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Is Salvation not Possible Without a Guru? capable are also capable themselves.

Thus a real
Swami Ramsukhdas, Gita Press Pub guru helps other to become gurus and not make
his disciples weak, incapable and dependent upon
1. Who can be a Guru him. God does not make anyone smaller to him.
The one under whose guidance, we visualize the Those who surrender to God, God makes him His
light of knowledge and who helps us to eliminate equal, and not His subordinate. God is friend of all
the darkness of ignorance – be it any subject, is our beings in the creation. In Bhagavad Gita, though
Guru (Spiritual Guide). Guru’s work is done once Arjuna accepted himself as disciple of Lord
he links us to God. Only after the disciple is Krishna, the Lord treated Arjuna as a friend and
enlightened with knowledge of truth, that’s when well-wisher and did not consider Himself as a
the guide is called a guru, before that he is just a Guru. The one who is great regards other as great
guide. It is a deception if a Guru does not show the is great himself, he who thinks others a lowly
way to reach and know God. himself becomes so. And one who is great in reality
internally doesn’t feel ashamed of being small. For
Guru helps human being to be in front of God and eg., Lord Krishna did not mind becoming charioteer
not make student make a relation with guru of Arjuna, or picking up used plates of Brahmins
himself. Our duty is to be one with God and not to after meals during Pandava’s Rajasuya yajna. Only
relate ourselves to a Guru. Our relationship with small people are scared and ashamed, and are
God is eternal and natural because we are eternal worried that other may not know about their being
part of God. Guru makes us recall that forgotten lowly and degrade them, thus tries to maintain an
relationship and not to form a new one with Guru. air of superiority.
Guru is accepted with reverence, only when he puts
the disciple in front of God. 3. Glory of Guru

2. Real Guru When scriptures declare Guru more important than

Real guru wants his disciple to attain salvation and even God, it is only for his truthfulness and not for
strives hard for it, and a real disciple is one who his vanity, hypocrisy or wickedness. A false guru
implements the instructions given by guru tries to spread that ‘guru is more than God’ for
regarding sadhana. A guru who desires to make their self-interest and greed. Such a one is not
disciples is a slave of the disciples. A person who worthy of the disciple’s devotion towards him. If one
desires anything from the student cannot be a has a desire to become a Guru, he can’t do
guru. A true saint does not crave for the world, but anything for the welfare of others.
the world has a dire need for him. A real guru does
not wish to have anything, and are not interested A true guru feels that he has just shifted the
even in becoming a guru. A true saint has a disciple’s point of view towards an obvious and real
genuine desire for spiritual progress of the people of truth and has not contributed anything in anyway.
the world. But it is beneficial for the devotee in his ego
reduction to feel that guru has given him all his
There is no condition that only a living person can wisdom and whatever good has happened to him is
become a guru. For eg., Suka Maharshi (ancient) because of kindness of guru. A real guru should
giving initiation to Charanadasa (contemporary). If link the student to God, but one who only talks
a disciple is sincere, he doesn’t need to search for a about it is indeed not a guru.
Guru, he on its own gets him. People seek a guru,
but real guru tries to find a true, sincere disciple. 4. Guru’s Grace

A true guru never instructs his disciples to see him Because of guru’s grace, a disciple realizes God.
equal to God, if not even higher than God. On the When guru is moved, (his heart diluted) looking at
contrary, a true guru when he realizes that his humble, distressed state of disciple, they are
disciples are giving him more importance than God, automatically blessed by his grace. Grace (Krupa) is
he discourages it because the disciple who gets different from compassion (daya) in the sense that
attached to the guru fails to become one with God. grace is accompanied with a sense of command,
It is desirable that a student should develop while compassion depicts soft feelings without a
devotion towards God and not bondage with Guru. sense of command. The saint is compassionate to
There is no better well-wisher to than God, be it everyone, but only the inquisitive aspirant who is
guru, mother, father or any other relationship. Only genuinely keen to know the essence of Almighty
an imposter makes people worship and not God. can be benefitted by that kindness. In reality, the
Those people who have desire for money, property, one who is devoted towards his goal with thirst to
praise, respect, fame etc., it is farfetched affair to know true nature of Supreme Soul, he can only
lead others to salvation, as they themselves cannot receive kindness the most. Once guru bestows his
attain salvation. Only those who are selfless and kindness, there remains nothing more to know, but
are without desires, can free others from their such real gurus are rare to find.
