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Chap 1 Problem Solutions Ll If v = 141.4sin(ut + 30°) V and i = 11.31 gos(wt — 30°) A. find for each (a) the maximum value, (6) the rms value and (c) the phasor expression in polar and rectangular form if voltage is the“feference Is the circuit inductive or c capacitive? roe Ve | A sin (ct SY Solution Gl cos (est 430 et) (2) Maximum values: Vmer = 141.4 V Tmax i (b) rms values IV = ae = 10V = + Vv Opctde r ; 430° The circuit is indyefive as I lage V om lecas 1.2 If the circuit of Prob. 1.1 consists of a purely resistive and a purely reactive element, find R and X, (a) if the elements are in series and (6) if the elements are in parallel. @ iy Was Solution: Ray K (a) Elements in series: & gene BED) _ z= SO R= Xe = some 9 BG G.2enr x 203+ \ OF =G@+\8 BA XG= Magn 89 N=G+) “haa 2S Cin gener! — 1.3 Ina single-phase circuit V, = 120245° V and V, = 100/~15° V with respect to a reference node 0. Find Vig in polar form. Solution: Ve = Vo-Veo Vie = 100,=15% - 120, 96.59 ~ 725.88 — (84.85 + 384.85) 11.74—3110.73 = 111.357-83.95" V 2 1.4 A single-phase ac voltage of 240 V is applied to a series circuit whose impedance is 10260° 9. Find R, X, P, Q and the power factor of the circuit. Solution: R = 1Weos60* = 50 9 X = 10sin6o" = 856 9 240208 : To pzage 7 2ea8Oe A Po = (24)?x5 = 2880 W Q = (24)? x 8.66 = 4988 var 4988 pL = cos (tan = ) = om @ ex(ar!%) = om 1.5 If a capacitor is connected in parallel with the circuit of Prob. 1.4 and if this capacitor supplies 1250 var, find the P and Q supplied by the 240-V source, and find the resultant power factor. Solution: P = 2880 W Q = 4988-1250 = 3738 var cos (can a8) sap) = 081 16 A single-phase inductive load draws 10 MW at 0.6 power factor lagging. Draw the power triangle and determine the reactive power of a capacitor to be con- nected in parallel with the load to raise the power factor to 0.85. Solution: 10 Braye pest (cos 0.6) = 13.33 . cos'0.85 = 31.79" 10tan31.79° = 6.2 var an Q = - (1333-62) = -T713 Mvar 7 = 120230° V. Compare the results with Example 1.1 and form some conclusions about the effect of variation of the magnitude of Ey in this circuit. Solution: ao aon ( 560) 380 — 380 ae E,I” = 100(-12~ 30.78) = -1200~-j78 Eq = (103,92 +360) (—12 - 70.78) = -1247 - 5720 - j81 +468 1200 j801 Machine 1 absorbs 1200 W and 78 var Machine 2 delivers 1200 W and 801 var 801 ~ 78 = 723 var absorbed by line In Example 2.1 the line received 536 var, half from each source. Raising |E,| caused some Increase in power transfer and some increase in @ supplied to the line, but the significant fact is that raising |Ez| caused that source to supply not only all the Q absorbed by the line but also 78 var delivered to the |Ey| source. 1.12 Evaluate the following expressions in polar form: (a) a-1 (b) l-a@+a (c) ®@+a+j 5 (d) jata? Solution: (a) a=1 = -05 + j0.866~1 = 1.732 1508 (0) 1-0? Ha = 1 (0.5 ~ j0.866) — 0.5 + 70.866 = 1+ 51.732 = 2.00 60° (oP tats = ~05~-50.866—05 + 50.866+51 = 1451 = 14142135" (d) gato? = 1221 = 1,932,225" + 122402 = —0.866 ~ 30.5 - 0.5 — j0.865 = -1.366 ~ 51.366 1.13 Three identical impedances of 10/—15° 9 are Y-connected to balanced three- phase line voltages of 208 V. Specify all the line and phase voltages and the currents as phasors in polar form with Ves as reference for a phase sequence of abe. Solution: Van Ven = 2082240 V Vin Vie = 20821208 V Ven Vea = 208202 -V = 12228 A + te 1221058 A Ie = 12,018 A 1.14 lerwbalaneed-thrge-phase system the Y-connected impedances are 10/30° 9. Oi ie = ° ; _— If Ve = 4162908 V, specify Im in polar form. 5S ew Solution: & = mov 7 Veg = 240/60" V Gwe ° Fen Josgoe = MMe A Vow ag 2 = Ven = 246 (/-66 1.15 The terminals of a three-phase supply are labeled a, 6 and c. Between any pair a voltmeter measures 115 V. A resistor of 100 and a capacitor of 100 2 at the frequency of the supply are connected in series from a to 6 with the resistor connected to a. The point of connection of the elements to each other ) is labeled n. Determine graphically the voltmeter reading between c and n if phase sequence is abc and if phase sequence is acb. Solution: Sequence a-be aE 2 Fe = issino? = 96” 7 meter reading = 5754996 = 1571 V Sequence a-cb eR v ly" meter reading 87.5 = 421 V AN 1.16 Determine the current drawn from a three-phase 440-V line by a three-phase 15-hp motor operating at full load, 90% efficiency and 80% power factor lagging. Find the values of P and Q drawn from the line. Solution: 15x 746 oe Ml = Jexmoxoaxos ~ 289 4 P = Vix 440 x 20.39 x 0.8 = 12,491 W drawn from line Q = Vix440x 20.39% 06 = 9,324 var drawn from line 1.17 1.18 1.19 7 If the impendance of each of the three lines connecting the motor of Prob. 1.16 to a bus is 0.3 + j1.0 O, find the line-to-line voltage at the bus which supplies 440 V at the motor. Solution: T = 20,39 (0.8— 30.6) = 16.31~j12.28 A ‘When the reference is voltage to neutral of the motor at the terminal where J is calculated, 540° V, the supply bus voltage to neutral is, 254 + J+ (03 + §1.0)(16.31 — 712.23) Line-toline voltage [V| = v3 j271.1 + j12.64] 271.1 + 512.64 470 V ‘A balanced-A load consisting of pure resistances of 15 © per phase is in par- allel with a balanced-Y load having phase impedances of 8 + 6 9. Identical impedances of 2+ 75 9 are in each of the three lines connecting the combined loads to a 110-V three-phase supply. Find the current drawn from the supply and line voltage at the combined loads. Solution: Convert A to equivalent Y having 15/3 =5 9/phase 5(6450) _ 404590, 19-36 _ 704550 B+84j6 13+ 56 “ 13-76 205: 341 440.722 = 3491212 2 Current drawn at supply: Z = 2+j54341 45073 = 54149573 = 7.882466" 2 u0/ v3 Wl = = 8.06 A from su i = HOGS 2.06 a from supply Letting V; equal voltage at the load, line-to-line voltage: V; = 806x349 = 28.13 V to neutral Line-toline Va = V3x 28.13 = 48.72 V A three-phase load draws 250 kW at a power factor of 0.707 lagging from a 440-V line. In parallel with this load is a three-phase capacitor bank which draws 60 kVA. Find the total current and resultant power factor. Solution: Letting S; and S2 represent the load and capacitor bank, respectively, Sy = 25045250 0 ~ 360 250+ j190 = Sidca729° kW 100 g00 A Vix aa0 pi = 0037.28 = 0.796 tag 1.20 A three-phase motor draws 20 kVA at 0.707 power factor lagging from a 220-V source. Determine the kilovoltampere rating of capacitors to make the combined Power factor 0.90 lagging, and determine the line current before and after the capacitors are added. Solution: From the figure, 6 = cos“10.9 = 25,84" Mtan258° = 685 a V4.4 685 = 729 oar Without capacitors 20,000 i} = = = 525 A B= Faas With capacitors = [14.14 + 56.85] x 1000 VE x 220 1.21 A coal mining “drag line” machine in an open-pit mine consumes 0.92 MVA at 0.8 power factor lagging when it digs coal, and it generates (delivers to the electric system) 0.10 MVA at 0.5 power factor leading when the loaded shovel swings away from the pit wall. At the end of the “dig” period, the change in supply current magnitude can cause tripping of a protective relay which is constructed of solid-state circuitry. Therefore it is desired to minimize ‘the change in current magnitude. Consider the placement of capacitors at the machine terminals and find the amount of capacitive correction (in kvar) to eliminate the change in steady-state current magnitude. ‘The machine is energized from a 36.5 kV, three-phase supply. Start the solution by letting Q be the total three-phase megavars of the capacitors connected across the machine terminals, and write an expression for the magnitude of the line current draun by the machine in terms of Q for both the digging and generating operations. ul = 412A Solution: Assume line-tovline voltage |V| is constant. Then constant current magnitude || means constant |S] where |S| = v3 |V| [I*| x 10"® MVA. 1.22 1.23 1.24 Dig period [S| = [0.92 (0.8 + 70.6) - 5Q [0.736 + 50.552 — jQ| 0.542 + 0.905 ~ 1.1049 + Q? = 0.847 = 1.104Q + Q? {si} ‘Swing period: JS] = |-0.12=60° - 59] = |=0.05 + 70.086 - 59) Is? (0.05)? + (0.0866 — Q) = 0.0025 + 0.0075 - 0.17320 + Q? = 0.01 -0.17320+Q? and equating |S? for the dig and swing periods, we have 0.847 - 1.108949? = 001 -0.17329+ Q* 0.9379 = 0.837 Q = 0.899 Mvar or 899 kvar ‘A generator (which may be represented by an emf in series with an inductive reactance) is rated 500 MVA, 22 KV. Its Y-connected windings have a reactance of 1.1 per unit. Find the ohmic value of the reactance of the windings. Solution: X = 11x 0.968 = 1.065 9 The generator of Prob. 1.22 is in a circuit for which the bases are specified as 100 MVA, 20 kV. Starting with the per-unit value given in Prob. 1.22, find the per-unit value of reactance of the generator windings on the specified base. Solution: Al 1662 em x = ayes = 928rF pe uit Draw the single-phase equivalent circuit for the motor (an emf in series with in- ductive reactance labeled Zm) and its connection to the voltage supply described in Probs. 1.16 and 1.17. Show on the diagram the per-unit values of the line impedance and the voltage at the motor terminals on a base of 20 kVA, 440 V. Then using per-unit values find the supply voltage in per unit and convert the per-unit value of the supply voltage to volts. 10 Solution: Per-unit base calculations: Buse Z = = 968 per unit R= 25 = 0031 perunt x = 2S = 0.1035 per unie Bal = 200 = a5 a 1 = BB or pean F Voltage calculations: V = 10+0.777(08 ~ 30.6)(0.031 + 30.1033) 1.0 40.777 x 0.1079 36.43° 1.0-+ 0.0674 + 70.0498 = 1,0686/2.97° per unit ‘ Vir] = 1.0686 x 440 = 470 V 1.25 Write the two nodal admittance equations, similar to Eqs. (1.57) and (1.58), for the voltages at nodes @ and @ of the circuit of Fig. 1.28. Then arrange the nodal admittance equations for all four independent nodes of Fig. 1.23 into the Yous form of Eq. (1.61) Solution: bus® (a- Va +(e WY (e-Va¥e = 0 bus® Vek +(Vu-VWIY + V)Y = le Rearranging equations for bus @ and bus @ yields bus @ “Vive +a(%+Ya+¥)- VY Vere = bus@ -Vi¥y -Va¥e + Va HY) +¥.) = le The Yous form is o @ @ Of%+w+¥%) — ~¥ ~¥%. % ° ® Ye (HtKtK) 0% v%}_| 0 ® -¥. he %+K% HY) M/A] a ® -Y; “Ye 0 YM hs Yy=-j40 ¥.=-J4.0 Ya = 38.0 Y,=-j0.8 Is=1.0;-90° I, = 0.68/—135° eer il Substituting these values in the equations determined in Prob. 1.25, compute the voltages at the nodes of Fig. 1.23. Numerically determine the corresponding Ziyys matrix Solution: Using the Yous solution of Problem 1.25, substitute the given admittance values: -f4s 80 40 528] Va 380 9170 340 98.0 | | Vo 540 740 788 70 Vs 525 ja0 70 783 J L Compute voltages: YuV = 1 You '¥ouV = You" 40.7187 30.6688 0.6307 0.6194 30.6688 j0.7045 70.6242 0.6258, where Yous’ = Zeus = | 40,6307 30.7045 30.6840 70.5660 jo.6194 0.6258 30.5660 30.6840 Vo= Youd vi (30.7187 30.6688 j0.6307 0.6194 ° vz | _ | 30.6888 30.7045 0.6242 30.6258 ° vy | = | 40.6307 30.7045 0.6840 30.5660 | | 1.0,—90° 7 Josie 506258 70.5660 70.6840 | | 0.68 ,—135° vs 0.9285 — j0.2978 0.9750 17.78" va | _ | 09251303009 | _ | 0.9728,=1802 ¥.| = | 09862-30272 | = | 0.9941 715.89 Ve 0.9534 ,—20.18° Chapter 2 Problem Solutions 2.1 A single-phase transformer rated 7.2 kVA, 1.2kV/120 V has a primary wind- ing of 800 turns. Determine (a) the turns ratio and the number of turns in the secondary winding, (6) the currents carried by the two windings when the transformer delivers its rated kVA at rated voltages. Hence, verify Ea. (2.7). Solution: (a) ‘Therefore, Nz EE 5200 Page 1 of 1 To: e¢ Subject: sign convention, conjugate, cosine reference Glad to see this kind of exchange on the e-mail list, that is what | have been hoping for. Some comments that could help with the Ch.1 review problems: 1) As | mentioned in the first lecture when we discussed Euler's identity, it is standard practice to define phasors according to the cosine (real) component and this is termed “cosine reference." Therefore, when converting from time domain to phasor domain, we must first convert all sinusoidal functions to equivalent cos functions. By sketching out a sine and a cosine function, it becomes clear that a sine is just a cosine that has. been delayed by 90°. Therefore, sin(wt) = cos(wt -90°) or cos(wt) = sin(wt + 90°). 2) The negative sign associated with | is most likely due to how | is defined on the circuit, i.e. the assumed reference direction of current flow that is marked on the circuit. 3) To correctly calculate complex power consumed by (or flowing in to) a Circuit element, Sin = VI" = P + jQ, where V and | have reference polarity/direction according to passive sign convention. 4) Careful with conjugates: remember that the conjugate of a complex number has the same magnitude, but the sign of its angle is changed. For example, it | = 10/30” A, then I* = 10/-30° A. Thus, negating a complex number is not the same as taking its conjugate. Thanks for the comments on the Ch.1 problems, | will try to go thru these and then issue any corrections that may be required. Looks like we are off to a good start, good to be thinking about these details and doing some review/refreshing, Dr. Mork. Printed for Bruce Mork 9/9/2003 EE 5200 Page | of 1 To: Subject: Solutions, Probs 1.1 and 1.10 Let's take a look at the first couple of items in question: 1.1, 1.2: v(t) is given as v(t)=141 4sin(wt+30) and i(t) is given as i(t)=11.31cos(wt-30). However, don't you need to put vit) in terms of cosine, which becomes v(t)=141.4cos(wt+30-90)? Using vit) as the reference, this give V=100@0 and I=8@30. Current is now leading the voltage and the Circuit is capacitive, Does this sound right? Yes, this is correct, we use cosine as the common basis/reference for expressing all phasor angles. Peak values must be divided by sqrt(2) to get RMS values. In prob. 1.2, the calculation method is correct, just update the values according to the solution of problem 1.1 1.10: | also assumed S=Ean(-lan)* and got a different answer than the solutions. ‘The meaning of S=VI" really hinges on whether active or passive sign convention is used. Use of double subscripts makes it much easier to explain and to understand. The general equation = VI" is clearly being implemented here using ACTIVE sign convention, the subscripts clearly tell us. Active sign convention (generator convention) calculates S produced: out + jQout Passive sign convention (load convention) calculated S consumed: (Ean)(-Ina)* = Pin + jQin. The author's solution is therefore correct. From this we might agree that it is indeed important itis to know the difference between active and passive sign convention... Working at MS level, we need to understand the concepts and details. These seemingly simple problems bring that out. Dr. Mork Printed for Bruce Mork 9/9/2003 BE 5200 Page 1 of 2 To: ‘Subject: Chap 1 - problems 1.8,9,11 and 1.23, 1.8, 1.9, 1.11: l agree that they should use $1 = E1(-!)* ike example 1.1. Also, check the P & Q being delivered versus the P & Q being absorbed/received, in 1.8 for example, where the Z=0-/5. The solution shows $1=1000-j268 and $2=1000+j268. If Z=0-j5, which is purely capacitive, how can all the Vars from machine 1 be transferred to machine 2, while both machines are absorbing 1000 Watts? If you use St = E1(-1)*, the transfer of P & Q makes more sense, Here, | think that if you are careful with active and passive sign conventions, discussed in the previous e-mail, you will calculate the correct Ps and Qs and all of the P and Q that are generated and consumed will balance out. Let me know if you have any subsequent questions. 1.23: In problem 1.22, you are given a per unit reactance of 1.1pu. On the given bases, this gives an actual reactance of 1.065 Ohms. In 1.23 you are asked to find the per-unit reactance using a change of base, which is illustrated in equation 1.56 on page 29. However, the solution uses the actual impedance of 1.065 Ohms from 1.22 in the equation and gets .2557pu as the answer. To get a per-unit reactance as the answer, wouldn't you need to use 1.1pu as Z-old in the equation? yes, there is a typo, he should have started with 1.1 pu, not the value in ohms, The "canned" equation given by Eqn. 1.56 is not a very intuitive one, and you have to be careful how you apply it. It is more intuitive if you think of a two-step process: a) multiply the given p.u. value by its Zbase to obtain the actual ohms. b) divide the actual ohms by the new Zbase to get the new p.u. impedance. Therefore, it is more intuitive to express the equation as: Znew,pu = Zgiven,pu (kVbase,given’2 / MVAbase,given ) step a) / (kVbase,new’2 / MVAbase,new ) <== step b) It you rearrange these terms, you end up with what is given in Eqn 1.56. To the author's credit, he suggests this two-step approach in the 2nd paragraph on p. 30. A philosophical observation: Studying at the MS level, our goal is not only to learn more advanced "stuff" but to also improve our understanding of the fundamentals and concepts. Actually, encountering these errors and confusions in these review problems may have taught us more than if the solutions had all been totally correct -- we had to stop and question what's going on, go back to basic concepts, Printed for Bruce Mork 9/9/2003 BE 5200 Page 2 of 2 and figure it out. Any more points of uncertainty or possible errors? Please go ahead and start the discussion here, hopefully this is helpful. See you all in class tomorrow morning, we will go through some more per unit things. Dr Mork Printed for Bruce Mork 9/9/2003 EE 5200 Page | of 1 To: € Subject: Chapter one problem 1.7 At 12:02 PM 9/3/2003 -0500, you wrote: 1.7: | believe that they drew the correct conclusion about the efficiency but for the wrong reason. Anybody care to comment? The author's rationalization seems to be sound: ‘Adding shunt capacitors (shunt compensation) reduces the inductive component of the current being drawn from the mains, i.e. flowing down the line, thus reducing the net current flowing in the line. This reduces the 2 R. line losses. The current flowing into the motor, however, is unchanged (assuming the capacitor placement has not changed the terminal voltage). This is essentially a power factor correction situation, no internal changes have been made to the motor, itis stil operating in the same way and with the same efficiency. Since efficiency is related only to real power P, the Q that is produced by the caps has no effect on motor efficiency There are some devices, in cyclic loading applications, that increase overall motor efficiency by reducing the source voltage to the motor when the mechanical load on the motor is removed/reduced, and then restores full voltage when the motor is loaded down again. Not restoring full voltage, or operating a loaded induction motor at reduced voltage will draw excessive current, resulting in a very low efficiency and extreme 12 R heating of the armature windings, thus burning it out. One basic type of motor protection is thus to trip the motor off line if the voltage is too low and/or the current is too high, and/or if the winding temperature gets too high. Dr. Mork Printed for Bruce Mork 9/9/2003 ae Substituting these values in the equations determined in Prob. 1.25, compute the voltages at the nodes of Fig. 1.23. Numerically determine the corresponding i Ziyys mattix Solution: Using the Yous Solution of Problem 1.25, substitute the given admittance values 45 780 380 25] [VJ ° 20 si7o 340 980] | Vo | ° jao a0 3880 | | Me | ~ | 10-908 js ys0 jo -783 | | Me 0.68 135° Compute voltages: YouV = I You "¥puV = You I 0.7187 0.6688 0.6307 0.6194 30.6688 70.7045 70.6242 70.6258, 0.6307 30.7045 30.6840 30.5660 0.6194 70.6258 70.5660 70.6840 where Your? = Zou You" j0.7187 70.6688 70.6307 0.6194 0 30.6688 j0.7045 70.6242 70.6258 0 j0.6907 70.7045 30.6840 0.5660 | | 1.0/—90° 30.6194 0.6258 70.5660 30.6840 | | 0.68,—135° 0.9285 ~ 30.2978 0.9750,—17. 0.9251 - 30.3009 | _ | 0.9728/—18.02" 0.9562 - 0.2721 | = | 0.9941 /=15.89° 0.8949 — 30.3289 0.95347 —20.18 Chapter 2 Problem Solutions 2:1 A single-phase transformer rated 7.2 KVA, 1.2kV/120 V has @ primary wind- ing of 800 turns. Determine (a) the turns ratio and the number of turns in the secondary winding, (b) the currents carried by the two windings when the transformer delivers its rated kVA at rated voltages. Hence, verify Eq. (2.7) Solution: (a) Therefore, No <= = 80 12 Walrates Malraced Left-hand side of Eq. (2.7) Right-hand side of Eq, (2.7) Left-hand side of Eq. (2.7) = Milroter Vibrate = 1.2% 10° Wileeres = 120 [Fe 7.2 x 108 = 2x 66 1.2 x 108 : 7.2 = 10° 120° Coe 2.2 The transformer of Prob. 2.1 is delivering 6 kVA at its rated voltages and 0.8 power factor lagging. (2) Determine the impedance Zz connected across its secondary terminals. (b) What is the value of this impedance referred to the primary side (i.e. 25)? (c) Using the value of Z} obtained in part (b), determine the magnitude of the primary current and the kVA supplied by the source. Solution: & = h = A = Cx 18 36° 2 = 2423699 2 = (19245144) 9 i (0) (By a : = 202369 9 Mi in = Bt : 1Zal Is = Mill = 12x10? 100 2.436.0° 9 (s- = 124s 2 240 BA 1.2%10°x5 VA = 6 kVA 13 2.3 With reference to Fig. 2.2, consider that the flux density inside the center-leg of the transformer core, as a function of time t, is B (t) = Bm sin (27 ft) where Bm is the peak value of the sinusoidal flux density and f is the operating frequency in Hz. If the fux density is uniformly distributed over the cross-sectional area A m? of the center-leg, determine (a) the instantaneous flux ¢(t) in terms of Bm, f, A and t, (6) the instantaneous induced-voltage e1 (t), according to Eq, (2.1) Hence show that the rms magnitude of the induced voltage of the primary is given by |Ei| = V2n/NiBmA. (4) If A = 100 cm?, f = 60 Hz, Bm = 1.5 T and E;| (e) 1000 turns, compute Solution: (a) o(t) = Bit)A = ByAsin(2xft) (0) 0) (e) With given values, Ey = V3 x 60 x 1000 x 1.5 x 10010"! V = 40 kV 2.4 For the pair of mutually coupled coils shown in Fig. 2.4, consider that Li, = 1.9 H, Ly2 = Lo) = 0.9 H, Doe = 0.5 Hand ry) = r2 = 0 9. The system is operated at 60 Hz. (a) Write the impedance form (Eq. (2.24)] of the system equations (6) Write the admittance form (Eq. (2.26)] of the system equations (c) Determine the primary voltage Vi and the primary current J; when the secondary is (i) open circuited and has the induced voltage V2 = 1000° V (ii) short circuited and carries the current Iz = 2/90° A 14 Solution: (a) From Eq, (2.22) and (2.23), h) [i ‘poe (eo) (@) y 100° | hence J) (i) 1 [ 2A ] hence Vj = 12mg V Kh = goo A 2.5 For the pair of mutually coupled coils shown in Fig. 2.4, develop an equivalent-T network in the form of Fig. 2.5. Use the parameter values given in Prob. 2.4 and assume that the turns ratio a equals 2. What are the values of the leakage reactances of the windings and the magnetizing susceptance of the coupled coils? Solution: Lismela) = 19-2x09 H= 01 H Ta2~Liz/a = 05-2 0.9/2 H = 0.05 H 4x005 H = 02 H ala; = 2x09 H = 120 rad/see jo 2M Leakage reactances: 2, = 377 9 2.6 A 15 n= B4o = 80 Magneti tance: Bn = — a s lagnetizing suscep m = or aR = 1474x1078 Ss single-phase transformer rated 1.2 kV/120 V, 7.2 kVA has the following wind- ing parameters: ry = 0.8 2, x, = 1.2 9, rp = 0.01 Mand xz = 0.01 9. Deter- mine (a) the combined winding resistance and leakage reactance referred to the pri- (0) mary side, as shown in Fig. 2.8, the values of the combined parameters referred to the secondary side (c)_ the voltage regulation of the transformer when it is delivering 7.5 kVA to a load at 120 V and 0.8 power factor lagging. Solution: (a ) With turns ratio a = 1.2 x 102/120 = 10, Ry = nte'r = 08+100x001 9 = 180 X; = rtatx = 124+100x001 9 = 22 9 le R, £ Rio? = 18/100 2 = 0.018 2 X, 2 X/o? = 22/1009 = 002 9 a = (184522) 2 Tm, = S/Val 8 = BR 26.9" a = hw Tn = 42 = 60,-369° 4 oV2,r, = 1200 V View = aVaer th erZy 16 = 12004609, = 10V Viri/a = 121.66 V (121.66 ~ 120) /120 184322) V = 1216 Wor] Wael e Regulation 1.38 % 2.7 A single-phase transformer is rated 440/220 V, 5.0 kVA. When the low-voltage side is short circuited and 35 V is applied to the high-voltage side, rated current flows in the windings and the power input is 100 W. Find the resistance and Teactance of the high- and low-voltage windings if the power loss and ratio of Teactance to resistance is the same in both windings H Solution: ! F Rated J = 22.73 A (low voltage) } = 11.36 A (high voltage) R oz 9 Z = Be. = 308 9 (RZ, x high-voltage) X = veer —O7T = 2980 X = 288. ogy For equal loss in high- and low-voltage windings, OTL oss 9 = = 385%0387 = 149 9 High voltage: + = ; Low oager = 03st (22)* = oosr a = = 140(2%)' - oss 9 2.8 A single-phase transformer rated 1.2 kV/120 V, 7.2 kVA yields the following test results: Open-Circuit Test (Primary Open) Voltage Ve = 120 V; Current Jp = 1.2 A; Power W = 40 W Short-Circuit Test (Secondary Shorted) Voltage Vi = 20 V; Current J = 6.0 A; Power W = 36 W 17 Determine 1 tar, Xy =x, +0%x2, G. and Bm referred to the (a) the parameters Ry primary side, Fig. 2.7 the values of the above parameters referred to the secondary side (b) (c) the efficiency of the transformer when it delivers 6 kVA at 120 V and 0.9 power factor. Solution: (e) From open-circuit test, G, = Wa/V} = 40/120? S = 278x107 Ss Wal = b/V) = 12/108 = 001 S fy pooe -3 Bi, = yl¥al— G2? = 9.606 x 10? s @ = 12% 109/120 = 10 Therefore, G. = Gije = 278x10- § Bn = Bin/a? = 9.606 x10-* S From the short-circuit test, R= Wf = 4/602 = 109 [Z| = Vist = 20/609 = 333 2 x = \izi-m =a 9 6) R = R/? = 0019 = X/a? = 00318 9 Gl = 278x103 Ss 9.606 x 107° S (c) When 5; = 60 KVA and V = 120 V, 6x 10° n= SI aa wa Core loss at y = 120V = 40W SOA = [PR 50? x 0.01 W 23 W GOKVA at 09 pf. = 6x 10° x09 W = 5400 W 5400 1 = Sorraose ~ 88% Winding loass at Ip Power output at Sp 2.9 A single-phase transformer rated 1.2 KV/120 V, 7.2 kVA has primary-referred parameters Ry = ry +a°rp = 1.0 Mand X; = 2;-+a%x, = 4.00. At rated voltage its core loss may be assumed to be 40 W for all values of the load current. 18 (a) Determine the efficiency and regulation of the transformer when it delivers T-2KVA at Va = 120 V and power factor of (i) 0.8 lagging, (ii) 0.8 leading (6) Fora given load voltage and power factor it can be shown that the efficiency of @ transformer attains its maximum value at the kVA load level winch, makes the J? winding losses equal to the core loss. Using this result, determine the maximum efficiency of the above transformer at rated voltage and 0.8 power factor, and the kVA load level at which it ovcure i Solution (a) (i) cos@=08, lagging 6 Ve = 12020 v i 7200 . ° Th = Typ 236.9% = 60,369" A / 2 10 : Total loses = 40+ 60° x = W = 76 W Output power = 7.2x 10° x0.8W = 5760 W 5760 Bre +76 = 98-698 % , fort, Mare = aVer, + BEE (Ry + 5X,) Vine = 120% 10208 + 2 86.9" (1.04540) V = ra1aaorge Marl = 20 V Wel = Mel/e = 12193 v 121,93 ~ 120 % Regulation = 161% (#8) 056 = 0.8, leading 16.9" 7 = 98.6985 because it does not depend on whether @ is leading or lagging. = Vin + BE (45x) 4 1806-20 % Regulation oD 0.78% (®) Load current at which 7s maximum is given by uP Se re Therefore, us| \/Tayia 4 = 68.285 4 Winding loss at [ig] = 40 W 19 Output = 120 x 63.245 x 0.8 W = 6071.57 W 0071.57 CS Cierra 7.589 kVA Corresponding kVA level = 120 x 63.245 VA 2.10 A single-phase system similar to that shown in Fig. 2.10 has two transformers A-B and B-C connected by a line B feeding a load at the receiving end C. The ratings and parameter values of the components are Transformer A-B: 500 V/1.5 KV, 9.6 kVA, leakage reactance = 5% Transformer B-C: 1.2 kV/120 V, 7.2 kVA, leakage reactance = 4% Line B: series impedance = (0.5 + 3.0) 2 Load C: 120 V, 6 KVA at 0.8 power factor lagging (a) Determine the value of the load impedance in ohms and the actual ohmic impedances of the two transformers referred to both their primary and secondary sides. () Choosing 1.2 kV as the voltage base for circuit B and 10 kVA as the systemwide kVA base, express all system impedances in per unit. (c)_ What value of sending-end voltage corresponds to the given loading condi- tions? Solution: (a) Ohmic impedances ‘Transformer A-B = 71.302 9 = filme 9 ‘Transformer B-C = js09 = j008 2 Load: = 242369" 2 bie & (6) Impedance bases Circuit B: CireuitC: SQ = 144 20 er unit impedances on new bases: Transformer A-B: 52718 50.08198 per unit 3 Transformer BC: 35° = 300586 per unt tine B: 2522) oo 4 jo0m per ant Load: a £36.9° 1.6672 36.9° per unit 236.9 226.9" Ta (c) Sending-end voltage caleulations se 0104+ jo0208 RE oats fie nso (00108 «815778 pu Va = 120V = 10 perunit a 1.667236.9° + (0.0104 + 70.1 : Vs = 10x ee 1.0642 per unit ‘The sending-end voltage base is V 500 I ocaG Vosvae = peop x 12x10 = 400 V ‘Therefore, the required sending-end voltage is Vs = 400 x 1.0642 = 425.69 V 2.11 A balanced A-connected resistive load of 8000 kW is connected to the low- voltage, A-connected side of a Y-A transformer rated 10,000 kVA, 138/138 kV. Find the load resistance in ohms in each phase as measured from line to neutral on the high-voltage side of the transformer. Neglect transformer impedance and assume rated voltage is applied to the transformer primary. Solution: 8,000 V3 x 138 138, 000/ V3 R= Sp = 20 9 Mine} 3347 A 2.12 Solve Prob. 2.11 if the same resistances are reconnected in Y. Solution: If the A-connected resistors are reconnected in Y, then the resistance to neutral will be three umes as great and R = 3x 2380 40 9 21 2.18 Three transformers, each rated 5 kVA, 220 V on the secondary side, are conected. ‘A-A and have been supplying a balanced 15 kW purely resistive load at 220 V. A change is made which reduces the load to 10 kW, still purely resistive and balanced. Someone suggests that, with two-thirds of the load, one transformer can be removed and the system can be operated open-A. Balanced three-phase voltages will still be supplied to the load since two of the line voltages (and thus also the third) will be unchanged. To investigate further the suggestion (a) Find each of the line currents (magnitude and angle) with the 10 kW load and the transformer between a and c removed. (Assume Vay = 220/0° V, sequence a bc.) (b) Find the kilovoltamperes supplied by each of the remaining transformers. (c) What restriction must be placed on the load for open- operation with these transformers? (d) Think about why the individual transformer kilovoltampere values include a Q component when the load is purely resistive. Solution: Rr FR R b, “a ane aan, — (a) Vas and Vie remain the same after removing the third transformer, s0 Veg is also the same and we have a three-phase supply, and these voltages are: Vay = 22020° V, Vic 3 2202 240° V and Veg = 220/120° V. Then, Van = 127/—30° V, Vig = 1272210" V and Ven = 127 290° V. The line currents are 10,000 Te = AE 120° = 26.24/-30° A Fam = 30° Jy = 26242210? A Ie = 26.24290° A (B) kVAsupplied = 220 x 26.24 x 102 = 5.772 KVA (c) The load must be reduced to (5.0/5.772) x 100 = 86.6% or 4.38 kW for each transformer. (d) The current and voltage in each of the remaining two transformers are not in phase, Output of each transformer before the reduction in load is, Sy = Vasld = 220208 x 26.241 30° = 5000+ 52886 VA Sz = Val? = 2202608 x 26.247270° = 5000 ~ 32886 VA 22 Note that Q is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign. There is no Q output from the ‘open delta. After the load reduction, Sy = 43334 32500 VA S_ = 4333-32500 VA 2.14 A transformer rated 200 MVA, 345Y /20.5A kV connects a balanced load rated 180 MVA, 22.5 kV, 0.8 power factor lag to a transmission line. Determine (a) the rating of each of three single-phase transformers which when properly connected will be equivalent to the ebove three-phase transformer and (b) the complex impedance of the load in per unit in the impedance diagram if the base in the transmission line is 100 MVA, 345 kV. i: Solution: (2) Each single-phase transformer is rated 200/: or 199.2/20.5 kV. = 66.7 MVA. Voltage rating is (345/,/3) /20.5 0) Load 7 = 20 coe 109 = 28129687 1 (low-voltoge side) At the load, Base V = 205 kV pez = 25! ae Load Z = $3 3687 = 0660236. per unit 2.15 A three-phase transformer rated 5 MVA, 115/19.2 kV has per-phase series impedance of (0.007 + j0.075) per unit. The transformer is connected to a short Gistribution line which can be represented by a series impedance per phase of (0.02 + 30.10) per unit on a base of 10 MVA, 13.2 kV. The line supplies a bal- anced three-phase load rated 4 MVA, 13.2 KV, with lagging power factor 0.85, (a) Draw an equivalent circuit of the system indicating all impedances in per unit. Choose 10 MVA, 13.2 kVA as the base at the load. (6) With the voltage at the primary side of the transformer held constant at 115 KY, the load at the receiving end of the line is disconnected. Find the voltage regulation at the load. 23 Solution: (a) Base voltages are shown on the single line diagram. Transformer Z = *2 (0,007 + 30.075) = 0.014 + 40.150 per unit Vs = 1.0 per unit Line Z = 0.02+ 30.10 per unit (23.2)? x 1000 _ 4 « Lead |Z1 = ~Siggoap = 4356 2 Base Z at load Load Z 2.502 31.8" 2.125 + 51.317 per unit ote +180 ‘o0njo10 208 7 (values are in per unit) (8) Voltage regulation calculations i 10 10 Doe FOOT T+ OOOO IIT) ~ THOR aEoT 0.375 ,-35.97° per unit Varo = 037523597 x 25/318 = 0937/2417 per unit Vane Vs = 10 10.837 vr = 12987 109 = 672% R aT 100 6.72 % 2.16 Three identical single-phase transformers, each rated 1.2 kV/120 V, 7.2 kVA and having a leakage reactance of 0.05 per unit, are connected together to form a three-phase bank. A balanced Y-connected load of 5 9 per phase is connected across the secondary of the bank. Determine the Y-equivalent per- phase impedance (in ohms and in per unit) seen from the primary side when the transformer bank is connected (a) Y-Y, (8) Y-A, (c) A-Y and (d) A-A. Use Table 2.1 24 Solution (2) Y-¥ connection: 7 haar | Vez} = 12108 x V3 V x WVul = 120V3 V nF ‘amy ro : 12003 9 oe 500 9 ; ! RB ( me) w & he 125)? x 108 1 2 = “Trxiexs =m xX 0.05 per unit = 200x 0.052 = 10 2 Zi = (5004310) 9 (®) Y-4 connection: Wiel = 1200 v3 V Mul = 120 -V r r 120v3\" _ Pa R R = Bx = 1500 9 % ( a ) X; = 10 9 from part (2) i Z, = (1800+ 510) 9 (c) B-¥ connection: rev nfs ix Tse Wil = 1200 V roo ___3} 120v3 V : r 2 sx (=) = © = r6s07 9 Wil R, 4 I el * 120/ 3 1200? b= a 7 2 72x3x10 cee X; = 0.05 per unit = 66.67 x 0.059 = 333 9 2, = (166.67 + 73.33) 2 (2) 4-4 connection: a SEE Mul = 1200 V mn 3 Il = 120 V cr Tr ie R , 1200)? _ we ® ny, = sx (BR) = 00 Xt 3.33 © from part (c) Lt ZL (500 + 73.33) 2 2.17 Figure 2.17 shows a three-phase generator supplying a load through a three- phase transformer rated 12 kVA/600 VY, 600 kVA. The transformer has per- phase leakage reactance of 10%. ‘The line-to-line voltage and the line current at 25. the generator terminals are 11.9 kV and 20 A, respectively. The power factor seen by the generator is 0.8 lagging and the phase sequence of supply is ABC. (a) Determine the line current and the line-to-line voltage at the load. and the per-phase (equivalent-Y) impedance of the load. (6) Using the line-to-neutral voltage Va at the transformer primary as refer- ence, draw complete per-phase phasor diagrams of all voltages and currents Show the correct phase relations between primary and secondary quanti- ties (c) Compute the real and reactive power supplied by the generator and con- sumed by the load. Solution: ix (a) Voltage ratio = Current ratio = 329.65 »—33.34° _ 2x10)? x, = GAIT or = 40 0 Let Vs = U9 oe kV = 687 kV eats Then, Ig = Ih = 2022368 A Th = Iya” = 20x 20/-36.9°— 30° A = 400/-66.9° A Vi = Vo~sXids = orcot— (#°CSE AMUSE) py ' = 659323549 KV 6.593 /—3.34° 3 v= Visa = a i SSL ky = san. i Line voltage at the load = VIVi| | Line current at the load = [Jz| = 400 A v : Load impedance - Z, = Vi/li = ps | (0) ef Te Vs" 6.87 kV 6.5935 "32965 (c) Py +3Qp from the generator is 3VsI3, where : i i 3Vs 3 x 6.87202 x 20/36.9° kVA = 412.21 36.9° KVA = 320.8 KW j247.3 kar Pi +5 by the load is 3V; 7, where 2A R65 HEI» OEE avy = sos 056" LA 320.7 KW + 5218.7 kvar VTE 2.18 Solve Prob. 2.17 with phase sequence ACB. | Solution: (2) Final answers remain the same except for the following intermediate results: 2 = %,=30° 1a = 0.05,—30° I, = [pe = 4002=36.9 + 30° A = 400/-6.9° A , = Vila = 329.65 ,-334° + 90° V = 32965, 0) Vix 32965 (c) Same results as in Problem 2.17. 