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Breaking the Tbit/s Barrier:

Jochen Schröder, Trung D. Vo,
Yvan Paquot and Benjamin J. Eggleton

The growing demand for broadband

communications has inspired many
approaches to increasing capacity. Our
O ur ability to send large amounts of data through a
single optical iber has revolutionized the way we
communicate. Ever since Charles Kao predicted
that light could propagate through a single mode iber at a
total loss of less than 20 dB/km, optical iber communications
recent work shows that combining linear has taken on an increasingly important role in our society.
Optical ibers are now ubiquitous, and they form the backbone
and nonlinear optical signal processing of all modern telecommunication networks. It’s no wonder
can overcome some of the challenges that Kao was awarded a portion of the 2009 Nobel Prize in
physics for “groundbreaking achievements concerning the
faced by high-symbol-rate signals. transmission of light in ibers for optical communication.”

32 | OPN Optics & Photonics News

Eggleton (left),
Schröder and
Paquot in the
CUDOS Tbit/s lab
at the University
of Sydney.

Courtesy of the University of Sydney

Today, everyone transmits and receives data via optical is predicted to quadruple in the next ive years and to reach
ibers several times a day, be it when searching the Internet, almost a zettabyte annually in 2015.
watching a video online, chatting via an instant messaging
program or talking to someone on the phone. he data that Increasing capacity
reach us through wireless networks on our laptop or cell phone Researchers are using multiple approaches to increasing optical
or through a copper cable to our desktop computer traversed iber capacity in order to keep up with the soaring demand for
an optical iber. broadband communications. heir techniques include increas-
Despite its relatively long history, iber telecommunica- ing the number of wavelength channels that carry data, or
tions research continues at a breathtaking pace. his research so-called wavelength division multiplexing (WDM); increas-
is largely driven by the increasing demand for bandwidth. In ing the number of bits of a single symbol, for example, via
the last ive years, data traic has increased eightfold, and it coherent modulation formats that modulate both phase and

March 2012 | 33
1047-6938/12/03/32/6-$15.00 ©OSA
Researchers from Denmark, Germany and our own team in Sydney,
Australia, are now routinely operating at symbol rates of 1.28 Tbaud.

amplitude of a signal, including quadrature amplitude modula- channels occupying various wavelength regions as in WDM,
tion (QAM) or quadrature phase shift keying; using multicore OTDM allows for diferent channels to occupy varying time
or multimode ibers, denoted as space division multiplexing slots. High-symbol-rate communications was pioneered by
techniques; and increasing the symbol rate of the signal via Masataka Nakazawa, who generated signals at 640 Gbaud in
time division multiplexing (TDM). Typically, several of these the late 1990s.
