2 - C.E. Rodríguez, J.J. Bommer y R.J. Chandler (1998) Earthquake-Induced Landslides 1980-1997 PDF

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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 325–346

Earthquake-induced landslides: 1980–1997

C.E. Rodrı́guez a,1, J.J. Bommer b,*, R.J. Chandler b
Facultad de Ingenierı́a, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London SW7 2BU, UK
Received 11 November 1998; received in revised form 18 March 1999; accepted 23 March 1999

A database of earthquake-induced landslides has been compiled which extends the work of Keefer (Keefer DK. Landslides caused by
earthquakes. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 1984;95:406–421) who covered the period 1811–1980 to 1997. A total of 36
earthquakes world-wide are included, the new database having about the same number of earthquakes as reported by Keefer. Correlations
evolving from the new database are compared with those of Keefer. Generally the results are very similar, though the presence of extreme
outliers in some of the correlations emphasises the need to be aware of special cases, particularly those involving quick clay landslides.
Seismological features, including multiple earthquakes and simultaneous arrival of different phases of seismic waves, also influence the
outliers. The correlations between earthquake magnitude and total landslide area, however, differ somewhat from Keefer’s. For the inter-
mediate magnitude range 5.3–7.0, a modified correlation is suggested. The scatter of the data from which the correlations are derived is
greater than found by Keefer. This is ascribed to the different geographic locations of the earthquakes in the two data sets. q 1999 Elsevier
Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Landslides; Earthquakes; Seismic hazards

1. Introduction geotechnical investigations and stability calculations. On a

larger scale, however, such methods are not generally applic-
The primary hazard to the built environment associated able, and for zonation purposes it is necessary to quantify in a
with earthquakes is the strong shaking of the ground caused simpler form [4,5] both the vulnerability of slopes and the
by the passage of seismic waves, inducing inertial forces triggering mechanisms that can induce instability.
and relative displacements in structures that can lead to For the assessment of the earthquake-induced landslide
structural damage. The ground vibrations can also trigger hazard it is necessary to establish correlations between seis-
secondary geotechnical hazards, including liquefaction and mic ground shaking and landslides in different geological,
the settlement of loose deposits. These can greatly increase topographical and climatic conditions. As a contribution to
the human, social and economic impact of an earthquake. this assessment, this article presents data from 36 earth-
Amongst the secondary geotechnical hazards associated quakes worldwide since 1980 that have triggered landslides.
with earthquakes, landslides are potentially the most The main aim of the work has been to compile a database
destructive. For example, in the Peruvian earthquake of 31 (the “new” database) which extends that presented by
May 1970 almost half the 54,000 fatalities were due to a Keefer [1], which included 40 earthquakes, the latest of
landslide, triggered by the shaking, that descended from the which was the Mammoth Lakes (California) earthquake of
northern peak of Nevado Huascarán, burying the villages of May 1980. Hereafter, all references to Keefer refer to
Yungay and Ranrahirca in the Santa Valley [2,3]. Keefer (1984).
Any comprehensive assessment of seismic hazard and risk The approach that has been adopted here is similar to that
therefore must include the hazard associated with earthquake- of Keefer, though some modifications are made. The
induced landslides. For an individual slope, the assessment sources of the data are described, together with the structure
of landslide potential can be carried out using detailed of the earthquake database, the geological environment, the
ground shaking and the landslides themselves. The correla-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 1 171-594-5984; fax: 1 171-225-2716.
tions between the earthquake characteristics and the types
E-mail address: j.bommer@ic.ac.uk (J.J. Bommer) and the areal extent of landsliding are explored, and the
Currently at Imperial College. correlations found are compared with those of Keefer. The
0267-7261/99/$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0267-726 1(99)00012-3
Table 1 326
Earthquakes responsible for triggering landslides, 1980–1997

Earthquake Country Date Magnitude Focal Maximum Area Number References b

depth intensity affected by of
landslides slides a
Year Month Day Ms Mw km MMI km 2