It is not the concern of a true guru whether people
Those who make others weak are themselves weak become his disciples or not, whether they love him
inside, and those who make others strong and or go against him. It is not that after making a
disciple only, real gurus shower their blessings. divert them towards themselves commit a deadly
Their compassion is natural, self-evident. Just like sin. For eg., Hanuman assisted Vibhishana to
sunlight, rain, guru’s grace is uniform for everyone, believe in Lord Rama rather than diverting him to
and it is upto the individuals how they utilize it for himself. It is more important for the seeker to gain
their self-progress. from spiritual teachings bet it from satsangs or
discourses or books rather than to be attached to a
Grace of guru is showered in 4 ways: guru. If a disciple falsely believes that guru will lead
(1) by memory – disciple gains wisdom by mere him to salvation, he may slack in his spiritual
recalling nature of a guru (e.g., tortoise practice.
remembering her eggs to ripen)
(2) by sight – guru helps disciple gain wisdom by Sometimes disciples of one guru are violent or fight
sight of compassion (e.g., fish keeps looking at her against those of other gurus. This means these
eggs time to time) disciples have much more attachment and
(3) by words – guru with his profound words help aversion, and then it may be better to just be in the
disciple gain knowledge (e.g., sparrow makes company of
peculiar noises to her eggs) pious men. These people don’t attain salvation, it is
(4) by touch – by mere touch of a guru, a disciple nothing else but self-satisfaction that they own a
attain salvation (e.g., peahen sits on her eggs) guru. It is very risky to be a guru and to make a
guru. It is not fair and is outright deceiving for the
5. Significance of Guru’s Teaching guru to accept a disciple, take the offerings from
him, but do not lead him to salvation. You don’t
Guru is not the body, but an utterance. For the have the right to be a guru, if you can’t get the
sake of principles guru gives away his body, but not disciple to achieve god and liberate him from
for the sake of body they give away their principles. worldly bondage. Let the disciple go somewhere else
To make one’s life according to guru’s principles is to seek knowledge. Otherwise the disciple’s human
real devotion and real service to a guru. Thus birth is becoming meaningless and it is a big
instead of uttering guru’s name and meditating injustice to him. Even without forming guru-
upon him, it is more important to follow his orders disciple relationship, if you listen to saints and
and principles. A guru is the reality (Truth) and not follow their teachings, you would gain; but even if
body. If someone regards guru as a body, it is you don’t follow their teachings, you would not lose
sinful. It is a sin that people instead of worshipping anything. But if one forms a relationship with guru
God, worship the body of guru which is made up of and does not follow his teachings, he will suffer
flesh and bones. A guru who gets his worship done loss.
is disloyal towards God. If guru is a body, then
when he dies, how would he lead the disciple to 7. A True Guru is Rare
salvation? If guru dies and disciple laments, what
knowledge did the disciple gain? A true guru There are many gurus who snatch the wealth of a
teaches his disciples to worship God and not disciple, but a guru who can relieve the disciple of
himself. They also don’t expect the disciples to obey the burning sensation of his heart is rare to find
their orders, but to follow scriptures. (Guru gita). A true guru always thinks of the well-
being and salvation of others – not only for their
5 things by which one can be benefitted from disciples, but for all living beings. A true guru has
Almighty: themselves experienced and realized that there is
(1) Uttering of God’s name (naama japa) (2) so much suffering in the world, and to get
Meditation (3) Devotion, Service (4) Obedience (5) everlasting happiness it is essential to sacrifice the
Good company. pleasures of the world. A true guru wants that
everyone should be free from worldly pains and
6. Who has the Right to be a Guru? experience highest form of happiness till eternity.

One should not become a guru till he is capable of True gurus are rare even in the past, but especially
leading the disciple to salvation, because it is a at present, they are even rarer to find. Gurudom
deadly sin to be a guru and not to lead the disciple has become a profession wherein they initiate
to achieve enlightenment. The guru goes to hell, disciples to earn their own livelihood, to impose
because a devotee could have gone somewhere else their own beliefs and systems, to encourage their
to attain salvation, but by being tied up, he was praise and fame and to serve their own self-
unable to do that. Such fake guru obstructed his interest. Disciples also are going to gurus not for
way to enlightenment for which he was given salvation, but for worldly benefits. To achieve
human body by God. salvation one should not get bonded to anything or
anybody including even guru.