techniques are combined into one approach. We have recently seen a renewed interest in high-symbol-
Despite the enormous progress being made in coherent rate signals, with several groups competing for the highest data
communication systems and the associated advanced modu- rate in a single channel. Researchers from Denmark, Germany
lation formats, there is still great interest in enhancing the and our own team in Sydney, Australia, are now routinely
symbol rates of signals. he challenges and results of raising operating at symbol rates of 1.28 Tbaud. Not too long ago, we
the bit-rate of a signal by increasing the symbol rate are of great saw the generation of a 10.2 Tbit/s single channel data rate by
interest to the optics and photonics community. combining a 1.28 Tbaud symbol rate with 16 QAM modula-
he symbol rate in optical systems is often measured as the tion and polarization multiplexing.
number of laser pulses per second that carry the information
(measured in baud). It difers from the bit-rate by the number Challenges
of bits in one symbol. Our recent work shows that combining
he generation of high-symbol-rate OTDM signals is rela-
linear and nonlinear optical signal processing can overcome
tively straightforward by selectively delaying, combining and
some of the challenges faced by high-symbol-rate signals.
temporally interleaving lower-symbol-rate signals using delay
State-of-the-art telecommunication systems operate at a
lines and couplers. However, to prevent adjacent symbols from
symbol rate of 40 Gbaud, or 40 Giga symbols per second.
overlapping, it is important to have suiciently short symbol
While there are some commercial oferings that have a sym-
duration. his is why most OTDM experiments use pulsed or
bol rate of 56 Gbaud, and research has shown electronically
so-called return-to-zero signals, and it is the cause of many of
generated signals of 160 Gbaud, the maximum symbol rate
the challenges facing high-symbol-rate communications.
that can be generated electronically is ultimately limited by
hese challenges are manifold. he irst is the generation of
electronic bandwidths.
suiciently short pulses. OTDM signals typically use pulses
herefore, researchers have adopted optical time division
from an actively mode-locked laser with a pulse width of 1-2 ps.
multiplexing (OTDM) as an all-optical method for generat-
However, the symbol period of a 1.28-Tbaud signal is only
ing ultra-high baud rate signals. Instead of diferent signal
about 780 fs. hus, much shorter pulses with widths of less
than 400 fs are required to avoid pulse overlap. he most com-
[ Single channel bit-rate research: The last 25 years ] mon approach for generating such ultra-short pulse trains is via
nonlinear compression of the picosecond pulses.
Another diiculty is that the requirements and tolerances
10 on the pulse trains and the multiplexing stages become much
more stringent. With decreasing pulse width, timing-jitter has
8 to be kept low, and alignment of the multiplexing stages must
Bit-rate [Tb/s]