1 Irpinia Italy 1980 XI 23 6.9 6.9 0 X 13000 2 [1–12]

2 Coalinga USA 1983 V 02 6.7 6.2 7 VIII 650 4–5 [13]
1983 V 09 4.7 5.1 13
3 Borah Peak USA 1983 X 28 7.3 6.9 10 IX 4200 2 [14–17]
4 Nagoken–Seibu Japan 1984 IX 14 6.4 6.2 18 VIII 3500 2 [18–27]
5 Valparaiso Chile 1985 III 03 7.8 8.1 43 VIII 17000 [28–32]
1985 III 03 6.4 5.9 33
1985 IV 09 7.2 7.1 49
6 Kalamata Greece 1986 IX 13 5.8 6.0 28 VIII 70 2 [1,2,33–35]
7 San Salvador El Salvador 1986 X 10 5.4 5.7 12 VIII 380 4 [36–38]
8 Diebu China 1987 I 07 5.4 5.3 15 VII 280 [39]
9 Edgecumbe New Zealand 1987 III 02 6.6 6.5 20 IX 380 2 [40–43]
10 El Napo Ecuador 1987 III 06 6.0 7.1 5 IX 2500 [44–47]
1987 III 06 6.9 6.8 15
11 Whittier Narrows USA 1987 X 01 5.8 6.1 17 VIII 4200 [48–53]
1987 X 04 4.8 3.9 13
12 Superstition Hills USA 1987 XI 24 6.2 6.2 5 3300 [54–58]
1987 XI 24 6.6 6.6 1.9
13 Nepal Nepal 1988 VIII 21 6.6 6.8 65 VIII 90 [59–60]
14 Killini Greece 1988 X 16 5.6 5.9 25 VIII 40 2 [1,2,61]
15 Saguenay Canada 1988 XI 25 5.8 5.8 28 VIII 45000 2 [62–67]
16 Spitak Armenia 1988 XII 07 6.8 6.7 5 IX 2200 4 [1,2,68–73]
1988 XII 07 5.8 11
17 Soviet Tajik Tajikistan 1989 I 23 5.5 10 VII 12 2 [74]
18 Loma Prieta USA 1989 X 17 7.1 6.9 8 VIII 14000 4 [41,75–80]
19 Manjil Iran 1990 VI 20 7.3 7.4 19 X 1000 3 [2,81–91]
20 Luzon Philippines 1990 VII 16 7.8 7.7 25 VIII 3000 3 [92–98]
21 Valle de la Estrella Costa Rica 1991 IV 22 7.6 7.5 21.5 IX 2000 4 [111,99–104]
22 Erzincan Turkey 1992 III 13 6.8 6.7 27 IX 150 2 [2,83,105–107]
1992 III 15 5.8 10
23 Cape Mendocino USA 1992 IV 25 7.1 7.0 15 VIII 625 [108–112]
C.E. Rodrı́guez et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 325–346

1992 IV 26 6.6 7.0 20

1992 IV 25 6.6 6.6 22
24 Suusamyr Kyrgytzstan 1992 VIII 19 7.3 7.0 16.5 X 2500 [113–115]
25 Murindo Colombia 1992 X 17 6.7 6.7 14 X 9700 [116]
1992 X 18 7.3 7.4 10?
26 Hokkaido–Nansei Japan 1993 VII 12 7.6 7.8 17 X 100 2 [125,117–120]
27 Ormond New Zealand 1993 VIII 10 6.0 6.2 39 VII 5 2 [125,121–123]
28 Fiorland New Zealand 1993 VIII 10 7.0 6.8 22 VIII 500 2 [124–125]
29 Klamath Falls USA 1993 IX 21 5.8 5.9 11 VII 420 [126–127]
1993 IX 21 5.8 5.9 5 VII
30 Northridge USA 1994 I 17 6.8 6.7 18 IX 10000 4–5 [125,128–134]
Table 1 (continued)

Earthquake Country Date Magnitude Focal Maximum Area Number References b

depth intensity affected by of
landslides slides a
Year Month Day Ms Mw km MMI km 2

