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GURU Tattva, Sivananda, DLS Pub Man can learn only from a man, and hence God

teaches through a human body. In your Guru, you

0. Preface have your human ideal of perfection. He is the
Is a Guru absolutely necessary? Who is a Satguru? pattern from which you wish to mould yourself.
How far can he help his disciple? What are the
duties of a disciple? What is the meaning of Guru is the Moksha-Dvara. He is the gateway to
Initiation? the transcendental Truth-Consciousness. But, it is
the aspirant that has to enter through it. The Guru
1-0. Role of Guru is a help, but the actual task of practical Sadhana
falls on the aspirant himself.
Guru is God Himself manifesting in a personal form
to guide the aspirant. Grace of God takes the form 1-2 Need for a Guru
of Guru. To see Guru is to see God. Guru is united
with God. He inspires devotion in others. His To light a candle, you need a burning candle. Even
presence purifies all. so, an illumined soul alone can enlighten another
soul. Thus for a beginner in the spiritual path, a
Guru is verily a link between the individual and the Guru is necessary.
Immortal. He is a being who has raised himself
from this into That, and thus has a free and Some do meditation for some years independently.
unhampered access to both the realms. He stands, Later on, they actually feel the necessity for a Guru.
as it were, upon the threshold of immortality; and They come across some obstacles in the way. They
bending down, he raises the struggling individuals do not know how to obviate these impediments or
with his one hand, and with the other lifts them up stumbling blocks. Then they begin to search for a
into the empyrean of everlasting joy and infinite Master.
If you want to find your way to a place, you should
1-1. Satguru ask somebody who has gone through the path and
reached the destination. In the case of the spiritual
Mere study of books cannot make one a Guru. One path, it is still more difficult to find your way. The
who has studied Vedas and who has direct mind will mislead you very often. Guru will be able
knowledge of Atman through Anubhava can only be to remove pitfalls and obstacles, and lead you along
enrolled as a Guru. A Jivanmukta or a liberated the right path. He will tell you: “This road leads you
sage is the real Guru. He is Satguru. He is a to Moksha; this one leads to bondage.” Without this
Knower of Brahman (Supreme Self). Thus he is guidance, you might wander for ever or reach the
identical with Brahman (Brahmavid Brahmaiva wrong destination.
Scriptures are like a forest. There are ambiguous
Possession of siddhis is not the test to declare the passages. There are passages that are apparently
greatness of a sage, or to prove that he has attained contradictory, others that have esoteric meanings,
self-realization. Though a satguru is endowed with diverse significance and hidden explanations. There
countless siddhis, though he possesses all divine are cross references. You are in need of a Guru who
aisvarya (all wealth of the Lord), he rarely may will explain to you the right meaning, who will
exhibit miracles in order to convince aspirants of remove doubts and ambiguities, who will place
existence of super-physical things, give them before you the essence of the teachings.
encouragement, and instill faith in their hearts.
A Guru is absolutely necessary for every aspirant in
The Satguru is Brahman Himself. He is an ocean of the spiritual path. It is only Guru who will find out
bliss, knowledge and mercy. He is the captain of your defects. The nature of egoism is such that you
your soul. He is the fountain of joy. He removes all will not be able to find out your own defects. Just
your troubles, sorrows and obstacles. He shows as a man cannot see his back, so also he cannot
you the right divine path. He tears your veil of see his own errors. He must live under a Guru for
ignorance. He makes you immortal and divine. He the eradication of his evil qualities and defects.
transmutes your lower, diabolical nature. He gives
you the rope of knowledge and saves you when you The aspirant who is under the guidance of a Master
are drowning in this ocean of Samsara. Do not or Guru is safe from being led astray. Satsanga or
consider him to be only a man. If you take him as a association with Guru is an armour and fortress to
man, you are a beast. guard you against all temptations and
unfavourable forces of the material world.
Guru is God. A word from him is a word from God.
He need not teach anything. Even his presence or Cases of those who had attained perfection without
company is elevating, inspiring and stirring. The study under any Guru should not be cited as
very company itself is self-illumination. Living in authoritative against the necessity for a Guru; for,
his company is spiritual education. such great men are the anomalies of spiritual life,
and not the common normality. They come into
existence as spiritual masters as a result of the
intense service, study and meditation practised in dream and initiate and inspire you at the proper
previous births. They had already studied under time. For a sincere Sadhaka, help comes in a
the Guru in their previous births. The present birth mysterious manner.
is only its continuative spiritual effect.
