlyle Group. It is at to The Wall Street Journal.
odds with conventional econom- Megabanks would be freed
ics but has some intuitively ap- from the Volcker rule that at-
pealing logic and supportive tempts to bar them from bet-
data. ting with taxpayer-insured de-
He calculates that since 2009, Macquarie Group has been ramping up its presence in U.S. commodities. Above, its banking unit’s offices in Sydney. posits. The new consumer
just after the Federal Reserve watchdog would face new lim-

Macquarie Fills Commodities Gap

took interest rates to near zero, its on its efforts to bring
U.S. companies have boosted lightly regulated corners of fi-
stock buybacks by 194% and div- nance—such as payday lending
idends by 66.5%, but investment or debt collection—under
by 43%. Big energy companies BY CHRISTIAN BERTHELSEN Shell PLC, according to indus- stricter federal control.
have been slashing capital ex- try publications Platts and Trading Places “We are not becoming more
penditures while boosting pay- After the Federal Reserve Natural Gas Intelligence. While big Wall Street banks have pulled back from commodities stable. And, regrettably, we are
outs. Even companies without pledged to crack down on Macquarie owns electric trading, Macquarie has increased its commodities business. also less free,” Texas GOP Rep.
the headwind of lower commod- banks engaged in the lucrative utilities in Seattle and Pitts- Jeb Hensarling, the author of
ity prices are holding the line: business of commodities trad- burgh, a gas distributor in Ha- Major banks* Macquarie the blueprint, said in a video
McDonald’s Corp. and Eli Lilly ing, most big Wall Street firms waii, a merchant power-gener- $15 billion $900 million posted Friday attacking the
& Co. are maintaining flat capi- got out. ation company in Rhode Island sweeping 2010 Dodd-Frank fi-
tal expenditures while raising Macquarie Group Ltd. took and petroleum storage tanks 12 750 nancial-overhaul law he seeks
dividends; Verizon Communica- the opposite approach. along the U.S. Gulf Coast. It 600 to replace. “It’s time to move
tions Inc. said it plans to trim its Australia’s largest invest- imports Canadian oil into the 9 on to a 21st century model of
capital budget and has raised its ment bank has been buying U.S. by pipeline and in January 450 banking, of security, of finan-
dividend. and selling increasing amounts imported 200,000 barrels of 6 cial opportunity for all,” added
Many critics have stated of oil, natural gas and fuel in crude by tanker from the Re- Mr. Hensarling, who chairs the
that Fed policy has hurt the the U.S., taking advantage of public of Congo, U.S. records 3 150 House Financial Services Com-
economy, but they make a the opening as its competitors show. mittee.
fuzzy argument that exotic backed away. It all has been possible be- 0 0 Mr. Hensarling plans to un-
monetary policy such as zero It now is North America’s cause the Fed doesn’t consider 2008 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 2010 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 veil his Dodd-Frank replace-
interest rates and bond buying third-largest trader of physical Macquarie’s U.S. unit a bank. *10 largest global investment banks Note: May 27 exchange rate for Macquarie figures ment plan Tuesday morning in
foments uncertainty and thus gas, trailing only industry gi- By avoiding certain activities Sources: London research consultancy Coalition (major banks); the company (Macquarie) a speech at the Economic Club
Please see RATES page C2 ants BP PLC and Royal Dutch Please see GAP page C3 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Please see GOP page C6

Another Test for Valeant Pharmaceuticals 62 Years at Same Firm:

BY CHARLEY GRANT Valeant reported quarterly
earnings in March. Valeant’s
other missteps.
The stock is down 12%
Valeant didn’t reiterate its
How One Man Did It
Shall we try this again? stock price was sawed in half since then, but there have full-year forecast, which for- BY LESLIE SCISM others who know the prop-
Investors hope the sequel is that day after the company been flickers of positive mer CEO Michael Pearson erty-casualty insurance indus-
better than the original warned of a possible default news. For instance, Valeant gave in March. There is a When Maurice “Hank” try see Mr. Rodriguez’s feat as
when Valeant Pharmaceuti- on its debt should it fail to has mostly put fears of an risk Mr. Papa could decide Greenberg resigned as chief unlikely to be repeated, high-
cals International Inc. posts file audited financials on imminent default to rest. old targets—just over $11 bil- executive from American In- lighting a changed competi-
first-quarter re- time, among a series of And this time, there lion in sales and about $10 a ternational Group Inc. in tive environment and demo-
AHEAD OF sults this week. shouldn’t be a surprise in share in adjusted earnings— 2005, his career there was in- graphics.
THE TAPE The earnings the headline numbers: were too ambitious. variably referred to as long. It Mr. Rodriguez, 79 years
report, ex- After the Fall Valeant reaffirmed first- Valeant’s plan for reduc- stretched about 45 years. old, started employment at
pected Tuesday, Valeant Pharmaceuticals quarter guidance on May 9, ing its $30 billion of long- AIG in 1954 as an 18-year-old
will be the second since a International share price after the quarter ended. term debt will be another is- messenger in Cuba and rose
scandal last fall around the Yet big questions remain. sue. Investors will want Manuel to head its Puerto Rico of-
drugmaker’s relationship $100 Investors still don’t have more detail on what assets ‘Manolo’ fices.
with a mail-order pharmacy much of a feel for what kind Valeant considers nonessen- Rodriguez “I did get offers from other
triggered a free fall in its 75 of profitability Valeant can tial to its core business and, retired from companies, but I was happy,”
stock. It also will be the first expect now that it has sworn therefore, ripe for divesti- AIG after a Mr. Rodriguez said in an in-
since new Chief Executive 50 off its old strategy of splashy ture. 62-year tenure. terview.
Joseph Papa took over last acquisitions and hefty drug- An absence of further ca- Robert Hartwig, president
month. Analysts expect 25 price increases. Sales of lamity should stanch the of trade group Insurance In-
Valeant to report revenue of most of Valeant’s top 30 stock-price wound. But nurs- formation Institute, doesn’t
$2.4 billion and adjusted products fell sequentially in ing this patient back to full But Mr. Greenberg doesn’t see Mr. Rodriguez’s accom-
earnings per share of $1.36. the fourth quarter as insur- health will take far more have a thing on Manuel plishment being topped.
The good news for inves- J F M A M J ance companies and phar- time. “Manolo” Rodriguez, who re- While longer lives will
tors: There should be much Source: WSJ Market Data Group macy-benefits managers tired a few weeks ago with make for longer careers,
less drama than the last time THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. pushed back against the Email: what AIG said is the longest- workers are now more likely
ever tenure at the global in- to move among companies, he
surer: 62 years. AIG was said.
INDEX Closed-End Funds.................................... C5 Consumer Rates....................................... C4 Financial Flashback................................ C4 Heard on the Street............................... C6 IPO Scorecard............................................. C4 New to the Market.......................... C4
Borrowing Benchmarks............... C5 Commodities............................................... C4 Currencies...................................................... C2 Global Finance............................................ C3 International Stock Indexes............. C4 Money Rates............................................... C5 Ticker.......................................................... C2 founded in 1919. New types of insurance
Executives, consultants and Please see AIG page C2
C2 | Monday, June 6, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


THE TICKER | Market events coming this week BONDS Rick Taormina, head of mu-
nicipal strategies at JPM Asset
Management, said some inves-
tors have been experiencing
2016 through June 1, down
4.2% from the same period of
2015, according to Thomson
Reuters data.
over how tight their finances
were just a few years ago.”
For cities and states that do
borrow, costs have fallen. Con-
Monday Wednesday EIA report: natural Continued from the prior page “rate shock,” surprised by the “When there’s less volume, necticut, which was recently
gas produce negative returns from low yields even on longer- downgraded to double-A-mi-
No major events are Mort. bankers indexes Previous change in stocks in these levels.” dated or less-creditworthy nus by two ratings firms amid

Purchase, prev.
down 5%
Refinan., prev.
billions of cubic feet
up 82
Yields on the Barclays Mu-
nicipal Bond Index fell to a re-
Despite such low yields, the 2.89% concerns about the state’s
budgetary flexibility, last
Wholesale cord 1.75% in mid-May and hazards of municipal bonds— Municipal bonds’ return this month sold 10-year bonds
down 4%
Productivity inventories were at 1.83% on Friday. including hundreds of millions year, according to Barclays PLC yielding 2.33%, down from a
1st qtr. first est. EIA status report March, previous Municipal bonds have re- in defaults from Puerto Rico— as of Friday yield of 2.75% on 10-year debt
down 1.0% Previous change in stocks in
up 0.1% turned 2.89% so far this year, seem mild compared with the the state sold a year ago,
1st qtr. rev. est. millions of barrels
April, expected counting price appreciation year’s swings in stocks and notes Matt Fabian, partner at
down 0.6% Crude oil down 1.4 and interest payments, accord- other riskier assets. there’s more money chasing af- the research firm Municipal
up 0.1%
Gasoline down 1.5 ing to Barclays PLC as of Fri- The supply of new bonds ter fewer and fewer bonds,” said Market Analytics.
Unit labor costs Distillates down 1.3 Earnings expected* day. That compares with 3.88% has fallen, helping to drive up Howard Cure, director of munic- Despite the threat of higher
1st qtr. first est. Estimate/Year Ago($) for Treasurys, 6.14% for highly prices. Government borrowers ipal research at Evercore Wealth interest rates, few are predict-
up 4.1% Earnings expected* rated corporate debt and have issued $170 billion of Management. “I think a lot of ing a major pullback in munis
J.M. Smucker
Estimate/Year Ago($)
1st qtr. rev. est. 1.19/0.98 8.09% for junk bonds. bonds from the beginning of governments are still getting this year. Analysts said that
up 4.1% Brown-Forman Puerto Rico’s defaults have
0.72/0.66 had little impact on the
Consumer Credit Lululemon 0.31/0.34 Friday Muni Mania broader market. And the tax
March, previous U.Mich. consumer Strong investor interest in debt sold by state and local governments in the U.S. is helping to push down yields. break provided by municipal
up $29.7 billion Thursday index bonds helps offset the low
April, expected May, final 94.7 U.S. municipal-bond fund flows Average yield on municipal debt yields the debt currently of-
Short-selling reports
up $20.5 billion Ratio, days of trading volume June, prelim. 93.9 $10 billion 4.0% fers.
of current position, at May 13 John Miller, co-head of
Earnings expected* NYSE 4.4 Treasury budget May $3.96B fixed income at Nuveen Asset
Estimate/Year Ago($) April, previous 5 3.5
Nasdaq 4.7 Management, which manages
HD Supply 0.47/0.33 $82 billion deficit about $113 billion in state and
Michaels 0.35/0.32 Initial jobless claims May, expected n.a. 0 3.0 local debt, said the imbalance
Previous 267,000 between demand for the debt
Expected 270,000 Friday 1.83% and the supply of new bonds
–5 2.5
is likely to keep prices high in
–10 2.0 the short term, even if the Fed
raised rates.
“There’s a bit less fear
–15 1.5 Record low
around the implications of
that,” he said. “Even though
–20 1.0 munis are at low yields rela-
2013 ’14 ’15 ’16 2013 2014 2015 2016 tive to history, they’re at high
yields relative to the rest of
Sources: Lipper (flows); Barclays Municipal Bond Index (yields) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. the world.”

RATES point between February and

May, the Standard & Poor’s Divi-
dend Aristocrats Index—made
up of companies that increased
Mr. Thomas may have
solved part of the puzzle of
low investment, but not the
entire puzzle. He has found
low—too much cash chasing
too few profitable investments.
Countless other factors affect
the decision to invest, the most
Continued from the prior page their payout every year for at that low interest rates boost important being the outlook for
undermines investment. least 25 years—outperformed the performance of stocks that sales, which tends to benefit
Mr. Thomas’s argument re- the S&P 500 by 4.8%. This pay high dividends but hasn’t from low rates which boost con-
lies instead on basic corporate means that the lower rates go, shown that dynamic influences sumer spending. Higher interest
finance. Companies can choose the higher a hurdle a new in- companies’ investment deci- rates would damp consumer
to distribute cash to share- vestment must meet to boost sions. While dividend consid- spending and push up the dollar,
holders as dividends or share the stock price more than a erations might give companies both of which would hurt sales
repurchases or invest it in the higher dividend. one reason not to invest more and thus investment. Moreover,

business. In theory, an invest- Not all companies would re- when interest rates are low, it for companies that don’t have
ment that raises future cash spond the same way. Young isn’t clear how important that publicly traded shares or pay
flow also raises future divi- companies with no internal cash effect is in the scheme of high dividends, the traditional
dends and should be just as flow and tech companies that things. A company may see benefit of low rates on invest-
appealing as a higher dividend are valued more for their few promising capital projects ment is probably still more im-
today, irrespective of interest growth have little option or in- and thus conclude it would portant than the effect on the
rates. But Mr. Thomas says centive not to invest in their rather return the cash to share price.
this assumes investors don’t businesses. They would be less shareholders. This wouldn’t be Nonetheless, when interest
J.M. Smucker is scheduled to report quarterly results Thursday. care whether they get their affected than large, mature com- because interest rates are low. rates have been so low for so
dividends today or tomorrow. panies with higher depreciation It would be reflecting the same long, it is worth re-examining
In fact, he says, investors such expenses and cash flow. forces that are keeping rates old relationships.
as retirees have a strong need
for current yield and will pay a
premium, in terms of the Why Aren’t Low Rates Working? Blame Dividends
As measured by the price/earnings ratio, for a com-
pany that distributes more of
Falling interest rates earlier this year drove up stocks with high dividends, a consistent pattern in recent
years which may be one reason companies have favored dividends and stock buybacks over capital spending.
S&P 500 index, its income today.
Since 1976, higher-yielding Five-year real bond yield S&P Dividend Aristocrat Growth in uses of cash by
stocks systematically outperform
dividends included, the overall market by 0.76 per- 0.4%
relative to the S&P 500
U.S. nonfinancial companies
200% 194%
centage point when inflation-ad-
the market was justed interest rates fall 1 per-
Share Repurchases
centage point, Mr. Thomas finds. Business Investment
0.2 4 150
up by 1.4% in 2015 Moreover, the relationship be-
comes more extreme the lower
rates go and the longer they stay
low. 0 2 100
“John Bull can stand many May 17 –0.27% May 17 4.8% 67%
things but he cannot stand two
per cent,” Walter Bagehot, a –0.2 0 50
19th century editor of The Econ-
omist, once said, describing in- 43%
How did you do? vestors’ need for some minimum –0.4 –0.2 0
level of income. F 2016 M A M F 2016 M A M 2009 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15
When real five-year bond
yields dropped 0.5 percentage Source: The Carlyle Group THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
And your broker?

Is it time to consider a less

AIG While on a bus, his father
pointed to AIG’s office build-
ing, where people were com-
ing and going. “This looks like
another insurance company.
Francisco Diaz, an AIG se-
nior executive in Puerto Rico,
said colleagues considered Mr.
his family said.
Still, “he was not a big
email guy,” said his son,
Manny Rodriguez. “It’s the
Continued from the prior page a good place to work,” the son Rodriguez “like an encyclope- personal touch with him: ‘Hey,
expensive alternative? jobs and new categories of recalls his father, who was a dia” on questions about insur- can I have five minutes of your
risk are proliferating amid baker, saying. ance, able to “give you the time to hash things out?’ ”
fast-changing technology, “al- Mr. Rodriguez was among right answer.” “My dad is a seriously loyal
lowing for rapid advancement employees relocated by AIG to He was a late adopter to man” who was always appre-
for those seizing opportunity” the U.S. during the communist using a personal computer but ciative that AIG “had invested
wherever it exists. In addi- takeover of the country. At ultimately checked his Black- in him, believed in him,” from
At Interactive Brokers you tion, the latest generation is first, the idea of leaving fam- Berry frequently enough to be Cuba onwards, the younger
less likely to stay “tied down ily in Cuba “was shocking” teased by his grandchildren, Mr. Rodriguez said.
enjoy the lowest trading to a single geographic region.” and he hesitated.
Among industries, prop- But in 1961, he and his wife
cost* and can allocate funds erty-casualty insurance is one moved to New York. Currencies
of the most likely, however,
from your self-directed for a longer career with one
‘I did get offers from
U.S.-dollar foreign-exchange rates in late New York trading
US$vs, US$vs,
firm. Fri YTDchg Fri YTDchg
account to registered “It is an industry that val- other companies, but Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%)
ues experience and relation- Vietnam dong .00004461 22415 1.2
I was happy,’ Manolo Americas
advisors and hedge funds. ships, and both of those in- Argentina peso .0719 13.9080 7.5 Europe
crease with time spent on the Rodriguez says. Brazil real .2835 3.5277 –10.9 Czech Rep. koruna .04206 23.774 –4.5
job,” said Mr. Hartwig, who Canada dollar .7728 1.2941 –6.5 Denmark krone .1527 6.5479 –4.7
has known a number of peo- Chile peso .001466 682.30 –3.7 Euro area euro 1.1364 .8800 –4.4
Colombia peso .0003318 3014.25 –5.1 Hungary forint .003636 275.06 –5.3
ple who have worked at a sin- In 1963, he transferred to 1 unch
Ecuador US dollar 1 Iceland krona .008094 123.55 –5.1
gle insurer for a half century AIG’s fledgling Puerto Rico of- Mexico peso .0538 18.5935 8.1 Norway krone .1223 8.1784 –7.5
DOWNLOAD OUR FREE DEMO or so. fice. He earned a college de- Peru new sol .2980 3.356 –1.7 Poland zloty .2588 3.8637 –1.5
The average employee ten- gree and for many years as- Uruguay peso .03222 31.0400 3.8 Russia ruble .01534 65.184 –9.3 ure was 8.1 years as of 2014, sessed property and liability Venezuela b. fuerte .100150 9.9851 58.4 Sweden krona
Switzerland franc
.1228 8.1404
1.0243 .9763
the latest figure available, ac- risks, such as exposure of con- Asia-Pacific
Turkey lira .3446 2.9015 –0.6
cording to the Society for Hu- dominiums to hurricanes. He Australian dollar .7363 1.3581 –1.0
Ukraine hryvnia .0398 25.1360 4.8
man Resource Management, a worked with brokers to find China yuan .1526 6.5518 0.9
UK pound 1.4519 .6888 1.5
Hong Kong dollar .1287 7.7682 0.2
membership group. The aver- ways to provide coverage Middle East/Africa
India rupee .01498 66.771 0.8
age tenure in the insurance meeting the needs of their Indonesia rupiah .0000745 13431 –2.9 Bahrain dinar 2.6522 .3770 unch

Interactive Brokers industry specifically stood at

8.9 years.
business clients.
In an interview, Mr. Green-
Japan yen .009387 106.53 –11.4
Kazakhstan tenge .002961 337.71 –0.3
.1249 8.0033 unch
Egypt pound
Israel shekel
.1125 8.8850
.2599 3.8469
Mr. Rodriguez came to AIG berg, 91, who now runs an- Macau pataca Kuwait dinar 3.3101 .3021
by chance, and his career was other insurance conglomerate, Malaysia ringgit .2450 4.0823 –5.1 Oman sul rial 2.5976 .3850 unch
Member - NYSE, FINRA, SIPC – Supporting documentation for any New Zealand dollar .6954 1.4380 –1.7 Qatar rial .2748 3.639 –0.1
claims and statistical information will be provided upon request.
nearly cut short twice, first by recalled Mr. Rodriguez as be- Pakistan rupee .00955 104.750 –0.1 Saudi Arabia riyal .2666 3.7503 –0.1
*According to Barron’s best online broker review on March 9, 2015, Fidel Castro’s rise to power, ing “very diligent. He had Philippines peso .0216 46.232 –1.3 South Africa rand .0659 15.1789 –1.9
How Secure Is Your Securities Portfolio. Lowest cost of any broker and then by a car accident in very good relationships with Singapore dollar .7368 1.3572 –4.3
and Best Trading Experience & Technology in Barron’s survey. the late 1980s that nearly cost brokers. He was extremely South Korea won .0008595 1163.48 –1.1 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg
Barron’s is a registered trademark of Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Sri Lanka rupee .0068074 146.90 1.9 WSJ Dollar Index 86.15 –1.46–1.67 –4.46
Hedge funds are highly speculative and investors may lose their him his life. knowledgeable about our
The job stemmed from a business.” Mr. Greenberg Taiwan dollar .03099 32.267 –2.0 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group
entire investment. 03-IB16-965CH963 Thailand baht .02827 35.370 –1.8
beach outing. joined AIG in late 1960 from
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, June 6, 2016 | C3

EU Bank Rule Could Upend Trade Finance
Short-term Instruments finance gap” is hurting global cess to trade credit.
commerce, especially for “It’s a poorly thought-out
including letters of smaller companies. The Bank for regulation that will hurt EU
credit could be written International Settlements esti- businesses,” said Emily O’Con-
mated that “reduced trade fi- nor, senior policy manager at
down if lender fails nance could have accounted for the Paris-based International
as much as two-fifths of the fall Chamber of Commerce.
BY JON SINDREU in export volumes” between the Letters of credit guarantee a
2008 financial crash and 2014. seller will get paid even if the
From the Chinese Tang Dy- “Every bank is squirming, buyer fails to make good, which
nasty in the eighth century to thinking about how they can enables unknown parties in dif-
Lombard Street in Victorian avoid” the regulation, said Geof- ferent countries to trade by put-
London, trade finance has al- frey L. Wynne, a London-based ting their faith in banks rather
ways greased the wheels of partner at American law firm than one another.
global commerce. But this leg- Sullivan & Worcester. But banks A bank issues the letter of
acy is under threat in Europe and trade associations don’t credit against a promise by the


from new regulation aimed at have high hopes of getting a importer that it will pay up and
preventing another bank bail- last-minute opt-out. then sends it to a confirming
out. Data for trade finance are bank, which is the one the ex-
Banks and commerce bodies scarce, but the BIS says banks porter uses. A specified time after
are increasingly jittery about serve as intermediaries for be- proof the product was shipped is
the potential effects of Euro- tween $6.5 trillion and $8 tril- presented, the confirming bank
pean Union regulation on the lion of it a year. It makes up will pay the exporter.
short-term financial instru- roughly 4% of the revenue of the A new regulation threatens European trade finance. Shipping containers in Hamburg, Germany. While sellers are promised
ments that connect buyers and world’s 12 largest banks, accord- payment by both buyer and con-
sellers of goods across coun- ing to figures by analytics firm clause obliging liability holders charter was allowed to expire of them won’t understand firming bank, the latter—more
tries. Coalition Development Ltd. to accept the possibility of a for five months before finally them.” often a chain of them—is di-
EU authorities have included A spokeswoman for the Euro- bail-in. This regulation, intro- being renewed in December. A Banks also argue that logisti- rectly exposed to the risk of the
trade-finance instruments, such pean Commission said members duced in January, was intended lobbying effort by business cal complications are insur- issuing bank going under. Al-
as letters of credit, in the list of would be “considering these to stop creditors seeking the groups, and the vocal com- mountable, as these decades-old though this risk was there be-
bank liabilities that could be concerns,” among other issues, protection of foreign courts. plaints of large exporters includ- contracts don’t operate under fore, traditional bankruptcy pro-
written down if a bank goes un- when the results of a consulta- Trade credit is usually pro- ing General Electric Co. and any specific law. Furthermore, cedures used to be protective of
der. This decision, the banks say, tion on the new financial regula- vided by a long chain of finan- Boeing Co., eventually overcame they are usually transmitted trade finance, whereas the new
creates an enormous compli- tion are published at a date yet cial institutions across different opposition to Ex-Im Bank from over the Society for Worldwide regulation pinpoints it as liable
ance headache and a competi- to be confirmed. countries, meaning each of congressional Republicans who Interbank Financial Telecommu- to be written off.
tive disadvantage and could The rules are designed to those banks needs to hold an- insisted that its existence un- nication network, which banks People familiar with the mat-
leave unsuspecting parties hold- shield taxpayers from bailing other’s liability. EU banks worry fairly put taxpayers at risk. use to send information to one ter said banks across different
ing the bag if foreign buyers fail out distressed financial institu- that a “bail-in stamp” would put Deutsche Bank AG’s global another in a standardized way, EU countries are testing the wa-
to pay their bills. tions again, shifting the brunt to them at a disadvantage relative head of trade finance, Michael making them hard to amend. ters and slowly starting to
The spat comes amid a chal- a “bail-in” by investors instead. to U.S. banks. Spiegel, warned “there’s a possi- Commerce bodies are highly phase in these rules in some
lenging backdrop. The World All EU bank contracts that U.S. trade credit faced its bility that non-EU counterpar- critical of the regulation as well, trade-finance instruments, while
Trade Organization warned in a fall outside the bloc’s jurisdic- own uncertainty last year, when ties would be reluctant to ac- saying it could especially hurt still intensively lobbying Euro-
report this month that a “trade tion are mandated to include a the U.S. Export-Import Bank’s cept such clauses, because many smaller companies with less ac- pean regulators.

Online GAP U.S. Senate committee, Fed

governor Daniel Tarullo said
the central bank planned to

Lender Continued from page C1

like taking customer deposits,
unveil strict new limits on
bank activity in commodity
markets in early 2015.