be tightly controlled.
A third hurdle is the propagation and transmission of high-
symbol-rate signals, which are inherently much more suscep-
tible to transmission impairments. Speciically, group velocity
dispersion must be accurately compensated to reliably recover
the data signal. At bandwidths of 640 GHz and above, higher-
order dispersion in the transmission ibers plays an increasingly
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 strong role. herefore, it is necessary to not only compensate
for second-order dispersion (b₂) but also for third- (b₃), fourth-
Research was irst focused on increasing the bit rate of 640 (b₄) and possibly ifth-order (b₅) dispersion.
Gbaud signals via polarization multiplexing and high eficiency
he second-order dispersion length—or the length after
modulation formats. The current record for single channel bit-
rate is a remarkable 10.2 Tbit/s for a polarization multiplexed which a Gaussian pulse is broadened by a factor of two—is
1.28 Tbaud quadrature amplitude modulation signal. on the order of several meters for a 300 fs pulse; similarly,
the third-order dispersion length is on the order of a hundred

34 | OPN Optics & Photonics News

meters. Because dispersion causes signiicant distortion of the [ All-optical radio-frequency-spectrum analyzer ]
signal, very accurate compensation is crucial. his is further
complicated by the fact that temperature-induced dispersion Signal Nonlinear
luctuations are strong enough to signiicantly impair the waveguide
CW probe
transmitted signals. A real-world link must therefore not only
be accurately compensated but also able to track and compen-
@ Waveguide input
sate for luctuations. his applies to long-distance links as well
as medium- and short-distance links of a few hundred meters. Signal
he underlying challenge of ultra-high-baud-rate com-
munication is iguring out how to measure and manipulate intensity
ultra-broadband signals to detect and adjust multiplexing CW
stage misalignment or to accurately track dispersion. Tra- phase
ditional electronic measurement techniques do not possess Time Power
enough bandwidth to measure these signals. Demultiplex- Cross-phase
ing measurement and subsequent re-multiplexing would be modulation
energy-intensive and costly. Nonlinear optical processing @ Waveguide output
techniques promise to overcome the bandwidth limitations
imposed by electronics, and nonlinearity-based monitoring Signal
techniques have been the subject of extensive research. Fiber
Bragg gratings, a common tool for tunable dispersion com- CW
intensity RF
pensation, are similarly limited in their maximum bandwidth. spectrum
hey cannot be used for signals with bandwidths above a few phase
hundred GHz. Time Power
An all-optical radio-frequency-spectrum analyzer can be
created by co-propagating a continuous wave probe beam with
Impairment monitoring and compensation the signal under test (SUT) through a nonlinear waveguide. The
of ultra-broadband signals optical spectrum of the probe after the waveguide as measured
on an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) is proportional to the
Our work combines nonlinear photonic chip-based opti-
radio frequency or power spectrum of the SUT.
cal processing for impairment monitoring with linear light
manipulation, based on spectral pulse shaping, for impairment
compensation of ultra-broadband telecommunication signals.
For many applications, it is desirable to characterize optical he phase modulation generates new frequency components
signals with high temporal resolution and low acquisition time. around the spectrum of the cw probe. he optical spectrum
Arguably the most common high-temporal-resolution pulse of the broadened probe is proportional to the RF spectrum of
characterization technique is the second-harmonic generation the signal; thus, we are able to measure the RF spectrum of
(SHG) autocorrelator. Most optical laboratories that use short the signal with a simple optical spectrum analyzer. Because the
pulses will have at least one of these devices. However, the Kerr-nonlinearity is virtually instantaneous, the main limita-
acquisition time of SHG autocorrelators is comparatively tion on the bandwidth of the all-optical RFSA is dispersion
slow. hey are also bulky and hardly integrable. Furthermore, inside the waveguide and probe-signal walk-of. Dorrer’s origi-
they tend to contain moving parts and require frequent read- nal implementation, based on a dispersion-shifted iber, was
justment. All of these characteristics make them unsuitable for still bandwidth-limited to about 800 GHz. To create a truly
monitoring applications in optical networks. broadband RFSA, a highly nonlinear platform with negligible
he electronic radio-frequency-spectrum analyzer (RFSA) is dispersion is required.
a powerful diagnostic tool that is commonly used in telecom-
munications for characterizing signal quality. However, it is All-optical radio-frequency spectrum measurement
limited in bandwidth due to its electronic nature. Christopher We now have the potential to make very compact RFSAs with
Dorrer proposed a method of generating the radio-frequency unprecedented bandwidths. his is due to recent progress on
(RF) spectrum of a broadband signal via all-optical means, photonic miniaturization and integration based on silicon
thus signiicantly improving on the bandwidth of electronic photonics or highly nonlinear glasses such as chalcogenide,
RFSAs. A broadband signal is copropagated with a continuous together with being able to precisely engineer the dispersion
wave (cw) probe through a nonlinear waveguide. he instan- of these devices.
taneous intensity of the signal will modulate the phase of the he large refractive index of silicon photonics and chalco-
probe wave via cross-phase modulation induced by the Kerr- genides allow for the creation of waveguides and nanowires
nonlinearity inside the waveguide. with highly conined light ields. he increased intensity and

March 2012 | 35
The extremely lexible phase manipulation capabilities enable us to
compensate for multiple orders of dispersion via simple phase iltering.