1-4 Mysterious Help from the Lord
All great ones had their teachers. All the sages,
saints, prophets, world teachers, incarnations, See how the Lord has helped the devotees in the
great men have had their own Gurus, however following instances.
great they might have been. Svetaketu learnt the (1) Ekanath heard a voice from the sky (akasa-
nature of Truth from Uddalaka, Maitreyi from vani). It said, “See Janardhan Pant at Deva Giri. He
Yajnavalkya, Bhrigu from Varuna, Narada from will put you in the proper path and guide you.” He
Sanatkumara, Nachiketas from Yama, Indra from acted accordingly and found his Guru.
Prajapati; and several others humbly went to wise (2) Tukaram received his Mantra “Rama Krishna
ones, observed strict Brahmacharya, practised Hari” in his dream. He repeated this Mantra and
rigorous discipline, and learnt Brahma-Vidya from had Darshan of Lord Krishna.
them. Lord Krishna sat at the feet of His Guru (3) Lord Krishna directed Namadev to get his higher
Sandipani. Lord Rama had Guru Vasishtha who initiation from a Sannyasin at Mallikarjuna.
gave Him Upadesa. Lord Jesus sought John to be (4) Queen Chudalai assumed the form of Kumbha
baptised by him on the banks of the river Jordan. Muni, appeared before her husband Sikhidhvaja in
Even Devas have Brihaspati as their Guru. Even the forest, and initiated him into the mysteries of
the greatest among the divine beings sat at the feet Kaivalya.
of Guru Dakshinamurti. (5) Madhura Kavi saw a light in the firmament for
three days consecutively. It guided him and took
A neophyte must have a personal Guru first. He him to his Guru Nammalvar who was sitting in his
cannot have God as Guru to begin with. He must Samadhi underneath tamarind tree at Tinnevelly.
have a pure mind. He must have ethical perfection. (6) Bilvamangal was very much attracted to
He must be intensely virtuous. He must be above Chintamani, the dancing woman. The latter became
body-consciousness. Then alone can he have God his Guru.
as Guru. (7) Tulasidas received instructions from an invisible
being to see Hanuman and, through Hanuman, to
1-3 Choosing the Guru get Darshan of Sri Rama.

If you find peace in the presence of a Mahatma, if Competent disciples are never in want of competent
you are inspired by his speeches, if he is able to Guru. Realised souls are not rare. Ordinary
clear your doubts, if he is free from greed, anger ignorant-minded persons cannot easily recognise
and lust, if he is selfless, loving and I-less, you can them. Only a few persons, who are pure and
take him as your Guru. He who is able to clear your embodiments of all virtuous qualities, can
doubts, he who is sympathetic in your Sadhana, he understand realised souls, and they alone will be
who does not disturb your beliefs but helps you on benefited in their company.
from where you are, he in whose very presence you
feel spiritually elevated—he is your Guru. Once you So long as there is a world, there are Gurus and
choose your Guru, implicitly follow him. God will Vedas to guide the struggling souls in the path of
guide you through the Guru. Self-realisation. The number of realised souls may
be less in this Kali Yuga when compared with the
Do not use your reason too much in the selection of Satya Yuga, but they are always present to help the
your Guru. You will fail if you do so. If you fail to aspirants. Let each man take the path according to
get a first-class Guru, try to follow the instructions his capacity, temperament and understanding. His
of the Sadhu who is treading the path for some Satguru will meet him along that path.
years, who has purity and other virtuous qualities,
and who has some knowledge of the scriptures. 1-5 Siksha Gurus and Diksha Gurus
Just as a student of the Intermediate Class will be
able to teach a student of third class when a Man has a twofold duty here on earth—to preserve
professor with M.A. qualification is not available, his life, and to realise his Self. To preserve his life,
just as a sub-assistant surgeon will be able to he has to learn to work for his daily bread. To
attend on a patient when the civil surgeon is not realise his Self, he has to serve, love and meditate.
available, this second-class type of Guru will be The Guru who teaches him the knowledge of
able to help you. worldly arts is the Siksha Guru. The Guru who
shows him the path of Realisation is the Diksha
If you are not able to find out even this second- Guru. Siksha Gurus can be many—as many as the
class type of Guru, you can follow the teachings things he wishes to learn. Diksha Guru can be only
contained in the books written by realised saints one—the one who leads him to Moksha.
like Sri Sankara, Dattatreya and others. You can
keep a photo of such a realised Guru and worship 1-6 Stick to One Guru
the same with faith and devotion. Gradually you
will get inspiration, and the Guru may appear in a
From 1 doctor, you get a prescription. From 2 passionate towards him. This disciple gazed at her
doctors, you get consultation. From 3 doctors, you and gave her Samadhi. Her passion vanished. She
get your own cremation. Even so, if you have many became very religious and spiritual.
Gurus, you will be bewildered. You will be at a loss (3) Lord Krishna touched the blind eyes of Suradas.
to know what to do. You will be puzzled if you get The inner eye of Suradas was opened. He had
multiple instructions from multiple gurus like - do Bhava-Samadhi.