31 Paez Colombia 1994 VI 06 6.6 6.8 12 X 250 4 [135–137]

32 Arthur’s Pass New Zealand 1994 VI 18 7.1 6.8 14 VII 85 2 [125,138–139]
33 Hyogu–ken Nanbu Japan 1995 I 17 6.8 6.9 22 X 910 3 [125,140–154]
34 Tauramena Colombia 1995 I 19 6.6 6.5 20 VIII 4550 [155–157]
35 Arthur’s Pass New Zealand 1995 V 29 6.5 85 2 [158]
36 Umbria–Marche Italy 1997 IX 26 5.5 5.7 7 VIII [159–168]
1997 IX 26 5.9 6.0 3
1997 X 14 5.5
2 ˆ 10–100 landslides; 3 ˆ 100–1000 landslides; 4 ˆ 1000–10,000 landslides; 4–5 ˆ 10,000–100,000 landslides; 5 ˆ over 100,000 landslides.
References numbers refer to list in Appendix A
C.E. Rodrı́guez et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 325–346

Table 2
Types of landslides observed in earthquakes during 1980–1997

Earthquake Landslides in rock Landslides in soils

Disrupted slides and falls Coherent slides Disrupted slides and falls Coherent slides Lateral spreads and flows

MS MW Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Soil Disrupted Soil Soil Soil Slow Soil Rapid Subaqueous
falls slides avalanches slumps block falls soil slides avalanches slumps block earth lateral soil landslides
slides slides flows spreads flows

1 Irpinia 6.9 6.9 × × × × ×

2 Borah Peak 7.3 6.9 × × × × × × × × ×
3 Coalinga 6.7 6.2 × × × × × × ×
4 Nagoken–seuvy 6.4 6.2 × × × ×
5 Valparaiso 7.8 8.1 × × × ×
6 Kalamata 5.8 6.0 × × ×
7 San Salvador 5.4 5.7 × × × × × ×
8 Diebu 5.4 5.3 × ×
9 Edgecumbe 6.6 6.5 × × × × ×
10 El Napo 6.0 7.1 × × × × × ×
11 Whittier Narrows 5.8 6.1 × × × ×
12 Superstition Hills 6.2 6.2 × × × × × ×
13 Nepal 6.6 6.8 × × × ×
14 Killini 5.6 5.9 × × ×
15 Saguenay 5.8 5.8 × ×
16 Spitak 6.8 6.7 × × × × × ×
17 Soviet Tajik 5.5 × × ×
18 Loma Prieta 7.1 6.9 × × × × × × ×
19 Manjil 7.3 7.4 × × × × × × × × ×
20 Luzon 7.8 7.7 × × × × × × ×
21 Valle de la Estrella 7.6 7.5 × × × × × × ×
22 Erzincan 6.8 6.7 × × ×
23 Cape Mendocino 7.1 7.0 × × × × ×
24 Suusamyr 7.3 7.0 × × × ×
25 Murindo 6.7 6.7 × × ×
26 Hokkaido–nansei 7.6 7.8 × × × × × ×
27 Ormond 6.0 6.2 × × × ×
C.E. Rodrı́guez et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 325–346

28 Fiorland 7.0 6.8 × ×

29 Klamath Falls 5.8 5.9 × × × ×
30 Northridge 6.8 6.7 × × × × × × ×
31 Paez 6.6 6.8 × × × × ×
32 Arthur’s Pass 7.1 6.8 × × × × × ×
33 Hyogu–ken Nanbu 6.8 6.9 × × × × × × × ×
34 Tauramena 6.6 6.5 × × × × × × ×
35 Arthur’s Pass 6.5 × × × × ×
36 Umbria–marche 5.9 6.0 × ×
C.E. Rodrı́guez et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 325–346 329

Fig. 1. Relative frequency of each type of landslide during the earthquakes included in each database. p Relative percentage is defined as the ratio between the
number of earthquakes in which each type occurred and the total number of earthquakes studied in each database.

