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SARTE Reaction Paper

14 – 17820 Research Methods for Architecture

Every year the Architecture Theses of UNC never fails to amaze me of

how each student can be so creative and innovative. Coming up of topics and

looking for that subject matter that really affects you and that something you

really like and making a thesis out of it is really difficult. Hours and effort are

being put out in looking for that problem and applying architectural design

solutions is something that really amazes me every year.

Amongst all of the presenters for the Final Defense of this year’s

Architectural Thesis Proposals, the proposal of Ms. Jane Opeda’s “Agrihood;

Agriculture and Neighborhood Community” is for me the most interesting and

also related to my proposal, the “Kahubog; Sustainable Community

Development for Kabihug Tribe.”

The subject on housing for the farmers is redefying the lifestyle and

giving them chance in this time where the most hardworking individuals, like

the farmers and being put aside. And the proposal will try to house those

hardworking and responsible harvesters who I think is the most deserving ones.

Just like the vision I have for the Kabihug Tribe of Camarines Norte, the battle

of the tribe for their right on their own land and having that everyday struggle

of looking for food to eat because of the resources they lack. While having the

housing facilities for these people, enabling them to continue their livelihood

such as farming is one good reason for them being sustainable and financially

independent. Where they earn from their own farms as well as getting free food

for themselves. But aside from all of these, we should consider how could and

ordinary Filipino low-income earner could afford the house. That factor of

affordability is something that questioned the proposal of Agrihood.

Considering that in the Philippines farmers is not really compensated as much

14 – 17820 Research Methods for Architecture

as like that in other countries. But if they’re compensated I think that the

proposal is perfect for them and I think they really deserve it. In my case, where

the tribal community is not rich and is being compensated in any other way,

there are groups and non-government organizations locally and internationally,

who have been supporting these tribes in Camarines Norte, which can provide

the financial capital for their lifestyle be revolutionize and provide the house for

each family.

With the proper roof over their heads, we still could have tribes that serve

as that icon of resiliency where native acts are being continued despite this

time of modernization and urbanization and farmers that are the main reason

why we still have food on our plate and on our stomach.

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