Investigation and Comparative Analysis of Disc Brake Rotors

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1*Akshay Patil, 2S. D Murtuza.
1*PG Student,Mechanical Engineering Department, MIT Academy of Engineering, Pune, India.
2Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, MIT Academy of Engineering, Pune, India.
*Email:, *Contact: +91-9766207051

Abstract: One of the most important systems in an automobile is the braking system. The disc brake is a device for
regulating the rotation of a wheel. Repetitive braking of the vehicle results in heat generation during each braking
event. During braking the kinetic energy and potential energy of a moving vehicle is converted to thermal energy in
the form of frictional heat in the brake disc and pads, this heat must be effectively transferred to ensure safe
operation. Brakes change friction into heat, but in case the brakes get too hot, they will stop to work because they
cannot dissipate enough heat. This condition of failure is called as brake fade. The disc brakes are exposed to large
thermal stresses during regular braking and extraordinary thermal stresses during hard braking. .In this study Finite
element analysis approach has been considered in order to identify the temperature variations, thermal flux
distribution and behavior of disc brake rotor in transient state.This paper present reviews of previous investigation
on transient thermal analysis on the disk brake rotor and rotor designs to evaluate and compare their
performance.The prime of aim of this review work is to study various researches done in the past to improve heat
transfer rate of disc brake by changing rotor geometry and material.
Keywords:Disc brake, Solid disc rotor, Slotted disc rotor, Thermal analysis, CATIA, ANSYS.

1. INTRODUCTION [2] [5] [6] maintain constant temperature to improve performance

of disc.
The purpose of the automobile brake system is to slow
down or completely stop the vehicle within a 1. Anti-wear properties of the brakes must be
reasonable amount of time duration. In order to achieve good.
this purpose, brake system must be reliable to provide 2. The brakes must be strong enough to stop the
better control to the driver of the vehicle. Any vehicle within a minimum distance in an
automobile vehicle contains kinetic energy due to its emergency. The driver must have proper
speed and motion [1]. Higher the speed of the vehicle control over the vehicle during braking i.e.
implicates much higher kinetic energy of the vehicle as vehicle must not skid.
the kinetic energy is directly proportional to the square 3. The brakes must have well anti fade
of this speed. Most of the available braking system uses characteristics i.e. its effectiveness should not
the principle of friction to convert the said kinetic decrease with constant prolonged application.
energy into heat energy. This heat is dissipated in the
surrounding atmosphere. Lately, disk brakes are being
widely used in light vehicles. Long repetitive braking
results in temperature rise of various brake components
of the vehicle that reduces the performance of the brake
system[2]. .Long repetitive braking, such as one which
occurs during a mountain descent, will lead to brake
fluid temperature rise and may cause brake fluid
vaporization.The braking system must store and
dissipate all of this heat into the surrounding
environment before subsequent braking applications in
order to achieve good braking efficiency. The braking
system should have the following abilities.The brake
disc having ability to transfer heat to atmosphere and
Figure 1: Disc brake

From the above figure of disc brake which is a wheel Amc= the effective area of the master cylinder hydraulic
brake it slows down rotation of the wheel by the friction piston = 0.000285 m.2
caused by pushing brake pads against a brake disc with
a set of calipers. The brake disc (or rotor in American Brake fluid, brake pipes and hoses: Assuming no
English) is usually made of cast iron, but may in some losses along the lengtof the brake lines, the pressure
cases be made of composites such as reinforced transmitted to the calipers will be equal to:
carbon–carbon or ceramic matrix composites. This is Pcal = Pmc
connected to the wheel and/or the axle. To regulate the
rotation wheel, friction material in the form of brake where,
pads, mounted on a device called a brake caliper, is
forced mechanically, hydraulically, pneumatically or Pcal = the hydraulic pressure transmitted to the caliper.
electromagnetically against both sides of the disc.
The caliper, Part I: The one-sided linear mechanical
Friction causes the disc and attached wheel to retard or
force generated by the caliper will be equal to:
stop. Brakes convert wheels motion to frictional heat,
and if the brakes get too hot, they become less effective Fcal= Pcal× Acal
as friction between contact surfaces reduces, a
phenomenon known as brake fade. where,
Disc-style brakes development and use started in
Fcal= the one-sided linear mechanical force generated
England in the 1890s. The first caliper-type automotive
by the caliper.
disc brake was patented by Mr. Frederick William
Lanchester in his Birmingham, UK factory in 1902 and Acal= the effective area of the caliper hydraulic piston(s)
used successfully on. found on one half of the caliper body = 0.0007068 m2
2. DESIGN METHODOLOGY[13][19] The caliper, Part II: The clamping force will be equal
The brake pedal exists to multiply the force exerted by to, in theory, twice the linear mechanical force as
the driver’s foot. From elementary statics, the force follows:
increase will be equal to the driver’s applied force Fclamp = Fcal × 2
multiplied by the lever ratio of the brake pedal
assembly: where,