findings are discussed in the final section of the article, and particular earthquake. In the absence of such studies, the
possible further research using the combined database is source parameters were obtained from the Regional Catalo-
outlined. gue of Earthquakes of the International Seismological
Centre (ISC). For events during 1991–1997, earthquake
source parameters have been extracted from the Seismicity
2. Compilation of the database
Catalogues published on CD-ROM by the National Geophy-
sical Data Center (NGDC). Earthquake size is quantified by
The new database of the earthquake-induced landslides
both surface wave magnitude MS and by moment magnitude
has been compiled from the major seismological and
MW obtained from seismic moments published by Harvard
geotechnical journals, symposia and conferences, identify-
University; Keefer used MS in his database, although he
ing seismic events that have caused slope instability. A list
adopted MW for large earthquakes, because of the saturation
of references is included in Appendix A. A total of 36 earth-
of MS, and ML for the smallest earthquakes, for which MS
quakes are identified, some of which are multiple events,
was not available. The values of the surface wave magnitude
and they are listed in Table 1. It is very unlikely that this list
in the new database range from 5.4 to 7.8.
is completely comprehensive, but the authors believe that all
The geographical co-ordinates of landslide locations are
of the most important cases for which some documentation
taken from the appropriate maps, and the distance of each
is available have been included. For each event the informa-
from the corresponding earthquake epicentre is calculated
tion which characterises the earthquake and the landslides
using spherical geometry. For locations at relatively short
has been obtained as explained in the following two
distances from moderate to large earthquakes, that can be
associated with extensive fault ruptures, the use of epicen-
2.1. Earthquake characteristics tral distance can overestimate the distance of the site from
the source of energy release. For this reason, following
The hypocentral locations for the earthquakes were Keefer, the distance of each landslide is also measured
obtained, wherever possible, from the reports on the from the fault-rupture zone. In this study, the distance has
330 C.E. Rodrı́guez et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 325–346

Table 3
Geometric characteristics of earthquake-induced landslides

Slide type Slide depth (m) Slide shape factor (d/L) a Slip surface shape

Rock falls 3–5, depending on ˆ 0.15, only one data reported Planar on outward dipping
discontinuities spacing discontinuities
Disrupted rock slides (No representative data) (No representative data) Predominantly planar, but
other shapes were also reported
Coherent rock slides 20–50, given by geological 0.08–0.10, apparent Circular or planar on outward
features, such as weakness zones relationship with ground dipping discontinuities
Disrupted soil slides 3–100, depending on geological 0.005–0.3, apparently Predominantly complex
setting dependent on ground shaking mechanism (rotational–
translational), single
mechanisms commonly planar
Coherent soil slides 6–50, apparently dependent on 0.04–0.3, apparently dependent Circular
ground shaking on ground shaking
Soil spreads and flows 6–40, depending on the ground 0.007–0.20, depending on Predominantly planar, some
shaking geological setting circular cases also reported
(d/L ˆ depth/length ratio)

been measured from the closest point on the surface projec- cation relates to the material affected, namely rocks or soils,
tion of the fault rupture, as used in many strong-motion and within these categories distinction is made between
attenuation studies [6,7]. The surface projection of the coherent slides, and disrupted slides and falls. Within the
fault in some cases has been extracted directly from indivi- soil category there are also lateral spreads and flows. As
dual studies; in other cases, it is defined on the basis of indicated in Table 2, there are further sub-divisions within
surface ruptures, aftershock locations and focal mechanism these basic categories to distinguish different mechanisms
solutions. The definition of the source-to-site distance used of landslide. Keefer presented for each type of slide the
in this study is slightly different from that adopted by number of landslides—as an order of magnitude—that
Keefer, who used the distance to the closest point on the were reported to have been triggered by each earthquake.
fault rupture, which in many cases was a slant distance to a The information available for the earthquakes in the new
sub-surface point. database does not permit reliable determination of these
Isoseismal maps have been used to determine the maxi- landslide numbers for many of these events; thus Table 2
mum intensity of shaking caused by each earthquake, as only indicates the type of slides observed following each
well as the intensity at the location of each landslide. The earthquake. The total number of landslides, irrespective of
isoseismal maps are constructed as smoothed contours from the classification, triggered by each earthquake is given in
observations at individual sites, and within each isoseismal Table 1. From these data it is not evident that the number of
there will be local fluctuations of the intensity of shaking. landslides is dependent on the earthquake magnitude, as
For this reason, it has been proposed that correlations of suggested by Keefer, or on earthquake intensity, as
strong-motion recordings with intensity should be based proposed by Simonett [11].
on the values determined only on the basis of the observa- Fig. 1 shows the relative frequency of each type of land-
tions in the immediate vicinity of the site in question [8]. For slide within the new database, Keefer’s database and the
the database, such observations are clearly not available and combined database. The percentages refer to the relative
hence the intensity values must necessarily be taken from frequency of each type of landslides generated by the earth-
the isoseismal maps with their inherent inaccuracy. All of quakes. The distributions amongst the different landslide
the intensity values are presented on the Modified Mercalli types are very similar in both databases, with the exception
(MM) scale; where the isoseismal maps are drawn on the that there are no sub-aqueous slides in the new database. In
Mercalli–Cancani–Sieberg (MCS), Medvedev–Sponheuer– the new database there are relatively fewer soil and rock
Karnik (MSK) or Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA) avalanches, slow earth flows, and lateral spreads, than in
scales, the conversions have been made according to the the Keefer database, but there is a much larger proportion
relationships between these scales presented by Reiter [9]. of disrupted soil slides.
The typical geometric characteristics of each of the slide
2.2. Landslide characteristics categories are given in Table 3. These characteristics
include ranges of depth to the slip surface and the geometry
Following Keefer, the landslides in the database are clas- of the slide in terms of the aspect ratio and the shape of the
sified according to the categories defined by Varnes [10]. slip surface. In the process of compiling the database, other
The types of slides associated with each of the earthquakes characteristics of the slides have been noted, including the
in the database are indicated in Table 2. The basic classifi- typical slope inclinations and heights. Not surprisingly, rock
C.E. Rodrı́guez et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 325–346 331