2.19 A single-phase transformer rated 30 kVA, 1200/120 V is connected as an auto- transformer to supply 1320 V from a 1200 V bus. (c) Draw a diagram of the transformer connections showing the polarity marks on the windings and directions chosen as positive for current in each wind- ing so that the currents will be in phase. 27 (6) Mark on the diagram the values of rated current in the windings and at the input and output. (c) Determine the rated kilovoltamperes of the unit as an autotransformer. (d) If the efficiency of the transformer connected for 1200/120 V operation at rated load unity power factor is 97%, determine its efficiency as an autotransformer with rated current in the windings and operating at rated voltage to supply a load at unity power factor. Solution: rated Tuy raed iy = O80 250° Connected for 1200/120-V operation (regular transformer), Pow = 30,000 W Pq = 20,928 W Loss = 928 W Loss remains the same in the autotransformer because current in the windings and voltage across the windings are unchanged. For the autotransformer, Poo = 250% 1320 = 930,000 W Py = 330,928 W 330,000 x100 = 99.7% Rated kVA = 330,000 130, 928 Note that, once we consider loss, we no longer have an ideal transformer; and both winding resistance and reactance as well as magnetizing current and core loss must be considered. ‘The applied voltage and input current will be greater than the values shown to achieve rated output, in which case the equivalent circuit corresponding to Fig. 2.7 would be used. 28 2.20 Solve Prob. 2.19 if the transformer is to supply 1080 V from a 1200 V bus. Solution: As in Prob, 2.19, Loss = 928 W. As an autotransformer, Pout = 250 x 1080 = 270,000 W Pr = 270,928 W 000 1 = Fp gys X10 = 98.7 % Rated kVA = 270,000, but see the note which accompanies the solution of Problem 2.19. 2.21 Two buses © and © are connected to each other through impedances X; = 0.1 and Xz = 0.2 per unit in parallel. Bus d is a load bus supplying a current 1 = 1.07—30° per unit. The per-unit bus voltage V, is1.020°. Find P and Q into bus b through each of the parallel branches (a) in the circuit described, (6) if a regulating transformer is connected at bus in the line of higher reactance to give a boost of 3% in voltage magnitude toward the load (a = 1.03), and (c) if the regulating transformer advances the phase 2° (a= &*/). Use the circulating-current method for parts (b) and (c), and assume that V, is adjusted for each part of the problem so that V; remains constant. Figure 2.26 is the single-line diagram showing buses a and 6 of the system with the regulating transformer in place. Neglect the impedance of the transformer. Solution: ® ) 0230" 577 ~ 0.338 and thru X, the current is 289 ~ 70.167. Into bus ® thru X, (2) Thru X; the current is fy = 9x1 I= § x 1.0,=30 P+iQ = Vay = 0.577 + 50.333 per unit 29 and into bus ® thru X%, P+iQ = Vol} = 0.289+ 70.167 per unit (0) SV = 003; Ieire = 5 = ~J0.1 I, = 0.877 — 30.333 —(—J0.1) = 0.877 ~ 0.233 Jz = 0.289 — 90.167 + (—30.1) = 0.289 — 30.267 Into bus ® thru X, P+5Q = 0.5774 0.283 per unit and into bus ® thru X2, P+5Q = 0.289+ 0.267 per unit ( AV = 1.022 -1.0 = 0.9904 + j0.0349 ~ 1.0 = —0.0006 + 50.0349 a 0.0 Tere = =20008-+ 50.0349 = 9 1464 50.002 703 Ty = 0.877 ~ 70.338 ~ (0.116 + 70.002) = 0.461 ~ 50.335, he 0.289 — 70.167 +0.116 + 50.002 = 0.405 — 0.165 Into bus ® thru Xy P+jQ = Vol" = 0.461 + 40.335 per unit and into bus ® thru Xo, P+jQ = Vil" = 0.4054 40.165 per unit Note: Compare P and Q found in parts (b) and (c) with part (a) 2.22 Two reactances X; = 0.08 and Xp = 0.12 per unit are in parallel between two buses © and @ in a power system. If V, = 1.052 10° and V, = 1.0/0° per unit, what should be the turns ratio of the regulating transformer to be inserted in series with Xz at bus © so that no vars flow into bus © from the branch whose reactance is Xy? Use the circulating-current method, and neglect the reactance of the regulating transformer. P and Q of the load and Vj remain constant. Solution: In reactance X1, 1.05210" = 1.0 _ 1.034 + 50.1823 Tee ee aon 2.279 — 30.425 To eliminate vars to bus @ thru X;, we need in the Xz branch Tescire = —J0.425 NG : joer jor ~ ~204% a1 = AV = ~30.425(50.08 + 70.12) = 0.0850 a = 1.085 turns ratio ‘YAW £'re = (ZO'T/se) 02 peot sonpay st o ae swt = Scot = | VAW orst = sex0Txse¥0 = Isl oro gom age ott YAW hae = sexotxesvo = Isl | —_F3 vero = Iserof—seco| = "1-2 Ga | seo = lzivof~zorol = r+ 47 To + sear of -O— = aro = eo ‘ys00q apnaquseut %49°¢ HM se f- yor-so)s& = y S670 G6E°0 = (90F— sO} T se ot - = (vof-soi2& = 5 s0F'0f- Lov0 = (9'0F—80)7 7 1 Spe] VAIN-Se tht saussing "VAI S08 = $€ x (Z1/ST) 01 Peo] sonper axojezoya pur ‘papeoysano st ZH# amu, gegto+sust'O x Setoresra Ly VAW @2T om aera Fs} rat = ge x SOKOF ETO Lp, VAW SLI = S€ eaoreT Fst wun zed gegT'o = (s1/se) x 200 x wun sed custo = (0z/se)x 600 = 'X ‘eseq wasoup atp 01 SuryzaAu0), sMONINYOS, “wrajgord sry 10} Azox0Ejs1es st poyseU quaumo-Zunemnos ayy, “apis Ferjor-moy ay? Uo Ay TET “WAIN SE JO a5eq #287) SIBULIO}SUEI] BY} PRO[IOAO 10U []lm Yorn peo] [e101 ayy JO saredureyoxeSour wmupceur 942 PUP PRO| [2303 VAT Se TEUISUO ay Joy roUTIOYSTE) YDvE JO Ind ~ino azadureyjoaeSour ayy puy ‘dea ay gTT ay Uo sureurar yorya *g 1oMLIO]STEN 0} pareduioo Jauuoysues3 yey? Jo apIs aSerfor-moy ay? PreNo} aBez[or ur 4800q %9'E B aa Oy AY TTT 3 498 are | rauLsojsuesy uo sdey aya J] “Papeozraro s| | oULIOJSUBI} JaYROU YY os PayUMT] aq SMU Peot [e101 942 YT 03 sazedureyor -eSour 943 pue ‘ruLojsues yee Jo dino aradureyoneFout ayy ‘seuLO}sUEN qpeo ysnosy yum sad ut quaxno ayy Jo apnauBem aya purg “ym sad 200 = X HEN VAIN ST pares st z souoysuery pue ‘yum sad 60°0 = X WIEN VAIN 0% pares St | iauoJsue], “BuLB8e] s0yey ramod g'9 7 AY TET “WAW $ JO PPO ® Ajddns 0 jayered ur ayerado Ay YZ'ET/ASTI Paver Yova sr9ULIO}SUEI OMT, ET"S og sss 31 Chapter 3 Problem Solutions 3.1 Determine the highest speed at which two generators mounted on the same shaft can be driven so that the frequency of one generator is 60 Hz and the frequency of the other is 25 Hz. How many poles does each machine have? Solution: Let P = number of poles: 2x00 x60 _ 2x 60x25 speed = Rg Pas Py _ 60 Pas B Peo and Pye must be even integral numbers lowest value where Pop = 2.4Pis. Thus, Pas = 10 Peo = 24 3.2 The three-phase synchronous generator described in Example 3.1 is operated at 3600 rpm and supplies a unity power factor load. If the terminal voltage of the machine is 22 kV and the field current is 2500 A, determine the line current and the total power consumption of the load. Solution: Using the values in the solution of Example 3.1, 45855 age * 2500 V = 29869.1.V Given: Vin = 2kV (v2/v3) x 22000 V = 17962.9 V If vy = 17962,9 cost, then ig = iony, COswt and ee = 17962.9cosut ~ 4.1484 x 10°? x 1207 x ia, Sint = 17962.9cosut — 1,5639%.,,, sinwt /17962.92 + (1.5639i,,..)? = 20869.1 V 152504 A fenu/V2 = 10.79 kA Vix 22x 10.791 MW = 411.2 MW 3.3 A three-phase round-rotor synchronous generator has negligible armature re- sistance and a synchronous reactance Xz of 1.65 per unit. The machine is connected directly to an infinite bus of voltage 1.0/0° per unit. Find the in- ternal voltage E; of the machine when it delivers a current of (a) 1.0/30° per 32 unit, (b) 1.020° per unit and (¢) 1.0/~30° per unit to the infinite bus. Drasw phasor diagrams depicting the operation of the machine in each case. Solution: Exc = Vac + 1,28 X42 90° 1.0208 + 1.028 x 1.65.90" = 10208 + 1.65.90" +6 (2) 6 = 30° Ex6 = 1.020" + 1.652108 1.44/83° per unit @) =o 1.020° + 1.65290" = 1.932588° per unit Eel93pu 1465p. Vis Lope (e) 6 = -30° 1.020" 41.65 2 60° 2.92238 per unit 33 3.4 A three-phase round-rotor synchronous generator, rated 10 kV, 50 MVA has armature resistance F of 0.1 per unit and synchronous reactance X¢ of 1.65 per unit. The machine operates on a 10 kV infinite bus delivering 2000 A at 0.9 power factor leading (2) Determine the internal voltage E, and the power angle 6 of the machine Draw a phasor diagram depicting its operation. (b) What is the open-circuit voltage of the machine at the same level of exci- tation? (c) What is the steady-state short-circuit current at the same level of excita- tion? Neglect all saturation effects. Solution: (2) Choosing Vj = 10 kV and MVAy = 50 MVA: Ze = (0.1+J1.65) per unit = 1.6532.86.53° 2 Za Vo = 1 per unit = 1.0 per unit b= ona 2886.75. Te = RO per unit = 0.698 per unit cos10.9 = 25.8° Vi0? + 1eZeca+8 1.020° + 0.693 x 1.6530/ 112.37° per unit 1.195 261.83° = 11.95261.83° kV Ver 10pa (2) Open-circuit voltage: Ey = 11.95 kV (c) Short-cireuit voltage Ee _ 1195 Ze 7 Taye Per unit = 0.7242 per unit = 2090.7 A 34 3.5 A three-phase round-rotor synchronous generator, rated 16 kV and 200 MVA, has negligible losses and synchronous reactance of 1.65 per unit. It is operated on an infinite bus having a voltage of 15 kV. The internal emf E; and the power angle 6 of the machine are found to be 24 kV (line-to-line) and 27.4°, respectively. (a) Determine the line current and the three-phase real and reactive power being delivered to the system. (b) If the mechanical power input and the field current of the generator are now changed so that the line current of the machine is reduced by 25% at the power factor of (a), find the new internal emf E; and the power angle 6 (c) While delivering the reduced line current of (6), the mechanical power input and the excitation are further adjusted so that the machine operates at unity power factor at its terminals. Calculate the new values of E; and 6. Solution: (a) Using 16 kV, 200 MVA base; % Bus E,Lb- Vas 1.5227.4° ~ 0.9875 20° 1,90" = 6 Toz28 Base I Therefore, J, s Thus, P @ (6) New I. 9-8 = 60,27" Excb ___ Y sare per ut = 15/224" per ont T,X 90° —8 T, x 1.85790" -@ 014818,.60.27 per unit 0.4818 220.7% per unit 200 x 10° V3 x16 0.4818 x 7.217 kA = 3477 kA, 0.9375 x 0.4818 per unit = 0.4517 per unit 90.34 MVA. 90.34 cos 29.73° MW 90.34 sin 29.73" Mvar KA = 7.217 kA 78.45 MW 44.80 Mvar 0.75 x 0.4818 per unit = 0.3614 per unit VaL08 + 1Xec 90° = 8 0.93752 0° + 0.3614 x 1.65 260.27° 21.4200.8° kV LL = 1.337/22.8° per unit, New J, = 0.3614 per unit e=0 2 @ E,§ = 0.9875 208 + 0.3614 x 1.652.90° 1.111325° per unit = 17.82325¢ kV 3.6 The three-phase synchronous generator of Prob. 3.5 is operated on an infinite bus of voltage 15 kV and delivers 100 MVA at 0.8 power factor lagging. (2) Determine the internal voltage E;, power angle 6 and the line current of the machine. () If the field current of the machine is reduced by 10%, while the mechanical power input to the machine is maintained constant, determine the new i value of § and the reactive power delivered to the system. (c) The prime mover power is next adjusted without changing the excitation so that the machine delivers zero reactive power to the system. Determine the new power angle 6 and the real power being delivered to the system, (d) What is the maximum reactive power that the machine can deliver if the level of excitation is maintained as in (b) and (c)? Draw a phasor diagram for the operation of the machine in cases (a), (6) and (o). Solution: (e) From Prob. 3.5, Valor Vi) = 0.9375 per unit S = O5perunit Xz = 1.65 per unit —-@ = -36.9° J, = 5/Vz = 0.5/0.9375 per unit ELé = Vac0° + 1aXas 90° +8 05 = 0.9875 20° + 0 x 1.65, 90° — 36.9° per uni O.9375208 + SEF x 1.652 90° — 36.9° per unit 1.6258 ,25.7° per unit = 26.0/25.7° kV 36 0.9 x 1.6258 per unit = 1.46322 per unit 0.5 x 0.8 per unit = 04 per unit 6 = ant (PX) gig (041.65 = sin (we. ) = SP (orga75 x 146822, 28.76" NewQ = (Bems-¥) = SER (1.46822 cos 28.7 = i pert = (o Wien Q=0, ce (22885) = sass P = SORT EAS in 80.15° per unit 0.638 per unit = 127.65 MW (d) For Vi, Ei and Xz fixed, Qmes occurs when § = 0°. Hence, Omer = VE(E-V) SORT (1 46222 - 0.9975) per unit = 04781 per unit = 59.74 Mvar Jor Vion pa 3.7 Starting with Eq. (3.31), modify Eq. (3.38) to show that Ml +X Vil Q Fee Me llEs e086 — IM) ~ RIBIsind} id {|Bi| (Roos 6 + Xasin) — |Vi R} when the synchronous generator has non-zero armature resistance R. 37 Solution: From Eq. (3. E, + I,(R + jXz) and, therefore, Lh I= =e a. (R= 3X.) _ MALIEs (cos 6 j sin6) - iVe?? ~ (R~ jXa) IViIIEA (cos § — j sin) (R-+ 5X4) ~ [Vi? (R4 5Xe) a Separating real and imaginary parts, WANE wPR 5 Reoss + Xesin6} — Pom Tat ag Remet Resin — cae Vv = ee MIB eos + Xesin) — IVR) = WUE py cosé — Reins) - Mi? Xe O Tpr ae xT (Meeosé — Reins) — a Sey = Ml , oa Fiz x (a (Eilers 6 Wel) ~ R1E,|sin 6} 3.8 The three-phase synchronous generator described in Example 3.4 is now oper- ated on a 25.2 kV infinite bus. It is found that the internal voltage magnitude |B, = 49.5 kV and that the power angle 6 = 38.5°, Using the loading capa- bility diagram of Fig. 3.14, determine graphically the real and reactive power delivered to the system by the machine. Verify your answers using Eqs. (3.38) Solution: Wl = 252eV = 2? per unit = 1.05 per unit Bl = 495 ev = 88 per unit = 20625 per unt The distance n-k on the loading capability diegram is IE 2.0625 WiXe ~ LOsx T7241 units = 1.1393 units ‘The angle formed by points k-n-o is 38.5°. Hence, point k is marked as shown, By reading from the chart, Pj =0.7 per unit and Qz =0.31 per unit. P+5Q = WP PL+5Q4) = 1.057(0.7 + 50.31) per unit 1.05? (0.7 + 70.31) x 635 MVA. 490MW = Q = 217 Mvar P 38 From Eq, (3:8), ME! Pe “x, ind 1.05 x 2.0625 = TE in (38.5%) x v= w SEC sin (985°) x 695 MW = 496.5 M = MH UB ccs— 1% @ = FW Bileoss — lvl) 1 - cos (38.5°) ~ 1.05) x 635 Mvar = 218: Spa (2:0625¢0s 38.5") ~ 1.05) x 635 Mvar = 218.2 Mvar 3.9 A three-phase salient-pole synchronous generator with negligible armature re- sistance has the following values for the inductance parameters specified in Table 3.1, L, = 2.7656 mH M, = 31.6950 mH Lm = 0.3771 mH M, = 1.3828 mH Ly; = 433.6569 mH During balanced steady-state operation the field current and a-phase armature current of the machine have the respective values iy = 4000 A i, = 20,000sin (62 ~ 30°) A (a) Using Eq. (3.41), determine the instantaneous values of the flux linkages Day Any Ac and Ay when Oy = 60° (0) Using Park's Transformation given by Eqs. (3.42) and (3.43), determine the instantaneous values of the flux linkages 14, Ay and Ao, and the currents ig, ig and ig when 0g = 60° (c) Verify results using Eqs. (3.45) ~ (3.46) Solution: (a) From Table 3.1, Lee Las Lee Ly -M, -M, Lon Lee Loc] = | -M, Ly -M, Tee Lat Lee -M, -M, Ly £08 204 = 052(04+ 30°) —cos2 (64 + 150°) + Im | —c0s2(8¢+ 30°) cos 2 (04 — 120°) — cos (0, — 90°) 0s 2(6¢+ 150°) c0s2(@q— 90°) 082 (Be + 120°) 1.3828 2.7656 -1.3828 13828-13828 2.7656 Lose = 2.7656 1.3828 -1.3828 05 120° —cos180° — eas 420° + 03771 | ~cos180° —cos(-120") —eas(~60°) | mil ~ 008420 —c05(—60°) cos 360° ee 39 My [ ca e220) ] 608 (84 ~ 240°) 0s 60° 15.8475 = 31.695 | cos (60°) | mi 15.8475 | mH cos (—180") -31.695 ie sin (30°) 10 ts | = 20000] sin(-90°) | a -20 | kA sin (—210°) 10 With iy =4 kA and Ly, = 433.6569 mH, de Loo Leb Oe ee la la eel | let ta » Lye Lp 2.57705 1.0057 1.57135 15.8475 93.5610 13.9215 -79.6395, 125.2026 15.8475 10 15.8475 | | -20 ~31.6950 10 433.6569 4 Wor (6) When 2 = 60°, P na a] = = | 76006 | WoT do ° is ~12.2474 ci 21.2192 | kA io o (e) Le = Ly+My+ im = 4.71405 mH 40 Ly = Lj +M,— lm = 3.58275 mH viMy = 388183 mH da = Laie + VEMyiy = 4.71405 x (~12.2474) + 38.8183 x 4 WOT. = 97.5381 WeT Dg = Lgig = 3.58275 x 21.2182 WoT = 76.0016 Wo-T ) 8.8183 x (~12.2474) + 433.6569 x 4 Wb-T Loio = 0 (since in VE Myie + Lessig = 1259.20 We-T 3.10 The armature of a three-phase salient-pole generator carries the currents ig = v2x 1000sin(G1—-@) A iy = v2 x 1000sin(6,—120°-6,) A ic = V2x 1000sin (@,—- 240°- 6) A (a) Using the P-Transformation matrix of Eq. (3.42), find the direct-axis cur- rent ig and the quadrature-axis current ig. What is the zero-sequence cur- rent io? (b) Suppose that the armature currents are ig = v2x 1000sin (02—6.) A wei =0 Determine ig, iy and io. Solution: (a) ie & ig Plig to ie 4 3-1 sin (Be — 2) - 8-8 0 | = 1000V3| sin (04 ~ 0,120") | A a ad sin (04 ~ 0, ~ 240°) sin (0, — @, — 60°) 1000V3 | sin (6 —6, + 30°) | A " ° 41 ig 5 404 sin (04 — @4) ig] = VE] -¥8 0 | «1003 ° A fe aoae o sin (82 ~ 6) 2000 a Bsin (04-64) | A sin (0 ~ 3.11 Calculate the direct-axis synchronous reactance Xz, the direct-axis transient reactance X and the direct-axis subtransient reactance XJ of the 60 Hz salient- pole synchronous machine with the following parameters: 2.7656 mH = Lyy = 493.6969mH = Lp M, = 1.3828 mH = M, = 31.6950mH = Mp Im = 0.3771 mH MM, = 37.0281 mH 4.2898 mH 3.1523 mH Solution: 3 68 3 . Ly +My flm = 27656+ 1.8808 ~ $5 0.8771 mH = 4.71405 mit 120m x 4.71405 x 10°79 = 1.7770 3M} sans 3. 31.6950? La- il 4.71405 — 3336569 mH 1.2393 mH Xh = 120r x 1.2393 x 10-70 = 0.467 9 be = ty 8 (MELD EMBL yy - 2M MoM, ° oe Tislp~ ME aiaog _ 3 ( 31695? x 4.2898 + 8.1523? x 433.6569 — 2 x 31.6950 x 3.1523 x 37.0281 = 47 = 5 (eee) 438.6569 x 4.2898 — 87.0281 0.9748 mH 1207 x 0.9748 x 10-39 = 0.367 9 3.12 The single-line diagram of an unloaded power system is shown in Fig. 3.22. Reactances of the two sections of transmission line are shown on the diagram, ‘The generators and transformers are rated as follows: 42 Generator 1: 20 MVA, 13.8 kV, Xf = 0.20 per unit Generator 2: 30 MVA, 18 kV, X7 = 0.20 per unit Generator 3:30 MVA, 20 kV, X// = 0.20 per unit Transformer Tj: 25 MVA, 220Y/13.8A kV, X = 10% Transformer Ty: Single-phase units each rated 10 MVA,127/18 kV, X = 10% Transformer Ts: 35 MVA, 220Y/22Y kV, X = 10% (a) Draw the impedance diagram with all reactances marked in per unit and with letters to indicate points corresponding to the single-line diagram. Choose a base of 50 MVA, 13.8 kV in the circuit of Generator 1 (b) Suppose that the system is unloaded and that the voltage throughout the system is 1.0 per unit on bases chosen in part (a). If a three-phase short cir- cuit occurs from bus C to ground, find the phasor value of the short-circuit current (in amperes) if each generator is represented by its subtransient reactance. (c)_ Find the megavoltamperes supplied by each generator under the conditions of part (b) Solution: (@) ABR pans Gent: x" = 02% 2 = 050 per unit Se rating Ty = 220/18 KV, 30 MVA Base in trans, ine; 290 KV, 50 MVA Base for Gen? = 18 KV Gen 2X” = 02% 2 = 0883 per unit Base for Gen 3 = 224V 20)? cena: x” = 02 (2) x2 = 0275 peru nx" = 02(B) xB = 0275 permit «0 Transformer Ty: X = 01x 2 = 0.20 per unit a Transformer Ta: X= 01 x 2 = 0248 per unit ‘Transmission lines: BaseZ = 0 968 2 20 100 FR = 00826 per unit PP = 01038 per unit (6) i 1 E Ey = Ey = Ey = 1020° per unit X, = 0.50+0.20+ 0.0826 per unit = 0.7826 per unit Xp = 0.333 +0.167 +0.1033 per unit = 0.6033 per unit Xa = 0149-40275 per unit = 0.418 per unit x. 1 . = per unit t= Bem coat per unt = 127800 pe ni Fx 190° per unit = =90? per unit fe = SE = agg = 0.108 per unit 20 2Mline: Z = Fy = 0.053 per unit ‘Transformers: 30 YY = 01x22 = 0.250 per unit 5p 7 0.280 per unit Ao 0.333 per unit Gens. 1 & 2. = 0.405 per unit 45 Motor 3: "= 0.20% 2 = 0.20% = = 0.333 per unit (8) Ifa fault occurs at C, by symmetry equel currents are input from generators 1 and 2. Moreover, no current should exist between busses A and B through the 40.105 per unit branch. If this branch is omitted from the circuit, the system simplifies to Fy, = Buy = 1.0208 per unit = Xz = 0.405 +0.250-+ 0.053 + 0.333 per unit = 1.041 per unit 0.388 per unit Ey] _ 10 = th) = Bal = 2% per unit = un 1) = al = Bat = FE per unit = 0.9606 per unt = Bal 12 er unit = 3.0 per unit Us) = Bl = SAB, per unt = 80 per unt Uy] = 49212 per unse x08 Teme tC = qn = mois a Vax 138x108 Uy] = 4.9212 x 2001.8 A = 1029 kA (o) [So] = 1.0 x 50x 0.9606 MVA = 48.03 MVA 1.0 x 50x 3.0 MVA = 150 MVA. |Chapter 4 Problem Solutions 4.1 The all-aluminym conductor identified by the code word Bluebell is composed of 37 strands having a diameter of 0.1672 in. Tables of characteristics of all-aluminun conductors list an area of 1,033,500 cmil for this conductor (1 emil = (7/4}}x 10-® in?). Are these values consistent with each other? Find the overall areal of the strands in square millimeters. Solution: diameter = 0.1672 x 1000 = 167. mils/strand 45 Motor 3: ff "= 0.20 x > = 0.333 per unit X" = 0.20 5 = 0.393 per unit (8) Ia fault occurs at C, by symmetry equal currents are input from generators 1 and 2 Moreover, no current should exist between busses A and B through the 30.105 per unit ‘branch. If this branch is omitted from the circuit, the system simplifies to EB, = 1.020% per unit Xz = 0.405 + 0.250 + 0.053 + 0.333 per unit = 1.041 per unit 0,323 per unit 10 Wh) = tbl = GH Pet unit = 0.9606 per unit ) = al _ 10 Meal 1S per 30 Msi Thal 7 oes Per unit per unit Hp = 4.9212 per unit 50 x 10° ones tC A = 20918A ae Fax i38 x 108 Uy| = 4.9212 x 2091.8 A = 10.29 kA @) |S] = [Sa] = 1.0 80 x 0.9606 MVA = 4803 MVA Ss] = 1.0% 50x 3.0 MVA = 150 MVA Chapter 4 Problem Solutions 4.1 The all-aluminum conductor identified by the code word Bluebell is composed of 37 strands each having a diameter of 0.1672 in. Tables of characteristics of all-aluminum conductors list an area of 1,033,500 cmil for this conductor (1 cmil = (7/4) x 10-® in®). Are these values consistent with each other? Find the overall area of the strands in square millimeters. Solution diameter = 0.1672 x 1000 167.2 mils/strand 46 cond. ares = (167.2)? x 37 = 1,034,366 emils (compared to 1,033, 500 emis) strand diam. = 01672 254 x10 = 424mm cond, area = 5(4.24)? x37 = 5224 mm? 4.2 Determine the de resistance in chms per km of Bluebell at 20° C by Bq. (4.2) and the information in Prob. 4.1, and check the result against the value listed in tables of 0.01678 9 per 1000 ft. Compute the de resistance in ohms per kilometer at 50° C and compare the result with the ac 60-Hz resistance of 0.1024 9/mi listed in tables for this conductor at 50° C. Explain any difference in values. Assume that the increase in resistance due to spiraling is 2%. ee 17.0 x 1000 Rec = [035,500 = 001645 Corrected for stranding, Rae = 1.02 x 0.01645 = 0.01678 9/1000" at 20°C At 50° C, nC) Re = This value does not account for skin efect and so is less than the 60-Hz value. x 0.01678 x 5.28 = 0.09932 2/mile 4.3 An all-aluminum conductor is composed of 37 strands each having a diameter of 0.333 cm. Compute the de resistance in ohms per kilometer at 75° C. Assume that the increase in resistance due to spiraling is 2%. Solution: reg = ORBIT) ay = open 10~ mt Ree = ZESxI 000 = 0.9878 A/a 20% At 75°C,-and corrected for stranding, Rue = 1.02 Be x 0.0878 = 0.1094 92/km, 75°C 4.4 The energy density (that is, the energy per unit volume) at a point in a mag- netic field can be shown to be B?/2u where B is the flux density and pis the permeability. Using this result and Eq, (4.10) show that the total magnetic field energy stored within a unit length of solid circular conductor carrying current Tis given by 11/16. Neglect skin effect and thus verify Eq. (4.15). Solution: From Eq. (4.10), Be = EE wo/m? | 47 Energy stored in the tubular element of thickness dz, unit length and radius r ae Eve 1dr) J Total energy per unit length is Ene = _ oP tut er Since Eins = 4Line!?, Eine eae Bz Le = x5 = B= Baym 4m x 10-7 1 = SE Him = 5 x 1077 B/m 4.5 The conductor of a single-phase 60-Hz line is a solid round aluminum wire having a diameter of 0.412 cm. The conductor spacing is 3 m. Determine the inductance of the line in millihenrys per mile. How much of the inductance is due to internal fiux linkages? Assume skin effect is negligible. Solution: S41? \ o:77@8 = 0.1604 em : ees b= et (BE ) 3009 x 1000 = 488 mi/mile Due to internal flux, bag = 2(2107) x 000109 0161 mt 4.6 A single-phase 60-Hz overhead power line is symmetrically supported on a hor- izontal crossarm. Spacing between the centers of the conductors (say a and 8) is 2.5 m. A telephone line is also symmetrically supported on a horizontal crossarm 1.8 m directly below the power line. Spacing between the centers of these conductors (say ¢ and ) is 1.0 m. (a) Using Eq. (4.36) show that the mutual inductance per unit length between circuit a-b and circuit cd is given by : i 48 where, for example, Dag denotes the distance in meters between conductors aand d. (6) Hence compute the mutual inductance per kilometer between the power line and the telephone line. (c) Find the 60 Hz voltage per kilometer induced in the telephone line when the power line carries 150 A. }— = —4 ® oz Solution: (a) Let circuit a-b carry the current J, so that I, = -h = IA (and = 1,=0) since J = 0 for the group, Eq, (4.36) remains valid. 1 = 2x07 (1 things + Len + hin 2104 (hinges hinge + tnd + ng) Therefore, de = 2x 20-7 xn BE Wee/m Similarly, Des da = 2% 1077 x In DE 21077 x In 5 Wot/m Ace (linkage of the loop) is given by er de = 2x 10 dee Mutual Inductance = 24 = 4x10 in See (b) Dec = (125-05) +18? = 195m Dee = ¥/(1.25+05)? +18? = 251m a 49 Flux linkages with ed due to le Gee 2x 10°TIoIn} due to fe bce = -2x 10-7I,In $8 Note that fiux through } ed due to Jai ‘opposite that due to Js Note also that J, and Jy are 180° out of phase. So, due to J, and I, 2 251 be = a M = 4x 107728 = 1011077 H/m (0) Vee = @MI = 377 x 1.01 x 10-7 x 10° x 150= 5.71 Vm 4.7 If the power line and the telephone line described in Prob. 4.6 are in the same horizontal plane and the distance between the nearest conductors of the two lines is 18 m, use the result of Prob. 4.6(a) to find the mutual inductance between the power and telephone circuits. Also find the 60 Hz voltage per kilometer induced in the telephone line when 150 A flows in the power line Solution: ® ® © @ | 25m b-- 18m —|i- kK ary ip 2h5 due 10 Ty deg = 2x 10-7TeIn BE due to fs dee = -2x10TIIn FE since fe ty p2bS X18 due to fe and fy dep = 2x 10-7,In SX _ ~ wo 6 10-7Z,In BEE = 0.01288 x 10 M = Set = 9.01288 10-7 H/m Veg = WMI = 377% 150M x 10° = 0.0728 V/um 4.8 Find the GMR of a three-strand conductor in terms of r of an individual strand. Solution: Given this bundle: @ GMR = {/(0.7797 x 2r x 2r)) = rYTXOTT = 1467 4.9 Find the GMR of each of the unconventional conductors shown in Fig. 4.15 in terms of the radius r of an individual strand, Solution: (e) Bundle: &B | | | i | i i 50 cme = {077 [(ex2%202) 3) 1.723r @ Bundle: @ oor q (2% 2x 2V8)" (2x2 2)? ¥f (o-rta°)* rYOTIOXS x 3 = 1.6927 (©) Bundle; coo GMR = 4/(0.779)° x Br? x Br? x 4r2 = 1.704r (@ Buna: & ——_—_ GMR = VOT x A (4x4 x22 x28)’ (24 x 2V3) 3 x 2x32 x 0.7796 = 2.107 4.10 The distance between conductors of a single-phase line is 10 ft. Each of its conductors is composed of six strands symmetrically placed around one center strand so that there are seven equal strands. The diameter of each strand is 0.1 in. Show that D, of each conductor is 2.177 times the radius of each strand. Find the inductance of the line in mH/mile. Solution: Outside conductors are counter-clockwise numbered 1 through 6. The center conductor is number 7. Each radius is r and the distances between conductors are Dy = 2 Dy = 4r Diy = DAD = v3 De = VorF DhpDigDseDir)° (r= VD x Ya xB x 288 x Br? wr x Br) = — = 2177 L = 4x107ng x 1000 x 1609 = 4.51 mH/mi 4.11 Solve Example 4.2 for the case where side Y of the single-phase line is identical to side X and the two sides are 9 m apart as shown in Fig. 4.9. 51 Solution: }— = —4 © o> ém © o+ &m © ot sax sey Dm = %/DasDaDayDraDeeDoj Dea DeeDez Des om Dae Dee = Vil? m Dey = Dea = VIB+F m = 15m Dy = YoxVitt x 15x ViTT x Ox Vit x 15x ViTT x9 m = 10.940 m D, = 0481 (from Example 4.2) for both sides erie i. sient 7 Hm Ly = Ly = 2x10 In TEP Hm = 6.249 x 1077 H/ Lo= Let Ly = 12497 x 10-7 H/m 4.12 Find the inductive reactance of ACSR Rail in ohms per kilometer at 1-m spac- ing. Solution: From Table A.1 for Rail at 1-ft spacing: D, = 0.0386 ft Aft = 254% 12/100 = 0.3048 m Dy = 0.3048 x 0.0886 = 0.01177 f ke = De10" (ingghg,) x7 100 = 03:5 tm 1 mas 4.13 Which conductor listed in Table A.3 has an inductive reactance at 7-ft. spacing of 0.651 9/mi? Solution: From Table A.3 at 7-f spacing Xe = 0.23619 0.651 0.2361 = 0.415 9/mi at 1-ft spacing ‘The conductor is Rook 52 4.14 A three-phase line has three equilaterally spaced conductors of ACSR Dove. If the conductors are 10 ft apart, determine the 60 Hz per-phase reactance of the Tine in 2/km. Solution: Far ACSR Doe edu, D, = O08. Gen ht D= 10, yw Beto 2a "ng! 910" Ahm = 64846 0/m Atay om Tale 3, Xe 0.420 2/mi Xe 0.2794 2/mi XL = oeans02% n/m = 0800 Oma Oe x14 Mat = 4848 4.15 A three-phase line is designed with equilateral spacing of 16 ft. It is decided to build the line with horizontal spacing (D13 = 2Di2 = 2D2s). The conductors are transposed. What should be the spacing between adjacent conductors in order to obtain the same inductance as in the original design? Solution: YDRDR = VD=16 D-= 1278 4.16 A three-phase 60-Hz transmission line has its conductors arranged in a trian- gular formation so that two of the distances between conductors are 25 ft and the third distance is 42 ft. The conductors are ACSR Osprey. Determine the inductance and inductive reactance per phase per mile. Solution: Da = VEXBxR = 972k Ee oe.T2| _ Lo = 2x 107% In SE x 1000 x 1609 = 2.24 mH/mi Xp = 0377x224 = 0.84 O/mi 4.17 A three-phase 60-Hz line has flat horizontal spacing. The conductors have a GMR of 0.0133 m with 10 m between adjacent conductors. Determine the inductive reactance per phase in ohms per kilometer. What is the name of this conductor? | Solution: VOXTXD = 126% Xp = 87x 2x10-7InTeS x 1000 = 5.17 O/km ors Dz = 0.0133/0.3048 = 0.0436 ft ‘The conductor is Finch. 53 4.18 For short transmission lines if resistance is neglected the maximum power which can be transmitted per phase is equal to [Vs| x [Val Ix! where Vs and Vp are the line-to-neutral voltages at the sending and receiving ends of the line and X is the inductive reactance of the line. This relationship will become apparent in the study of Chap. 6. If the magnitudes of Vs and Vp are held constant and if the cost of a conductor is proportional to its cross-sectional area, find the conductor in Table A.3 which has the maximum power-handling capacity per cost of conductor at a given geometric mean spacing. Note to Instructor: The purpose of this problem is to stimulate the student’s examination of Table A.3 and is worthwhile in introducing class discussion of conductor selection. Solution: Power transmission capability per conductor cost if resistance is neglected is |Vsl|Vni/(X -A) based on our cost assumption where A is the cross-sectional area of the conductor. There fore, the product XA must be minimized. Assuming Deg is fixed, examining the Table shows that in comparing any two conductors the percent difference in A is much greater than that of X. So, A is the controlling factor, and Partridge or Waxwing would be selected However, resistance cannot be neglected. A conductor must be large enough in cross sec- tion that melt-down caused by |J|?R loss will not occur under the most extreme operating conditions. The reference (Aluminum Blectrical Conduetor Handbook) gives information on thermal effects. If reactance causes too high a voltage drop on a line, double-circuit lines or bundled conductors must be provided. The reference (Analytical Development of Loadability Characteristics for EHV and UHV Transmission Lines) contains information on maximum transmission capability of lines. 