Just as a secretary’s fault affects the king, wife’s
shortcomings affect a husband, even so a disciple’s Bliss, liberation, divine wisdom and attainment of
sin passes to his guru. If a guru fails to lead a God are not dependent on a guru. If without a
disciple to salvation, then he would have to take guru, there is no knowledge of the self, then how
future births to complete his task. Those guru’s would have the first guru in the world attained
who instead of leading their disciples towards God, wisdom? Thus a human being realizes eternal truth
only by grace of God. But now it has become a
common belief that it is prerequisite to become a 10. Attainment of God is not dependent on Guru
disciple, to accept the principles of guru and then
only guru would guide. The sages who know the reality of Divine Soul,
neither aspire to become gurus, nor they accept
Thus attend spiritual discourses and take as much gifts, instead they help the seekers openly. The
as possible, but do not have a guru. From wherever ones who are not inclined to become gurus are able
you gain something good, accept it and if there is to teach us the truth of soul better, and not the
no benefit in it, move on. You shouldn’t get stuck to ones who aspire to become gurus.
a guru. The way a greedy bee sucks honey from
flower to flower, a keen seeker of knowledge should If a guru says that it is prerequisite for them that
go from one guru to another (Guru gita). If a guru is you should become their disciple, in order to help
himself caught in the worldly affairs and thus is you in showing the way to reach God, then he is
incapable of attaining salvation himself, how would not a true guru. Thus if someone wants you to be
he be able to lead the disciple to salvation. Guru’s his disciple, he is not fit to be a guru.
of high stature don’t insist on their own ideologies
like duality or non-duality, but encourage the 11. Our Own Yearnings Lead Us to Welfare
seeker to experience Truth directly. Thus ia striver
is completely dedicated to God, as He is only Perfect Attain personal upliftment through your own self,
and not any particular person. If we move towards not downfall. We are our own friend and our own
God, He would bless us with Yoga, Knowledge and enemy as well (Gita 6-5). We are wholly responsible
Devotion. for our elevation as well as our downfall, not
someone else. God has gifted us with human body
8. Discrimination – Human’s Inborn Guru along with all the resources needed for our
salvation. We don’t require anyone else for our
God who gave us human body to realize Him, also salvation.
gave us guru in the form of discrimination.
Discrimination discriminates between real & Only our own inward surrender, dedication to God,
unreal, temporary & permanent, transitory & obedience and implementation of Guru’s teachings
everlasting, right & wrong, desirable & undesirable ensures the way to spiritual progress. Nobody or
etc. One who uses his discrimination does not need nothing can help an unyearning disciple, just as
an external guru, and one who doesn’t use it – even one cannot enjoy the best food when one is not
if he has a guru, he is not capable to attain hungry. Though there have been a number of
salvation. Thus it is not necessary to have an famous saints, teachers, gurus, incarnations of
external guru. The more one uses his God, the reason why we still are not liberated is
discrimination, the more it gets enhanced and is because of our lack of effort. When in absence of
finally transformed into self-realization. our own aspiration for salvation, even Supreme
Lord cannot help us, then how can any human
True knowledge flows from true saints natural being lead us to salvation when we are not keen to
behaviour and their preaching’s become scriptures. put effort. We can transform our life by our own
Thus concentrate on implementing teachings of real yearning, perseverance and endeavour. We are our
saints and not get attached to a guru. You will own master, leader and ruler. Our progress is in
become saintly if you start practicing all the good our hands only.
that you get to hear.