Fbp = Fd × {L1 ÷ L2} FClamp = the clamp force generated by the caliper.

where, The brake pads: The clamping force causes friction

which acts normal to this force and tangential to the
Fbp = the force output of the brake pedal assembly plane of the rotor. The friction force is given by:
Fd= the force applied to the pedal pad by the driver = Ffriction= FClamp× 𝜇bp
370 N
Ffriction= the frictional force generated by the brake pads
L1 = the distance from the brake pedal arm pivot to the opposing the rotation of the roftor.
output rod clevis attachment
𝜇bp= the coefficient of friction between the brake pad
L2 = the distance from the brake pedal arm pivot to the and the rotor = 0.4 (assumed)
brake pedal pad
The rotor: This torque is related to the brake pad
(L1/L2 = 4) frictional force as follows:
The master cylinder: Assuming incompressible liquids Tr = Ffriction× Reff
and infinitely rigid hydraulic vessels, the pressure
generated by the master cylinder will be equal to: where,
𝐹𝑏𝑝 Tr= the torque generated by the rotor.
𝑃𝑚𝑐 =
Reff= the effective radius (effective moment arm) of the
Where, rotor (measured from the rotor center of rotation to the
center of pressure of
Pmc= the hydraulic pressure generated by the master

the caliper pistons). This torque generated by the rotor Ffriction = 7340.8 × 0.4
will be equal to the torque required to stop the vehicle.
In this report, they follow Ffriction = 2936.32 N

Mass of the vehicle = 1140kg. Torque generated by the rotor during braking = Fkdp*
Reff = 462.54
• Maximum velocity of the vehicle = 120 km/hr or
33.32 m/s. Therefore, the effective rotor radius Reff = 0.1575 m.

• Stopping Distance = 11.69 m. Thus, the Effective Rotor Radius is 0.1575 meters that
is 6.2 inches or 157.5 mm. And thus, the effective
• Tire Size = 22 in diameter that is 540 mm with 7 mm diameter is 315 mm.
Based on this effective diameter, the outer diameter of
• Disc flange or thickness = 16 mm. the disc is decided to be 381 mm and the inner diameter
to be 125 mm.
• 50-50 wheel bias that is equal braking force is
generated in all the 4 wheels of the vehicle. Kinetic Energy developed during braking, KE = ½ mv2
Total force generated during braking to stop the car, KE = ½ x 300 x (22.22)2
KE = 74059.26 J
F = m*a, a = deceleration during braking = v2/2s =
22.222/2 x 11.69 = 21.12 m/s2 Total Braking Energy/Heat required for the vehicle is
F= 300 x 21.12 equal to the total Kinetic Energy generated by the
vehicle, Thus Heat (Q) generated, Qg = 74059.26 J
F= 6336 N Since assumption of 50-50 wheel bias is made, this heat
will be equally distributed in the 4 wheels of the car,
Torque required stopping the vehicle, thus equally distributed in the 4 rotors.
So, heat generated in 1 rotor, Qg = 18514.815.
Tr = F/4 * Rw
Now, the stopping time of the vehicle will be
Tr = 6336/4 x 0.2921 velocity/deceleration,

Tr = 462.54 N-m. t = v/a

As mentioned in above formulae, t = 22.22/21.12

Fbp = Fd * (L1/L2) t = 1.05 sec.

Fbp = 370 x 4 Hence, power generated in one rotor

Fbp = 1480 N. P = Qg/t

P = Fbp/Amc P = 18514.815/1.05

Pmc = 1480/0.000285 P = 17633.16 Watts.

Pmc = 5192982.456 Pa Thereby, we can calculate the heat flux through one
disc rotor with 0.381m outer diameter and 0.125m inner
Pmc = Pcal = 5192982.456 Pa diameter.
Fcal = Pcal* Acal Heat flux = 4 * P/3.14 * (Do 2-Di2)
Fcal = 5192982.456 x 0.0007068 Heat flux = 4 x 17633.16/3.14 x (0.381 2 – 0.1252)
Fcal = 3670.4 N. Heat flux = 173408.3233 Watts/m2.
Clamping Force = 2Fcal. Calculations for heat transfer coefficient:
Fclamp = 7340.8 N.
We consider warping temperature of Gray Cast Iron to
Ffriction = Frictional force generated on the rotor during calculate the film temperature, assuming the ambient or
braking process, surrounding temperature to be 300 K. Warping

temperature is the temperature at which deformation Thermal Diffusivity (a) (m2/s)= 126.96 x 10-6
just begins and it is generally numerically equal to 70%
of the melting temperature of the metal. Prantdl Number (Pr) =0.693
Specific Heat (Cp) (J/kg-K) = 1103.5

