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Redi's experiment back in the seventeenth century stated that flies must have

access to the meat for maggots to develop on the meat thus, in Bottle/Jar A and

B, flies have access to the meat, where the number of maggots has increased

over a week. Unlike in Bottle/Jar C, there was no significant increase in the

number of maggots because no flies and no maggots can enter. But fungi were

seen in the meat. The increase of maggots has something to do with the

presence of flies and maggot eggs in setup A and B. If not for these maggot

eggs, there would be no significant increase in maggots. This means that there

came a new life from pre-existing life. The researchers, with the results of the

experiment conducted, had proved the theory of Abiogenesis or Spontaneous

Generation to be untrue.

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