4L. Casido, Christine Joy. Week 1 Entry

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Just for the People

”Take this twice a day.” Getting the title to say that line is my ultimate goal. Dreaming like a child with
a cliché line “Someday, I wanted to be”: I dreamt of becoming a physician. That someone in-charge to
monitor the patient’s vital signs. That man assigned to run some tests to help identify the health problem.
That individual who will check the donors for the transplant. The urgency to discover and give cure
never leaves my head. I’m always inspired to treat patients and give them the right and proper medication.
Though afraid to see open wounds and to hear suffering noises coming from the ER, I never hesitated to
continue dreaming.

Yet, at the back of my mind, someone has been pushing me to fight for justice. Since the corruption,
extrajudicial killings, controversial buy-bust operations, and human trafficking seem to be attached in our
country, we have to take part in the solution. After all, I see myself as someone who will uplift the
innocents pleaded guilty. On the other hand, I want the criminal to be imprisoned. Since under the law,
they must be punished anyway. I want to have a part in the due process that would take place. But all in
all, the main objective is only to serve the people through eradicating social problems and through
becoming an instrument for social justice.

“No further questions, Your Honor.” So are you. It seems too difficult to be achieved but with
eagerness and determination, everything is possible. Nothing worth having comes easily, by the way,
might as well, put extra effort and hard work in education for a greater harvest. Just like everybody, to be
that ‘someone you’re always dreaming of’, you have to work hard for it, so you can be it.

As of now, destiny leads me to this path. I entered college without a comprehensive analysis of what
program I am taking. BS Development Communication in my freshman year, 2019-2020. Although I've
had some experiences including (1) Campus Paper (2) School-Based Press Conference (3) Division and
Regional Schools Press Conference, I don’t consider those as an advantage. I only write for a task
required. I never write fiction, never tried writing formal script or such, never tried to edit videos,
however, I do believe that my passion to serve the people is above all the qualities and skills required,
especially with us, Development Communicators.

Another is, I was never loud at my rights and I preferred to be quiet – the shy type as you called. That's
why “the struggle is real” for me right now since I have to get out of my comfort zone. But regardless of
everything, I could say that “No one and nothing could ever stop me from what I love –to help
humanity in any possible way. Whatever path it is, to be a social tool is the end mark.” The fact that
I am inside the college, I have now the chance to both enhance my skills and live my passion. So when
the time comes, I can stand straight and speak well for the community.

Today, one thing is for sure, this journey is for the people – just for the people.

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