Vouch Is the Sydney-based firm, with

more than half of its $350 bil-
lion in assets in the Americas,
While that hasn’t happened,
the Fed still is considering
what rules to introduce, peo-

Closing is instead classified as a repre-

sentative office of a foreign
ple familiar with the matter
The threat of new regula-
BY TELIS DEMOS “There’s no question Mac- tion was enough to deter most
AND ROLFE WINKLER quarie has taken advantage banks. Deutsche Bank AG,
of” that classification, said Credit Suisse Group AG, Mor-
Online marketplace lender James Newsome, a former gan Stanley and J.P. Morgan
Vouch Financial is shutting chairman of the U.S. Commod- all closed or curtailed com-
down, according to people fa- ity Futures Trading Commis- modity operations. Commodity
miliar with the matter. sion whose firm, Delta Strat- revenue at the top 12 global
Vouch was among a wave egy Group, represents banks in investment banks has declined
of online lenders that raised dealings with regulators. “The by two-thirds since 2008, ac-
venture-capital funding in re- fact they’re not registered as a cording to London research-
cent years, hoping to capital- bank-holding company in the consultancy Coalition.
ize on the huge growth en- U.S. gives them the ability to Macquarie’s expanding
joyed by firms such as stay active in these markets.” presence in raw-materials
LendingClub Corp. and Pros- Macquarie officials say the markets also has helped it
per Marketplace Inc., which firm doesn’t have to be boost business in parts of the
filled a gap in personal lend- treated as a bank in the U.S.
ing left by retreating banks. because it doesn’t have a
$3 billion

However, a sharp decline in banking license, has no access

investor appetite for online to Fed funding and doesn’t
lenders’ loans in recent take deposits. Leveraged loans Macquarie
months, plus a Silicon Valley Big banks jumped into com- extended to the U.S. energy
pullback in willingness to modities trading in the 1980s, industry in the past five years
commit more funding, has buying up pipelines, metals
curtailed the growth of some warehouses and power plants
platforms, leading some of the to trade barrels of oil, mega- company that handle more
smallest to pursue sales or, in watts of electricity and ingots traditional banking activities,
the case of Vouch, to begin of aluminum. Morgan Stanley, particularly for U.S. companies
the process of winding down. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and in the oil, gas and energy in-
The company’s decision to J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. be- dustries.
shut its doors is a further in- came the heavyweights of a The firm’s ranking in U.S.
dication of pressure affecting group known as the Wall energy-stock underwriting
online lenders. It also sug- Street refiners. jumped to 12th in 2015 from
gests that more activity may A Saudi Aramco facility. OPEC last Thursday failed to agree to a ceiling on production of crude. The banks presided over an 29th in 2009, managing six
begin to gravitate toward unprecedented commodity deals with a value of $471 mil-

Saudi Arabia Cuts Prices

larger players and even poten- boom during the 2000s. But lion, according to Dealogic.
tially banks that are increas- the business slumped in recent And though representative of-
ingly offering online loans of years after a steep and broad- fices are prohibited from mak-
their own. based commodities-market de- ing loans, Macquarie has be-

Of Oil Exports to Europe

Vouch had struggled to cline and waning investor in- come one of the largest
compete with its bigger online terest. lenders to the U.S. energy in-
rivals, and its investors de- Regulators and Congress dustry of a particular kind of
cided not to continue backing began examining bank activi- high-risk credit, extending $3
it with more funds, a person BY BENOIT FAUCON firm stand late last Wednes- exported 800,000 barrels a ties in the commodity markets billion in leveraged loans in
familiar with the company’s day against any move that day on average to Europe last in 2013. They feared damage the past five years. It has done
thinking said. Saudi Arabia on Sunday cut would limit its own production year, according to the Interna- to the financial system if a ca- so by building relationships
Yee Lee, the company’s co- its oil prices to Europe, signal- as it aims for an economic tional Energy Agency. lamity occurred, and worried with U.S. companies and hav-
founder and a board member, ing mounting competition af- comeback following the end of As a result, Saudi Arabia that the trading information ing foreign offices handle the
declined to comment. ter OPEC failed to cap its out- Western sanctions in January. and Iran have been matching gave the firms unfair advan- closing on the loan agree-
The San Francisco firm, put as Iran’s exports ramp up. The two Persian Gulf na- each other’s price cuts, though tages. ments, which is allowed under
started in 2013, makes per- In an email sent to custom- tions are jockeying for politi- they deny offering special, pri- In 2014 testimony before a U.S. law.
sonal loans. Vouch borrowers ers, state oil company Saudi cal influence in hot spots such vate discounts to individual
must ask a friend or family Aramco said it had cut its as Yemen and Syria. buyers.
member to sponsor them and light crude prices by 35 cents Iran resumed its crude ex- Iran believes it will ulti-
put up a slice of money that a barrel to northwest Europe mately have the upper hand,
will be lost if the borrower and by 10 cents a barrel to the as its finances are less depen-
doesn’t pay back, on the Mediterranean for July deliv-
The lack of output dent on oil. “Saudi Arabia will
theory that would improve eries. limits allows Saudi be big loser in the price war,”
borrowers’ likelihood to repay The price reduction is sur- Akbar Nematollahi, the head
the loan. prising, as demand typically
Arabia and Iran to of public relations at Iran’s oil
Vouch had raised $11 mil- grows in the second half of the pump oil at will. ministry, wrote last month in
lion in venture funding from year as refineries return from the ministry’s in-house maga-
investors including Greylock maintenance. In addition, mar- zine.
Partners, First Round Capi- kets have recently been ports to the European Union Some European oil produc-
tal and Data Collective, ac- buoyed by outages in coun- in February after an EU em- ers could be collateral victims
cording to Dow Jones Ven- tries like Nigeria. bargo on its oil was lifted and of the rivalry. Northern Euro-
tureSource. But Saudi Arabia’s move is now heavily competing pean oil producers, mostly in
Loan volume by Vouch comes after the Organization there with Saudi Arabia, which the U.K. and Norway, have
never took off like larger of the Petroleum Exporting had partly replaced Iran as a struggled to attract new in-
peers. Through last August, Countries last Thursday failed source of European supply vestments amid depressed oil
Vouch said it had made $1 to agree on a production ceil- during the sanctions. prices.
million in loans. By contrast, ing. Shipments from Iran to the Competition for market
Prosper and LendingClub each The absence of output lim- EU have now reached 400,000 share has been less intense in
lent several billion last year. its effectively gives a blank barrels a day. They are set to Asia, where Iran was always
It wasn’t immediately clear check for the group’s two most increase to 700,000 barrels a allowed to sell. On Sunday,
how many people worked at influential members and ri- day in the coming months af- Saudi Arabia increased its
Vouch, or their current status. vals, Saudi Arabia and Iran, to ter Iran clinched deals with light-crude prices to the Far
The company’s LinkedIn pro- pump at will. Greek, French and Italian re- East by 35 cents a barrel. It
file said it had fewer than 50 Geopolitical tensions helped finers, according to Iranian of- also raised prices by 10 cents a
employees, and 28 people scotch a deal on capping pro- ficials. barrel in the U.S., where Iran
were listed on the website. duction, with Iran taking a By contrast, Saudi Arabia is still banned from selling.
C4 | Monday, June 6, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index New to the Market
Last Year ago Last Year ago
17807.06 t 66.16, or 0.37% last week Trailing P/E ratio * 19.00 16.22 2099.13 s 0.07, or 0.003% last week Trailing P/E ratio * 24.22 21.23 Public Offerings of Stock
High, low, open and close for each of P/E estimate * 16.99 16.00 High, low, open and close for each of P/E estimate * 17.81 17.89 IPOs in the U.S. Market
the past 52 weeks Dividend yield 2.58 2.33 the past 52 weeks Dividend yield 2.18 2.00
Initial public offerings of stock expected this week; might include some
All-time high 18312.39, 05/19/15 All-time high: 2130.82, 05/21/15
offerings, U.S. and foreign, open to institutional investors only via the
Week's high Rule 144a market; deal amounts are for the U.S. market only
Current divisor 0.14602128057775 Symbol/ Pricing
DOWN UP 19200 2150
Expected primary Shares Range($)

Monday's open Friday's close 200-day moving average pricing date Filed Issuer/business exchange (mil.) Low/High Bookrunner(s)

Friday's close Monday's open 18600 2100 6/9 3/4 Atkore International Group ATKR 12.0 20.00/ Credit Suisse, DB,

Sells electrical circuitry N 22.00 JPM, UBS, Citi,

raceways and metal RBC Cptl Mkts,
200-day moving average Week's low frames used in commercial WFS
18000 2050 construction.
6/9 5/12 China Online Education Group COE 36.0 18.00/ MS, Credit Suisse
Software education N 20.00
17400 2000 platform in China.

16800 1950
Lockup Expirations
65-day moving None expected this week
16200 1900 IPO Scorecard
65-day moving average Performance of IPOs, most-recent listed first
15600 1850 % Chg From % Chg From
Company SYMBOL Friday3s Offer 1st-day Company SYMBOL Friday3s Offer 1st-day
IPO date/Offer price close ($) price close IPO date/Offer price close ($) price close
Bars measure the point change from Monday's open
15000 1800 Sensus Healthcare 6.45 17.3 ... Reata Pharmaceuticals 18.71 70.1 43.2
SRTSU June 3/$5.50 RETA May 26/$11.00
Clearside Biomedical 7.06 0.9 –2.6 US Foods 25.29 10.0 1.5
Primary CLSD June 2/$7.00 USFD May 26/$23.00
NYSE weekly volume, in billions of shares market Composite

Financial Flashback NantHealth

NH June 2/$14.00
18.54 32.4 –0.3 Midland States Bancorp 22.56
MSBI May 24/$22.00
2.5 3.0
20 The Wall Street Journal, June 6, 2005 Cotiviti Hldgs 19.65 3.4 14.8 Grupo Supervielle 11.71 6.5 1.8
COTV May 26/$19.00 SUPV May 18/$11.00
10 ProLogis is buying fellow real-estate investment trust GMS 22.75 8.3 3.8 Merus 8.51 –14.9 –15.2
0 Catellus Development Corp., in a $3.6 billion cash-and- GMS May 26/$21.00 MRUS May 18/$10.00
J J A S O N D J F M A M J stock deal.
Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; FactSet Research Systems
* P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.
Other Stock Offerings
Major U.S. Stock-Market Indexes Nasdaq Composite
Secondaries and follow-ons expected this week in the U.S. market
Latest Week 52-Week % chg s 9.01, or 0.18% None expected this week
High Low Close Net chg % chg Low Close (l) High % chg YTD 3-yr. ann.
Dow Jones
last week
Off the Shelf
Industrial Average 17899.24 17664.79 17807.06 -66.16 -0.37 15660.18 l
18144.07 -0.2 2.2 5.3
“Shelf registrations” allow a company to prepare a stock or bond for
Transportation Avg 7829.69 7640.19 7730.13 -42.15 -0.54 6625.53 l 8509.64 -9.2 2.9 7.1
4965 sale, without selling the whole issue at once. Corporations sell as
Utility Average 675.46 654.41 672.35 16.07 2.45 541.97 l 672.35 19.4 16.4 11.7 conditions become favorable. Here are the shelf sales, or takedowns,
Total Stock Market 21738.64 21495.06 21665.91 41.25 0.19 18663.11 l 22287.78 -1.3 2.7 8.2 over the last week:
Barron's 400 532.26 524.30 528.66 1.55 0.29 446.15 l 586.75 -8.1 2.4 7.2 4940
Takedown date/ Deal value Registration
Issuer/Industry Registration date ($ mil.) (mil.) Bookrunner(s)
Nasdaq Stock Market
4915 China Biologic Products June 3 $316.4 ... MS
Nasdaq Composite 4971.36 4909.21 4942.52 9.01 0.18 4266.84 l 5218.86 -2.5 -1.3 12.6
Healthcare June 5,315
Nasdaq 100 4531.35 4480.80 4509.79 -2.75 -0.06 3947.80 l 4719.05 0.7 -1.8 14.7 Adeptus Health June 2 $151.9 ... GS
4890 Healthcare July 20,315
Standard & Poor's 27 30 31 1 2 3
500 Index 2105.26 2085.10 2099.13 0.07 0.003 1829.08 l 2128.28 0.3 2.7 8.6 May Easterly Government PropertiesJune 2 $126.8 $500.0 Citi, Jefferies, Raymond James,
Real Estate March 9,316 RBC Cptl Mkts
MidCap 400 1507.10 1483.14 1500.90 8.83 0.59 1238.82 l 1549.44 -1.7 7.3 8.3 DJ US TSM
Weatherford Intl. (Switzerland)June 1 $1,100.0 ... RBC Cptl Mkts, Citi, DB,
SmallCap 600 713.22 701.22 709.55 6.70 0.95 588.26 l 742.13 -1.7 5.6 8.4 s 41.25, or 0.19% Oil & Gas March 7,314 JPM, MS, Mitsubishi UFJ,
last week WFS
Other Indexes
Russell 2000 1170.77 1148.60 1164.13 13.68 1.19 953.72 l 1295.8 -7.7 2.5 5.5
NYSE Composite 10504.46 10369.50 10487.94 18.43 0.18 9029.88 l 11149.36 -4.5 3.4 3.9 Public and Private Borrowing
Value Line 465.82 458.08 464.42 3.78 0.82 383.82 l 517.73 -9.1 4.2 2.9 21690 Treasurys
NYSE Arca Biotech 3328.87 3194.81 3262.68 86.25 2.72 2642.53 l 4431.87 -21.1 -14.5 18.6 Monday, June 6 Tuesday, June 7
NYSE Arca Pharma 527.80 516.91 526.11 6.81 1.31 477.25 l 605.94 -9.8 -2.8 7.4 21610 Auction of 13-week bills; Auction of three-year notes;
KBW Bank 71.46 68.55 69.79 -1.24 -1.75 56.51 l 80.41 -10.1 -4.5 4.3 announced on June 2; settles on June 9 announced on June 2; settles on June 15
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 89.23 78.62 89.06 9.65 12.16 38.84 l 92.85 31.5 96.6 -6.9
21530 Auction of 26-week bills; Auction of four-week bills;
PHLX§ Oil Service 168.02 159.01 162.09 -3.05 -1.85 128.61 l 214.12 -23.3 2.8 -14.0 announced on June 2; settles on June 9 announced on June 6; settles on June 9
PHLX§ Semiconductor 709.59 694.81 705.60 9.90 1.42 559.18 l 728.22 -2.8 6.3 14.4 Wednesday, June 8 Thursday, June 9
CBOE Volatility 15.25 12.90 13.47 0.35 2.67 11.95 l 40.74 -5.2 -26.0 -6.1 21450
27 30 31 1 2 3 Auction of 10-year notes; Auction of 30-year bonds;
Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group May announced on June 2; settles on June 15 announced on June 2; settles on June 15

Public and Municipal Finance

Deals of $ 150 million or more expected this week
International Stock Indexes Commodities and Sale
maturity Issuer
Rating Bookrunner/
Fitch Moody’s S&P Bond Counsel(s)
Latest Week 52-Week Range YTD Currencies June 7 prelim. Georgia 270.0 N.R. N.R. N.R. Preliminary/
Region/Country Index Close % chg Low Close High % chg Last Week YTD
Close Net chg %Chg % chg
Gray &
World The Global Dow 2346.68 0.10 2047.44 • 2604.27 0.4 Pannell LLP
533.74 1.83 17.61
DJ Global Index 312.21 0.34 272.15 • 337.78 1.4 DJ Commodity 9.57
June 7 prelim. Georgia 1,080.0 N.R. N.R. N.R. Preliminary/
DJ Global ex U.S. 210.15 0.55 184.52 • 240.41 ... Reuters-Jefferies CRB 188.67 2.53 1.36 7.03 Gray &
Global Dow Euro 1949.82 –1.68 1699.54 • 2223.60 –3.7 Crude oil, $ per barrel 48.62 -0.71 -1.44 31.26 Pannell LLP
DJ TSM Global 3211.74 0.38 2795.15 • 3475.18 1.4 Natural gas, $/MMBtu 2.398 0.229 10.56 2.61
June 7 prelim. Prince 177.4 AAA Aaa AAA Preliminary/
Global ex U.S. 2124.29 0.58 1863.63 • 2421.86 0.1 Gold, $ per troy oz. 1240.10 26.30 2.17 16.96 Georges Co-
Graves &
Horton LLC
Developed ex U.S. 2097.17 0.49 1843.94 • 2361.07 –0.5
U.S. Dollar Index 93.87 -1.83 -1.91 -4.88
Global Small-Cap 4372.95 1.27 3665.30 • 4702.42 3.8
WSJ Dollar Index 86.15 -1.66 -1.89 -4.46 June 8 prelim. Maryland 1,036.0 AAA Aaa AAA Preliminary/—
Global Large-Cap 3047.48 0.25 2667.12 • 3299.27 1.1
Euro, per dollar 0.8800 -0.0197 -2.19 -4.43
Americas DJ Americas 505.39 0.27 433.35 • 522.13 3.7
Yen, per dollar 106.53 -3.74 -3.39 -11.44
June 8 prelim. Miami-Dade
339.3 N.R. N.R. N.R. RBC Cptl
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 50619.50 3.20 37497.48 • 54477.78 16.8
U.K. pound, in dollars 1.45 -0.01 -0.70 -1.47
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 14226.78 0.86 11843.11 • 14957.16 9.4 June 8 April 1, 2046 Seattle City- 164.5 N.R. Aa1 AA+ Preliminary/
Mexico IPC All-Share 45928.23 –0.42 40265.37 • 46191.51 6.9 52-Week
Low Close(l) High % Chg
Washington Stradling
Yocca Carlson
Chile Santiago IPSA 3083.35 0.22 2759.77 • 3198.07 4.7
571.61 -3.74
Europe Stoxx Europe 600 341.29 –2.39 303.58 • 406.80 –6.7 DJ Commodity 420.23 l June 9 prelim. Massachusetts 450.5 N.R. N.R. N.R. Preliminary/
Mintz Levin
Stoxx Europe 50 2850.77 –2.81 2566.26 • 3520.48 –8.0 Reuters-Jefferies CRB 155.01 l 228.18 -15.22
Cohn Ferris
Eurozone Euro Stoxx 321.74 –2.00 284.92 • 380.54 –6.8 Crude oil, $ per barrel 26.21 l 61.43 -17.77
Euro Stoxx 50 2997.55 –2.63 2680.35 • 3686.58 –8.3 Natural gas, $/MMBtu 1.64 l 2.93 -7.41 June 9 May 1, 2037 South Broward 168.0 N.R. Aa3 AA Preliminary/
Belgium Bel-20 3490.55 –0.93 3130.76 • 3849.12 –5.7
Gold, $ per troy oz. 1050.80 l 1294.70 6.19
Hospital Dt Greenberg
Traurig PA
France CAC 40 4421.78 –2.06 3896.71 • 5196.73 –4.6
Germany DAX 10103.26 –1.78 8752.87 • 11735.72 –6.0 U.S. Dollar Index 92.57 l 100.20 -2.57 June 9 prelim. Ventura Co- 176.7 N.R. N.R. N.R. Preliminary/
Israel Tel Aviv 1444.86 1.00 1383.34 • 1723.56 –5.5 WSJ Dollar Index 84.64 l 91.66 -1.55
California Norton Rose
Italy FTSE MIB 17495.09 –3.80 15773 • 24031 –18.3
Euro, per dollar 0.86 l 0.95 -2.18
Netherlands AEX 445.31 –1.25 382.61 • 503.48 0.8
125.62 -15.19
June 10 prelim. District of 421.8 N.R. N.R. N.R. J P Morgan
Spain IBEX 35 8801.60 –3.36 7746.3 • 11556.1 –7.8 Yen, per dollar 106.41 l Columbia Securities
Sweden SX All Share 480.68 –1.74 435.21 • 541.60 –4.8 U.K. pound, in dollars 1.39 l 1.59 -4.91
Switzerland Swiss Market 8148.40 –1.74 7496.62 • 9526.79 –7.6 June 10 prelim. Los Angeles 800.0 N.R. N.R. N.R. Wells Fargo
U.K. FTSE 100 6209.63 –0.98 5536.97 • 6846.74 –0.5 Real-time U.S. stock Co-California & Co/—
DJ Asia-Pacific TSM 1374.26
S&P/ASX 200 5318.90 –1.61
1.36 1190.45

1557.73 –1.1
5706.7 0.4
quotes are available on Track most-
active stocks, new
Corporate Debt
Source:Thomson Reuters/Ipreo

China Shanghai Composite 2938.68 4.17 2655.66 • 5166.35 –17.0

highs/lows, mutual None scheduled this week
Hong Kong Hang Seng 20947.24 1.80 18319.58 • 27404.97 –4.4
funds and ETFs.
India S&P BSE Sensex 26843.03 0.71 22951.83 • 28504.93 2.8
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 16642.23 –1.14 14952.61 • 20868.03 –12.6 Plus, get deeper money-flows data and A Week in the Life of the DJIA
Singapore Straits Times 2809.23 0.24 2532.70 • 3373.48 –2.5 email delivery of key stock-market A look at how the Dow Jones Industrial Average component stocks did in
South Korea Kospi 1985.84 0.85 1829.81 • 2107.33 1.3 data. the past week and how much each moved the index. The DJIA lost 66.16
Taiwan Weighted 8587.36 1.46 7410.34 • 9476.34 3.0 All are available free at
points, or 0.37%, on the week. A $1 change in the price of any DJIA stock =
6.85-point change in the average. To date, a $1,000 investment on Dec. 31
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group in each current DJIA stock component would have returned $31,188, or a
gain of 4.00%, on the $30,000 investment, including reinvested dividends.
The Week’s Action
Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark Yields and Rates Pct Stock price Point chg $1,000 Invested(year-end '15)
chg (%) change in average Company Symbol Close $1,000
U.S. consumer rates Selected rates Treasury yield curve Forex Race 4.28 3.08 21.09 Caterpillar CAT $75.04 $1,130
A consumer rate against its Home Equity Yield to maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. 2.40 1.61 11.03 DuPont DD 68.78 1,045
benchmark over the past year notes and bonds major U.S. trading partners 2.12 2.84 19.45 UnitedHealth Group UNH 136.84 1,168 avg†: 4.67% 1.50 1.70 11.64 Johnson & Johnson JNJ 114.76 1,134
United Community Bank 1.75% 5.00% 14 Yen 1.28 1.04 7.12 Procter & Gamble PG 82.47 1,056

Home equity loan

5.00% Blairsville, GA 912-280-9115 12 0.73 0.21 1.44 Cisco Systems CSCO 29.13 1,092
t 10 WSJ Dollar
4.00 0.59 0.30 2.05 Verizon VZ 50.92 1,129
Salem Five 3.00% 8 index
4.00 s 0.58 0.26 1.78 Coca-Cola KO 45.04 1,057
Salem, MA 978-745-5555 3.00 6
4 Euro
s 0.39 0.44 3.01 Travelers TRV 114.62 1,021
t 3.00 Savings Bank of Danbury 3.00% 2 0.35 0.28 1.92 Visa V 79.94 1,035
One year ago 2.00

Prime rate Danbury, CT 203-743-3849 t 0

–2 0.28 0.16 1.10 Merck MRK 56.64 1,082
2.00 The Torrington Savings Bank 3.00% Friday 1.00 –4 0.23 0.08 0.55 Pfizer PFE 34.69 1,095
Torrington, CT 860-496-2152 –6 0.17 0.12 0.82 Wal-Mart Stores WMT 70.87 1,175
1.00 0.00 –8
Brookline Bank 3.24% 0.16 0.05 0.34 Intel INTC 31.62 932
J J A S O N D J F M A MJ 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 710 30
Brookline, MA 877-668-2265
2015 2016 0.03 0.05 0.34 IBM IBM 152.89 1,133
2015 2016 month(s) years
–0.05 –0.03 –0.21 American Express AXP 65.49 950
3-yr chg maturity
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) –0.30 –0.51 –3.49 3M MMM 168.38 1,134
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts) Sources: Ryan ALM; Tullett Prebon; WSJ Market Data Group
–0.33 –0.33 –2.26 United Technologies UTX 100.43 1,060
Federal-funds rate target 0.25-0.5 0.25-0.5 0.00 l 0.50 0.25 –0.60 –0.18 –1.23 General Electric GE 29.94 968
Prime rate* 3.50 3.50 3.25 l 3.50 0.25
Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields –1.01 –0.53 –3.63 Microsoft MSFT 51.79 946
Libor, 3-month 0.68 0.67 0.28 l 0.69 0.41 Spread +/- Treasurys, –1.21 –0.79 –5.41 J.P. Morgan Chase JPM 64.64 992
Yield (%) in basis pts, 52-wk Range Total Return
Money market, annual yield 0.25 0.25 0.22 l 0.36 -0.21 Bond total return index Last Wk ago Last Low High 52-wk 3-yr
–1.33 –1.36 –9.31 Chevron CVX 100.66 1,146
Five-year CD, annual yield 1.24 1.24 1.24 l 1.53 0.01 –1.42 –1.84 –12.60 Boeing BA 127.38 894
10-yr Treasury, Ryan ALM 1.707 1.851 8.31 3.88 –1.54 –1.54 –10.55 Walt Disney DIS 98.75 940
30-year mortgage, fixed† 3.62 3.68 3.56 l 4.22 -0.59
DJ Corporate 2.796 2.901 7.73 4.48 –1.54 –1.90 –13.01 McDonald’s MCD 121.35 1,043
15-year mortgage, fixed† 2.87 2.88 2.79 l 3.42 -0.51
Aggregate, Barclays Capital 2.080 2.210 51 46 70 4.89 3.11 –1.64 –2.20 –15.07 Home Depot HD 131.74 1,007
Jumbo mortgages, $417,000-plus† 4.40 4.46 4.14 l 4.97 0.10
High Yield 100, Merrill Lynch 6.532 6.410 524 424 741 -2.544 2.013 –1.82 –1.64 –11.23 Exxon Mobil XOM 88.37 1,156
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 3.22 3.24 3.05 l 3.86 0.25
Fixed-Rate MBS, Barclays 2.180 2.380 15 15 36 3.93 3.28 –2.42 –2.43 –16.64 Apple AAPL 97.92 940
New-car loan, 48-month 3.16 3.20 2.96 l 3.38 0.52 –2.42 –3.86 –26.43 Goldman Sachs GS 155.67 870
Muni Master, Merrill 1.519 1.555 -3 -9 7 6.135 3.597
HELOC, $30,000 4.67 4.58 4.29 l 5.01 -0.56 –4.88 –2.74 –18.76 Nike NKE 53.45 860 rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 5.938 6.058 419 375 538 7.206 3.875
banks.† Excludes closing costs. Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; S&P Dow Jones Indices. For more information on the Dow Jones
Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group; Sources: J.P. Morgan; Ryan ALM; S&P Dow Jones Indices; Barclays Capital; Merrill Lynch Industrial Average and the 30 industrials, please visit
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, June 6, 2016 | C5