Soham Japa, do Japa of Sri Ram, hear Anahata (4) Lord Gauranga, through his touch, produced
sounds etc. Stick to one Guru and follow his divine intoxication in many people and converted
instructions. them to his side. Atheists even danced in ecstasy in
the streets by his touch and sang songs of Hari.
Listen to all, but follow one. Respect all, but adore (5) Vivekananda had super conscious experience
one. Gather knowledge from all, but adopt the after Ramakrishna touched him. After that he
teachings of one Master. Then you will have rapid struggled hard for 7 years more for attaining
spiritual progress. perfection.

Spiritual knowledge is a matter of Guru- The disciple should not rest satisfied with the
Parampara. It is handed down from Guru to his transmission of power from the Guru. He will have
disciple. to struggle hard in Sadhana for further perfection
and attainments.
1-7 Initiation - Its Meaning
1-9 Grace and Self-effort
A Bhakta will be initiated by a Bhakta saint in the
path of devotion. A Jnani will initiate a student of Realisation cannot come to you as a miracle done
Vedanta in the Mahavakyas. A Hatha Yogi or Raja by your Guru. Lord Buddha, Lord Jesus, Rama
Yogi can initiate another in his particular path. Tirtha have all done Sadhana. Lord Krishna asks
But, a sage of perfect Realisation, a Purna Jnani or Arjuna to develop Vairagya and Abhyasa. He did
Purna Yogi, can give initiation in any particular not say to him, “I will give you Mukti now.”
path. A sage or saint like Sri Sankara or Therefore, abandon the wrong notion that your
Madhusudhana Sarasvati can initiate a Sadhaka, Guru will give you Samadhi and Mukti. Strive,
in any particular path for which the aspirant is fit. purify, meditate and realise.
The Guru will find out by close study of the
aspirant his tastes, temperaments and capacity, Guru-Kripa, grace of the Guru, is very necessary.
and decide for him the most suitable path. If his That does not mean that the disciple should sit
heart is impure, the teacher will prescribe selfless idle. He must do rigorous Purushartha, spiritual
service for a number of years. Then the Guru will practices. The whole work must be done by the
find out for what particular path the student is fit student.
and initiate him in that.
Guru and Sastras can show you the path and
Initiation does not mean reciting a Mantra into remove your doubts. Anubhava of Aparoksha kind
another’s ears. If X is influenced by the thoughts of or direct intuitive knowledge is left for your own
Y, then it means X has got initiation from Y. If an experience. A hungry man will have to eat for
aspirant treads the path of truth after studying the himself. He who has a severe itching will have to
books written by a saint and imbibes his teachings, scratch for himself.
that saint has already become his Guru.
No doubt, Guru’s blessings can do everything. But
1-8 Sakti-Sanchara a Guru can be pleased with his disciple only if the
student carefully carries out his spiritual
Just as you can give an orange to a man, so also, instructions implicitly.
spiritual power can be transmitted by one to
another by sakti-sanchara. Spiritual power is 2-0 Duties and Privileges of Discipleship
transmitted by Guru to proper disciple whom he
considers fit for sakti-Sanchara. In this certain He whose devotion to the Lord is great, and who
spiritual vibration of the Satguru is actually has as much devotion to the Guru as to the Lord,
transferred to the mind of the disciple. Guru can unto him, that high-souled one, meanings of the
transform disciple by a look, a touch, a thought or sacred texts stand revealed (Svetasvatara
a word or willing. Sakti-sanchara comes through Upanishad).
Parampara. It is handed down from Guru to
disciple. It is a hidden mystic science. A disciple is he who follows the instructions of the
Guru to the letter and spirit, who propagates the
Examples of Sakti-sanchara teachings of the Guru to less evolved souls in the
(1) Lord Jesus, through touch, transmitted his path till the end of his life, is a true disciple.
spiritual power to some of his disciples.
(2) A disciple of Samartha Ramdas transmitted his A true disciple is concerned only with the Divine
power to that dancing girl’s daughter who was very Nature of the Guru. The Guru’s actions as man is
not the disciple’s concern. He is totally oblivious of
it. To him, the Guru is Guru even if he acts Only the disciple who obeys his Guru can have
unconventionally. Always remember that the command over his lower self. Obedience should be
nature of a saint is unfathomable. Judge him not. very practical, wholehearted and actively
Measure not his divine nature with the inadequate persevering. True obedience to Guru neither
yardstick of your ignorance. Criticise not your procrastinates nor questions. A hypocritical disciple
Guru’s action which is done on universal vision. obeys his Guru from fear. The true disciple obeys
his Guru with pure love for love’s sake.