Fig. 2. Area affected by landslides (km 2) as a function of earthquake magnitude MS (top) and MW (bottom). The solid line is the upper bound determined by
Keefer (1984). Numbers refer to earthquake cases in Table 1. Dashed line is the new proposed upper bound.

falls and disrupted rock slides tend to occur on the steepest Rock slides usually involved sedimentary deposits, most
slopes, with angles greater than 358 and 558, respectively. of the events being structurally controlled by such features
Coherent rock slides occur on much shallower slopes, with as discontinuities or other weakness planes. The low
inclinations of 158 or greater. The lower limit for slopes on frequency of slides in igneous and metamorphic deposits
which soil slides occur is about 88, although, of course, can be explained by the higher weathering susceptibility
lateral spreads can occur during earthquakes even on level of these rock types in seismic areas, resulting in soil rather
ground provided that there is a free face, such as a river bank than rock slides. Disrupted slides in rocks occur preferen-
or sea wall. tially in poorly cemented sedimentary material, whereas
Both soil and rock deposits are associated equally with rock falls, the most common slide mechanism, occur on
earthquake-induced landslides. Although slides in soils very fractured rock slopes with a wide range of material
occurred in almost all types of deposits, they occur pre- type. In the new database, coherent rock slides are mainly
dominantly in transported deposits, of which alluvial and confined to volcanic deposits such as tuff, pumice tephra and
colluvial deposits are the most common. Failure mechan- basalt, but there are also some cases involving sedimentary
isms in these cases are mainly disrupted slides and lateral and metamorphic deposits.
flows, and during the movement a high internal disaggrega- The total area affected by landslides is given, wher-
tion is induced. Failure of extensive areas of steep slopes ever possible, either as reported in the literature or
covered by residual soils underlain by fresh rock is very taken from maps showing the landslides locations. For
common in the tropical zones. Slip surfaces in these events earthquakes in coastal regions only the onshore landslide
are usually along the soil/rock interface and internal areas have been included. These areas are presented in
disruption is high. Table 1.
332 C.E. Rodrı́guez et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 325–346

Fig. 3. Maximum epicentral distance to disrupted landslides as a function of magnitude MS (top) and MW (bottom). Solid line shows upper bound determined
by Keefer (1984).