Listed are the 300 largest closed-end funds as 52 wk Prem12 Mo Prem12 Mo Prem12 Mo Prem12 Mo
measured by assets. Prem Ttl Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld
Closed-end funds sell a limited number of shares and Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret
invest the proceeds in securities. Unlike open-end NuvFloatRteInco Fd JFR 11.21 10.48 -6.5 6.8 Invesco Mun Incm Opps Tr OIA 7.82 7.89 +0.9 5.0 Loan Participation Funds High Yield Bond Funds
funds, closed-ends generally do not buy their shares NeubergerBermanMLPIncm NML 9.07 8.02 -11.6 -47.9 Nuv Float Rte Opp Fd JRO 11.15 10.58 -5.1 7.2 Invesco Mun Opportunity VMO 14.42 14.36 -0.4 6.1 504 Fund 10.08 NA NA 3.4 Nuveen HI Dec 2019 Tgt 9.84 10.20 +3.7 NS
back from investors who wish to cash in their holdings. Neubrgr Brm Rl Est Sec Fd NRO 6.06 5.32 -12.2 17.0
Instead, fund shares trade on a stock exchange. Nuveen Senior Income Fund NSL 6.69 6.07 -9.3 6.9 Invesco Municipal Trust VKQ 14.36 13.72 -4.5 6.0 Invesco Sr Loan A 6.22 NA NA 6.0 WA Middle Mkt Inc WMF NA NA NA 12.4
a-The NAV and market price are ex dividend. b-The Nuveen Dow 30 Dynamic DIAX 15.78 14.37 -8.9 2.2 Pioneer Floating Rate Tr PHD 12.35 11.30 -8.5 6.4 Invesco Qlty Mun Inco IQI 14.37 13.63 -5.1 5.6 Invesco Sr Loan B 6.22 NA NA 6.0 Other Domestic Taxable Bond Funds
NAV is fully diluted. c-NAV is as of Thursday’s close. d- NuvDivInco JDD 12.84 11.31 -11.9 2.7 Voya Prime Rate Trust PPR 5.67 5.15 -9.2 6.4 Invesco Inv Grade Muni VGM 14.87 14.51 -2.4 6.1 Invesco Sr Loan C 6.23 NA NA 5.2 Capstone Church Capital 17.12 NA NA 1.3
NAV is as of Wednesday’s close. e-NAV assumes rights Nuveen Engy MLP Fd JMF 13.08 12.21 -6.7 -22.5 GL Beyond Income 4.89 NA NA NE
offering is fully subscribed. f-Rights offering in process. High Yield Bond Funds Invesco Value Mun Incm Tr IIM 17.10 17.44 +2.0 4.8 Invesco Sr Loan IB 6.22 NA NA 6.2
g-Rights offering announced. h-Lipper data has been NuvNASDAQ100DynOver QQQX 19.30 18.17 -5.9 3.0 AllianceBernstein Glbl AWF 12.91 12.07 -6.5 9.1 MainStay DefinedTerm MMD NA 20.15 NA 5.9 Palmer Square Opp Income 16.74 NA NA 6.1
Invesco Sr Loan IC 6.22 NA NA 6.1
adjusted for rights offering. j-Rights offering has Nuveen Real Estate Fd JRS 12.05 11.10 -7.9 11.5 Babson Gl Sh Dur Hi Yd BGH 19.33 17.92 -7.3 10.9 MFS Munl Inco MFM 7.60 7.50 -1.3 5.3 Resource Credit Inc:A 9.91 NA NA 0.0
expired, but Lipper data not yet adjusted. l-NAV as of NuveenS&P500Buy-Write BXMX 13.34 12.82 -3.9 7.7
Invesco Sr Loan Y 6.22 NA NA 6.2 Resource Credit Inc:C 10.00 NA NA 0.0
previous day. o-Tender offer in process. v-NAV is BlackRock Corp Hi Yd Fd HYT 11.30 10.27 -9.1 9.6 NuvAMTFreeMuniIncm NEA 15.66 14.70 -6.1 5.1 Voya Senior Income:A 12.51 NA NA 5.6
converted at the commercial Rand rate. w-Convertible Reaves Utility Fund UTG 30.80 NA 10.7 BlkRk Debt Strat Fd DSU 3.98 3.56 -10.6 7.2 NuveenAMT-FreeMunValue NUW 17.54 18.40 +4.9 4.3 Resource Credit Inc:D 9.89 NA NA 0.0
Tekla Hlthcr Investors HQH 25.45 25.92 +1.8 -17.6 Voya Senior Income:B 12.45 NA NA 5.1 Resource Credit Inc:I 9.93 NA NA 0.0
Note-NAV (not market) conversion value. y-NAV and BlackRockDurInco Tr BLW 16.55 15.20 -8.2 7.5 Nuveen Div Fnd NAD 16.15 15.42 -4.5 5.5
market price are in Canadian dollars. NA signifies that Tekla Healthcare Opps Fd THQ 18.84 16.68 -11.5 -8.4 Voya Senior Income:C 12.48 NA NA 5.1 Resource Credit Inc:T 9.87 NA NA 0.0
the information is not available or not applicable. NS DoubleLine Incm Solutions DSL NA 18.41 NA 10.4 Nuveen Enh AMT-Fr Muni NVG 17.00 15.87 -6.6 4.9
Tekla Life Sciences HQL 19.83 19.29 -2.7 -22.4 Nuveen Enh Muni Credit NZF 16.74 15.65 -6.5 5.3 Voya Senior Income:I 12.47 NA NA 5.9 Resource Credit Inc:U 9.92 NA NA 0.0
signifies fund not in existence of entire period. Dreyfus Hi Yld Fd DHF 3.35 3.25 -3.0 10.7
12 month yield is computed by dividing income Tekla World Hlthcr Fd THW 16.30 14.40 -11.7 NS Fst Tr Hi Inc Lg/Shrt Fd FSD 16.89 14.78 -12.5 7.9 Nuveen Enhncd Mun Val Fd NEV 15.93 16.11 +1.1 5.9 Voya Senior Income:W 12.51 NA NA 5.9 Resource Credit Inc:W 9.89 NA NA 0.0
dividends paid (during the previous twelve months for Tortoise Energy TYG 29.44 30.13 +2.3 -19.9 Guggenheim Strat Opps Fd GOF 17.55 18.03 +2.7 12.4 Nuveen Intermed Dur Mun NID 14.22 13.91 -2.2 5.0
periods ending at month-end or during the previous
fifty-two weeks for periods ending at any time other Tortoise MLP Fund NTG 19.48 18.74 -3.8 -11.4 NexPoint Credit Strat Fd NHF 23.84 21.45 -10.0 13.8 Nuveen Invest Qual Muni NQM 16.63 16.35 -1.7 5.8
than month-end) by the latest month-end market price
adjusted for capital gains distributions.
Voya Gl Equity Div IGD 7.79 6.96 -10.7 -5.3
Income Preferred Stock Funds
Nuveen Gl Hi Incm Fd JGH 16.46 14.26 -13.4 11.2 NuveenMuniIncoOpp Fd NMZ 13.97 14.22 +1.8 6.4
Nuveen Muni Mkt Opp NMO 15.94 14.84 -6.9 5.1
Borrowing Benchmarks |
Source: Lipper Nuveen High Incm Dec18 JHA 9.97 10.23 +2.6 NS
Calamos Strat Fd CSQ 11.10 10.03 -9.6 -2.5 Pioneer High Income Trust PHT 9.78 9.91 +1.3 13.1 Nuveen Muni Value Fund NUV 10.55 10.47 -0.8 3.7
Friday, June 3, 2016
52 wk
Cohen & Steers Dur Pfd LDP 25.26 24.39 -3.4 10.4
Cohen & Strs Sel Prf Inco PSF 26.74 26.94 +0.7 18.5
Prud Gl Shrt Dur Hi Yd GHY 16.49 14.90 -9.6 9.1 Nuveen Performance Plus NPP 16.96 16.29 -4.0 5.4
Nuveen Premium Inco Muni NPI 16.18 15.19 -6.1 5.5
Money Rates June 3, 2016
Prem Ttl Prudentl Sh Dur Hi Yd Fd ISD 16.81 15.63 -7.0 8.7
FT Interm Duration Pfd FPF 23.09 23.03 -0.3 13.1 Wells Fargo Incm Opps Fd EAD 8.67 7.91 -8.8 9.8 Nuveen Prem Inco Muni 2 NPM 16.18 15.09 -6.7 5.7
Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret Flaherty & Crumrine Dyn DFP 24.58 24.10 -2.0 15.1
Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and
Wstrn Asset Glbl Hi Inco EHI 10.58 9.57 -9.5 12.1 Nuveen Premier Muni Inc NPF 15.87 14.84 -6.5 5.4
General Equity Funds Flaherty & Crumrine Pfd FFC 19.08 20.85 +9.3 11.8 Wstrn Asset High Inco II HIX 7.17 6.84 -4.6 12.0 Nuveen Select Quality NQS 16.39 15.35 -6.3 5.1 international markets. Rates below are a guide to general levels but
Adams Divers Equity Fd ADX 15.28 12.81 -16.2 -2.8 John Hancock Pfd Income HPI 22.62 22.71 +0.4 22.2 Nuveen Sel Tax Free NXP 15.70 15.37 -2.1 3.6 don’t always represent actual transactions.
Wstrn Asset Opp Fd HIO 5.32 4.85 -8.8 8.7
Boulder Grwth & Inco BIF 10.23 8.05 -21.3 -3.0 John Hancock Pfd II HPF 22.37 22.44 +0.3 20.0 Nuveen Sel TF NXQ 15.09 14.84 -1.7 3.6
West Asst HY Def Opp Fd HYI 15.86 14.75 -7.0 8.9
Central Securities CET 24.98 20.24 -19.0 3.1 John Hancock Pfd Inc III HPS 19.85 19.47 -1.9 20.7 PIMCO MuniFd PMF 13.67 16.72 +22.3 5.9 Inflation Other short-term rates
Other Domestic Taxable Bond Funds
CohSteer Opprtnty Fd FOF 13.08 11.55 -11.7 -1.6 JHancock Pr Div PDT 16.61 16.25 -2.2 29.7 Pimco Muni Inc II PML 12.81 13.53 +5.6 5.9
Ares Dynamic Credit Alloc ARDC NA 13.97 NA 9.8 April index Chg From (%) Week 52-Week
Cornerstone Strategic CLM 14.20 16.64 +17.2 -4.7 LMP Cap & Inco Fd SCD 12.90 NA -12.5 PIMCO Muni Inc III PMX 11.60 12.66 +9.1 6.0
EtnVnc TaxAdvDiv EVT 21.22 20.42 -3.8 9.4 Babson Cap Corp Inv MCI NA 17.52 NA 6.7 level March '16 April '15 Latest ago high low
Nuveen Preferred & Incm JPI 24.20 23.90 -1.2 14.0 Pioneer Mun Hi Inc Adv Tr MAV 12.71 13.87 +9.1 6.6
Gabelli Dividend & Incm GDV 21.67 19.16 -11.6 -2.9 BlackRock Multi-Sector IT BIT 18.30 16.68 -8.9 9.0
Nuveen Preferred Inc Opp JPC 10.29 10.10 -1.8 16.1 Pioneer Mun Hi Incm Tr MHI 13.56 14.20 +4.7 6.0 Call money
Gabelli Equity Trust GAB 5.97 5.67 -5.0 -2.3 BlackRock Taxable Mun Bd BBN 24.00 23.45 -2.3 6.8 U.S. consumer price index
Nuveen Preferred Incm Fd JPS 9.48 9.25 -2.4 14.4 Putnam Tr PMM 8.20 7.95 -3.0 5.6
Genl American Investors GAM 38.28 31.42 -17.9 -7.5 Doubleline Oppor Credit DBL NA 25.76 NA 10.1 All items 239.261 0.47 1.1 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.00
TCW Strategic Income Fund TSI 5.31 NA 2.6 PutnamMuniOpportunities PMO 13.81 13.36 -3.3 5.4
HnckJohn TxAdv HTD 26.20 24.65 -5.9 29.2 Duff & Phelps Utl & Cp Bd DUC 10.27 9.72 -5.4 6.2 Core 246.992 0.26 2.1
Zweig Total Return ZTR 13.31 11.84 -11.0 -3.4 Wstrn Asset Mngd Muni MMU 14.63 14.98 +2.4 5.2 Commercial paper
Liberty All-Star Equity USA 6.01 5.07 -15.6 -4.0 Convertible Sec's. Funds
EtnVncLtdFd EVV NA 13.32 NA 9.2
Franklin Ltd Duration IT FTF NA 11.71 NA 6.4 WesternAssetMunTrFund MTT 22.60 25.19 +11.5 4.2 30 to 270 days n.q. ... ... ...
Royce Micro-Cap RMT 8.86 7.53 -15.0 -9.3 AdvntClymrFd AVK 16.17 14.23 -12.0 -9.6
GuggenhBondMnegDurTr GBAB 23.46 22.83 -2.7 7.9 Single State Muni Bond International rates
Royce Value Trust RVT 14.46 12.13 -16.1 -5.9 AllianzGI Conv & Incm NCV 6.27 6.07 -3.2 -19.8 BlackRock CA Municipal Tr BFZ 16.21 16.54 +2.0 5.3 Commercial paper (AA financial)
Source Capital SOR 39.21 36.80 -6.1 3.5 AllianzGI Conv & Incm II NCZ 5.59 5.30 -5.2 -21.7 MFS Charter MCR 9.24 8.47 -8.3 8.9 Week 52-Week
MFS Multimkt MMT 6.63 5.98 -9.8 9.1 BlkRk MuniHldgs CA Qlty MUC 16.34 16.09 -1.5 5.1 90 days 0.56 0.59 0.68 0.12
Tri-Continental TY 24.26 20.60 -15.1 -1.1 AllianzGI Equity & Conv NIE 21.03 18.37 -12.6 -1.1 Latest ago High Low
Nuveen Build Am Bd Fd NBB 22.80 22.50 -1.3 6.0 Blkrck MunHl NJ Qlty MUJ 16.30 15.86 -2.7 5.4
Zweig Fund ZF 14.17 12.57 -11.3 -9.7 Calamos Conv Hi Inco Fd CHY 11.35 10.39 -8.5 -19.9 Euro commercial paper
PIMCO Corporate & Incm PTY NA 14.52 NA 11.1 BlRk MuHldg NY Qlty MHN 15.48 15.13 -2.3 5.3
Specialized Equity Funds Calamos CHI 10.72 9.72 -9.3 -16.4 BlkRk MuniYld CA Fd MYC 16.85 17.04 +1.1 5.2
Prime rates 30 day n.q. n.q. -0.02 -0.14
Adams Natural Rscs Fd PEO 22.47 19.84 -11.7 -10.3 World Equity Funds PIMCO Corporate & Incm PCN NA 15.00 NA 9.2
BlkRk MuniYld CA Quality MCA 16.60 16.30 -1.8 5.4 U.S. 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.25 Two month n.q. n.q. -0.01 -0.09
AllnzGI NFJ Div Interest NFJ 14.49 12.66 -12.6 -11.0 Alpine Tot Dyn Div AOD 8.99 7.58 -15.7 -7.5 PIMCO HiInco PHK NA 9.54 NA 13.6
BlkRk MuniYld MI Qlty MIY 16.11 15.52 -3.7 5.5 Canada 2.70 2.70 2.85 2.70 Three month n.q. n.q. -0.01 -0.08
AlpnGlblPrProp AWP 6.77 5.59 -17.4 -7.4 Calamos Glbl Dyn Inc CHW 8.25 7.14 -13.5 -8.9 PIMCO Inco Str Fd PFL NA 10.15 NA 10.6
PIMCO Incm Strategy Fd II PFN NA 9.11 NA 11.3 BlRk Muyld NY Qlty MYN 14.86 14.30 -3.8 5.3 Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475 Four month n.q. n.q. 0.00 0.00
BlkRk Enh Cap Inco CII 14.50 13.63 -6.0 -2.8 Cdn Genl Inv CGI 25.27 18.05 -28.6 -9.4 Eaton Vance CA Mun Bd EVM 13.14 13.07 -0.5 5.3 Five month n.q. n.q. 0.01 0.01
BlkRk Engy Res Tr BGR 15.07 14.06 -6.7 -20.3 China Fund CHN 16.61 14.32 -13.8 -26.2 Putnam Mas Inco PIM 4.77 4.39 -8.0 7.1 Policy Rates
Putnam Premier Income Tr PPT 5.25 4.72 -10.1 6.5 Invesco CA Value Mun Incm VCV 14.22 14.02 -1.4 5.6 Six month n.q. n.q. 0.02 0.02
BlackRock Enh Eq Div Tr BDJ 8.73 7.84 -10.2 4.4 Clough Global Opp Fd GLO 11.50 9.48 -17.6 -14.6 Invesco PA Value Mun Incm VPV 14.77 14.27 -3.4 5.6 Euro zone 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00
Blackrock Global Trust BOE 13.68 12.19 -10.9 -4.2 EtnVncTxAdvGblDiv ETG 16.46 14.79 -10.1 -8.9 Wells Fargo Multi-Sector ERC 13.77 12.50 -9.2 8.9 Libor
World Income Funds Invesco Inv Grade NY Muni VTN 15.52 15.55 +0.2 5.4 Switzerland 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
BlkRk Health Sci BME 34.38 36.48 +6.1 3.7 EatonVance TxAdv Opport ETO 22.77 21.58 -5.2 -2.9 Nuveen California AMT NKX 16.61 16.34 -1.6 5.4 One month 0.46480 0.45445 0.46955 0.18300
Abeerden Asia-Pacific FAX 5.59 4.99 -10.7 5.6 Britain 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
BlkRk Intl Grwth&Inco BGY 6.66 5.98 -10.2 -12.8 First Trust Dynamic Eur FDEU 18.47 16.00 -13.4 NS Nuveen CA Div Fnd NAC 16.47 16.32 -0.9 5.6 Three month 0.68215 0.67405 0.68580 0.28075
12.01 10.00 -16.7 2.6 Etn Vnc Short Dur Fd EVG NA 13.53 NA 5.5 Australia 1.75 1.75 2.00 1.75
BlackRck Rscs Comm Str Tr BCX 9.17 7.59 -17.2 -12.8 GDL Fund GDL Nuveen CA Div 2 NVX 16.49 16.05 -2.7 5.1 Six month 0.98570 0.97710 0.99310 0.42390
BlackRock Science & Tech BST 19.07 16.38 -14.1 -4.6 India Fund IFN 27.38 24.45 -10.7 0.4 Legg Mason BW Glbl Incm BWG 14.57 12.47 -14.4 15.1
MS EmMktDomDebt EDD 8.79 7.73 -12.1 11.2 NuveenCA 3 NZH 15.35 15.39 +0.3 5.3 Overnight repurchase One year 1.33140 1.32070 1.33740 0.74920
BlackRock Utility & Infr BUI 20.74 19.79 -4.6 12.9 Japan Sml Cap JOF 11.61 9.84 -15.2 3.5 Nuveen CA Muni Value NCA 10.76 10.98 +2.0 4.3
CBREClarionGlblRlEstIncm IGR 9.30 7.83 -15.8 3.1 Korea Fund KF 35.62 32.10 -9.9 -10.1 PIMCO Dynamic Credit Incm PCI NA 18.68 NA 11.7 U.S. 0.44 0.32 0.54 0.08 Euro Libor
PIMCODynamicIncomeFund PDI NA 27.35 NA 15.3 NuveenMDPremiumIncome NMY 15.12 13.83 -8.5 4.8
Central Fund of Canada CEF 13.12 12.75 -2.8 8.5 Mexico Fund MXF 18.54 16.49 -11.1 -16.3 Nuveen MI Quality Income NUM 16.18 14.86 -8.2 5.1 One month -0.351 -0.353 -0.069 -0.355
ClearBridge Amer Engy CBA 9.59 8.67 -9.6 -35.6 MS China a Shr Fd CAF 21.26 17.38 -18.3 -17.4 PIMCO Income Opportunity PKO NA 22.97 NA 10.0
NuveenNCPremiumIncome NNC 15.63 14.51 -7.2 4.1
U.S. government rates Three month -0.278 -0.279 -0.009 -0.282
ClearBridge Engy MLP Fd CEM 16.34 16.50 +1.0 -26.5 MS India Invest IIF 30.45 26.84 -11.9 0.6 PIMCO Strat Income Fund RCS NA 9.65 NA 10.6
Nuveen NJ Div NXJ 16.32 14.75 -9.6 5.4 Discount Six month -0.163 -0.160 0.059 -0.163
Clearbridge Engy MLP Opp EMO 12.94 NA -29.6 New Germany Fund GF 15.55 13.87 -10.8 -3.2 Templeton Emerging TEI 11.76 10.54 -10.4 7.6
Templeton Global GIM 6.98 6.45 -7.6 4.6 NuvAMTFreeMuniIncm NRK 15.01 13.95 -7.1 5.1 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.75 One year -0.028 -0.032 0.175 -0.035
Clearbridge Engy MLP TR CTR 13.82 12.64 -8.5 -28.1 Swiss Helvetia Fund SWZ 12.23 10.49 -14.2 -8.5
Wstrn Asset Emerg Mkts ESD NA 15.10 NA 8.5 Nuveen NY Div Fnd NAN 15.79 15.27 -3.3 5.3
Cohen & Steers Infra UTF 24.00 20.48 -14.7 1.6 Templeton Dragon TDF 19.97 17.19 -13.9 -21.4 Euro interbank offered rate (Euribor)
Wstrn Asset Emerg Mkt II EMD 12.41 10.62 -14.4 8.0 Nuveen Ohio Qual Income NUO 17.53 16.38 -6.6 5.0 Federal funds
Cohen & Steers Qual Inc RQI 14.04 12.68 -9.7 22.2 Voya Infr Indls & Matls IDE 14.34 12.32 -14.1 -8.2
Wstrn Asset Gl Def Opp Fd GDO 18.55 17.28 -6.8 7.9 Nuveen Pa Investment Qual NQP 16.23 15.16 -6.6 5.4 Effective rate 0.4000 0.4000 0.4100 0.0600 One month -0.351 -0.349 -0.062 -0.351
CohnStrsPfdInco RNP 22.53 19.29 -14.4 16.0 Wells Fargo Gl Div Opp EOD 7.06 6.12 -13.3 -6.8
NuveenVAPremiumIncome NPV 15.04 14.55 -3.3 4.7 Three month -0.261 -0.260 -0.013 -0.262
Cohen & Steers TR RFI 14.02 13.08 -6.7 15.5 Prem12 Mo National Muni Bond Funds High 0.5625 0.5625 0.5900 0.3100
AllianceBrnstn NtlMun AFB 15.58 14.78 -5.1 5.2 PIMCO California Muni PCQ 15.00 16.73 +11.5 5.5 Six month -0.154 -0.149 0.051 -0.154
CLSeligmn Prem Tech Gr Fd STK 16.72 16.97 +1.5 2.6 Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld Low 0.3000 0.3000 0.3600 0.0200
PIMCO California Mun II PCK 9.26 10.80 +16.6 6.0 -0.016 -0.015 0.171 -0.028
Divers Real Asset Incm Fd DRA 18.97 16.41 -13.5 1.9 Blackrock Invest BKN 16.95 17.52 +3.4 5.2 Bid 0.3700 0.3700 0.5500 0.0400 One year
U.S. Mortgage Bond Funds 52 wk
Duff & Phelps DNP 9.64 10.27 +6.5 4.7 BlackRock Income Trust BKT 6.97 6.58 -5.6 5.5 BlackRockMun2030Target BTT 24.78 23.73 -4.2 4.1 Offer 0.4000 0.5000 0.5600 0.0800
Prem Ttl Value 52-Week
Duff&PhelpsGblUtilIncFd DPG 19.58 17.06 -12.9 0.4 Brkfld Mortgage Opp Incm BOI 16.37 14.75 -9.9 10.4 BlackRock Municipal Trust BFK 15.28 15.71 +2.8 5.7 Latest Traded High Low
Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret
Eaton Vance Eqty Inco Fd EOI 13.52 13.17 -2.6 5.3 Brookfield TR Fund HTR 24.10 22.73 -5.7 10.1 BlackRockMuni BLE 15.88 16.27 +2.5 5.8 Treasury bill auction
Eaton Vance Eqty Inco II EOS 13.96 13.12 -6.0 1.0 BlackRockMuni Tr BYM 15.97 15.45 -3.3 5.5 General Equity Funds DTCC GCF Repo Index
Nuveen Mtg Oppy Term Fd JLS 24.60 23.25 -5.5 6.6 Specialized Equity Funds
4 weeks 0.265 0.265 0.295 0.000
EtnVncRskMngd ETJ 10.40 9.83 -5.5 0.5 BlkRk MuniAssets Fd MUA 14.54 15.16 +4.3 4.9 0.340 0.350 0.350 0.000
Investment Grade Bond Funds Corsair Opportunity:A 9.49 NA NA NS 13 weeks Treasury 0.434 98.050 0.639 0.075
Etn Vnc Tax Mgd Buy-Write ETB 15.25 15.91 +4.3 10.7 Blackrock Core Bond Tr BHK 14.54 13.70 -5.8 6.4 BlkRk Munienhanced MEN 12.59 12.65 +0.5 5.8
Corsair Opportunity:I 9.51 NA NA -8.1 26 weeks 0.475 0.480 0.585 0.065 MBS 0.430 99.970 0.705 0.087
Eaton Vance BuyWrite Opp ETV 13.99 14.82 +5.9 6.8 BlkRk Credit Alloc Incm BTZ 14.21 12.79 -10.0 7.4 BlkRk MuniHldgs Inv MFL 15.74 15.56 -1.1 5.5
Eaton Vance Tax-Mng Div ETY 11.32 10.61 -6.3 0.6 BlkRk MuniHldgs Qlty II MUE 14.95 14.41 -3.6 5.6 Griffin Inst Access RE:A 26.74 NA NA 8.7 Open Implied
John Hancock Income Secs JHS 15.32 14.60 -4.7 5.9 Griffin Inst Access RE:C 26.59 NA NA NS Secondary market
EatonVanceTax-MngdOpp ETW 11.06 10.65 -3.7 -0.9 MFS Inc Tr MIN 4.93 4.58 -7.1 9.3 BlkRk MuniHldgs MHD 18.06 18.55 +2.7 5.7 Settle Change Interest Rate
EtnVncTxMngGlDvEqInc EXG 9.39 8.94 -4.8 0.2 BlkRk MuniVest MVF 10.30 10.85 +5.3 6.0 Griffin Inst Access RE:I 26.79 NA NA NS
WstAstClymr InfLnkd Fd WIW 12.57 11.05 -12.1 3.6 SharesPost 100 25.50 NA NA -2.3 Fannie Mae DTCC GCF Repo Index Futures
Fiduciary/Clymr Opp Fd FMO 14.73 13.42 -8.9 -36.5 WstAssetClymr InflLnk Sec WIA 12.84 11.41 -11.1 3.4 BlkRk MuniVest II MVT 16.22 17.39 +7.2 5.8
BlkRk MuniYield MYD 15.71 15.75 +0.3 6.0 Versus Cap MMgr RE Inc:F 27.29 NA NA 9.1 30-year mortgage yields Treasury Jun 99.565 0.020 3203 0.435
FT Energy Inc & Growth Fd FEN 25.21 24.81 -1.6 -18.5 Loan Participation Funds
BlkRk MuniYld Quality MQY 16.58 16.54 -0.2 5.8 Versus Cap MMgr RE Inc:I 27.35 NA NA 9.4 30 days 3.146 3.173 3.750 2.979 Treasury Jly 99.530 0.040 1727 0.470
FstTrEnhEqtIncFd FFA 14.96 13.21 -11.7 -5.4 Apollo Sr Fltg Rate Fd AFT 17.68 16.21 -8.3 7.0
BlkRk MuniYld Qlty II MQT 14.56 14.37 -1.3 5.7 Wildermuth Endwmnt Str 11.19 NA NA -1.0 60 days 3.181 3.209 3.788 2.998 99.455 0.080 1167 0.545
First Tr Engy Infr Fd FIF 19.04 16.79 -11.8 -11.4 BlackRock FR Incm Strat FRA 14.65 13.38 -8.7 5.7 Treasury Aug
BlRkMunyldQltyIII MYI 15.32 15.54 +1.4 5.8 Wildermuth Endwmnt S:C 11.17 NA NA NS
First Tr MLP & Engy Incm FEI 15.41 15.39 -0.1 -14.0 Blkrk FltRt InTr BGT 14.21 13.20 -7.1 5.5 Income Preferred Stock Funds
Gabelli Hlthcr & Well GRX 12.21 10.63 -12.9 0.4 BlackstoneGSO Strat Cred BGB 16.13 14.48 -10.2 8.7 Deutsche Mun Income Tr KTF 13.63 14.13 +3.7 6.0
Convertible Sec's. Funds Notes on data:
Gabelli Utility Tr GUT 5.69 6.59 +15.8 5.3 Blackstone GSO Sr Float BSL NA 16.09 NA 6.4 Dreyfus Mun Bd Infr Fd DMB 14.53 13.90 -4.3 5.4
Calmos Dyn Conv and Inc CCD 19.74 17.98 -8.9 -10.3 U.S. prime rate is effective December 17, 2015. Discount rate is effective December 17, 2015. U.S.
GAMCOGlblGoldNatRscs&Inc GGN 6.26 6.40 +2.2 5.5 Eaton Vance FR Incm Tr EFT 14.69 13.81 -6.0 6.6 Dreyfus Municipal Income DMF 9.86 9.75 -1.1 6.0
World Equity Funds prime rate is the base rate on corporate loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest U.S. banks;
GoldmanSachsMLPIncOpp GMZ 9.59 NA -34.5 EatonVnc SrFltRate EFR 14.29 13.35 -6.6 7.1 Dreyfus Strat Muni Bond DSM 8.86 8.76 -1.1 5.7 BMO LGM Front ME 8.78 NA NA -3.5 Other prime rates aren’t directly comparable; lending practices vary widely by location; DTCC GCF
Goldman Sachs MLP Energy GER 6.98 NA -44.5 Eaton Vance Sr EVF 6.70 6.01 -10.3 6.9 Dreyfus Strategic Munis LEO 9.14 9.34 +2.2 5.6 Repo Index is Depository Trust & Clearing Corp.'s weighted average for overnight trades in applicable
John Hancock Finl Opps Fd BTO 26.23 27.44 +4.6 12.2 1st Tr Sr Fltg Rt Fd II FCT 14.00 13.02 -7.0 6.7 Eaton Vance Mun Bd Fd EIM 14.51 13.80 -4.9 5.5 Prem12 Mo
Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld CUSIPs. Value traded is in billions of U.S. dollars. Futures on the DTCC GCF Repo Index are traded on
KayneAndersonEngyTRFd KYE 10.94 10.18 -6.9 -49.8 Invesco Credit Opps Fund VTA 12.49 11.06 -11.4 8.1 Eaton Vance Mun Income EVN 14.05 14.47 +3.0 5.9 NYSE Liffe US.
Kayne Anderson MLP Invt KYN 18.59 20.13 +8.3 -32.4 Invesco Senior Income Tr VVR 4.62 4.16 -10.0 7.5 EV National Municipal Opp EOT 23.11 22.95 -0.7 4.5 U.S. Mortgage Bond Funds Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor Statistics; DTCC; SIX Financial Information;
Macquarie Glbl Infrstrctr MGU 25.46 21.59 -15.2 -5.4 Nuveen Credit Strt Inc Fd JQC 9.13 8.17 -10.5 7.4 Invesco Adv Mun Incm II VKI 12.92 12.95 +0.2 6.1 Vertical Capital Income 12.20 NA NA 3.1 General Electric Capital Corp.; Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd.