4.19 A three-phase underground distribution line is operated at 23 kV. The three conductors are insulated with 0.5 cm solid black polyethylene insulation and lie fiat, side by side, directly next to each other in a dirt trench. The conductor is circular in cross section and hes 33 strands of aluminum. The diameter of the condutor is 1.46 cm. The manufacturer gives the GMR as 0.561 cm and the cross section of the conductor as 1.267 cm®. The thermal rating of the line buried in normal soil whose maximum temperature is 30°°C is 350 A. Find the dc and ac resistance at: 50° C and the inductive reactance in ohms per kilometer. To decide whether to consider skin effect in calculating resistance determine the percent skin effect at 50° C in the ACSR conductor of size nearest that of the underground conductor. Note that the series impedance of the distribution line is dominated by F rather than Xz, because of the very low inductance due to the close spacing of the conductors. a 54 ‘Note to Instructor: When assigning this problem, it may be advisable to outline part of the procedure. Solution: Raga "22843 pl _ 283% 10-8 sae Em 2XIOT Ly n95 oe A ~ 1267 x10 fen Rage ¢ = 1321 x0.298 = 0250.0/km 1121 ‘Skin effect can be estimated from the values in Table A.3. The area 1.267 cm? is 7x (HY x 4 108 = 25 sasrs (hg) xf to = 2.00mi Werwing has an area of 266,800 emis and for this conduetor Roonsc _ 0.3891 Foonae ~ D066 x 528 = 1128 Since temperature rise would account for a factor of 1.121, skin effect is only about 0.2%. With, insulation thichness of 0.5 cm center-to-center conductor spacing is 2 x 0.05 +1.46 = 2.46 em. So, Da = YIABKTABRIRITA = 3.090 Xz = 877% 10002 10-7In 2H = 0.129 9/km 4.20 The single-phase power line of Prob. 4.6 is replaced by a three-phase line on a horizontal crossarm in the same position as that of the original single-phase line. Spacing of the conductors of the power line is Dz = 2Ds2 = 2Dzs, and equivalent equilateral spacing is 3m. The telephone line remains in the position described in Prob. 4.6. If the current in the power line is 150 A, find the voltage per kilometer induced in the telephone line. Discuss the phase relation of the induced voltage with respect to the power-line current. Solution: 5 x yg vo & wa s 5 1 55 ‘The center conductor of the 3-phase line causes no flux linkages with d-e since the conductor is at an equal distance from d and ¢. > 4.21 Dee = Dye = 4/18? + (238-057 = 260m pecans Dee = Doe = 08 +(238+405) = 340m oy 340 ue t0 Je, Cie = 2X IOI SE due to In, 2x I Tela 65 +11 340 due 10 fy, Ge = 2x 10-7eIn _ 7 yg 340 ‘Total fx linkages = nnd Since Jy lags Iq by 120°, Ty = V3 12302 die = 2x 107VE Tein S88 30° W 260 M = 929x107 H/m v/m Vo = wM x 180 = 377 x 107% x 9.29 x 150 x 1000 = 5.25 V/km ‘The induced voltage leads J, by 90° + 30° = 120°; that is, V is in phase with Jc. A 60-Hz three-phase line composed of one ACSR Bluejay conductor per phase has flat horizontal spacing of 11 m between adjacent conductors. Compare the inductive reactance in ohms per kilometer per phase of this line with that of a line using a two-conductor bundle of ACSR 26/7 conductors having the same total cross-sectional area of aluminum as the’ single-conductor line and 11 m spacing measured from the center of conductors in the bundle is 40 cm. the bundles. The spacing between Solution: De = VTXTTRD = 1386 m Blugjoy Dy = 00415 (2.54 x 12 10") = 0.0126 m X = 2x 107 108 x a77IngSSE. = 0.528 9/k dors * oe 1 | eee 56 4.22 5.1 Dove is the conductor for bundling: Dz = 0.0314 (234 x 12 10°7) = 0.00957 m Di = VOORTXOA = 0.0619 m 7 13.86 = 7 x 10° x 377 In 2888 X = 2x10 «10? x B7TInSTET = 0.408 9/km Calculate the inductive reactance in ohms per kilometer of a bundled 60-Hz three-phase line having three ACSR Rail conductors per bundle with 45 cm between conductors of the bundle. The spacing between bundle centers is 9, 9 and 18 m. Solution: De = YRTRT = 134m Rail D, = 0.0986 f = 0.0386(2.54 x 12x 102) = 00118 m Dh = YOOIBKOBKOA = 01337 m X = 2x 1077 x10? <377in 2 = 0.3348 2m 337 Chapter 5 Problem Solutions A three-phase transmission line has flat horizontal spacing with 2 m between adjacent conductors. At a certain instant the charge on one of the outside conductors is 60 pC/km, and the charge on the center conductor and on the other outside conductor is -30 4C/km. The radius of each condutor is 0.8 cm. Neglect the effect of the ground and find the voltage drop between the two identically charged conductors at the instant specified. Solution: be 2m st 2m 2° © © ge = 60x 10-6 C/km % = 9 = -30x 10-6 C/km 10-6 4 2 r Vie = E> (coin -20in2 - 20105) where r is in meters 6 x 60 So = HSV 56 4.22 5-1 Dove is the conductor for bundling: Dy = 0.0314 (254 x 12x 10°?) = 0.00957 m Di = VOQITXOA = 0.0619 m 13.86 _ Dosis 2% 1077 x 10? x 377 In. = 0.408 2/km Calculate the inductive reactance in ohms per kilometer of a bundled 60-Hz three-phase line having three ACSR Rail conductors per bundle with 45 cm between conductors of the bundle. The spacing between bundle centers is 9, 9 and 18 m. Solution: Da = VOXTRT = 10m Rast 0.0886 ft = 0.0386 (2.84 x 12x 10?) = 0.0118 m POOTEXUB ROS = 0.1397 m 2x 107? x 10° x377in E* = 0.3348 O/km ora " 0 x RS 4 Chapter 5 Problem Solutions A three-phase transmission line has flat horizontal spacing with 2 m between adjacent conductors. At a certain instant the charge on one of the outside conductors is 60 wC/km, and the charge on the center conductor and on the other outside conductor is —30 1C/km. ‘The radius of each condutor is 0.8 cm. Neglect the effect of the ground and find the voltage drop between the two identically charged conductors at the instant specified. Solutic Ge = 60x 10-* C/km @ = Ge =~ 10"F Ck Vie = 2 (cond —20n2— sont) where ris in meters re = WE (coin$—soin2 — son) where ris in m 10-$ x 60 - exami ~ HSV ee see | 57 5.2 The 60-Hz capacitive reactance to neutral of a solid conductor, which is one conductor of a single-phase line with 5 ft spacing . is 196.1 k®-mi. What value of reactance would be specified in a table listing the capacitive reactance in ohm-miles to neutral of the conductor at I-ft spacing for 25 Hz? What is the cross-sectional area of the conductor in circular mils? Solution: At S-ft spacing, Xe = 2068 x10t n = 196,1000-m1 no = co = 0100670 ft, or 0.0805 in (2 x 0.0805 x 1000)? = 25, 992 cire mils From Eq, (5.12), at 1ft spacing and 25 Hz, 1779 1 LIB « 10°ln ame = 35 Fe x 108 n sapgrG ~ 356,200 mt aS 5.3 Solve Example 5.1 for 50 Hz operation and 10 ft spacing. Solution: 1779x1010 Xe = In sappy + MH = 0.2115 MO-mi 1 i Bo = yz = 4728 xS/mi 60 ~ = Bx 0.107: mi Xy = 3x07 Mo xX, = 2 x 0.0683 MO mi Xe = $(0.1074 +0.0683) MO-mi = 0.2109 MA mi Bo = 4.742 pS/mi 5.4 Using Eq. (5.23), determine the capacitance to neutral (in #F/km) of a three- b phase line with three Cardinal ACSR conductors equilaterally spaced 20 ft apart. What is the charging current of the line (in A/km) at 60 Hz and 100 kV line to line? f Solution: i For Cardinal conductors, ‘ _ ie 1 ar) 2 ye | 2 x 8.85 x 10-1? Cy = REREAD Fim = 9276107 F/m = 9.276% 10°* n/m in RR 58 Jog = 2 x 60 0.276 x 10-# x 1003 10° A/km = 0.202 A/km 5.5 A three-phase 60-Hz transmission line has its conductors arranged in a triangu- lar formation so that two of the distances between conductors are 25 ft and the third is 42 ft. The conductors are ACSR Osprey. Determine the capacitance to neutral in microfarads per mile and the capacitive reactance to neutral in ohm- miles. If the line is 150 mi long, find the capacitance to neutral and capacitive reactance of the line. Solution: Osprey diam. = 0.879 in De = VBxBKE = 29.72 Dr x 8.85 x 10-1? = Se Pim in ome = 8301x 10"? F/m 8.301 x 10-* x 1.609 pF /m = 0.01336 uF /mi 10° 6 Xe = ye agg = 0.1985 x 108 2 mi From Table A.3, X; = 0.0981. Interpolation from Table A.4 yields X= 0.0999+0.72(0.1011— 0.0999) = 0.1006. From Table A.4, Xo = 0.1987 x 108 90- mi For 150 miles, Ca = 150 0.01336 = 2.004 uF 5 Xe = UT cot = 125.0 5.6 A three-phase 60-Hz line has flat horizontal spacing. The conductors have an outside diameter of 3.28 cm with 12 m between conductors. Determine the capacitive reactance to neutral in ohm-meters and the capacitive reactance of the line in ohms if its length is 125 mi. Solution: VOXTNR = 15.12m 0.0328/2 = 0.0164 2.862 opin 1512 _ gong aot x10? In oI = 3256 x 10° +m For 125 miles, _ 3256x108 ; 1619. 2 1609 5.7 (a) Derive an equation for the capacitance to neutral in farads per meter of @ single-phase line, taking into account the effect of ground. Use the same nomenclature as in the equation derived for the capacitance of a three-phase eee 59 line where the effect of ground is represented by image charges. (0) Using the derived equation, calculate the capacitance to neutral in farads per meter of a single-phase line composed of two solid circular conductors each having a diameter of 0.229 in. The conductors are 10 ft apart and 25 ft above ground. Compare the result with the value obtained by applying Eq. (5.10). Solution: O-% due to charges (a) Due to charges on a, b: Due to image charges: (b) By Eq, (5.10), 2m x 8.85 x 10712 Cn To = 7.996 x 107}? F/m And from part (a) above, x 8.85 x 10-12 i (a) - AB) 5.8 Solve Prob. 5.6 while taking account of the effect of ground. Assume that the conductors are horizontally placed 20 m above ground. 60 Solution: mae 2m 12m ne charges ae ® Hy, = Has V4? 4122 m = 41.761 m Hs, = V40?+24?m = 46.648 m 2.862 D. 1, Ai2H23Hs1 = = «10? in - pp Se _ ers’ 1121 10 ALTE «68g dois ~ 3 G0 x 4040 = 3.218 10° 2-m For 125 miles, 3.218 x 108 7 Xe = 125 x 1609.34 te dg 5.9 A 60-Hz three-phase line composed of one ACSR Bluejay conductor per phase has flat horizontal spaicng of 11 m between adjacent conductors. Compare the capacitive reactance in ohm-kilometers per phase of this line with that of a line using a two-conductor bundle of ACSR 26/7 conductors having the same total cross-sectional area of aluminum as the single-conductor line and the 11 m spacing measured between bundles. The spacing between conductors in the bundle is 40 cm. Solution: = VITXTIX® = 1386m Bluejay:r = 1.259% 254/2x 10"? = 0.016 m Xe = 477% 10¢Int986 = 322,650.9.-iam oo1e 61 For Dove, 2-conductor bundle, = 0.927 x 2.54/2x 107? = 001177 Dip = ved = VOOITTXUA = 00842 m " eee enniats om Xe = At7x10'In ZESS = 249,440. 5.10 Calculate the capacitive reactance in ohm-kilometers of a bundled 60-Hz three- phase line having three ACSR Rail conductors per bundle with 45 em between conductors of the bundle. The spacing between bundle centers is 9. 9 and 18 m, Solution: Da = VOXORTB = 11.34 m r 1.165 x 2.54/2 x 10"? = 0.0148 m Dio = VOUS KOM? = 0.1482 m 1134 =4n TSE = 208,205 9 Xe 4.77 x 10 ny 7a42 208, km 5.11 Six conductors of ACSR Drake constitute a 60-Hz double-circuit three-phase line arranged as shown in Fig. 5.1. The vertical spacing, however, is 14 ft the longer horizontal distance is 32 ft; and the shorter horizontal distances are 25 ft. Find, (a) the inductance per phase (in H/mi) and the inductive reactance in ©/mi. (b) the capacitive reactance to neutral in ohm-miles and the charging current ‘A/mi per phase and per conductor at 138 kV. Solution: b— 25 ——] © ® =] M4 ft b—— 32 ——4 ® © Mit © el (2) GMR = 0.0373 Drake | | a 62 In original positions in the transposition cycle, distance ab = V1 435? = 1443 distance a-b’ = V14? +2857 = 31.75 ft distance a-a' 25? + 28? = 37.54 ft De, Di = YTA4S? x BL TS? = 21.04 Dec = VIF XI = 26.46 Deg = YHOP XA = 2271 D, = |(vousTexarsy vourIKw]* = 11520 rin 227) = 5.500 10-7 Lo= 2x 10-TIn Ey = 5.693 x 10-7 H/m 5.963 x 10-7 x 10° x 1609 = 0.959 mH/mi 377 x 0.959 x 10“ = 0.362 9/mi/phase (0) r = 4298 = 0.0462 ft as in part (a) above, except that r is substituted for D, Dac = [(VODBIXITR)’ VOOR)? = 1.252 6 From part (a) above, Deq = 22.71 ft and su ot 21 Ke = 2968 10-4n 22 = 45,2050 mips to neue ‘ fag = ERODE — 93s a//ptase = 0467 A/mifeondcer Chapter 6 Problem Solutions 6.1 An 18-km 60-He single circuit three-phase line is composed of Partridge conduc- tors equilaterally spaced with 1.6 m between centers. The line delivers 2500 kW at 11 kV to a balanced load. Assume a wire temperature of 50°C. (a) Determine the per-phase series impedance of the line. (>) What must be the sending-end voltage when the power factor is (i) 80% lagging (i) unity (iii) 90% leading? c) Determine the percent regulation of the line at the above power factors. 4) Draw phasor diagrams depicting the operation of the line in each case. Solution: 18 1609 0.465 0/mi R From Table A.3, Xe 0.3792 x 4.2020 a 62 In original positions in the transposition cycle, distance ad = Vidi +35? = 14.49 ft distance o-b = Vid?+285? = 31.75 fh distance a-a’ = V25?428? = 37.54 ft Di = Di = 8/1449? x 31.75? Dec = VIX = 26.46 f Dy = VRORR BA = BK D, = [(VOOTIR IS’ VOOTEKH]* = 11528 BD _ 5603x1077 H/m 21.04 fe L = 2x107In 1.152 = 5.963 x 10-7 x 10° x 1609 = 0.959 mH/mi Xp = 377 x 0.959 x 10" = 0,362 9/mi/phase (8) r = EM = 0.0462 fe as in part (a) above, except that r is substituted for D,. Dac = | (VOREIX TTS) wy youre] = 1282 From part (a) above, Deg = 22.71 ft and Xe = 2.965 x 10~'In 2221 — g5,295 0. mi/phase to neutral 1282 138, 000/V3 225 0.935 A/mi/phase = 0.467 A/mi/conductor Chapter 6 Problem Solutions 6.1 An 18-km 60-Hz single circuit three-phase line is composed of Partridge conduc- tors equilaterally spaced with 1.6 m between centers, The line delivers 2500 kW at 11 KV to a balanced load. Assume a wire temperature of 50°C. (a) Determine the per-phase series impedance of the line. (6) What must be the sending-end voltage when the power factor is (i) 80% lagging (ii) unity (4) 90% leading? (c) Determine the percent regulation of the line at the above power factors. (4) Draw phasor diagrams depicting the operation of the line in each case. Solution: 18 5792 x. 0.3792 x 5 0.465 2/mi R From Table A.3, X. = 42020 " and since 1.6 m (1.6 x 100)/(2.54 x 12) 63 25 ft, Xe = 0.2012 (Table A4, 5-3") X = 0.465+0.2012 = 0.666 0/mi For 18km,X = 18x 75> = 7.4519 Z = 4.2424 j7451 = 8.572 60.95° 0 (®) For power factor = 1.0, 1312 A 6350 + 1381.2 (4.24 + 7.451) 6906 + j977.6 = 697% 28.06" sending-end line voltage = V3Vs = V3 6975 = 12,081 V For power factor = 0.8 lagging, Url = Vs sending-end line voltage = For power factor = 0.9 leading, Url = Vs = sending-end line voltage = (0) Je Regulation at pf.=08 lagging, % Reg at unity pt, % Reg. at p£.=0.9 leading, % Reg (d) For p£=0.8 lagging, 00 Vax il x08 6350 + 1647—36.87° x 8.57260.35" 7639 + 55.60 = 766024.19° V3Vs = V3x 7660 = 13,268 V = 164A 2500 V3x11 x09 6350 + 145.825.84° x 8.57 7 60,35 6433+ j1247 = 6553, 10.97° V3Vs = v3 x 6553 = 11,350 V = M58 A = Th Mal 00% oe = 2063% : = 988% 5 = 320% 64 Var G50" fa Ink = 696 V For unity pf, UX =978V neDIaA VR=O50V WR=SS7V For pf.=0.9 leading, Va = 63500 6.2 A 100-mi, single-circuit, three-phase transmission line delivers 55 MVA at 0.8 power factor lagging to the load at 132 kV (line-to-line). The line is composed of Drake conductors with flat horizontal spacing of 11.9 ft between adjacent conductors. Assume a wire temperature of 50°C. Determine (a) the series impedance and the shunt admittance of the line. (b) the ABCD constants of the line. (c)_ the sending-end voltage, current real and reactive powers and the power factor. (4) the percent regulation of the line. Solution: (a) Dg = YTSXWTSXIXTIS = 15 series impedance Z = 100 x (0.1284 + j0.809 + j0:3286) 12.84 + 572.76 88, 80° 2 Y 100, 10-* aeneas z °F (sameness) 2918 x 1090" S shunt admittance Y = 5,83 x 10-', 90° § () 3.83 «10-4 (1+ 73.88 x 5.83 x 10 =e 65 0.9792.0.219° sot) § = 5.768 x 10-* 90.108" S (Check; AD — BC = 1 must be satisfied) @ 85,000 Ip = 200 (08 J0.6) = 1924-j144d A aie oe 7 Current in series arm: 132,000 Teenme = 1924 ~ 71443-4522 x 2.915 x 10-4 M345 = 1924 -j1221 = 207.9/-32.40° Vs ee 4227.9 ,~32.40° x 73.88 80° ig = Sgt 207 9,24" = 87,563-+ j12,434 = 88,441/8.08° V to neutral si V3 x 88,441 = 153.2 kV, lineto-line Ts = 192.4 —j122.4 + 52.915 x 107 x (87,563 + j12, 434) = 188.8 7969 = 212,~27.2° Us| = 212A as = 808° —(-27.2°) = 35.28 Ps = (v3x 153.2 x 212) c0s35.28° kW = 45.92 MW Qs = (v3x 158.2 x 212) sin 35.28" kvar = 92.49 Mvar (sending-end) p.f. = cos35.28° = 0.816 lagging (a) se heg = WaL/AL= Ware! so05 Wael (152.2/0.979) ~ 132 1152.2/0970) = 182 00% = 18.55% ae 100% = 18.55% 6.3 Find the ABCD constants of a 7 circuit having a 600- resistor for the shunt branch at the sending end, a 1-k0 resistor for the shunt branch at the receiving end and an 80-2 resistor for the series branch. 66 Solution: e092 6009 1000 9 Vs = Vat (In+ 22) x 80 = Va+801q +0.08V, s = Var (Int oS = Va+80In in = 108Vp + 80In ipo = 0.001Vp +0.0018Vn + In-+ 0.133% = 0.0028Vp +1.133%R ‘The ABCD constants are A= 108 © B=80 D 0.0028 s 1.133 6.4 The ABCD constants of a three-phase transmission line are A D = 0.936 + j0.016 = 0.93620.98° B = 33547138 = 142/76.4°0 C = (-5.18+ 7914) x 10-* § The load at the receiving end is 50 MW at 220 kV with a power factor of 0.9 lagging. Find the magnitude of the sending-end voltage and the voltage regulation. Assume the magnitude of the sending-end voltage remains constant. Solution: 50,000 Tho = pe 05.88" = 145.8 7-25.84 A x 200 x 08 220, 000 Ve = = 127,00020° V 8 127,00020° V Vs = 0,936 .0,98° x 127,000, 0° + 1427 76.4° x 145.8 ,—25.84° = 118,855 + j2088-+ 18,1534 415,990 = 193.23277 kV With line-to-tine sending-end voltage |Vs| = V3 x 133.28 = 230.8 kV, 2008 sev Fae = 6.5 kV 246.5 ~ 220 % Reg, = AOS 100 = 120% Wr, wel 6.5 A 70 mi, single-circuit, three-phase line composed of Ostrich conductors is ar- Tanged in flat horizontal spacing with 15 ft between adjacent conductors. The line delivers a load of 60 MW at 230 kV with 0.8 power factor lagging, 68 Qs = 1.086 x 0.742 x sin (2.125° — (~36.54°)) = 0.503 per unit = 100x0.503 = 50.3 Mvar (e) Ly 1 Ee : A = 145 = 145 (0.11662675° x 0.192,90°) = 0.9900.248° % Reg. 6.6 A single-circuit, three-phase transmission line is composed of Parakeet con- ductors with flat horizontal spacing of 19.85 ft between adjacent conductors. Determine the characteristic impedance and the propagation constant of the line at 60 Hz and 50°C temperature. Solution: ‘At 50°C and 60 Hz, from Table A.3, for Parakeet conductors, r= 018329/mi XX, = 0.423 2/mi De = ViORPKIR = 5H At 25 ft, Xelinductive) = 0.3906 9/mi Therefore, 2 = 01882-+ 5(0.428 + 0.9908) 9/mi 0884/7.31° 9/mi 0.0969 x 107° 9 «mi 0.0955 x 10-6 2- mi i 1 Tay ~ Thee +O 0ees = 5.1975 x 10-6 90° ‘S/mi xX Xe(cepacitive) 4 Characteristic impedance: noe THOT © = Vy = Veiorex 10-¢ 2908 = 400.6,26.245° 0 Propagation constant 2 vi = 084% 5.1075 x 10-© 77S SO mi“? = 2.08 x 10-2 min? 6.7 Using Eqs. (6.23) and (6.24) show that, if the receiving-end of a line is ter- minated by its characteristic impedance Z., then the impedance seen at the sending end of the line is also Z, regardless of line length. 69 Solution: If Zp = Ze, then In = Va/Ze, and Ve ~ InZ. Vat Ine From Eq, (6.23) Ve = “BAIRZ: ot Vat laze a From Bq. (624) Ip = “P2782 ¢ where Z isthe length of the line, Finally, 4 Z, = Vs/Is = Ze (which is independent of L) 6.8 A 200-mi transmission line has the following parameters at 60 Hz resistance r = 0.21 /mi per phase series reactance z = 0.78 2/mi per phase shunt susceptance 6 5.42 x 10-® S/mi per phase i i i i (a) Determine the attenuation constant a, wavelength A and the velocity of propagation of the line at 60 Hz. (b) If the line is open circuited at the receiving end and the receiving-end voltage is maintained at 100 kV line-to-line use Eqs. (6.26) and (6.27) to determine the incident and reflected components of the sending-end voltage and current. (c) Hence determine the sending-end voltage and current of the line. Solution: (a) r= 021 9/mi xy = 0.78 9/mi F = (021+ 50.78) 9/mi ri y = 542% 1076 77.31° S/mi y= VB = 2.092% 1072.82.47 mim? a+ 58 =: (2.744 x 10~* + 52.074 x 10-9) mim? Attenuation-constant a 2.744 x 107 nepers/mi Qn 2x x 10% Wa = BS Re ay = 3090 mi welength 2 = 2% = EAM os = 3030 Velocity of propagation af = 22f = W0nx10 1), - igi770 mi/s 8 2.074 ) Characeerisie impedance: Z, = fZ = 286.05, Vy 70 When the receiving end is open circuited, Ig = 0. Then, from Eq. (626) Vs = VBeatgse vi from Eq. (6.27) Ig = pBeotesst TR, incident reficaed where L = 200 mi = length of the line et 1.0564 en! = 0.9466 BL = 2074%10-? x 200 x 482 deg = 23.77 Hence, at the sending end (taking the receiving-end line voltage as reference), the line torline voltages and currents are nites wage, = yo Lasiz970 WY = 5282/2377" kv refleted voltage, = 402 jo* x 0,9466/—28.77 kV = 47.33/-23.77° kV 10020", 1.0564.23.77° Incdem current 1, = ape t x LOSSUBRIE yg = 7899213 A 10020 0.9466 /—23.77¢ reise current Je = — sag ge page x SMEAR yg = 70.782133.76° A (The 30° angie in the denominator of the second fraction of the current equations above represents a phase/line V conversion.) (c) Vs = Vi+V; = 5282/28.77° + 47.93/—23.77° kV = 91,681.38 kV Is = K+, = 78.9921.3° + 70.782138.76° A = 60.8370.782 604° A ‘where all angles are expressed with respect to receiving-end line voltage. 6.9 Evaluate cosh @ and sinh @ for @ = 0.5282. Solution: 0.52822 = 0.0696 + 30.4951 0.4951 radian = 28.37° 1 (2.0006 —0.0606 ) Cosh = 5 (e906, 28,37" + «00696 ,_08.37°) = 2 os + soe +0207 0.40 0.8820 + 70.0331, sink? = 3 (0.9489 + 70.5006 ~ 0.6207 + 50.4482) = 0.0613 4+50.4763 6.10 6.11 71 Using Eqs. (6.1), (6.2), (6.10) and (6.37) show that the generalized circuit con- stants of all three transmission line models satisfy the condition that AD-BC Solution: Short-line model (from Eq. (6.1) and (6.2)) A AD-BC ‘Medium-length line model (from Eq, (6.10)): zy D (@ = 2) B zy ay 0+%) n2xy (4% Long-line model (from Eq. (6.37)): A AD-BC A = D=coshyl = B= Zesinhot _ sinkal c= & AD-BC = cost? Ze sin ( = cosh?! — sink? al = ( ty o¢emt 4 ‘The sending-end voltage, current and power factor of the line described in Exam- ple 6.3 are found to be 260 kV (line-to-line), 300 A and 0.9 lagging, respectively. Find the corresponding receiving-end voltage, current. and power factor. Solution: From Example 6.3, A = D = cosh! = 0.890421.34° B = Zesinhyl = 406.4/—5.48° x 0.4597 84.93" 9 = 186.82,79.45° 2 _ sinhal _ 04507 284.09° oe c= Seat _ SERRE § = 131 « 10-0041" S [va] _ [A BI"[ Vs] _[ D -B][ Vs (In -\|o5 [un] -[2 AJL Is Ve = DVs-Bls Ip = -CVs+Als Vs = *82y0° kv = 150.1108 kV va 72 300, cos"'0.9 A = 300/—25.84° A 186.82. 70.45" x 300/~25.84" |, 1000 Ve = 0.89042 1.34" x 150.11 20° 108.85 22.76" kV Wal = V3 x 108.85 kV = 188.5 kV line-toline Ip = 1.131 x 1079 90.41" x 150.11 x 10-8 20° + 0.8904 1.34° x 300/—25.84° A 372.0/—48.95° A 372A Ual ‘The receiving-end power factor is then PLL. = cos(~22.76° + 48.95°) = 0.897 lagging 6.12 A 60 Hz three-phase transmission is 175 mi long. It has a total series impedance of 35 + 7140 © and a shunt admittance of 930 x 10-*.90° S. It delivers 40 MW at 220 kV, with 90% power factor lagging. Find the voltage at the sending end by (a) the short-line approximation, (b) the nomial-r approximation and (c) the long-line equation. Solution: 175 mi Z = 34540 = 1443, 75.96 9 Y = 93x 10-*s 40,000 V3 x 220 09 (e) Using the short-line approximation, 116.6 ~25.84° A Vs = 127,017 + 116.6 ,=25.84° x 144.3/75.96° = 127,017 + 10,788 + 512,912 = 138,408 75.35° V IVs| = V3 x 138,408 = 239.73 kV (®) Using the nominal-z approximation and Eq. (6.5), Vs = var or (432 p65 06 +1) + 144.3275.96° x 116.6/=25.84° 127,017 (0.985 + j0.0168) + 10,788 + 512,912 = 120,549 + 314,982 = 130, 4126.6" Vs] = V8 x 190,412 = 295.88 kV (c) Using the long-line equation, 144.3/75.96° \# . = Gees a) = S470? ot VT443 x 980 x 10-7165 96 = 0.2663,83,0° = 0.0448 + 50.364 OOMeOSE = 1.0458, 2086" = 0.9773 + 50.3724 a 73 one 0.9562,—20.86° = 0.8035 — 30.3405 cosh a! = (0.9773 + 70.3724 + 0.8935 — 0.3405) /2 = 0.9354 + 30.0160 sinh! = (0.9773 + j0.3724 — 0.8935 + 40.3405) /2 = 0.0419 + 50.3565 Vs = 127,017 (0.9354 + 30.0160) + 116.62-25.84° x 394/—7.02° (0.0419 + 50.3565) 118,812 + 52, 082 + 10, 563 + 12,715 = 129,315 +514, 747 1380, 1536.5" V Ws} V3 x 130,153 = 225.4 kV 6.13 Determine the voltage regulation for the line described in Prob. 6.12. Assume that the sending-end voltage remains constant. Solution: By Problem 6.12, volt-to-neutral results, Vs = 18015kV Vp = 127.02 kV For Ip = 0, Vs = Vrcosh yl, 130.15 Wawel = ijgasee sonia ~ °12kV 130.12 — 127.02 % Reg = WOR TEO , 10 = 955% 6.14 A three-phase 60-Hz transmission line is 250 mi long. The voltage at the sending end is 220 kV. The parameters of the line are R = 0.2 2/mi, X = 0.8 Q/mi and Y = 5.3 uS/mi. Find the sending-end current when there is no load on the line. Solution: Z = (02+ 508) x 250 = 206.1,75.96° Y = 280x5.3% 107 = 1.225 x 10-8 90° nl = VZ¥ = VOGT x 13% x 10> 1E59E = 0.5226,82.98° 0.0639 + 50.5187 [POET LIS . 2 = VOY = ry 0° 9 By Eq, (6.39) for Ip = 0, sinh aa St = essa 297 eats 0.9258 + 70.5285 ster —y0at5 ceobat = Ho90ie 08% + sos28—joasst) = osm 2086 Is = (Vs/Ze) 74 sinha = J ]0.9058— 08147 + (0.5265 +04651)] = 0490928963" J = BO.00/VE , 04860 28.61 sa. sess g “S304 Zrom * 08709 22.086° 6.15 If the load on the line described in Prob. 6.14 is 80 MW at 220 kV, with unity power factor, calculate the current, voltage and power at the sending end. Assume that the sending-end voltage is held constant and calculate the voltage regulation of the line for the load specified above Solution: mn wy pe 2m na a = 200.95 4 Vs 127, 017 (0.8703 + 70.0317) + 209.95 x 394/-7.02° * 0.4999 / 83.61° 110,528 + j4,026-+ 9,502 + 540,282 = 128 0147 20.23" V to neutral Vs] = V3x 128,014 = 2017 bv Is = 200.95(0.8703 + 50.0317) + 177.000 _ 9 4999, g.g1° Eran cael = 182.724 76.66 -1.77 + 5161.13 = 246824282 A Ps = VB x 221.7 x 246.8cos(20.3° — 42.84°) = 87,486 kW (or 87.5 MW) At Ip =0, 127,000 Wal = FE? = 145,826 V to neutral M58 — 127 % Reg. = a = 148% 6-16 A three-phase tranmission line is 300 mi long and serves a load of 400 MVA, 0.8 lagging power factor at 345 kV. The ABCD constants of the line are A = D = 08180z1.3° B = 1722/84.2° 0 C = 0.001933,90.4° $ (2) Determine the sending-end line-to-neutral voltage, the sending-end current and the percent voltage drop at full load. (t) Determine the receiving-end line-to-neutral voltage at no load, the sending end current at no load and the voltage regulation. Solution: = 199,18620°V Ig = 1000 660.4,-86.87° Vix ais AcoSSET A 75 (a) Vs = 08180213" x 199, 186/0° + 172.24 84.2" « 669.4 /—36.87° = 256, 7382.20.15" V Ts = 0.001933 90.4" x 199, 186 20° + 0.8180/1,3° x 669.4 ,—36.87° = 447.7854 A 256,738 — 199, 186 joltage - eee = 24% ‘Voltage drop Taras * 10 = 224 7 256, 738220.1 oy Vane = Serpe = 318.861 1885° V Ts,w = 0,001938790.4° x 313, 861218.85° = 606.7/109.25° © % Reg. = = 576% 6.17 Justify Eq. (6.50) by substituting for the hyperbolic functions the equivalent exponential expressions. Solution: 1 sinhgl/2 _ cw? left hand side = tanhay = Sg = SWE : coshal-1 _ p(eMtem)-1 | ota ape! Fa es an ae aa (o1 ry? gt enn = Gaeta ‘Therefore, left hand side = right hand side 6.18 Determine the equivalent-z circuit for the line of Prob. 6.12. Solution: By Eq, (6.46) and Problem 6.12, sinhyl = 0.0419 + 30.3565 = 0.359,83.3° 59 /63.3" eS 33 = 141.4275.99° 2 Z! = 1443775.96° x SOLE 173663 283.0 By Eq. (6.49) and Problem 6.12, yd 0.9354 + j0.016 — 1 yd fy q Geer mr momen eaiegg gece | | 76 6.19 Use Eqs. (6.1) and (6.2) to simplify Eqs. (6.57) and (6.58) for the short transmis- sion line with (a) series reactance X and resistance R and (6) series reactance X and negligible resistance. Solution: From Eq. (6.1) and (6.2), it follows that, for a short line A=D=1 B=Z=R+jX2 i216 CH=0 (e) ‘s\V ‘al From Eq. (67): Pr = el emto- 0) al ewe 2 From Ea. (658): Qe = EAB ing) Wal sng (6) IfR=0, then B= Z= X 290° and Pro= Wal Val ins Wsl Val Wal? On = Tees — Par 6.20 Rights of way for transmission circuits are difficult to obtain in urban areas and existing lines are often upgraded by reconductoring the line with larger conductors or by reinsulating the line for operation at higher voltage. ‘Ther- mal considerations and maximum power which the line can transmit are the important considerations. A 138-kV line is 50 km long and is composed of Partridge conductors with fiat horizontal spacing of 5 m between adjacent con- ductors. Neglect resistance and find the percent increase in power which can be transmitted for constant |Vs| and |Vg| while 5 is limited to 45° (a) if the Partridge conductor is replaced by Osprey which has more than twice the area of aluminum in square millimeters, (b) if a second Partridge conductor is placed in a two-conductor bundle 40 cm from the original conductor and a center-to-center distance between bundles of 5 m and (c)_ if the voltage of the original line is raised to 230 kV with increased conductor spacing of 8 m, Solution: Length of 50 km is a short line and with resistance neglected the generalized circuit constants are A = 10° and B = X 290°. Then, since resistance is neglected conductor heating is disregarded: and from Eq, (657), = WsllVal og ase Py = SSPE cos 5 | et or, inversely proportional to X if we assume constant [Vs] and [Vg|. Additionally, Deg = YEXS=IO = 6.30 m, oF 6.90/0.3048 = 20.67 ft (2) 20. For Partridge: X = 0.0754in OL 0.5172 O/km For Osprey: X 0.4969 9/km Ratio of Px (new/old) GHEE = 1.081 (4.1% increase) 6) D, = VOORTXTOAOWI = 0.1688 X = oorsdin 208 = 0.3625 9/m O87 Lear (a27e nee) (c) Ppinereases by factor of (332)? = 2.78 due to increased V. Pp decreases due to increase of X. Dea = YExExTS = 3307h 3307 _ os X = 00754In 5% = 0.5526 km 0.5172 Decrease factor = SE 05172 or of increase 78 x Co Resultant factor of 278 x Tae = 2.602 Increase = 160.3% However, in addition to the increase in conductor spacing and insulation, larger conduc- tors will probably be required since current will increase by a factor of about 230/138 and [JJ loss in the line by a factor of about 2.78 for the increase in load at the same ower factor. 6.21 Construct a receiving-end power-circle diagram similar to Fig, 6.11 for the line of Prob. 6.12. Locate the point corresponding to the load of Prob. 6.12 and locate the center of circles for various values of |Vs| if [Val = 220 kV. Draw the circle passing through the load point. From the measured radius of the latter circle determine |Vs| and compare this value with the values calculated for Prob. 6.12. 78 Solution: Use scale of 1” = 50 MVA. By comparing the work in Problem 6.12(¢) with the equation Vs = AV + Bly we find A = 0.9354 + 70.0160 = 0.936,0.98° B = 304/707 (0.0419 + 70.3565) = 141.4/76.28° 9 B-a = 76.28 0.98 = 753° 1AllVR? _ 0.9354 x 2207 TB iia Use above data to construct load line through origin at cos! 0,9 = 25.8° in the first quadrant. Draw a vertical line at 40 MW. The load point is at the intersection of this line and the load line. The radius of the circle through the load point is 7.05" = 320.2 MVA 7.05 x 50 = 3525 {sl IVal a 352.5 iBl Vs = 325%14 «oes yy 6.22 A synchronous condenser is connected in parallel with the load described in Prob. 6.12 to improve the overall power factor at the receiving end. The sending- end voltage is always adjusted so as to maintain the receiving-end voltage fixed at 220 kV. Using the power-circle diagram constructed for Prob. 6.21, determine the sending-end voltage and the reactive power supplied by the synchronous condenser when the overall power factor at the receiving end is (a) unity (6) 0.9 leading. Solution: (On the diagram for Problem 6.21 draw a new load line in the fourth quadrant at cos~10.9 with the horizontal axis. Draw power circles at radii [Vs||V|/IB| = 311, 327, 342, 358, 373 and 389 MVA for |Vs| = 200, 210, 220, 230, 240 and 250 kV, respectively. This provides the Power circle diagram that we can use for parts (a) and (}). For p.f.= 1.0 read [Vs] = 214 KV at 40 MW on the horizontal axis. The vertical distance between the horizontal axis and the load line in the first quadrant respresents the kvar of the capacitors needed. The value is 19.3 kvar. For p= 0.9 leading, read |Vs| = 202 KV where the vertical line through 40 MW intersects the load line in the fourth quadrant. ‘The vertical distance between the two load lines at 40 MW represents the kvar of capacitors needed. The value is 38.6 kvar. 6.23 A series capacitor bank having a reactance of 146.6 9 is to be installed at the midpoint of the 300-mi line of Prob. 6.16. The ABCD constants for each 150 mi portion of line are A = D = 0.953420.3° B = 90.33,841° 9 C = 0.001014,90.1° Ss 79 (a) Determine the equivalent ABCD constants of the cascade combination of the line-capacitor-line. (See Table A.6 in the Appendix.) (6) Solve Prob. 6.16 using these equivalent ABCD constants. ‘Note to Instructor: This problem is somewhat long, but the solution is interesting to show that the ABCD constants of networks in series as given in Table A.6 can be calculated by matrix multiplication. The problem also shows the large reduction in voltage accomplished by series capacitors in the middle of the line. Compare results of Problems 6.16 and 6.23. Solution: (2) th = [0964208 sn a5z841° oooioiszaoie 0.958420 ku [100 146-90] An [Ie ew DA [ 0.9534/0.3° 50.91 ,~78.65° 0.953470.3° 90.33, 84.1° | oooro eas eo a? 2 casera OL 7 |sz2580 o° 2 sen And the following building blocks are added: ®@®@ ®@@ ol. 21 Sf? t Jes 101 Giving: © oO © © OTs 25 2 0 Lr EEE ®| 2 o wo #8 @®| 0 o fg fo 2 o pf 0 pf V8 e (As in Prob. 7.6) (7.13) Write nodal admittance equations for the circuit of Fig. 7.18 disregarding all mutual coupling. Solve the resultant equations for the bus voltages by the method of gaussian elimination. Solution: The nodal admittance equations are: 65 25 j2 0 0 TM 1.1290 25) ls 4s 0 fol teva 0 R -f# f4 B 0 Vs le} 0 0 0 j8 10 j2 |) Va 0 o gs 0 pg wa \Lvst Lo72z120 Forward elimination gives: if ° 0 vy 02 0 oO B V2 jO5 0 B 0 V3 |= 04 0 | no R Va 0 oO | Re SB Vs ~0.36-j0.62354 102 1 -0.45455| 0.36364 0 o vi 02 0 1 | 0.47368 0 —_—-0.48246 |} Vz 0.04825 a 0 -WOsaTa7 —B72.36842 |] vs |=| -p.63684 0 ° B “0 R Vs ° 0 0 | 3es42 2, -838772 JL vs J |-0.36-0.62354 1 0.45455 -0.36364] 0 ° vi 02 ° 1 0.47368} 0 --0.48246 |} V2 0.04825 ° 0 1 | 073077 0.21635 |] Vs |=} 0.05817 0 o 0 FaIS3ES BIST || Vs ~P.46538 0 0 0 | 73077 4487532 JL vs J | -0.36-j0.62354 1 0.45455 0.36364 0 ° vi 02 0 1 0.47368 «0 | -0.48246 |} V2 0.04825 0 0 1 -073077| -0.21635 |] Vs |=| 0.05817 0 0 1__|-o8osis |} v« 0.11204 0 0 0 0 | 7152454 \L vs J |-o36-j0.62354 1 045455 0363640 0 Va 0.2 0 1 047368 «= 0 -0.48246 |} V2 004825 0 0 1 0.73077 -021635 || V3 |-| 005817 0 0 0 1 -089815 || vs 0.11204 0 ° 0 ° 1 vs J Lo.93178-9023614, Back substitution yields the bus voltages: Vs = 0.93178 -j0.23614 = 0.96124/-14.2210° V4 = 0.94891 -j0.21209 = 0.972324-12,5991* V3 = 0.95319 -j0.20607 = 0.9752/-12.1990° V2 = 0.94930 -j0.21154 = 0.97258412.5624° V1 = 0.97812 -j0.17109 = 0.99297/-9,.9216" 103 (7.14) Prove Eq. (7.69) based on Eq. (7.68). Solution: Consider the nodal admittance equations in the form: Yu Nip «+ Yin Yo. + Ypp «+ Ypn Yor +++ Yap +> Yan The pth equation is written as a D YorVe = Ip kel If Ip = 0, Vpis given by: By substitution of the above Vp into the jth equation, the jth equation becomes: 104 a a ry > Yuve => [ve “ezes) vy kel kel Ypp hey = > Yienew Vi del kep In this reduced set of equations, the new coefficient is as defined in Eq. (7.69). (7.15) Using the gaussian-elimination calculations of Prob. 7.13, find the triangular factors of Ygus for the circuit of Fig. 7.18. Solution: Elements of two matrices L and U are (refer to Prob. 7.14): “65 0 0 0 0 25 1036364 0 0 0 L- j2 4.90909 -/10.94737 0. 