the high Kerr nonlinear index of these materials combine to integration allows us to combine the nonlinear propagation,
create a very large nonlinear parameter, enabling large phase- optical iltering and the (slow) photodiodes for power measure-
shifts on lengths scales of a few centimeters. Having the ability ments onto a single device. One could thus create a perfor-
to engineer the waveguide dimensions to ofset large material mance monitor on a chip.
dispersion has proven crucial for enabling broadband nonlinear
processing. he combination of very low dispersion with the Multi-order dispersion monitor and automatic
centimeter-scale device length greatly reduces probe-signal walk- compensator for Tbaud signals
of leading to measurement bandwidths of about three THz. he igure on the facing page illustrates the all-optically
he elegance of the all-optical RF spectrum measurement, measured RF spectrum of a 1.28-Tbaud on-of keying signal
apart from the immense bandwidth, derives from its ability afected by diferent amounts of multi-order dispersion. We
to perform further processing on the RF spectrum via simple would also like to point out the exceptional bandwidth of this
optical iltering. We can easily isolate speciic signal parameters RF spectrum measurement—it exhibits frequency components
to measure dispersion or optical signal-to-noise ratio by only well above one THz. Second, it is evident that the power of
measuring some RF regions of interest. Furthermore, photonic the 1.28 THz tone, or the fundamental of the symbol rate, is a
single parameter indicator of the signal quality; it is therefore
possible to monitor and optimize signal quality by iltering and
2-D LCOS array
Input/output measuring the 1.28 THz tone power.
on gra ting iber array
Dif fracti Because the power of the clock-rate tone in the RF-spectrum
can be used as the sole indicator of the signal quality, it can
also be used for a single parameter optimization in our disper-
Channel bandwidth
sion compensation device. he monitor picks up when the sig-
nal quality, measured by iltering the clock tone power, drops
Polarization due to dispersion luctuations (induced here by our dispersion
diversity optics simulator). Signal quality is automatically recovered by adjusting
the compensator accordingly.
We take advantage of this to implement an automatic
Imaging multi-order dispersion compensator for ultra-broadband
Programmable mirror OTDM signals via single parameter optimization. he OTDM
optical processor signal is generated in a typical fashion, based on compressed
A programmable optical processor, or spectral pulse shaper, mode-locked laser pulses and interferometric multiplexing
is an extremely powerful linear optical processing device. It stages, to create the 1.28 Tbaud signal.
can perform nearly arbitrary phase and intensity iltering on he automatic compensator has two key components: 1) a
the spectrum of an input light ield. The operating principle combination of the photonic-chip performance monitor based
of the device that our group uses is as follows: Light enters on optical nonlinearity; and 2) a programmable optical proces-
the spectral pulse shaper via an input/output iber array. It is
sor that uses spectral pulse-shaping for fast and reconigurable
imaged onto a 2-D liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS) display via
a diffraction grating, which angularly disperses the light so arbitrary multi-order dispersion compensation.
the horizontal axis of the LCoS is occupied by the C-band. A feedback loop controls the optical processor adjusting the
Along the vertical axis, the light intensity has an approxi- dispersion compensation for optimum signal quality.
mately Gaussian distribution due to diffraction. Spectral pulse shapers are extremely powerful linear optical
The phase modulation capabilities of the LCoS device processing devices that allow for the control of spectral phase
enable extensive phase and amplitude iltering and beam
and the intensity of an incoming light ield. hey were pio-
steering operations. The respective wavelength can be
directed to a chosen output port to enable wavelength neered in the 1990s by Andrew Weiner. Some key advantages
switching by applying a phase modulation to each verti- of our device, which is based on a commercially available wave-
cal pixel column on the LCoS. Equivalently, the wavelength length selective switch platform, is its very low insertion loss
channel can be attenuated by misaligning from the ideal out- and relatively fast update time. hese are central requirements
put coupling condition. Similarly, a horizontal phase modula- for our monitoring application.
tion will delect the light along a slightly different path to the
output iber, causing a delay. Bandpass iltering is enabled
he device enables direct manipulation of the spectral phase
by simply using different horizontal regions of the LCoS. and amplitude of an incoming light ield via a combination
of a 4-f imaging system with a spatial light modulator (SLM).

36 | OPN Optics & Photonics News

he 4-f system includes two difraction gratings [ Ultra-broadband RF measurements & dispersion compensation ]
that angularly disperse the wavelength spectrum
of the light along one spatial axis of the SLM. 40 β =+1.5
β =+1.5
β =+1.5
By controlling the pixel values of the SLM at the
center of the imaging system, one can directly β =+1.0 β =+1.0 β =+0.5
2 3 4

Power [dBm]
manipulate individual spectral components of 0
the ield. his enables versatile manipulation of
−20 β =+0.5 β =+0.5 β =+0.25
the spectral phase and amplitude of the light and 2 3 4

allows the dispersion, delay or arbitrary attenu- −40

β =0 β =0 β =0
ation proiles to be applied directly to the light 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4
passing through the device.
he extremely lexible phase manipulation 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1
f [THz] f [THz] f [THz]
capabilities enable us to compensate for multiple
orders of dispersion via simple phase iltering. Our ∆β3=
compensation algorithm takes advantage of the − 0.003