Instead of finding faults with others, we should look
9. Pre-eminence of a Disciple for Attaining at ourselves to find out our shortcomings and make
Salvation adequate efforts to free ourselves from them. If we
have true yearning in our heart, we would find a
If a disciple is not keen for his salvation, then a guru, a sage, God, good spiritual books and
guru can’t help him; but if a disciple is keenly wisdom. Just as when a fruit is ripe, parrot comes
interested in his salvation, then even without to eat it, a guru would himself approach a real pure
guru’s assistance, he will attain salvation (e.g., seeker. The keenness of a disciple to get his guru is
Ekalavya became a better archer than Arjuna even relatively less intense than that of the guru to have
without Dronacharya’s help). a true disciple.

It is not essential that by being attached to Guru If we get a fraud guru, God would free us from his
only, you attain salvation. Else have all persons clutches. It is a rule that when a person has the
devoted to a guru, did they attain salvation? The desire towards spiritual progress, he does not get
one by whose guidance we attain salvation is our stuck-up anywhere. When a seeker finds the holy
true spiritual guru, whether we consider him guru company of exalted souls, he should hold on to it
or not, and whether he treats us as his disciples or and he stick to it. If you are determined to attain
not, and even if the guru is not aware of this. salvation, nobody can stop you; and if you are not
Though Dattatreya has 24 gurus, nobody asked keen for it, even good guru can’t help you in
Dattatreya to accept him as his guru. A guru attainment of salvation. If a person is whole-
should be unaware that he has a disciple. heartedly devoted to God but is engulfed with
hardships, these hardships also prove to be helpful children than they themselves are, similarly God
in his spiritual progress. Even if a person who and saints always remain engrossed in our welfare
doesn’t accept existence of God, attains true without any selfishness. When you can’t stop
wisdom if he develops true aspiration for salvation. yourself from giving food to a hungry child, how
It is your job to intensify your pursuit towards can you think that God and saints who are
spiritual enrichment. Krishna helped Draupadi overflowing with compassion does not help a
when her clothes are being pulled away because sincere seeker.
she called Him for help. But since Yudhisthira
while losing gamble did not call Him for help, 14. Q&A about Guru
Krishna didn’t help him. Q) Ramacharitamanas says ‘No one can cross
worldly ocean without a guru!’
12. God is the Supreme Guru A) A person can attain salvation from teachings of
any noble soul (e.g., Lord Dattatreya’s 24 gurus).
Since God is the Guru of the whole world, and we Salvation is possible only when you follow the path
are part of this world itself, we are the disciples of shown by a real saint and then he is your only
the real great Guru i.e., God. The gurus of kaliyuga guru. When anybody’s teachings help us to attain
are very dangerous. Accept God as your guru, and salvation, he becomes our guru even without our
Gita (His utterance) as spiritual instruction and declaring so. Thus having a guru is not as
reform your life accordingly, then there is no doubt important as following the noble teachings. Though
about your liberation. If we surrender ourselves to we have a guru, if we don’t follow his teachings, it
God, either we shall get a right guru, or God amounts to sin and it will not lead to salvation.
himself shall become our guru.
Q) A guruless person cannot attain salvation. Is it
We are fragments of God, and He is our Guru, true?
mother, father and everything to us. We should not A) Each person’s discrimination is his own guru.
bind ourselves with a worldly guru, instead God is the Guru of the whole world (Krishnam
recognize our affinity with God. We need not seek vande jagatgurum) and thus no one is ever
anybody’s advice because all beings are naturally guruless. It is beneficial to stay in company of
and permanently bound with God, and no noble saints and follow their teachings. Guru-
middleman is required. Why should we create the disciple relationship is an unnecessary bondage.
distance of a middleman between us and God, Actually God-realized enlightened souls never likes
when we are ourselves capable of having an to have disciples. You shall be benefitted by
intimate and direct relationship with Him. following their teachings even without accepting
them as your Guru.
13. Generosity of God – the Preceptor of the
World Q) Is mantra given by a guru is more powerful?