3. Earthquake-induced landslides Soil slumps and soil block slides

ML 5.5 (ML 4.5) MS 5.4
The new database of earthquake-induced landslides is Rock slumps, rock block slides, slow earth flows, soil lateral
used to explore the correlations between earthquake para- spreads and rapid soil flows
meters and landslide characteristics in a manner very similar ML 6.5 (ML 5.0) MS 5.9
to that of Keefer. One of the main objectives was to deter- Rock avalanches
mine whether the correlations determined by Keefer are MS 6.5 (MS 6.0).
applicable to the new database. Soil avalanches
MS 6.0 (MS 6.5).
3.1. Smallest earthquakes to cause landslides As Keefer points out, many landslides occur without seis-
mic triggering, and therefore on a slope that is imminently
The first correlation made by Keefer was to identify
unstable, a landslide could be caused by very weak shaking.
thresholds of minimum earthquake magnitude that triggered
The smallest earthquake to have induced landslides that the
landslides so as to find a lower bound. Such lower bounds
authors have encountered is the Ledu (Qinghai, China)
can also be identified in the new database and the values
earthquake of 7 March 1984, with M ˆ 2:9. For this earth-
found are as follows, with the corresponding value from
quake, Feng and Guo [12] reported the collapse of an
Keefer in parentheses:
aeolian deposit cliff with a slope of 50–608, and suggested
Rock falls, rock slides, soil falls and disrupted soil slides that the collapse was triggered due to the shallow earth-
ML 5.5 (ML 4.0) MS 5.4 quake source.
C.E. Rodrı́guez et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 325–346 333

Fig. 4. Maximum epicentral distance to coherent landslides as a function of magnitude MS (top) and MW (bottom). Solid line shows upper bound determined by
Keefer (1984).

This last case illustrates a point worthy of consideration, the data points lie above this line. This suggests that in
that with small magnitude earthquakes (M , 5:5) the inten- the intermediate magnitude range, between about 5.3
sity of shaking will depend very much on the focal depth. and 7.0, the upper bound of the affected areas is slightly
Large magnitude crustal earthquakes are associated with above that suggested by the pre-1980 database.
ruptures that spread across the full width of the seismogenic However, except for the Saguenay, San Salvador and
layer and propagate lengthways, whence the focal depth is Diebu earthquakes, data points above the Keefer line
of little significance in terms of the proximity of the source are all associated with multiple seismic events. Two
of energy release to the ground surface [13]. In contrast, for data points, the most obvious as outliers on the
small earthquakes associated with ruptures of a few kilo- surface-wave magnitude plot, lie significantly above
metres length, the focal depth will control the intensity of Keefer’s upper bound. These relate to the Whittier
shaking in the epicentral area. Narrows (California) earthquake of 1987, which was a
multiple event, and the Saguenay (Canada) earthquake
3.2. Magnitude and area affected by landslides of 1988, which is discussed subsequently.
Another observation that can be made from Fig. 2 is the
Fig. 2 shows the correlations between the earthquake considerable scatter of the data, which is much larger than
magnitude and the total area affected by the landslides in shown by Keefer. He attributed the scatter in values of the
the new database, using both MS and MW as the measure of affected areas to different seismological and geological
earthquake size. The corresponding upper bound found factors. The most significant element contributing to the
by Keefer is drawn, and it can be seen that a number of scatter is likely to be the variation in the geographical
334 C.E. Rodrı́guez et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 325–346

Fig. 5. Maximum epicentral distance to spreads and flows as a function of magnitude MS (top) and MW (bottom). Solid line shows upper bound determined by
Keefer (1984). Dashed line shows liquefaction bound proposed by Ambraseys (1988).

environments where the earthquakes occur, with some earthquake, the distance from the epicentre to the farthest
located in areas of pronounced relief, whereas others landslide in each group is plotted against the magnitude in
occur in generally flat areas with isolated slopes. Alterna- Figs. 3, 4 and 5. Again, Keefer’s upper bound is shown. On
tively, landslides may be concentrated along man-made the lower plot in Fig. 5, Keefer’s limit is confirmed by the
slopes, especially along highway cuts. Those cases which new dataset, and also agrees well with the limit for liquefac-
are associated with offshore events, or those in which the tion proposed by Ambraseys [15]. In Figs. 6, 7 and 8 the
epicentre is very close to the coast, tend to fall well below same data are plotted in terms of the maximum distance
Keefer’s line. from the surface projection of the fault rupture. Although
Others have attempted to improve these relations, mainly the definition of fault distance employed by Keefer is
by considering the relationship between epicentral distance slightly different, as noted above, his upper bound curve is
and specific landslide density, for example as proposed by again included on these plots. It is interesting to note that
Tamura, Mora and Mora [5]. although several data points in the new database lie above
Keefer’s envelope in Fig. 2, on the plots of maximum fault
3.3. Magnitude and maximum distance to landslides distance (Figs. 6–8) only a single earthquake lies above his
upper bound, the 1988 Saguenay earthquake.
Perkins [14] points out that the maximum distance from Comparison of Figs. 2, 6–8 reveals apparent incongru-
the source of earthquakes of different magnitude at which ence as there are a number of cases in the new dataset that
landslides can be expected is a useful tool for the mapping lie above Keefer’s upper bound in terms of area affected by
of earthquake-induced landslide hazard. For each landslides, but not in terms of the maximum distance of
C.E. Rodrı́guez et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 325–346 335