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Incentive for
Cloud Deal Wave Hasn’t Crested OVERHEARD
Cloud software’s deal The BVP index is still down The European Central
Bought Up
NantHealth makers had a busy spring.
They may not be getting
much of a summer break.
Number of acquisitions of
7% this year.
That has provided an
opening, and more may take
Bank is a long way from get-
ting inflation back to its de-
sired level, which is below,
U.S.-based software companies
One reason a company Three big cloud-related it. Demand for cloud soft- but close to, 2%. But it has
might launch an initial pub- acquisitions were announced 1,500 ware is growing steeply, and achieved another aim set a
lic offering in rough waters? last week. big companies trying to ser- long time ago: to balloon the
Because it beats the alterna- agreed to buy Demandware vice that demand have both size of its balance sheet.
tive. That is a possible expla- for $2.8 billion net of cash. 1,000 the means and motivation to Back at the end of 2014,
nation for the recent floating Private-equity firm Thoma chase the right deals. the debate around ECB policy
of NantHealth, the latest of- Bravo is paying $3 billion But prices still aren’t was seen through the lens of
fering from entrepreneur for Qlik Technologies while cheap. For Demandware, its balance sheet. This had

Patrick Soon-Shiong, which another, Vista Equity Part- Salesforce paid an enterprise contracted to just over €2
develops software and medi- ners, is picking up Marketo value of about 8.3 times for- trillion ($2.3 trillion) from a
cal-records systems. for $1.8 billion. This just a ward sale—more than triple mid-2012 peak of €3.1 trillion.
Last Thursday’s strong month after Oracle spent the Nasdaq average. Brent A series of semantic games
trading aside, there are rea- about $1.2 billion on a pair 2005 ’08 ’12 ’16* Thill of UBS estimates that played out around the issue.
sons for investors to be of deals, buying up Textura *Year to date Source: Dealogic strategic M&A deals in soft- First, the ECB said it “ex-
wary. Health-care stocks and Opower. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. ware have typically fallen be- pected” the balance sheet to
have lost their magic in Those are just some of the tween 5 to 9 times forward expand to its levels of the
2016. And while Dr. Soon- more notable moves of late. M&A waves can dissipate and internet categories. revenue. Note that the cur- beginning of 2012. It then fol-
Shiong has had major suc- According to Dealogic, 739 quickly, so there is no guar- From the start of the year rent median enterprise value lowed this by saying that it
cesses in his career, shares M&A deals targeting U.S. antee the current rush will to mid-February, the Nasdaq on the BVP Cloud Index is “intended” that this would
in his last IPO, biotech com- software firms have been an- continue. But it is no coinci- Composite lost 15% of its about 5.3 times, which does happen. Of course, the ECB
pany NantKwest, flopped af- nounced so far this year. If dence the spike in activity value. The BVP Cloud In- not include deal markups. had to resort to bigger tools
ter going public last summer. activity keeps up that pace, follows the broad market dex—a compilation of cloud So those shopping in the than it had announced at the
Also, minority sharehold- this year will exceed last collapse from earlier this software companies tracked cloud should be ready for a time to make that actually
ers won’t have much say in year’s record of 1,526 soft- year. It hammered the tech- by Bessemer Venture Part- case of sticker shock. But in- take place. Sovereign-bond
NantHealth’s decision mak- ware deals. Deal value so far nology sector and was par- ners—plunged by 36% during vestors in potential targets purchases started in March
ing: Dr. Soon-Shiong has re- this year has totaled about ticularly damaging to richly that time. Values have re- should enjoy the rainfall. 2015 and have boosted the
tained a majority voting in- $52 billion. valued stocks in the cloud bounded since, but not fully. —Dan Gallagher ECB’s balance sheet now to
terest in NantHealth. And just under €3.1 trillion.
while plenty of startups lose But part of the reason
money, NantHealth has lost
more than $300 million
since its founding in 2010.
Why Wall Street Needs to Hire Younger Staff that the ECB ended up loos-
ening policy so much was
that monetary policy else-
Perhaps the biggest red Investment banks are are cheaper. The profile of their 30s, 40s and 50s when where—especially in the
flag is why NantHealth may competing fiercely for young Forever Young the workforce is changing as they aren’t making it rain. U.S.—wasn’t tightened as
have gone public in the first talent. Of course, they al- Change in annual pay and staff investment banks have real- There is longer-term early or as much as expected.
place. A major shareholder, ways did, but in the past the numbers between 2009 and 2015 ized fewer of their highest- thinking at work, as well. The balance sheets of
the Kuwait Investment Au- lure was mostly financial. Compensation costs Head count paid bankers and traders are Banks want younger, more both the Bank of England, at
thority, owns a $150 million Now, banks are loudly prom- Credit Suisse crucial for bringing in reve- tech-savvy people to usher in just over £400 billion ($581
equity stake, which it pur- ising a modicum of quality of Goldman Sachs nue. The rest of the teams a more automated age. But billion), and the U.S. Federal
chased in 2014. But it also life, too. UBS
can be made up of more peo- those same young people Reserve, at $4.5 trillion, re-
had a contractual right to Just last week, UBS told ple in their 20s with less ex- also realize that future fi- main bloated with bonds.
sell its shares back to bankers they can take two perience—and far smaller nancial rewards in banking Even as the Fed has started
NantHealth, at its initial cost hours of personal time each pay packages. are less likely to match those down the path to increasing
Deutsche Bank
plus interest, if the company week. Credit Suisse has in- The industry even has a widely enjoyed in the past rates, it hasn’t stopped rein-
Morgan Stanley
doesn’t complete a public of- sisted bankers ought to word for this: “juniorization.” given the industry’s reduced vesting the proceeds of ma-
–40 –20 0 20%
fering by June 20. take Friday evenings off un- *Average of these six banks It helps explain how invest- profitability. So they will turing bonds in new pur-
According to its registra- less something important is Source: J.P. Morgan ment banks have cut compen- need other carrots as well. chases that keep its balance
tion statement, NantHealth happening. Morgan Stanley sation costs on average by A younger workforce will sheet from shrinking. In fact,
had just under $25 million in is offering paid sabbaticals. The common view is that 21% since 2009 while cutting be as important as automa- divergence in central-bank
cash and equivalents at the And J.P. Morgan Chase has banks need to soften their staff numbers by just 3%, ac- tion and digitization in balance sheets is coming
end of March. loosened its dress code to al- workaholic cultures because cording to J.P. Morgan ana- banks’ plans for the future: through continued expansion:
Given that looming dead- low employees to wear busi- young people could have a lysts. This is especially true Each is a route to structur- The Bank of Japan’s balance
line, going public made lots ness-casual attire. nicer life working in technol- in Europe, where regulations ally cutting costs. With reve- sheet is north of ¥425 trillion
of sense for Dr. Soon-Shiong. For bank investors, it ogy or other areas of fi- have forced banks to pay nues likely to stagnate, turn- ($4 trillion) and still growing.
The same can’t be said for might seem all this misses nance. But there is a more higher fixed salaries and less ing to the younger Rates have gone lower for
shareholders thinking of the most urgent task facing commercial reason, too. in bonuses. That makes it generation is a step toward longer. But central banks have
buying into the venture. banks: to cut costs. But that Banks desperately need much harder to cut the cost better shareholder returns. gone bigger for longer, too.
—Charley Grant would be shortsighted. young people because they of higher-paid bankers in —Paul J. Davies


Switzerland Votes to Reject Basic Income Initiative

BY BRIAN BLACKSTONE would provide security at a
time of rapid technological
ZURICH—Swiss voters on change. Backers also said it
Sunday overwhelmingly re- would simplify the patchwork
jected an initiative that would of agencies charged with over-
have guaranteed all Swiss resi- seeing pensions, welfare and
dents a minimum income on other support, saving the gov-
which to live. ernment money while freeing
The Basic Income Initiative people from the bureaucracies
received just 23.1% of the vote of means-tested programs.
in Sunday’s referendum, com- Opponents, meanwhile,
pared with 76.9% against. The latched on to two critiques:
outcome was never in doubt, cost and fairness. The 200 bil-
with the government, busi- lion franc price tag would have
nesses and many trade unions required large tax increases,
lining up in opposition and re- even if money was saved
cent polls suggesting the pub- through reductions in social
lic was firmly against the idea. spending in other areas.
Rather, the significance of Che Wagner, a co-initiator
Sunday’s vote was that it gave of the basic income proposal,
a high-profile airing to an idea vowed after Sunday’s results
that has gained traction to press on. “It is a very satis-
among economists in Europe fying result for us,” he said in
and the U.S. in recent years. an email, adding that his own
Though the monthly prediction was the initiative
amount wasn’t spelled out, it would only get around 15%
was expected to have been support. Nearly 70% of respon-

around 2,500 Swiss francs dents in a survey released Sun-

($2,560) per adult, with a day said they expect to be vot-
smaller subsidy for children, ing on basic income again in
without regard to employment, the future.
disability, age or even wealth. “The debate just started,”
Supporters said the policy Mr. Wagner said. Backers of Switzerland’s basic-income plan present the 23% yes vote they received. Swiss voters overwhemingly rejected the plan.

GOP Hensarling’s bill is the first de-

tailed proposal for how a Re-
publican-led government
would likely proceed.
a time public opinion remains
hostile to the financial sector.
The bill includes a section of
proposals to “demand account-
impose new oversight over
those firms. Such powers are
already facing legal challenges,
and insurer MetLife Inc. suc-
the Republican plan would ask
banks to hold more, or less,
capital than is currently re-
quired, a level many bankers
quire the Securities and Ex-
change Commission to deter-
mine that a penalty against a
firm doesn’t harm the com-
Continued from page C1 The Hensarling bill ad- ability from Wall Street cessfully sued to overturn such say is onerous and impedes pany’s shareholders, according
of New York. The proposal is dresses many of the com- through enhanced penalties a label earlier this year. their ability to do business. to a person familiar with the
one of many to be announced plaints lodged by the financial for fraud and deception,” the The plan would also stream- Mr. Hensarling also wants plan.
by House Republicans in com- industry over the past six summary says. line the complexity of postcri- to repeal a Dodd-Frank provi- The Hensarling bill would
ing months on a variety of is- years of increased federal con- Democrats, meanwhile, are sion that gives regulators a boost fines for violating in-
sues, like health care, as part trol of the sector. Still, the pro- preparing to attack the Repub- role in helping steer financial sider-trading laws and the For-
of House Speaker Paul Ryan’s posal is likely to be treated lican plan as a reckless roll-
‘It’s time to move on institutions through bank- eign Corrupt Practices Act.
pledge to offer voters a de- warily by firms that have in- back of protections intended to to a 21st century ruptcy if they run into severe The plan envisions doubling or
tailed Republican agenda dur- vested heavily to adjust to prevent the next crisis. Mr. distress and replace it with a tripling some maximum penal-
ing the 2016 campaign. comply with the new system. Obama last week blasted as
model of banking,’ new portion of the bankruptcy ties used by the SEC.
Mr. Hensarling’s proposal “As much as banks hate all “crazy” Mr. Trump’s pledge to Mr. Hensarling said. code that would leave firms to A further change would al-
has no chance of becoming law of the stuff they’ve been repeal Dodd-Frank. California do so on their own. low the SEC to calculate penal-
this year, with Democrats in forced to do, they’ve done it Rep. Maxine Waters, the top While many parts of the ties based on the amount of in-
the Senate likely to block it, now,” said Douglas Landy, a Democrat on the financial ser- sis regulation for banks. It plan echo longstanding Repub- vestor losses incurred as a
and President Barack Obama partner at Milbank Tweed vices committee, called the would offer an “off-ramp” lican promises, the bill’s sec- result of misconduct. Cur-
certain to veto it if it comes to Hadley & McCloy, who repre- Hensarling bill a “grab bag of from Dodd-Frank and global tion boosting fines for alleged rently, the SEC is constrained
his desk. But the details are sents large financial institu- special-interest gifts.” rules promulgated by the Basel financial wrongdoing seems to by statute from seeking penal-
significant for defining the Re- tions. “A lot of them have The main thrust of the Hen- Committee on Banking Super- run counter to widely main- ties that match investor losses.
publican financial agenda spent money, sunk the costs. sarling bill is to scale back the vision—for any banks that tained GOP views that stiffer The heightened penalties
should the party win the White Replacing it for something growing regulatory involve- hold “high levels of capital and bank fines may do more harm are similar to ones pushed by
House and keep control of else, they’re not sure exactly ment in large American finan- maintain a fortress balance than good, effectively punish- the SEC four years ago that
Congress in November. what it means.” cial institutions. It would re- sheet.” While Basel sets guide- ing shareholders who already failed to gain traction in Con-
Donald Trump, the pre- There are also provisions of move the powers of the newly lines for global banking regula- have been victimized by a gress. At the time, Republican
sumptive GOP nominee, has the GOP plan that would likely created Financial Stability tion, it is up to individual company’s fraud and further lawmakers expressed reluc-
said he would try to repeal irk Wall Street—and seem de- Oversight Committee to label countries to determine how, if damaging the value of corpo- tance about giving the SEC
Dodd-Frank but hasn’t elabo- signed to do so in part to give firms as systemically impor- at all, to implement their pro- rate shares. more resources without struc-
rated on his alternative. Mr. Republicans political cover at tant financial institutions and posals. It is unclear whether Mr. Hensarling plans to re- tural changes at the agency.

The E w
A ts
© 2016 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Convn Online Monday, June 6, 2016 | R1
DETA rsation


Leftover 529 Money?
More answers to readers’

Six Ways
questions on college finance

To Improve
Ask Encore:
An ‘Aging in Place’ Home
A reader wonders how to make

‘529’ College Plans

a house safer for retirement

The Problem With ‘Low Vol’
You still need bonds, not just
low-volatility stocks, if you want
to cut down on turbulence

The Church of England’s
Blessed Investing
Its $10 billion fund succeeds, as
it pushes an ‘ethical’ agenda

A Pioneering Woman
TIAA’s Susan Hirsch on the
merits of female fund managers
Twenty years after their creation, how the savings funds can be made even better A Bold Commodities Move
Heinz Schimmelbusch figured
Parents or other adults set up an account as out China when others didn’t
Popular on Campus early as possible after a child is born, and con- R7
Assets in '529' college-savings plans nationally tributions up to $14,000 (or $28,000 a couple)
IT WAS 20 YEARS AGO that Congress legis- in after-tax money during the year are exempt NEWS CHALLENGE
$250 billion
lated “529” plans, tax-advantaged programs to Popularity grows after from gift-taxes reporting. The money grows Test Your Smarts on...
encourage families to save for college. By most 200 distributions become within the plan tax-free and, if it’s withdrawn ...oil and rates. Monthly quiz.
measures, the plans have been a blockbuster tax-free; law is made for qualified higher-education expenses like tu- R10
success, exploding to $250 billion in assets in 150 permanent in 2006. ition, room and board, or a computer, no tax is
more than 12 million accounts and helping par- due. The plans often also come with state tax
ents mitigate the rise in tuition costs and fight
the student-debt tsunami.
100 benefits for residents of specific states.
But the plans’ design can be clunky. Here is
But even blockbusters can be improved. As 50 how financial advisers and college-savings ex- May 2016 fund performance,
529 plans graduate to adulthood, experts say perts say that aspects of the accounts and their total return by fund type. More on R2.
they would like to see several changes to make 0 use could be improved. U.S. Intl. Bonds
them even better. 1996 ’98 ’00 ’02 ’04 ’06 ’08 ’20 ’12 ’14 stocks* stocks* (intmd.)
These state-sponsored plans—named for a Source: CSPN College Savings Plans Network
section of the tax code, and which typically in- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. 1. Entice companies to do a ‘match’
vest in mutual funds—allow college savings to
grow tax-free. There is no income limit on who
can contribute, and the account can be reas-
ciary—a child’s cousins or siblings, for in-
stance—if there is money left over or if the
One federal tax-code change that could juice
participation rates would be to make it advan-
1.6% –0.1% –0.01%
signed to direct relatives of the original benefi- beneficiary doesn’t go to college. Please turn to the next page *Diversified funds only, excluding sector and
regional/country funds
Source: Lipper

The Truth Behind the ‘Summer Rally’

those three months being June, July and the way. To test for this possibility, I cal-
August. culated the Dow’s return over the years
To be sure, I have never found a pre- from its lowest close in June to its high-
THE STOCK MARKET most likely will cise definition of what the Summer Rally est subsequent close through the end of
rally at some point this summer. But that is supposed to entail. So it is always pos- August.
doesn’t mean there will be a Summer sible that a Summer Rally defined in Once again, I failed to find anything
Rally. some arcane way does in fact exist. But if special about the market’s rally potential
The distinction is important because, we focus on any of the usual ways in during the summer. Over the past six de-
every year around Memorial Day and which most investors picture a rally, this cades, the Dow gained an average of 6.9%
early June, many advisers start referring seasonal pattern turns out to be yet an- from its lowest June close through its
to a Summer Rally as something above other urban myth. highest subsequent close over the next
and beyond the garden-variety rallies two calendar months. While you might
that occur at any time of the year. But Overall lull think that is worth betting on, it in fact
there is no evidence that the stock mar- The first clue that a Summer Rally is is nothing special: The comparable calcu-
ket rallies more regularly or strongly fictional comes from the stock market’s lation for each of the other 11 months of
during the summer months than it does weak performance overall during the the year shows that their rally potentials
in the spring, fall or winter. summer months. In fact, the months of are stronger, averaging 8%.
The absence of a distinctive Summer June, July and August are one of the
Rally means that the rallies you can legit- weakest three-month stretches of any in Summer of ’32
imately expect this summer are no more the calendar. Over the past 60 years, the Why, then, did investors ever come to
worth betting on than those that occur Dow Jones Industrial Average has pro- think a Summer Rally really exists? There
any other time. To put this another way: duced an average monthly return of just is no way of knowing for sure, of course.
The stock market might rise powerfully 0.1% during these three summer months, But one possibility is that it traces to the
between now and Labor Day, but if so its compared with a 0.7% average for all spectacular rally that occurred in the
strength will have nothing to do with other months. summer of 1932, at the depths of the

Let’s try a different approach: Even Great Depression. The Dow gained 76.5%
Mr. Hulbert is editor of the Hulbert though the summer months as a whole from its closing low in June of that year
Financial Digest and a senior columnist are mediocre ones for equities, it’s still to its highest close in August. And if I ex-
for MarketWatch. He can be reached possible that the stock market could tend my earlier historical analysis back
at stage an especially powerful rally along Please see SUMMER page R2


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R2 | Monday, June 6, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Six Ways to Improve ‘529’ College Plans SAVING FOR COLLEGE | CHANA R. SCHOENBERGER

Continued from the prior page

tageous for employers to offer 529
matching for employees, similar to
eral tax incentive, like a credit or de-
duction, would help convince par-
ents, says Brian Boswell, vice
products at fund manager Fidelity
Investments. Leftover 529 Money
the way 401(k) plans operate for re- president of research and develop- A Q&A on college financing
tirement savings, says Andrea ment at 5. Change financial-aid
Feirstein, a 529 consultant to states “When TurboTax pops up and calculations to exclude 529s Saving for college is on readers’ minds as graduation season progresses. We
and managing director of AKF Con- asks you, ‘Have you taken advantage again asked college-finance experts to answer readers’ questions, most of
sulting Group in New York City. of this tax credit or deduction?’ Exceptions should be created so them centering on popular tax-advantaged savings accounts such as “529”
Currently, companies don’t re- that’s even better,” he says. that college applicants who plan to plans and Coverdells.
ceive any federal tax benefits related go on to graduate school can have
to 529s, although some do offer pay- their 529 accounts excluded from There is money left over in the tax reporting exemption for the year.
roll deductions to their employees. If 3. Allow more changes calculations about whether they 529 I funded for my nephew. Can I And beware: Tuition payments
employers match employee contribu- qualify for undergraduate aid, says change the beneficiary to myself that people other than the student’s
tions to 529s today, that money is Once parents or other adults have Dominick Ferraro, founder and CEO and use the money to study a for- parents make are factored into Fafsa
considered taxable income to the set up 529 accounts, they have to of College Select in Greenville, S.C. eign language at a university or financial-aid eligibility and count as
employee. work through the plans’ regulatory Aid isn’t as available for graduate language school? “cash support to the student” when
Three states do offer tax induce- restrictions, such as biannual trading students as it is for undergrads, Mr. colleges compute
ments for companies that contribute limits. Investors in the plans are al- Ferraro says. “Fellowships or assis- Yes, you can financial aid, Mr.
to home-state plans on behalf of lowed by law to make changes to tantships available to grad students change the bene- Kantrowitz says.
their workers. Utah has a $1,900 their investment holdings only twice are extremely limited to the type of ficiary to yourself
i i i
state tax deduction per beneficiary, a year (it used to be only once a year, degree and to a particular student,” or to any close
and Nevada and Illinois each offer a but in 2015 that Internal Revenue Ser- he says. Deferring use of a 529 plan relative of the Can 529
state tax credit up to $500 on 25% of vice restriction was expanded to until graduate school thus could be original benefi- funds be used
matched 529 contributions. twice a year—which is still a tough a good option for some. ciary, and you for any of the
A federal-tax-code change would restriction, in some experts’ view). can study lan- costs associated
cost the government in forgone tax “If there are sudden market guages at a with searching
revenue, but policy makers might movements and you’ve already made 6. Get the word out school that’s eli- for and applying
choose to make this switch anyway if your twice-per-year exchange, your gible to receive 529 money, says to college? How about travel costs
it inspired more parents to save for hands are tied,” Mr. Boswell says. For Nancy Farmer, president of James Canup, tax practice chairman to visit prospective colleges, testing
college instead of relying on loans, Groups providing information to Private College 529 Plan, the major at law firm Hirschler Fleischer in and application fees?
challenge facing 529s isn’t regula- Richmond, Va.
tory, but rather a lack of public “Many eligible colleges and uni- No, the IRS is clear on this: Pre-
What's In Your College Kitty? awareness. Three out of four Ameri- versities offer language classes college costs don’t qualify for 529
Average account size of '529' college-savings plans cans don’t know what a 529 is, an (some even offer academic majors funds, Mr. Kantrowitz says.
annual survey conducted by broker- in foreign languages), so look for
$20,000 i i i
age house Edward Jones found in opportunities at a local college or
May. And that number has increased university,” says Mark Kantrowitz, Salesmen often tell parents to
over time, starting at 63% in 2012. publisher and vice president of sell taxable assets and buy annui-
The result is that a helpful aid for strategy at college-scholarship ties to better qualify for financial
college savings, the 529 plans, might search site If you’re at aid. Is this worth doing?
10,000 be benefiting only some sophisti- an eligible school, you can take as
cated Americans and bypassing few classes at a time as you like— Annuities usually aren’t a smart
many others who could use it. unless you want to use 529 money strategy for college savings, says
5,000 This also points out an overarch- for housing, in which case you’ll Mr. Canup. If you sell assets to buy
ing problem with college savings, have to attend at least half-time and an annuity, you’ll pay taxes on any
Ms. Farmer says: Most families don’t work toward a degree or certificate, gains, while if you take money out
0 understand what college will cost, he says. of a 529 plan for qualified educa-
2002 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 2015 and they don’t know how they will tional expenses, gains are tax-free,
i i i
Source: CSPN College Savings Plans Network THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. save the money. She suggests visit- he says.
ing the nonprofit College Board’s Big Can a Coverdell account be used With an annuity, you would typi-
she says. investors—such as the College Sav- Future website to run cost calcula- to pay for off-campus housing? cally borrow money from the policy
“There’s a point, from a policy ings Plans Network, affiliated with tors for various types of colleges. if you wanted to pay for college;
standpoint, where you make a judg- state treasurers—had campaigned The low awareness isn’t because Yes, with restrictions. Coverdell that amount is owed with interest
ment, like we did with retirement, for four permissible investment plan sponsors and state governments funds can be used to pay off-cam- and must be repaid. If instead you
that retirement security mattered,” changes a year, though the College aren’t trying to educate parents, Mr. pus housing expenses for a student take a payout from your policy,
Ms. Feirstein says. Savings Plans Network says it sup- Boswell says: “A lot of people tune it who is enrolled in a degree or certif- you’ll have to pay taxes on the dis-
ported the modest expansion that out because it’s complicated.” icate program and who attends tribution above the premiums you
was ultimately awarded last year. What are the chances of some of school at least half-time at a quali- paid, and you may also owe a sur-
2. Give poorer families a credit these changes getting through Con- fied college or university, says Mr. render charge, in addition to a 10%
gress? The momentum is usually for Kantrowitz. You can use the funds penalty for withdrawing before age
Another item on Ms. Feirstein’s 4. Provide a longer menu having more, not less, with 529s. only up to the college’s official al- 59½. And don’t forget, Mr. Canup
wish list is a federal tax credit to en- Early last year, President Barack lowance for room and board. A Cov- says, “the salesman will also earn a
courage low- and moderate-income The plans also don’t offer owners Obama proposed, and then quickly erdell—unlike a 529—can also be nice premium, which is reflected in
families to save money in 529s. as many investment options as they dropped, an idea to curtail the tax used for off-campus housing for el- the amount you pay for the annu-
These are the families that have would have with a brokerage ac- benefits for 529s. Instead, Congress ementary or secondary students, ity.”
trouble putting away money in 529s count, which makes some sophisti- made the popular plans even more but only if the school requires or This may all be for naught as far
because they are—wisely—saving for cated investors chafe. alluring, by allowing computers as a provides it, Mr. Kantrowitz says. as aid is concerned. “Generally, fam-
their own retirement, which, unlike Each plan has a menu of invest- qualified expense. ilies who have sufficient assets to
i i i
college, can’t be financed with bor- ment options, often target-date Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R., Kan.), a leg- lose eligibility for need-based aid
rowing. funds that start with a heavy islator behind the bipartisan com- I understand that if I pay a have sufficient income to lose aid
“If someone came to me and said, weighting of stocks and move to- puter-expense change, says, “These grandchild’s tuition directly to the eligibility even if they had no as-
‘I have X dollars to save, where ward bonds as the child’s projected college-savings plans are already institution, there is no tax conse- sets,” Mr. Kantrowitz says. He sug-
should I put it?’ I would always tell high-school graduation date ap- changing, and I believe we will con- quence for me or my grandchild. gests speaking with a fee-only in-
them to save for retirement first,” proaches. tinue to expand and enhance them.” Does this apply only to tuition or vestment adviser who doesn’t sell
she says. “Some people feel it just doesn’t does it include room and board? annuities or life insurance about the
The deferred tax benefits cur- give the right investment choices for Ms. Schoenberger is a writer in pros and cons of such an invest-
rently available through 529s are them,” says Keith Bernhardt, vice New York. She can be reached at You are right: if you pay your ment before you buy it. An annuity
helpful, but a more-immediate fed- president of retirement and college grandchild’s tuition directly to the salesman doesn’t have a fiduciary
school, the money is exempt from responsibility to you, Mr. Kantrowitz
both gift taxes and generation-skip- notes.
ping taxes. But the tax code’s lan- Also, although annuities don’t
guage is specific to tuition, so it figure into the Fafsa, “most private
doesn’t apply to room and board or schools and private sources of fi-
to other qualified expenses such as nancial aid do factor in annuities
books, says Mr. Canup. Those ex- and other excluded assets when
penses, paid on behalf of your making financial-aid calculations,”
U.S.-Stock Funds Rose Continued from the prior page grandchild, would still incur taxes if Mr. Canup says. That means an an-
far enough to include the decade of you had used up your $14,000 indi- nuity won’t make those assets dis-
1.6% in May, Still Clinging the 1930s, the Summer Rally’s record vidual or $28,000 joint spousal gift- appear for aid purposes.
does improve. But not by enough to
To a Year-to-Date Gain convince a statistician that there is HAVE A COLLEGE-FINANCE QUESTION IN GENERAL? We’ll answer
anything special about the stock them in future Investing in Funds & ETFs reports. Email
For mutual-fund investors, the market continues to perform just well market’s potential during the sum-
enough to calm the nerves. But most investors won’t be seeing blockbuster mer months.
gains in their 401(k)s if this slow pace continues. It is also possible that the origin
The average diversified U.S.-stock mutual fund rose 1.6% in May, accord- of the Summer Rally is more cyni- month stretch that historically has “Sell in May” pattern enjoys strong
ing to data from Thomson Reuters Corp.’s Lipper unit, and the funds have cally based in Wall Street’s need to been unfavorable for the stock mar- statistical support. The Summer
a modest 1.9% gain for the year so far. The good news is that the market generate commission income. After ket—a pattern that explains the say- Rally, then, could serve as a superfi-
has shaken off the poor start to the year, and is in positive territory, at all, the June-through-August period ing “Sell in May and go away.” In cially plausible rationale for why in-
least. In April, stock funds had finally moved into the black for 2016, and in comes right in the middle of a six- contrast to the Summer Rally, this vestors should instead stay and not
May they built slightly on those gains. go away.
A better outlook for the U.S. economy is helping the market. Although
the Federal Reserve says more interest-rate increases are likely if the econ- Summer Rally—or Summer Doldrums? Lesson learned
omy keeps gaining strength—with a move possible as soon as the Fed’s next Stock market's three-month rally potential* I suppose there is a roundabout
policy meeting on June 14-15—investors aren’t too spooked. Gradual rate in- way in which the Summer Rally can
creases are also a sign the economy is doing better, many investors figure. 4% help us to become better investors:
Three-month rally potential
Bond funds were virtually unchanged for the month but are up for the at beginning of June by teaching us the need to subject
year. Funds focused on intermediate-maturity, investment-grade debt, the 3 is one of the weakest our hunches to rigorous scrutiny.
most commonly held type of fixed-income fund, eased 0.01% in May, leav- of the calendar. The next time your broker or adviser
ing their year-to-date gain at 3.3%. 2 refers to some pattern or another as
International-stock funds are trailing their U.S. counterparts, on average. a reason to make changes to your
They eased 0.1% last month and are down for the year, by a scant 0.13%. 1 portfolio, ask him or her whether
Gold funds continue to draw attention. Gold-oriented funds again had a that pattern can be shown—at stan-
big move, this time on the downside. They fell 11% in May after soaring dard levels of statistical signifi-
nearly 29% in April. Gold, which pays no interest, tends to attract dollars cance—to be more than just random
when rates are low, since it has less competition from yield-bearing assets. noise.
The gold-oriented sector is still up 63% for the year (see table on page R8). –1 Most of what Wall Street talks
Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. about can’t pass this test, which is
Mr. Power is a Wall Street Journal news editor in South Brunswick, N.J. *Dow Jones industrials' average gain during month and two subsequent months; data since 1955 one reason why so few beat the mar-
Email him at Source: THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. ket over time.