A) Guru mantra will be effective only when guru is
God has unlimited virtues that some say that God effective. Effective influence of a guru lies in his
Himself is not fully aware of His infinite virtues. nobility and not in his hollow utterances. You can
Out of those 3 main virtues of God are attain the Truth only when you practice spiritual
Omniscience, Omnipotence and Compassion. None disciple according to your belief, faith, taste and
other than God can possess so much knowledge, ability. All types of worship and prayer are good,
strength and grace. In spite of this strong support but the real ones are those which are spontaneous
of God being at your disposal, if you fail to attain and natural, while those which require special
salvation and continue to suffer, how can an efforts are all artificial. Prayer and worship are
ordinary guru lead you to salvation. A guru can effective only when these are in tune with devotee’s
never be more knowledgeable, powerful and nature and liking. Forcibly imposed acts of worship
generous than God. The virtues of a guru are not never produce effective result. Thus always pray to
their own, but are derived by them from God, and your ishta-devata as opposed to kula-devata or
have been assumed by you. Even evil beings derive guru-suggested-devata. Finally, it is your own
their strength from God alone. The Almighty dedication and faith that makes a mantra or
bestows strength on everyone, whether he is His worship more effective, because real strength
enemy, beloved or indifferent. In spite of this divine always comes from God and not from an individual.
presence of such a generous God, if we suffer and Strength of God is ever-present, eternal and ever
expect a guru to give us happiness and salvation, it available to all. There is no question of partiality or
is a stupid and deceptive proposition. requirement of a middleman. Whosoever seeks it,
gets it abundantly.
Pray truthfully to God “O my Lord! Let me be free
from worldly bondage. Let me realize ultimate Q) Is Kundalini awakening possible without a guru?
Truth. I don’t know about any real bliss; help me A) It is not possible to attain God or salvation by
attain the real bliss. Guide me as to what I should awakening of Kundalini. Kundalini is part of our
do. Help me not to be involved with anything.” God body and is not concerned with our true self/soul.
always responds to truthful prayers. A guru can How will a striver transcend body by awakening
never be such a well-wisher of ours as God is. Just kundalini, which is part of the body. Salvation is
as a mother is always more worried about her possible only when you are fully detached from the
body. Therefore awakening kundalini shall not lead resist their lust for beautiful faced women and were
you to liberation. Getting supernatural experiences deluded. Then it is rather an impossibility if people
by awakening of kundalini does not help in surrounded by all types of foods and luxuries can
attainment of eternal bliss or salvation, which is control their sensual cravings.
possible only when you detach yourself from the
inert matter of your body and the world. Q) Is it true that a realized exalted soul is not
adversely affected even if he indulges in worldly
Q) If I have no faith and interest in a practice pleasures?
prescribed to me by my guru, what should I do? A) It is just impossible. Total liberation and
A) You should practice sadhana of your liking, like indulgence in worldly pleasures can never go
chanting holy name of your favourite diety, study together. Craving for pleasures vanishes even while
holy books, attend divine discourses of exalted aspirant is practicing spiritual discipline. The
souls. But instead of altogether eliminated guru question of such pleasures does not arise at all for
prescribed sadhana, it is better if you could it to a a realized soul. Such nonsense utterances are
minimum extent if possible. made and spread by selfish people for their selfish
Q) Though I accepted someone as my guru, now I
have lost faith in him. Would it be a sin if I give him Even attaining Supreme Knowledge of real self, if a
up? person remains engaged in irresponsible conduct
A) There is no sin or offence in leaving a Guru who such as impure food (meat, wine etc.) then what is
is greedy, has strong craving for women, has no the difference between the so-called realized soul
sense of distinction between good and bad, and and a dog? (Ramcharitamaanas Uttara 98-2, 100-
indulges in undesirable activities. If guru, out of his 1). One who indulges in sex with a woman even
false ego, forgets what to do and what not to do, after renouncing the world, such a sannyasi has to
and proceeds on the wrong path, he should be spend 60,000 years as an insect in excrement.
given up (Mahabharata). An ignorant, untruthful,
confusing guru should be gotten rid of. Because the Desires are real cause of worldly pleasures and a
one who could not attain tranquillity and peace person attains liberation only after getting rid of
himself, how can he give peace to others (Guru such desires fully. If at all it is mentioned in
gita). Though a degraded guru is to be renounced, a scriptures that ‘a liberated soul is not even spoilt by
mother is never so. Giving birth to a child and indulging in material pleasures’, it is to show his
upbringing him make a mother much greater than greatness and not glory, and not that he practices
gurus. (Matsya Purana 227-150, Skanda Purana it. Gita also mentions that a liberated soul who has
MK 6-7). diluted his ego, whose intellect is not tainted, is
never regarded guilty of even killing. It does not
Q) May a woman make a guru? May a woman be mean that he actually kills anybody.
taken as a disciple?