Fig. 6. Maximum fault distance to disrupted landslides as a function of magnitude MS (top) and MW (bottom). Solid line shows upper bound determined by
Keefer (1984).

landslides from the source. This is mainly due to the fact distant landslides on natural slopes were in very sensitive
that these outliers in terms of the affected areas represent clays underlain by a glacial till deposit that dipped in the
cases where the zone of landsliding is more circular than direction of the slope face. The upper part of the slip surface
elongated, and centred around the earthquake source. The of these slides coincides with the clay-till interface, while
cases of very long distances to the furthest landslide corre- the clay sensitivity at this depth is typically between 20 and
spond to cases where the zone of landsliding is elongated 40, and in some cases reaches values as high as 100–500
and eccentric with respect to the fault rupture. The shape, [17]. Fill embankments also failed at similar long distances
extension and eccentricity of the landsliding area with from the epicentre to those of the natural slopes, and in these
respect to the earthquake source depends on regional cases slopes consisted of fine granular deposits inclined at
slope susceptibility and directivity of the seismic radiation, an angle close to the frictional angle of the material, and
as was demonstrated for the case of the 1991 Valle de la were founded on saturated loose deposits [17]. In contrast,
Estrella (Costa Rica) earthquake by Mora [16]. Somerville et al. [18] found for this earthquake that for
The landslides associated with the 1988 Saguenay earth- distances beyond about 50 km, the peak horizontal ground
quake clearly represent a very special case. The landslides motions are controlled by the reflections of shear waves
during this event were concentrated in the epicentral area, from interfaces in the lower crust, arriving simultaneously
though the distance and the affected landslide area are with direct radiation from the source [19]. This may be
strongly dependent on slope susceptibility, and on the effect another reason for the extreme landslide behaviour during
of the simultaneous arrival of the seismic waves. The most this earthquake.
336 C.E. Rodrı́guez et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 325–346

Fig. 7. Maximum fault distance to coherent landslides as a function of magnitude MS (top) and MW (bottom). Solid line shows upper bound determined by
Keefer (1984).

3.4. Landslides and intensity of shaking database. These plots are subject to the same qualifications
made with respect to the minimum earthquake magnitude
The ground shaking caused by earthquakes can induce for triggering landslides, since a slope that is imminently
landslides either through the application of horizontal and unstable could be caused to fail by very weak shaking.
vertical accelerations to a slope, or by the generation of pore Therefore, the landslides associated with intensities of IV
pressures within the slope. At least for landslides in soils, and V probably correspond to highly susceptible slopes. Of
both mechanisms probably contribute to the occurrence of greater significance is the modal value on each plot, giving
landslides. Perkins [14] points out that an inherent weakness an indication of the level of shaking that typically is required
in using the maximum distance of the expected landsliding to induce different types of landslides. The shapes of the
as a function of the earthquake magnitude is that it assumes histograms for the combined database are very similar to
that the same hazard exists at all locations within the locus those presented by Keefer with a modal value of VI for
defined by this distance. Clearly, the possibility of landslid- coherent slides and VII for lateral spreads and flows, though
ing increases with the intensity of the ground motion and the new database suggests that the modal value for the
therefore correlations with macroseismic intensity rather disrupted slides may be slightly higher at VI1.
than magnitude are likely to provide greater insight and The main conclusion that can be drawn from these obser-
ultimately a more flexible tool for hazard assessment. vations is that the triggering of landslides during earth-
Fig. 9 shows the minimum MM intensity that triggered quakes is strongly dependent on the susceptibility of the
the disrupted slides, coherent slides and lateral spreads in slope and hence the implied lower bounds are of limited
each of the earthquakes in the new database and in Keefer’s use. It was for these reasons that the modified version of
C.E. Rodrı́guez et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 325–346 337

