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Attention: All Employers, Employees, Self-employed, Voluntary & OFW members — ere teeta te ‘and employee (EE) who shal pay at 7.379 andl 3.63%, respectively. Self-Employed (SE, Perec eet LUE (a tee era MONTHLY EMPLOYER - EMPLOYEE ‘SENMIOFW. ‘SALARY [SOCIAL SECURITY EC | TOTAL CONTRIBUTION TOTAL ceo [eR [Ee | TOTAL ER | EE | TOTAL™| CONTRIBUTION p00_= 7,249.99 | 1000 36.30] 11000] 1000} — 6370] 36.30] 1200011000, COMPENSATION SEWM/OFW members who ail 7.250 =1-748.98.| 1.500] 110.50" 54.50] 165.00} 10.00-| —170:50| 54.80 175.00 | 185.00 Eayaibutiontinadvancefor [1780 = 2240.90 | 2000 | v4r.30-| 7270| 22000 1000 | —18730| 7270 | —25000| 22000 thesppliabiemonth of 2280-= 2.149.99-| 2.500 [18420] e090 | — 27500] 0.00 | 19420] woo] — 26500] 7500 Denuary 2014 onwardsbased [2750 = 3 240.00 | 3000 221.00] voo.00| —ss000| 10.00_| 231.00] ioa.00 | —s4000] 33000 ‘onthe bd contribution 3250-= 3740.90. |—3800[297.80 | 127.20 | 28500] 10.00 | 267.80 27.20 | —30500| 38500 — eee 3.780_= 240.99 | 000 |_26u7o-| “45 30| 40.00 | 10.00 | 30470 195.30] —aso.c0 | ——aao.00 3 250_=8.140.99.| 400 soi-s0_| Y63.50 #9500] 1000 [361-50] 13.50| 50500] #9500 1. Those with advance 4750_= 8240.90 [5000] 200.90 | ‘e170 550.00] 1000 | —s7e.20| 11.70] —s80.00| 35000 payments ihe 5.350 _= 8149.90 | —Ss00_| aos20.| reba0| —e0500/[to00 | —41520| 19060] 1500/0800 Irinimum msc ofP1.000 5.750 = @ 240.99 | e000] 442001] 71600] —es000 | 1000 | 4520 21800] 7000] a0. 00 5090ferorW | -6250_= 6 740.99 | e800 | a7ae0| 236.20 71500 1000 | — 46060] 236.20] 72500 71800 Underpants 6750 = 724050 | 7000 | 81570 | 25420| 770.00| 1000 | s2s.70| 25420| 780.00| 77000 Smoumagtorsooper f[-7250-= 7749.90. —7800_|-—ss250_| 27250 |—e2500| 10.00_| —s62:s0| 27250 | —e35.00| 62500. ‘month 30.00 per 7/750_= 8.48.9 |—6000|_—s09.90_| 290.70 | 2800001 1c.00-| —s99.30| 290.70 890.00 | e800 ease Or '8250_= 6748.99 | 6,500 '308;80 | 05.00 | 10,00_| 696.20 | 309.60,| —949,00.| 935.00 mambersieterwse, I .750_— 0240.90 | ac00 '327.00.| 60.00 | 10.00-| 673.00 | 327.00 | 1,000.00 | 960.00 Shale deemed ae 9'250_= 9740.99 | 9600 34520 7.01500 | 10.00 | —To860/| 345.20] 1.055001 7.04800 imatecive ©,790_=0246 90 [1,000 363.0 [1.100000 1000] 740.70 363.0//1,10.00 | 1, 10000 continue; and o.2s0_=10.749.90 | 10800 ‘38150 1.18500] 1000.| —7eo.50| 38160 | 1165.00 | —,15500 10,750 = "1240.00 | 1,000, 30070421000] 1000 | #20.30 | 30070 | 1220.00 | 124000 2 Thosewithadvance — 77.250 — 11,740.00 | 11,800 417.80 | 1,265.00 10.00 | 857.20 417.80 1.275.00| 1,285.0 ppmenteatan Msc | Uli 760_= 120.00 | 12000 49600 [1320000 1000_| 204.00 49600 1330.00 | 32000 tray optto pay the 121250" 12,740.00 | 42.800, 4420 [1.37500 1000 | —t20.80 | 45420 | 1385.00 | 137500 Corepondingincease 12760 = 13240.00 | 19000 47290 | 449000 1000 | 067.70 47200 | 1440.00 | 149000 incontrbutionstoretain [13250 — 13 40.00-| 13.500 49050 | 1.48500 1000 | 0040-49060 | 1405.00] 148500 Posting atthe sme 13,750_= 240.00 | 14.000, 08.70 [1540.00 10.00_| 1,041.90 | 608.70 1580.00 | —1is#000 Mscothervise uch, ia 250-— 14 700.00 | 14.500 26.00 [1.80500 1000_| 7,078.20 | S660 | 1605.00 | 1.80500 leis 14,760 — 1500.90 | 15000 |4,10500/|-§45.00 1.65000, 3000 | 1.13500 | 645.00] 1.880 00| 1.85000 Bpplesbiclowermse, [fris7250_—15 140.99 | —1g500_[-1,@io| 5€5.201 1 70s00// 2000_| 1.17180] 563.20] 1.73500] 1.70500 18,750 —over 16,000|1.178.70-| $81.30 | 1.760001 20.00] 1,208.70| 561.30] 1780.00] —1,76000 a The minimum salary credit for OFW is P5,000. eat eee eee er a SSSS Ce ay cash allowance paldfrthe numberof dys members unable tower lonartegrinind Suferae etter hsilimabeto work due Educational Acstance Loan Program 3 ndtnee dependents ety ertlen cs a cahbansi ate stant penn os lmpsum aourto 3 member bacomespamanent dasa creatives ousng loan -alencing ora established to provide fnds th S55 acceded Potiaphenatasncinetanenc Pre bacco Serene sariat Jetdomror rn trie deceit F ; Spanair rn ia caesar rome GD meena reteset ines os2 mont penson ora hipsumanouttothe alpen sane cl tathcne acoso ome Business Development Loan Faiy lending oan or business entries ard Ils fore unpre feteasing roaucthhy ad exhoncng pace cringe ‘gen tata oat and ep Ricieintncounsy Gp Beata an won ptor ie eet Wing Opportunities» end c,h a medrese fein Nias. eee) Xeon & MEMBER LOANS ® be (OES ATES SE nS aA SOO SERRE | vets || Race? | me ldentes ee, See aaa ca aati at aetna = sae ina itis tee Sosayaicne Saiyan itt = meh {ast day of the month or 0 {ast day of the month oe fovea muecounee——uccsonae_—|ATOMATE DUNT ARUANCOMINT ADA) THRU THE NTERNET overseas ‘er nt ‘aes restores Eo onrnr evan Sond ernie, sepa orete Smet 6 sneha remanent corto “+ Bancnet Online of ecoedied collection partners “ea sree Pens saat nS Luk Money years 1 Pitpine Singer Ronan Brin Corporation

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