Tone power [dB]

fact that the quality factor of the signal is a single −4
β =0
scalar value (the 1.28 THz tone power) with a −6 2
monotonically decreasing dependence on b₂, b₃ −8 β =0
∆β =
∆β =

and b₄ around the optimum. his allows for the −10 − 0.003 − 0.07
∆β =− 0.007
existence of a global optimum for the dispersion −12 3

∆β3=− 0.01
state, which can be found by running a scalar −14
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
optimization algorithm on the 3-D surface deined Time[s]
by the tone power. To implement this optimization
The strong distortive effect of dispersion on high-bandwidth single-channel
experimentally, we isolated the tone from the RF telecommunication signals can be readily observed using our photonic chip
spectrum by conducting optical iltering using a radio-frequency analyzer. These signals are affected by second- and higher-
combination of a iber Bragg grating and a tunable order dispersion (b2, b3, b4, …) after propagation through only short lengths of
thin-ilm ilter. We measured its power using a standard single mode iber.
relatively slow photodiode.
We used a second spectral pulse shaper to
change the dispersion at arbitrary points in time to simulate full potential of this linear-nonlinear processing combination
a realistic link that is exposed to environmental luctuations has not yet been fully exploited and that many more applica-
and thus dispersion luctuations. he ability of our system to tions will use this combination. t
automatically track dispersion variations is demonstrated on We thank our coworkers and collaborators who have greatly contributed
the bottom of the igure above, which depicts the tone power to the experiments presented here: Steve Madden, Jürgen Van Erps, Barry
over time. We see sharp drops in tone power when the disper- Luther-Davies, Mark Pelusi and Michaël Roelens. We would also like
sion is changed on the simulator. Subsequently, the compen- to acknowledge the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence,
sation algorithm kicks in and the tone power is recovered to Federation Fellowship and Linkage Schemes for financial support.
its initial value.
Jochen Schröder, Trung D. Vo, Yvan Paquot and Benjamin J. Eggleton
he recovery time for this experiment is on the order of ( are with the ARC Centre of Excellence
tens of seconds; however, this can be signiicantly improved by Member for Ultrahigh-bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems, Institute

further optimizing the compensation algorithm. It could be as of Photonics and Optical Science, school of physics at the University of
Sydney, Australia.
fast as a few hundred milliseconds (limited by the update time
of the spectral pulse shaper). Furthermore, the abrupt changes of [ References and Resources ]
dispersion used in this model are worst-case scenario. In a real
>> M. Nakazawa et al. Electron. Lett. 34, 907 (1998).
link, dispersion luctuations are mainly induced by temperature >> A.M. Weiner. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 71, 1929 (2000).
variations and we would observe a much slower change that >> C. Dorrer and D.N. Maywar. J. Lightwave Technol. 22, 266 (2004).
would be much more easily tracked by our system. >> M.A.F. Roelens et al. J. Lightwave Technol. 26, 73 (2008).
We believe that the tight integration of photonic-chip- >> M. Pelusi et al. Nature Photon. 3, 139 (2009).
based all-optical signal monitoring with spectral pulse >> J. Van Erps et al. Opt. Express 18, 25415 (2010).
>> Y. Paquot et al. Opt. Express 19, 2512 (2011).
shaping for signal manipulation holds great potential
>> T. Richer et al. Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OSA
for applications with bandwidth requirements exceeding Technical Digest (CD), paper PDPA9 (2011).
electronic limits. Such a combination can help to overcome >> Cisco Visual Networking Index:
some of the fundamental challenges of high baud rate optical collateral/ns341/ns525/ns537/ns705/ns827/white_paper_c11-
telecommunications. Furthermore, we are convinced that the

March 2012 | 37

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