True discipleship opens the vision. It kindles the
spiritual fire. It awakens the dormant faculties. It is Learn how to obey. Then alone you can command.
most necessary in one’s journey along the spiritual Learn how to be a disciple. Then alone you can
path. Guru and disciple become one. Guru blesses, become a Guru.
guides and inspires the disciple. He transmits,
transforms and spiritualises him. Give up the delusive notion that to submit to the
preceptor, to obey him, and to carry out his
2-1 Who is Qualified to Approach the Guru instructions is slavish mentality. The ignorant man
thinks that it is beneath his dignity and against his
To be a proper adhikaari, the student must have freedom to submit to another man’s command. This
(1) Correct understanding is a grave blunder. If you reflect carefully, you will
(2) Non-attachment to worldly objects see that your individual freedom is, in reality, an
(3) Serenity of mind absolutely abject slavery to your own ego and
(4) Restraint of senses vanity. It is the vagaries of the sensual mind. He
(5) Absence of base passions who attains victory over the mind and the ego is the
(6) Faith in guru truly free man. He is the hero. It is to attain victory
(7) Devotion to God that man submits to the higher spiritualised
personality of the Guru. By this submission, he
Guru will impart spiritual instructions only to that vanquishes his lower ego and realises the bliss of
aspirant who thirsts for liberation, who duly obeys Infinite Consciousness.
the injunctions of the Sastras, who has subdued
his passions and senses, who has a calm mind, 2-4 Happy-Go-Lucky Disciples
and who possesses virtuous qualities like mercy,
cosmic love, patience, humility, endurance, Young aspirants become self-sufficient, arrogant
forbearance, etc. Initiation into mysteries of and self-assertive in these days. They do not care to
Brahman will fructify only when the disciple’s mind carry out the orders of a Guru. They do not wish to
becomes desireless, and will produce Jnana in it. have a Guru. They want independence from the
very beginning. They think they are in the Turiya
2-2 Guru Seva Avastha when they do not know even the ABC of
spirituality or truth. They mistake licentiousness or
Aspirants should direct their whole attention in the “having their own ways and sweet will” as freedom.
beginning towards removal of selfishness by This is a serious, lamentable mistake. That is the
protracted service of Guru. Serve your Guru with reason why they do not grow. They lose the faith in
divine Bhava; then cancer of individuality will be the efficacy of Sadhana and in the existence of God.
dissolved. The captain of a ship is ever alert. A They wander about in a happy-go-lucky manner,
fisherman is ever alert. A surgeon in the operation without any aim, talking something from scriptures
theatre is ever alert. Even so, a thirsting hungry (like Vichara-Sagara, Panchadasi etc.), and posing
disciple should be ever alert in the service of his as Jivanmuktas.
Guru. Live to serve the Guru. You must watch for
opportunities. Do not wait for invitation. Volunteer 2-5 Surrender and Grace
yourself for the Guru’s service. Serve your Guru
humbly, willingly, unquestioningly, unassumingly, If you want to drink water at the tap, you will have
ungrudgingly, untiringly and lovingly. The more to bend yourself. Even so, if you want to drink the
you spend your energy in serving your Guru, the spiritual nectar of immortality which flows from the
more divine energy will flow into you. He who holy lips of the Guru, you will have to be an
serves the Guru serves the whole world. Serve the embodiment of humility and meekness.
Guru without selfish ends. Scrutinise your inner
motives while doing service to Guru. Service must The lower nature of mind must be thoroughly
be done to Guru without expectation of name, regenerated. The aspirant says to his preceptor: “I
fame, power, wealth, etc. want to practise Yoga. I want to enter into
Nirvikalpa Samadhi. I want to sit at your feet. I
2-3 Obedience to Guru have surrendered myself to you.” But, he does not
want to change his lower nature and habits, old
Obedience to Guru is better than reverence. character, behaviour and conduct. One’s individual
Obedience is a precious virtue, because if you try to ego, preconceived notions, pet ideas and prejudices,
develop the virtue of obedience, the ego, the arch- and selfish interests should be given up. All these
enemy on the path of Self-realisation, slowly gets stand in the way of carrying out the teachings and
rooted out. instructions of one’s Guru.
Lay bare to your Guru the secrets of your heart.
The more you do so, the greater the sympathy, Satguru communicates the secret knowledge of the
which means an accession of strength to you in the Upanishads to his trusted disciples only after
struggle against sin and temptation. repeated entreaty and severe testing. Sometimes,
the Guru may even tempt his disciple, but the
The aspirant, before he desires the grace of the latter should overcome by firm faith in the Guru.