0 0 0 j -j4.15385 0 0 JS j2.36842 3.73077 1.52454 | 1 0.45455 0.36364 0 0 0 1 0.47368 0 0.48246 0 ° 1 -0.73077 -0.21635 0 0 0 1 -0.89815 0 0 0 0 1 105 (7.16) Use the triangular factors obtained in Prob. 7.15 to calculate new bus voltages for Fig. 7.18 when the voltage source at bus 5 is changed to 1.0/=45° per unit. Follow the procedure of Example 7.9. Solution: The new voltage source at bus 5 is converted to a current source, 1.0/-45° + 1.25 = 0.8/-125: per unit. Using the L and U of Prob. 7.15, the equation to solve is 1.1220° 0.8125" We first let UV = V' and solve LV' = I for V’ as follows: BS oO 0 0 ° vi 1.1490" j2S 1036364 0 0 0 Vz 0 j2 —- j490909 10947370 0 v3. |= 0 0 0 j8 4.15385. 0 Va 0 0 2.36842 j373077 7152454 IL v; J | 0.81250 Solving by back substitution: [ 02 7] 0.04825 v ‘| 0.05817 0.11204 | 089383-037105 106 V is then determined from solution of UV = V': fou. 045455 0.36364 ° 0 v] 02 0 1 047368 «= 0 0.48246 |] V2 | 0.04825 0 0 1 0.73077 0.21635 |] Vs || 005817 0 ° ° 1 0.89815 || Va 0.11204 ° 0 0 o 1 SivsJ | 089383 037105 From which we get: 0.95063 -/0.26884 0.98791215.791° 0.91531 -0.33240 0.973802-19.9588° V =| 0.92008 -0.32381 |=] 0.97540419.3888°, 0.91483 -/0.33326 0.973642-20.016° 0.89383 -j0.37105 0.967792.22.5445° (7.17) Using the triangular factors obtained in Example 7.9, find the voltage at bus 3 of the circuit of Fig. 7.11 when an additional current of 0.222120" per unit is injected at bus 2. All other conditions of Fig. 7.11 are unchanged. Solution: The equations to be solved are: 107 Land U are given in Example 7.9. Let UV = V' ; solve LV' = I for V': 16.75 0 0 0 0 jll75 1.007460 0 vi |_| 0.24120" j25 4.25373 ~8.78305 0 1.0290. j25 6.75373 2.98305 1.43082 0.684135° Solving by back substitution: 0 v 0.01574 ° 00908 | 0.28203 -j0.01022 | L | 0.99832 -j0.40023 Vis next determined from solution of UV = V": fou 070149 0.14925 0.14925 [ 0 } | 0 1 0.38644 0.61356 || v |_| 0.01574 -0.00908 | 0 0 1 0.78853 | “| 0.28203 0.01022 0 0 0 1a oil 0.99832 -0.40023 | From which we get: 1.03916 ~j0.37532 1.10486/-19.8585° Vv 1.04146 -j0.38055 1.108812-20.0723° 1.06924 -j0.32581 1.117782:16.9466° 0.99832 -j0.40023 1.07556/-21.8460° (7.18) (a) Kron reduce Ypus of the circuit of Fig. 7.18 to reflect elimination of node 2. (b) Use the Y-4 transformation of Table 1.2 to eliminate note 2 from the circuit of Fig. 7.18 and find Ypus for the resulting reduced network. Compare results of parts (a) and (b). 108 Solution: Ypus of the circuit of Fig, 7.18 is given by: ©e6 @ 8 ESS 5 2) 25 -lS 4 5 Mio) a Sr) 8 -10 2 5 2 78 After Kron reduction of row 2 and column 2: ® ® @ ® 495652 2.86957 0 1.08696 veaucea.,| 286957 -12.60870 8 1.73913 — 0 8 -10 2 1.08696 1.73913 2 5.62609 (b) Node 2 is connected to nodes 1,3 and 5 as shown, all impedances are in per-unit. 0A J025 w2 109 The A-equivalent circuit is: jas 0.92 0575 where: as = (0) 0.2) = 0.92 2s = 0.4)90.25)445 = jas 2as = (0.25) 0.274 = j0.575 When the A-equivalent circuit replaces the original star, the following results: 110 Giving : ® @ @ 4.95652 2.86957 0 _| 2.86957 -12.60870 8 Ysus =/ 0 8 -10 1.08696 1.73913 2 confirming the earlier result. ® 1.08696 1.73913, 2 -5.62609 (7.19) Find the L and U triangular factors of the symmetric matrix 213 M=/154 ae Verify the result using Eq. (7.75). 111 Solution: Forward elimination yields the following: 2 1 3 | | 7 | {30 4 #7 pi v2 32 IO Oe ea Lo 5/2 5/2 Jo. 12 3/2 o 1 5/9 Lo 0 10/9 Land U are: | 2 0 0 1 1/2 3/2 L=| 1 92 ©O |3U-=|0 15/9 Ls 52 109 _ 1 0 Ojf 2 oO 90 uUD=|1/2 1 0 0 92 «0 3/2 5/9 1 0 0 10/9 cs 0 0 a 1 9/2 0 =L 2 5/2 10/9 Which verifies Eq. (7.75). 112 8.1 Chapter 8 Problem Solutions Form Zpys for the circuit of Fig. 8.13 after removing node @ by converting the voltage source to a current source. Determine the voltages with respect to reference node at each of the four other nodes when V = 1.220° and the load currents are Iz; = —J0.1, Ing = —J0.1, Jes = —90.2 and Iy, = — 70.2, all in per unit Solution: ‘When the voltage source is converted to a current source and added as an injected current at that node, the voltages are J0.2 j02 502 502] [ ~35.9 1.08 502 50.6 502 306 301 | _ | 0.96 Zousl 502 302 508 70.2 302 | = | og6 | Peruait G02 70.6 502 511 502 0.86 Alternatively, if the high-side of the voltage source is chosen as the reference: 50.2 902 502 702] f 501 0.12 = | 302 506 302 jo6 || jor | _ | -o.24 Zeal = | 502 302 708 302|| 302 | ~ | -o24 | Prune 302 306 702 511} | 502 034 and the bus voltages are 1 0.12 1.08 ‘le 0.24 0.96 1 0.24 | = | 0.96 | Per unit 1 034 0.86 113 (8.2) From the solution of Prob. 8.1, draw the Thévénin equivalent circuit at bus 4 of Fig. 8.13 and use it to determine the current drawn by a capacitor of reactance 5.4 per-unit connected between bus 4 and reference. Following the procedure of Example 8.2, calculate the voltage changes at each of the buses due to the capacitor. Solution: The equivalent circuit is: Zul © sey V4 = 0.8420" The capacitive current Ic is 0.84/j(1.1-5.4) = -j0.2. The voltage changes are then: 0 [0.04 AV=Zmus| © |-|022 0.04 170.2} L022 (8.3) Modify Zgus of Prob. 8.1 to include a capacitor of reactance 5.4 per-unit connected between bus 4 and reference and then calculate the new bus voltages using the modified Zgys. Check your answers using the results of Probs. 8.1 and 8.2. 114 Solution: Zgus is augmented to add the shunt capacitor: 02 0.6 0.2 After kron reduction, Zgys is given by: 0.20930 0.22791 0.20930 0.25116 0.22791 0.68372 0.22791 0.75349 0.20930 0.22791 0.80930 0.25116 lo2zsii6 0.75349 0.25116 1.38140 And the voltages are: [ 0.20930 0.22791 0.20930 25116] 5.9 1.12 } 0.22791 0.68372 0.22791 0.75349 | JO1 = | 1.08 | 0220 0.22791 0.80930 oasis | 0.2 1.00 0.25116 0.75349 0.25116 1.38140J| 0.2 11.08. Which is the sum of V and AV from Probs. 8.1 and 8.2. 115 (8.4) Modify the Zgus determined in Example 8.4 for the circuit of Fig. 8.8 by adding a new node connected to Bus 3 through an impedance of j0.5 per-unit. Solution: Let the new node be designated by node q. Zpus becomes: ® O29 © @ 0.71660 0.60992 0.53340 0.58049 0.53340 0.60992 0.73190 0.64008 0.69659 0.64008 J) 0.53340 0.64008 0.71660 0.66951 0.71660 0.58049 0.69659 0.66951 0.76310 0.66951 0.53340 0.64008 0.71660 0.66951 1.21660. (8.5) Modify the Zpus determined in Example 8.4 by adding a branch of impedance j0.2 between buses 1 and 4 of the circuit of Fig. 8.8. Solution: Zpus is augmented as follows: ® ® ® ® @ 0.71660 0.60992 0.53340 0.58049 | 0.13611 0.60992 0.73190 0.64008 0.69659 | -0.08667 J] 0.53340 0.64008 0.71660 0.66951 | -0.13611 0.58049 0.69659 0.66951 0.76310 | 0.18261 0.13611 ~0.08667 -0.13611 ~0.18261 | 0.51872 116 and by kron reduction, we get: 0.68089 0.63266 0.56911 0.62841 ;| 0.63266 0.71742 0.61734 0.66608 0.56911 0.61734 0.68089 0.62159 0.62841 0.66608 0.62159 0.69881 (8.6) Modify the Zpus determined in Example 8.4 by removing the impedance connected between buses 2 and 3 of the circuit of Fig. 8.8. Solution: To remove the branch between nodes 2 and 3, we add a second branch of impedance -j0.4 between the two nodes. Therefore, Zpus is augmented as follows: @ 0.71660 0.60992 0.53340 0.58049 | 0.07652 0.60992 0.73190 0.64008 0.69659 | 0.09182 J] 0.53340 0.64008 0.71660 0.66951 | -0.07652 0.58049 0.69659 0.66951 0.76310 | 0.02708 0.07652 0.09182 -0.07652 0.02708 | ~0.23166 and by kron reduction, we get: [ 0.74188 0.64025 0.50812 0.58943 ji 0.64025 0.76829 0.60975 0.70732 0.50812 0.60975 0.74188 0.66057 L0.88943 0.70732 0.66057 0.76627 117 (8.7) Find Zgus for the circuit of Fig. 7.18 by the Zgus building algorithm discussed in Sec. 8.4, Assume there is no mutual coupling between branches. Solution: GOO y11 1 al 1 15 1 el 1.26087 1.17391 1.17391 1.28261 ® 0 © © dl 1 i 1 After kron reduction: j ® ® ® 1 1 : 1 1 1 1.26087 1.17391 1.17391 1.17391 1.28261 1.28261 1.17391 1.28261 1.40761 3-4 j 118 o © © 6 © 1 1 1 1 0 1 1.26087 1.17391 1.17391 0 0-5 j/ 1 1.17391 1.28261 1.28261 0 3 1 1.17391 1.28261 140761 0 0 0 0 0 1.25 0 ® © © © © 1 1 al a of} 1 1 1.26087 1.17391 1.17391 0 | 1.26087 25 jg] 1 117391 1.28261 1.28261 0 | 1.17391 1 1.17391 1.28261 1.40761 0 | 1.17391 0 0 o 0 21.25 1 1.26087 1.17391 1.17391 1.251 2.71087 By kron reduction: o © © © © 0.63111 0.53488 0.56696 0.56696 0.46111 0.53488 0.67442 0.62791 0.62791 0.58140 J] 0.56696 0.62791 0.77426 0.77426 0.54130 0.56696 0.62791 0.77426 0.89926 0.54130 0.46111 0.58140 0.54130 0.54130 0.67362 © ® ® ® ® @ 0.63111 053488 0.56696 0.56696 0.46111 | 0.10585 053488 0.67442 0.62791 0.62791 0.58140 | 0.04651 j| 056696 062791 0.77426 0.77426 054130 | 023296 0.56696 062791 0.77426 0.89926 0.54130 | 035796 046111 058140 0.54130 0.54130 0.67362 | 0.10585 0.04651 0.23296 0.35796 -0.132 119 After final kron reduction, Zgus becomes: ®o © © Oo 2 0.61980 0.52991 0.54206 0.52870 0.47525 0.67224 0.61697 0.61110 0.58761 jj 0.71946 0.69005 0.57243 Symmetric 0.76987 0.58913 0.65594. (8.8) For the reactance network of Fig. 8.14, find (a) Zpus by direct formation (b) The voltage at each bus, (c) The current drawn by a capacitor having a reactance of 5.0 per unit connected from bus 3 to neutral, (d) the change in voltage at each bus when the capacitor is connected to bus 3, and (e) The voltage at each bus after connecting the capacitor. The magnitude and angle of each of the generated voltages is assumed to be constant. Solution: (a) ® ® ® 0.411 0.310 0.354 Zpus = J] 0.310 0.446 0.333 0.354 0.333 0.450 (b) 1.6290" | 0.980 + j0.186 0.997210,75° V = Zeus | 1.2/-60° |=| 0.959 + j0.268 |=|0.996415.61° 0 0.912 +j0.200 } |0.934212.37°. 120 (c) The capacitive current is determined by using Zh = 233 and V3: (d) The changes in bus voltages due to Ic are: AV=Zpus al 0.411 0.310 0.354 0 = j] 0.310 0.446 0.333 0 0.354 0.333 0.450 J] -0.2052102.37° 0.0726/12.37° =| 0.0683212,37° 0.0923/12.37° (e) The resulting voltages are: Vanew= V +AV 0.997210,75° 0.0726£12,37° =| 0.996/15,61° | +] 0.0683212.37° 0.93412,37° 0.0923212.37° 1.070410.86° 1.064/15.41° 1.026/12.37° 0 121 (8.9) Find Zpus for the three-bus circuit of Fig. 8.15 by using the Zzus building algorithm of Sec. 8.4. Solution: © oO oO o-2 [10 ° o-1 101 : [ sl ®O®O 100 1-3 fj) O 1251.25 0 12513 © Oo Oo @ 1 0 of 1 12 jf 0 225 125 )-225 OQ 125 13 |-125 1-125 -125] 2.45 After kron reduction, Zpus is given by: ® © © 0.5918 0.5102 0.5102 J) 0.5102 0.6122 0.6122 0.5102 0.6122 0.6622 122 (8.10) Find Zgus for the four-bus circuit of Fig. 7.12 which has per- unit admittances as marked. Solution: 2sus can be found by inverting the Ygys given in the text. Zgys = 0.7313 0.6914 0.6132 0.6368 | ,| 0.6914 0.7197 0.6082 0.6418 0.6132 0.6082 0.6989 0.5511 0.6368 0.6418 0.5511 0.6989 | (8.11) The three-bus circuit of Fig. 8.15 has per-unit reactances as marked. The symmetrical Ygus for the circuit has the triangular factors | ~j6.0 L= $8.0 — ~21.633333 | 0 720.0 — -f1.510038 1 -0.833333 0 U= . 1 0.924499 1 Use L and U to calculate (a) The elements 212, Z23, and Z33 of the system Zgus and (b) The Thévénin impedance Z:p,13 looking into the circuit of Fig. 8.15 between buses 1 and 3. 123 | Solution: | (a) Using the method of section 8.5, the first column of Zgus is found j from solution of: | | | | | i ' i (a Zn] [% L} x |=|o0| and Ul Z | X | | x} lo Zyl Lx Solution of vector X gives: [mh j0.1667 | X |= | 40.0385 Xs} | 70.5102 Solving the second equation involving U for column one of Zeus: Zn] Zn \ j0.5102 23, | 70.5102 j0.5918 | And since in this circuit Z12 = Z21, we have Zj2 = j0.5102. Similarly, 223, and 733 are found from: %] [0 [ Za x i L| x J=|0] and ua =| % XJ la 233 | | x | Giving: And: x] [ 0 [ 2] [10.5102 % i=] 0 [2 =| 0.6122 %3 | 1.6622 233) | 0.6622 124 (b) The solution proceeds as follows: (1-3) ] [um] fa q | X L} xX |=/0| and Uj 79) |=] x | i - X: EPS) tl [ zw 3) J 3 Giving: Zt) 7 X ] | 0.1667 1 40.0816 X2 |=} 0.0385 | And consequently: | 7/13) | = | -70.1020 x | | -70.1520 yr» | L.2520] 3 and Zth13 - 2°) - 4?) = 0.2336 . Note that the difference is taken in the same order, element 1 - element 3. (8.12) Use the Ypus triangular factors of Prob. 8.11 to calculate the Thévénin impedance Z22 looking into the circuit of Fig. 8.15 between. bus 2 and reference. Check your answer using the solution to Prob. 8.10. Solution: x | fo Za) [x] L| x |=|1| and u 22 | % XJ Lo 23! |X 125 Giving: mu] f 0 Z| [ 90.5102} X_ |=| 70.0462 | And consequently: | Z2 |= | j0.6122 | Xs | | 0.6122 Z3| | j0.6122 | with Zp? = j0.6122. Check: 1.2 Il f1.25 = 0.6122. (8.13) The Ygus for the circuit of Fig. 7.12 has triangular factors L and U given in Example 7.9. Use the triangular factors to calculate the Thévénin impedance Z;h,24 looking into the circuit of Fig. 7.12 between buses 2 and 4. Check your answer using the solution of Prob. 8.10. Solution: Using L, solve for the intermediate variables X: ~f16.75 X%)] fo jll.75 -j11.00746 X2 | | p25 j4.25373 -j3.78305 % | 0 p25 — j6.75373 j2.98305 -/1.43082 || x4 [2] giving: [u]f 0 Xp | j0.0908 Xs | 0.1022 L X4 J | -s0.0571] 126 Solving for the difference of Zgus columns: f 72-4 1 0.70149 -0.14925 0.14925 ]/ 4 0 1 -0.38644 -0.61356 || “|_| jo.0908 1 0.78853 || 72-0 |” | 50.1022 1 0.0571 ( 2-4) i LZ gives: (2-4) (4 70.0546 | 2 |_| 7.0779 | ge j0.0571 | we -j0.0571 LZ And Zin24=- 2°" - 2?) = 0.1350. Note that the difference is taken in the same order, element 2 - element 4. Check: Using Zpus, Zen,24 = 222 + Z44 - 2224 = j(0.7197 + 0.6989 - 2x 0.6418) = j0.1350. (8.14) Using the notation of Sec. 8.6, prove that the total reactive power loss is given by the formula Qr = ITXgysl*. Solution: Si P+ jQ = MZpust” Si7 = PL JQ =F Zpbs 0 127 Subtracting, we get, S128 y= t[ 2s = Hise and for symmetric Zgus = Reus + jXpus, we have: Q =I" [Xpus I” (8.15) Calculate the total reactive power loss in the system of Fig. 8.13 using Eq. (8.57). Solution: The vectors I and Zgus are given in Prob. 8.1., S=IZpysl" = [0.2 0.2 0.2 02] ol ] 1] 02 06 0.2 0.6 || ~0.1 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.2 —f2 02 06 02 11J| 2 ={ 01 j0.1 0.2 j0.2 = j0.152 (8.16) Using the procedure discussed in Sec. 8.6, modify the Zpus determined in Example 8.4 to reflect the choice of bus 2 of Fig. 8.8 as the reference. 128 Solution: The transformation C that changes the reference from bus 0 to bus 2 Zpus,new = CTZpusC* = 1-1 ][ j0.71660 j0.60992 0.53340 0.58049 ][1 -l | 10.6092 0.73190 j0.64008 0.69659 ||-1-1-1-1 ae | as J0.64008 0.71660 0.66951 7 a1 J0.58049 j0.69659 j0.66951 0.76310 1 © © ® ® J0.22866 j0.12198 0.01530 j0.00588 J0.12198 0.73190 0.09182 0.03531 90.01530 0.09182 0.16834 0.06474 J0.00588 0.03531 0.06474 0.10182 (8.17) (a) Find Zpus for the network of Fig. 8.13 using node 5 as reference. Change the reference from node 5 to node 4 and determine the new Zpus of the network using Eq. (8.60). Use the numerical values of the load currents I: of Prob. 8.1 to determine Tnew by Eq. (8.55) and Vaew by Eq. (8.56). 129 (b) Change the Zgus reference from node 4 back to node 5, using Eq. (8.63), determine the voltages at buses 1 and 4 relative to node 5. What are the values of these bus voltages with respect to the ground reference of Fig. 8.13? Solution: (a) From Prob. (8.1), 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.6 Zpus = 02 0.2 0.8 Pell Loz 0.6 0.2 1.1 The transformation is: ®©®OoO Of ® 1 fc @ : @laaaa Zpus,new = CTZpusC* = (a. -1\f02,02\ 02 o2\/a | 1a | 0.2 06 02 06 |) 1 | 1a | °2 0.2 0.8 0.2 1 ajlo2 06 02 11 130 ®OOO 09 05 09 09 OS 05 05 0.5 09 05 15 09 09 05 09 11 The new current vector must be determined from I-CInew, Toa 0.1 ] 1 Anew Hess ee Ota lee Bnew Bod 0.2 | 1 Buew Taoia 0.24 (-l-1-1-1J| Isnew | giving They = i(0.1 0.1 0.2 -0.6). And Vnew, the voltages with respect to node 4, are obtained from Zpus,newlnew: Vinew Fr 0.22 Vanew | _ ;| 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 |) J0-1 |_| 01 09 0.5 15 0.9 |) ~.2 On L Vanew 0.9 0.5 0.9 1.14. -0.6 10.34. (b) Zpus is given by: 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2] 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.6 | 0.2 0.2 08 02 | 0.2 0.6 0.2 11 Zeus = 131 ‘And the new voltages are given from solution of Vnew = CT*V; V comes from part (a): 1 -l ] 0.22] [ 0.12] Vv, 1 -1 || 01 |_| 0.24 new = = 1-4 ol | -0.24 | -1 jlo3a! L034 And the voltage with respect to a ground reference is: VU {2 0.12 [1.08 Ya |oaz|? || 024]. [096 | V3 | 1 0.24 0.96 iE ral til [-034] Lose (8.18) A new branch having an impedance of j0.25 per unit is connected between nodes 3 and 4 of the circuit of Fig. 8.8 in parallel with the existing impedance of j0.2 per unit between the same two nodes. These two branches have mutual impedance of j0.1 per unit. Modify the Zpys determined in Example 8.4 to account for the addition of the new branch. Solution: First, add the mutually coupled line forming a new bus q: 132 Zt (2p —Zy) Zaj= 2-2 Zu Zi Zag = pq Fe (Lg Zag) Fe- Z5) 21 = 0.53340 - 24 J (0.53340 — j0.58049) = 0.55695 Zea = 0.64008 --F (.62008 — 0.69658) = 0.66834 ian = 0.71660 -B5 (0.71660 0.66951) = 0.69306 Zou = 0.66951 - 21 (90,66951 — j0.76310) = j0.71631 02 Qe Z9q= 0.69306 D4 (0.69306 — j0.71631) - ~ 70.25) = 0.90469 The augmented matrix is: ® ® ® ® @ 0.71660 0.60992 0.53340 0.58049 | 0.55695 0.60992 0.73190 0.64008 0.69659 | 0.66834 =Jj] 0.53340 0.64008 0.71660 0.66951 | 0.69306 0.58049 0.69659 0.66951 __ 0.76310 | 0.71631 0.55695 0.66834 0.69306 0.71631 | 0.90469 133 To parallel nodes 4 and q, row and column q is subtracted from row and column 4 to give: © 0.71660 0.60992 J} 0.53340 0.58049 ® 0.60992 0.73190 0.64008 0.69659 © 0.53340 0.64008 0.71660 0.66951 0.02354 -0.02825 0.02355 After kron reduction, we have ® 0.71424 0.60709 0.53576 0.57581 ®@ 0.60709 0.72851 0.64291 0.69097 ® 0.53576 0.64291 0.71424 0.67420 (8.19) Derive Eqs. (8.95) and (8.96). Solution: ® ©©® 0.58049 | 0.02354 0.69659 | -0.02825 0.66951 | 0.02355 0.76310 | -0.04679 0.04 ® 0.57581 0.69097 0.67420 0.75379 These equations are a special case of the equations developed in Prob. 8.23. (8.20) Modify the Zgus determined in Example 8.7 to remove the branch between buses 1 and 2 already coupled by mutual impedance j0.15 per unit to the branch between buses 1 and 4. 134 Solution: [ Yo Yu J-[ Za Zu ['=[R2saus 6.25 3.75 Yu Yell Zy Zp 150.25) =| j375 6.25 2yj=Zyj-j0.15[ 6.25 73.75 J BA ] 2oq= Zpq— H0.15| -6.25 j3.75 ] [ we | c-ge2sgo.159 +025) Thus, we have: - 0.69890 — j0.60822 ]_ 2q1 = j0.69890 - j0.15[ 6.25 3.75 ] 3.69890 —70.61323 |= 2066208 22 = j0.61323 —jO.15[ =j6.25 3.75 al eee = 0.62011 0.61323 — j0.73128 P 55110 — j0.6417: Zp3 = j0.55110 —j0.15[ 76.25 3.75 ares |=s0sev82 Za = j0.60822 0.60822 - 0.69140 7 ye 0.66208 — j0.66591 Ze = P.66208 ~j0.15| -¥6.25 8.75 ]| F668 oeonl ~ (~§6.25(0.15)? + j0.25 ) = j0.29865 j0.15[ 6.25 73.75 1 20.60822 - 0.71966 |=s0.66501 The augmented matrix is: ® [ 0.69890 0.61323 Jj] 0.55110 0.60822 L 0.66208 ® 0.61323 0.73128 0.63677 0.69140 0.62011 ® 0.55110 0.63677 0.69890 0.64178 0.58792 Connecting buses 2 and q, we have: ® 0.69890 0.61323 J) 0.55110 0.60822 0.04885, ® 0.61323 0.73128 0.63677 0.69140 ~0.11117 After kron reduction: © 0.71025 0.58741 0.53975 0.60230 ® 0.58741 0.79005 0.66259 0.70488 ® 0.55110 0.63677 0.69890 0.64178 0.04885 ® 0.53975 0.66259 0.71025 0.64770 © 0.60822 0.69140 0.64178 0.71966 0.66591 ® 0.60822 0.69140 0.64178 0.71966 ® 0.60230 0.70488 0.64770 0.72275 0.02549 135 ® | 0.66208 0.62011 0.58792 0.66591 1 0.29865 @©® 0.04885 '-0.11117 0.04885 '~-0.02549 1-0.21029 136 (8.21) Assume that the two branches 1-3 and 2-3 in the circuit of Fig. 7.18 are the only mutually coupled branches (as indicated by the dots) with a mutual impedance of j0.15 per unit between them. Find Zsus for the circuit by the Zgus building algorithm. Solution: © On jf] ®®O 13: s[? | _ 3-2: Using the formula given in the text: P15, _, 2 =p-E-fy=f ay = fl - ee A)=F i015 ; 23 = l.5-E= (V1.5 - fl) = j1.3: 23 = J 5 FL) = f.35 Za = f35 ~ BS y1.35 ~ fl) + j0.205 = j1.45 ® © @ is 1 oi oi 1s 135 1 135 145 137 1-2: Form the augmented matrix: © © © 1 1 1 1 15 1.35 |-0.35 us 135 1.45 |-0.45 0 035 -0.45] 0.85 and by kron reduction we get: o ® © i 1 1 j 1 1.35588 1.16471 1 1.16471 1.21176. 3-4: oe hme 1 1 1 1 j 1 1.35588 1.16471 1.35588 1 1.16471 1.21176 1.16471 1 1.35588 1.16471 1.48088 45 ® © © © © a 1 7 1 1 1 1.35588 1.16471 1.35588 1.35588 i a 1.16471 1.21176 1.16471 1.16471 1 1.35588 1.16471 1.48088 1.48088 1 1.35588 1.16471 1.48088 1.98088 138 0-5: 1.35588 1.16471 1.35588 1.35588 |1.35588 1.16471 1.21176 1.16471 1.16471 [1.16471 1.35588 1.16471 1.48088 1.48088 /1.48088 1.35588 1.16471 1.48088 1.98088 |1.98088 1.35588 1.16471 1.48088 1.98088 |3.23088 and after kron reduction: OF - @) &) © & 0.69049 0.58034 0.63951 0.54165 0.38689 0.58034 0.78687 0.67592 0.73441 0.52458 J] 0.63951 0.67592 0.79189 0.63086 0.45062 0.54165 0.73441 0.63086 0.80212 0.57294 0.38689 0.52458 0.45062 0.57294 0.76639 2-5: Using Case 4: ® ® ® ® © 069049 0.58034 0.63951 0.54165 038689 0.25262 058034 0.78687 0.67592 0.73441 052458 0.15134 063951 0.67592 0.79189 0.63086 0.45062 | 0.34127 054165 0.73441 0.63086 0.80212 0.57294 0.05792 038689 0.52458 0.45062 0.57294 0.76639 | -0.31577 025262 0.15134 0.34127 0.05792 0.31577 1 0.85704 139 and after kron reduction: © © © © ®& 0.61603 0.53573 0.53892 0.52458 0.47997 0.76015 0.61566 0.72418 0.58034 i 0.65600 0.60780 0.57636 Symmetric 0.79821 0.59428 0.65005 (Note node ordering.) (8.22) Modify the Zgus obtained in Prob. 8.21 to remove branch 2-3 which is coupled to branch 1-3 through a mutual impedance of j0.15 per unit. Solution: ~ j0.25 [ va tw | Ze Zu ps ale [ “2.43902 1.46341 L Ym Ye Zu Zp 1.15 70.25 7146341 -j4.87805 140 241 = J0.53573 ~j0.15{ 7.43902 j.46341 J] isso a sse7 Ie j056441 Zqa = j0.61566 ~ j0.15] ~j2.43902 1.46341 1 nieces nesce l- 0.57873 Zy3 = j0.76015 - j0.15[ ~j2.43902 1.46341 1 pease ae | =s0.70976 2qe = 0.72418 -j0.15{ 2.43902. 1.46341 ]/ Prasat Sneeee ]-,067670 Zqs = 0.58034 — j0.15[ ~j2.43902 j1.46341 1 seat yavese le 0.54449 Zaq = 0.10976 ~ j0.15{ 2.43902 1.46341 Alaseve@ nee ] = (2.43902((0.15)? + j0.15 ) = j0.48047 The matrix is given by: ® ® ® ® ® @ 0.61603 0.53573 0.53892 052458 0.47997 | 0.56441 0.53573 0.76015 0.61566 0.72418 0.58034 | 0.70976 j| 053892 0.61566 0.65600 060780 0.57636 | 057873 0.52458 0.72418 0.60780 079821 0.59428 | 0.67670 0.47997 0.58034 0.57636 059428 0.65005 | 054449 056441 0.70976 0.57873 067670 0.54449 | 0.48047 141 and node q is joined to node 2: ® ® ® © ® @9@ 0.61603 0.53573 053892 0.52458 0.47997 | 0.02549 0.53573 0.76015 061566 0.72418 0.58034 | 0.09410 0.53892 0.61566 065600 0.60780 0.57636 | -0.07727 0.52458 0.72418 060780 0.79821 0.59428 | 0.06890 0.47997 0.58034 057636 0.59428 0.65005 | -0.03187 0.02549 0.09410 0.07727 0.06890 -0.03187 }-0.02099 and after kron reduction: © © © © © 0.64698 0.65000 0.44508 0.60825 0.44127 1.18201 0.26925 1.03306 0.43746 j 0.94045 0.35416 0.69368 Symmetric 1.02438 0.48967 0.69844. (8.23) In Fig. 8.16 a new bus q is to be connected to an existing bus p through a new branch c. New branch c is mutually coupled to branches a and b, which are already coupled to one another as shown, The primitive impedance matrix defining the self- and mutual impedances of these three mutually coupled branches and its reciprocal, the primitive admittance matrix, have the forms: [ Za Zan Zac T? [ Yaa Yan val | 2 Ze Zac | =| Yoa Yoo Yo ay Coy Zee Venera Yer 142 To account for the addition of the new bus q, prove that the existing bus impedance matrix of the network must be augmented by anew row q and column q with elements given by: | 2gi= ZirT ] ntate here Yea Ya] Zi- Zea | nq ~ Z, Zea 2oa* + Yea Yea | 284 =) L Ziq~ Ziq Note that these equations are generalization of Egs. (8.87) and (8.88). Solution: The voltage drop equations for the three mutually coupled branches are: *] Za Zab Zac) *{ Va] | Yaa Yao Yac )'{ Vm~ Vn Ib|=| Zia Zs Zs | | Vb |=| Yoa Yo Yoc| | Vj~ Vi Ue] | Za Ze Zc} vel L Yea Yeo Yeo! | Vp- Vo Since Iq = ~le= ~Yea Vin - Vn) ~Yeb( Vj- Vi) -Yeel Vp ~ Va) we have eb Vo=Vo+LL You You 1) VB ~ V2 Iq Yee Yee - Vk 143 Using this equation and the expression for V° given in the text, we have for the g‘ row: * 7} VIO) ~ V0) + (Zing - Zng) Tq (0) _ 00) vj? - VIO) + Zagla = VS + Zpala * ple Yeo} +L, Yee Vy) + (Za Zia) When Ig = 0, we have, 709) _ y{0 (0) (0) Vin Va Vg = Vp + EL Yee Yoo! © ce vio - ve | Since N Vg? = > ZaiVi A we note that Zmi- Zni i=in + Ll Ya % [ Zain tpi + yal Yea o } as | fori=1,..N Zqq is determined by setting all other currents except Ig equal to zero: 2a Linq Zr pee ee a pq Yat ‘ca Yeo] Zu~ Zig |" Yoo (8.24) Branch 2-3 of the circuit of Fig. 7.18 is mutually coupled to two branches 1-3 and 2-5 through mutual impedances of j0.15 per unit and j0.1 per unit, respectively, as indicated by the dots. Using the formula given in Prob. 8.23, find the Zgus for the circuit by the Zpus building algorithm. 144 Solution: © Or jf] ©®® 3-2: Using the formula given in the text: 1 B15) 4 4) _s =sl- -jl)=fl Z1=) 5° (fl - fl) =f. j0.15 = fs - j.5 - fl) = fl. 23-5 705 Al) = f.35 Zn = f.35 ~ BS 1.35 ~ fl) + j0.205 = 1.45 3 a. Poo oi 15 135 1 135) 14s 1-2: Form the augmented matrix: 145 7 1 0 -. F 1 1 i 15 1.35 |-0.35 135 0.35 045 1.45 |-0.45 0.85 and by kron reduction we get: 1 Hee HO ree ® ® © Oo i 1 1.35588 1.16471 1.16471 1.21176. ® © © : I 1 1.35588 1.16471 1.35588 1.16471 1.21176 1.16471 1.35588 1.16471 1.48088 © © © © 1 7 1 1 1.35588 1.16471 1.35588 1.35588 1.16471 1.21176 1.16471 1.16471 1.35588 1.16471 1.48088 1.48088 1.35588 1.16471 1.48088 1.98088 1.35588 1.16471 1.35588 1.35588 |1.35588 1.16471 1.21176 1.16471 1.16471 |1.16471 1.35588 1.16471 1.48088 1.48088 /1.48088 1.35588 1.16471 1.48088 1.98088 |1.98088 1.35588 1.16471 1.48088 1.98088 |3.23088 and after kron reduction: © © © © ® 0.69049 0.58034 0.63951 0.54165 0.38689 0.58034 0.78687 0.67592 0.73441 0.52458 J] 0.63951 0.67592 0.79189 0.63086 0.45062 0.54165 0.73441 0.63086 0.80212 0.57294 0.38689 0.52458 0.45062 0.57294 0.76639 147 2-5: The primitive admittance matrix of the three coupled branches is obtained as: O05 0S 0) le Ph = | 40.15 j0.25 0.1 0 jl 70.2 J | -2.58065 1.93548 -0.96774 1.93548 -6.45161 3.22581 | -0.96774 3.22581 -j6.61290 From the equations given: p 7 2581 71 10-58034— 0.69049 ke Zn, = 1038689 + ahaa J0.96774 j8.22581 ]| 4'sg934j0.63951 |=1039963 j0.45062 + —L__{ 0.96774 3.22581 | J0.67592 - 0.63951 k- 0.51252 76.61290" °j0.67592 ~ j0.79189 _ 4 0.78687 — j0.58034 ]_ Zap 0.52458 + alert -j0.96774 j3.22581 1] Jo-78687 —70.67502 = j0.50068 ae _ ee jars —j0.54165 ]_ Za = 0.57. 94 + haat 0.96774 j3.22581 1) 4973441 ~jo.63086 |= 7055064 _ 5 0.52458 — j0.38689 ]_ 245% 0.76639 + ealaael -J0.96774 j3.22581 i 40152458 -j0.45062 |=/0.75046 - 7 40.5068 - j0.39963 ] ee P1506 + alse j0.96774 3.22581 | A 0068 —9051252 a + Spelaay 797204 148 the augmented matrix is o © © © 8, @ 0.69049 0.58034 0.63951 0.54165 0.38689)0.39963 0.58034 0.78687 0.67592 0.73441 0.52458}0.50068 0.63951 0.67592 0.79189 0.63086 0.45062)0.51252 0.54165 0.73441 0.63086 0.80212 0.57294)0.55064 0.38689 0.52458 0.45062 0.57294 0.76639/0.75046 0.39963 0.50068 0.51252 0.55064 0.75046/0.92224 connecting buses 2 and q, we have: ® ® ® ® ® @O 069049 0.58034 0.63951 0.54165 0.38689 | 0.23988 058034 0.78687 0.67592 0.73441 0.52458 | -0.17524 063951 0.67592 0.79189 0.63086 0.45062 | -0.27937 054165 0.73441 0.63086 0.80212 0.57294 | -0.08022 038689 0.52458 0.45062 0.57294 0.76639 | 0.29984 ~0.23988 -0.17524 ~0.27937 0.08022 0.29984 and after kron reduction: ® © © © © 0.60699 0.51934 0.54226 0.51372 0.49127 0.74231 0.60487 0.71401 0.60083 j . 0.67863 0.59834 0.57218 Symmetric 0.79278 0.60785 0.63592 Chapter 9 Problem Solutions 9.1 In Example 9.3, suppose that the generator’s maximum reactive power gener- ation at bus @ is limited to 125 Mvar. Re-compute the first-iteration value of the voltage at bus @ using the Gauss-Seidel method Solution: The net power injection found at bus @ of Example 9.3 was Qe = 1.654151 per unit = 165.4151 Mvar Considering the reactive load of 49.58 Mvar at the bus, the required reactive power generation is 165.4151 + 49.58 = 214.9951 Mvar, which exceeds the 125 Mvar limit specified. The bus is now regarded as a load bus, with total reactive power generation of 125 Mvar. So the net injected reactive power in this case is 125 — 49.58 5.42 Mvar = 0.7521 per unit Vj is now calculated as Posen = 3Q) a oO -as = (YeaVEe + Yaavs ) 1 2.38 ~ 50.7542 iower — paoseaess [~ 02 = 0.997117 ~ 70,006442 per unit ve ~ (-s5ra0es + 400500] and using an acceleration factor of 1.6 yields ve 0). = 1.02 + 1,6 (0.997117 — j0.06442 — 1.02) = 0.983387 ~ 70.0103073 per unit nie atin tate 150 (9.2) For the system of Fig. 9.2, complete the second iteration of the Gauss-Seidel procedure using the first iteration value of the bus voltages obtained in Examples 9.2 and 9.3. Assume an acceleration factor of 1.6. Solution: Y22 (Dy vase v2) “$< a iQsen yn VM 4 Yoav ] V2 ~ 1 [__-1.7+ 1.0535 ¥o2 |0.981113+0.031518 ~ { 3.815629 + j19.078144 + (-5.169561 +j25.847809)(1.019922 + j0.012657)} ] ~ 1.718854 - j44.247184 8.985190 - j44,835953 = 0.9819338 - j0.0246233 Vaate = 0.981113 ~ j0.031518 + 1.6 ( 0.9819338 - 0.0246233 - 0.9819338 + j0.0246233) = 0.982426 - j0.020486 ier vi2) -_1_| P3.scn ~ Q3.sch _ ee + YaaV0, ) 5 os ace Yas vs . tls saat 5.16956 + j25.847809 33 (0. + (-3.023705 +15.118528)(1.019922 + 40.012657)} ] ~ 6.433447 - j39.862133 8.193267 - j40.863838 = 0.9681332 - j0.0366761 Vaate = 0.966597 - j0.00.040797 + 1.6 ( 0.968132 ~ 0.0366761 - 0.966597 + j0.00.040797) = 0.969055 - j0.034195 = tml v2 [Yoav + vav?™ =~ Im{ (1.019922 - 0.012657) + Yeav$?} x[ (-5.16956 + j25.847809)( 0.982426 - j0.020486) + (-3.023705 + j 15.118528)( 0.969055 - j0.034195) + (8.193267 - j 40.863837)( 1.019922 + j0.012657)]} =~ Im{ 1.911362 - j1.320680} = 1.320680 aS 152 if on — P3sch - JQ” _ (Yan) + Yas V2 ) Yaa vgie —_1_[_2.38 - 1.320680 Yaa (1.019922 -j0.012657 - { (-5.16956 + j25.847809)(0.982426 ~ 0.020486) + (-3.023705 +j15.118528)(0.969055 ~ §0.034195)} ] = 1.020695 + j0.023217 (2) cm Vasco = 02 (1.020695 + 0.023217 ‘eon “7920959 ad Y = 1.019736 + j0.023195 (9.3) A synchronous condenser, whose reactive ower capability is assumed to be unlimited, is installed at load bus 2 of the system of Example 9.2 to hold the bus-voltage magnitude at 0.99 per unit. Using the Gauss-Seidel method, find the voltage at buses 2 and 3 for the first iteration. 