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, June 6, 2016 | R3

This is what beating 100%*

of your peers looks like.
The Fidelity® Capital & Fidelity® Capital & Income Fund (FAGIX) vs. High Yield Bond Peer Group
Income Fund has beaten Hypothetical growth of $10,000 during manager’s tenure $30,000

an impressive number of its (07/15/2003–03/31/2016)1

peers over the 10-year period, $25,000

ranking #1 out of 365 in the Fidelity® Capital & Income Fund ($27,348)
High Yield Bond Peer Group.* High Yield Bond Peer Group ($20,531)
Portfolio Manager Mark Notkin
and the deep bench of Fidelity
analysts have the flexibility to $15,000

invest across the entire capital

structure, from bank loans $10,000
to common stocks, which
has created an attractive
combination of income and
capital appreciation.
Yet another example of the
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
power of active management.

Average Annual Total Returns Manager Tenure Expense Ratio 2

as of 03/31/2016 1 year 3 year 5 year 10 year 07/15/2003

Fidelity® Capital & Income Fund –4.16% 3.85% 4.75% 7.51% 8.21% 0.72%
High Yield Bond Peer Group3 –4.17% 1.06% 3.84% 5.55% –

Performance data shown represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and
principal value will fluctuate, so investors may have a gain or loss when shares are sold. Current performance may
be higher or lower than what is quoted, and investors should visit for most recent month-
end performance.

M O R N I N G S T A R® R A T I N G S


Portfolio Manager
Fidelity® Capital
& Income Fund 3 YEAR #5 OUT OF 646 FUNDS

5 YEAR #114 OUT OF 530 FUNDS

10 Y E A R #1 OUT OF 365 FUNDS*

Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Or call your Advisor.

Before investing in any mutual fund, consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. Contact Fidelity for a prospectus
or, if available, a summary prospectus containing this information. Read it carefully.
Total returns are historical and include change in share value and reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, if any. Cumulative total returns are reported as of the period indicated. Life of fund
figures are reported as of the commencement date to the period indicated.
Stock markets are volatile and can fluctuate significantly in response to company, industry, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments. Investing in stock involves risks, including the
loss of principal. The securities of smaller, less well-known companies can be more volatile than those of larger companies.
Lower-quality bonds can be more volatile and have greater risk of default than higher-quality bonds. Interest rate increases can cause the price of a debt security to decrease.
*Percent Rank in Category is the fund’s total-return percentile rank relative to all funds that have the same Morningstar Category. The highest (or most favorable) percentile rank is 1 and the lowest (or least favorable) percentile rank is 100. The top-performing fund in a category will
always receive a rank of 1. Percent Rank in Category is based on total returns, which include reinvested dividends and capital gains, if any, and exclude sales charges.
The Overall Morningstar RatingTM for a fund is derived from a weighted average of the performance figures associated with its 3-, 5-, and 10-year (if applicable) Morningstar Rating metrics.
For each fund with at least a three-year history, Morningstar calculates a Morningstar Rating™ based on a Morningstar Risk-Adjusted Return measure that accounts for variation in a fund’s monthly performance (including the effects of sales charges, loads and redemption fees),
placing more emphasis on downward variations and rewarding consistent performance. The top 10% of the funds in an investment category receive 5 stars, the next 22.5% receive 4 stars, the next 35% receive 3 stars, the next 22.5% receive 2 stars, and the bottom 10% receive
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concerning applicable loads, fees and expenses.
The chart above illustrates the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment made in the fund and a benchmark since the inception date of the product. Benchmark returns include reinvestment of capital gains and dividends, if any, but do not reflect any fees or
expenses. It is not possible to invest in an index. This chart is not intended to imply any future performance of the investment product.
Expense Ratio is the total annual fund operating expense ratio from the fund’s most recent prospectus.
The Morningstar category average is the average return for the peer group based on the returns of each individual fund within the group, for the period shown. This average assumes reinvestment of dividends. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC. © 2016 FMR LLC. All rights reserved. 726062.7.0
R4 | Monday, June 6, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


ASK ENCORE | GLENN RUFFENACH How the Largest Funds Fared Data provided by
Performance numbers are total returns (changes in net asset values with reinvested distributions) as of
May 31; assets are as of April 29. All data are final.
What Features a Home Needs The Largest Stock Mutual Funds
Total Return (%)

So You Can ‘Age in Place’ Fund

Vanguard TSM Idx;Adm
($ billions)

Also: How many financial advisers should you Vanguard 500 Index;Adm
Vanguard Tot I Stk;Inv

use, and second thoughts on Social Security Vanguard Instl Indx;Inst

American Funds Gro;A AGTHX 140.62 2.1 0.1 11.1 10.9 7.1
American Funds EuPc;R-6 RERGX 123.02 0.4 –9.4 3.4 2.6 N.A.
We’re debating whether to tanking), your new adviser’s performance, es- Fidelity Contrafund FCNTX 106.52 1.7 1.3 11.5 11.4 8.4
move in retirement or remodel pecially in the short term, might simply be a American Funds CIB;A CAIBX 99.17 0.3 –1.0 5.4 6.1 5.3
our existing home. In either matter of good (or bad) timing, rather than a American Funds Inc;A AMECX 97.06 0.6 0.4 6.6 7.7 6.2
case, we’re trying to figure out reflection of his or her actual abilities. Fidelity Sp 500 Idx;Adv FUSVX 94.47 1.8 1.7 11.0 11.6 7.4
what features, at a minimum, And…do you plan to tell the new adviser American Funds Bal;A ABALX 90.40 0.5 3.0 7.9 9.3 7.0
we should look for in a new about all your assets? Investors who split their Vanguard Wellington;Adm VWENX 89.25 0.8 2.0 7.6 8.6 7.4
house—or add to our current holdings often are hesitant to give a new ad- American Funds CWGI;A CWGIX 82.19 0.2 –5.0 5.6 5.8 5.4
house—so that we can stay in our home as viser a full picture of their portfolio (wanting, American Funds Wash;A AWSHX 78.46 0.9 2.0 9.6 11.0 6.9
we get older. Does the housing industry have first, to see how well the new adviser performs Franklin Cust:Inc;A FKINX 77.69 0.5 –4.8 2.7 4.8 5.5
any guidelines or requirements for retirees? with a piece of that portfolio). Such an omis- American Funds ICA;A AIVSX 75.06 0.5 1.1 10.8 10.8 6.6
sion is asking for trouble, says Mike Piper, a American Funds FInv;A ANCFX 74.28 1.4 2.1 10.3 10.3 7.3
“Aging in place” is a hot topic. Three re- certified public accountant in Manitou Springs, iShares:Core S&P 500 IVV 71.28 1.8 1.7 11.0 11.6 7.4
sources can help a great deal. Colo., and author of the Oblivious Investor Vanguard Md-Cp Idx;Adm VIMAX 67.56 1.9 –2.6 10.4 10.0 7.8
Start with a report from the Joint Center blog.
iShares:MSCI EAFE ETF EFA 60.07 –0.9 –9.7 1.9 2.0 1.8
for Housing Studies at Harvard University: Take taxes. If the new adviser knows about
American Funds NPer;A ANWPX 58.68 0.9 –3.1 7.5 7.6 6.8
“Housing America’s Older Adults: Meeting the some, but not all, of the investor’s accounts
Vanguard FTSE Dev Mk ETF VEA 58.13 –0.5 –9.0 2.5 2.3 N.A.
Needs of an Aging Population.” (Go to and holdings, recommendations about which
Vanguard REIT Idx;ETF VNQ 56.49 2.4 10.6 10.2 10.2 7.4 and highlight: Research.) The type of account (Roth, tax-deferred or taxable)
Vanguard Sm-Cp Idx;Adm VSMAX 56.39 1.9 –4.0 8.5 9.4 7.7
study identifies five to spend from (or contribute to) will be “poorly
Dodge & Cox Intl Stock DODFX 55.23 –0.9 –18.2 0.5 1.4 2.6

features, in particular, reasoned,” Mr. Piper says.
Dodge & Cox Stock DODGX 54.58 2.3 –3.9 9.3 10.5 5.4
that make for safe In short, splitting your holdings tends to be
Vanguard FTSE Em Mkt ETF VWO 52.42 –3.4 –18.4 –4.4 –4.8 3.0
and accessible problematic. “Keeping half your portfolio with
Vanguard Gro Idx;ETF VUG 49.66 2.5 0.5 12.0 12.0 8.7
Ratio of homes homes: no-step en- an adviser who is charging too much and not
First Eagle:Global;I SGIIX 48.08 –0.9 1.2 5.8 6.1 7.2
with at least two tries; single-floor liv- delivering value is still half too much,” Mr. Kit-
safety features ing; switches and ces says. One alternative: meeting with a fi- Vanguard Health Care;Adm VGHAX 47.88 2.7 –5.2 18.6 17.2 11.9
for older adults outlets reachable at nancial planner who charges by the hour. Such American Funds AMCP;A AMCPX 47.49 1.7 –1.5 11.5 11.6 7.9
any height; extra- a meeting would allow you to get a fully in- BlackRock:Gl Alloc;I MALOX 47.33 –0.5 –5.3 3.0 3.4 5.4
wide hallways and formed second opinion without having to move Vanguard Windsor II;Adm VWNAX 45.41 1.2 –2.1 8.1 10.1 6.2
doors; and lever-style door and faucet handles. any portion of your portfolio, Mr. Piper says. Vanguard PRIMECAP;Adm VPMAX 45.03 3.1 –0.2 12.8 12.5 9.3
(The good news: Almost 90% of existing It also would help minimize fees: Pay the Vanguard Wellesley;Adm VWIAX 44.94 0.6 5.0 6.3 7.5 7.5
homes have at least one of these features, the adviser as needed for guidance, then hire a Vanguard Ext Mk Id;Inst+ VEMPX 43.70 1.8 –5.9 8.2 9.0 N.A.
study notes. The bad news: Only 57% have low-cost portfolio management firm to imple- T Rowe Price Gro Stk PRGFX 43.50 2.1 –1.4 12.8 12.3 8.7
more than one.) ment the recommendations. Harbor:Internatl;Inst HAINX 40.76 –0.7 –11.7 0.5 1.1 3.9
Next, check out the National Association of Vanguard Value Idx;ETF VTV 40.28 1.2 1.3 9.9 10.8 6.4
i i i
Home Builders and its “Aging-in-Place Remod- Fidelity Low-Prcd Stk FLPSX 40.04 0.9 –3.8 8.2 9.6 7.8
eling Checklist.” (Go to and search I understand that I can get Social Secu- Vanguard Ins T StMk;Ins+ VITPX 39.99 1.8 0.3 10.6 11.2 7.6
for: aging in place.) Here, you’ll find more than rity—but can change my mind in the first year Fidelity Gro Company FDGRX 37.06 3.5 –2.5 12.8 12.1 10.0
100 suggestions (including eight for entryways and return the money. Is that rule still valid? MFS Value;I MEIIX 36.77 1.7 3.1 10.6 11.4 7.6
alone) that can help homeowners age 50-plus If so, and if I decide to do that, what would American Funds Mut;A AMRMX 36.73 1.2 1.7 9.5 10.3 7.2
live “safely, independently and comfortably.” my monthly benefit be? Would it be the bene- PowerShares QQQ Trust 1 QQQ 36.25 4.4 1.5 16.2 15.0 11.9
Finally, there’s the “HomeFit Guide” from fit I received when I first applied for Social SPDR Gold GLD 33.23 –5.8 1.3 –5.0 –5.0 6.0
AARP, the Washington-based advocacy group. Security, or would the benefit be based on my Fidelity Sp Tot Mk;Adv FSTVX 32.02 1.8 0.1 10.4 11.1 7.5
(Go to and search for: HomeFit.) This new application date? T Rowe Price BC Gro TRBCX 30.74 2.6 0.3 13.5 13.3 9.1
26-page report, filled with diagrams, explains Vanguard Tgt Ret2025;Inv VTTVX 30.33 0.5 –1.4 6.2 6.6 5.7
how to create a “lifelong home,” one that’s Yes. Still valid. But, as always, there are
“suitable for anyone, regardless of…age or wrinkles. The Largest Bond Mutual Funds
Total Return (%)
physical ability.” Well worth your time. If you begin collecting Social Security retire- Assets Annualized
ment benefits, and then have second thoughts Fund Ticker ($ Billions) May 1-year 3-year 5-year 10-year
i i i
about your decision, you can withdraw your Vanguard Tot Bd;Adm VBTLX 161.34 0.02 3.1 2.8 3.3 4.9
For almost two decades I’ve had my invest- Social Security claim and reapply at a future Vanguard Tot Bd II;Inv VTBIX 98.82 –0.1 2.9 2.7 3.1 N.A.
ments of over seven figures handled by the date, says William Jarrett, a public-affairs spe- PIMCO:Tot Rtn;Inst PTTRX 87.13 0.3 2.0 2.1 3.4 6.1
same adviser. I’m not too happy with the to- cialist with the Social Security Administration. Met West:Total Return;I MWTIX 75.63 –0.01 2.2 2.9 4.5 6.7
tal results or the fees. What is your opinion of The catch: This option is available only for the DoubleLine:Tot Rtn;I DBLTX 58.78 0.1 2.6 3.2 4.9 N.A.
splitting my holdings—say, 50/50 or one- first 12 months after PIMCO:Income;Inst PIMIX 57.86 0.7 2.8 4.5 7.8 N.A.

third/two-thirds—with another adviser? you become entitled Vanguard Tot Itl BI;Inv VTIBX 57.58 0.7 4.4 4.5 N.A. N.A.
to benefits. After Vanguard Sh-Tm Inv;Adm VFSUX 54.76 0.01 2.1 2.0 2.2 3.7
It’s wise, at the least, to consider a change. that, it’s off the ta- Templeton Gl Bond;Adv TGBAX 49.97 –1.0 –6.2 –0.7 1.4 6.6
(Many people, even in the face of excessive Months allowed ble. (And you can do Vanguard Int-Tm TxEx;Adm VWIUX 49.83 0.1 5.4 3.7 4.5 4.6
fees or poor results, are reluctant to fire an ad- to withdraw a this only once in your Dodge & Cox Income DODIX 44.85 –0.2 1.8 2.9 3.6 5.4
viser, typically because they have formed a requested start lifetime.) Vanguard Sh-Tm Bd;ETF BSV 44.74 –0.1 1.4 1.3 1.5 N.A.
personal connection.) But this particular solu- of Social Security If you decide to iShares:Core US Agg Bd AGG 35.76 0.02 2.9 2.9 3.3 4.8
tion—dividing your assets—isn’t the best of withdraw your appli- Lord Abbett Sh Dur;F LDLFX 34.97 0.1 1.3 1.8 2.8 N.A.
ideas. cation, you must re- JPMorgan:Core Bond;R6 JCBUX 30.55 0.1 3.1 2.8 3.5 5.4
To start, you could end up paying more in pay all the benefits you and your family re- American Funds Bond;A ABNDX 30.19 –0.3 2.4 2.5 3.2 3.6
fees than you are now, says Michael Kitces, di- ceived based on your retirement application, T Rowe Price New Inc PRCIX 29.05 0.1 2.5 2.5 3.2 5.1
rector of wealth management at Pinnacle Ad- Mr. Jarrett notes. That includes any benefits iShares:iBoxx $IG Corp LQD 28.68 –0.4 4.0 4.0 5.3 6.1
visory Group Inc. in Columbia, Md. Breaking your spouse or children received, as well as Fidelity Str Adv Cre Inc FPCIX 28.18 0.1 2.3 2.6 3.5 N.A.
your large nest egg into two (relatively) small money withheld from your checks, including Vanguard GNMA;Adm VFIJX 26.41 0.2 2.7 3.3 3.0 5.0
nest eggs means you might not benefit from Medicare premiums. What’s more, anyone who Vanguard Int-Tm Bd;Adm VBILX 25.44 –0.2 3.7 3.2 4.4 6.1
the discounted fees that some advisers offer received benefits based on your application Vanguard Int-Tm Inv;Adm VFIDX 25.38 –0.2 3.9 3.6 4.6 6.0
to clients with sizable holdings. must consent in writing to the withdrawal. Vanguard Infl-Prot;Adm VAIPX 23.88 –0.7 1.4 0.3 2.3 4.4
Perhaps more important: How much time After the withdrawal has been approved, Fidelity Total Bond FTBFX 23.41 –0.04 2.4 2.9 3.7 5.3
do you plan to give the new adviser? Six you must file a new application to receive re- Fidelity Srs Inv Gd Bd FSIGX 23.04 –0.1 2.8 2.8 3.5 N.A.
months? A year? More? If you split your hold- tirement benefits—and that payment amount Fidelity Sp US B Id;FA FSITX 22.32 –0.04 3.1 2.9 3.3 N.A.
ings just as markets are jumping higher (or will be based on the new application date. Vanguard Ltd-Tm TxEx;Adm VMLUX 22.30 –0.1 2.1 1.4 1.7 2.8
Vanguard HY Corp;Adm VWEAX 18.41 –0.04 0.3 3.4 5.6 6.5
Mr. Ruffenach is a retired Wall Street Journal reporter and editor living in Georgia. Email your iShares:iBoxx $HY Corp HYG 17.73 0.4 –2.5 1.7 4.4 N.A.
questions and comments to Note: For funds with multiple share classes, only the largest is shown. N.A.: Not applicable; fund is too new or data not available

Tracking Exchange-Traded Portfolios Mutual-Fund Yardsticks: How Fund Categories Stack Up

Performance figures are total returns for periods ended May 31; for largest exchange-traded funds and
other portfolios, ranked by asset size. All returns are for periods ended May 31. All data are final. Data provided by
Assets Volume Expense Launch Performance (%)
Fund Symbol ($ billions) (000s) ratio date May YTD 1-year Perfomance (%) Performance (%)
SPDR S&P 500 ETF SPY 184.05 108,927.3 0.09 01/22/93 1.8 3.5 1.6 Investment objective May YTD 1-yr 5-yr* Investment objective May YTD 1-yr 5-yr*
iShares Core S&P 500 ETF IVV 73.15 3,583.9 0.07 05/15/00 1.8 3.5 1.7 Diversified stock & stock/bond funds World stock funds
Vanguard Tot Stk Mkt Idx ETF VTI 60.74 2,570.8 0.05 05/24/01 1.8 3.4 0.1 Large-Cap Core 1.6 2.5 –0.9 9.9 Global 0.8 1.7 –4.9 5.2
iShares MSCI EAFE ETF EFA 59.54 25,404.3 0.33 08/14/01 –0.9 –1.0 –9.7 Large-Cap Growth 2.4 –0.9 –1.2 10.5 International (ex-U.S.) –0.1 –0.1 –9.4 1.5
Vanguard 500 Index ETF VOO 45.38 584.2 0.05 09/07/10 1.8 3.6 1.7 Large-Cap Value 1.3 3.4 –2.9 9.0 European Region 0.2 –0.8 –7.7 2.7
PowerShares QQQ Nasdaq 100 QQQ 36.97 24,005.4 0.20 03/10/99 4.4 –1.0 1.5 Midcap Core 1.7 4.3 –4.2 8.1 Emerging Markets –2.5 2.6 –15.3 –4.4
iShares Core US Aggregate Bond ETF AGG 36.72 3,368.9 0.07 09/22/03 0.02 3.4 2.9 Midcap Growth 2.4 0.9 –6.4 7.8 Latin American –7.8 13.7 –14.1 –12.6
Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets ETF VWO 35.01 23,613.8 0.15 03/04/05 –3.4 2.6 –18.4 Midcap Value 1.5 6.1 –3.0 8.8 Pacific Region 0.1 –2.2 –15.4 1.0
SPDR Gold Shares GLD 33.84 8,179.1 0.40 11/18/04 –5.8 13.9 1.3 Small-Cap Core 1.7 3.5 –4.7 7.4 Gold Oriented –11.1 62.7 19.4 –15.9
Vanguard FTSE Developed Markets ETF VEA 32.49 14,875.8 0.09 07/20/07 –0.5 –0.1 –9.0 Small-Cap Growth 2.5 –1.1 –8.9 6.8 Global Equity Income 0.3 4.0 –3.6 4.7
Small-Cap Value 0.9 5.5 –3.4 7.4 International Equity Income –1.1 1.9 –9.1 0.3
Vanguard REIT ETF VNQ 31.40 4,810.7 0.12 09/23/04 2.4 6.2 10.6
Multicap Core 1.4 2.4 –3.5 9.1 Taxable-bond funds
Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF BND 30.40 1,361.4 0.06 04/03/07 –0.02 3.5 3.0
Multicap Growth 2.2 –0.9 –4.2 9.1 Short-Term 0.01 1.3 0.6 1.4
iShares Russell 1000 Growth ETF IWF 29.41 2,186.2 0.20 05/22/00 1.9 1.7 1.4
Multicap Value 0.9 4.2 –3.6 8.5 Long-Term –0.01 5.0 2.6 4.2
iShares iBoxx $ Inv Grade Cor B ETF LQD 28.33 3,170.6 0.15 07/22/02 –0.4 5.8 4.0 Equity Income 1.2 5.1 –0.8 8.7 Intermediate Bond –0.01 3.3 2.1 3.1
iShares Russell 1000 Value ETF IWD 27.73 2,570.9 0.20 05/22/00 1.5 5.3 –0.2 S&P 500 Funds 1.7 3.3 1.2 11.1 Intermediate U.S. –0.6 3.1 0.4 1.5
iShares Core S&P Mid-Cap ETF IJH 27.52 1,228.8 0.13 05/22/00 2.3 7.5 –0.5 Specialty Divers. Equity –0.1 –0.2 –3.6 –3.7 Short-Term U.S. –0.01 3.3 2.1 3.1
iShares Russell 2000 ETF IWM 26.38 32,742.1 0.20 05/22/00 2.3 2.3 –5.9 Balanced 0.6 2.5 –1.8 5.6 Long-Term U.S. unch. 3.4 2.8 3.3
iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index Fund EEM 21.67 94,346.4 0.69 04/07/03 –3.8 2.0 –18.0 Stock/Bond Blend 0.5 2.3 –3.1 4.6 General U.S. Taxable –0.04 3.9 0.9 4.5
Vanguard Value ETF VTV 21.42 674.5 0.08 01/26/04 1.2 4.4 1.3 Avg. U.S. Stock Fund† 1.6 1.9 –3.8 7.8 High-Yield Taxable 0.5 5.8 –2.2 4.2
Vanguard Div Appreciation ETF VIG 20.92 596.0 0.09 04/21/06 1.0 5.7 3.2 Sector stock funds Mortgage 0.1 1.9 1.6 2.6
Vanguard Growth ETF VUG 20.75 510.3 0.08 01/26/04 2.5 2.0 0.5 Science & Technology 4.2 1.2 –1.9 8.6 World Bond –1.5 5.0 –0.3 0.5
Vanguard Short-Term Bd Idx ETF BSV 18.88 727.2 0.09 04/03/07 –0.1 1.6 1.4 Telecommunication 1.1 5.6 0.3 6.1 Avg. Taxable-Bond Fund** unch. 3.3 0.1 2.6
iShares Core S&P Small-Cap ETF IJR 18.00 1,084.5 0.13 05/22/00 1.7 5.6 0.4 Health/Biotechnology 3.3 –8.5 –14.6 16.0 Municipal-bond funds
iShares TIPS Bond ETF TIP 17.98 588.8 0.20 12/04/03 –0.7 4.0 1.2 Utility 1.3 12.8 4.2 8.6 Short-Term Muni -0.1 0.8 0.4 0.6
Financial Select Sector SPDR XLF 17.11 32,365.9 0.15 12/16/98 2.0 0.1 –1.4 Natural Resources –1.4 12.0 –18.5 –5.5 Intermediate Muni 0.01 2.0 4.4 3.6
SPDR S&P MidCap 400 ETF MDY 16.55 3,972.4 0.25 04/28/95 2.3 7.3 –0.7
Sector 1.4 2.7 3.6 7.3 General & Insured Muni 0.4 2.7 5.6 5.3
Real Estate 2.0 4.4 7.9 9.2 High-Yield Muni 0.8 3.9 7.2 7.3
iShares US Preferred Stock PFF 15.76 2,119.5 0.47 03/26/07 1.6 3.7 5.4
iShares MSCI Japan Index Fund EWJ 15.33 43,776.1 0.48 03/12/96 –1.0 –3.3 –8.6
iShares Russell 1000 ETF IWB 15.31 1,851.5 0.15 05/15/00 1.7 3.5 0.7 Stock & Bond Benchmark Indexes All total return unless noted
iShares iBoxx $ Hi Yld Corp Bd ETF HYG 15.06 11,986.8 0.50 04/04/07 0.4 6.5 –2.5 Perfomance (%) Performance (%)
Investment objective May YTD 1-yr 5-yr* Investment objective May YTD 1-yr 5-yr*
iShares Select Dividend ETF DVY 14.84 994.9 0.39 11/03/03 1.0 11.1 9.4
Energy Select Sector SPDR XLE 13.98 15,246.5 0.15 12/16/98 –0.8 11.7 –12.0 Large-cap stocks Stock indexes
Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF VYM 13.84 712.1 0.09 11/10/06 1.5 6.4 4.6 DJIA 0.5 3.3 1.4 10.0 DJ U.S. TSM Growth 2.0 1.1 –2.3 11.5
S&P 500 1.8 3.6 1.7 11.7 DJ U.S. TSM Value 1.7 5.7 2.7 10.8
Vanguard Mid Cap ETF VO 13.82 323.3 0.08 01/26/04 1.9 3.6 –2.6
Vanguard FTSE Europe ETF VGK 13.68 4,189.7 0.12 03/04/05 –0.5 –0.1 –9.7 Midcap stocks Taxable bonds
iShares S&P 500 Growth Index Fund IVW 13.64 477.2 0.18 05/22/00 2.7 1.9 2.5 S&P MidCap 400 2.3 7.5 –0.4 10.0 Barclays Agg. Bond 0.03 3.5 3.0 3.3
SPDR S&P Dividend ETF SDY 13.30 558.5 0.35 11/08/05 1.4 11.9 11.0 Small-cap stocks Municipal bonds
iShares Edge MSCI Min Vol USA ETF USMV 13.24 3,541.7 0.15 10/18/11 1.6 6.8 9.5 Russell 2000 2.3 2.3 –6.0 7.9 Barclays Muni. Bond 0.3 2.7 5.9 5.1
Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US ETF VEU 13.03 2,318.3 0.13 03/02/07 –1.0 0.8 –11.2 Broad stock market International stocks
WisdomTree Europe Hedged Equity HEDJ 12.78 905.0 0.59 12/31/09 2.7 –0.8 –9.4 DJ U.S. Total Stock Market 1.8 3.4 0.1 11.1 MSCI EAFE†† (price return) –1.5 –2.8 –12.2 –0.8
*Expense charge is a maximum of 8 cents a share †Assets are estimated N.A.= Not applicable, fund is too new. Russell 3000 1.8 3.4 0.2 11.1 Dow Jones World (ex.-U.S.) –1.5 0.8 –10.4 0.6
Note: Total returns are based on the change in the net asset values, not changes in market prices. Net asset values can vary from market prices, which
therefore can reflect a premium or discount to the net asset values. Source: Thomson Reuters *Annualized †Diversified funds only **Excludes money-market funds ††Europe, Australia, Far East
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, June 6, 2016 | R5