Master, should deserve it. The supply of divine Guru tests the students in various ways. Some
grace comes only when there is a real thirst in the students misunderstand him and lose their faith in
aspirant, and when he is fit to receive it. him. Hence they are not benefited. Some examples
of very severe tests are
Guru’s grace descends upon those who feel utterly (1) Gorakhnath asked some of his students to climb
humble and faithful to him. Faith is confidence and up a tall tree and throw themselves, head
trust in Guru. Faith is firm conviction of the truth downwards, on a very sharp trident or Trisula.
of what is declared by the preceptor by way either Many faithless students kept quiet. But one faithful
of testimony or authority, without any other student at once climbed up the tree with lightning
evidence or proof. The disciple who has faith in the speed and hurled himself downwards. He was
Guru argues not, thinks not, reasons not and protected by the invisible hand of Gorakhnath. He
cogitates not. He simply obeys. had immediate Self-realisation.
(2) Guru Govind Singh said to his disciples ‘If you
The disciple’s self-surrender to Guru and Guru’s have real devotion towards me, let 6 of you come
grace are interrelated. Surrender draws down forward and give me your heads.’ 2 faithful
Guru’s grace, and grace of Guru makes the disciples offered their heads. Guru Govind Singh
surrender complete. Workings of Guru’s grace: took them inside the camp and cut off the heads of
(1) In sadhana of the aspirant 2 goats instead.
(2) When the aspirant sticks tenaciously to the path
(3) If he resists when temptations assails him 2-7 4 Classes of Disciples
(4) If people receive him with love and reverence
(5) If he gets all bodily wants (1) Like petrol. Even from a great distance, he will
(6) If he gets encouragement and strength when he instantly react to the spark of the Guru’s Upadesa.
is in despair and despondency (2) Like camphor. A touch awakens his inner spirit
(7) If he gets over body-consciousness and rests in and kindles the fire of spirituality in him.
his own ananda-svarupa (3) Like coal. Guru has to take great pains in order
Feel guru’s grace at every step, and be sincere and to awaken the spirit in him.
truthful to him. (4) Like plantain stem. No efforts will have any
effect on him. Whatever the Guru may do, he
2-6 How Guru Teaches remains cold and inert.

Guru teaches through personal example. The day- 2 things are necessary for a beautifully finished idol
to-day conduct of the Guru is a living ideal to the or image
disciple who is observant. The life of the Guru is a (1) perfect, faultless, good piece of marble
living sermon to the sincere disciple. By constant (2) expert sculptor
contact, the disciple imbibes the virtues of his The piece of marble should unconditionally remain
Guru. He is moulded gradually. For eg., Indra in the hands of the sculptor in order to be carved
stayed with Prajapati for a period of 101 years and and chiselled into the fine image. So too, the
served him wholeheartedly (Chandogya Upanishad). disciple has to cleanse, purify and make himself a
perfectly faultless piece of marble and place himself
Guru only knows the spiritual needs of his under the expert guidance of his Master, allow to
disciples. He will give Upadesa according to the be carved and chiselled into the Image of God.
disciple’s temperament and evolution. This
Upadesa should be kept a secret. Discussion 3-0 Significance of Holy Guru-Purnima Day
among disciples will lead to criticism of Guru and
slackness in Sadhana. There will be no spiritual Veda-Vyasa has done unforgettable service to all
progress. Follow the Guru’s Upadesa to the very humanity for all time by editing the 4 Vedas,
letter. Remember it is meant for you only. Do not writing the 18 Puranas, the Mahabharata and the
impose the Upadesa you have received on others. Bhagavata. We can attempt to repay this deep debt
Let others follow whatever upadesa they received. of gratitude we owe him only by constant study of
his works and practice of his teachings imparted
The student can imbibe or draw from his teacher in for the regeneration of humanity in this Kali Yuga.
proportion to his degree of faith. When the Guru
comes to the aspirant to give spiritual instructions, In honour of this divine personage, all Sadhakas
if the aspirant does not pay any attention, if he is and devotees perform Vyasa Puja on this day;
self-sufficient and heedless, if he bolts the door of aspirants worship their Guru. Mahatmas and
his heart, he is not benefited. Sadhus are honoured and entertained, and acts of
charity done by all Grihastas with deep faith and
2-7 Guru’s Tests sincerity. Chaturmasa for Sannyasins begins from
this day. Sannyasins stay in one place during the Knowledge-Bliss, let all your thoughts, all your
rainy season for four months, study the Brahma words, all your actions be directed only towards the
Sutras, and practise meditation. Just as water, Goal.
drawn up and stored as clouds in the hot summer,
now manifests in plentiful showers that usher in The moon shines by reflecting the dazzling light of
the advent of fresh life everywhere. Even so do you the sun. It is the full-moon of Purnima night that
all begin seriously to put into actual working all the reflects in full splendour the glorious light of the
theory and philosophy that you have stored up in sun. It glorifies the sun. Purify yourself through the
you through patient study. Commence practical fire of service and Sadhana, and like the full moon,
spiritual Sadhana right from this day. Generate reflect the glorious Light of the Atman. Become the
fresh waves of spirituality. Let all that you have full reflectors of Brahmic splendour, the Light of
read, heard, seen and learnt become, through lights. Make this your goal, to become a living
Sadhana, transformed into a continuous witness to Divinity.
outpouring of universal love, ceaseless loving
service and continuous prayer and worship of the 3-3 Tat Tvam Asi
Lord seated in all beings.