153 Solution: == In| Vo" [Yor Vi + ¥o2V2 + YoaVa + YoaValh = - Im{ (0.99) x[ (1.0)( -3.815629 + j19.078144) + (0.99)( 8.985190 - j44.835953) + (1.02)( -5.169561 + j25.847809)]} = -1.0447626 Using the above value of Q, V2 is computed: 1 [Pascn ~JQ _ (yy,V, + YoaVa) ye 2 je + f1.0447626 0.99 _ Yo2 -{ (1.0)(-3.815629 + j19.078144) + (1.02)(-5.169561 + j25.847809)} ] = 0.9834515 - j0.0326767 154 The magnitude of V2 is now corrected to 0.99: V2,corr = 0.92 (09834515 - j0.0326767) 20m = Tog3qqa0 | n = 0.9894539 - j0.0328761 At bus 3, we have, V5 = 72 ~ (Ya1Vi + Yana + Yous ¥33 V3* . i + 1.2394 ¥33, 10 -{ (1.0)(-5.169561 + j25.847809) + (1.02)(-3.023705 + f15.118528)} ] 029308 193267 - j40.863838 = 0.9712184 - j0.0416924 If desired, an acceleration factor may be used. (9.4) Take Fig. 9.12 as the equivalent-r representation of the transmission line between bus 3 and 4 of the system of Fig. 9.2. Using the power-flow solution given in Fig. 9.4, determine and indicate on Fig. 9.12 the values of (a) P and Q leaving buses 3 and 4 on line 3-4, (b) charging megavars of the equivalent n.of the line 3-4, and (c) Pand Qat both ends of the series part of the equivalent x of the line 3-4, Solution: (a) 102.91 MW 104,75 MW — s ~60.37 MVAR 56.93 MVAR (b) Charging MVAR varies as the square of the voltage: Atbus 3: 12.25 (0,969)? = 5.99 MVAR At bus 4: 12,25 (1.02)? = 6.63 MVAR 8 eee oan (c) These are the sums of (a) and (b): 102.91 MW 4.75 MW 104.75 a -54.38 MVAR 63.56 MvaRl 155 156 (9.5) From the line-flow information of the power flow solution given in Fig. 9.4, determine J 2R loss in each of the four transmission lines, and verify that the sum of these line losses is equal to the total system loss of 4.81 MW. Solution: Line 1-2: = 38.69 - 38.46 = 0.23 MW Line 1-3: = 98.12 - 97.09 = 1.03 MW Line 2-4: = 133.25 - 131.54 = 1.71 MW Line 3-4: = 104.75 - 102.91 = 1.84 MW Summing up these four line loss components, we get the total loss is 4.8 MW. (9.6) Suppose that a shunt capacitor bank rated 18 MVAR is connected between bus 3 and the reference node in the system of Example 9.5. Modify the Ygus given in Table 9.4 to account for this capacitor, and estimate the actual megavar reactive power injected into this system from this capacitor. Solution: Only the diagonal element corresponding to bus 3 needs to be modified: Y33" = (8.193267 - j40.863838) + 0.18 = 8.193267 - j40.683838 Using the voltage at bus 3 given in Fig. 9.4, the approximate power injection is 18 x (0.969)2 = 16.9 MVAR. eee] 157 (9.7) For the system of Example 9.5 augmented with a synchronous condenser as described in Prob. 9.3, find the jacobian calculated at the initial estimates. Hint: It would be simpler to modify the jacobian matrix shown in Sec. 9.4 following Example 9.5 than to start calculations from the beginning. | | Solution: Since bus 2 is now a PV bus, the mismatch equations can be written in the following form: ©O2O © @[ M2 0 Me | 0 Ab AP @®| 0 Mss Maa N33 +21 Val?Gs3 A5 =| 4P3 @| Maz Mas Mag | -Nas Ab: APs @L 0 Ns3 Nya -Mgs-21 V3l?B33 Jal Vai/l Val] La@ Note that the values are given in Sec. 9.4. To determine the first iteration value of the above, we use the same initial voltages as before, except |V2I = 0.99 p.u. Only the terms involving V2 change. The M22, M24 and Mg? terms need only be corrected by 0.99: Mzz = 45.442909 * 0.99 = 44.98848 Mp4 = -26,364763 * 0.99 = -26.101115 Mg? = -26.364763 * 0.99 = -26,101115 And Mag is recalculated as follows: 4 Mag = > | VaVnYan! sin( @4n + 5p - 54) pel ped = 1.02 x0.99 x 26.359696 x sin(101.30993°) + 1.02 x1 x 15.41793 x sin(101.30993°) = 26.101117 + 15.420899 = 41,.522016 158 Giving the jacobian: © ® ® ® @I 4498848 0 26201115 0 ® 0 41.268707 -15.420898 | 8.132792 @| -26.101115 -15.420898 41.522016 |-3.084180 ® 0 8.25374 -3.084180 |40.458969 (9.8) Suppose that in Fig. 9.7 the tap is on the side of node i so that the transformation ratio is r:1. Find the elements of Ygys similar to those in Eq. (9.74), and draw the equivalent-x representation similar to Fig. 9.8. Solution: Si= Vil* Since 5; + S)= 0, aay -th=- LVj+ YW, from which: i= - Yvji+tv, te 159 giving: y ¥ += |\v qj | i 5 = Y || (9.9) In the four-bus system of Example 9.5, suppose that a magnitude-regulating transformer with 0.2 per-unit reactance is inserted between the load and the bus at bus 3, as shown in Fig. 9.10. The variable tap is on the load side of the transformer. If the voltage magnitude at the new load bus 5 is prespecified, and therefore is not a state variable, the tap t of the transformer should be regarded as a state variable. The Newton-Raphson method is to be applied to the solution of the power-flow equations. (a) Write mismatch equations for this problem in symbolic form similar to Eq. (9.45) (b) Write equations of the jacobian elements of the column corresponding to the variable ¢ (that is, partial derivatives with respect to 1), and evaluate them using the initial voltage estimates shown in Table 9.3 and assuming that the voltage magnitude at bus 5 is specified to be 0.97. The initial estimate of & is 0. (oc) Write equations of P and Q mismatches at bus 5 and evaluate them for the first iteration. Assume the initial estimate of variable ris 1.0. 160 Note to instructor: In future printings, this value of 0.2 per unit for the transformer reactance should be changed to a value of 0.02 per unit. Solution: (a) . BP. BPs Pp Pa | yp BPo yy 2P2 | BP2 |] ag AP; 0 35 9& abs | atVal atv!) ar oh Soa | vp 2P} Ps |} as, APs 3 8 ' avs! | ar Pe OPa | et) ns APs 2 05 | ar we 25 Tl as, - 2 86 8 | ar = 2 Oe Fo. y2@] 2@ |) aval 40, 8 Ob / ‘alVsl | ar Wal : 20; 2Qs | 223 AlVsl oo | =] A> A a = 8h | ar Wal 23 20s, | 20s 36: | a IL’ a 161 (b) For the last column: one at aPs aly yaa ‘ \ 23 ~ ©) | v3l2G33 + ¥ | V3VaYanl cos( @3n + bn - 63) at at mt e3 =2{ | V3Vs(-t¥)I cos( 635 + 65 - &3)} at =~ 1 V3VsYicos(90") = 0 aPs _o ot as _ 2 ye > = 2) 1 Vsl2G5s +O 1 VsVn¥sx! COS( 85m + bn ar at = TS = 1 VsV3(-t¥)I cos( @53 + 53 - &5)} t =~ 1 V5 V3 Yicos(90°) = 0 162 8@ L9 ar 303 af 2 > i \ SS =5) -1 V31?B33 - | V3VnY5ul sin( @3n + Sn - 63) or ar ‘Del 3 =4 ~ | V3I?(Bs33,fixea ~ t71¥) - 1V5V3(-t¥)I sin( 853 + 53 - &s)} it = 2tl VslIM -1 VsV3¥l sin(90°) = = 2-097. 515 02) 02 3 at 5 oe af Vsl?Bss - 3 | VsVaYeal Sin( O5n + in &)| it C) ml mS ~ 1 VgV3(-t¥) sin( 053 + 63 - 65)} ~~! ¥5Va¥ sin(90°) = - 097 ~ 4.85 163 (0) 5 PLO. = 1 V3iGs5 +, | V5VaYsn! COS( @5n + bn &) pl mS = 0+1 V5V3¥5al cos( 653 + 53 ~ 55) = 0+ 0.97 x5 xcos(90°) = 0 (0 ©) APS" = Ps,sch- Ps ,catc =-2-0--2 5. hye = = IV5I?B55 ~ | VsVn¥sal sin 5a + Sn ~ 55) os mS =~ IVsI2Bs5 - 1 Vs V3Ysal sin( 653 + 63 ~ 65) =~ (0.97)*(-5) - 0.97 x5 xsin(90°) = = 4.7045 - 4.85 = -0.1455 (0) 5 Dl = -1.2394 - (-0.1455) =-1.0939 164 (9.10) If the tap setting of the transformer of Prob. 9.9 is prespecified instead of the voltage magnitude at bus 5, then Vs should be regarded as a state variable. Suppose that the tap setting t is specified to be 1.05. (a) In this case write mismatch equations in symbolic form similar to Eq. (9.45) (b) Write equations of the jacobian elements which are Partial derivatives with respect to IVsl, and evaluate them using the initial estimates. The initial estimate of Vs is 1.0Z0°. (Q) Write equations of P and Q mismatches at bus 5 and evaluate them for the first iteration. Solution: (a) ee ee ee getty aioe aos AP) Bb A, Sz— BH | IVa! Vals! | ar ee |. wp2Ptvg2% | | as, 0 06s | OIV31 IVs! aP, BP. | Pe Se 2 | Ws | | AP. 3h Bs “vel Se . aPs APs APs | ars oes geo Ws | | 08 AP. a 95, ay / 7) = [°° 00, 3Q) | 902 1, 0 |AIV> peace cee | Wav | |AUet A a 8h | “awa aivst | | al 2 20; 20s | aa | favs! ey eo ve Wy 2B | [AWsl i a a ' Savst | | Wat 2 8Qs | 805 Als! oe | ww, 0b, i "aval Ws 4s 165 Vs 2F2_ = 1V5I IV2¥2s! cost @52 + 45 - 6&2) =O als! IVs 2P3_ = 1Vsl IV3Yast cos( 653 + 85 ~ 63 ) alvs| = |Vsl 1V3(-tY)I cos(90° ) = 0 oP4 IVst IVs! 1V4¥asl Cos( @54 + 65 - 64) = O 5 IVst } 21VsIGss + 3, 1VaYsul COS( 65 + bn - 55 | mi m5 = IVsl 1V3(-t¥)I cos(90° ) = 0 vst oe =-tvsl 1V2Ys2l sin( 052 + 55 - 62 ) = 0 eval IVs! 1V3¥531 sin( @53 + 55 - 53 ) = - IVs! 1V3(-t¥)I sin(90° ) =-1xL05 --5.25 0.2 166 2a. _ ; Val <= aIVS!*Bss - 2 WsVa¥sal sin( @sn + 82 ~ 85} bel eS = - 21V5I"Bss - IVsl 1V3(-t¥)1 sin(90° ) (co) 5 PLO, = IVaI>Gss +S, IVs VaYoul COS( O5n + Sn ~ ds ) ml pS = 0 +1V5V3¥53l cos( 653 + 53 - ds ) = a cos(90") = 0 Therefore, (0) (0) APS) = Posen Pee =-2-0=2 167 and, 5 Qe = ~ IVsI?Bss - | VsVaYsal sin( 65n + 8n~ 85) fel mes =~ IVsI?Bss - | Vs V3¥sal sin( 653 + 83 ~ 85) -1x(-5) - 1,05 x sin(90°) = =5-5.25 = 0.25 1Q” = Qsscn— Beate = -1,2394 - ( -0.25) =-0.9894 (9.12) The generator at bus 4 of the system of Example 9.5 is to be represented by a generator connected to bus 4 through a generator step-up transformer as shown in Fig. 9.13. The reactance of this transformer is 0.02 per unit; the tap is on the high-voltage side of the transformer with the off-nominal turns ratio of 1.05. Evaluate the jacobian elements of the rows corresponding to buses 4 and 5. Solution: Note to instructor: In this problem it is assumed that the new bus 5 becomes the regulated bus with IVs| = 1.02 p.u., and that bus 4 is a load bus with an initial voltage value of !V4l = 1.0 p.u, 168 The transformer contribution to Ygus is: Y “ty -y oy The augmented Ygys is: OO 2 2 oO) 0 0 Of mw re ms 0 Olu 0 Yoq @} yn 0 a @}| o Yaz Vag) YageeVa 1, ®L o 0 ° -Y eave where Y= -j50 and t= 1.05. Some of the desired jacobian entries corresponding to bus 4 are: 5 9P 4 «S IVaVnYaal Sin( B4n + By ~ &) a ped = 1V4V2Yaal sin( 642 + & - 54) + 1V4V3Yasl sim( 643 + 53 ~ 54) + 1VaVsYasl sin( @45 + 55 - &s) = 11.0x 1.0 x 26.3596961 sin(101.30993°) + 11.0 1.0 x 15.417934) sin(101.30993°) + 11.0 x 1.02 x 1.05 x 501 sin(90°) = 94.516337 es 169 APs _1VgVeYasl sin( bes + 85 ~ 5) 5 = -I1 x 1.02 x 1.05 x 50! sin(90°) = -53.55 204 OQs | -1V4V2Ya2l cos( 642 + 82 - 54) 882 = -I1 x 1 x 26.3596961 cos(101.30993°) = 5.1695606 3Q IV2l- =-1V2V4Yaal sin( 642 + 6 - 54) = 11.0 x 1.0 x 26.359696l sin(101.30993°) = -25.847809 The remaining terms corresponding to bus 4 are calculated in a similar manner. The terms corresponding to bus 5 are: SS 2- 1V5VaYsal sin( 054 + 54 + 55) =-11.02 x 1.0 x 1.05 x 501 sin(90°) =-53.55 170 an a5 _ S IVgVaYool Sin( @5n + 5n ~ 85) 055 ml ms = 11.02 x 1.0 x 1.05 x 501 sin(90°) = 53.55 Val BPS = 1V5VaYoal cos( 54 + 54 ~ 65) alVal = 11.02 x 1.0 x 1.05 x 501 cos(90°) = 0 Since bus 5 is a regulated bus, there are no terms involving Qs or IVs. 171 | (9.13) For the system of Prob. 9.12, find the matrices B' and B" for : use in the decoupled power-flow method. Solution: Ypus is: ® © © ®© ®@ ® Yu baie Y3 0 0 OQ) mn rx 0 ne 0 @} Ya 0 Yss sq 0 | @| o Yaz ase e Taaele tk | Ol 0 0 0 my, | UY, where Y = -j50 and the remaining entries are given in Table 9.4. The { imaginary part of Ygus is called B and is given by: Bu Bi Bs 0 0 | i Bo: Bor 0 By 0 j B=! Bs: 0 By3 Bsa O O Bap Bas Bas Bas 0 0 O Bsa Bss with: 40.863838 - 50 and the remaining Bj;'s are obtained from Table 9.4. 172 Using t = 1, changing the signs, and deleting the first row and column, we get B': [ Bo2 0 Bo 0 -| 0 Bsz B34 0 Baz Baz Bas Bas Loo Bsa eal ° 2 © ® 44.835953 0 -25.847809 0 Bie 0 40.863838 -15.118528 0 -25.847809 -15.118528 90.863838 -50 0 0 -50 50 B' is obtained from B by deleting the rows and columns corresponding to the slack bus (bus 1) and the PV bus (bus 5), while tis set to 1.05 as specified: 44835953 0 -25.847809 LEC 0 40.863838 -15.118528 -25.847809 -15.118528 90.863838 (9.14) A five-bus power system is shown in Fig. 9.14. The line, bus, transformer, and capacitor data are given in Tables 9.6, 9.7, 9.8, and 9.9, respectively. Use the Gauss-Seidel method to find the bus voltages for the first iteration. 173 Solution: For t = 0.975: ~j25t = -j24.375 t(t-1)(~j25) = j0.609375 (1-t)(-j25) = -70.625 And Ygus is: [ 5-j24.947 -2.5+f15 0 -2.5 + flo 0 7 -254+flS 7.5 - j59.932 j24.375 0 -s+p0 | 0 24.375 4- 39.546 0 4 416 | -2.5 + flo 0 0 65-278 44/18 0 -5 + 20 44/6 ~44jl8 13 - 53.895 | | vi) = A [Pesen = JQsen _ (yp, V4") + YosVO + Yosv) Yaz vis = 1 [70-64 035 _( 2 if 9 { 2.5 + f15)(1.01) + (24375)(1.0) + C5 + 202.09} | _ 6.925 ~ 89.175 7.5 ~ 59.932 = 0.986382 - j0.007890 174 Vyate = 1 + 1.6 ( 0.986382 - 0.007890 - 1) = 0.978211 - j0.012624 - ] vo. a IQssem (yyy) 4 Ys } ¥33 vie : 2 Pztee (724.375)(0.978211 - j0.012624) ¥33 a) +(4-16,1.0) ] 99229 ~ j39.423893 4- 739.546 = 0.994392 - j0.024915 Vgite = 1 + 1.6 ( 0.994392 - 0.024915 - 1) = 0.991028 - j0.039864 175 vi) = 1 | Pasch ~ Qasch _ (Yar vo e Yas Vv. ) Yaa I vx = 1 [08+25 _¢ (2.5 + 10)(1.01 af 1.0 {¢ cone, +(4s1802.0)) | _ 5.725 ~ 27.6 65-278 = 0.9869984 - j0.0248378 Vi). = 1 + 1.6 ( 0.9869984 - 0.0248378 - 1) = 0.979197 - 0.039740 Of? = = tml v0 [sav 4 YosVP + Yoave + Yssv!]} =~ Im{ (1.0) x [ (-5 + j 20)( 0.978211 - 0.012624) +(-4 + j 16)( 0.991028 - 0.039864) + (-4 +7 18)( 0.979197 - 0.039740) + (13 - 753.895)( 1.0)]} =~ Im{ 1.833669 - 0.46725} = 0.46725 176 (1) = (¥52V$2) + Y53V$? + Yoav? | 2[i5 ~ 0.46725 _ ¥55 1.0 _12.527994 - j54.429278 13 - 753.895 { eee + 83.427750)(1.01)} ] = 1.007372 - j0.010536 | | | 177 and, Valaee = = phihigy (1.007372 - 0.010536) = 0.999903 ~ j0.010458 (9.15) To apply the Newton-Raphson method to the power-flow solution of the system of Fig. 9.14, determine (a) Ygus of the system, (b) the mismatch equation at bus 5 evaluated at the initial voltage estimates of Table 9.7 for the first iteration, and (c) write mismatch equations in a form similar to Eq. (9.45). Solution: (a) Fort = 0.975: ~j25t = -j24.375 t(t-1)(-j25) = j0.609375 (1-t)(-j25) = -j0.625 And Ypus is: [ 5-724.947 -25+j15 0 2.5 +jl0 0 ] | -254fl5 7.5 ~ 59.932 24.375 0 -5 + 720 0 724.375 4- 39.546 0 44/16 -2.5 + flo 0 0 65-7278 44+)18 0 -5 + j20 ~4+fle 44/18 13- 53.895 | 178 (b) OP 5 _ V5 V2Youl sim Qs + 8p ~ 65) 62 =-20.616 sin(104.04*) = -20 Ps. AVsVaYeal sin(653 + 83 ~ 65) 63 =-16.492 sin(104.04°) =-16 OPS _ 1VeVaYsal sin O54 + 84 ~ 65) 864 =-18.439 sin(102.53°) = -18 oPs O65 06 353 54 =- (-20- 16-18) = 54.0 WW sc tvvayeal cos(452 + 8 ~ 65) = 20.616 cos(104.04") = -5.0 Was at¥s V3¥sal cos(653 + 83 ~ 8s) = 16.492 cos(104.04") = -4.0 1 179 Val 2PS_ = 1V5VaYsal cos(Os4 + 64 ~ 85) alVal = 18.439 cos(102.53' 4.0 (0) = 1,02 x 13 + 20.616 cos( 104.04) + 16.492 cos( 104.04) PS calc i + 18.439 cos( 104.04) =13-5-4-4-0 0 = (1.9-0.65)-0=1.25 \ The mismatch equation at bus 5 is: 4 -20A8) -16A63 -18A54 + 544655 -SAl V2! -4A1 Val -4A1V4l = 0 180 (c) For this system, we have: 2 By Py Pry TT a6 ] Par a5, 35; 8& Bs AWW! AVIV! oP, oe wyPey 2B |] aa APs 85, 88s alV3l aIVgl ap, a2. aPs ee . vi 45s SRE on : mal APs ars aes a wae |] as fo] any 05, 95; 8 IVa! Alva! 3Q 8 wy y2% |] ET | ag 8b Ob IVs! aIV4l a 30; 30 . 303 AMVs! SS ve WB | AE a 0b . “Wal ne As 2Qs 3, AIVal Ce we |) ae “Oval Wa Ae (9.16) For the system of Fig. 9.14, find matrices B’ and B" for use in the decoupled power-flow method. Also, determine the first iteration P and Q mismatch equations at bus 4, and find the voltage magnitude at bus 4 at the end of the first iteration. Solution: To form B’, the capacitors are neglected and transformer tap t is set equal to 1. FF hUmreULU 59.932 -25 0 -20 25 4096 0 -16 0 0 2795 -18 20 16). 18) 253.805 a 181 where: Ab AP2 /IV21 463 | _ | AP3/1V3l A6s| | AP4/IVal Abs APs/I\Vsl In the formation of B", the capacitors and off-nominal tap settings are considered. Bus 5 is deleted since it is a regulated bus. © © 59.932 24375 0 -24375 39546 0 0 0 278 where: AIV21 SQ /V2i B" AIV3I 4Q/IV3! AlV4l AQMVal Pode 1Val>Gas + 1V4VaYanl cost @4n+ dn ~ 64) ml es = 6.5 +1 x 1.01 x 10.308 cos(104.04") + 18.439 cos(102.53°) = 65-1.01x 25-4 =-0.025 AP. = Pasen ~ Pipa ~-0-8- (0.025) = 0.775 pu. 182 dy = = IVa? Bas - S 1WaVnYaa! sin( 4+ ba~ &) pl pes = ~-27.8) -1 x 1.01 x 10.308 sin(104.04°) - 18.439 sin(102.53°) = 27.8-1.01x10-18=-03 AQ = Geen - Une =-0.5 - (0.3) =-02 pu The P- and Q-equations at bus 4 are: 27.95 Ads - 18465 = -0.775/1V4l = -0.775 27.8 AlVal = -0.2/1V4l = -0.2 Therefore, the voltage magnitude at bus 4 after the first iteration is: )_ yO 02 IV) = VQ + alV4l = 1 +57 = 0.9928 (9.17) Suppose that in Fig. 9.14 the transformer between buses 2 and 3 is a phase shifter where t is now the complex variable and is 1.02=2°. (a) Find Ygus of this system, (b) When compared with the power-flow solution of Prob. 9.15, will the real power in the line from bus 5 to bus 3 increase or decrease? What about the reactive \ power flow? Explain why qualitatively. 183 Solution: (a) The following is used in construction of Ygus where t= 1.0/-2° and Y= 1/j0.04: o © o © © © y -Y -| ~j25— j25/-2" \- 5 0.873424.985 ] ry wy f2s/42? -725. 25 Ypus is then given by: fr -25+j15 0 25+j10 0 25+jl5 7.5-J89.932 0.873 424.985 0 5+ j20 ° 0.873 #24985 4-40.78 0 4 +16 -25+jl0 0 0 65-278 4+ fe 0 5+j20 44/6 4+fs 13- 53.895 Compare this with that obtained in Prob. 9.15. (b) Because of the phase angle of -2°, more real power will flow from bus 2 to 3. Consequently, less real power will flow from bus 5 to bus 3. Since the magnitude of ris 1.0, the voltage magnitude at bus 3 will drop compared to that of Prob. 9.15. Asa result, more reactive power will flow from bus 5 to bus 3. 184 (9.18) To apply the decoupled power-flow method to the system of Prob. 9.17, find matrices B' and B". Solution: To form B’, only capacitors are to be neglected. Using the result of Ygus determined in Prob. 9.17, B’ is: o © © 8 59,932 -24.985 0 -20 24.985 40.96 0 -16 0 0 27.95 -18 -20 -16 -18 = 53.895 In determining B", the phase shifter angle is neglected and the rows and columns corresponding to regulated bus 5 are deleted. Thus, B" is given by: © een a) 0 -25 40.78 0 0 0 278 (9.19) Redo Example 9.10 when an 18-MVAR shunt capacitor bank is added to bus 3. Solution: The B matrix (the imaginary part of Ypus) is modified to account for the 18 MVAR capacitor. This is done by adding a 0.18 p.u. value to B33. All other elements are unchanged. 185 Thus: (3) © © ~44,835953 0 25.847809 B= 0 ~40.86383830.18 —15.118528 25.847809 15.118528 ~40.863838 The capacitor is ignored in the P-equations, and so ] 44.835953 0 -25.847809 0 40.863838 -15.118528 [ -25.847809 -15.118528 40.863838 Which is the same as in the example. Thus, the initial angle corrections for the first iteration will be the same as calculated in the example. The matrix B" is: © ® B" clare 0 | 0 40.683838 The Qequations to be solved are: 44.835953 0 AlVl]_[AQ/alVal 0 —-40.683838 || alVsl} La@s/atvst 186 The value calculated for 4Q3/iV3I must be modified to reflect the change in B33. To do this, we add an additional term as follows: AG alVal -1.09684 -1.27684 + 1 1.07(0.18 11.01 Solution of the Q-equations gives: AlVl=-0.01793 and AlV3l = -0.02696 And the new voltage magnitudes at buses 2 and 3 are: Val = 0.98207 and 1V3l = 0.97304 (9.20) In applying the Newton-Raphson method, if the amount of reactive power required to maintain the specified voltage at a PV bus exceeds the maximum limit of its reactive power generation capacity, the reactive power at that bus is set to that limit and the type of bus becomes a load bus. Suppose the maximum reactive power generation at bus 4 is limited to 150 MVAR in the system of Example 9.5. Using the first-iteration result given in Sec. 9.4 following Example 9.5, determine whether or not the type of bus 4 should be converted to a load bus at the start of the second iteration. If so, calculate the reactive power mismatch at bus 4 that should be used in the second-iteration mismatch equation. 187 Solution: 4 Oc = ~!Val*Baz- Y WVaVnYaal sin( Can + 8m ~ 8s) ml ie = -1.027(-40.863838) - 0 = 1.02 x 0.98335 x 26.359696 sin(101.30993-0.93094-1.54383°) = 1.02 x 0.97095 x 15.417934 sin(101.30993-1.78790-154383") 2.514737 - 26.125504- 15.12165 2675831 When the reactive load of 49.58 MVAR is added to this reactive power requirement of 126.76 MVAR, the actual reactive power generation is 176.34 MVAR which exceeds the limit of 150 MVAR. Therefore, bus 4 should be considered to be a load bus. The net reactive power becomes: 150 MVAR - 49.58 = 100.42 MVAR = 1.0042 p.u. Thus the scheduled reactive power at this bus is 1.0042 p.u. Since the calculated reactive power is 1.2676 p.u., the reactive power mismatch at bus 4 is 1.0042 - 1.2676 = -0.2634 p.u. 188 Chapter 10 Problem Solutions 10.1 A 60-Hz alternating voltage having a rms value of 100 V is applied to a series RL circuit by closing a switch. The resistance is 15 @ and the inductance is 0.12 H. (a) Find the value of the de component of current upon closing the switch if the instantaneous value of the voltage is 50 V at that time. (b) What is the instantaneous value of the voltage which will produce the maximum de component of current upon closing the switch? (c) What is the instantaneous value of the voltage which will result in the absence of any de component of current upon closing the switch? (d) If the switch is closed when the instantaneous voltage is zero, find the instantaneous current 0.5, 1.5 and 5.5 cycles later. Solution: (e) v= Vqsin(ut +0) Fort =0 V3x 100sine 20.70° or 159.30° 15 + 2m x 60 x 0.12 = 47.66 71.66° AUt=O0 ige = — OX VF in (20:79 — 71.66") = 2305 A vz 6 sin (159.3° ~ 71.66°) = -2.965 A (max.) (b) Maximum de component occurs when sin(a ~ 6) = 1 or when (a6) = :£90° when a = 161.66" or ~18.34°, v = 100v2sin161.66° = 100V3sin—18.34° = 444.5 V (¢) No de component will occur when @— @ =0, or 180°, ie. when a = 71.66° of 251.66°, v = 100V2sin71.66° = 100V3sin251.66° = 134.24 V (4) For v = 0 when t = 0 and @ = 0, 0.5 cycles later wt = = rad. t= 535 = 0.008033 5 100, at : te [sn (180" — 71.66°) — ezHR(O EES sin _7166°)] 2OO0VE (5 4 .-1.0461) gin (—71.66° Frag (1+ 16) sin(—71.66°) = 3.8104 10.2 10.3 189 Similarly, LB cycles later: wt = 35 t = 0025 i = 29404 and 5.5 cycles later: wt t un 0.09167 s 2817 A Note that the de component has essentially disappeared after 5.5 cycles. (5 time constants = 0.04 s) A generator connected through a 5-cycle circuit breaker to a transformer is rated 100 MVA, 18 kV, with reactances of X¥ = 19%, Xj = 26% and Xq = 130%. It is operating at no load and rated voltage when a three-phase short circuit occurs between the breaker and the transformer. Find (a) the sustained short-circuit current in the breaker, (6) the initial symmetrical rms current in the breaker and (c) the maximum possible de component of the short-circuit current in the breaker. Solution: 100,000 Base current = —=—— = 32075A “> Yexis 1 (a) Fig * 92075 = 2,467 A i sig xsors = 1,882 A (e) V3 x 16,882 = 23,874 4 ‘The three-phase transformer connected to the generator described in Prob. 10.2 is rated 100 MVA, 240Y/18A kV, X = 10%. If a three-phase short circuit occurs on the high-voltage side of the transformer at rated voltage and no load, find (a) the initial symmetrical ms current in the transformer windings on the high-voltage side and (b) the initial symmetrical rms current in the line on the low-voltage side. Solution: Lo re _.-, unit (9 {0.19 + 0.10) ee ean ; 100,000 Base Ley = 1200 o406 4 YS Vax 240 40,000 Base hry = 220-0 _ 675 i = 0% 8 sa075 A 190 10.4 10.5 (a) 3.448 x 240.6 = 8205 A (0) 3.448 x 3207.5 = 11.060 A A 60-Hz generator is rated 500 MVA, 20 kV, with X¥ = 0.20 per unit. It supplies a purely resistive load of 400 MW at 20 kV. The load is connected directly across the terminals of the generator. If all three phases of the load are short-circuited simultaneously, find the initial symmetrical rms current in the generator in per unit on a base of 500 MVA, 20 kV. Solution: 400 Tune = 2B = 08 per unit Eg = 1.0408 x 40.20 = 10+ j0.16 per unit Ty = 22 B38 08-550 per unie oF 5.06 per unit A generator is connected through a transformer to a synchronous motor. Re- duced to the same base, the per-unit subtransient reactances of the generator and motor are 0.15 and 0.35, respectively, and the leakage reactance of the transformer is 0.10 per unit. A three-phase fault occurs at the terminals of the motor when the terminal voltage of the generator is 0.9 per unit and the output. current of the generator is 1.0 per unit at 0.8 power factor leading. Find the subtransient current in per unit in the fault, in the generator and in the motor. Use the terminal voltage of the generator as the reference phasor and obtain the solution (a) by computing the voltages behind subtransient reactance in the generator and motor and (b) by using Thévenin’s theorem. Solution: fa poi (0) Ey = 08+ (08+ j0.6)(40.15) = 0.81 + 50.2 per unit En 0.9 — (0.8 + 70.6)(j0.45) = 1.17 — 70.36 per unit 0.81 + 0.12 Ty = - init iy Sao = = 048 ~ 38.24 per unit 10.6 191 LT — 30.36 we EATRI036 = ~1.08 - 73.94 per unit I ey 1.03 — 33.34 per unit Tf = f+, = 0.55 — 76.58 per unit (3) Vy = 0.9 (0.8 + j0.6)(J0.1) = 0.96 — 40.08 per unit 50.25 x 50.35 my = ERIS = 50.146 per unit Z oe 30.146 per 0.96 ~ 30.08 y= 208 16.58 per unit i 70.146 geese By replacing J by a current source and then applying the principle of superposition, Ty = 08+ 506+ 2% (~0,55 ~ j6.58) = 0.48 — J3.24 per unit . 70.60 0.25 oc ag = 0.8 — 70.6 + 208 (0.55 - 36.58) = 1.03 ~ 73.34 per uni Th = -08~70.6-+ S57 (055 - 7058) = ~103~ 38.34 per unit ‘Two synchronous motors having subtransient reactances of 0.80 and 0.25 per unit, respectively, on a base of 480 V, 2000 kVA are connected to a bus. This motor is connected by a line having a reactance of 0.023 9 to a bus of a power system. At the power-system bus the short-circuit megavoltamperes of the power system are 9.6 MVA for a nominal voltage of 480 V. When the voltage at the motor bus is 440 V, neglect load current and find the initial symmetrical mms current in a three-phase fault at the motor bus. Solution: Power Sys Bus fat point Baez = “5 — onsen 0.023 Xp = GOB = 020 per unit 2 Xsc = Gq = 0.208 per unit Xe = a = 0190 per unit vet cmt cae EEE a 192 y= 440/480 5 per unit ay = SEER = 105 per unt or 7.05 x = 17,0004 V3 x 0.48 10.7 The bus impedance matrix of a four-bus network with values in per unit is 50.15 70.08 50.04 j0.07 30.08 70.15 50.06 30.09 30.04 0.06 70.13 70.05 50.07 70.09 70.05 70.12 Zous = Generators connected to buses ) and @ have their subtransient reactances included in Zmus. If prefault current is neglected, find the subtransient current in per unit in the fault for a three-phase fault on bus @. Assume the voltage at the fault is 1.0/0° per unit before the fault occurs. Find also the per-unit current from generator 2 whose subtransient reactance is 0.2 per unit. Note to Instructor: This short problem is easily varied by assuming the fault to occur on other buses. Solution: At bus @, 98.33 per unit SC = 0.25 per unit From generator 2, 3.75 per unit 193 10.8 For the network shown in Fig. 10.17, find the subtransient current in per unit from generator 1 and in line ()-@ and the voltages at buses (I) and @ for three-phase fault on bus @. Assume that no current is flowing prior to the fault and that the prefault voltage at bus @ is 1.020° per unit. Use the bus impedance matrix in the calculations. Solution: © a3 4s “ cexC)i0 even Newark (Advances marked in per uit) i122) You = 3B JTS 528 52 725 98.5 A = 17s x85 25 x 25) +5{-5 x85 — 2x 2.8) —2[-5(-25) — (-2 x 7.5)]} 53975 For the fault at bus @ the impedances needed are Zn = a jars = 7.1195 tm = SAMIR IU) IS jones = = 2120281 48142) _ 810 4 ra06 iy = bag = 4006 pe unt v= 1 BS gate vy = 128808 oan per ui ity = 228 = jase pra From generator 1, y= 159505 — asa pert 2 194 10.9 For the network shown in Fig. 10.17 determine Yius and its triangular factors. Use the triangular factors to generate the elements of Zu needed to solve Prob. 10.8, Solution: Gate oe oe. You = 38-975 92.5 | per unit 52 525-985 912 1 -0.4167 —0.1667 = 38 —75.4167 1 0.6154 52 73.8333 76.1154 1 L U Yous USL" where 1 0.4167 0.4231 70.0833 Us 1 06154 Lt 70.0769 70.1846 1 70.0692 70.1006 70.1635, Hence, Zoe = You"? = UL! 90.1447 30.1195 50.0692 70.1195 70.2465 30.1006 | per unit 70.0692 30.1006 70.1635 10.10 If a three-phase fault occurs at bus © of the network of Fig. 10.5 when there is no load (all bus voltages equal 1.0/0° per unit), find the subtransient current in the fault, the voltages at buses @), @ and @), and the current from the generator connected to bus @. Use equivalent circuits based on Zpus of Example 10.3 and similar to those of Fig. 10.7 to illustrate your calculations, Solution: OES = -94.105 per unit Zn 195 During the faut %) 1 Zn Ye] = roc} a |=] 2s v, J 1 Za 1 50,1938 0.2444 20° . 1 | = (=94.105) | 70.1544 | = | 0.366270° | per unit, 1 50.1486 0.4023 20° Current from generator at bus @ is calculated to be (Eg- Vs) _ (0.0 = 0.4028) _ Cope = Sa = 22.902 per unit 10.11 The network of Fig. 10.8 has the bus impedance matrix given in Example 10.4 If short-circuit fault occurs at bus @ of the network when there is no load (all bus voltages equal 1.0/0° per unit), find the subtransient current in the fault, the voltages at buses () and @, and the current from the generator connected to bus (D. Use equivalent circuits based on Za, and similar to those of Fig. 10.7 to illustrate your calculations. Solution: =j7.474 per unit ©) 102" 196 During the fault, = roca |} ]-1y[ 2 rose | 1] conan 2078] [ genase [ Jo.oses | = | osoarcar | Per une Current from generator at bus @) is calculated to be (10zo= V4) _ (1.0~05830) ; (OC =Vi) 20-0580) 53.755 peru 0.1111 (jO.1111 oe ne joann oz 10.12 Zou: for the network of Fig. 10.8 is given in Example 10.4. If a tail-end short- circuit fault occurs on line @)-G) of the network on the line side of the breaker at bus ®, calculate the subtransient current in the fault when only the near-end breaker at bus @ has opened. Use the equivalent circuit approach of Fig. 10.11. Solution: Q w qj Zikinew *PErE (Zss~ Zas¥ Zane = Zep +2, — Zes— 2a . 2,53 ~ Ze Zsa = Zes+Za3— Wea " 30.1301 + 0.0875 —2 x 0.0603} = 0.097 per unit (0.1301 — 0.0603)?] _ See S ose — | = 90.2970 per unit ; [pss +0210- » _ Logo" 38.367 per unit 197 10.18 Figure 9.2 shows the one-line diagram of a single power network which has the line data given in Table 9.2. Each generator connected to buses © and @ has a subtransient reactance of 0.25 per unit. Making the usual fault-study assumptions, summarized in Sec. 10.6, determine for the network (a) Yous (0) Zeus, (¢) the subtransient current in per unit in a three-phase fault on bus @ and (d) the contributions to the fault current from line ()-@) and from line @-. Solution: Reactance diagram: Admittance diagram: ® oe @ @ © [350.72 j1984 72688 70 Yen < @| 2984 74672 "jo 32688 be = @ | ja6g8 | 50 74260 515.72 @| 70 726.88 518.72 ~746.60 (b) ® @ ® @ © [50.1357 70.1234 50.1278 70.1149) @ | 50.1234 50.1466 50.1246 30.1266 @ @ 50.1278 50.1246 30.1492 70.1222 50.1143 0.1266 30.1222 30.1357, ~§6.702 per unit (4) During the fault, [i] [i]-#[23] i = 10208 ]-(ss70 [ ame) [01ee0) serum 30.1222 0.181020 ‘Current flow in line ()-@ is calculated to be Ya) _ (0.1435 ~ 0) 30.0372 (= 33.887 per unit a 198 Current fiow in line @-@) is calculated to be (Ya-Va) _ (0.1810 -0) Tas sane = 52.846 per unit, where the sum of these currents is ~36.703(2 17). 10.14 A 625-kV generator with XY = 0.20 per unit is connected to a bus through a circuit breaker as shown in Fig. 10.18. Connected through circuit breakers to the same bus are three synchronous motors rated 250 hp, 2.4 kV, 1.0 power factor, 90% efficiency, with full load, unity power factor and rated voltage, with the load equally divided between the machines. ‘¢ = 0.20 per unit. The motors are operating at (a) Draw the impedance diagram with the impedances marked in per unit on a base of 625 kVA, 2.4 kV. (6) Find the symmetrical short-circuit current in amperes which must be in- terrupted by breakers A and B for a three-phase fault at point P. Simplify the calculations by neglecting the prefault current. (c) Repeat part (6) for a three-phase fault at point Q. (d) Repeat part (b) for a three-phase fault at point R. Solution: (a) Motor input For interrupting current use 18Xm Base | Zu % 7. MoToRS 250 x 0.746 ap = 272 KVA 625, = 02% > = 0.603 per unit 1.5 x 0.603 = 0.905 per unit 625 SR = 1504 peru Vax 24 perwnit (0.905 /3)j0.2_ FaoOR ToS 30-2208 per unit 1 Fuias = ~58:15 per unit 199 From the generator: = 75.000 per unit, or 752 A. From each motor: (35.0) _ 1 = =f1.105 per unit, or 166.2 A (b) Fault at P ‘Thru A: I = 752A (gen. only) Thru B 1-38.04 2(—J1.108) = —J7.210 per unit or 1084 A. (c) Fault at Q Thru A: I = 752A (gen. only) Thru B: J = 166.2 A (one motor) (d) Fault at R Thru A: I = 3(166,2) = 493.6 A ThuB: J = 16624 Maximum currents to be interrupted by A and B are 752 A and 1084 A, respectively. A circuit breaker having a nominal rating of 34.5 kV and a continuous current ating of 1500 A has a voltage range factor K of 1.65. Rated maximum voltage is 38 kV and the rated short-circuit current at that voltage is 22 kA. Find (a) the voltage below which rated short-circuit current does not increase as operating voltage decreases and the value of thet current and (b) rated short- circuit current at 34.5 kV. Note to Instructor: ‘The attention of the student should be directed to the para~ graph just preceding Example 10.7. Students wishing to learn about circuit breaker applications should review Application Guide for AC High-Voltage Cir cuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis, ANSI C37.010-1979, Amer- ean National Standards Institute, New York. This publication is also IEEE Std 320-1979, Solution: (a) The voltage below which rated short-circuit current does not increase as operating tolagedestenos andthe vel ofthat eure ate ve & I= 165 (b) The rated short-circuit current at 34.5 KV is 22,000 x 38 io ks oe 24,230 A EEE i t | } t \ 200 Chapter 11 Problem Solutions 1.1 If V2 = 50208, V{2) = 20,908 and Vi = 102180 V, determine analytically the voltages to neutral Van, Vin and Ven, and also show graphically the sum of the given symmetrical components which determine the line-to-neutral voltages. Solution: Ven = 50-+520-10 = 40+ 520 = 44.72226.6° V Vin 20,210" - 10 = —25 ~ 743.33 ~ 17.32 j10- 10 52,32 — 83.83 = 7.47,—134.4° V Vin = 502120° + 20/330°-10 = —25 + j43.33 + 17.32 10-10 17.68 + 5333 = 3772 vo Van, @) at a) bn Von @) “oo 0) Von 201 (11.2) When a generator has terminal a open and the other two terminals are connected to each other with a short circuit from this connection to ground, typical values for the symmetrical components of current in phase a are IS = 600/-90°. A” = 250/90 , and 1° - 350/90" A. Find the current into the ground and the current in each phase of the generator. Solution: Tz = ~j600 +j250 +7350 =O A 1) = 6002150" = -519.6 + {300 12) 2502210" = -216.5 125 1{'= 350290 = 0 +4350 Ip =~736.1 +7525 = 904.1/144.5° A 1{)= 600/30° = 519.6 +4300 1= 2502330" = 216.5 “125 1 = 350290° = 0 +/350 Ic = 736.1 +/525 = 904.1235.5° A In =Ip+Ie=f1050 A or In = 31{= 3 x j350 = j1050 A 202 (11.3) Determine the symmetrical components of the three currents Jg= 1020", Ip = 102230", and Ic = 10£130° A. Solution: 1)= 1410/0" +102350* + 102370") = 110 +9.848 - /1.736 +9.848 + 1.736) =9.899/0° A 12)= 41020" + 102470" + 102250") = 410 - 3.420 +/9.397 - 3.420 - j9.397) = 1.05320" A 1{0= 41020" + 10/230* + 102130°) - 410 -6.428 - 7.66 - 6.428 +/7.66) =0.952/180" A The components of Ip and Ic are easily found from 1’, 1? and 1°. Check: Ja = 9.899 + 1.053 - 0.952 = 10.00. (11.4) The currents flowing in the lines toward a balanced load connected in A are Ig = 10020", Ip = 141.4/225°, and Ic = 100290°. Find the symmetrical components of the given line currents and draw phasor diagrams of the positive- and negative- sequence line and phase currents. What is Jap in amperes? 