Fig. 8. Maximum fault distance to spreads and flows as a function of magnitude MS (top) and MW (bottom). Solid line shows upper bound determined by Keefer

the MSK intensity scale produced by the European Seismo- area. In contrast, only four earthquakes from the new data
logical Commission [20] omits many of the former refer- have been shown to cause landslides in areas below a VI
ences to the effects on nature, including landslides, noting intensity, suggesting that landslides in lower intensity areas
that “evidence is insufficient to establish good correlation are isolated cases that may depend mainly on the antecedent
between these effects and particular intensity grades”. The slope susceptibility.
resulting European Macroseismic Scale (EMS) recom-
mends that the effects of earthquake shaking on nature
should be employed with caution and in conjunction with 4. Discussion and conclusions
other observations, and that intensities should never be
assigned purely on the basis of such observations. This study provides a significant extension of the data-
Fig. 10 shows the total number of individual slides in base compiled by Keefer [1], increasing the number of
each category in the new database, plotted against the documented earthquakes from 40 to 76, and updating the
MM intensity that triggered the slide. None of the data are database to 1997. The analysis of the new and combined
associated with landslides triggered at the lowest intensities, databases generally confirms the findings of Keefer [1],
which were determined from comparing landslide distribu- although it appears that the maximum area that can be
tion and isoseismal maps. For this reason, in Fig. 10 there affected by landslides is slightly greater, for intermediate
are no data below intensity VI. The interpretation of these earthquake magnitudes, than the upper bound proposed by
plots should take into account the fact that, in general the Keefer. The new database has also revealed that there can be
lower values of intensity will be felt over a relatively wider exceptional cases (such as the 1988 Saguenay earthquake)
338 C.E. Rodrı́guez et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 325–346

Fig. 9. The minimum MM intensity that triggered landslides in each earth-

quake in the new database (white) and Keefer’s database (1984) (black) for
(top) disrupted landslides, (middle) coherent landslides, and (bottom) Fig. 10. Total numbers of documented slides triggered at different MM
lateral spreads and flows. intensities in the new database.

where highly susceptible slopes can be caused to slide by post-1980 database. Many of the earthquakes were exten-
quite distant seismic events. Similarly, there are reports that sively recorded by accelerographs and there are possibilities
suggest that under particular circumstances, landslides can for modelling the ground motion at the landslide locations in
be triggered by very small earthquakes. terms of parameters related to amplitude, duration and
With this expanded database it is now possible to extend energy, as been done for example by Wilson and Keefer
the research into the extent and impact of factors contribut- [21] and Harp and Wilson [22].
ing to the triggering of landslides by earthquakes. Another area in which the study is being extended is
One of the areas of current research being undertaken on through the inclusion of more detailed information on
the combined database is the exploration of correlations climatic conditions. It is arguable that rainfall-induced and
with instrumental measures of earthquake ground motion. earthquake-induced landslide hazard should be assessed
Keefer [1] pointed out that there were few strong-motion simultaneously, and there is at least one method that
records available from the landslide zones of the historical combines both of these triggering mechanisms (intensity
earthquakes in his database, but this is not the case for the of rainfall and seismic intensity) in an index related to the
C.E. Rodrı́guez et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 325–346 339

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enriched the seismic data and its analysis, and his helpful 1097–1102.
contributions are also acknowledged with thanks. The first 12. Westaway R, Jackson J. Surface faulting in the South-
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ing him as research student at Imperial College, and is ber 1980. Nature 1984;312:436–438.
particularly grateful to the Universidad Nacional de Colom- Coalinga
bia for its unconditional support.
13. Rymer MJ, Ellsworth WL. The Coalinga, California,
earthquake of May 2 1983. USGS Prof. Paper.
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340 C.E. Rodrı́guez et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 325–346

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