Brahman or the Supreme Self alone is real. He is
Live on milk and fruits on this day and practise the Soul of all. He is All in all. He is the Essence of
rigorous Japa and Dhyana. Study the Brahma this universe. He is the Unity that never admits of a
Sutras and do some lakhs of Japa (Anushthana or duality under all the varieties and diversities of
Purascharana) of your Guru Mantra or Ishta nature. Thou art this immortal, all-pervading, all-
Mantra, during the Chaturmasa. You will be highly blissful Brahman. Thou art That—Tat Tvam Asi.
benefited. Realise this and be free.

It is the Guru alone that breaks the binding cords 4 important verses of the Brahma Sutras:
of attachment and releases the aspirant from the (1) Atha-Ato Brahma-Jijnasa—Now, therefore, the
trammels of earthly existence. To that high-souled enquiry into Brahman
aspirant, whose devotion to the Lord is great and (2) Janmadyasya Yatah—From which proceed the
whose devotion to his Guru is as great as that to origin, etc
the Lord, these secrets explained, become (3) Sastra-Yonitvat—The scriptures being the
illuminated. Guru is Brahman or Isvara Himself. means of right knowledge
He guides and inspires you from the innermost core (4) Tat Tu Samanvayat—But that because It is the
of your being. He is everywhere. main support.

3-1 Behold the Entire Universe as Guru-Svarupa Seek the blessings of Brahma-Vidya Gurus and
with that cut asunder the knot of Avidya and shine
Have a new angle of vision. Behold the entire as blessed Jivanmuktas, shedding peace, joy, light
universe as Guru-Svarupa. See the guiding hand, everywhere.
the awakening voice, the illumining touch of the
Guru in every object in this Creation. The Supreme 4-0 Maharshi Vyasa and His Contribution to
Guru, manifest in visible Nature, will teach you the Hindu Scripture
most valuable lessons of life. The Virat Guru will
reveal all the precious secrets of life and bestow 5-0 Sri Dakshinamurthy
wisdom. Worship daily this Guru of Gurus (Nature),
the Guru who taught even Avadhuta Dattatreya. 6-0 Lord Dattatreya and His 24 Gurus
The silent all-enduring earth with its lofty
forbearance, the shady fruit-bearing tree with its 7-0 Gurudom – A Deadly Canker
willing self-sacrifice, the mighty Banyan tree (Pipal)
reposing with patience in the tiny seed, the India, the sacred land of Advaita Philosophy, the
dripping drops whose persistence wears away the land which produced Sri Sankara, Dattatreya,
rocks, the planets and the seasons with their Vamadeva and Jada Bharata who preached
orderly punctuality and regularity are divine Gurus oneness of life and unity of consciousness, is full of
to him who will look, listen and receive. sectarians now. What a lamentable state! Hopeless
discord and disharmony reign supreme everywhere.
3-2 Purify and Progress Fighting is going on between different sects.

Become a personification of receptivity. Empty 7-1 Yogic Charlatans and Posing Gurus
yourself of your petty ego-sense. All the treasures
locked up in the bosom of Nature will become They have not understood the gravity of Yoga and
yours! You will have progress and perfection in an spiritual life. Samadhi is certainly not meant for
amazingly short time. Become pure and unattached demonstration on public roads. Samadhi is a
as the mountain breeze. As the river flows sacred act. Samadhi is not jugglery or Indrajala.
continuously, steadily and constantly towards its Some make disciples to get services when they grow
goal, the ocean, by moving every moment of your old. They do not care for the advancement of their
life towards the Supreme State of Existence- disciples.