203 Solution: ‘The phasor diagrams for positive- and negative-sequence currents in the lines and in the A-connected load show the desired relations, namely: ay. 7) o (2) 12) Th) =-4= 230° and Ia, = ew ew 230 For the given currents, we find = u 100 + 141.42345° + 1002330") = 107.7 728.9 = 1115215° A 12)=1( 100 +141.42.05" + 100/210°) =-7.73 428.9 = 29.9/105° A 1a 100 - 100 - j100 + 100) =0 (since zero-sequence cannot flow into the A). Tas -UiS sao = 64.4/15° = 62.2 + 16.66 2 AOS" -30° = 17.26/75! = 4.47 + j16.67 Tgp = 66.67 + j33.33 = 74.5/26.6° A 204 (11.5) The voltages at the terminals of a balanced load consisting of three 10-@ resistors connected in Y are Vap = 100/0° Vpc = 80.8/-121.44" , and Vea = 902130" V. Assuming that there is no connection to the neutral of the load, find the line currents from the symmetrical components of the given line voltages. Solution: Phasor diagrams for the positive and negative sequence voltages are: Pos. seq. a) 2) V, 2 vil) = “ab / 30° and = V{2) = 7ab_ 7 430° eo an 230° (no zero-sequence components) Vive 2 ( 10020: + 80.8/-1.44" + 902370") a (100 + 80.77 - j2.03 + 88.63 + j15.63) = 89.8 + j4.53 = 89.91/2.80° Vap = 2 ( 10020" + 80.8/118.56" + 90/250") = 1 (100 - 38.63 + 70.97 - 30.78 - j84.57) = 10.2 - j4.53 = 11.16/-23.95° 205 vg ~ Soot 27: = 46.21 - j23.66 vg! - Ue soos. = 641 +j0.68 \ Van= 52.62 - §22.98 = 57.4222359° | len Sree 52 _ 5.74/-23.50" A i ve Boal czas - = 43.59 - j28.19 V2= 1116 /126.05* =-3.79 +j5.27 { Vpn = 47.38 ~- j22.98 = 52.662-154.13° | Ips S266/13413 25.27/2184.130 4 B v@- Tide 2246.05" =-2.62 - j5.89 Ven = 5.24 +j45.95 = 46.25/96,51° | | | vg) ~ 82:91 so2.g9" = -2.62 +/51.84 | Te ~SE2SABSE - 4.63796 SIcA Note that la + Ip + [c= 0. 206 (11.6) Find the power expended in the three 10-2 resistors of Prob. 11.5 from the symmetrical components of currents and voltages. Check the answer. Solution: From Prob. 11.5, . VQ) = 51.9142; vi2i= 6.4426. vQ)=0 vi . 19) = $B = 5.19227. 2) 1 = Yan - 0.64426.05° IQ=0 5 5.19/-27.11° 7 $=3[51.91227.11° 6.4426.05° [51.912-27.11° 1s0s:}] aes S=3 (51.91 x 5.19 +6.44 x 0.644 ) = 820.7 W Check: (5.74)2 x10 + (5.27)? x10 + (4.63)? x10 = 821.6 W. (11.7) If there is impedance in the neutral connection to ground of a Y-connected load, then show that the voltages Va, Vp, and Vc of Eq. (11.26) must be interpreted as voltages with respect to ground. Solution: Power supplied by the source is: S= Vale + Vilg + Velo Where the voltages Vz,, Vp and Vc are voltages with respect to ground. ee Likewise, the power consumed by the load is: S=Vanle + Vonls + Venlo + Valle + Ip + Ie) = (Van + Va) Ta + (Von + Vn) Ip + (Ven + Va) Te But (Van + Vn), (Vbn + Wn) and (Ven + Vn) are voltages with respect to ground. (11.8) A balanced three-phase load consists of A-connected impedances Zs in parallel with solidly grounded Y-connected impedances Zy. (a) Express the currents Ia, Ip, and Ic flowing in the lines from the supply source toward the load in terms of the source voltages Vz, Vb, and Ve. (b) Transform the expressions of part (a)_ into their symmetrical component equivalents, and thus express 7, ©, and 2) in terms of V2?,V,) and VQ. (co) Hence, draw the sequence circuit for the combined load. Solution: 208 (a) la= lap + Tea Ian = [% =(341\v,-1 lv & aN y 1) " L Ve Writing similar equations for each of the three currents, and rearranging in matrix form, we have: [fa i oe Va] 341 1 rr FLL IP Rll Voz *| Te ve] “Lirall ve where the matrix of ones is henceforth called P. (b) Tape =(2 +1] Vane --L P V, abe Ge Zl abe a abe 209 by premultiplying with A~! and using the identity Vapc = AVo12 , we have: 3.+1)Voi2-LA'P AVo12 Joiz +4) one o1z 1/ty i 3/Zy + 1/2y Vo12z { 3/Ly + Vy. (11.9) The Y-connected impedances in parallel with the A-connected impedances Zs of Prob. 11.8 are now grounded through an impedance Ze. (a) Express the currents Iz, Jb, and Ic flowing in the lines from the supply source toward the load in terms of the source voltage Va, Vb, and Vc the voltage Vn of the neutral point. (b) Expressing Vp in terms of £°, £”, 1), and 2g, find the . , 0) 0 equations for these currents in terms of vs » vw ) and 2) v2), 210 (c) Hence, draw the sequence circuit for the combined load. Solution: 111]/ Va 1 1 - Vv, j 111 Vp zy 2 n ‘ Ve 1 211 (b) With the matrix of ones called P, the above equation is premultiplied with A-! and after using the identity Vapc = AVou2, we have: 3/Zy + 1/Zy 012 - 2) 0 |Vn 3/Zy + 1/Zy. 0 Since Vn = Zg (Ja + Ip + Ie) = 310, 3410) 1,0 = Lys - 32ey "RR fo. vi B+3q Therefore, the zero-sequence admittance is _— 4 +34 and all others are unchanged. | ) (11.10) Suppose that the line-to-neutral voltages at the sending end of the line described in Example 11.5 can be maintained constant at 200-KV and that a single-phase inductive load of 420 @ is connected between phase a and neutral at the receiving end (a) Use Eqs. (11.51) to express numerically the receiving-end yo, ya v2). sequence voltages V0)., Vt)., and V2), in terms of the load current Jz and the sequence impedances Zo, Z7, and Z2 of the line. (b) Hence, determine the line current J; in amperes. (c) Determine the open-circuit voltages to neutral of phases b and c at the receiving end. (d) Verify your answer to part (c) without using symmetrical components. Solution: (a) on (0) (0) vo] [vi] [zat -| ya [Va] Van |=] Zan? { [VP] | v2 | | za? 213 Bede elles 0) gives oy laa) ae oe ‘hus, a [ue 0 . niet | vib j=] 200x108 |- ie) 200x10* sD (2) | a | -h xj Ven | . a4 3 (b) Since Vn = VIO. + VA + VER Vain’ = 200x103 - Ip x Laso +40 + 40) also, Vain’ = [Lx j420 Therefore, 200x10* 1, = OQ" « = 400/90" A L 500 2-20" (o) Van ~#00/-808 xL60va0" So v2. |=| 200«10° 4007-90" «40v90" |v = S84 var |av -400/-90° Dao" 4 0°, View = Vi) +12240°V9) +12020°Ve = 83 +584 240° -16 7120" KV 3 3 = 208.464123.8° kV (2) : 214 Ven = VI. +1z220°V. 412240° Vv, ~~ Sit) 120° ~18 2240" kV = 208.46/123.8° kV (d) From Eq. (11.49), Vopt = Vee’ = (Zab ~ Zan) It. - (Zan ~ Zan) (Zab + Zan ~ 2Zan)IL 20 +80 - 60) x 400/-90°_V 16.0 kV Vorn' = Vbn - Vop' = 20022120° kV - 1620° kV = 208.46Z.123.8° kV Ven ‘en ~ Vee = 2004120° KV -1620° kV 208.46/123.8° KV (11.11) Solve Prob. 11.10 if the same 420-9 inductive load is connected between phases a and b at the receiving end. In part (c) find the open-circuit voltage of phase c only. Solution: (a) vio) [ vio. vi |-| vi |=] 2a 215 In=-lo=I, Ic= 0 gives 10-0; 19-40 230° ; 1 =e 730° f gor 2 got Thus, ve ° 0x% 0 a) |= -1,| 4230" | -| 200103 -40 feos v® |= 200408 |- i ase len! Vin > pow ~A08 azo (b) Therefore, Vat = Vat ~ Vornt =v) v8) «v2 = v2 aa?v2 eav 2 = VD. 230° + V3 VI12-30° = 200x10°¥3 430° - 801,/90° also, Vary = J420xh, and so 200x10°¥3 230°, = S- 40078 60" : 500220" 13 60-8 216 (o (0) Ven ° ° yar |= 200x108 - $0 c260"40073 /-60" v=! i8s4zo. | kV an y2) - 207120°40073 2-60" - 16260" at B Vent = Vi} + V43}2120" + V2) 2240" = 0 +1842120° - 16/300" 00/120" kV (d) From Eq. (11.49), Vee = (Zaa~ Zan) xO + (Zab - Zan) (It - IL) + (Zan ~ Zan) x 0 =0 Therefore, Vent = Ven = 200/120° kV (11.12) A Y-connected synchronous generator has sequence reactances Xg = 0.09, X; = 0.22, and Xz = 0.36, all in per unit. The neutral point of the machine is grounded through a reactance of 0.09 per unit. The machine is running on no Joad with rated terminal voltage when it suffers and unbalanced fault. The fault currents out of the machine are I, = 0, Ip = 3.752150" , and I; = 3.75/30" , allin per unit with respect to phase a line-to-neutral voltage. Determine (a) The terminal voltages in each phase of the machine with respect to ground, (b) The voltage of the neutral point of the machine with respect to ground, and (c) The nature (type) of the fault from the results of part (a). 217 Solution: (a) Z= 22 pu, 2 =0.36 pu. Dy = Zep + 3Zp = 0.09 +3%j0.09 = 0.36 pu. Tz = 0, Ip = 3.75202 pu, and I¢ = 3.75/0° pu. | Tiny 11d 0 i y-t] 1 a a? |] 3.75cis0t |} ~2.5 1) 1 aia 3.7530° fl.25 Hence, V{0) = 19) =-/1.25 x j0.36 = 0.45 pu. VP) = Earl YZ = 1202 - (72.5 x 0.22) =0.45 pu. VP) = PZ =-f1.25 x j0.36 = 0.45 pu. and, Va tel 045202 1.35200 Vp |=] 1 a2 a 0.4520° |= 0 PAL Ve 1 a a? JL045/0° 0 (b) Vp = -3 1 x 70.09 p.u. 3 x j1.25 x j0.09 p.u. 0.3375 pu. (c) since Vp = Ve = 0, it is a double-line-to-ground fault. EEE 218 (11.13) Solve Prob. 11.12 if the fault currents in Per unit are J, = 0, 1p = -2.98620" , and Ic = 2.98620 . Solution: (a) 11 1/y, 0 0 [e?l-2) 2a at |/-2986/ =| 724 ea a | 2986 1.724 Vi) = 117% 20 VEO = Ean 19% = 1008 - (f1.724)(90.22) = 0.621 pu. VP) = -12)z = ~ (9.724)(90.36) = 0.621 pu. Va 11a 0 1.24270" Yo I=} 1 a? a Iloez| = ~0.621Z0° | Pu. Ve 1a a jloez 0.62120" (8) Since - 0, vy=0 (c) Since Vp = Ve, itis a line-to-line fault. (11.14) Assume that the currents Specified in Prob. 11.4 are flowing Y transformer toward a load from lines Connected to the Y side of a a- 219 the turns ratio of the windings. Complete the check by computing the line currents from the phase currents on the A side. Solution: Capital letters are here used for currents to the load since the load is on the high tension side of the transformer. Base line currents are: : 10,000 Y-side; ———==87.5A 66x13, 10,000 13.213 Line-currents on Y-side are: 1) DLSLAS" oy 9747-95" pa 875 1) = 222G05" - 93421105" pu and on the A-side: 1) 21 = 1.27475! = 0.330 41.231 pu. c A-side: =B7.4A 12) = j= 0.3425" = 0.330 + 0.089 pu thus J, = 0.660 + 1.320 = 1.476/63.4" p.u. 1p) = 1/240" = 1.274315" = 0,901 - 0.901 p If) = 1420" =-0.242 + 0.242 pu 220 thus Ip = 0.659 - j0.659 = 0.93245" p.u. and 12) = 1 420" =-1.231 - 70.330 $7122.40" = 0.089 - j0.330 -1.320 - 0.660 = 1.476/206.6° p.u. In terms of actual currents: Tq = 437.4 x 1.476/63.4° = 645.6/63.4° A I 107.7 Z45° A Ic = 645.6/206.6° A The turns ratio of the transformer is (66/V3)/13.2 = 2.89. Check: Tap = 2.89I¢ = 2.89x100290° = 7289 Ipc = 2.894 = 2.89x100/0" = 289 Ica = 2.8915 = 2.89x141.4/225° = -289 - 289 Tab ~ Ica = 289 + 578 = 646/63.4° Tbe ~ Tab = 289 ~ 7289 = 408.7 (45° Te= Tea~ Ibe = -578 ~ j289 = 646/206,6° (11.15) Three single-phase transformers are connected as shown in Fig. 11.29 to form a Y-a transformer. The high-voltage windings are Y-connected with polarity marks as indicated. Magnetically coupled windings are drawn in parallel directions. Determine the correct Placement of polarity marks on the low-voltage windings. Identify the numbered terminals on the low-voltage side (a) with the letters a, b, and c, where i,’ leads 1 by 30°, and (b) with the letters a‘b, and c’so that £” is 90° out of phase with te 221 Solution: The correct voltage diagram if Vag is reference are shown. d A Vag B Re 7 » Vee Vea BC Veal oS. Ver Cc The solutions for both cases are: be A H 3 inp 2 B i | m2 a a a c (11.16) Balanced three-phase voltages of 100 V line to line are applied to a Y-connected load consisting of three resistors. The neutral of the load is not grounded. The resistance in phase a is 10 Q, in phase b is 20 Q, and in phase c is 30 Q. Select voltage to neutral of the three-phase line as reference and determine the current in phase a and the voltage Van. ca t t 30° 90" phase shift 222 Solution: i If an ideal generator represents the source, the circuit diagram is: We see that Van = Van + Vnn. Voltage Vnn can only be a zero- sequence voltage, and therefore Vag’ ~ Van has no negative sequence components. Also, L° = 0 since node n is isolated. With Van as reference, vo) ae = 57.7008; vi) <0 In order to calculate the voltage drops in the unbalanced network, the coupled sequence-impedances are determined: Ha +%+Z) = 20100 Hida + aly + a?Z) = 5.77210 2 Ula + ah + aZ0 7750 2 223 The voltage drops due to only the positive- and negative-sequence currents are: 57.7]_[ 20200 sass) 1) [* “(5.77Z210° 20/0" J 72) And so the currents are calculated as 1 -| 20202 5.77150" | [*"]- 3147], 12} [s.772210° 20208 o J [os0szaa: | | Giving Iz = 3.933 + j0.454 A = 3.959/6,58° A. The value of Vn is | obtained from Vio) = 3.147 x 5.77 21502 + 0.908230 + 5.772210" or by using IpZa- (11.17) Draw the negative- and zero-sequence impedance networks for the power system of Prob. 3.12. Mark the values of all reactances in per unit on a base of 50 MVA, 13.8 KV in the circuit of generator 1. Letter the networks to correspond to the single-line diagram. The neutrals of generators 1 and 3 are connected to ground through current-limiting reactors having a reactance of 5%, each on the base of the machine to which it is connected. Each generator has negative- and zero-sequence reactances of 20 and 5%, respectively, on its own rating as base. The zero-sequence reactance of the transmission line is 210 9 from B to C and 250 Q from C to E. EEE 224 Solution: The negative-sequence network is the same as the positive-sequence network for the power system of Prob. 3.12 with the EMF's short circuited since the values for Z2 are the same as Z] in all parts of the network. Consequently, it will not be drawn here. Zo for the transformers is the same as Z}. The new values needed are: Gen. 1: Zog = 0.05 , 409 1 = 2S 53046 pee un a o.asts : In Gen. Y= (73.946 Z eee 120° per unit 1 A = (ate pM em a asec Te = 2.9080 per unit ' 242 In all three phases || = 2.308 x 28.868 = 66,630 A. (0) Linetorline fault at F (2 = Zs) era eis van AD = AIP = Seay = 91.07 per une Ia = (a? ~a) 1) = ~jV3(—-j1.973) = 3.4172180° per unit (gl = 3.417% 1155 = 39047 A (©) Single line-to-ground fault at F 1.03 Y= So = run 1s) = SURES FOR + WATE GOTT ~ ~7:068 per unit 3(1.068) x 1155 = 3700 A u Weal (4) Single line-to-ground fault at F InGen 2: 1) = Jf 1 = 0.275 HO275 + 70.3875 (0.443120° — 90° + 0.443 240° — 90° 0.384 + j0.222 0.384 + 30.222 = 70.444 per unit NE] = 0.444 x 26,243 = 11,6524 1D = ~j1.068 Te 30.443 per unit 12.16 In the network shown in Fig. 10.17, Y-Y connected transformers, each with srounded neutrals, are at the ends of each transmission line not terminating at bus @. The transformers connecting the lines to bus @ are Y-A with the neutral of the Y solidly grounded and the A sides connected to bus @). Alll line reactances shown in Fig. 10.17 between buses include the reactances of the transformers. Zero-sequence values for these lines including transformers are 2.0 times those shown in Fig. 10.17. Both generators are Y-connected. Zero-sequence reactances of the generators connected to buses @ and @ are 0.04 and 0.08 per unit, respectively. The neutral of the generator at bus (D is connected to ground through a reactor of 0.02 per unit; the generator at bus @ has a solidly grounded neutral. Find the bus impedance matrices Z(), 2,2. and Z(°) for the given network and then compute the subtransient current in per unit (a) in a single line-to-ground fault on bus @ and (6) in the faulted phase of line Q)-@. Assume no prefault current is flowing and all prefault voltages at all the buses is 1.020° per unit. Solution: The schematic diagram is shown as fo} The zero-sequence network is shown as From Prob. 10.9, 20 30.1195 50.2465. 30.1006 90.1447 30.1195 0.0692 er unit 30.0692 30.1008 0.1635, 244 By examining the zero-sequence network, . “i135 72550 yo, = | 325 7375 50. | per unit 500 sz 70.0845 50.0563 50 20, = f¥QJ* = | 50.0563 J03012 30 | per unic 30” «30 j0.08 For a fault at bus Q, y, 1 21-1 = ——% fe In = Tee = oe 1020 = ee = - 51.254 per unit FO 2465 + 0.24654 03002) ~ 70274 Per 1 2 8 my = eH +r fe 93.762 per unit, Currents through line D-Q: (28-28) (a 9{0.1195 — 0.2465)(51.254) re er = 70.796 per unit De . aD (0.2 1, = 1, = —40:796 per unit 28-22) (-12) - ey _ (22-22) CHR) jro0s03 0204091254) _ _ _ = a = POSER OSMRIGLTEN) — _0.777 per unt Tine = HY+ 12.402. = -32.369 per unit 12.17 The network of Fig. 9.2 has the line data specified in Table 9.2. The two generators connected to buses @ and @ have XJ = Xi = Xz = 0.25 per unit each. Making the usual simplifying assumptions of Sec. 10.6, determine the sequence matrices Z{”, = Z@), and use them to calculate (a) the subtransient current in per unit in a line-to-line fault on bus @ of the network (b) the fault current contributions from line Q-@ and line @-Q. Assume that lines @-@) and @-@ are connected to bus @ directly (not through transformers) and that all positive- and negative-sequence reactances are identical. Note to Instructor: The text requests for current contributions from line @-@ while it does not exist in Fig. 9.2. The solution below uses line @-O. 245 . Solution: Zeus is shown in the solution for Prob. 10.13 and zi, = 22 = 2am (o) Fora fl a oe @ = = er unit “Tl = Fg 7 Fonwes+ joraes ~ 741) per unit Tye ee 0 o Besse Er] a fi a |] ae | = | var | = | 82008 | per unic Te re @} | Wane 3.908 3(0.1234 — 0.1466)(3.411) _ —#1.570 per unit \g 70.0504 A Tine a 0 1 tine | = | -aV31i2. | = | -2.720 | per unit Tine var 270 1 The | Currents through line @-@: 4 _ 26) (pg we (282-282) 2) __ 510.1266 -0.14680153.419) _ gt per unit Ne w ap 8 er RE a REE Tene a 0 Tans | = | -3V3I2), | = | -3.176 | per uni [#:] - [fa] [8] 12.18 In the system of Fig. 12.9a consider that Machine 2 is a motor drawing a load 2 equivalent to 80 MVA at 0.85 power factor lagging and nominal system voltage . of 345 kV at bus ©. Determine the change in voltage at bus @ when the | transmission line undergoes (a) a one-open-conductor fault and (b) a two-open- conductor fault along its span between buses @ and @. Choose a base of 100 MVA, 345 kV in the transmission line. Consult Examples 12.1 and 12.2 for 2, Bh and 22 Solution: For lire Q-@): Z, = j0l5 per unit Zz = 0.15 per unit Zp = 70.50 per unit 30/100 Tee cos" §0.85 = 0.8, =31,79° per unit 246 From Eqs. (12.28) and (12.32), 4) cae -Z (30.15)? Fay = Fay = Zyl eZ) 22) —z, ~ W016 +0166 — 2x ONT ROIs) = 40.7120 per uni on =z = 0.50)" oe BSA 22 az ~ F0.1999+ 0.1909 —2 < Oo =O.) = 71.0399 per unit, (c) One open conductor fault: From Eq, (12.38), VO = Vf) = yf See sor + sore + Fro From Eq. (12.27), _ av = av = B-Boy 0.1104 ~ 0.1696 I x o.21222 821° = 0,0897,—121.79" per unt © 70 © - 2-2 1 ol a ea ; a = an 1999 50.2122 58.21 = 0.055: 1.79° per unit F Change in a-phase voltage at bus @ is AV, = AVA) 4AVE4 AV = (25.0.0857-4.0.0551)2-191.70° = (8) Two open conductor fault: From Eq, (12.43), 2225 121.79" per unit (3) (72) 4, 0) 2 (ZG + 2) 23 Say By Oy 2 +2 + 2) 5, 30.7120 x (0.7120 + 1.0399) = 08 ,31.70° »¢ 20.7120 x (40.7120 + 51.0399) _ 4 49 * per unit 08 2-81.79" 30.7120 + 70.7120 + 51.0399 0.40502 58.21" per _20)7@) lara gaa Wyte + Ze 770.7120 j07120 | : FOTIRD + 7071204 71.0395 ~ 916462=121.79" per unit 202) R22 +O —30.7120 x 71.0399 TAT 11.0808 6 2404 /-121.70" per uni 0.7120 + 30.7120 + 71.0399 0.2404 121.79" per unit vo = ven = 08/-31,79° x VO = hy = 08,—31,79° x 247 From Eq. (12.27), avg) = UO 101696 9 4050238.21¢ = 01598 ,<121.79* per unit 7 avg) = RUA 201606 50.1646,-121.70" = 00650.58.21° per unit 70.15 Av) = ROL I010 ongox, L7H" = 0521.58. per ui 705 Change in a-phase voltage at bus @) is V5 = AVA-+AV{)4A1)") = (0.1606-0.0650-0,8624) 121.79" = 0.0924 —101.79" per unit Chapter 13 Problem Solutions 13.1 For a generating unit the fuel input in millions of Btu/h is expressed as a function of output P, in megawatts by 0.032P? + 5.8P, +120. Determine (a) the equation for incremental fuel cost in dollars per megawatthour as a function of F, in megawatts based on a fuel cost of $2 per million Btu. (b) the average cost of fuel per megawatthour when P, = 200 MW. (c) the approximate additional fuel cost per hour to raise the output of the unit from 200 MW to 201 MW. Also find this additional cost accurately and compare it with the approximate value. Solution: (2) The input-output curve in dollars per MWh is J = (0092P2 + 58P, +120) x2 = 0.064P? +11.6P, +240 §/MWh The incremental fuel cost is Sf = 01087, +116 5/MWh (B) The average cost of fuel when P, = 200 MW is £ 0.064(202)? + 11.6(200) +240 _ . ] Blas 2 = 888 (c) The approximate incremental cost for an additional 1 MW generation when P, = 200 MWis = 0.128(200) + 11.6 = 3728/h 247 From Eq, (12.27) 1104 ~ 0.1696 yo) avy) = at x 0.4050258.21° = 0,1508,—121.79* per unit avg?) = UO 201086 ey6 cipu." = 0060.58.21 per uni 701s ave owes %0.2404/--121.79° = 0.0624,58.21° per unit Fi Change in a-phase voltage at bus @) is AVG SAVQO) = (0.1598—0.0850~0.8624) ,—191.79° = 0.0324) =121.70° per unit Chapter 13 Problem Solutions 13.1 For a generating unit the fuel input in millions of Btu/h is expressed as a function of output P, in megawatts by 0.032P? + 5.8P, +120. Determine (a) the equation for incremental fuel cost in dollars per megawatthour as a function of P, in megawatts based on a fuel cost of $2 per million Btu. (b) the average cost of fuel per megawatthour when P, = 200 MW. (c) the approximate additional fuel cost per hour to raise the output of the ‘unit from 200 MW to 201 MW. Also find this additional cost accurately and compare it with the approximate value Solution: (a) The input-output curve in dollars per MWh is f= (0032P?+5.8P, +120) x2 = 0064P? + 11.6P, +240 8/MWh ‘The incremental fuel cost is af ap; ~ 01287, +116 s/MWh (6) The average cost of fuel when P, = 200 MW is 0.064(202)? + 11.6(200) + eee 06 N+ 240 _ 95,6 s/MWh (c) The approximate incremental cost for an additional 1 MW generation when P, = 200 MW is af = 0.128(200) + 11.6 = 37.28/h 200 248 ‘The additional cost per hour to raise the output from 200 MW to 201 MW can be calculated accurately as follows: 201 = 37.264 8/h f "(0.128P, +1168) P, = 00647? +1167, hoo 00 13.2 The incremental fuel costs in $/MWh for four units of a plant are — 4h _ _ afz _ A= ai 0.012P,;+9.0 a2 = aya 0.0096P, » + 6.0 Zoe =a a3 = 2,3 = 0.008P,3 + 8.0 y= ae 0.0068P, 4 + 10.0 Assuming that all four units operate to meet the total plant load of 800 MW, find the incremental fuel cost A of the plant and the required output of each unit for economic dispatch. Solution: 1 1 1 1\7* ee a= (3+3+3+2) - (coat some oo by = op( eRe ed) = ama (a tate gg gllg) = ese Pyr = 800 MW The A of the plant is given by A = apPyr + br = 2176 x 10°? x 800+8.368 = 10.1088 $/MWh Using Eq. (13.4), for each unit we have Anh 2 Pp 10.1088 — 9 7 0.012 ey Py = ante a = 16 MW 13.3 Assume that maximum load on each of the four units described in Prob. 13.2 is 200 MW, 400 MW, 270 MW and 300 MW, respectively, and that minimum load on each unit is 50 MW, 100 MW, 80 MW and 110 MW, respectively. With 249 these maximum and minimum output limits, find the plant A and MW output of each unit for economic dispatch. Solution: ‘The solution to Prob. 13.2 shows that each unit's output would be 92.4 MW, 428 MW, 263.6 MW and 16 MW, respectively, if there were no maximum and minimum limits on unit, outputs. It is seen that the output of Unit 2 violates its upper limit, and the output of Unit 4 violates its lower limit, This fact does not necessarily mean that the outputs of Units 2 and 4 should be set at their upper and lower limits, respectively. In fact, these limits should be checked individually First, assume that Unit 2 is operating at its upper limit of 400 MW. Using the remaining Units 1, 2 and 3, we esloulate the plant 2 as follows: 1 1 1\7 1 1 1 3 or = (t+2+2) = (sit cast oe ae by > (9 , 8 , 10 p= or (+e) = amor (95458 43g) = somone Since P, A = arPyr +br = 2813793 x 10°? x 400+ 9.062069 = 10.187586 $/MWh 400 MW, the total output of Units 1, 3 and 4 should be 400 MW. Therefore, Using this plant , each unit's output is, Andy 7586 — ook ce 98.9655 MW a 0.012 1oasTse5—8 , Pa = T5808 _ ors 4489 MW 1.187566 — 10 Pye = S158 —10 _ 9 seca MW Por & 400 MW It is seen that the outputs of Units 3 and 4 violate their respective upper and lower limits. Consequently it is concluded that other units besides Unit 2 need be operating at their limits if the output of Unit 2 is specified to be 400 MW. ‘This time assume that Unit 4 is operating at its lower limit of 110 MW. Using Units 1, 2 and 3 only, the plant 2 is calculated as follows: . 244)". (2 1,4)" «10-3 o = (S+5te) 7 Gaeta am) = 92 = ce 3 (_9 6 8 n= 2+) ~ 22«10° (sa + oom tom) - 7 Since P,4 = 110 MW, the total output of Units 1, 2 and 3 should be 690 MW. Therefore, D = arPyr tbr = 32% 10" x 690+47.6 = 9.808 $/MWh Using this plant , each unit's output is Asb _ 9.808 — Py = 2808—8 a o0r2 67.3333 MW 250 13.4 9.808 ~6 on Se = tage. = 2966067 Mew Dab _ 9808-8 Ps = SSS = Oe 7 Bem Pj, 2 OMW Apparently there‘are no limit violations here. Therefore, economic dispatch requires that the output of Unit 4 be set to its lower limit of 110 MW and that the outputs of the remaining tunits be those obtained above. Solve Prob. 13.3 when the minimum load on Unit 4 is 50 MW rather than 110 MW, Solution: It was shown in Prob. 13.3 that if the output of Unit 2 is set to its maximum limit of 400 MW, some other units will also have to be operating at their limits. We now examine whether load limit constraints will be violated if Unit 4 is operating at its new lower limit of 50 MW. Using Units 1, 2 and 3, the plant 2 is calculated as follows: Since P,« = 50 MW, the total output of Units 1,2 and 3 should be 750 MW. Therefore, A = arPyrtbp = 32x 10x 750476 = 103/MWh Each unit’s output is calculated as follows: 10-9 Pa P58 = essa Mw 0-6 Par Toews = 116.6667 MW 0 Pys OSS = 20MW 0.008 It is noted that the output of Unit 2 exceeds its maximum load limit. Ik follows from the above analysis that both Units 2 and 4 should be operating at their upper and lower limits, respectively. Therefore, let Pz 2 400 MW and P,« 2 50 MW, and find the plant A as follows: 1iayt 1 «> Geta) > (ae by be 9 8 br = 2) = 48x10 (9.48) ° (248) 48x10 (om a5) Ba The plant 2 in this case is A= arPyr+br = 48x 10" x 350484 = 10.08 $/MWh 13.5 251 The outputs of Units 1 and 3 are calculated to be Aad 1008 - 9 1 a Ww a ay 0.012 es 3 _ 1008-8 ; Py = ASR = MORES = 200 mw Py) = 90MW = Pys = 260 MW yp = 400MW Phy = 50 MW ‘The incremental fuel costs for two units of a plant are dh AAA ah =Sh. 2Py, +8.0 » ere . 9.6 An = Gp = 0012F i +8 2 Fy = 000RP a+ where f is in dollars per hour and P, is in megawatts. If both units operate at all times and maximum and minimum loads on each unit are 550 MW and 100 MW, plot A of the plant in $/MWh versus plant output in MW for economic dispatch as total load varies from 200 to 1100 MW. Solution: At their lower limit of 100 MW, the incremental costs of the units are calculated as af. = af, 2h = oosr,, +06 sf ated = AAs the plant output exceeds 200 MW, initially che incremental fuel cost 2 of the plant is determined by Unit 1 alone and the additional power should come from Unit 1. ‘This will continue until the incremental fuel cost of Unit 1 becomes $10.4/MWh, (ie., 0.012P, ;+8.0 = 10.4) from which the values of P, 1 = 200 MW. Therefore, for 200 < Pyr < 300, a 0.012P,1 +80 0.012 (Pyr ~ 100) +8.0 = 0.012P,r +68 For Pyr > 300, both units will increase their outputs simultaneously, To determine which unit will reach its upper limit first, we calculate incremental costs at the upper limit as follows: of, = oo12P,, +80] = 46 Py IP, Py 1550. dhs sh = 0.008P,2 +9. = SP yal, yass0 aml ree Mo ‘The result shows that Unit 2 will reach its maximum load limit earlier than Unit 1. The value of P, 1 for which the incremental cost becomes $14.0/MWh is computed from 0.0127, +8.0 = 14.0 which yields P, , = 500 MW. For 300 < Pyr < 1050, the plant 2 is calculated. Since the ineremental fuel costs of Units 1 and 2 should be the same, we have 0.012P,,+8.0 = 0.008P,2+9.6 252 13.6 13.7 from which Py2 = 1.5P,1~200. Since Px + Pyz = Pyr, Pps ean be represented in terms of Por a8 Py1+1.5P,1~200 = Pyr from which Pp, = O4P,r-+ 80. The plant is then sven by Y= 0.012), +8.0 = 0.012(0.4P yr +80) +8.0 = 0.0048P,r +8.96 For Pyr > 1050,.only Unit 1 will have an excess capacity, and the plant A is determined by Unit T alone as A = 0.012P,1 +80 = 0.012(Pyr ~550)+8.0 = 0.012Pyr + 1.4 The results are summarized as follows: For 200< Per < 300 = 0.012P,r +68 For 300 < Per $1050 A = 00048P,r + 8.96 For 1050 < Per $1100 A = 0.012Pyr +14 Find the savings in $/h for economig dispatch of load between the units of Prob. 13.5 compared with their sharing the output equally when the total plant output is 600 MW. Solution: Economic dispatch for Pr = 600 MW requires that 0.012P,1+8.0 = 0.008P,2+96 and Pyi+Py2 = 600 Solving the two equations for Py and P,2 yields Py = 320 MW Pro = 280 MW ‘The savings calculations are as follows: 3 df fee ah, Net savings = aP,, ghar, eomines = [aga [ BPs 300 200 - . (oor2F, +8)4P+ f (0.008P, 2 +9.6) dP, 0 so 200 200 + (0.00472, + 9.6P,2) lso0 F 0$/h (0.00673, + 8P, 80 284.4 + 238.4 A power system is supplied by three plants, all of which are operating on eco- nomic dispatch. At the bus of Plant 1 the incremental cost is $10.0 per MWh, at Plant 2 it is $9.0 per MWh and at Plant 3 it is $11.0 per MWh. Which plant. has the highest penalty factor and which one has the lowest. penalty factor? Find the penalty factor of Plant 1 if the cost per hour to increase the total delivered load by 1 MW is $12.0. 253 Solution: Since the system A should satisfy the equation A = 100L, = 9.0L; = 1.0L5 it must be the case that Ly > Ly > L3, Given the system \ of $12,0/MWh, the penalty factor of plant 1, Ly, can be calculated from 10.0L, = 12.0 from which we have Ly = 12 13.8 A power system has two generating plants and B-coefficients corresponding to Eq. (13.37) which are given in per unit on a 100 MVA base by 5.0 —0.03 | 0.15 —0.03 8.0 [0.20 | x 107% The incremental fuel costs in $/MWh of the generating units at the two plants are af, th aP, aP,2 If Plant 1 presently supplies 200 MW and Plant 2 supplies 300 MW, find the penalty factors of each plant. Is the present dispatch most economical? If not, which plant output should be increased and which one should be decreased? Explain why. M= = 0.012P,1 +66 de = 0.0096P,2 + 6.0 Solution: ‘The power loss Pr is given by the equation 5x10"? ~003 x 10-2 | 0.15 x10" ] [Py 41 Perf 1] |_-oosxio-? _extom#| 02% 10-3 | | Po O15x10> 02x10 [O08 x10 | [1 = 5% 10-*P3, ~2(0.03 x 10%) Py Py2 +8 x 10-2Py + 0.18 x 10-P, 0.2 x 10°°Py2 + 0.08 x 10-2 a= [ where Ps and Py» are in per unit on the 100 MVA base. Penalty factors are calculated as 1 1= {2 (5 x 10-9) Py ~ 2(0.08 > 10-9) Pya + 0.18 x 10-9}, Tower eres = 1070876 1 7 1 = (2x (8 x 10-5) Py — 2(0.03 x 10-3) Py $0.2 x 10-3} 1,0505084 loseere = esreo0t = ty ‘are suoprenbs anoge ay anos yorum Ey pur ty Jo sanyea ou, sootess's = “fgvtuz6z0't + *cro6860000— veerzeet = “qoss6o000— 'fz9e99296°0 se uonauiad ze YI 2-01 * 6688°0 * OL - OT + F9- = a (¢ 01 X 98896'S * OT x + 96°0) + Ha (, 01 x (BPF6HO'O-) x OL X 2) c-OT FOTOSL'0 x OT - 0 +8~ = “a (¢-01 x (SppErO'O-) x OF x Z) + Ta (¢-O1 x EBTERE’S x OL XZ +8'0) axey am ‘sone sodord Suranatasqns uodg, (ayy +%4-) @ay-\+%4-) Ay (Staree +) +g (HEY) 28g (tga) + Ma (Save +) se uarumar ome Iya, (org + Mgtege + agttga)y +y— (54+ ofa) (org + egtigg + Mattgay +y— (4+ Mae) oy pue 44 20} pastos aq pnoys suorvenbs om Fuori axa veWN (EP'eT) “ba wos SMOG} YE GAS wan St O0T =n TEAS og Tang uornjog ‘un sod payepdn ue ureago 0} uoryerox 3s1y ayy SuEMp suoWemoeo Aresseo—u ax wuoyied 'yeT apdurexg ut y waiscs Jo anyea Surareas ayy se YWIN/O'OTS SUIS GET vyeredsip 1wouose anatyoe 03 poseazsep oq prmoys z werd jo 3eys ar Poseasour aq prnous t ued jo andano axa “(6p /2f p) £7 wath sofTu (“ZRF P) 7 US tgp ‘ap grisece's = Ep t7 —eoeeers = EF! ‘xy om ‘syS09 any yeauraxoUt atp AUT pareioduooUT aze sior9e) Aayeuad WANK casa) typ ee = 09+ 008 x = Hae 88° = 019 +008 « 96000 re Beer cg = ee 6 = 99+002 x z100 le aq 01 pareinoyee aze sesng ue]d oma ays 2e sas09 Jong JeUEUID.DUT ay, Pst 13.10 255, Step 4: The transmission loss is computed to be Po = BirPj,+2Bi2PyiPy2 + Bo2Poy + BioPyi + BroPy2 + Boo = 8.383183 x 107? x (2.062489)? +2 x (—0. 