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Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan in Music 6

Integrated with Values Education

I. Objectives.
1. Familiarize with some musical symbols.
2. Determine the pitch names on a staff.
3. Sing the So-Fa syllables with hand signs

Importance of Discipline

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Pitch names and So-Fa Syllables
References: Music and Arts for Fun VI ( TX) pages 28-35
MAPEH VI (TX) pages 32-36, Music is Fun VI (TX) page 34

Materials: Pictures of different road signs, Musical Symbols

III. Teaching Strategy

A. Preparation
1. Performing Routine Activities
a. Greetings
b. Singing
2. Motivation
Teacher will show pictures of Different Road Sign

Pupils will identify the different road sign

Importance of discipline
B. Developmental Activities
1. Introduction
Introduce topic for today
2. Discussion
Teacher will show pictures of musical symbols.

Pupils will observe the pictures of musical symbols.

Familiarize with some musical symbols
Teacher will show pictures of staff with clef, alphabets and syllables written.

Pupils will observe the given pictures.

Determine the pitch names and so-fa syllables in a staff

Teacher will show pictures of hands with different formations

Pupils will observe the pictures.

Identify so-fa syllables with hand signs.
Pupils will do the hand signs of so-fa syllables
C. Generalizations
Teacher will show pictures of musical symbols.
Pupils will identify the names of each musical symbol.
What is pitch names?
What is so – fa syllables?
What are the hand signals for so-fa syllables.

D. Application
Group 1
Pupils will sing the so-fa syllables with hand signals.
Group 2
Pupils will write the correct pitch names of each staff.

Group 3
Pupils will read a story by forming some words using pitch names.

Complete the story by forming the words using pitch names.

One day, took a to visit the animal shelter. He brought a

containing . He the

animals which joy to his . He also put water in

the for the animals to drink. That night he went to happy

because he knew he had done a good .

IV Evaluation
A. Identify the so fa syllables of the following hand signals.

B. Write the pitch names of the following staff.

Draw notes on each corresponding pitch names

Prepared by;


Teacher I


Principal I

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