A true aspirant believes that there is no purifier
7-2 Caution to Ladies more powerful than the service of a Guru in
removing the impurities of the mind. He believes
ODevis! Wake up now! Open your eyes. You are all that the only safe boat that can take us to the other
educated now. Use your reason. Do not be carried shore of Immortality is the company of a Guru.
away by mere lectures and music. Beware of posing
Gurus. Never make a householder as your Guru. 7-5 Commercial Gurudom
Never get Diksha from him. You will weep in the
end and reap a bad harvest if you do so. That man Actions of hypocrites who pose for Gurus and
whom you select as your Guru should be of an Acharyas and move about making disciples and
exemplary and spotless character. He should be collecting money is strongly condemnable. They are
absolutely selfless and be free from lust and greed. the pests of society. Gurudom has come to be mere
He should be free from all sorts of worldly taints. business. It must be thoroughly eradicated from
He should have knowledge of the Vedas and the soil of India. It is doing great havoc and harm to
scriptures. He must have inner spiritual strength the people of India. It is creating a very bad
and Self-realisation to elevate you and lead you in impression in the minds of the Westerners and
the spiritual path. people of different countries. India is losing its
spiritual glory on account of this Gurudom
Husbands should not allow their wives to take business. Drastic steps should be taken
anyone as their Guru without proper scrutiny or immediately to nip this serious malady and destroy
thorough examination and understanding of the it to its very root. It has assumed a hideous shape.
person whom they want to take as Guru. If they It has become very contagious. Many have taken to
really feel so much for taking a Guru, they should this Gurudom business as an easy means of decent
select one after careful study and enquiry and after livelihood. Poor ignorant ladies and gentlemen are
living with him for a long time. Husband and wife exploited by these pseudo-Gurus on an enormous
should not have different Gurus. Fighting comes in. scale.
They should have a common Guru.
Psuedo-gurus deliver lectures and conduct
7-3 Menace of Sects and Cults discourses. They know Brahma Sutras and Gita by
heart, but they have no knowledge and meditation.
A spiritual leader should never establish a sect of They are easily irritated. Their Abhimana is very
his own. He should have a far-reaching insight. stiff. They lack in divine attributes and Sadhutva.
Founding a sect means creation of a fighting centre They have no spirit of service. They are not able to
to disturb the peace of the world. He does more send one man across to final Salvation or
harm than good to the country. He can have an beatitude.
institution with broad, universal principles and
doctrines that will not at all conflict with the Public takes a man to be a Guru only if he exhibits
principles and doctrines of other religions and can some Siddhis. It is a serious mistake. People are
be universally accepted and followed by all. easily duped by such Yogic charlatans. They must
use their power of discrimination and reasoning.
Lord Chaitanya, Guru Nanak, Swami Dayananda They must study the ways, habits, nature, conduct,
were all catholic, exalted souls. All their teachings Vritti, Svabhava, etc., of the Guru and test his
were sublime and universal. They never wanted to knowledge of scriptures, before they come to any
establish sects or cults of their own. Had they lived definite conclusion.
now, they would have wept at the actions of their
followers. It is the followers who commit serious It is better to take Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, Lord
mistakes and blunders. They have not developed a Siva, the Indweller of your heart as your Guru and
large heart. They are petty-minded. They create repeat His Mantra instead of approaching these
dissensions, party-spirit and all sorts of trouble. black sheep who mislead and ransack the people of
this country. May this land always keep up the
7-4 Characteristics of a Real Guru reputation and prestige of a spiritual country with
saints, seers, Yogis, Bhaktas and Sannyasins with
A real Guru is one who is a Brahma-Nishtha and a Tyaga, renunciation and Self-realisation as goal.
Brahma-Srotri. He has full knowledge of the Self
and the Vedas. He can dispel the doubts of 8-0 A Talk to Sannyasins
aspirants. He has equal vision and balanced mind.
He is free from Raga-Dvesha, Harsha, Soka, A Sannyasin is one who has renounced (nyasa) the
egoism, anger, lust, greed, Moha, pride, etc. He is Deha-Adhyasa (body-idea), selfishness, Vasanas,
an ocean of mercy. In his mere presence one gets egoism, Abhimana. The four Kumaras of Brahma
Santi and elevation of mind. In his mere presence, (Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatkumara Sanatsujata),
all doubts of aspirants are cleared. He does not Sri Dattatreya and Sri Sankara are the pioneers in
expect anything from anybody. He has an this path of pure Nivritti-Marga. They are the
exemplary character. He is full of joy and bliss. He fathers for this Order of Sannyasins.
is in search of real aspirants.
Today Sannyasins of various institutions are doing Satsanga has degenerated in these days. It has
social service only. Some Sannyasins have dwindled into some kind of mental recreation or
scholarly erudition only, and they command a little amusement. Mere Vedantic gossiping for one hour
respect for sometime. They, too, have thrown aside in the evening between Sannyasins and
the meditative side of life. They are not able to householders with a mixture of some idle, worldly
produce a real and lasting impression on the minds talk, some politics, some scandal-mongering and
of the public, because they have not got the real backbiting, some silly giggling, guffaw and namby-
spiritual stuff or inner Atmic strength at their back. pamby sentimental outpourings in vague platitudes
Spiritual men, Yogins, Jnanins and Sannyasins is labelled as Satsanga. The minds of the
should appear on the platform like Lord Jesus for a Sannyasin who does Satsanga and the hearers
short time, should pour forth their energy and turn remain in the same state even after a course of
out tremendous work and disappear from the field. Satsanga for several years. There is no elevation
The work of holding spiritual classes for longer time and spiritual progress.
and starting Ashrams belongs to the junior
Sannyasins. It will not suit the temperament of When Sadhus and Sannyasins move in the world,
fiery spiritual giants. They will inundate the land they should show an exemplary life of Vairagya to
with spiritual waters or the nectar of immortality the householders. They should get from the
(divine knowledge) in a short time, just as the householders the bare necessaries of life only. They
Ganga does for few months in the year. should not mix with them very freely. They should
live in a solitary place outside the village or town.