The Problem With ‘Low-Vol’ Stock Funds

Investors think they’re eliminating painful turbulence. They are wrong.
holdings, representing 34% of its scale of one star, meaning a stock is star’s analysis indicates that low-vol- SPOTLIGHT
portfolio, fell on average by nearly expensive, through five, meaning a atility stocks are cheap.
17% in 2008 during the financial cri- stock is cheap. A three-star stock CLEARBRIDGE
LOW-VOLATILITY STOCK funds have sis. That’s better than the 37% swoon means it currently trades at a price Get stability from bonds, cash APPRECIATION
taken in gobs of money over the past of the S&P 500, but still painful. close to an analyst’s fair-value esti- This means investors seeking to
year. The iShares Edge MSCI Min
Vol USA fund (USMV), the biggest
Low-volatility stocks also might
be expensive now. The top 25 hold-
mate of its underlying business.
So an average rating of 2.7 stars
reduce a portfolio’s volatility, as al-
ways, must consider cash and bonds. THIS FUND IS AS
low-volatility exchange-traded fund,
had about $8 billion in assets early
ings of USMV have an average star
rating of 2.7 from Morningstar.
means a group of stocks is a bit ex-
pensive. No firm’s analysis is perfect,
No doubt, this is harder than it
has been for much of history. The 10- FAR FROM VEGAS
this year. Now it has more than $13
billion, while other stock funds bleed
Morningstar rates stocks on a but certainly nothing in Morning- year U.S. Treasury note is yielding
less than 2% and might not allow its
assets. owner to keep up with inflation. Like the fabled tortoise, managers
Clearly, investors want stock expo- No Respite Cash is yielding nothing, and, for of the $5.6 billion ClearBridge
sure without the gyrations that nor- Despite the ETF’s low-volatility mandate, the top 25 holdings of iShares Edge MSCI now, is trailing inflation and reduc- Appreciation Fund (SHAPX)
mally come with it. And they think Min Vol USA fund declined nearly 17% during the 2008 financial crisis. ing an investor’s purchasing power. outperform with a steady hand.
“low-vol” funds are how to get it. Nevertheless, part of a portfolio “The managers are cautious
That might be wishful thinking. MORNINGSTAR in low-returning but stable bonds is and patient,” says Morningstar
A low-vol strategy, like other STOCK 2008 RETURN RATING better than one fully invested in Inc. analyst Andrew Daniels. The
smart-beta strategies, tries to beat stocks that causes an investor to fund’s goal is to modestly beat
Newmont Mining -15.83% ##
the stock market by picking stocks panic and sell after a market decline. the S&P 500 index, but with sig-
based on a factor that usually breaks AT&T -27.57 ## Investors should remember that nificantly less risk, “so you might
the link between a stock’s size and core bond portfolios have produced expect it to lag in strong bull
Johnson & Johnson -7.61 ##
its position in a plain market index. standard deviations of returns of markets,” but it should continue
In other words, the strategy under- McDonald’s 8.33 ### around 4% for the past quarter-cen- to deliver during a full market cy-
weights the most popular stocks. tury. That means their returns have cle, he says.
But expecting a low-volatility Public Storage 12.11 ## mostly fallen in a range of 4% from ClearBridge Appreciation has
stock portfolio to eliminate most of Verizon -17.74 ### their average return. gained 5.9% on average annually
the painful turbulence that stocks By contrast, according to a 2013 over the 15 years through May 31,
deliver isn’t realistic. If you want a Procter & Gamble -13.69 #### research paper from Newport Beach, outpacing the S&P 500, which
serious cushion for volatility in your General Mills 9.47 ## Calif., asset manager Research Affili- has risen 5.6%, and its large-
portfolio, you need some bonds. ates, U.S. low-volatility stocks had a blend peers, which have gained
PepsiCo -25.67 ### standard deviation of around 11% for 5.1% on average annually, accord-
‘Low-vol’ is still volatile ExxonMobil -13.14 ## the 20-year period starting in 1993. ing to Morningstar.
The low-volatility investment That’s lower than the 15% standard This year through May, the
strategy owes its existence to Robert Paychex -24.08 ### deviation that large-cap U.S. stocks fund has gained 3.4%, while the
Haugen, a finance professor who ADP -8.58 ### produced, but it is still gut-wrench- S&P 500 has risen 3.6% and its
died in 2013. Prof. Haugen spent his ing compared with bonds. peers have gained 2.4% on aver-
career arguing against the idea that Becton Dickinson -16.76 ### For more perspective, low-volatil- age.
more volatility was necessary to ## ity stocks have been even more vola- Co-managers Scott Glasser
Consolidated Edison -15.52
achieve greater reward. tile than junk bonds, according to and Michael Kagan have run the
According to the theory, Tesla Southern Co. -0.23 ### the Research Affiliates paper. fund together since 2010.
Motors may change the world with It’s true that investment-grade The two buy mostly high-qual-
AvalonBay -29.94 ###
new technology and is fun to talk bonds may be more volatile in the ity stocks of blue-chip companies
about at parties, but Procter & Duke Energy -21.12 #### future than they have been over the with dominant market positions,
Gamble will put cash in your pocket past 30 years or so. After all, inter- healthy balance sheets and share-
Berkshire Hathaway -31.78 ####
more reliably by selling toothpaste est rates have mostly done nothing holder-oriented management
and laundry detergent. And Prof. UPS -19.46 ### but decline since the early 1980s, teams, says Mr. Daniels.
Haugen had backtests to prove it. giving bonds the most favorable en- The fund’s biggest holdings
But he didn’t think low-volatility Coca Cola -23.76 ### vironment possible, since prices rise tend to account for just 2% to
stocks were substitutes for bonds. Henry Schein -40.24 # when rates fall and vice versa. 4% of assets, and its biggest sec-
He thought the stock market was in- But a portfolio of bonds whose tors bets tend to vary just 5 per-
efficient, and, like Benjamin Graham, Accenture -7.60 ## maturity is of moderate length and centage points in either direction
the founder of value investing, sur- Facebook N.A ## whose credit quality is high should from the S&P 500 index, says
mised that he could beat it over time still have far greater stability than a Mr. Glasser.
by avoiding the most volatile, glam- Pfizer -16.45 #### low-volatility stock portfolio. As of April, its biggest hold-
orous stocks. UnitedHealth Group -54.24 ## ings were Microsoft Corp. at
Low-volatility stocks are still Mr. Coumarianos, a former 3.4%, Comcast Class A at 3.5%
stocks, after all, and investors may AVERAGE -16.71 2.68 stars Morningstar analyst, is a writer in and Home Depot Inc. at 3.4%.
be forgetting how volatile even bor- Laguna Hills, Calif. He can be —Daisy Maxey
ing stocks can be. USMV’s top 25 Source: Morningstar THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. reached at

Columbia Floating Rate Fund Columbia Strategic Income Fund
(CFRZX) #### (LSIZX) #####
Overall rating among 212 Bank Loan funds. The fund received a Morningstar Overall rating among 275 Nontraditional Bond funds. The fund received a
rating of 4 stars among 212 funds, 4 stars among 151 funds and 4 stars Morningstar rating of 5 stars among 275 funds, 5 stars among 182 funds
among 63 funds for the 3-, 5- and 10-year periods, respectively. and 5 stars among 50 funds for the 3-, 5- and 10-year periods, respectively.

Columbia Overseas Value Fund Columbia Tax-Exempt Fund

(COSZX) #### (CTEZX) #####
Overall rating among 289 Foreign Large Value funds. The fund received a Overall rating among 181 Muni National Long funds. The fund received a
Morningstar rating of 4 stars among 289 funds and 4 stars among 251 Morningstar rating of 5 stars among 181 funds, 4 stars among 175 funds
funds for the 3- and 5-year periods, respectively. and 5 stars among 143 funds for the 3-, 5- and 10-year periods, respectively.

Columbia Income Builder Fund Columbia Dividend Income Fund

(CBUZX) #### (GSFTX) #####
Overall rating among 734 Conservative Allocation funds. The fund received Overall rating among 1,207 Large Value funds. The fund received a
a Morningstar rating of 3 stars among 734 funds, 4 stars among 576 funds Morningstar rating of 5 stars among 1,207 funds, 5 stars among 1,051
and 5 stars among 358 funds for the 3-, 5- and 10-year periods, respectively. funds and 5 stars among 764 funds for the 3-, 5- and 10-year periods,

Columbia High Yield Municipal Fund Columbia U.S. Government Mortgage Fund
(SRHMX) #### (CUGZX) #####
Overall rating among 167 High Yield Muni funds. The fund received a Overall rating among 297 Intermediate Government funds. The fund received
Morningstar rating of 4 stars among 167 funds, 4 stars among 149 a Morningstar rating of 5 stars among 297 funds, 5 stars among 284 funds
funds and 4 stars among 98 funds for the 3-, 5- and 10-year periods, and 5 stars among 215 funds for the 3-, 5- and 10-year periods, respectively.

To find out more, call 800.426.3750 or visit

Investors should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of a mutual fund carefully before investing. For a free prospectus or a summary prospectus, which contains
this and other important information about the funds, visit Read the prospectus carefully before investing.
All ratings are for Class Z shares as of 03/31/16. Class Z shares are sold at net asset value and have limited eligibility. Out of 101 Columbia funds rated by Morningstar, 18 funds received a 5-star
Overall Rating and 33 funds received a 4-star Overall Rating. The Overall Morningstar Rating™ for a fund is derived from a weighted average of the performance figures associated with its 3-, 5- and
10-year Morningstar Rating metrics.
Investments involve risk, including loss of principal. These funds may be subject to additional risks but not limited to the following; market, mortgage and asset-backed securities, issuer
default, non-investment-grade (high-yield or junk) securities, interest rates, floating rate loans, foreign and emerging market, derivative and liquidity risks.
For each fund with at least a three-year history, Morningstar calculates a Morningstar Rating™ based on a Morningstar Risk-Adjusted Return measure that accounts for variation in a fund’s
monthly performance (including the effects of sales charges, loads and redemption fees), placing more emphasis on downward variations and rewarding consistent performance. The top 10% of
funds in each category receive 5 stars, the next 22.5% receive 4 stars, the next 35% receive 3 stars, the next 22.5% receive 2 stars and the bottom 10% receive 1 star. (Each share class is counted as
a fraction of one fund within this scale and rated separately, which may cause slight variations in the distribution percentages.) © 2016 Morningstar, Inc. All rights reserved. The Morningstar information
contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor
its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information.
Past performance does not guarantee future results.

Columbia Threadneedle Investments (Columbia Threadneedle) is the global brand name of the Columbia and Threadneedle group of companies.
Columbia funds are distributed by Columbia Management Investment Distributors, Inc., member FINRA, and managed by Columbia Management Investment Advisers, LLC.
Columbia Management Investment Distributors, Inc., 225 Franklin Street, Boston, MA 02110-2804
© 2016 Columbia Management Investment Advisers, LLC. All rights reserved. CT-MK (04/16) 22UB/1469267
R6 | Monday, June 6, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



The Church of England’s Blessed Investing

Its $10 billion fund succeeds, as it and others push an ‘ethical’ agenda
Spiritual Growth
Assets managed by the Church
Commissioners for England
its history from the Roman Empire
to the Reformation and beyond. The
endowment have expanded over the ON BRAZIL’S
past decade to £7 billion ($10 billion).
queen is its supreme governor, and
almost a million worshipers attend £7, in billions
its services every week. For those who think there is
It is also home to a market-beat- money to be made in Latin Amer-
ing investment fund. ican real estate, the early returns
The Church Commissioners for 6
of a new exchange-traded fund
England endowment manages about are promising.
£7 billion ($10 billion) of assets for Tierra Funds launched the
the church. The money helps cover Tierra XP Latin America Real

the church’s annual costs, from sup- Estate ETF (LARE) in December.
porting dioceses to funding mission 5 It tracks the Solactive Latin
activities. Last year the endowment American Real Estate Index of 56
returned 8.2%, and it has grown by stocks listed in the region, pri-
an average of 9.7% annually for the marily in Brazil and Mexico.
past 30 years. It aims to exceed the 4 The fund is up almost 12%
annual inflation rate, which was 3.4% since the start of the year, and
2006 ’09 ’12 ’15
over the 30 years, by at least 5 per- has net assets of just under $2.9
centage points. Note: One pound = $1.45 million. About half its investments
Although most investors can’t af- Source: Church Commissioners for England are in real-estate investment
ford the patience that this endow- Westminster Abbey, one of the historic buildings of the Church of England. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. trusts, which have holdings in in-
ment enjoys, its success may hold come-producing property like
lessons for some. served us well to keep on diversify- church in a trendy area for both reli- meaning they won’t immediately sell malls and industrial parks, and
ing.” gious and nonreligious funds that fo- off a holding if they disagree with a are required to pay out a periodic
Ultimate ‘long-term’ view While paring its exposure to cus on being “socially responsible.” company’s stance on something, but dividend. The rest is concentrated
Because the fund is a perpetual listed stocks, the endowment has in- Like religious endowments, indi- will try to change the firm’s direc- in real-estate operating compa-
endowment, it can take a very long- creased its investments with private- viduals can invest in funds that tion instead. nies, which are similar to REITs,
term view, says Andreas Whittam equity managers and acquired other abide by a particular faith, including Last year the commissioners ad- though they aren’t required to pay
Smith, the head of the fund. Some of illiquid holdings in areas such as for- Christianity and Islam. While ap- opted a climate-change policy, di- a dividend and can invest in a
its rural estates, for example, have estry. These were among its stron- proaches and performances have vesting from companies that derive broader range of companies. The
been in church hands for centuries. gest performers last year, with the varied, a recurring factor is a com- more than 10% of their revenue from fund also invests in an array of
“Some of the things we’re able to do, commissioners’ private-equity man- mitment to ethical or socially re- thermal coal or the production of oil other real-estate-focused compa-
other sorts of investors simply agers notching returns of 20.2%. sponsible investing. from tar sands. However, they chose nies, from construction firms and
wouldn’t be able to…. They have to Investors are often frightened of The Rev. Séamus Finn, chairman to engage with, rather than divest home builders to related services.
have a sort of steady return, they illiquidity, Mr. Whittam Smith says. of the New York-based Interfaith from, one mining company with coal The real-estate market in Bra-
can’t wait on things forever.” However, spreading holdings across Center on Corporate Responsibility, revenues close to the 10% threshold, zil has been under pressure due
That said, one lesson investors different investments can lower the says companies that obey the law, with a view to ascertaining the fu- to the recession there, says Jamie
may take away from the endow- risks. “The worst thing is to have il- are transparent, treat their employ- ture place of coal in the business. Anderson, managing principal of
ment’s performance is to look be- liquid investments…as an overlarge ees well and respect the environ- An ethical approach can make Tierra Funds. Still, he is optimis-
yond publicly traded shares when holding. But if these holdings are all ment and their communities are sense on a business level, says Adam tic, despite the country’s eco-
considering investments. individually only 2 or 3 percentage likely to be more sustainable in the Laird, passive-investment manager nomic travails and the political
Mr. Whittam Smith says the en- points or something, then it’s more long run. at Hargreaves Lansdown, a U.K. fi- turmoil surrounding the impeach-
dowment has long sought to reduce manageable.” “You can take into account social nancial firm that has worked with ment of President Dilma Rouss-
its exposure to exchange-listed Not everyone can make illiquid in- and environmental and governance charities in the past. Companies that eff. Mr. Anderson figures the
stocks, a process that has acceler- vestments on the same scale as a issues and still get a financial return are considered to be behaving ethi- economy could turn a corner this
ated in recent months with the sale large fund or charity. Mr. Whittam that would beat others if you’re pa- cally avoid the risk of fines, he says, year, particularly if the political
of £250 million from the global Smith says the main thing he would tient and you apply the right kind of and could build a good reputation situation stabilizes, and there
shares portfolio in March. Mr. Whit- emphasize to investors is the impor- scrutiny and examination,” says Fa- with their customers. could be a cut in interest rates,
tam Smith, whose formal title is tance of doing the deepest possible ther Finn, who is also chief of faith- But he says ethical criteria alone benefiting the property market.
First Church Estates Commissioner, research into any managers with consistent investing at OIP Invest- don’t translate into business success, The fund’s second major focus
is downbeat on the outlook for the whom they choose to invest. Tom ment Trust, which manages the and investors should be mindful of is Mexico, with a “very vibrant
world economy, saying it is inexora- Joy, the director of investments un- long-term assets of more than 200 the bottom line. “In many cases the commercial real-estate industry,”
bly losing steam and governments der Mr. Whittam Smith, “spends as Roman Catholic organizations. main objective is going to be the Mr. Anderson says. However, the
can’t do much about it. much time examining and research- profit at the end of it, and the ethi- market is similar to the U.S., he
“The point of our policy over a ing and checking the firms to whom The ethical approach cal [side], while it’s a strong consid- says: It’s much more stable than
long number of years is to slowly, we give mandates as those firms do Both OIP Investment Trust and eration, obviously has to sit within Brazil, but returns “are going to
cautiously reduce our dependence in checking into the individual the Church Commissioners for Eng- that framework,” Mr. Laird says. be lower.” Elsewhere, he sees op-
upon quoted markets. We can never shares which they buy for their port- land avoid investing in areas like ar- portunities in the Andean region,
reduce it too far, because they pro- folios,” Mr. Whittam Smith says. maments and pornography. But they Mr. Cowan is a writer in particularly Peru and Colombia.
vide a wonderful store of liquidity, Ethical investing also is a priority will at times take a more proactive London. He can be reached at —Gerrard Cowan
so there’s obviously a limit. But it’s for the endowment, putting the approach to ethical investing, too,

MONEY MANAGEMENT Hirsch’s case, that dream came true.

Lehman Brothers liked her system of
selecting growth stocks enough to

Wall Street Pioneer give her a mutual fund to put it into

practice, she says. And even when
Lehman changed its strategy and de-

Hopes More Women cided to leave money management,

the firm helped Ms. Hirsch keep her
fund alive as an independent entity.

Will Emerge Road to TIAA

Running her own shop was no fun,
Susan Hirsch, the rare female fund however. Prudential Financial invited
Ms. Hirsch to manage a midcap
manager, beats the odds, bears the scars growth fund for them. After a decade
there, she has spent a decade at TIAA
Global Asset Management, founded to
one of only a handful of female ana- serve academics and others (and until
lysts at the firm. With her lack of ex- recently known as TIAA-CREF).
perience, she didn’t get a coveted In that time, the 63-year-old Ms.
IF THE PAUCITY of women on Wall beat like chemicals or paper, but had Hirsch says, she has seen marked

Street in general is noteworthy, the to toil in a fringe sector known as growth in the number of women in
paltry number of female fund man- “computers and communications.” supporting roles. It is no longer as
agers is even more jarring. While she says she never felt ha- unusual to see a female tech analyst
Susan Hirsch, manager of the $3.6 rassed or discriminated against, Ms. as it was when she started at Drexel.
billion TIAA-CREF Large-Cap Hirsch often had the sense that “ev- business. When The Wall Street intern, worked as her assistant as She also cited the relatively large
Growth fund, is one of the pioneers. erybody’s looking at you,” simply be- Journal wrote about her downgrade she built a model for valuing growth number of senior female money
She says investors and the industry cause female analysts were unusual. and she began to get calls from irate stocks. “A very young guy, very im- managers at TIAA as a sign that the
will profit from more women follow- When she went out on a limb to shareholders, Ms. Hirsch says, she pressive. Inevitably, we would go money-management industry is
ing the trail she blazed. downgrade printer Moore Business felt like hiding under the table. into a room and people would ask slowly changing.
Industry research shows just how Forms, the glare became even more Asked whether she felt she was him questions about ‘his’ model. But
far there is still to go. In last year’s intense. The idea that a big printing taken seriously as a female analyst it wasn’t his, it was mine!” Mr. Curran, a writer in Denton,
study on manager gender from fund company could lose business to elec- in those days, Ms. Hirsch goes back Every sell-side (or brokerage) an- Texas, is a regular contributor to
researchers Morningstar, only 184 tronic competition was, to many in- to an example from her time as an alyst hopes that their model will be Dow Jones Newswires and The
funds, or 2% of the roughly 7,700 in vestors of the day, like saying Hyper- analyst at Lehman Brothers in the adopted by someone on the buy side Wall Street Journal. Email him at
the sample, had solo female manag- loop trains will put airports out of 1990s. An Ivy League graduate, an (such as a mutual fund). In Ms.
ers. A further 1,450 funds were man-
aged by men and women. Overall,
only 9% of fund managers were
This could be a case of what re-
In Her Own Words: Susan Hirsch on Men vs. Women as Money Managers
searchers at CFP Board, a trade Susan Hirsch, manager of MS. HIRSCH: They don’t want you to become a ing down, it means there’s something we missed.
group for financial advisers, recently TIAA-CREF Large-Cap portfolio manager and drive the returns unless It’s an indication of larger issues.
called a “feminine famine.” The Growth fund, discussed the you’ve proven you’ve done it before. So someone
other revelation in the Morningstar gender gap in money manage- has to give you a chance. WSJ: Is there any hope for significant growth in
study: The average female manager ment and other topics in an the number of female fund managers?
produced returns in line with the av- interview. Edited excerpts: WSJ: What can a woman bring to a portfolio-man- MS. HIRSCH: There has to be an educational com-
erage male, even though they were agement role that a man could not? ponent that allows women to be more comfort-
mostly managing niche funds that WSJ: Does it surprise you that MS. HIRSCH: Women do have a better tempera- able with these positions. I was lucky to have a
had higher-than-average expenses. Morningstar’s survey found ment for money management because they research background. I’d love to see that at
Ms. Hirsch, for her part, has Susan Hirsch such a low percentage of have an instinct for the recognition that perhaps school, financial research where logic is rewarded
beaten the S&P 500 for the past women money managers? you’re missing something. I think men tend to and investment sense is taught. I’ve seen it hap-
three, five and 10 years. MS. HIRSCH: It doesn’t surprise me that you have insist on the fact that they’re right. That’s the pening selectively. My niece called me while she
only 2% of mutual funds managed by solo female reason they don’t ask for directions…because was in school [about 10 years ago]. There was a
A start at Drexel managers. I think there are a lot more women I they’re right. That way, you end up being not stock-picking contest. She had chosen Taser. It
When Ms. Hirsch joined the bro- see in research as opposed to portfolio manage- just a bit wrong, but very, very wrong. was one of these moonshots, and she wanted to
kerage Drexel Burnham & Co. as a ment, though I think that’s beginning to change. I know: When do you sell it? “What should I do?”
secretary in 1975, she was attending think research was the first area to accept WSJ: A study in the journal Scientific Reports sug- she asked. I said: “What do you think?” She said:
Brooklyn College at night and ex- women, because many came from good schools, gested that male hormones can drive reckless trad- “I think, sell it.” “Bingo!” I said. “Anything that
pecting a child. To make sure she re- and they were very detail-driven and focused. ing decisions. Does that jibe with your experience? goes up like that, goes down like that.”
turned after her maternity leave, Ms. MS. HIRSCH: When I was at Lehman, I remember Portfolio management needs to be done in an
Hirsch’s boss, in the research depart- WSJ: Why do you think the number of female working with one of the traders who would dou- unbiased methodical way. Being aggressive is not
ment, said he would promote her money managers has remained low, even as the ble down whenever a stock broke down. As a going to help.
from secretary to an assistant ana- percentage of women grows in other financial roles? money manager and a female, if a stock is break- —Rob Curran
lyst upon her return. She was soon
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, June 6, 2016 | R7