049448) x 10° x 2.062489 x 3.333861 + 5.963568 x 107° x (3.333861)? + 0.750164 x 1073 x 2.962480 + 0.38094 x 107° x 3.333861 + 0.090121 x 107? = 0.104201 Per unit Step 5: Since Po er unit, Po+P, (Pf +P) fi) = 5 +0.104201 ~ (2.082489 + 3.333861) = ~0.292148 per unit ‘The incremental change in 2 is calculated from Eq. (13.88) as follows: Po + PID — (Pills PD) aa = (0-40) a) a) = (10-0) SREP osaiasis and the updated A becomes a® = A+ aM = 10-0.5413896 9.4586174 Suppose that bus @ of a four-bus system is a generator bus and at the same time a load bus. By defining both a generation current and a load current at bus @ as shown in Fig. 13.5c, find the transformation matrix C for this case in the form shown in Eq. (13.31). Solution: Let the generator and load currents at bus @ be denoted by If and If, respectively. The total system load current is given by Ip = Hth+h Constants ds, ds and dy are then obtained to be hb le foe teria) dy Since the net current injection at bus @, Iz, is If + If, from Eq, (13.23) we have Vin = Zith + Zia (B+) + Zish + Zigh Zirh + Zi2lf + (daZia + dis + deZs4) ID from which we also get Zur =2i2 -2; Ip Diovan ee, 8+ oS SS + Ss Gat aA at * Gat hls tala * Basaran ~thh tif 42 256 13.11 where [2 = —Viq/Z1s. Now the load currents ean be represented in terms of generator currents" and the no-load current as follows He = dots, ~ dotolf - dytyl Ty = ~dstyls — datal$ - dst Tq = duty — data ~ ety? The transformation C of old currents J;, If + If, Is and J, to the generator and no-load currents J;, If and 19 is defined as h 1 _ : H+ | _ | dat: ida ~dt || | ae] pe Is wits date -dat |] | | Ik det, data dat * ™ The four-bus system depicted in Fig. 13.5 has bus and line data given in Ta- ble 13.2. Suppose that the bus data is slightly modified such that at bus Q, P-generation is 4.68 per unit, and P-load and Q-load are 1.5 per unit and 0.9296 per unit, respectively. Using the results of Table 13.3, find the power-flow solu- tion corresponding to this modified bus data. Using the solution to Prob. 13.10, also find the B-coefficients of this modified problem in which there is load as well as generation at bus Q. Solution: ‘The power flow solution should be the same as that of Table 13.3 except that P- and Q- generation at bus @ needs to be modified to account for the load at that bus. Using P- and Q-generation of 3.8 per unit and 1.325439 per unit as shown in Table 13.3, and adding to those P- and Q-load at bus @, we get Py = 318415 = 4.68 per unit Qe2 = 1.325499 +0.9296 = 2.255089 per unit ‘The bus voltages and P- and Q-generation at bus () should remain the same. currents are calculated from the power-flow results as follows: The load é PH-5Q% _ -15+ 30.9296 if Toca ~ —15982150+ j0.8648990 =2.2 + 71,6340 ; Is 7 Dees LaTaaS = ~2-2680198 + j1.4628529 Pr-5Qe __=2.8+51.73520 7 he 7 Tea Daaee 7881685 + jL.97a1431 Constants da, dy and dy are then found to be if 4s = BERET 7 o2ees2 + joorsasre hh 4 = oe _e - Ib = FRET 7 09890401 ~ 0.0008083 a = gp = oczwa67 - j0.0126389 fth+h 13.12 257 Constants t; and tz defined in Prob. 13.10 are calculated to be 2 . = pL = 09030684 + j0.0013885, Boat hh tia , Zin GQ t hls t GZ, Using the constants d;, ds, ds, t; and t2, the transformation C defined in Prob. 13.10 is obtained: te 1,0020780 — j0.0004610 1 ° ° aznoses? joorsuse rma potsiees ozone” corse | ~Ehowint sJomoses —ogosTeejo0omTsss —o.3e601 = 70001388 Eomresoouogio aimee +joai200rr —0s86086 + 300130610 Using Rous given in Example 13.3, we then find 4.543134 +70 0.892927 — j0.076535 0.938793 - 0.023045 CT RyuC* = | -0.892027 + j0.076535 —-307S414+ 70 0.194901 + 0.0% x10-? | 0.938793 + j0.023045 0.194991 - 0.054548 (0.246415 + 0 ‘The no-load current is calculated, as given in Example 13.3, to be Pp ta = 0.000436 — j0.387164 ‘Also using the power-flow solution, we have jC) 10202 1.0 — j0.978615 135 (2B) iii) 70 — sae = 10196070 ~ 70.4388360 The matrix T., of Eq. (13.36) is then calculated to be 8.894036 +0 1.336685 + j0.388211 0.364217 + j0.355146 Tr. 1.336685 — 0.388211 _-3.789452+j0 0.011499 + 0.086254 | x 10-* 0.364217 ~ 0.355146 0.011499 - 0.086254 0.036937 + 30 ‘The B-coefficients are the real parts of the matrix Tq. Finally, the power loss is calculated as follows: 1913182 Py = [19isis2 468/1][B]|_ 468 0.093158 per unit, neeleae Three generating units operating in parallel at 60 Hz have ratings of 300 MW, 500 MW, and 600 MW and have speed-droop characteristics of 5%, 4% and 3%, respectively. Due to a change in load, an increase in system frequency of 0.3 Hz is experienced before any supplementary control action oceurs. Determine the amount of the change in system load, and also the amount of the change in generation of each unit to absorb the load change 258 Solution: Using Eq, (13.65), the change in the system load is calculated to be ‘Sri #) Af ee $p2 , See) Af Gree ie (aie so.) 93 03) op = ~1925 MW The change in the outputs of the units can be calculated by Eq. (13.63) or Eq, (13.67) as Sai Af 300 0.3 AP = Rie > “O08 wo =~ MW = SeAf _ 50003 are = ~fe28f - 5098 as vnw APs = —S824f _ 003 soy xp Raw fa ~~ 0.03 60 13.13 A 60-Hz system consisting of the three generating units described in Prob. 13.12 is connected to a neighboring system via a tie line. Suppose that a generator in the neighboring system is forced out of service, and that the tie-line flow is observed to increase from the scheduled value of 400 MW to 631 MW. Determine the amount of the increase in generation of each of the three units and find the ACE of this system whose frequency-bias setting is -58 MW/0.1 Hz. Solution: ‘The increase in the total generation resulted in the increase in the tie line flow by 231 MW. Therefore, it follows from Eq. (13.65) that am = ~ (92 0 HY af 0.05 * 004 * 003) Go from which we have Af = 231 x 60 = -0.36 Hz ‘The three units should have increased their outputs according to Eq, (13.63) as follows: AP, = AP = APys ‘The ACE of the system is determined from Eq, (13.68) as AGE = (631 ~ 400) - 10(-58)(~0.36) = 22.2 MW 13.14 Suppose that it takes 5 mimutes for the AGC of the power system of Prob. 13.13 to command the three units to increase their generation to restore system fre- 259 quency to 60 Hz. What is the time error in seconds iicurred during this 5- minute period? Assume that the initial frequency deviation remains the same throughout this restoration period. Solution: The frequency error in per unit is 0.36 = -6 x 10° per unit ‘Therefore, the time error incurred during the S-minute period is 6x10" x 5x60 = -18s 13.15 Solve Example 13.8 when the system load level is 1300 MW. Solution: ‘Among the four combinations 2, 22, 3 and 7», combination 2p is infeasible since the total generation from units 1 and 2 cannot exceed 1250 MW. (1) Combination 2s: With units 1, 2 and 4 operating, we use Eqs. (13.7) and (138) to calculate the coefficients er (eq! + az! +51)? = (0.008-' +0.0096-' + 0.01171)! = 3.1243 x 107% by, be be) 64 75) _ eo a. (2 Bah) = er Sa gay) = 73074 ‘The incremental fuel cost at the load level of 1300 MW is Dd = apPyr +bp = 3.1243 x 107% x 1300+ 7.3374 = 11.3990 ‘The corresponding economic dispatch outputs are Ash _ 11.9990 - 8.0 < ; Se EET 88 & 425 MW fn _ 11.3990 — 6.4 a 0.0006 Aabe _ 11.3900 = a oon = 52073 = 521 MW Pos The hourly production costs of the three units are calculated to be h contr, +8075: +50 = 4623 8/h fa = O.008P3, + 6.4P,2 +400 5037 5/h logan hoa 085+ 757, +40] = 37448/h 260 (#8) Combination 22: Using the values of ay and by found in Example 13.8, A is caleulated to be A = orPyptbr = 3.038 x 10-* x 1350+ 7.4634 = 11.4128, The corresponding economic dispatch outputs are jy _ 11a128—80 a 7008 fe _ 418-64 a > 0000 Abs 11,4128 - 7.9 = 7 or 426.60 & 427 MW 522.17 & 522 MW 351.28 & 351 MW ‘The hourly production costs of the three units are calculated to be ae 004, + 807; + 00 = 4645 §/h fr = 0.0048P2, +.6.4P,» +400] 5049 §/n Hoyentaa fy = 0.005P2, + 7.97, 5 + 600] = 3989 §/h psoas, (iti) Combination 21 Using the values of az and br found in Example 13.8, dis calculated to be d= apPyp tbr = 2.9805 x 10°* x 1300+ 7.4712 = 10.56 ‘The corresponding economic dispatch outputs are 1056585 — 8.0 7 Pr T0568 80 _ spo73 = 221 MW 1056565 - 64 Pe = W885 64 io 94 aaa MW . ESBS = 84 _ 433.04 = 434 M 1056565 - 7.9 7 Pps = MSBSBA TE ossso = 250 MW Poa = 1056585=75 _ org7 = 279 MW Oar The hourly production costs of the four units are calculated to be Si = 0.004P2, +8.0P,: + 500] = 3480 $/h fa = 00048P2, +6.4P,2 +400] = 4082 8/n Pyanee f= OO05F fs + 707; + 20 = 3055 S/h Pants fa = 000552, 47.5754 + 409 = 2921 8/h -279 13.16 If the start-up costs of the four units of Example 13.9 are changed to §: $3000, $3400, and $2600, and the shut-down costs are changed to $1500, $1200 $1000, and $1400. respectively, find the optimal unit commitment policy. As. sume that all other conditions remain unchanged. Solution: ‘At stage 6, the condition remains the same. Therefore, Fa(6) = $45,868, At stage 5, by using different transition costs T, we have As) +T.9(5) + Fo(6)} = [58,428 + 1000 + 1400+ 45, 863] = $106, 696 Fi(S) = {P2(5)+Ta0(5) + Fo(6)} = [59,356 + 1000 + 45,868] = $106,224 Fy(5) = {Ps (5) +Tho(5) + Fo(6)} = [58,236-+ 1400+ 45, 868] = $105,504 At stage 4 Fy(4) = min [Py (4) + Tsa(4) + FG) Pu(A) + Tad) + Fal); PA(4) + Th a(4) + Fa(5)] = min{76,472 +0 + 106, 696; 76,472 + 1400 + 106, 224; 76,472 + 1000 + 105, 504] min [183, 168; 184, 096; 182, 976] = $182,976 (4) ‘min (P2(4) + Ta,x(4) + Fi(5);-Pa(4) + Ta,2(4) + Fo(5); Pa(4) + Ta,a(4) + Fa(5)] = min 79, 184 + 2600 + 106, 696;79, 184 +0 + 106, 224;79, 184 + 1000 + 2600 + 105, 504] = min (188, 480; 185, 408;188, 288] = $185,408 ‘At stage 3, Fy(3) = min [P,(3) + Ti.1(3) + Fa(4); Py(3) + Ti,2(8) + Fa(4)] ‘min {70, 908 + 0 + 182, 976;70,908 + 1400 + 188, 408} min (253, 884;257, 716] = $253, 884 Fx(3)_ = min [P3(3) + 72,2(3) + Fi(4); Pa(8) + Te(3) + Fa(4)] rin (68, 976 + 2600 + 182,976; 68, 976 +0 + 185, 408] min 254,552; 254, 384] = $254, 384 Fx) = min (Pa(3) + Ta1(8) + Fi(4); Pa(8) + Ta(8) + (4)] ‘min 67, 856 + 3400 + 182, 976; 67, 856 + 3400 + 1400 + 185, 408} = min 254,232; 258,064] = $254,232 At stage 2, Fy(2) = min(P,(2) +7,2(2) + Fi(3);P(2) +7 a(2) + Fa(3); Py(2) +T,(2) + Fa(3)] rin (58, 428 + 0 + 253, 884;58, 428 + 1400 + 254, 384;58, 428 + 1000 + 254,232] rin 812,312; 914, 212;313, 660] = $312,312 tin Pa(2) + Ta (2) + Fi(8); Pa(2) + Ta.a(2) + Fa(8); Pa(2) + Te(2) + Fal3)] = min|[59, 356 + 2600 + 253, 884: 59,356 + 0 + 254, 384; 59, 356 + 1000+ 2600 + 254, 232] rnin 315,840; 313, 740;317, 188] = $313,740 Fs(2) = min Ps(2) + 73.2) + Fi(8); Ps(2) + Ta.2(2) + Fa(8); Ps(2) + Ty.(2) + Fal3)] min (98, 286 + 3400 + 253, 884; 58,236 + 3400 + 1400 + 254, 384;58, 296 +0 + 254,239] min 315,520; 317, 420;312, 468) = $312, 468 Fa(2) 262 At stage 1, Fo) = min [Po(1) + Zo,a(1) + Ful2};Po(1) + Toa(2) + Fa(2);Po(1) + Toll) + Fa(2) = min [45,868 + 3400 + 2600 + 312, 312; 45, 868 + 9400 + 913, 740;45, 868 + 2600 + 312, 468] rin (364, 180; 363, 008;360,996] = $360,936 When the least cost path is retraced, the optimal unit commitment is found to be the same as that of Example 13.9. The associated total operating cost in this case is $360,936, which {s $600 less than $361,536 obtained in Example 13.9. 13.17 Due to a 400 MW short-term purchase request from the neighboring utility, the demand during the second interval of the day is expected to increase from 1400 MW to 1800 MW for the system described in Example 13.9. Assuming that other conditions remain unchanged, find the optimal unit commitment policy and the associated total operating cost for the day. Solution: In applying dynamic programming to this problem, the process up to stage 3 should be the same as that given in Example 13.9. At stage 2 no other combinations besides 2; and 22 have sufficient capacity to serve the increased load of 1800 MW; therefore, we only heve to consider combinations x; and 22. It was found at stage 4 that to serve the load of 1800 MW, the minimum production costs of combinations 2; and 2 would be $76,472 and $79,184, respectively. Stage 2 can now be handled as follows: FQ) = min[P,(2)+ Tha) + GPA) + Tia2) + Fa3); Pi(2) + Thal2) + Fa(9)] min [76,472 +0 + 254, 484; 76,472 + 1500 + 254, 884; 76, 472 + 1500 + 254, 432] ‘min [330, 956; 332, 856; 332,404] = $330,956 min {P2(2) + Ta,.(2) + Fi(8);Pa(2) + Toa(2) + Fo(8); Po(2) + Toal2) + F@)] min [79, 184 + 3000 + 254, 484; 79, 184 + 0 + 254, 884; 79, 184 + 4500 + 254, 432], min [236, 668;334, 068; 336,116] = $234,068 FA(2) ‘At stage 1, Fa) min [Po(1) + To,1(1) + Fi(2); Po(1) + To,2(1) + F(2)) min (45, 868 + 6000 + 330, 956; 45, 868 + 3000 + 334, 068] min (982, 824; 382, 936] = $382, 824 ‘The optimal unit commitment is found by retracing the least cost path in the forward direc- tion, and is given by ‘Stage | Optimal combination | Load level T En 1100 MW, 2 a 1800 MW 3 a 1600 MW 4 nh 1800 MW 5 En 1400 MW 6 a 1100 MW, From Fa(1), the total operating cost is found to be $382,824. a 263 13.18 Suppose Unit 4 of Example 13.9 will have to be taken off line for 8 hours begin- ning at the fifth interval of the day to undergo minor repair work. Determine the optimal unit commitment policy to serve the system load of Fig. 13.11 and the increase in the operating cost for the day. Solution: Combinations z; or x3 are no longer a viable option during the 5** and 6** intervals. There- fore, the only F,(k) that needs to be evaluated at stage 5 is F(5) = 106,724 which was given in Figure 13.14. Since 2» is the only combination available at stage 5. Fi(4), for i = 1 and i= 2, are to be recalculated (using the already available information in Figure 13.14) as F,(4) = 184,696 Fed) = 185,908 Now, recalculation of F,(k) is required from stage 3 onwards. At stage 3, FA(3) = min(P,(3) + Tal) + Fi(4); Pi(3) +Ti.2(3) + F(4)) min (70, 908 + 0 + 184, 696; 70,908 + 1500 + 185, 908] min [255, 604; 258, 316] = $255,604 F(3) = min[P2(8) + Tea(8)+ Fi); PB) + Taal) + lA)] = min(68,976 + 3000 + 184, 696; 68, 976 + 0 + 185, 908} sin (256, 672; 254, 884] = $254, 884 min [Pa(8) + Ta,(8) + Fa(4); Pa(S) + Taa(8) + Fa(4)] ‘min 67,856 + 3000 + 184, 696; 67, 856 + 4500 + 185, 908} = min 255,552; 258,268] = $255,552 F(3) At stage 2, FQ) = min[P,(2) + Tha(2) + Fa(3);Pr(2) + Th2(2) + Fa); Pi(2) + Tis(2) + Fs(3)) min (58, 428 +0 + 255, 604;58, 428 + 1500 + 254, 884; 58, 428 + 1500 + 255, 552) rin (314, 032; 314, 812; 315,480] = $314,032 sin [P,(2) + T,2(2) + Fi(3); Pa(2) + Taa(2) + Fa(3); Pa(2) + Ta9(2) + Fa(3)] ‘min [59, 356 + 3000 + 255, 604; 59, 356 + 0 + 254, 884; 59, 356 + 4500 + 255, 552] rin (317, 960;314, 240;319, 408] = $314,240 Fa(Q) = min [Ps(2) + Toa(2) + Fi(3); Pa(2) + Taa(2) + Fa(@); Pa(2) + Taa(2) + Fa(3)] min [68, 236 + 3000 + 255, 604;58, 236 + 4500 + 254, 884; 59, 296 + 0 + 255, 552| ‘= min 16,840; 317, 620;313, 788] = $313,788 amin (P)(1) + Ta,1(1) + Fi (2);Po(1) + Toa(1) + Fa(2); Po(1) + Toa(2) + Fa(2)] = min [45, 868 + 6000 + 314, 032; 45, 868 + 3000 + 314, 240; 45, 868 + 3000 + 313, 783] = min 365,900; 363, 108; 362, 656] = $362,656 ‘racing the process in the forward direction, we find the optimal policy as (9 23 23 2: 22 25) from stage 1 to stage 6. The increase in the operating cost is 362, 656 - 361,536 = $1120 13.19 A diagram similar to Fig. 13.14 is shown in Fig. 13.15 in which directed branches represent transitions from one state, represented by a node, to another. Associ- ated with each directed branch (i, j) is the cost fi; (k), as defined in Eq, (13.72). The values of fy (k) are given in Table 13.7. Note that index k of fij(k) does not play any role here, and consequently will now be omitted. If the value of fy is interpreted to be the distance between states i and j, then the unit commitment problem becomes that of finding the shortest path from the ori- gin, represented by node @, to the destination, represented by node @. The problem of this nature is called the stagecoach problem. Write the backward re- currence equation similar to Eq, (13.75), and solve the problem by commencing calculations at the destination and then moving toward the origin. In forward recurrence the process starts with the origin and moves toward the destination. Write the forward recurrence equation, solve the problem and check the result with that of the backward dynamic programming procedure. Table 13.7 Matrix of costs (or distances) f,; between states (or nodes) @ and © of Fig. 13.15 @ ®BO®@OODOO®O 20°15 17 35 31 38 39 42 33 36 40 34 26 22 29 25 41 44 15 18 oO Se@8GGeG6ee Solution: ‘The backward recurrence equation can be written as, RN =1) = min (fy + BN) Starting with node 10, the destination, we have at stage 5, Fol) = 0 265 At stage 4, Fela) = min{fsie+ Fio(6)] = min(15 +0] Fe(4) = min [fo.0 + Fio(5)] = min (18 +0 At sage 3, min [fee + Fa(4); foo + Fo(4)] = min {26 + 15; 22 + 18] min(41;40] = 40 rin [fea + Fo(4); foo + Fo(4)] = min 20+ 15;25 +18) min [44:43] = 43 min [fre + Fa(4); fro + Fo(4)] = min [41 + 15; 44 + 18) min |[36;62| = 56 At stage 2, Fy(2) = min|fos + Fo(8); fast Fol); for + Fr(@)) = min(35 + 40;31 + 43,38 + 56) min [75;74;94] = 74 min {fas + Fe(3); fas + Fo(3); far + Fr(3)] min {79;85;89] = 79 PQ) = min [fas + Fo(3): fee + F6(3)i for + 3) = min({76;83;90] = 76 At stage 1 FQ) min (39 + 40; 42 +43; 33 + 56] rin [36+ 40;40 + 49; 34 + 56] min (fie + Fo(2); fis + Fa(2)s fis + Fal2)} min [94;94;93] = 93 Retracing the path in the forward direction, the shortest path is found to be 1445-9510 min [20 + 74;15 + 79; 17 +76) and the shortest distance is 93 ‘The fooward recurrence equation can be written as BUN) = min {fag + FUN 0} Starting with node 1, we have at stage 1, FQ) = 0 At sage 2, FQ) = min[fi2+ FQ] = min [20+ 0] FQ) = min[fis + F(2)) = min [15 +0) FQ) = min|[fia+ FD] = min{17 +0] = 17 ‘At stage 3 Fs) = min [fas + Fa(2):fas + Fal): fas + Fa(2I) min [35 + 20;39-+ 15,36 + 17] = min 55:54:53] min (foe + Fo(2); fae + Fa(2): fae + Fa(2)) min [31 + 20;42 + 15;40 +17] = min (51557; F(3) = min [for + Fa(2); far + Fa(2)i far + Fal2)) = min (38+ 20;33-+ 15,34 +17] = min (58:58:51) = 51 Fe(3) 266 141 At stage 4 Fe(4) = min[fss + F(3); fon + Fol): frs + Fr0)] = min 26+ 53;29+51;41 +51] = min{79;80;92) Fo(4) = min [foo + Fo(9); foo + Fo(3); fro + Fr(3)] = min [22-+53;25+51;44 +51] = min(75;76;95] = 75 At stage 5, Fio(S) = min |fs.0 + Fo(4); foro + Fo(4)] min(15-+79;18 +75] = min|94;03] = 93 Retracing the process from node 10 in the backward direction, the shortest path is identified to be 9-541 and the distance of the corresponding path is 93. This result is identical to that by the backward dynamic programming procedure Chapter 14 Problem Solutions A four-bus system with Zpas given in per unit by ® @ @ @® @ [70.041 70.031 70.027 70.018 @ | 50.031 70.256 70.035 0.038 @ | 50.027 70.035 70.158 70.045 @ {70.018 0.038 70.045 50.063. has bus voltages Vi = 1.020%, Ve = 0.980°, Vs = 0.9620° and Vi = 1.0420". Using the compensation current method, determine the change in voltage at bus ® due to the outage of line ()-@ with series impedance j0.3 per unit. Solution: 1 40.041 0.027) soos zi) = 2, _ | 3(0.031 0.035) | _ | —j0.008 fous = Zoe | 1 | = | 5(0.027-0.158) | = | -70.131 0 3(0.018 — 0.045) — 30.027 By Bq, (14.14), : (i-¥a) 8 (1.0 ~0.98) Ge Ania zs jo0ld—j(-0181)-j03 ~ By Eq, (14.7), ) cote = -at pet 266 14.1 At stage 4 Fe(4) = min [foe + Fo(3); fea + Fa(3); fret F(3)] = min [26 +53;29+51;41 +51] = min{79;80;92) = 79 Fo(4) = min [feo + Fs(S); foo + Fa(8); fro + Fr(3)]} = min [22 +53;25 +5144 +51] = min{75;76;95) At stage 5, Fyo(5) = min feo + Fa(4); fo10 + Fo(4)] min [15 +79;18 + min{94;93] = 93 Retracing the process from node 10 in the backward direction, the shortest path is identified to be 9541 and the distance of the corresponding path is 93. This result is identical to that by the backward dynamic programming procedure Chapter 14 Problem Solutions A four-bus system with Zpas given in per unit by ® @ @ @ © [70.041 70.031 70.027 50.018 ® | 40.031 70.256 70.035 50.038 @ | 70.027 70.035 70.158 70.045 @® |j0.018 70.038 70.045 70.063. has bus voltages Vi = 1.020%, V2 = 0.980%, Vs = 0.96 0° and Vi = 1.04208. Using the compensation current method, determine the change in voltage at bus @ due to the outage of line )-@ with series impedance j0.3 per unit. Solution: 1 3(0.041 - 0.027) 50.014 Zc) 2 2, = | 30.031 -0.035) | _ | —j0.004 oa = Zoe} 1 | = | 50027 —0.188) | = | —Jo.1a 0 3(0.018 — 0.045) 30.027 (1.0 ~ 0.98) 731) — 303 230 avy = ~ (282) x(emeng) = -00108 per wt 267 14.2 Solve Prob. 14.1 when the outage involves (a) only line ()-@ of series impedance j0.2 per unit and (6) both line @-@ and line Q-@ of series impedance 0.3 per unit, Solution: (a) 1 (0.041 — 0.018) 70.023 2 = tog | O| = | 20931-0088) 50.007 ws = Zea} 9 | = | (0.027 -0.045) =70.018 1 310.018 — 0.063) = 30.045 By Bq, (14.14), he = Wiz¥o (1.01.04) 0.04 _ 0,303 14 = Zara sia — J0023~(—70.045)—702 ~ 70.182 3 By Eq. (14.7), ves 0.303 AVz x (=30.007) = 0.0022 per unit (b) Setting m = 1; n =4; p= 1; q= 3 in Z of Eq. (14.14), we obtain Pag w [ein Fae = Car — Bea) + Ze] (Zre = Zra) = (ar = Zs) | ca 7 (iz Zia) = (Zar Zs) [Za ~ Lis) ~ Cai = 253) + (row 1 — row 4) of 2059 + (—214) (row 1 = row 4) of 205") (row 1 — row 3) of Zhu, (row 1 row 3) of Zu,” + (—213) on joo ew [ome] go-0 [ So0or Be = —j0.131 Zia = 70.018 Chaat iat a eS 70.132 70.041 z | 2s (52.18329, = | joa -70.155 | 52.18329. 37.02913 _ [ 78.28390. j2.18329 ] [ Vi; —V4 = —0.04 - [Bi Fosts || yd 2 oe _ f -70.24282 } ~ (0.19359 = (row 206 285°) fre ~ (row 2 0f 205) fis -30.007)(—j0.24282) — (—J0.004)(70.19359) = 9.254 x 1074 per unit 14.3 Suppose that line @)-@ of the system of Prob. 14.1 is actually a double-cireuit line of combined impedance j0.2 per unit and that one of the circuits of series impedance j0.4 per unit is to be removed. Using the compensation current method, determine the change in voltage at bus @ due to this outage. 268 Solution: 3(0.027 — 0.018) 70,009 e-8 = | 300.035—0.038) | _ | —70.003 fous | 5(0.158- 0.045) | 0.113 j(0.045 — 0.063) 0.018 The branch to be removed has impedance 254 = 30.4 and, therefore, ae (Y-Ve) _ (0.96 ~ 1.04) 0.14870 74 Crow 3—row 4) of Zo, + (—2y4) O118 + 0.018) + (-70.4) 3 By Eq, (14.7), 0.14870 Av; = -( ) x (=j0.008) = 4461 x 10~ per unit 14.4 Consider a portion of a large power system, whose Zpus elements corresponding to the selected buses @ to @) are given in per unit by ® ® ® © © 40.038 70.034 70.036 0.018 70.014 70.034 70.057 70.044 30.019 70.013 70.036 70.044 70.062 70.018 70.014 70.018 70.019 70.018 70.028 70.010 50.014 70.013 70.014 50.010 0.018 The base-case bus voltages at those selected buses are Vi = 1.020%, V2 = 1.1208, Va = 0.980%, Va = 1.020% and Ve = 0.9970°, all in per unit. Using the compensating current method, determine the change in voltage at bus @) when line @-@ of series impedance 0.05 per unit and line @-@) of series impedance 40.08 per unit are both outaged. 868680 Solution: Set m= 2; n= 3; p= 4; ¢=5 in Z of Eq, (14.14) to give A 2anas+(-223) (row 4 = row 8) of 2 (row 2~ row 3) of 255 + (—245) 40.013 - (70.018) + (30.05) 0.006 — 3(0.004) 70.001 — (=30.001) 40.018 — (=30.008) + (-30.08) ~J0.019 —j0.002 where 2-1 = | 38283787 31.9569 0.002 0.054 1.95695 718.59100 eg | 4% 452.83757 1.98695 | [ 0.12 6.36008 (e-¥e) 1.95695 51859100 | | 001 7042074 269 (row 1 of 2259) \Iag — (row 1 of ZEAE es. = =(=0.002)(j6.36008) ~ (j0.004)(0.42074) = -0.011037 per unit 14.5 Re-do Prob. 14.4 when line @-@ and line )-@ of series impedance 30.10 per unit are outaged. Solution: 0.002 0.020 ‘ zo.018 joors 2239 = | -joo1s 2059 = | joors 70.001 jo.010 50.001 30.004 og [leonterows ott) +(-sn)| ow 2—row of 25° (raw t=row 4) of 22) | Grow 1 vow 4) of Ba + ( 430.013 - (=70.018) ~ j005)| __j0.015 ~ j0018 = =70.002 = j0.001 | 70.020 — 70.010 + (~30.10) =j0.019 70.003 ere gat = | 28291005 —51.76267 | ~:0.003 -30.090 =31.76967 _711.16990 ie ge | Ya-Me ] _ | 38291005 —snres67 | [012] _ | ease. Lae] > (wi-%) | ~ | -s1.76367 521.16990 ° —70.21164 AV; = (cow 1 of 2{25°))fns ~ (row 1 of 225° his ~(—J0.002) 6.34921) ~ (0.020)(—70.21164) = —0.01693 per unit 14.6 Two systems are connected by three branches a, b and c in the network of Fig, 14.15. Using the sequential rules of Sec. 14.2, write the elements of the loop impedance matrix Z in symbolic form. Assume that System I containes buses () through ® and System II containes buses ©) through @. Use superscripts " and ® to denote elements of Z; and Zn, respectively. Solution: Oe O[AR 29 ze) | 2 ® Z= O)22 AQ 2) + Z +® @ Lae 2a 20 z) © yen 270 2+ 7042 20 +28 Eee EE Zp +2 +2 abe2ip a2 2 +22 2+ W+z. 14.7 Form the branch-to-node incidence matrix A, for branches a, b and c of the network of Fig. 14.15. Then, for the network determine the matrix Z defined in Eq, (14.9). Compare your answer with that of Prob. 14.6. Solution: 282O OS Oo of 0 1 0 Of-1 0 ee (elt aoc Ieee 0) 2018 08 i) eo 00 e[ 0 0 0 if 0-1 SS An Bae Ze Ze= Zs +2) where Z' = A-ZiysAT Zz 22 22 2h od 22 2D 28) 1 0 0 910 of-1 Ll ee ee 2D 22 2) 28 o 1 0 29 29 22 28 ~|j_o 9 4 UUOH) OS Om O) 0 2 -1 -1 0 Zoe ale ut AAD + 22 | 29 + 22 | 280+ 2 (4 2@ | 2 42 | 20 4 22 = | A2+22 | 22 +22 | 20+72 22 + 22 | 29 + 2 | 20 +28 ‘Therefore, 22+22+2.| 22422 | +29 z A+2e | 2+2+2[ 2428 Alem | A2+22 [ale a+z which is the same answer as for Prob. 14.6. 271 14.8 Use the piecewise method to determine the bus voltages for the reactance net- work of Fig. 14.16 where System I and System Il are defined. Current injections JI; to I, are each equal to 1.0/=90° per unit and current injections Js and Ie are each equal to 4.0/-90° per unit. Solution: 2; and Zx, are found to be oO @ @ ® jo2 70.2 © 70.2 j0.2 . ® 2, = |202 3043684 30130525 302 Jy = [3026 50.08] = [50.2 30.30526 70.35789 70.2 = 50.08 0.24 | jo2 j02 702 706 Using Eq. (14.19), V is found to be os 1.14210 ZX ] 1.06315 Z| iB 095 128 By the sequential rules of Sec. 14.2 we obtain 2+22+2,| 2+22 20+ 2Q 0.89684 0.46526 j0.28 z=|— eat [M+ +B|_ Ade _|=| josss26 jo.or7e9 30.28 Ll +2 +22 [2+ 28+2 5028 70.28 51.09 Currents [e, I and I, are found from is (Vas) (1.14210 — 0.96) 0.22606 te | = Z| (a—Ve) | = 2-*| (1.06315-0.98) | = } 004112 Ie Wa Ve) (12-128) 0.14203, From Eq, (14.7), AV is found to be wc joo joa 02 saa oo 0 Joa joaswss Joaoss jaa 100 __ | $22 joamas jaasres a2 ot of | oa2ee 2 p22 3s oo 1 | ou pasar | { 15.3 Show that the sum of the diagonal elements in the matrix HG7'H™R-! in Eq, (15.40) is numerically equal to the number of state variables. Solution ‘The sum of the diagonal elements of HG~H™R™ is trace [HG“H™R™"] = trace le wren ere] ee % ¥ sinee the trace (XY) = trace (YX), when such products are meaningful, trace [HGUH?R™] = trace [egsmwenn ae ¥ ¥ = trace [(H7R-'H) (amr Hy] trace (I) Note that matrix I size is Ny x Ny. 15.4 15.5 Prove Eq. (15.47). Solution: eRe {(-HG"'H’R"'Je}7R> [[-HGTHTR Je = eT {Rt RHE" THTR"'} [HGR Je = PRO fn HR] [1-H HTR- = TR’ [[-HG"'HTR“'Je (The matrix in the bracket is an idempotent. matrix) Nove that 1 E(é] Since measurements i and j are uncorrelated, E[ee;] = 0. Therefore, Ef] = trace | -HGOHTR] trace {f] - trace [HG~'HTR™'] Nm trace {[H (ATR'H)”] [BTR] } 4 Nm ~ trace {{H7R-1] [FH (HTR-')~']} = Nn — Ny Consider the voltages at the two nodes labeled @ and @) in the circuit of Fig. 15.7 to be state variables. Using the ammeters and voltmeters connected as shown in Fig. 15.1 and their readings given in Example 15.1, determine the weighted least-squares estimates of these node voltages. Using the re- sult, determine the source voltages V; and V2, and compare the results with those of Example 15.1. Also calculate the expected value of the sum-of-squares of the measurement residuals using Eq. (15.46), and check your answer using Eq. (15.47). Solution: ‘The meter readings are related to the node voltages 2, and z2 by +2 stm nite = or t2n te ates rte mater The matrix His 282 ‘The inverse of the gain matrix is [ 0.00386 0.00281 | 0.00281 0.00386 Gc" = (H7™WH)”* The estimates of the node voltages are found as, 2] - owws 10 9 0 0} P90 - cnt] 9 100 0 0 || 302] _ 7 70060Vv 0 0 50 0 || 608] = | soirv | 0 0 0 w|i so Using the node voltages found, the source voltages are Vi = S144 = 7.0060+90012 = 16.0072 V Vp = tpt = 5:0107+30154 = 8.0251 V where 2 =H. It is soon that the estimated source voltages are the same as those of Example 15.1. The expected value of the sum of squares of the measurement residuals is A- = ja 00193 ooo193 | oo1sid | oo1se _ cor +e * (apo * Wana ~ which can be checked by ar 15.6 Five ammeters numbered A; to As are used in the de circuit of Fig. 15.8 to determine the two unknown source currents /; and Jp. The standard deviations of the meter errors are 0.2 A for meters Ap and As, and 0.1 A for the other three meters. The readings of the five meters are 0.12 A, 1.18 A, 3.7 A, 0.81 A and 7.1 A, respectively. (a) Determine the weighted least-squares estimates of the source currents [1 and Ip (6) Using the chi-square test of Eq. (15.49) for a = 0.01, check for the presence of bad data in the measurements. (c) Eliminate any bad data detected in (b) and find the weighted least-squares estimates of the source currents using the reduced data set. (d)_ Apply the chi-square test for a = 0.01 to the results of (c) to check if the result is statistically acceptable. 283 Solution: (a) Let the umknown source currents be denoted by xy and z9, and the meter readings by 21 through 25, It follows from circuit anal from which the matrix His 07s ~0.07 0.825 0.100 0.075 ‘The inverse of the gain matrix is c= (Hwa)! = where 100 oo ° 00 o 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 & ‘The estimates of the source currents are determined to be 012 118 : 37218 A coHtw| 370 [ H | a Bo451 A 7 Oo) 0.12] [009793 0.07207 ais} | 12877 0.05123 370 || serss | = | oo26is oat 1.17669 036660 La 6.91638 0.18362 100 x (0.36669)? + 25 x 0.183022 284 Since Nm = 5 and Ny = 2, k= Ny = Ny = 8. Fora =0.01, x3 gq) = 1.35. There is at least one bad measurement by observing that f > 11.35. (¢) To find the standardized error-estimates, the diagonal elements of the matrix R’ are first calculated using H and G~? obtained above. Thus, R = (I-HG"HTR-)R 0001s x x x x 0.03819 x. x x = x x 0.00060 x x x x x 000% x x x x x 0.00512 where R = W-t ‘The standardized errors are calculated from é 0.07207 = = 0.75410 TR, 7001S é 0.05123 Fe = SS = ores TR, T0315 és 0.02615 = 1.06923 VR 0.00080 & 0.36669 -. Sees = rT 445 TR 0.00844 és 0.18362 = SU a. s6567 JR; V0.00s12 from which zis identified as the bad measurement. To perform state estimation without 24, the 4°* row of His eliminated and the 4° row-and 4°* column of W are also eliminated. The inverse of the new gain matrix becomes _ Tw)! — [ 0.01440 0.00464 7 t= crm = | tone “poets | where 0.175 0.075 10 0 0 0 0075 0.175 Ole os: co) 0 = | "oa ors A © 0 10 0 0.075 0.825 0 0 0 % The new estimates of the source currents are then given by 0.12 B ] = ccmrwe = comrw | 148 | _ | arsrse 8 [1] = ermrwe = cowew| 38 | — (zee 7 (4) o12 0.04081 0.07049 oe 138 |_| 13501 | _ | oozi99 3.70 amos | = | 0.01706 71 7.06956 0.03044 285 = 100 x 0.07949? + 25 x 0.02199? + 100 x (-0.01706)* + 25 x O.03n44? = 0.69628 Note that in this ease k = Nyy ~N,=4—2= 2 For a= 001, x2. yoy = 9.21. Since F< 9.21, it is concluded that the set of remaining four measurer ‘ny bad measurements Ls does not have 15.7 Re-do Prob. 15.6 when the unknowns to be determined are not the source currents, but the voltages at the three nodes labeled ©, @ and @ in Fig. 15.8 Solution: Let the voltages at the three nodes identified as D, @ and @ in Fig. 15.8 be denoted by zy 2; and zy, respectively. From circuit analysis, a = (t—22)/34e1 (23 ~ 22) /3+e2 nite [346s 2 = n/l tes from whieh matrix His 3 -1/3 0 0-1/3 1/3 H=|1 0 0 Oe 1/3) 70 o 0 1 ‘The inverse of the gain matrix. is 0.00942 0.00424 0.00042 0.00424 0.04235 0.00424 0.00042 0.00424 0.03642 c= (H7WH) where 100 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 oO GO) 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0. 0) 0125 The estimates of the node voltages are determined w be oz Ea 118 | = GUHTWz = G'aTW| 370 | = | 2.93507 0.81 7.03751 V TW 286 To check for the presence of bad data, oz oa 0.12148, 118 1.36747 0.18747 3.70 | -| 3.65951 | = | 04049 081 0.97835, -0.16835 m1 7.03751 0.06249 = 100 x (~0.12148)? + 25 x (—0.18747)? + 100 x 0.04049? + 100 x (-0.16835)? + 25 x 0.06249? 5.44991 Note that k= Nm — —3=2. Fora =0.01, x3 50, =9.21. Since f < 9.21, the set of measurements has no bad data for the specified confidence level 15.8 Consider the circuit of Fig. 15.8 for which accuracy of the ammeters and their readings are the same as those specified in Prob. 15.6. As in Prob. 15.7, the voltages at the three nodes labeled @), @ and @ are to be estimated without first finding the source currents. (2) Suppose that meters Ay and As are found to be out of order, and therefore, only three measurements 2; = 0.12, 2 = 1.18 and zy = 3.7 are available. Determine the weighted least-squares estimates of the nodal voltages, and the estimated errors 6), é2 and és. (b) ‘This time suppose meters Ap and As are now oit of order and the remaining three meters are working. Using three measurements 2, = 0.12, z3 = 3.7 and 2 = 0.81, can the nodal voltages be estimated without finding the | source currents first? Explain why be examining the matrix G. { Solution: (a) By eliminating the 4" and 5* rows from H obtained in Prob. 15.7, we have ya -1/3 0 100 0 0 H=| 0 -1/3 1/3 W=/] 0 2 0 a) 0 0 100 ‘The inverse of the gain matrix is 0.01 0.10 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.46 ‘The estimates of the node voltages are determined to be 0.01 001 0.01 co = (aTwa) EN .. oz 37V 4 | = GUHTW2 = GHW] iis] = | 3340 4s 3.70 6.88 V 2 It is easy to check that 3.70 2 e=2-2| 118 on Note that the degree of freedom is zero. Therefore, in this case, the states of the are completely defined without any redundancy in measurements, (6) Ionly 21,23 and =4 are used, node @ cannot be represented at all and, consequently, it nodal voitage cannot be estimated. This can also be checked by examining the matrix H for this case 1/3 -1/3 0 H=/1 00 GO 0 Note that all the elements in the 3° column are 0, indicating that zs(the voltage at node @) cannot affect the measurements. One can also note that the gain matrix becomes 1/3 1 0 ][100 0 oO 74/3 -1/3 0 -1/3 0 1/3}] 0 10 0 1 0e 6 00 0 o o w}lo 13 0 0 -100/9 0 G = H’wH -100/9 200/90 0 OG which cannot be inverted 15.9 Suppose that the two voltage sources in Example 15.1 have been replaced with new ones, and the meter readings now show 2; = 2.9 A, 22 = 10.2 A, z3=5.1V and % = 7.2 V. (a) Determine the weighted least-squares estimates of the new source voltages. .005, detect bad data. (c) Eliminate the bad data and determine again the weighted least-squares estimates of the source voltages. (6) Using the chi-square test for a = (d) Check your result in (c) again using the chi-square test. Solution: (a) The estimates of the new source voltages are obtained from 29 4]. eontwe = cntw| 192] _ [ 8.00178 Vv) [2] = evrwe = comrw] 180)» [etary | 72 where G, H and W are all specified in Example 15.1 288 (b) To verify the presence of bad data, 29 2.79298 0.10702 y 10.2 30.04035 | _ | 0.15965 a 8.1 [7 | 5.20877 | = | -0.10877 12 7.62456 0.42456 100 x 0.10702? + 100 x 0.15965? + 50 x (—0.10877)? + 50 x (~0.42456)" = 13:20826 ‘Note that in this case k = Nm —N, = 4—-2= 2. For a = 0.005, x3, 4,095 = 10.60. Since f > 10.60, there is at least one bad measurement. (c) The diagonal elements of matrix R’ are first found as, R = (1-HG“HTR™)R ones x x x x 0.00193 x x x x 00164 x x x x 0.01614 where R = W-* ‘The standardized errors are calculated from & 0.10702 = SUM = 243611 Vin | Vo.o0i9s i 0.15965 = SU = 3.63021 Re 0.00195 és 0.10877 = SRT = -o8se17 Re, Voulei4 042456 5 a4t03 JR, ~ Vooieid from which 27 is identified as the bad measurement. To perform state estimation without 2, the 2% row of His eliminated and the 2" row and 2" column of W are also eliminated. The inverse of the new gain matrix becomes nto catway-? = [002182 0.00727 ot = crrway = [Soir ooo | where os 008 fot pe eee kee ee ee eee 4) 2 enn -1q7 197273 A [8] = etwtwe = tar] si | = [ES 8 289 (a) 29 2.90909 0.00909 5.1 | —| 5.06364 | = | 0.03636 72 7.21818 0.01818 100 x (0.00909)? + 50 x 0.03636? + 50 x (—0.01818)? 