8-1 Temptations of Comfortable Living They should conduct spiritual classes in a serious
manner. They should not talk on worldly matters in
No Sannyasin or householder should start an the interval. They should not bring in too many
Ashram for the sake of his comfortable living. Many stories that excite laughter. They should not cut
Sannyasins are pure in the beginning when they jokes. There must be solemn serenity. The whole
start an Ashram, when they are poor. But when audience must be spellbound. There must be pin-
they become rich, when they have got enough drop silence. Then only the householders will be
admirers and Bhaktas, the spirit of selfless service influenced. They will feel they have got something
dwindles away, giving place to selfish motives in from the Satsanga.
their hearts. The object with which they started
Ashrams gets lost. Then it becomes a money- 8-3 Kheer-Parottah Birds
making institution. People have no attraction. If the
head of the institution leads a life of Vairagya and The moment a Sannyasin begins to ask from
absolute renunciation, the Ashram stands as a householders several things frequently, he loses his
centre or nucleus of perennial peace, bliss and joy. respect and influence. He is forced to leave the
It attracts millions of people. The world is always in place immediately. Some shameless Sannyasins
need of such Ashrams with such spiritual giants as live as parasites amongst householders for months
their heads. together. These persons should not come under the
category of Sadhus and Sannyasins. They are
Impotency is not establishment in Brahmacharya. professional beggars in coloured garb, like the wolf
Even perfect Jnanins and full-blown Yogins should in the skin of a lamb. A real Sadhu or Sannyasin is
be very careful. They should avoid indiscriminate, like a glorious sun. He shines during day and
promiscuous mixing with worldly-minded persons. night.
The sight of pairing of fish excited a developed
Rishi. The jingling sounds of the bangles of a lady 8-4 Training of Aspirants
causes severe excitement in the mind. Passion is
very powerful. Mysterious is Maya. If a Sadhu or Sannyasin or an aspirant really wants
to attain spiritual progress and Self-realisation, he
It is the tongue and the palate that force the must stick to a place without stirring out even for a
undisciplined young aspirants, Brahmacharins and day, at least for a period of 12 years, and must do
Sannyasins, to come in close contact with rigorous, constant Sadhana. Change of place is not
householders under the garb of doing Satsanga. Is necessary. A Sannyasin or Sadhu can do more solid
it for satisfying the tongue you have left your and efficient work at the very threshold of his
parents, and renounced position and property and cottage than by moving about from place to place
embraced Sannyasa? Or, is it for attaining Self- and delivering lectures on platforms. In platform-
realisation? If it is for the former, you would have lectures, there is only temporary stimulation for
done very well by earning money in the world. Do half an hour. When a Sannyasin moves, his time is
not bring disgrace to the order of Sannyasa. If the wasted. All sorts of people come to meet him out of
tongue is uncontrollable, remove the gerua garb curiosity.
and go back to the world, do some work and earn
money. Evolve through Karma Yoga. No control of When the flower blossoms, it does not send any
mind is possible without control of tongue. invitation to the bees. The bees come by
themselves. Even so, real seekers after Truth will
8-2 Is this Satsanga? flock to the real Sannyasins at their very door.
Sannyasins need not move about and advertise.
Only real Adhikarins will go to meet Sannyasins at
their cottages. The hearts of these aspirants can be
really pierced by the instructions of Sannyasins.
Training of aspirants is the highest service which a
Sannyasin can do. Each aspirant will become a
spiritual nucleus, or radiating or broadcasting
centre of Joy, Peace and Knowledge.

When one puts on the orange-coloured robe, he

must remember that he has entered a noble order
of life and that great responsibility rests on his
shoulders and that he is going to become soon a
religious and spiritual teacher for the world. He
must try his level best to possess all the noble,
divine virtues and to lead an ideal life of purity and

Real Sannyasins are the beacon-lights and

torchbearers of the world. Just as the lighthouse
sends its light to the distant steamers in the far-off
sea, so also the Sannyasins radiate their divine
light to people of far-off climes who are immersed in
the mire of darkness and ignorance. They can move
the whole world.

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