How a Bold Approach in Commodities Paid Off

One lesson: Not crease in the supply, and an effort we are changing from austerity
always relying on by the end users to use less of the
materials. As that happens, the
mode to an expansion strategy be-
cause we feel the opportunities are
official statistics price explosion comes to an end. pretty obvious. We are currently
deeply involved in an expansion of
WSJ: Even if China’s consumption our lithium resource in Brazil,
of commodities doesn’t rebound, partly because the price for the
you see a sustained long-term de- metal is spiking and growth in de-
mand for your products. Why? mand is stable. The lithium we
THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER DR. SCHIMMELBUSCH: Our success own was a byproduct of tantalum
of Amsterdam materials company will be a function of long-term production, which is used in
AMG Advanced Metallurgical technology trends, because we smartphones. The huge benefit
Group NV, Heinz Schimmelbusch, provide materials that enable here is that much of the extraction
once at the center of a controver- these technologies to work. costs for the lithium have been
sial derivatives trade that cost a For instance, we produce graph- covered by the tantalum mine.
staggering $1.3 billion (see article ite and lithium for batteries, and
below), is back and bucking com- titanium alloys tailored to the WSJ: The mining and metals indus-
modities-market trends. aerospace sector. When you are a try has a reputation of being dirty;
While other companies have producer of titanium alloys you you see it as green. Please explain.
suffered stock drops and cut divi- don’t need China. You need the DR. SCHIMMELBUSCH: Our products

dends, AMG shares have soared aerospace industry, which is enable the aerospace industry to
(up 33.5% in 2015) and the firm global. When you produce tanta- coat turbine blades with ceramics,
paid its first dividend last year. Heinz Schimmelbusch saw something happening in China that others didn’t. lum, you are depending on the which provide a thermal barrier
Shares of rivals such as Rio Tinto smartphone industry, which isn’t coating. It means the nickel-al-
PLC, Alcoa Inc. and Glencore PLC, tainties about what was happening pretty sure of ourselves. regionally defined. loyed engine blades can be used at
meanwhile, were hammered. and it didn’t fit with the optimism higher temperatures, raising the
Dr. Schimmelbusch and his team that some of our colleagues in the WSJ: The markets for all commodi- Austerity to expansion fuel efficiency and reducing emis-
at AMG—which makes lithium for industry had. ties are volatile, but it’s also true WSJ: AMG introduced its first divi- sion of carbon-dioxide.
car batteries and heat-resistant We knew that Chinese long- that for your products it’s more so. dend last year. Do you think com- Other materials we produce,
coatings for jet engines, among term growth was the reason for Would you explain why that is? modities markets have hit bottom? such as graphite and lithium, allow
other things—foresaw the com- the commodity boom. If that was DR. SCHIMMELBUSCH: The volatility DR. SCHIMMELBUSCH: Our balance for energy storage in batteries.
modities slowdown in 2012 and interrupted, the commodity boom of the price of critical materials sheet has improved enough to The same thing is true for tita-
started an austerity program to re- would be interrupted, and there- follows a certain pattern. When have shareholders participate nium alloys, which can replace
duce capital expenditure and fore we started the austerity drive you have an increase in demand, without disturbing our ability to nickel alloys in the engines. They
working capital, and retire debt. as a hedge against that. such as the demand for lithium for finance our growth plans. are lighter-weight than nickel alloy
Four years later, the firm is debt- The program reduced capital ex- use in batteries, then prices ex- The dividend also allows those and very heat resistant.
free and ready to expand. penditure, shrank working capital plode because the supply of the asset managers who are restricted
In an interview, Dr. Schimmel- and we paid down our debt. We materials cannot increase quickly to buying dividend-paying stocks Mr. Constable is a writer in
busch explained how the move has also reduced our risk positions by enough to keep up with demand. to invest in our shares. New York. He can be reached at
paid off. Edited excerpts follow: entering into long-term contracts Eventually there will be an in- The important thing now is that
with our customers.
Spotting a discrepancy
WSJ: What did you see in the met- WSJ: Economists—and you hold a
als markets that others didn’t?
Ph.D. in economics—have a terrible
reputation for forecasting. How
saw a discrepancy between what did you make sure that your anec- If there is one thing Heinz Schim- line that backed the hedge. The result Over the next 20 years, the two
our business partners were telling dotal evidence was correct? melbusch has experience with, it’s was a loss of $1.3 billion, a staggering men stayed in contact as Dr. Schim-
us about conditions in China and DR. SCHIMMELBUSCH: Here on our commodity hedging and risk manage- amount at the time. melbusch put together Dutch-listed
what the official statistics said. board we have economist Steve ment. From 1989 to 1993, he was Lawsuits and countersuits followed metals and materials company AMG
When we asked Chinese-com- Hanke, and he is informed and chief executive of German-based in- before the case was settled, helped Advanced Metallurgical Group NV.
pany leaders what was going on knowledgeable about the global dustrial conglomerate Metallgesell- partly by the backing of academics, It specializes in products used in new
they said that they felt the official currency markets and monetary schaft. some of whom saw the derivatives technologies, such as lithium for Tesla
statistics didn’t necessarily reflect policy. We compared notes on my Ultimately, it was a commodity trade as a sophisticated move rather car batteries, tantalum for smart-
what was happening on the observations about China, and our hedge at that company that landed than a reckless endeavor by MG. One phones and heat-resistant coatings for
ground. They were also pessimistic views reinforced each other’s. him in the center of one of the great of those supporters was economist jet engines. Prof. Hanke is on the
about the availability of bank [Prof. Hanke saw a credit crunch trading controversies. Steve Hanke, a professor of economics AMG supervisory board, roughly
loans to private enterprises. for China’s private sector develop- Dr. Schimmelbusch abruptly left at Johns Hopkins University. equivalent to a U.S. board of directors,
We then started to compare the ing, which augured a huge slow- MG in 1993 after a derivatives trade “MG’s hedge was brilliant,” Prof. and helped the company avoid the
import-export statistics, which down in that country.] started to show losses. MG’s part- Hanke says. “Deutsche Bank just stresses of the recent bear market in
didn’t seem to match with the As part of the process, he ran a owner, Deutsche Bank, ousted Dr. didn’t understand it.” (Deutsche Bank materials.
gross-domestic-product announce- model on commodity markets and Schimmelbusch and cut off the credit declined to comment.) —Simon Constable
ments. There were so many uncer- market participants. We ended up
R8 | Monday, June 6, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Leaders and Laggards Data provided by
Category Kings in 16 Realms Data provided by
Performance numbers are total returns (changes in net asset values with reinvested distributions) as of Top-performing funds in each category, ranked by year-to-date total returns (changes in net asset values
May 31; assets are as of April 29. All data are final. with reinvested distributions) as of May 31; assets are as of April 30. All data are final.
Best-Performing Stock Funds
Total Return (%)
Large-Cap Core Small-Cap Core
Fund Ticker ($ millions) May YTD 1-year 3-year 5-year Assets Total return (%) Assets Total return (%)
($ millions) May YTD 1-yr 5-yr* ($ millions) May YTD 1-yr 5-yr*
Direxion:Jr Mnr Bull 3X JNUG 344.6 –39.8 245.8 –5.6 N.A. N.A.
Direxion:Gold M Id Bl 3X NUGT 1,531.7 –38.8 199.6 –33.8 –59.8 –66.1
SPDR Russell 1000 YldFoc 355.6 –0.1 8.9 N.A. N.A. Highland:Sm-Cp Eqty;A 35.2 1.5 19.6 5.4 9.8
ProShares:S&P 500 Dv Art 1,766.7 0.8 8.3 7.6 N.A. RidgeWorth:SC VE;I 990.7 2.1 13.0 5.1 8.8
ProShares:Ult Jr Miners GDJJ 4.6 –25.7 165.1 28.9 N.A. N.A.
Bright Rock Qual LC;Inst 198.5 1.2 7.8 6.0 11.7 WellsFargo:S/MC Val;A 50.4 2.2 11.8 7.4 2.6
ProShares:Ult Gold Minrs GDXX 10.0 –25.8 136.2 0.5 N.A. N.A.
PIMCO:RAE LV+;Inst 273.6 1.4 7.7 5.0 N.A. Mairs & Power:Small Cap 209.1 3.6 11.7 5.1 N.A.
PureFds Jr Silver(SCM/E) SILJ 32.6 –14.1 130.7 57.0 –0.6 N.A.
PowerShares Rus 1000 EW 43.8 0.9 7.6 –1.4 N.A. ProShares:Russ 2000 DG 67.3 3.1 11.3 14.6 N.A.
ProFunds:Prec Metals;Inv PMPIX 40.6 –19.8 112.6 6.6 –17.4 –27.3
SPDR Russell 1000 LowVol 374.7 1.8 7.5 N.A. N.A. WellsFargo:SC Val;A 880.0 2.1 10.7 1.9 3.8
Glbl X Gold Explrs ETF GLDX 65.4 –14.7 88.5 58.2 1.9 –22.9
State Farm Growth 4,153.2 1.2 6.9 1.2 8.6 ASTON:RR SelectVal;I 45.7 2.3 10.6 2.6 8.7
iShares:MSCI Gl SMiners SLVP 43.2 –12.3 82.2 15.8 –8.0 N.A.
Blue Chip Investor Fund 29.1 –0.1 6.9 2.6 10.6 Virtus:Quality Sm-Cap;I 249.1 4.2 10.2 9.4 9.7
US Glbl:Wld Prec Min UNWPX 146.7 –1.0 82.1 53.3 –0.1 –16.3
iShares:Edge MSCI MV USA 12,378.5 1.6 6.8 9.5 N.A. AMG:SthSun SmCp;I 351.8 –0.9 9.5 –14.1 7.4
Glbl X Silver Miners ETF SIL 292.9 –9.3 78.9 23.5 –7.9 –15.2
Jensen Quality Gr;I 5,070.9 1.0 6.6 6.3 11.1 Frst Tr Srs:Cnfl SCV;C 5.5 3.0 9.1 4.0 7.3
iShares:MSCI Gl GMiners RING 133.1 –12.9 77.4 23.2 –7.2 N.A.
Category Average: 756.7 1.6 2.5 –0.9 9.9 Category Average: 256.9 1.7 3.5 –4.7 7.4
VnEck Vctrs:Jr Gld Mnrs GDXJ 2,659.4 –11.5 76.1 32.4 –10.9 –24.2
Rydex:Precious Metls;Inv RYPMX 90.4 –13.1 71.2 17.7 –7.7 –16.2 Fund Count 755 935 921 883 715 Fund Count 758 866 852 805 604
ALPS Sprott Junior Gold SGDJ 42.1 –14.4 69.1 20.9 N.A. N.A.
EuroPac Gold;A EPGFX 64.4 –7.4 66.4 22.4 N.A. N.A. Large-Cap Value Small-Cap Value
Amer Cent:Gl Gold;Inv BGEIX 460.5 –10.6 64.7 20.8 –5.8 –15.4
Assets Total return (%) Assets Total return (%)
VnEck Vctrs:Gold Miners GDX 7,325.2 –12.0 64.7 16.3 –7.8 –16.6 ($ millions) May YTD 1-yr 5-yr* ($ millions) May YTD 1-yr 5-yr*
ALPS Sprott Gold SGDM 204.5 –12.8 64.0 20.7 N.A. N.A. Deutsche CROCI EqDv;A 1,017.3 2.5 9.6 –0.5 7.8 Aegis Value;I 141.5 –6.6 42.9 7.4 3.8
Midas Fund MIDSX 18.2 –12.1 63.4 16.0 –10.9 –24.7 Invesco Exchange 58.5 2.2 9.2 1.3 6.4 CM:Advisors SC Val;I 44.4 –2.8 21.6 –9.6 1.6
PowerShares Gl Gold Prec PSAU 51.4 –12.0 62.4 15.2 –6.6 –16.0 Transam:Large Cp Val;I2 1,929.9 2.7 8.8 6.7 12.3 Towle Deep Value 71.8 –0.3 17.3 –5.7 N.A.
Van Eck:Intl Gold;A INIVX 816.1 –10.7 62.4 18.0 –3.9 –15.2 Commerce:Value 209.4 1.6 8.0 6.0 11.9 SPDR S&P 400 Mid Cap Val 188.1 1.4 9.7 –1.1 10.1
Franklin Gld&Pr Mt;A FKRCX 1,100.6 –11.5 61.7 18.8 –2.3 –16.5 Delaware Value;Inst 11,234.7 2.8 7.9 3.4 12.9 iShares:S&P MC 400 Val 4,490.3 1.4 9.6 –1.1 10.1
US Glbl:Gold&PM USERX 114.9 –7.7 60.3 36.3 0.4 –12.2 Amer Cent:Value;Inv 2,935.7 2.1 7.9 1.9 10.6 Vanguard S&P MC400V;ETF 300.0 1.4 9.6 –1.1 10.1
USAA Prec Met&Min;Fund USAGX 762.4 –10.7 60.3 13.4 –5.4 –17.0 Delaware Pld:LgCp Va Eq 219.2 2.8 7.7 2.8 13.2 Orchard Sm Cp Val;I 0.4 –3.3 9.6 N.A. N.A.
OCM:Gold;Inv OCMGX 56.6 –11.7 60.3 19.3 –2.97 –13.6 Edgar Lomax Value Fund 69.4 0.6 7.1 1.2 10.4 Guggenheim:MC Val;A 533.2 1.3 9.5 1.1 6.6
Deutsche Gold&Prec;S SCGDX 133.7 –12.7 58.9 14.0 –8.3 –17.3 Payden:Eqty Inc;Inv 693.3 2.2 7.0 6.0 12.0 RBB:Schneider Sm Cap Val 26.9 –2.7 9.4 –10.6 1.0
WellsFargo:Prec Met;A EKWAX 474.5 –11.5 58.6 18.2 –5.1 –14.3 Champlain Foc LCV;Adv 8.0 0.7 6.8 –1.9 N.A. Frst Tr ADex:MidCap Val 51.5 0.9 9.3 –7.4 8.0
Gabelli Gold;AAA GOLDX 293.6 –10.9 58.3 22.4 –0.7 –12.1 Category Average: 624.7 1.3 3.4 –2.9 9.0 Category Average: 317.9 0.9 5.5 –3.4 7.4
Invesco Gold&Prec;A IGDAX 339.8 –11.7 56.5 12.1 –5.9 –14.1
Fund Count 479 542 535 493 401 Fund Count 298 344 338 311 240
Oppenheimer Gld & Sp;A OPGSX 1,251.8 –9.3 56.3 18.8 –5.6 –17.7

Best-Performing Bond Funds Large-Cap Growth Small-Cap Growth

Total Return (%)
Assets Annualized Assets Total return (%) Assets Total return (%)
Fund Ticker ($ millions) May YTD 1-year 3-year 5-year ($ millions) May YTD 1-yr 5-yr* ($ millions) May YTD 1-yr 5-yr*

Direxion:20+Y Trs Bl 3X TMF 87.5 2.0 25.1 19.7 15.9 20.1 VictoryII:CEMP US LC HD 36.6 1.3 8.9 N.A. N.A. Goodwood SMID Cap D;Inst 18.4 –4.4 9.2 –13.8 N.A.
UBS E-TRACS MP 2xL S&P D SDYL 24.1 2.8 24.2 20.7 23.8 N.A. VictoryII:CEMP US SC VW 10.2 2.0 5.6 N.A. N.A. VictoryII:CEMP US SC HD 14.0 1.6 8.9 N.A. N.A.
DB 3x Lng 25+ Yr Tr ETN LBND ... 2.5 23.3 20.4 15.8 20.4 MFS Mass Inv Gro;A 6,684.4 2.1 5.2 1.8 11.0 Davenport SmCp Focus 41.7 1.5 8.1 –5.3 N.A.
UBS E-TRACS MP 2xL DJ SD DVYL 49.6 2.0 22.5 17.9 24.3 N.A. iPath ETN LgEx Rus 1000 1.3 2.7 5.1 0.1 21.2 Virtus:Sm-Cap Sust Gro;I 216.9 –0.7 7.6 6.0 12.1
UBS E-TRACS MP 2xL D HI DVHL 24.1 2.2 22.1 –4.0 N.A. N.A. WisdomTree:SD US Eqty 1.3 1.2 5.0 N.A. N.A. Sit Small Cap Div Gro;I 7.6 1.5 7.5 0.3 N.A.
Catalyst/SMH High Inc;A HIIFX 28.0 2.4 18.8 –17.0 –11.1 –5.0 Commerce:Growth 72.6 2.5 4.9 6.4 11.8 Virtus:Small-Cap Core;I 299.8 2.2 7.2 6.5 9.3
ProShares:Ult 20+ Yr Tr UBT 51.2 1.5 17.2 13.8 12.9 16.1 Glenmede:Resp ESG US Eq 3.2 1.5 4.8 N.A. N.A. AMG:GW&K SCC;I 379.7 4.0 6.9 1.8 10.4
ProShs II:Ult Yen YCL 6.9 –7.9 16.1 21.9 –8.5 –13.6 Manning&Napier:Qual Eq;S 1.4 1.1 4.5 N.A. N.A. Eagle:Smaller Company;C 47.3 2.5 6.1 –2.1 5.8
WisdomTree:Brz Real Str BZF 21.2 –3.2 14.8 –0.4 –7.4 –7.9 ETFS Dvsfd-Fac US LC Idx 7.5 1.7 4.4 1.6 N.A. Meridian Growth;Leg 1,248.1 1.3 5.6 –2.8 8.1
VnEck Vctrs:FA Hi Yd Bd ANGL 145.2 –0.2 12.8 3.3 5.5 N.A. Glenmede:WL US Equity 2.8 1.3 4.2 N.A. N.A. Neuberger Genesis;Inst 10,092.0 3.2 5.4 1.7 8.6

Direxion:7-10Y Trs Bl 3X TYD 7.6 –0.5 12.5 11.3 7.8 12.1 Category Average: 806.4 2.4 –0.9 –1.2 10.5 Category Average: 190.7 2.5 –1.1 –8.9 6.8
PIMCO ETF:25+ Yr US Tres ZROZ 214.6 1.6 12.4 11.5 10.8 14.3 Fund Count 621 722 715 670 546 Fund Count 507 583 570 549 440
Vanguard Ext Dur T;ETF EDV 1,281.1 1.4 12.1 11.7 10.2 13.6
PIMCO:Extend Dur;Inst PEDIX 441.1 1.4 12.1 11.0 10.2 13.4
ProShares:Ult Inv Gr Crp IGU 3.2 –1.2 11.5 7.6 6.5 8.9 Midcap Core Multicap Core
ProShares:Ult Hi Yld UJB 1.4 0.2 11.1 –6.8 2.8 6.8 Assets Total return (%) Assets Total return (%)
Rydex:Gv LB 1.2x Str;Inv RYGBX 103.5 1.0 11.0 9.3 9.0 11.5 ($ millions) May YTD 1-yr 5-yr* ($ millions) May YTD 1-yr 5-yr*
Morg Stan I:Corp Bd;I MPFDX 35.3 –0.2 10.8 7.7 5.5 6.1 Hodges Pure Contr;Rtl 6.8 –7.2 23.9 –16.3 1.0 VnEck Vctrs:MS Wide Moat 705.1 2.6 14.8 8.9 N.A.
Ashmore:EM Sht Dur;Inst ESFIX 72.3 1.9 10.8 10.5 N.A. N.A. ProShares:S&P MC400 D Ar 46.0 3.1 15.1 12.8 N.A. Clifford Cap Prtnr;Instl 3.7 1.8 12.2 4.0 N.A.
ProFunds:US Gov Pl;Inv GVPIX 30.2 0.8 10.6 7.8 7.4 10.0 Principal:EDGE MdCp;Inst 180.4 1.7 14.5 N.A. N.A. LM Low Vol Hi Div 18.8 1.0 10.4 N.A. N.A.
Fairholme:Focused Inc FOCIX 206.2 0.4 10.4 0.8 2.4 6.2 Ivy:Mid Cap Inc Opp;A 133.3 2.6 11.4 5.3 N.A. Mairs & Power Growth 4,105.4 1.3 10.3 6.2 12.5
BlackRock:CoRI 2023;Inst BCZIX 12.9 0.5 10.4 8.3 N.A. N.A. Longleaf Partners SC 4,142.2 –0.3 11.2 –3.1 10.8 Virtus:Contrarian Val;A 261.1 0.5 10.3 –8.3 5.9
USAA Flexible Inc;Fund USFIX 93.4 –0.7 10.1 –0.7 N.A. N.A. PowerShares S&P MidCp LV 368.0 3.4 11.0 14.1 N.A. Morg Stan I:Insight;I 4.2 –0.9 10.1 2.6 N.A.
Ryan Labs Long Credit RLLCX 53.5 –0.1 9.9 N.A. N.A. N.A. AMG:SthSun US Eqty;I 745.7 0.7 10.9 –7.4 N.A. Cloud Cap Strat AC;Inst 24.7 0.6 9.1 1.5 N.A.
BlackRock:CoRI 2021;Inst BCYIX 12.2 0.5 9.8 8.7 N.A. N.A.
Dean Mid Cap Value 17.9 2.0 10.3 5.6 9.8 MainStay:Epoch US EY;I 64.2 1.4 8.8 6.2 10.4
CRM:Mid Cap Val;Inv 588.1 3.2 9.2 0.5 8.1 NorthQuest Capital Fund ... 1.0 8.4 2.4 7.0
SPDR Barclays Lng Tm Crp LWC 150.1 -0.03 9.6 5.7 5.5 7.0
Parnassus:Mid Cap 678.2 4.3 8.6 6.9 10.4 Madison:Investors;Y 254.4 2.2 8.0 7.5 11.2
FlexShs:CS US Lng Crp Bd LKOR 10.6 –0.4 9.6 N.A. N.A. N.A.
PIMCO:Lng-Tm Credit;Inst PTCIX 3,135.6 0.5 9.6 4.4 5.9 8.6 Category Average: 378.8 1.7 4.3 –4.2 8.1 Category Average: 582.9 1.4 2.4 –3.5 9.1
DFA LTIP Portfolio;Inst DRXIX 41.2 –1.6 9.6 2.2 0.2 N.A. Fund Count 418 459 449 422 315 Fund Count 608 752 741 716 546
Vanguard LT Corp Bd;ETF VCLT 1,621.2 –0.2 9.5 5.9 5.5 7.3

Worst-Performing Stock Funds Midcap Value Multicap Value

Total Return (%)
Assets Annualized Assets Total return (%) Assets Total return (%)
Fund Ticker ($ millions) May YTD 1-year 3-year 5-year ($ millions) May YTD 1-yr 5-yr* ($ millions) May YTD 1-yr 5-yr*
Direxion:Jr Mnr Bear 3X JDST 40.3 19.1 –92.8 –92.8 N.A. N.A. CM:Advisors Fund;I 68.8 –3.8 17.4 –7.5 0.8 Artisan:Value Fund;Adv 1,014.5 –0.7 13.9 –0.6 N.A.
Direxion:Gold M Id Br 3X DUST 263.1 29.7 –89.7 –87.9 –65.0 –38.5 Rnhrt MC PrivMkt Val;Adv 127.8 2.4 11.8 2.6 N.A. RBB:Schneider Value 21.6 –3.2 11.6 –5.3 4.1
Direxion:Ntrl Gs Rl Br3X GASX 10.2 –6.9 –80.5 N.A. N.A. N.A. GoodHaven Fund 277.3 –2.1 11.7 –7.5 3.3 Nuance Concen Val;Inst 469.5 0.5 11.4 3.5 11.8
ProShares:UlS Jr Miners GDJS 0.4 16.2 –79.7 –76.6 N.A. N.A. T Rowe Price MC Vl 11,827.6 1.4 11.5 2.6 10.6 Copley Fund 77.5 1.2 10.6 10.7 10.1
ProShares:UlS Gold Minrs GDXS 1.4 21.5 –74.9 –67.7 N.A. N.A. J Hancock II:Mid Val;NAV 921.0 1.4 11.3 2.4 10.4 Berwyn Cornerstone 18.3 0.1 10.6 –3.6 6.2
Direxion:S&P OG EP Br 3X DRIP 31.6 –3.3 –67.6 –32.5 N.A. N.A. PowerShares Russ MdCp PV 50.4 1.0 11.0 0.8 11.7 Frst Tr:Val Line Div Idx 1,698.0 1.4 10.4 11.2 12.7
VelShs 3x Inv Crude ETN DWTI 400.5 –17.7 –63.0 15.8 16.7 N.A. Artisan:Mid Cap V;Inv 4,766.0 0.8 10.4 –2.9 7.6 Amer Cent:NT MCV;Inst 921.5 2.5 10.0 5.7 12.5
ProShs II:UltVIX STF ETF UVXY 1,075.4 –36.4 –62.2 –73.6 –79.9 N.A. Touchstone:MC Value;Y 375.5 3.4 10.4 4.5 9.9 Amer Cent:MC Val;Inv 7,027.2 2.4 9.8 5.4 12.2
VelShs Dly 2x VIX ST ETN TVIX 611.7 –36.5 –62.1 –73.5 –79.7 –83.4 Nuance Mid Cap Val;Inst 96.5 0.8 10.2 7.5 N.A. Longleaf Partners Fund 3,604.1 0.04 9.2 –11.7 4.5
VelShs 3x Long Nat Gas UGAZ 291.3 –7.7 –58.9 –89.3 –80.3 N.A. WisdomTree:MdCp Div 1,666.0 1.8 10.1 6.6 12.7 Schwartz Inv:Val Focused 19.4 –1.3 9.1 –8.2 2.8
Direxion:S&P Btech Bl 3X LABU 233.8 20.4 –56.8 –77.6 N.A. N.A. Category Average: 299.7 1.5 6.1 –3.0 8.8 Category Average: 361.7 0.9 4.2 –3.6 8.5
Direxion:Russia Bear 3x RUSS 52.9 13.6 –55.7 –47.2 –42.3 –33.8 Fund Count 153 172 170 156 110 Fund Count 268 331 327 315 249
ProShares:UP Nasdaq Bio UBIO 37.7 11.0 –51.6 N.A. N.A. N.A.
ProShares:UlS MSCI Brz BZQ 36.2 29.9 –50.9 –13.0 2.8 6.0
ProFunds:Sh Pr Mtls;Inv SPPIX 6.9 11.9 –48.0 –33.1 –11.0 0.3 Midcap Growth Multicap Growth
ProShares:UlS O&G Ex&Pr SOP 0.9 –1.5 –47.8 N.A. N.A. N.A.
Assets Total return (%) Assets Total return (%)
VelShs 3x Invrs Silver DSLV 16.7 35.5 –45.5 –20.9 –11.1 N.A. ($ millions) May YTD 1-yr 5-yr* ($ millions) May YTD 1-yr 5-yr*
Direxion:EnergyBear 3X ERY 94.3 1.1 –42.9 –11.7 –17.6 –27.7 Bright Rock MC Gro;Inst 49.6 2.1 8.5 4.5 5.8 Hodges Fund;Retail 231.0 –1.8 11.4 –3.9 9.6
iPath Bloomberg NatGas A GAZ 3.3 –5.6 –41.9 –72.3 –51.4 –47.4 Congress MC Gro;Inst 374.8 3.6 7.0 2.3 N.A. Ave Maria Growth 328.0 0.3 7.6 1.4 9.0
ProShs II:UlS Blm CrO SCO 226.8 –11.4 –38.9 46.6 26.6 13.9 TorRes SMGr;Inst 20.8 3.6 6.6 –6.2 N.A. Dreyfus US Equity;Y 508.2 1.5 6.7 3.5 N.A.
VelShs 3x Inverse Gold DGLD 20.1 18.5 –38.9 –19.4 –3.4 N.A. Commerce:MidCap Growth 85.2 1.8 6.3 3.8 8.9 Davis:Opportunity;A 505.1 1.1 6.6 4.0 11.4
ProShares:Ult Nasdaq Bio BIB 446.0 8.0 –35.2 –47.8 23.9 35.6 Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock 7,133.5 2.0 6.2 –2.3 9.5 Principal:MidCap;Inst 10,971.4 2.6 4.3 –0.8 12.5
ProShs II:Ult Blm Nat Gs BOIL 30.0 –4.1 –35.1 –70.7 –59.7 N.A. Janus Enterprise;T 7,677.6 2.8 6.0 1.8 11.3 Amana:Growth;Inv 1,709.7 3.1 4.1 1.1 8.5
ProFunds:UltSh Latin;Inv UFPIX 6.4 28.7 –34.4 15.3 15.5 8.2 Value Line MdCp Foc;Inv 124.7 2.5 5.6 6.1 10.2 Voya:MdCp Opps;Inst 1,292.4 2.3 4.0 –1.1 8.7
ProShs II:VIX ST Fut ETF VIXY 259.6 –19.2 –32.9 –29.5 –44.6 –47.8 Eagle:Mid Cap Stock;A 277.1 1.9 5.6 –3.2 6.5 Eaton Vance AC Sel Eq;I 202.7 1.2 4.0 4.6 N.A.
iPath ETN SP500 VIX ST A VXX 1,587.1 –19.3 –32.7 –29.1 –44.3 –47.6 Virtus:Mid-Cap Core;A 38.4 1.8 5.4 2.3 11.0 Hennessy:Focus;Inv 2,328.5 1.7 3.9 2.2 13.5
VelShs VIX ShTm ETN VIIX 9.5 –19.3 –32.7 –29.1 –44.3 –47.6 SPDR S&P 400 Mid Cap Gro 322.1 3.3 5.2 1.1 9.7 Value Line Prem Gr;Inv 316.4 1.8 3.8 1.5 9.2
Direxion:Nat Gas Bull 3X GASL 58.0 1.6 –32.4 –97.1 –84.6 –74.2 Category Average: 285.7 2.4 0.9 –6.4 7.8 Category Average: 317.0 2.2 –0.9 –4.2 9.1
ProShs II:UlS Silver ZSL 36.8 22.2 –31.6 –9.4 3.6 2.0
Fund Count 353 415 409 397 319 Fund Count 532 634 630 606 450
DB Crude Oil Db Sht ETN DTO ... –10.8 –30.2 76.8 35.7 19.9