0.09091 Note that f= Nm —N; =3-2=1. Fora= no more bad data exists 005, x2,o00s = 7.88. Since f < 7.88, 15.10 Five wattmeters are installed on the four-bus system of Fig. 15.9 to measure line real power flows, where per unit reactances of the lines are X12 = 0.05, Xy3 = 0.1, Xz3 = 0.04, Xze = 0.0625 and X34 = 0.08. Suppose that the meter readings show that a = Py, = 0.84 per unit 22 Pis 0.26 per unit i zy = Pop = 0.17 per unit zy = Pag = —0.24 per unit 2s = Py = 0.22 per unit where the variances of the measurement errors in per unit are given by 2 42 =? o =o} =03 02 = (0.01)" (a) Apply the de power-flow method of Sec. 9.7 to this network with bus as reference, and determine the corresponding H matrix. Then, compute the weighted least-squares estimates of the phase angles of the bus voltages in radians. (b) Using the chi-square test for a = 0.01, identify two bad measurements. Between the two bad measurements, one is not worse than the other as far as accuracy is concerned. Explain why. If both bad measurements are eliminated simultaneously, would it be possible to estimate the states of the system? (c) For the two bad measurements identified in (3), determine the relationship between the two error estimates in terms of the reactances of the corre- sponding two lines. 290 (d) Eliminate one of the bad measurements identified in (8), and determine the weighted least-squares estimates of the phase angles of the bus voltages using the reduced data set. Do the same for the other bad measurement. By comparing the two results, identify the buses at which the estimated phase angles are equal in the two cases. Solution: (a) Let z1, 22 and zp represent the phase angles of the bus voleages at buses @, @ and @, respectively. With bus © as the reference (with the phase angle of 0 radians), @ de power flow analysis would yield 1 a= geo-ate wos ° Ua Z(0-2) a= fo-n+e i, a= gylinmte t from which matrix H is ‘The inverse of the gain matrix is _ [9.20499 0.18008. 0.19554 G" = (H™WH) 0.18005 0.27980 0.21786 | x 10-* 0.19554 0.21786 0.44657 all Ce a 0 10000 0 0 0 w 0 0 10000 9 =o 0 0 6 10000 0 Of 0 0 1000 ‘The estimates of the phase angles (in radians) of the voltages at buses @, @ and @ are determined from 034 a 0.26 0.01750, & | = GUHTWs = G'HTW| 0.17 0.02401 ig 0.24 0.00398 0.2 291 () 0.34 0.34996 0.00996 0.26 0.24009 0.01991 017 |—| 0.16278 | = | 0.00722 0.24 0.21328 0.02372 0.22 0.25036 0.03036 = 1100 x [(-oo0i06* 001001 + c.7m? + (cons + 0000] = masa Note that k = Nm —N, = 5-3 = 2. For a = 0.01, x3 9, = 9.21. Since f > 9.21, there exists atleast one bad measurement. To find the bad measurement, the diagonal elements of Rare computed R = (-HG"HR™)R 0.18005 x x x x 0.72020 x x x x 0.22073 x x x ee 0ssa7 x x x 056 0 0 x10 xxx x ‘The standardized errors are calculated from =0.00996 VOT8005 x 10-* 0.01991 0.72020 x 10 0.00722 Vo2207s x10 0.02372 ‘Vasa x 10 0.03036 OSES x 10-5 Note that the standardized errors for the 4‘ and 5¢* measurements are equally bad. This can be expected since both measurements = and zs are equally affected by the voltage phase angle at bus @. Note that the standardized errors for the first and second measurements are also equal. If both 24 and 2s are discarded, bus @ will virtually be disconnected from the system, making state estimation impossible. The elimination of both 24 and zs is also equivalent to deleting the 4** and 5** rows from H. It is easy to ‘check that the resulting gain matrix cannot be inverted, (c) From (6) above, we have = 2.34601 = 2.34601 1.53608 4.10936 4.10936 & = yk = 0.02372 és = -% = 0.03036 292 Note that in the equations relating z to =, the absolute magnitude of the coeficients of 3 in the =4 and 5 equations are 1/0,0625 and 1/0.08, respectively, as can be seen in H. ‘This means that 24 and 2s are sensitive to changes in z3 in the ratio of 0.08 0.0623. Con. sequently, the error estimates will be inversely proportional to this ratio (0.0625 0.08) This can be verified by observing that al _ 0.02372 _ 0.0625 _ Xie ily 008096 ermes008 geal Kaa (d) By deleting =4, the reduced matrix H becomes -20 0 25 0 ‘The inverse of the new gain matrix is Go = (a"wH 0.17731 0.29078 0.29078, 0.20567 0.17731 0.17731 x10- 0.17731 0.29078 0.93078, m 10000 0 0 oO 0 1000 0 0 "0-100 0 0 0 No 10600 ‘The new estimates of the phase angles of the bus voltages, in the absence of ze, are w s - 9) 1 gor 42 | = GHW: = GHTW = | —0.02444 : oir bu 0.22 - If 2s is deleted instead, the reduced matrix H becomes 0 0 0 0-10 0 Z 25-25 ° 1% 0 ~16 In this case, the inverse of the gain matrix is 1 [9:20867 0.17731 0.20867 Gc" = (aTwHy 0.1731 0.29078 0.17731 | x 10-8 0.20567 0.17731 0.59630 In this case, the new estimates of the phase angles of the bus voltages are 4 pee to f| = ewtwe = o-wrw] 02 | . 0.24 293 From the above two results, the phase angles are equal for the two cases at buses , @ and @, respectively. This could be expected because the state estimation procedure, in the absence of either 24 of 25, will minimize f with respect to the line measure ments connecting buses (), @ and @. Note that the phase angle at bus @ becomes a dependent state variable if no measurement is made on either line @-@) or line @-@ 15.11 In the four-bus system of Prob. 15.10, suppose that the variance of the mea- surement error for 2s is (0.05) and that all the other data remain the same. Qualitatively describe how the newly estimated values z4 and 25 of the mea- surements will differ from those obtained in Prob. 15.10. Verify your answer by recaleulating the weighted least-squares estimates of the phase angles (in radians) of the bus voltages and the corresponding # Solution: Since o} = 0.05? > a3 = 0.01, 4s will be determined such that the corresponding Z, is much closer to the measurement z than 2; is to zs. The H matrix is the same as that found in Prob. 15.10. -0 0 0 0-10 0 H 2% -25 0 w 0-16 0 125-125 However, W is different and is given by Cee ee eee eee ee eee ee 10000 2027) 0) 0-0) Os) 10000 70) 0 0 w 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 10000 0 oo 0 ‘The inverse of the gain matrix is co = (aT WH)” 0.1750 0.29000 0.18018 0.20496 0.18018 0.58568 [32 0.17750 on | x 10-6 The estimates of the phase angles of the voltages at buses @, @ and @ are determined from 034 a 0.26 0.01740 a | = GUHTWz = GTHTW| 0.17 | = | 002441 ay 0.24 0.00250 0.22 ‘The estimated values of 2's are calculated from 0.34795 0.24409 a= HE 0.17529 | 0.23832 =0.27383 294 For che fourth and fifth measurements, = nd = 0.24 ~ (-0.23832) = -0.22 - (-0.27383) = 0.00168 0.05383 Note that the weighted least squares estimation procedure regards 24 much more sccurately than 2, 15.12 Suppose that a line of impedance 70.025 per unit is added between buses and @ in the network of Fig. 15.9, and that a wattmeter is installed on this line at bus ©. The variance of the measurement error for this added wattmeter is assumed to be the same as that of the others. The meter readings now show 2 = Py = 0.32 per unit | 22 = Pry = 0.24 per unit 0.16 per unit .29 per unit, 0.27 per unit 0.05 per unit (a) Find the H matrix that describes the de power flow with bus ( as reference, | and compute the weighted least-squares estimates of the phase angles of | the bus voltages in radians. (b) Using the chi-square test for a = 0.01, eliminate any bad data and recom- pute the weighted least-squares estimates of the phase angles of the bus voltages. Check your result again using the chi-square test for a = 0.01 | i Solution: (a) Let 21, 22 and zy denote the phase angles of the voltages at buses @, @ and @, respectively. With the phase angle of the voltage at bus () specified to be 0, de power flow analysis provides 1 a= gag Ort tex i 1 j 2 = GyO-mite i 1 n= @inmite i 1 a= Toess (F ~ 22) +e t 1 = ggg@nnltes i = ens+ i = GpgO-nlte | | ee 295 from which matrix H is B20) 20a 0 O18. 0 % 3 0 Es 16 0 -16 0 1 Sry 01 nea ‘The inverse of the gain matrix is 0.12988 0.09637 0.02401 (a7 wH)* 0.09637 0.18657 0.02675 | x 10-6 0.02401 0.02675 0.05483 where 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000 0 0 0 o = 0 0 woo 0 o o 0 0 0 1000 0 o 0 0 0 0 10000 0 0 0 0 0 6 10000 The estimates of the phase angles (in radians) of the voltages at buses @, @ and @ are determined from oa a 02) 1 _ooine i | = GUHTW2 = GTHTW] fh) 0.02341 5 202) ~ | Cooma: 0.8, (6) 032) f osu) —f -o02a10 ox | | oasae | | “oonsss dis |_| oases | _ | ones 0.29 0.25781 | ~ | -0.03219 =a% | | Zoam0r | | ~coroor os | [~oomer | | occora a = Lea = 010 x [(-002207 + 00058 «000 + (-nosei9? + 01007 + 0.0083 vr7668 Note that = Nm —N, = 6—3=3. For a= 0.01, x2 9; = 11.35. Since f > 11.38, there exists at least one bad measurement. To identify the bad measurement, the diagonal elements of matrix R’ are computed from Ro = (-HG"HTR™)R 296 0.48048 x x x osisd x x x 0.22684 x x 0.65008 x x 0.70641 x x x 0.12077 x 10~ ‘The standardized error-estimates are calculated from =0.02240 = -3.23106 V0-48048 x 107% 0.00588 0.65148 0.56377 0.03219 ¥0-65006 x 10F 0.01007 Vora x 10 0.00973 Vein x 10 from which 2, is identified as the bad measurement. After deleting 2, the reduced H matrix becomes -3.99261 1.19820 2.77670 -0 0 ° 0-10 ° H 25-25 0 = 0 125 =125 0 0 = ‘The new inverse gain matrix is Gt = (H7WH)" = [ise 0.20566 0.01830 0.17402 0.12540 0.01116 x10-€ 0.01116 0.01830 0.05857 where W is now a 5x5 matrix which is obtained by deleting the 4** row and 4" column from the W matrix specified in (a) above. The new estimates of the phase angles of the bus voltages are determined as 0.32 a 0.24 ~0.01628 4 | = GOHTWz = G'HTW] 016 0.02286 4s ~0.27 0.00125 0.05 Conducting a Chi-square test, 0.32 0.32562 0.00562 0.24 0.22861, 0.01139, 0.16 |~| 0.16450 | = | -0.00450 0.27 0.27012 0.00012 0.05 0.05004 0.00004 297 10056)? 00119" + (-0 00450) + 0.0012 + 0.0008] Note that k= Nyy — Np =5—3=2. For a =0.01, x3 q0 = 9.21. Since f < 1.81584, we conclude that no more bad measurement exists. 15.13 In the four-bus system described in Prob. 15.12, suppose that the wattmeter on line ()-@ is out of order and that the readings of the remaining five wattmeters are the same as those specified in Prob. 15.12. (a) Apply the de power flow analysis with bus () as reference, and determine the H matrix. Then, compute the weighted least-squares estimates of the phase angles of the bus voltages in radians. (b) Using the chi-square test for a = 0.01, identify two bad measurements. Eliminate one of them and compute the weighted least-squares estimates of the bus voltage phase angles. Restore the eliminated bad measurement and remove the second one before recomputing the estimates of the bus voltage phase angles. Compare the two sets of results, and identify the buses at the estimated angles are equal in the two cases. Does the presence of line Q)- @ (but with no line measurement) affect the identification of those buses? Compare the identified buses with those identified in Prob. 15.10(d). Solution: (a) Let zy, 22 and zy denote the phase angles of the voltages at buses @, @ and @, respectively. With the phase angle at bus @) equal to 0, de power flow equations are determined to be the same as those of Prob. 15.10(a), and the corresponding H matrix is given by 0 0 0 0-10 o H=| 2 -25 0 1 0-16 0 «125-125 ‘The inverse of the gain matrix is 0.18005 0.27980 0.21786 0.19554 0.21786 0.44657 ‘The estimates of the phase angles (in radians) of the voltages at buses @), @ and @ are determined from Gt = (we [si 0.18005 | x 10-6 032 4: 024 0.01636 [E] = ctws = cwintw| oie | = | Toomer 23 0.00073 0.29 0.27 298 (b) Conducting a Chi-square test, 0.32 32718 0.00718 0.24 0.22565, 0.01435 -t=2-He=| 016/-|] o1ssia| = | 0.00486 -0.29 0.27344 0.01656 0.2 0.29120 0.02120 : 10000 x [(-0.00718)? + 0.01435? + 0.00486? + (~0.01656)? + 0.02120") = 10.0467 Note that k= NN, =5—3=2, For a=0001, x3 oo: = 921. Since f > 9.21, at least one bad measurement exists. To find the bad measurement, the diagonal elements of the matrix R’ are computed from (-HG7HTR-)R 0.18005 x x x x x 0.72000 x x = x x 022073 x x x x 0.33317 ‘The standardized error-estimates are calculated from a 0.00718 nm 8 = soon Vi ~ VerB005 x10 eaiee 0.01435 gota JR Vo7Tm20 x10? ~ és 0.00486 ee = Loss7e JR 22073 x 10-* 1.0835 ee -0.01656 VR ~ Voasairx ios ~ ~?#6900 és 0.02120 5 = 2.86 JR; ~ Vosis86x 10" “00 The fourth and fifth measurements are found to be equally bad. These two measure. ments are discarded respectively in the following two cases. Case A: 24 is deleted, The reduced Hi matrix becomes 0 0 0 0-10 0 = 2-25 0 0 as ~125 ‘The new inverse of the gain matrix is [920567 0.17731 o.77a1 (a? wa) 0.17731 0.29078 0.29078 | x 10-* 0.17731 0.20078 0.93078 c DOT ‘The new estimates of the phase angles of the bus voltages are la hee 0.01628 | 3 | = @tntws = GoHW 0.02287 Ls os =0.00127 a 027 Case B: 25 is deleted. The reduced H matrix becomes -» 0 0 GoD Q = % -25 0 ia: 0) 16 ‘The new inverse of the gain matrix is, 0.20567 0.17731 0.20567 7 0.17731 0.29078 0.17731 | x 107° 0.20567 0.17731 0.59630 ‘The new estimates of the phase angles of the bus voltages are a 932) 7 _oosas @ | = GOHTWs = GHTW 0.02287 fs oe 00184 bd 0.29 oe From the above results, the phase angles are equal for the two cases at buses (D, @ and @ respectively. The presence of line )-@ does not change these identified buses as Jong as its measurement is not accounted for in state estimation. Note that the phase angles are found to be equal at buses D), @ and @ in Prob. 18.10(d). Note that further calculation shows that the weighted sum-of-squares of the errors will be the same in Cases A and B above. 15.14 Three voltmeters and four wattmeters are installed on the three-bus system of Fig. 15.10, where per-unit reactances of the lines are X12 = 0.1, Xi = 0.08 and Xpq = 0.05. The per unit values of the three voltmeter measurements are 2 = [MI = 1.01, 22 = [Vol = 1.02 and zs = [Val = 0.98. The readings of the two wattmeters measuring MW generation at buses @) and @ are 2« = 0.48 per unit and 2s = 0.33 per unit, respectively. The measurement of the wattmeter on line Q-@ at bus (D shows 2 = 0.41 per unit, and that of the wattmeter on line @-@ at bus @ is 27 = 0.38 per unit. The variances of the measurement errors are given in per unit as (a) Use bus © as reference to find expressions for the elements of the matrix *) and those of the measurement errors e{*) in terms of state variables, as done in Example 15. 300 (6) Using the initial value of 1.020° per unit for all bus voltages, find the values of the state variables that will be obtained at the end of the first iteration of the weighted least-squares state estimation process. Solution: (2) Five state variables are defined as follows: en b 83 x=|as| =| Ml zs Wal as Isl ‘The expressions of the measurement errors are e a-Ml e n- Mil es 23. — [Val Va “ se ~ [FM ines 6) + MM ae, — a] =~ [2 sin(o — 21) + 2978 sin(0— 2 = 1 Beano ny Baron] ee se— [AE sn 6) + HS nc — a) = o> [Rt since: ~ 0) + 258 sin(s, ~23)] ei ee [Fe an — 3) = «— [2 sin(o-z)] ers ar-h = a [ERE an ~ 6) Deo [Fe since -2)] The jacobian matrix Hx is now written as ooo a Boon Bono Be ° P asap 3% ep 2p. $ 3p spifapab o © © sp 301 0 0 1 o o ° ° ° 1 ° 0 0 ° 0 1 =MlMeoint) — Mlipeo=f) (SSE ila =ta) ( Mau) LivatvaleonlSmfs) [Mal sin( WValsin( by) ( i 3 by So] | % . . go & 0} [ -oo101 0.01014 radian 0 0.03074 0.03074 radian = | 1] +] oo1000 | = | 1.01 per unie 1 0.02000 1.02 per unit 7 —0.02000 0.98 per unit Application of the weighted least-squares state estimation to the three-bus sys- tem with all the measurements described in Prob. 15.14 yields the following estimates of the states [Vil = 1.0109 per unit \Vo| = 1.0187 per unit 0.0101 radians |Vsj = 0.9804 per unit, —0.0308 radians The diagonal elements in the covariance matrix R’ are 0.8637 x 10-®, 0.1882 x 10-5, 0.2189 x 10-8, 0.7591 x 10-, 0.8786 x 10-?, 0.1812 x 10? and 0.1532 x 10-?. Find the estimates of the measurement errors é;, and the corre- sponding standardized errors. 303 Solution: Refer to the solution of Prob. 15.14 for expressions for h(z). The estimates of the measurement & = hilt) = 21 —[Mil = 1.01-1.0109 = -0.0009 é = y— hole) = 2— [V4] = 1102-10187 = 0.0013, é = 2s—ha(z) = 22 — [Val = 0.98 0.9804 = 0.0004 = 0.48 [10 x 1.0109 x 1.0187 x sin(0.0101) + 125 x 1.0109 x 0.9804 x sin(0.0308)], 0.48 - 0.1040 - 0.3815 = -0.0055 0.33 ~ [10 x 1.0187 x 1.0109 x sin(—0.0101) + 20 x 1.0187 x 0.9804 x sin(—0.0101 + 0.0308)} = 0.33+0.1040— 0.4134 = 0.0206 0.41 ~ [12.5 x 1.0109 x 0.9804 x sin(0.0308)] = 041 -0.3815 = 0.0285 hela) = 0.38 — [20 x 1.0187 x 0.9804 x sin(~0.0101 + 0.0308) = 03804134 = -0.0334 = 23 ~hs(z) é = 25 —he(z) ‘The standardized errors become 0.0009 Wome x 10 0.0013 TaagBD x10 0.0004 : Faxes = OS 0.0055 Voreor 10 0.0208 Vestax 10 0.0285 Vorsiax 10 = 0344 VO0.1532 x 10-7 0.9684 0.9476 0.1996 = 0.6950 0.6695 = 0.8533 15.16 Solve Prob. 15.14 when the two wattmeters installed on lines Q-@) and @-@ are replaced with two varmeters and their readings are 0.08 and 0.24 per unit, respectively. 304 Solution: (a) Five state variables are defined as follows: n & = & x=|a| =] mi % Iva a iI ‘The expressions of the measurement errors are een ere vl asc = 2-MKl = 2-2 = a-hy = 9-4 = 2-25 HAlval VIVA a cos zen hy = 2 [MIM ance, — aoe ie (6, — 6) + sin a] ee BB go =~ [FF sin(o — 21) + BE sino =)] WwallMt IWalval | es = apa hs = ay | MAM snes, — 5) + MAIS nce — 5 25 (ae ( b+ TZesi ‘sin(6; ~ 63) = 774 sin(zy — 0) + 2425 sin(xy — 2, = (or (1 — 0) + FE sin(z, — 2)] a Mie Mllval cca isl at oe A) q - =-[E-He0-»)] Wa? _ |Wallval (aa Taal onde =» [se rere Tis - geen -»] ers ape hp = am The jacobian matrix Hx is now written as Hx = 0 cox(5)—63) o 0 IVI cos 83} =i =f) =i iNa) eel) 305 ° o 1 ; . vysithi-t) I _ lett ° aMilgteos Waals =1MalMatsintty 8) Val _ Wilecettenbs) Nat ext Zsa e as iat iat ° ° 1 o 0 0 ° 0 1 0 | 0 0 ° ° 1 7 108340 (cates -beazs coats —22), ° eas sin(zi—22) 2) Han.beyensin(—23) (6) Using flat-start values, ) osessate-an 202425 sn(21—22) ° 12seysin(—e9) 2024 sin(zs—22) eg sin(e1) 2525-12.825coe(—22) 0 12 S23 coe(-m2) ~1024co4(=3~22) 306 0.24 Note that Using R-* and H? obtained above, eng] = 0.4206 x 10-5 0.3592 10" =0.4194 x 107 0.2214 x 107 0.2715 x 10-11 0.3592 x 107 0.7361 x 10“ ~0.4035 x 107° -0.3918 x 107 ~0.3905 x 10-19 0.4194 x 107" 0.4035 x 10°! 0.1409 x 10-2 0.1285 x 107 0.1305 x 10-2 0.2214 x 107 0.3918 x 10-1 0,1285 x10"? 0.1378 x 10-3 0.1337 x 10-2 0.2715 x 107" 0.3905 x 10-1 0.1305 x 10-@ 0.1337 x 10-3 0.1358 x 10-9 Finally, we have a7 Pa 5g a) [b % 22] = | 20 |+(ap’Rnp) “ae | 2] ” [ab & 2] Lb] 2 é 0} [ -vomsa 7 000% ian 0] | feo Hao # ° = ron ° ob ° ahs 8 : agua ° *e 2B ° 2 ° ae eae 0 ) ) [V2)?Gas + IVallVill¥2s]eos(621 + 8: — Pa [I¥2.lsim(@2 x + 6: — 62) 2) = vl 3 2 308 (e) Vll¥2 il sin( 0 ~ 6) 0 IValI¥2 | c0s(621 — 62) = —2ValGaa + IVill¥s :}c0s(@21 — 62) = [VAlIViII¥41}e0s(@1 — 82) = =1Wall¥oul sin(G. 1 — 6) = 2VaiBay ~ ValBay — Mill¥ostsin(@2 1 - 62) we where 6, 2 0 15.18 The method of Example 15.8 based on measurements of only line flows (plus a voltage measurement at one bus) is applied to the three-bus system of Fig. 15.10 using three wattmeters and three varmeters. The per unit values of the mea- surements are 0 .097 0.383 427 Prs Pas where the variances of all the measurements are 0.02. The per-unit reactances of the lines are as specified in Prob. 15.14. Using bus @) as reference and flat- start values, find the values of the state variables that will be obtained at the end of the first iteration of the weighted least-squares state estimation. Solution: ‘The measurement errors are each = Mi es achy = oR = 2 Hl an, - 6) es = she = 5-4 ane ao ae ee sin(6: — es = nhs = - Qu = 2 “fee cos(6 -*)] ces nhs = Oi = ef ri cost: ~6)] eee : cox(6s— 6] Using the flat-start values, the initial measurement errors become ef = 10-10 =0 0.097 -0 0.383 -0 ‘The jacobian matrix Hx is given by & b My Wal ° ° 1 o i Maa) Miyata =1nvgleo—85) Walsin—és) 6 eal aa : Hix = | wvsicostnnts) 1H ents) a Wslsin(6s=65) ae Se Teas = Yi into) Vi, _ Waleentmta) aa 0 (By - hee) Mi ant) Wal connts) ° aS ae) ’ LuatWilsincéps) =e tat) a where 6 & o 0 1 0 0 -10 0 0 Oo Oo 0-125 0 0 0 HY =| 2-20 0 0 0 leo) 0 10) 0 0 0 125 0 -125 0 0 0 2% ~20 Note that 309 Ws} 0 ° Milsin( =) Teast (sty 63) 310 Using HY? obtained above, we have oF Rot wy] 0.1884 x 10-5 0.5: 0.5571 x 10-8 0.5583 x 10-18 0.4179 x 10-8 0.4184 x 19-18 0.4176 x 10-18 0.4000 x 10-3 9.4000 x 10-2 0.4000 x 10-3 0.4019 x 10-3 0.4014 x 10-3 L 0.4017 x 10-3 Finally, we have oo 1 « fo gn go e a ao : 7 le mo] = | pte | + (ne"R-ng’) Ber! | oo [vai wo — Iwo [wo eg) io o 0.00948 0.00948 radian o ~0.02078 0.03078 radian = }if+] 00 =| 10 perunit 1 0.01003, 1.01003 per unit 1 ~0.00379 0.99621 per unit Chapter 16 Problem Solutions 16.1 A 60-Hz four-pole turbogenerator rated 500 MVA, 22 kV has an inertia con stant of H = at synchronous 7.5 MJ/MVA. Find (a) the kinetic energy stored in the ror developed is 400 MW when the input less the rotational losses is 740,000 hp. Solution: (2) Kinetic energy = 500 x 7.5 = 3750 MJ (6) Input power = 740,000 x 746 x 10-® = 552 MW. By Ea, (16.14), Input power ~ rotational loss = aed oy PP pratima = TS 8 &65 2 ee eee rn 28 aes my e,rt~— =i“ ie 310 Using HY obtained above, we have fae? as xy] = [O48 10 01855 <10°S 05878 10-% OSs «107 oss69 10-8 ] 0.1693 x 10° 0.4179 x 19-18 0.4184 x 10-18 9.4176 x 19-18 | 9.4000 x 10-? 0.4000 x 10-2 0.4000 x 10-2 | 4019 10-> ogora x 10-8 t 0.4017 x 10-2 Finally, we have oo ° oo § a a a OT R-1A) pop» | % MIO = | yo + (Hg RH) HER] 0) Mo Wo cy myn mo @ oo 9) [ -v00048 ~0.00948 radian 0} | ~oosors 0.08078 radian = [1}+] 00 =| 10 — perunie 1 0.01003 1.01008 per unit 1 0.00379 | 0.99621 per unit Chapter 16 Problem Solutions 16.1 A 60-Hz four-pole turbogenerator rated 500 MVA » 22 kV has an inertia con- stant of H = 7.5 MJ/MVA. Find (a) the kinetic Solution: (2) Kinetic energy = 500x 7.5 = 3750 MJ (6) Input power = 740,000 x 146 x 10-5 = 559 Mw. By Eq. (16.14), 73 _ £6 _ 552-400 Input power — rotational loss = 73 _ #8 _ pet poner rotational las = ay #5 _ ol FE = 41378 elec. degrees/s For a four-pole machine, £6 _ ass 5 ee: 6 003 / a P= 218.9 mech, degrees/s 289 A oF 60x Fee = 355 cpm/s es 311 16.2 If the acceleration computed for the generator described in Prob. 16.1 is constant for a period of 15 cycles, find the change in 6 in electrical degrees in that period and the speed in revolutions per minute at the end of 15 cycles. Assume that the generator is synchronized with a large system and has no accelerating torque before the 15-cycle period begins Solution: auraionofseteration = 1 = 0255 acceleration = 437.8 elec. degrees/s’ = 36.5 rpm/s dhungein in 16 cyces = 14973)0.25)* = 1868 ele, des i000 synchronous sed 160) pm ter seve, peal = 16004025 965 = 1801 rm 16.3 The generator of Prob. 16.1 is delivering rated megavolt-amperes at 0.8 power factor lag when a fault reduces the electric power output by 40%. Determine the accelerating torque in newton-meters at the time the fault occurs. Neglect losses and assume constant power input to the shaft. Solution: P, = uml, = 0.8 x 500-06 x 0.8 x 500 = 160 MW anf wm = “> mech, radians/s 160 x 10° To = Sepp = M8 826m 16.4 Determine the WR? of the generator of Prob. 16.1. Solution: Smach H x 10!° 500 x 7.5 x 101° ~23iepmy ~~ 23i(18007 — A generator having H = 6 MJ/MVA is connected to a synchronous motor having H = 4 MJ/MVA through a network of reactances. The generator is delivering power of 1.0 per unit to the motor when a fault occurs which reduces the delivered power. At the time when the reduced power delivered is 0.6 per unit determine the angular acceleration of the generator with respect to the motor. wr 5,010, 422 Ib-ft? Solution: 10-06 op ae 1800 elec. degrees/s* 312 16.6 A power system is identical to that of Example 16.3 except that the impedance of each of the parallel transmission lines is 70.5 and the delivered power is 0.8 per unit when both the terminal voltage of the machine and the voltage of the infinite bus are 1.0 per unit. Determine the power-angle equation for the system during the specified operating conditions. Solution: ee % Lown} ySrov0 X between V; and V is 1423 = jo3i peri WV =1.02a, 10x 1.0 " 08, a = 16.26° 1,016.26" ~ 1.020 _ 0.96 + 50.28 - 1.0 0.352505 70.35 08 +j0.1143 = 0.80812813° 1.016 26° + 0.808 28.13" x 0.290" 0.96 + 0.280023 + j0.16 = 1.0352/.25.15° 1.0352 x 1.0 Taeea gy NS = 1882sind P 16.7 Ifa three-phase fault occurs on the power system of Prob. 16.6 at a point on one of the transmission lines at a distance of 30% of the line length away from the sending-end terminal of the line, determine (a) the power-angle equation during the fault and (b) the swing equation. Assume the system is operating under the conditions specified in Prob. 16.6 when the fault occurs. Let H = 5.0 MJ/MVA as in Example 16.4. 313 Solution: ‘The circuit diagram with admittances marked in per unit and the fault as described is shown below: ° ~j3333 0 53.333 Yous 0 74.887 52.0 53383 720 © -712.0 After elimination of node 3 by the usual method, in row 1, column 2 of the new Yiu, matrix, 72.0 x 53.333, Nia 0.556 0} P, = 10352x 10x 0.556sin§ = 0.575siné 5 86 Top og ~ 08 -087Ssiné &6 36/(0.8 — 0.575sin 6) 16.8 Series resistance in the transmission network results in positive values for P. and in Eq. (16.80). For a given electrical power output, show the effects of resistance on the synchronizing coefficient S,, the frequency of rotor oscillations and the damping of these oscillations. Solution: Equation (16.80) is Pe 2+ Pmaz Sin(S —) and Eq, (16.47) defines Sp So, i the network ie rsistve Sp = Pmaz 60s(60 ~ +) ‘This S, is greater than that for a purely reactive network where 0. Hence, by Eq, (16.50) which shows = , [Ses ee Vioee wherein f, is correspondingly larger. We now define 6' the swing equation becomes ‘yand Pf, = Pm — P, so that 2H ee aE Pras sin 6 314 which must have a solution reflecting undamped oscillations (see footnote in See. 16.5) as in a purely reactive network, Consequently, series resistance cannot introduce damping of ‘mechanical oscillations 16.9 A generator having H = 6.0 MJ/MVA is delivering power of 1.0 per unit to fan infinite bus through a purely reactive network when the occurrence of fault reduces the generator output power to zero, The maximum power that could be delivered is 2.5 per unit. When the fault is cleared the original network conditions again exist. Determine the critical clearing angle and critical clearing time. ' Solution: 2ssingy = 10 fo = 23.58° of 0.4116 rad By Eq. (16-70), fay = cos™ [(n — 0.823) sin28.58° ~ cos 23.58"] = cos”? (0.9275 — 0.9165) = 89.27° = 1.560 rad By Ey U8. te =f ERS=OTE - oxtoe 16.10 A 60-Hz generator is supplying 60% of Pmoe to an infinite bus through a re- ‘active network. A fault occurs which increases the reactance of the network between the generator internal voltage and the infinite bus by 400%. When the fault is cleared the maximum power that can be delivered is 80% of the original maximum value. Determine the critical clearing angle for the condition | described. | i Solution: i Paz Sindy = 0.6Pmes i & = 36.87°, 0.6435 rad i r= 025m = 08 i r2PmazSitinaz = Pm (Fig. 16.11) i Pn FE = 08 (given) 06 sinbnas = Gg = 075 Sox = 180° - 48.50 = 131.41° = 2.204 rad 0.6(2.294 — 0.6435) + 0.8cos 131.4° ~ 0.25008 36.87? _ 7 08-025 oe fer = cos 0.475 = 61.64° 08 bor 4 16.11 If the generator of Prob. 16.10 has an inertia constant of H = 6 MJ/MVA and Pm (equal to 0.6 Pmoz) is 1.0 per-unit power, find the critical clearing time for | 16.12 315 the condition of Prob. 16.10. Use At = 0.05 to plot the necessary swing curve. Solution: From Prob. 16.10, Sr = 61.64° and ter can be read from the swing curve for a sustained fault 10 667 pun 1667/4 = 0.4167 during fault se . (0.05)? = 45 usr Pu 10 OO OY HO ‘Values in the table below were found by a computer program and rounded off only for tabu- lation. t FP] _Abe 10 36.87 0250. 36.87" 0375 | 1.688 36.87" Toe O05 | 0260 [O74 | SHIT ae sor Tio | 0287 | O71s | S30T Bae Ene Dis | 05 | 0673 | 3026 sar TBF om : we Problem 16.11 Solution Data By linear interpolation, te & ons-r00s (82822) Sia1 0.15 +0044 = 0.194 s or 11.6 cycles For the system and fault conditions described in Probs. 16.6 and 16.7 determine the power-angle equation if the fault is cleared by the simultaneous opening of breakers at both ends of the faulted line at 4.5 cycles after the fault occurs. ‘Then plot the swing curve of the generator through t = 0.25 s. Solution: From Prob. 16.6 and 16.7 E” = 1.03527 25.15° per unit and before the fault P, = 1882sing = Pp = 08 = & = 25.18" During the fault, Os75sind 316 after clearing, : te = ele = W918 Yaa = spyeqeg 7 ~9125 per unit and Pe += 10352 x 10x 125sind = 1.294sin6 b= BOxM 057 = 54 4S cycles = 0.075 s (middle of interval) Values in the table below were found by a computer program and rounded off only for tabu- lation, 1 1 | Pe oe |e c= [08 | 00 25.15" OF [0.244 | 0.586 | 3.000. 25.157 dav 7.500) 25.15" ! TSO" : OOS | CIS | OSE | TOF BF ! ar Tio [066s | OIG] OTIS soe = sar OS | 0765 [0035 | OTST SEE Sar OW | OBB | ~00ES | —OaIS ae Sor os aT | | a a ener ee eee 16.13 Extend Table 16.6 to find 6 at t = 1.00 s. Solution: i Continuing the computer program used to generate Table 16.6 and tabulating values only to { the fourth decimal place we obtain: { * [i =7 | Prasat — 3) Pe P| BT oe 0m5 [16.9591 | 1.8040 =O20ee | —0-7575 17.806 =I Two | TS TH | TSA (OPE NCCE TESTOF TIE Oas | TOsaae [TTT CATT | Taw Thai Sar 15 TOaGaE i 317 Problem 16.13 Solution Data Note: At t = 1.05, 6 = 11.1196° 0.85 8): ‘Sample calculation (at én 7 = 17.8061 -0.847 = 16.9591" Ppeesin(S—) = 6.4934sin 16.9591° = 1.8940 Py = Pm —Pe= Pmarsin(S 7) = 1.6696 ~1.8940 = 0.2244 RP, = -0.7574 Din = Abn KP, = -24716 —(-0.7574) = -3.2202° 16.14 Calculate the swing curve for machine 2 of Examples 16.9 - 16.11 for fault clearing at 0.05 s by the method described in Sec. 16.9. Compare the results with the values obtained by the production-type program and listed in Table 16.7. 318 Solution: Using the computer programmed to obtain 5 vs. ¢ showing intermédiate steps in the calcula tion and rounding off only for tabulation we have ee [a | = 0.000 16.19" Op [1.85 | aa 0.2310 16.19" oa 1155 | 0.3898 1619 | 7380 TOSS] TS.BRAT | TSO TI950 Teste Cos] 15.7328 | 1.7607 =o0eTT 0.05 av 0.0520 | 0.1753 i TSE5S } O10] 16.2085 | 7.823 Oise | -O5I8s RATES T0500" Cis | 1. 348S | THIT =O ISeT | —0537 TTI iad O20 | 15.8685 | TT7ST T0105 | 0.3559 FCRES SOE O25_| 15 ORs | 7.6833 SOOIsT | —0.0464 TSaTIF, Seer [Oe CE 0834 | 02816 TES Tee Oss __| SSeS | THITT 0.1499 | 0.061 PESTEN STORE O40__| T3461 | T3ORS C1608 | OST TB Casa Oas_| 13.8804 [TSSTT Cig [Os Tara Ose o50 TS SHOE O55 Tee 00 THOS oes _t Trae Problem 16.14 Solution Data Note: Collecting student prepared computer programs is suggested. 16.15 If the three-phase fault on the system of Example 16.9 occurs on line @-@ at bus © and is cleared by simultaneous opening of breakers at both ends of the line at 4.5 cycles after the fault occurs prepare a table like that of Table 16.6 to plot the swing curve of machine 2 through t = 0.30 s. Solution: ee 319 Before the fault and after clearing, the conditions are the same as in Examples 16.9 and 16.11 During the fault Py is still 1.85 per unit for machine 2, but Pz =-0. So, P, = 1.85 per unit After clearing, Pm ~ Pe = 1.6696, Pmas = 64934, Y = 0.847°. Clearing in 4.5 cycles, or # = 0.075 s. Values in the table below were obtained by a computer program and rounded off for tabulation only. (Tee in Pe RP,_[ Ag, a] o- | 1as 0 o Oo | 16.19" or [0 1350 | 6.244 1619" Oar 0.925 | 3.127 16.19" Bie a Ts] 62a Twa TIE O10 | 303 =T362 | ~7505 25.08" TT O15 | sae =1809 | 617 Bae = Tae TH 3565 =e | ST OF STI O25 | 2649 ~oaTe | 3.306 OF Tae Tw] 1535 Os | aes E50" TOE O35 {04s 1252 [425 STF, 00 | OBE 1.902 | eas =i Tae O45 | ~0155 125 |_ 6S =F CBI 030 | Ome Losi | 3546 Sar 1038" O55 TET Problem 16.15 Solution Data Note: Although the problem does not ask for values beyond t = 0.30 s, the table has been extended to show the extent of the variation of 6. 16.16 By applying the equal-area criterion to the swing curves obtained in Exam- ples 16.9 and 16.10 for machine 1, (a) derive an equation for the critical clear. ing angle, (b) solve the equation by trial and error to evaluate bz, and (c) use Eq. (16.72) to find the critical clearing time. Solution: Note: Students may need guidance in starting this problem which determines the critical clearing time for machine 1 for the fault specified in Example 16.9. This time rust, of course, be less than 0.225 s as is evident from examination of Fig. 16.15 and Table 167 320 (2) From Example 16.9 for machine 1: Pm = 35 per unit (Table 16.3) Ej = 1100/2082 Thus, 9 = 20.82 = 0.3634 rad Since the impedance between Ej and the three-phase fault is pure inductive reactance, P, = 0 during the fault and P, = Pm —P, = 35. The area A; for the equal-area criterion is shown below. oma ccmeece where Ay = 3.5(6or ~0.3634) = 3.56,.— 1.2719 From Example 16.10, the post-fault power-angle curve is given by P, = 0.6056 + 8.3955 sin(6 — 1.664°) The curve, P, vs. 6, is shown below: P=0.6056 + 8.3955sin(8-1) i a Snax + 90°» 9° + 91.6644. 91. 664°. 0 Where Py, intercepts the fault curve, 3.5 = 0.6056 + 8.3955 sin(6 — 1.664°) 321 21,8909° 0,6056-+ 8.3955 where 6 = 2 x 91.664° — 21.8309 [ "(0.6056 + 8.9955 sin(5 — 1.684°)] dé — 3.50 (Emoz (0.6056 ~ 3.5) (baz ~ Ser) + 8.3955[ c0s (Ser ~ 1.664°) — 05 (Smee ~ 1.664 =2:8944 (2.8187 — 6,-) + 8.3955] cos (6.r ~ 1.664°) — cos (161.497° — 1.6 0.2776 + 2,89446,, + 8.3955 605 Fer — 1.664°) Equating Ar and Az yields 0,60566., ~ 8.395508 (6.- ~ 1.664°) = 0.9943 (8) By trial and error we find = 91.83" = 1.6027 rad (c) The critical clearing time can be found from Eq, (16.72) since Tx 21.6007 — 03644) BIT x85 0 during the fault: = 0.2055

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