Tmelt for gray cast iron = 1538°C. Thermal Conductivity (k) (W/m-K) =0.059835

Twarp for gray cast iron = 70% (1538)

Twarp for gray cast iron = 1077°C. = 1350 K
Ambient temperature = Tamb = 300 K.
Film temperature = (Twarp + Tamb)/2
Film temperature = 825 K

Thus, for the required calculations for the heat transfer

coefficient at the film temperature, the air properties at
this film temperature, 825 K or approx. 552°C will be
considered. The required properties of air are
summarized in the Table 2 below.

• Relative velocity of air (v) = 22.22 m/s

• Diameter of the rotor = 0.381 m Figure 2: 2D sketch plain disc
• Reynold’s Number, Re = p*v*d/u
• Re = (22.22 x 0.430 x 0.381)/(37.66 x 10-6)
• Re = 96662.31

Nusselt Number, Nu = 0.0266 (Re) 0.805 x (Pr) 0.333

Nu = 0.0266 (96662.31)0.805 x (0.693)0.333

Nu = 242.65

Forced Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient, h,

h = (Nu*k)/d

h = 242.65 x 0.059835/0.381
h = 38.11 Watts/m2-K

Figure 3: 2D sketch of disc with holes
In order to obtain a 3D model of the disc brake rotor, a
2D sketch was initially prepared in the part sketch in
the modeling software CATIA V5. 2 disc rotors were
prepared to compare the results for. One a normal, non-
vented solid disc rotor and a drilled disc rotor of same
circular dimensions and flange thickness. Given below
are few illustrations of steps followed in the
computer/software aided designing (Figures 18-21).
Properties of air at 552oC:
Temperature (T) (oC) =552
Density (p) (kg/m3)= 0.430
Absolute Viscosity (u) (Ns/m2)= 37.66 x 10-6

ii) Applied conditions:
- Force for Static Structural, F= 2936.32N
- For Thermal,
i. Heat Flux = 173408.3233 W/m2K
ii. Film Temperature = 825K
iii. Heat transfer Coeff. = 38.11 W/m2K

A. Analysis of Plane disc

Figure 4:2D sketch of disc with slots

Figure 6: Meshing of the Disc: Simple solid Disc

Figure 5: 2D sketch of disc with holes and slots.


i) Cast Iron Properties

Fig 7: Total deformation

Figure shows the Total deformation of Simple Disc.

The Max deformation is 1.53*10-8m.

Fig 10: Total Heat flux

Fig 8: Stress distribution The above figure shows total heat flux of 2.8*10 5W/m2
The Max Equivalent Stress in the above figure is 2.7*10 5 Pa
B. Drilled Disc

Fig 11: Mesh generation

Fig 9: temperature distribution

Figure shows Solid disc having max temperature distribution of

Fig 12: Total deformation

Figure shows the Total deformation of Drilled Disc.
The Max deformation is 1.33*10-8m.

Fig 15: Total Heat flux

The above figure shows total heat flux of

Fig 13: Stress distribution
C. Slotted Disc

The Max Equivalent Stress in the above figure is 3*10 5Pa

Figure 16: Meshing of the Disc: Slotted Disc

Fig 14: temperature distribution

Figure shows Drilled disc having max temperature distribution
of 468.85 ºC

Fig 17: Total deformation

Figure shows the Total deformation of Slotted Disc.
The Max deformation is 2*10-8m.

Fig 18: Stress distribution Fig 20: Total Heat flux

The above figure shows total heat flux of

The Max Equivalent Stress in the above figure is 3.6*10 5 Pa 5.19*105W/m2

D. Slotted and Drilled Disc

Fig 19: temperature distribution Fig 21: Mesh generation

Figure shows Slotted disc having max temperature distribution

of 450.88 ºC

Fig 22: Total deformation

Figure shows the Total deformation of Slotted and
Drilled Disc. The Max deformation is 2.3*10-8m.