Worst-Performing Bond Funds

Total Return (%) Gold Oriented High Yield Municipal
Assets Annualized
Fund Ticker ($ millions) May YTD 1-year 3-year 5-year Assets Total return (%) Assets Total return (%)
($ millions) May YTD 1-yr 5-yr* ($ millions) May YTD 1-yr 5-yr*
Barclays Inv US TC ETN TAPR 15.2 -2.1 -29.5 -31.4 N.A. N.A.
ProShares:Ult Gold Minrs 10.0 –25.8 136.2 0.5 N.A. Dreyfus High Yld Muni;Z 158.6 1.2 5.6 9.9 7.2
iPath ETN Trs Lng Bear A DLBS 19.3 -3.7 -26.6 -28.8 -20.1 -20.0
PureFds Jr Silver(SCM/E) 32.6 –14.1 130.7 57.0 N.A. Oppenheimer Ro HY M;A 5,287.9 1.3 5.3 8.4 8.6
iPath ETN Trs 10Y Bear A DTYS 52.8 2.4 -26.2 -23.8 -18.5 -20.0
Glbl X Gold Explrs ETF 65.4 –14.7 88.5 58.2 –22.9 Nuveen HY Muni;I 12,958.6 1.0 5.3 9.6 10.5
Direxion:20+Y Trs Br 3X TMV 367.3 -3.0 -25.5 -32.7 -29.5 -35.2 iShares:MSCI Gl SMiners 43.2 –12.3 82.2 15.8 N.A. AMG:GW&K Mun EY;I 251.7 1.1 5.2 9.4 8.4
ProShares:UPSh 20+ Trs TTT 77.3 -3.2 -25.4 -31.5 -28.7 N.A. US Glbl:Wld Prec Min 146.7 –1.0 82.1 53.3 –16.3 MainStay:Hi Yld Muni;I 2,323.1 1.1 5.2 9.6 9.4
DB 3x Sht 25+ Yr Tr ETN SBND ... -2.8 -22.1 -23.5 -23.1 -29.9 Glbl X Silver Miners ETF 292.9 –9.3 78.9 23.5 –15.2 PIMCO:HY Muni Bd;Inst 817.2 0.9 5.1 10.3 7.7
ProShares:UlS 20+ Yr Trs TBT 2,129.8 -2.1 -17.3 -20.8 -19.0 -22.8 iShares:MSCI Gl GMiners 133.1 –12.9 77.4 23.2 N.A. AB Municipal Inc 1,112.6 0.9 5.0 10.0 9.6
ProShs II:UlS Yen YCS 163.1 8.2 -16.4 -22.6 3.5 9.5 VnEck Vctrs:Jr Gld Mnrs 2,659.4 –11.5 76.1 32.4 –24.2 Russell:TE Hi Yld Bd;S 283.0 0.9 4.9 N.A. N.A.
iPath ETN Trs 5Yr Bear DFVS 1.9 3.0 -14.9 -12.5 -11.7 N.A. Rydex:Precious Metls;Inv 90.4 –13.1 71.2 17.7 –16.2 Goldman:Hi Yld Mun;I 4,182.2 1.3 4.8 7.9 8.0
Direxion:7-10Y Trs Br 3X TYO 28.7 -0.1 -14.1 -17.9 -15.1 -18.5 ALPS Sprott Junior Gold 42.1 –14.4 69.1 20.9 N.A. VnEck Vctrs:HY Muni Indx 1,882.6 1.0 4.8 7.9 7.4
Direxion:M7-10Y B 2x;Inv DXKSX 8.5 0.03 -9.4 -11.2 -9.6 -12.9 Category Average: 276.8 –11.1 62.7 19.4 –15.9 Category Average: 497.5 0.8 3.9 7.2 7.3
ProShares:UlS 7-10Y Trs PST 160.0 0.1 -9.1 -10.5 -9.1 -11.3
Fund Count 63 74 74 74 64 Fund Count 131 160 160 144 110
Rydex:Inv Gv LB Str;Inv RYJUX 218.4 -0.9 -9.0 -10.2 -8.7 -11.1
ProShares:Sht 20+ Treas TBF 623.3 -1.0 -8.9 -10.5 -9.6 -11.6
iPath ETN Trs Steepenr A STPP 3.8 -2.4 -8.9 -11.9 -4.4 -9.1
Real Estate General & Insured Muni
Direxion:20+Y Trs Br 1X TYBS 13.5 -0.9 -8.8 -10.7 -9.5 -11.6
Assets Total return (%) Assets Total return (%)
ProShares:UlS TIPS TPS 1.3 1.4 -8.0 -3.6 -2.2 -6.0 ($ millions) May YTD 1-yr 5-yr* ($ millions) May YTD 1-yr 5-yr*
FX Strategy;I FXFIX 25.60 8.2 -7.6 -24.3 -1.7 -1.4
PowerShares KBW PYE REIT 120.3 2.5 12.3 8.3 9.9 Nuveen US Infra Bd;I 8.8 0.7 6.2 3.8 N.A.
iPath ETN Trs 2Y Bear A DTUS 9.8 3.7 -7.2 -2.7 -8.6 -7.2
VnEck Vctrs:Mtg REIT Inc 96.1 4.5 10.4 –2.7 N.A. BlackRock BATS:Srs E 116.4 1.3 5.2 11.2 N.A.
Access One:Fx Br HY;Inv AFBIX 1.3 -0.5 -6.9 -7.4 -9.0 -11.4
iShares:Mtge RE Cap ETF 772.1 4.2 10.2 –2.1 4.6 Nuveen Str Muni Opptys;I 59.5 0.8 4.7 8.6 N.A.
PowerShares Jp Curr HLV FXJP 1.2 2.1 -6.7 N.A. N.A. N.A. IndexIQ:US Rl Est Sm Cap 76.7 2.9 8.0 3.5 N.A. Eaton Vance TABS10-20M;I 6.7 0.6 4.6 10.6 N.A.
ProShares:Sht High Yield SJB 196.2 -0.4 -6.5 -0.3 -5.0 -7.2 Deutsche Rl Est SI;S 12.3 1.1 7.8 6.7 N.A. Deutsche Muni Inf Rev Bd 32.4 0.9 4.5 9.9 N.A.
ProShares:Sht Inv Gr Crp IGS 2.7 0.4 -6.3 -6.2 -6.1 -7.2 Davis:Real Estate;A 242.5 3.2 7.0 9.6 9.0 VnEck Vctrs:AMT-Fr LM Ix 156.3 0.9 4.4 9.3 6.9
Rydex:Stg Dlr 2x Str;H RYSBX 14.6 6.2 -6.2 -5.2 5.9 5.7 REMS RE Inc 50/50;Inst 107.8 1.7 6.4 9.3 9.3 SEI Tx Ex:Tax-Adv Inc;A 1,154.9 1.0 4.1 8.4 6.9
Rydex:Inv Hi Yld Str;A RYILX 7.4 unch. -6.0 -6.4 -8.8 -10.3 Vanguard REIT Idx;ETF 56,493.3 2.4 6.2 10.6 10.2 Frst Tr III:Managed Muni 71.6 0.5 3.9 6.8 N.A.
ProShares:UlS 3-7 Tr TBZ 2.7 0.3 -5.5 -6.5 -5.9 -6.6 ASTON:HarrisonStRE;N 10.2 2.3 6.1 11.4 8.4 Perf Tr Muni Bd;Inst 138.8 0.4 3.9 7.9 N.A.
iPath ETN Op Cur Carry A ICI 2.3 0.9 -5.4 -8.9 -5.7 -3.4 Rydex:Real Estate;H 42.5 2.2 6.0 4.7 6.4 Schroder:Br TA Vl Bd;Inv 129.3 0.4 3.6 6.5 N.A.
AmericaFirst Inc Trend;A AFPAX 18.1 -2.5 -5.4 -13.2 -4.0 -1.6 Category Average: 373.8 2.0 4.4 7.9 9.2 Category Average: 399.6 0.4 2.7 5.6 5.3
Angel Oak Flex Inc;Inst ANFIX 214.2 -0.02 -5.4 -6.9 N.A. N.A.
Fund Count 229 284 277 269 192 Fund Count 217 278 277 268 212
WisdomTree:Jpn IR Str JGBB 4.4 1.1 -5.3 -7.8 N.A. N.A.
Note: For funds with multiple share classes, only the largest is shown. N.A.: Not applicable; fund is too new or data not available N.A.: Not applicable; fund is too new * Annualized Note: For funds with multiple share classes, only the largest is shown.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, June 6, 2016 | R9



After 40 Years, a Throwback Goes Back to Investing

John Calamos of Calamos Investments is no longer his firm’s CEO, and will stick to running money
WSJ: You have always been known
for your use of convertible securi- SPOTLIGHT
ties, which amount to a stock-bond
A MONEY MANAGER like John P. hybrid. Given current market con- INTERMEDIATE BONDS
Calamos Sr. may not come around
again soon.
ditions, are you raising or lowering
your expectations for convertibles? BOND-FUND
The former Air Force combat pi-
lot was one of the last breed of
MR. CALAMOS: It isn’t convertibles
in general that work or don’t INVESTORS MEET
money managers who started
firms in their own image, turned
work, it’s really how you use them
to manage risk.
their name into a brand and con- The convertible market in gen- The narrative appeared incongru-
tinued managing money while run- eral has a tendency to be more in ous. As interest-rate risk has
ning the public company created midcaps and small-caps, so it crept up during this quarter, ETF
to oversee it all. These days, doesn’t reflect the total market, investors have been rushing into
money managers who start firms but it’s useful in managing risk. bonds. But this time they were
tend to pick one role or another For example, our Emerging Mar- neither “searching for yield” nor
quickly. kets Evolving World Fund uses “seeking safety”—the story lines


This year, Mr. Calamos stepped convertibles to damp some of the that led to many a stampede into
down as chief executive of Cala- volatility of the emerging markets. fixed income in recent years.
mos Investments, which he started No, these investors were
40 years ago outside of Chicago Mutual goals headed right for the mushy mid-
and which went public in 2004 WSJ: You ran both mutual funds dle—intermediate-maturity fixed-
through family-controlled Calamos and the publicly traded manage- income funds, just close enough
Asset Management Inc. ment company that operates those in not to get whipsawed by a
In appointing John Koudounis funds. Jack Bogle generally de- sudden change in long-term infla-
to succeed him, Mr. Calamos re- scribes such a setup as a conflict tion expectations and just far
tained his role as the firm’s chair- of interest, saying that it’s hard to enough out not to get stung by
man and global chief investment Volatility isn’t new, says John Calamos. After all, ‘I started in the 1970s.’ serve two masters. You see it dif- shifting Federal Reserve policy on
officer. ferently. Why? short-term interest rates.
The April move—which came can’t just do the same thing over is a very confused market, and we MR. CALAMOS: We do want to per- While broad U.S.-bond funds
amid criticism that the parent and over again. see that week to week and day to form well for our shareholders, have a shorter duration (a measure
company’s assets under manage- day where it almost changes over- both on the public side and in the of sensitivity to interest-rate
ment, at almost $21 billion, are WSJ: What would you tell investors night. funds that we manage. Our goals changes) than intermediate funds,
about half of what they were be- to get them through a market like So I would tell investors to are very much aligned. The better so they’ll swing less in value with a
fore the financial crisis—was we are seeing now? think long-term and not get whip- we do for our shareholders on our change in rates, they are also
partly about succession, but it also MR. CALAMOS: I think the markets sawed in and out on some of these mutual-fund side, the better we’ll heavy in low-yielding U.S. Treasury
will allow the 76-year-old Mr. right now are a bit confused as to headlines. We’re a bit more posi- do for our shareholders on the securities as well as securities
Calamos to do what he enjoys the just what is happening. Obviously, tive longer-term, but we do want public side, so I see no conflict of backed by residential mortgages.
most and focus on running money. there’s a huge focus on what the to cushion the downside, where we interest there. Intermediate-term, investment-
Here are edited excerpts from a Fed is going to do. I don’t think damp volatility but stay invested grade corporate debt, however, has
recent interview: there’s been enough interest in fis- for the longer term, which we WSJ: By now, you’ve earned the emerged as a sweet spot for risk
cal policy, so I think what we have think will be positive. right to take it easy. Why keep and return in the current rate envi-
Confused markets fighting the fight and battling with ronment. For how long depends on
WSJ: You’ve been doing this a long the market? the economy and the Fed.
time. Are things really different Uneasy Times MR. CALAMOS: Whatever is going “Intermediate corporate spreads
with the market today, or is it the Stock price of Calamos Asset Management (CLMS) on Nasdaq on in the world, the market is the over Treasury securities have defi-
same as when you started? pulse, and that is what attracted nitely tightened over the last three
MR. CALAMOS: I started in the me to it a long time ago. I still feel months, when we first bought
1970s, which was really a volatile Sept. 2008 that way today. I don’t want to be VCIT [Vanguard Intermediate-
period. That’s what people forget: Global financial crisis intensifies disconnected from that. I have al- Term Corporate Bond ETF],” says
We have always had uncertainty ways loved being right in the mid- Rob Glownia, a fixed-income ana-
out there and the potential for in- dle of it. lyst at RiverFront Investment
creased volatility. The causes may Besides, I’m healthy, I enjoy Group. Mid-duration corporates
change and how you react may 15 what I’m doing, and if I was re- currently yield about 1.5 percentage
change. It is unusual in that we tired, I would have no excuse points more than shorter-duration
have never had a period with 10 about why my golf game is so bad. corporates, he says. But if the
zero interest rates and a lack of I need to keep going just to have economy keeps strengthening, he
inflation; in those terms it’s un- 5 that alibi. adds, a rate increase is more likely,
usual. and “we’d have to start considering
What I learned over the years 0 Mr. Jaffe is a MarketWatch the shorter end of the curve.”
is that you do have to adapt for 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 columnist in Boston. He can be —Ari I. Weinberg
the environment you are in. You Source: FactSet THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. reached at


Insights on Advisers, Retirement

You and Your Fund Manager at a higher level of assets than jor expense at home. But with the
May Have Conflicting Goals would maximize fund performance. paycheck approach, you’ll plan
So what’s an investor to do? your budget based on the money
Investors looking for just the First, understand that the interests you will receive each month, and IN TRANSLATION
right mutual fund may be sur- of a fund manager may not line up not focus on what to take from
prised to learn that, according to a
new research paper, there is an op-
with your interests. Next, watch
fund performance, avoid lockups
your lump sum each month.
—Ted Jenkin, blogger, co-CEO and
timal size for funds. In “The Opti- and beware of funds that grow founder of oXYGen Financial When economies start to flag,
mal Size of Hedge Funds: Conflict large. If a fund grows large, de- governments will occasionally
i i i
The Experts are an online between Investors and Fund Man- mand lower fees, or dump it and start what is known as a currency
group of industry and agers,” recently published in the find a fund with fewer assets and, war. It is important that investors
thought leaders who write Journal of Finance, Purdue Univer- thus, more runway to generate bet- Financial Lessons of a understand what the term means
about leading topics of sity Prof. Chengdong Yin explores ter expected excess performance. Depression-Era Baby and why it can be so destructive
interest in their fields. this issue and identifies a problem: —Wesley R. Gray, CEO and CIO of I was lucky to have been born in to the countries involved.
For more, go to Asset managers want to maximize Alpha Architect the Great Depression with parents Such conflicts start when one their personal profits, not their in- who taught me many lessons about country decides to lower the value
i i i
vestors’ performance. saving and investing. I say lucky of its currency to increase its ex-
Those goals aren’t in conflict at because it was a time where we ports. Exports become cheaper
first. At first, bigger is better for Most Retirement Planners learned to be frugal. I was also for foreign buyers whose currency
investors and managers. That’s be- Ask the Wrong Question lucky because my parents taught doesn’t deflate.
cause fund managers need some Many people within striking dis- good financial principles—both in “It’s a beggar-thy-neighbor
scale to run their business. Why? tance of retirement are focused on conversation and by example. policy,” says Robert Wright, pro-
Small funds have many fixed costs, one question: “What’s my num- My father always reminded me fessor of political economy at Au-
such as portfolio managers, trading ber?” It centers around the idea of to save at least 10% of my income gustana University, in Sioux Falls,
software and equity research. If a how much money you will need to for retirement, and in years when S.D. “In other words, ‘We aren’t
fund is small, it can’t generate have squirreled away by the day we couldn’t, to save our next raise. doing so well, so we’ll take it out
enough fees to cover costs, which you stop working to continue to Dad recommended that we have on our partners.’ ”
may cause it to underinvest in re- provide you with enough income an emergency reserve for cash. He For example, if country A de-
sources, which might negatively af- for the rest of your life. said you can’t foresee everything. values its currency by 10%
fect performance. But as a fund in- People should be focusing on a He was right. We have had many against country B, then the ex-
creases assets, fees grow, the fund different question: “What’s my financial surprises over our life, in- ports from country A likely will
manager can invest in more re- paycheck?” That is, they should be cluding things from very expensive surge because they are now
sources, and the fund’s perfor- looking at the income they’ll be uninsured dental care to helping cheaper. The problem is, the
mance can improve. getting, rather than how they’ll be distressed relatives at a time when gains come at the expense of
Eventually, though, too much drawing down the lump sum they’ll they had no income. country B, which will see its ex-
money causes problems. For in- be accumulating. By asking the My family had a budget—and we ports decline. Domestic sales by
stance, if a large fund has to own a paycheck question, they’ll be bet- all knew about it. Mom had a cer- companies in country B also may
large portion of an illiquid small- ter off both emotionally and finan- tain number of dollars she could be hurt, since imports from coun-
cap stock, the resulting large pur- cially for several reasons. spend for groceries. When we went try A are now cheaper.
chases may drive up prices. Also, When people spend their lives to the grocery store with her, she “The result is that countries
funds with too much capital are building up a capital base, it makes would make comments that some- quickly retaliate,” says Prof.
forced out of niche opportunities them sick to see the balances of thing we might have wanted would Wright. Ultimately, the initial de-
and into investments that can han- their investment accounts go make her run over the amount she valuer is no better off in terms of
dle large pools of capital. down. While intellectually they un- could spend. The same was true currency advantage.
Funds should want to get big to derstand that this money was ac- for clothing and shoes. But it is actually worse for
cover costs and maximize returns, cumulated for this very purpose, it My father also taught me some both countries. Investment dollars
but not so big that diseconomies of is impossible for them watch the things about investing. Some of tend to flee from countries that
scale erode returns. You might erosion of the capital base that those lessons were good, like the devalue their currencies. When
think that fund managers would they spent their whole lives build- advice to diversify. Some advice China devalued its currency in
want to hit this sweet spot of per- ing up. was not so good, as I subsequently 2015, it saw massive outflows of
formance to help their clients. But The paycheck method solves learned. Dad felt he could pick a capital, as did many emerging
you’d be wrong. After all, what is this problem because you don’t number of big companies, buy markets. Such capital is vital for
the goal for a fund manager? Make think about the ups and downs of their stock, and hold until needed the long-term growth of an econ-
as much money as possible. your capital base when you frame in retirement. I followed that ad- omy, so when it leaves, countries
Above a certain fund size, addi- it as getting a regular monthly vice but got bum steers from my tend to grow more slowly.
tional fund assets: 1) erode perfor- “salary.” broker. It wasn’t until my 40s that Overall, the capital will flow to
mance, but also 2) increase manager Even if you hit your lump-sum a professional planner told me to countries that maintain the value
fees. This creates a conflict of inter- number, you still need to plan for get out of individual stocks and of their currencies, says David
est between investors, who want to large one-time expenses such as a into low-cost index funds. That Ranson, director of research at
maximize performance, and manag- new car, your child’s wedding, or was fantastic advice, as I learned HCWE Worldwide Economics—
ers, who want more assets, even unexpected health expenses. When over the next 40 years. and trade between the devaluers
when this hurts their performance. you have hit this lump-sum “num- —Henry “Bud” Hebeler, blogger, will languish, if not fall.
Prof. Yin highlights that manager ber” of cash, you will clutch even ex-president of the aerospace —Simon Constable
compensation is indeed maximized tighter every time you have a ma- division of Boeing
R10 | Monday, June 6, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



Test Your Smarts on Oil, Hedge Funds, Rates

company up nearly 15%.


straight month in May, even as the Fed-
8. This German pharmaceutical gi-
ant’s shares dropped more than
14% in May after it offered to buy Mon-
eral Reserve warned that its next rate in- santo, a U.S. agrochemical company.
crease could come as soon as this sum-
mer. The Fed’s hawkish tilt helped push A. Roche
the dollar and short-term Treasury yields B. Merck
higher, but stoked uneasiness about al- C. Bayer
ready high stock valuations, causing some D. Abbott
to question whether shares can keep ris-
ing in an era of higher interest rates. ANSWER: C. Some investors are saying
Crude-oil prices continued to rise, but Bayer doesn’t have scope to raise its offer
it didn’t lead to sharp gains in energy for Monsanto in part because of the drop
shares. The Dow Jones Industrial Average in its share price.
eked out a monthly gain of 0.08%, its
smallest so far this year.
How much do you know about last
month’s news in fund investing and mar-
9. Concerns about nonperforming
loans have pummeled shares of this
Italian bank, ultimately leading its CEO
kets? Here’s a quiz to test your knowl- to agree to resign.


A. Banca d’Italia

1. A judge blocked a proposed merger

of these two office-supply companies
because of antitrust concerns.
B. Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena
C. Intesa Sanpaolo
D. UniCredit

A. Staples Inc. and Office Depot Inc. ANSWER: D. Federico Ghizzoni was criti-
B. Office Depot Inc. and OfficeMax Inc. cized for UniCredit’s decision to under-
C. W.B. Mason Co. and Staples Inc. Production disruptions sent oil prices higher. Above, pumping in Vancouver. See Question 2. write a €1.5 billion ($1.7 billion) capital in-
D. Staples Inc. and OfficeMax Inc. crease of troubled lender Banca Popolare
di Vicenza SpA.
ANSWER: A. U.S. District Judge Emmet G. man said he was contemplating whether it Vol USA exchange-traded fund took in
Sullivan sided with the Federal Trade
Commission, which alleged that the
was worth it to stay in the hedge-fund in-
$1.2 billion in April alone.
10. Which sector was the best per-
former in the S&P 500 index in
merger would lead to higher prices on of-
fice supplies for large corporations.
4. Halliburton Co. said it would pay a
____________ breakup fee to Baker
6. Plummeting interest rates overseas
are helping to distort this popular
gauge of the U.S. economy’s health.
May as investors snapped up shares at
low valuations after a selloff in April?

2. Oil prices broke above _________ a

barrel in May, helped by falling
U.S. supplies and production disruptions
Hughes after the two companies called
off a planned merger. A. The yield curve
B. Fed-funds futures
A. Energy
B. Information technology
C. Consumer discretionary
in Canada, Nigeria and Libya. A. $4 billion C. Five-year swap spreads D. Health care
B. $5 billion D. Consumer-price index
A. $60 B. $65 C. $50 D. $30 C. $500 million ANSWER: B. A series of weak earnings re-
D. $3.5 billion ANSWER: A. The gap between short-term ports caused technology shares to miss
ANSWER: C. Analysts said the move was an and long-term U.S. Treasury yields re- out on a broader market rally in March
important moment for the commodity ANSWER: D. The merger, once valued at cently narrowed to its flattest point since and April. But they made up for lost time
that could drive further gains. Oil hasn’t nearly $35 billion, encountered opposition late 2007. in May, rising 4.5%.
traded above this level in seven months. from regulators on several continents.

3. This longtime hedge-fund manager

said that the industry’s business 5. Fill in the blank: Assets under man-
agement in so-called ____________
7. In an effort to beat back an un-
wanted takeover attempt by Gan-
nett, Tribune Publishing sold a 12.9%
Mr. Adinolfi is a markets reporter for
MarketWatch in New York. Email him at
model was “under assault” during the funds have grown this year as investors stake to which investment firm?
annual SkyBridge Alternatives Confer- sought protection during periods when
ence. stocks were sinking. A. Nant Capital LLC
B. Advanced Technology Ventures FUND RESULTS
A. Bill Ackman A. Smart beta C. Andreessen Horowitz
B. Jim Chanos B. Low volatility D. Oaktree Capital Management Lipper’s A-to-Z monthly fund
C. Paul Brewer
D. Leon Cooperman
C. Strategic beta
D. Volatility controlled ANSWER: A. Gannett would presumably
need to purchase these additional shares,
listings and other performance
tables are available free at And
ANSWER: D. During his talk, Mr. Cooper- ANSWER: B. The iShares Edge MSCI Min which could push the total cost of the daily data at


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