A) A woman should never have a guru. If already Q) A guru is necessary because he performs a
made, she should give him up. For a woman, her powerful mystic infusion of strength in the disciple.
husband is the only guru. For women, obedience to A) In present times such miracles are neither seen
the marital rites is the only vedic activity (sacred nor heard of. Even it can be done, possibly the
thread), service of the husband is the only period of receiver will not have the strength to tolerate it.
study, household duties are her only religious Such miracles are very rare to perform and rarer
sacrifice (agnihotra) (Manusmruti 2-67). still to withstand.

A woman should not develop any type of Q) There is nothing wrong in making those disciples
relationship with anybody other than her husband who would otherwise get converted to Christianity
as they could be victimized by fraudulent gurus. or Islam?
A) This is wrong. Those who wish to become
A monk should not initiate any woman as his Christians or Muslims shall never come to a guru.
disciple. It is prohibited for an ascetic even to touch If somebody becomes a Muslim or Christian on
a woman; not to talk of woman in flesh and blood, guru’s refusal to initiate him, then guru is not
not even a woman’s statue and not even by feet guilty. But if a disciple wants to get converted and
(Bhagavata 11-8-13). A man should not remain guru prevents it, it is wrong. Guru should always
with his mother, sister and daughter in a lonely allow the disciple to go elsewhere in seeking
place because sensual temptations are very strong attainment of his salvation. It is great sin and
which even the learned person cannot overcome or injustice if a guru forces the disciple to take refuge
resist. ( Manusmruti 2-215). A person who wants to in him, rather than in God (be it any religion’s God
attain the supreme state of yoga, who has realized as there is only God).
the truth of self and non-self, should never indulge
with women because women are the open gateway Q) How to know and test a guru?
to hell for such a person. (Bhagavata 3-31-39). A) You (inferior) are not capable of testing a guru
Even sages like Viswamitra and Paraasara who led (superior). If you have even the slightest doubt
a life of extreme austerity merely by breathing air, about a guru, then do not establish the guru-
or drinking water and eating dry leaves could not disciple relationship; only get benefit from pious
company of saints. Instead of making a guru, study 1. Not to keep company of householders
the sacred texts, have association with saints who 2. Not to see even picture of a woman
intensify your desire to attain God, who dissuade 3. Not to touch money
you from evil, who encourage you towards virtues, 4. Not to establish relationship with anybody
who reminds you of God, who enhances your faith 5. Not to be possessive about anything
and reverence for God, who dispels your doubts, 6. Not to accept any type of honor or admiration
who never expects any reward in return from you. 7. Always protect his dispassion very carefully
8. Always keep his senses under full control
A Guru is never tested rather you yourself are put 9. Not to collect worldly objects
to test. We are not capable of testing a guru, but we 10. Not to develop any sect
can test ourselves as how intensely we have been 11. Not to make a house
influenced and transformed by him; how it has 12. Not to speak unnecessarily
affected our actions and thoughts; to what extent it 13. Observe celibacy
has diminished our evil tendencies such as 14. Keep away from passion, anger, greed etc.
attachment & aversion, lust & wrath etc. 15. Be free from attachment & aversion
16. Should devote himself in spiritual practice
15. For Sannyasi Strivers (Devotees) and 17. Should always be in remembrance of God
Devotional Singers These are also followed by great self-realized souls
so that other seekers may emulate them.
