Teacher'S Day Speech

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A warm welcome to all and a very happy teachers day for my beloved
teachers. Thinking about what i was going to put into my speech gave me
sleepless nights. Encapsulating the tireless efforts of our teachers for all these
years into a few minutes speech is indeed a daunting task. Respected teachers,
no amount of thanks will ever be enough for the works you do to us, the
students. Teachers fill our lives with magic, A magic that always shapes us; a
magic that makes us who we are I am sure all my friends would agree if a say
that "Good teachers are great artists".Teaching is one of the finest of arts, since
the medium is human mind and spirit. Teachers mould us; they carve us; they
shape us into becoming virtuous and good human beings by using the tool of
knowledge. They pass the baton of knowledge in hope that we may achieve
success and accomplish great things while we share the light of wisdom shared
by our teachers. On this occasion of teachers day i would like to express my
deepest gratitude to all the teachers here at A.E.T, who have taught me,
supported me, believed me, encouraged me and made me who i am. They have
always make the impossible possible for me. A beautiful poem in Sanskrit
summarize the role of teacher in raising a student (i.e.
" Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Guru Devo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshat Para Brahma
Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha "

so teaching is a noble art. In-fact Teachers possess great powers. They rise by
lifting others. Aristotle is a great philosopher and a very good teacher of
Alexander, The great. He states that “Those who educate children well are more
to be honoured than those who produce them; for these only gave them life,
those the art of living well.”
There is a saying that “The good teacher explains. The superior teacher
demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” no matter you are an ace student or
not you will always learn something from them even though you don't listen to
them. The influence of good teacher can never be erased till the end of life.
Clearly Teaching is the greatest act of optimism and it takes a big heart to
PROFESSIONS. So respect the beloved teachers.
I finally conclude my speech by saying that `REAL HEROES DON'T WEAR

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