Fig 25: Total Heat flux

The above figure shows total heat flux of

Fig 23: Stress distribution

The Max Equivalent Stress in the above figure is 3.58*10 5 Pa 5. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS
It is also seen that Disc Brakes are the most popular brakes
among all brake types and have a wide range of
application. Various types of Disc brakes and
Brake Disc Rotors are studied and the design is
understood. Solid and Drilled Rotors are made
using computer aided design software CATIA V5
and analyzed on an analysis software ANSYS. Due
to limitations in time and software knowledge and
resource, analysis is performed only for static
structure and steady state thermal toolbox in
ANSYS. The table above summarizes the results
observed for analysis. On the basis of the analysis
Fig 24: temperature distribution and the results, it is observed that that solid as well
Figure shows Slotted and Drilled disc having max temperature as the drilled rotor are structurally safe as the total
distribution of 457 ºC maximum stress is within the ultimate stress limits
for the material used which is gray cast iron. Also,
the rotor can be equipped in a real time automobile
as its total maximum deformation are 1.53*10-8m
and 1.33*10-8m respectively for solid and drilled
rotor. The temperature variation and heat flux are
nearly the same for both rotors, however for the

drilled rotor, maximum temperature and the overall
heat flux is slightly lesser due to increased surface Total deformation
area for heat dissipation while braking due to the 2.5

drilled holes. As a final conclusion and inference, it 2

wouldn’t be wrong to say that drilled rotors have a
better performance when compared to non-vented
solid rotors due to reduced stress, strain, overall 0
deformation and thermal stability. Hence, drilled Solid Disc Drilled Disc Slotted Disc Drilled and
Slotted Disc
rotors are generally used in performance cars like
Total Deformation (10^-8)m
sports cars, ATV’s and UTV’s. However, drilled
rotors are generally weak and at times difficult to The above graph shows the total deformation of all four
manufacture and hence, usual commercial vehicles discs. From these, the drilled disc has the least amount
on roads prefer solid disc rotors. of total deformation.
Geom Total Equivale Temperat Total Weight
etry deform nt Stress ure heat (kg) Equivalent Stress
ation Pa (105) distributi flux 4
(*10 ) on (W/m2)
m (℃) *105
Solid 1.53 2.7 617.78 2.8 4.34
disc 1
Disc 1.33 3 468.85 4.15 4.29 0
with Solid Disc Drilled Disc Slotted Disc Drilled and
Slotted Disc
Disc 2 3.6 450.88 5.19 4.0278 Equivlent Stress (10^5) Pa
slots The above graph shows the equivalent stress of all four
Disc 2.3 3.58 457 5.07 3.95 discs. From these, the solid disc has the least amount of
equivalent stress.
slots Temperature
Table 4: Results 800




Solid Disc Drilled Disc Slotted Disc Drilled and
Slotted Disc

Temprature distribution (ºC)

The above graph shows the temperature distribution of ● This investigation presents performance merits
all four discs. From these, the slotted disc has the least that drilled rotors with slots can offer in an
amount of temperature distribution. automotive disc brake application because of
more heat transfer and less weight.
● The comparison of four discs namely plain
Total Heat Flux disc, drilled disc, slotted disc and disc with
6 holes and slots have been studied for
5 considered parameters.
3 ● The comparison found improved heat
dissipation in disc with holes and slots because
0 of direct exposure to environment.
Solid Disc Drilled Disc Slotted Disc Drilled and
Slotted Disc
● According to displacement analysis, disc with
holes and slots has more deformation in
Total Heat Flux (10^5) W/m2
comparison with plain disc.
The above graph shows the total heat flux of all four ● From stress analysis results, the disc with slots
discs. From these, the solid disc has the least amount of and disc with holes and slots withstand to
total heat flux. more stress in comparison with plain disc and
drilled disc.
● As per temperature analysis results. It is
6. CONCLUSION investigated that temperature distribution is
more uniform and reduced in disc with holes
Brake rotor plays important role in Braking system and
and slots as to 457°C which is more in other
should be carefully selected. Calculations were done for
three disc.
the analysis and the conducted research has begun with
creation of 3D-CAD solid approximate model in the Considering investigated results disc with holes and
form of a multi-body system, after that solid mesh was slots is best suited for varied range of applicatios.
generated where all meshed elements assumed to be
perfectly rigid, and in final stage of testing finite
element analysis was performed using Ansys software Once the design and analysis is done, as in this project
package. The correctness and accuracy of computed report, there is always a scope for improvement and
results is still dependent on the selection related to optimization of the design based on the available
various modeling parameters. Some of the most present results. The design can further be optimized and
important aspect such as boundary conditions or correct further analysis can be done so as to reduce the overall
mesh and type of elements are performing a decisive total stress, deformation and temperature variation. As a
role in achieving of correct results. By comparing the result of further optimization in the design, the best
results in the table, we could analyze that our disc has possible design can be obtained as a result of
reduced in stress and deformation values and it is safe. dimensional variation and practical application.

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