Fall of a sannyasi devotee is inevitable, if he is
attached to women and wealth. Seekers should feel If you intend to become a devotee,
scared of the evils of attachment to wealth & 1. Take God’s shelter, constantly remember Him
women, in the same way as generally people are 2. Don’t allow cravings for wealth, respect,
afraid of ghosts, evil spirits, snakes and wild admiration to enter into the mind
animals etc. 3. Don’t care whether you are regarded as a devotee
or not by people
Attachment & aversion, passion & fear etc. are not 4. Continue to sing the name and glories of God
the nature of the mind, but evils that are to be with devotion
gotten rid of. One who regards them as natural and 5. Don’t reveal your devotion to others
continues to treat them as inevitable till the end of 6. Don’t give opportunity to anyone to honor or
life, is not even a real seeker, not to talk of being worship. Always protect yourself from honor, praise
wise. 7. Avoid company of women, and those indulged
with women
Evils like passion and anger never remain with a 8. Never allow your mind to develop lust for wealth
truly realized person. A person may be a good and reputation
orator who can describe the Supreme in beautiful
words based on citations of scriptures, and also Devotional singing with chanting of God’s name is a
can write logical articles on the real knowledge, but highly respectable adored way of life. It should be
it is not necessary he is a genuine knower of truth. done with deepest of feelings and highest of
Acting like a mahatma on the stage is different from conduct. For devotional singers,
actually being a mahatma. The wise have fully 1. Do devotional singing wholeheartedly only to
crossed the ocean of ignorance. Liking, disliking, please God and not for entertainment of people, as
passion and anger are parts of ignorance, and these then it becomes extrovert.
cannot exist with real knowledge. 2. Always keep in mind a strong feeling that your
God is present here and you are singing His name
Those people who start accepting themselves Self- and glories before Him and for His pleasure.
realized based on their bookish knowledge and give 3. Get fully engrossed in singing God’s name while
up spiritual pursuit by treating themselves free remembering Him and His virtues (glories) and
from all prescription and prohibition even before meditating on Him.
attaining the highest spiritual godly state, face a 4. Never think whether others have been pleased or
downfall. Till ignorance exists, attachment to attracted by your devotional singing or not.
sensory pleasures remains intact, and this 5. Have reverence and love for God’s name and sing
attachment is the root cause of all sins. Therefore His name merged with extreme reverence and love.
seekers should be very careful in keeping Then such utterances have overwhelming effect on
themselves away from evils like attachment- the listeners e.g., Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
aversion, passion, anger, greed etc. After accepting 6. Follow righteous conduct and possess divine
total renunciation, seekers should not keep any qualities, as one who sings and dances in the name
contact with women & wealth. of God, but whose conduct is not pure, cannot
leave good impression on the people. This gives
Instead of being a hypocritical realized soul, it is opportunity for others to make false allegations
better to stay ignorant because then at least you against devotional singing, its singers, even against
are afraid of sin. A hypocritical person goes on their object of singing i.e., God Himself. Never
committing sins to protect his false image. tarnish the image of divine singing or God, due to
your bad conduct. If your conduct is not pure,
A true sannyasi should follow some rules: practice devotional singing in loneliness. Beg and
cry before God for purification of your conduct.
Never try to hide your ill-conduct nor give any
support to ill-conduct under any circumstances.
7. Never abandon duties relating to your social
order and stage of life, on the pretext of devotional
8. Knowledge, dispassion, righteous conduct, Varna
(social order)-ashrama (stage of life) dharma,
sandhya prayers, Gayatri mantra should never be
criticized, while praising the loud chanting of Lord’s
holy name, rather they should be followed properly
according to the ordinance of the scriptures.
9. Don’t indulge in partiality or develop feeling of a
high and low standard in different names of God
and encourage groupism.
10. Chant divine names with simple, pure, genuine,
sincere, selfless, exclusive feeling of love, and other
should also be inspired to do so.
11. Refrain from becoming a preacher, leader or
12. Protect yourself from being honoured, admired
or worshipped.
13. Resist temptations for wealth and women.
14. Chant God’s name with full force of voice. Don’t
remain silent out of pride of knowledge, learning,
status or riches.
15. None of our conduct should result in disrespect
for the devotional singing of God’s names.
16. Dance only when you are overwhelmed with
loveful emotions and not just for show.

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